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G3 - Islamic Studies Revision

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Boys English Section

Under Supervision of Ministry of Education
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Name: ……………………………………….….. Grade: 3 Date: ………………………..…………..

Subject: Islamic Studies Topic: Prophet Adam

1) Circle the correct answer:

1. Allah created Adam from [fire – clay].
2. [Angels – Iblees] did not bow to Adam {a.s.}
3. Allah [forgave – did not forgive] Adam and Hawwa.
4. Adam was the [last – first] prophet.
5. As soon as Adam and Hawwa ate of the tree, they [felt ashamed – became angels].
6. Iblees was [an angel – one of the jinn].

2) Answer these questions:

1. How are plants and animals different from man?

2. Why did Allah create Adam?


3. Who made Adam {a.s.} disobey Allah?

Boys English Section
Under Supervision of Ministry of Education
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Name: ……………………………………….….. Grade: 3 Date: ………………………..…………..

Subject: Islamic Studies Topic: Khadijah bint Khuwaylid

1) Match the following:

7. Khadijah {r.a.} married the Prophet {s.a.w.} A. at the age og 25.
8. She was the daughter B. trade for Khadijah {r.a.}
9. Muhammad {s.a.w.} married her C. at the age of 40.
10.Khadijah was a D. of Khuwaylid.
11.The Prophet {s.a.w.} used to E. rich woman.

2) Are these statements true or false?

4. Khadijah was the second woman to accept Islam. _______________
5. She bore the Prophet {s.a.w.} two sons. _________________
6. She was a poor woman. _________________

3) Answer these questions:

1. Who was the Prophet’s first wife?


2. What were the Prophet’s daughters’ names?



3. Write a few lines on the character of Khadijah {r.a.}.




Boys English Section
Under Supervision of Ministry of Education
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Name: ……………………………………….….. Grade: 3 Date: ………………………..…………..

Subject: Islamic Studies Topic: Prophet Isma’eel

1) Match the following:

12.Ibraaheem had A. with Zamzam.
13.Allah helped Haajar B. two sons.
14.Ibraaheem left his family C. Safa and Marwah.
15.Haajar ran between D. a prophet.
16.Isma’eel was E. in the care of Allah.

2) Complete the following:

7. Isma’eel parents were ___________________ and ____________________.
8. Ibraaheem {a.s.} left his family ___________________________________.
9. Isma’eel {a.s.} answered, ‘Do as you are ________________________ , father’.
10.Isma’eel {a.s.} helped Ibraaheem{a.s.} __________________________.
11.Ibraaheem’s obedience to sacrifice his son put an end to ______________________.

3) Are these statements true or false:

1. At the time of sacrifice, Isma’eel was ten. ___________________
2. Muslims sacrifice in memory of Ibraaheem’s readiness to sacrifice Isma’eel to Allah.
3. Isma’eel {a.s.} refused to obey his father. ___________________
4) Describe what Makkah looked like when Ibraaheem {a.s.} left his family



Boys English Section
Under Supervision of Ministry of Education
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Name: ……………………………………….….. Grade: 3 Date: ………………………..…………..

Subject: Islamic Studies Topic: Prophet Ishaq

1) Name the following:

1. Ibraaheem’s children : ________________________________________________
2. Ibraaheem’s guests : ________________________________________________
3. Sarah’s grandson : ________________________________________________
4. Ishaq’s parents : ________________________________________________

3) Answer the following questions:

1. How did Ibraaheem {a.s.} honour his special guests?



2. How old was Ibraaheem {a.s.} when Ishaq was born?

Boys English Section
Under Supervision of Ministry of Education
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Name: ……………………………………….….. Grade: 3 Date: ………………………..…………..

Subject: Islamic Studies Topic: Prophet Ibraaheem

1) Choose from the following words and fill in the blanks:

[seller, burn Babylon, idols, stones]

17.Azar lived in _________________ in Iraq.

18.He was a maker and _________________ of idols.
19.The people of Ibraaheem {a.s.} worshipped ________________.
20.The people decided to ______________ Ibraaheem {a.s.} alive.
21.Idols are made of _______________ or wood.

2) Answer the following questions:

12.Why was Azar popular?


13. Why did Ibraaheem {a.s.} not worship the idols?

14. How did the people react when they went to the temple?

3) Explain how the fire did not harm Ibraaheem {a.s.}.

Boys English Section
Under Supervision of Ministry of Education
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Name: ……………………………………….….. Grade: 3 Date: ………………………..…………..

Subject: Islamic Studies Topic: Hajj – The Pilgrimage

1) Answer these questions:

1. What is the reward for a pilgrimage that is mabroor ?


2. What are the three conditions needed for hajj ?


3. What is the meaning of ihram ?


2) Fill in the blanks:

1. Hajj is the pilgrimage to the _______________________ in Makkah.

2. Hajj is the __________________________ pillar of Islam.

3. Tawaf is to go around the Ka’bah ____________________ times.

3) Are these statements true or false?

1. If someone is not in good health, he still has to perform hajj. ______________

2. Women must cover the face while in a state of ihram. __________________

3. Shaving the head is an act of hajj. _________________

Boys English Section
Under Supervision of Ministry of Education
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Name: ……………………………………….….. Grade: 3 Date: ………………………..…………..

Subject: Islamic Studies Topic: Fasting (1

(1 & 2)

1) Circle the correct answer:

22.Sawm is an [Arabic – English] word.
23.Fasting is compulsory for [adults – children].
24.Ramadan is the [10th – 9th] month in the Islamic calendar.
25.Ramadan comes after [Shawwal – Sha’ban].
26.Ramadan is the [fifth – fourth] pillar of Islam

2) Fill in the blanks:

15.Muslims fast from __________________ until __________________.
16.Breaking the fast is called ___________________.
17.We may break our fast with ______________ or other fruit, or simply with

3) Write a short note on things you should keep away from while fasting:




4) Write True or False:
1. It is recommended to eat or drink something before dawn. ______________
2. Making the intention before fasting is important. _______________
3. If someone insults you while you are fasting, you should insult him. _____________

5) Answer the following questions:

1. How long is the time of fasting?

2. In which month did the Prophet {s.a.w.} start receiving the words of the Qur’an?

3. What anniversary does the month of Ramadan mark?


6) Fill in the blanks:

1. Ramadan is the time of ___________________________.
2. Fasting teaches us _______________________________.
3. When a Muslim fasts, he puts Allah’s Commands before his _________________ and

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