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Markateble Surplus of Potato

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Addisu Hailu
Oromia Agricultural Research Institute Haro Sebu Agricultural Research
January, 2017

This research attempted to analyze the determinants of potato in Ejere district, Oromia Region
of Ethiopia. Potato plays a significant role in increasing food security and income for the poor
farmers of Ethiopia. Data for the study were collected from both primary and secondary sources.
The primary data were generated by household survey using a pre-tested structured
questionnaire and key informant interview using checklists. The data were collected from 78
farmers and analyzed using STATA software. The two-stage least square regression model
results showed that five variables such as productivity of potato, sex of household head, distance
to nearest market, off/non-farm income and area of land allocated for potato significantly affect
the volume of potato supplied to the market. Policy implications drawn from the study findings
include the need to improve farmers’ knowledge and experience on vegetable production,
encouraging off/non-farm income, improving productivity and intensification of land for potato,
encouraging female in production of potato and expanding accessibility of market infrastructure
and strengthening supportive institutions.

Key Words: Volume sales; Potato; Two stage least square regressions; Smallholder and


Ethiopia has diverse climate and altitude conditions which are conducive to various agricultural
activities. There are several lakes and perennial rivers that have great potentials for irrigated
agriculture. The groundwater potential of the country is about 2.6 billion cubic meters.
Groundwater in the country is generally of good quality and it is frequently used to supply homes
and farmsteads. The potentially irrigable land area of the country is estimated at 10 million
hectares, out of which only about 1% is currently under irrigation. Most of the soil types in fruits
and vegetables producing regions of the country range from light clay to loam and are well suited
for horticultural production (EIA, 2012).

Vegetable production is becoming an increasingly important activity in the agricultural sector of

the country following the development of irrigation and increased emphases given by the
government to small scale commercial farmers. Recently, due to their high nutritional value
vegetable do have ever rising demand both in local and foreign markets, and are classified
among those export commodities’ that generate considerable amount of foreign currency
earnings to the country. As a matter of these facts commercial farms in Ethiopia used to grow
vegetables over a considerable land area for years (CSA, 2015). Major vegetable types produced
in West Shoa Zone are onion, potato and cabbage. Commodities that are exclusively focused on
vegetable and fruit production by irrigation were ranked as potential intervention area in west
shoa (Fanos, 2012).

Potato is the fourth most important world food crop after wheat, rice, and maize. The plant
species belongs to the Solanaceae family of flowering plants, and shares the genus Solanum with
at least 1,000 other species, including tomato and eggplant (Joshi and Gurung, 2009). Potato first
introduced to Ethiopia by Schimper, a German Botanist in 1858 is now an important crop for
smallholder farmers in the highlands, serving as both cash and food security crop. It is one of the
crops with the highest growth rates in the country as a result of increasing markets especially in
urban areas, change in eating habits of the youth (Tesfaye et al., 2010).

In Ethiopia, potato can potentially be grown on about 70% of the 10 million hectares of arable
land (FAO, 2008). In 10 years, potato productivity has progressed from 7 to 11 tons per hectares.
In 2014/15 cropping season in Ethiopia, approximately 1,288,146 million farmers grew the crop
in mid and highland of the country in which the crop covered more than 0.45% of the area under
all crops and contributed 2.24% to the total production of all crops in the country. Nevertheless,
potato account for 31.05% of the total area of the root crop and 16.88% of the total root crop
production (CSA, 2015). Moreover, in 2013/14, the area under potato production in Ethiopia was
about 66,745 hectares with an average national yield of 117 quintal per hectare for the main
cropping season (CSA, 2014). Currently potato is a widely grown crop in the country because of
the favorable climatic and edaphic conditions. Potato production has the potential to fill the gap
in food supply during the „hungry months‟ of September-November before grain harvests in

In west Shoa zone, vegetables such as potato, onion, Ethiopian mustard, cabbage and beetroot
together make the largest share (85%) of the total vegetables under the rainfed system whereas
the amount of Swiss-chard, carrot and lettuce is only 1% of the total production. Irish potato is
the most important vegetable produced in West Shoa zones (Bezabih, 2014). Vegetables are
produced for different purposes. Vegetables in the study sites are produced for sales,
consumption/nutritional, social and medicinal values. This paper focuses on potatoes because (1)
this crop is very important in the country’s agricultural sector because of its high potential to
generate profits to smallholder farmers; (2) there is a large unmet demand for potatoes in large
cities of the country. However, smallholders’ farmers were constrained by limited access to
market facilities, less exposure for market information, infrastructural problems, lack of storage
facility, inadequate support and transportation services are some of the problems resulting in low
supply of potato products to market by smallholder farmers. More importantly marketed supply
of potato in the study areas is subjected to seasonal variations where surplus supply at the harvest
time is the main feature. Therefore, understanding the variables affecting volume sales of potato
can be of great importance in the development of sound policies with respect to potato marketing
and prices and overall rural and national development objectives of the country. Hence, it was
important to determine the factors that influence the level of potato smallholder farmers’ market
participation and point out potential factors policy should focus in.

2. Methodology of the study

Description of the study area

The study was conducted in west shoa zone, specifically, in Ejere District. Ejere district, having
an area of 592.19 square km, is located in West Shoa Zone of Oromia National Regional State,
with the capital located at 50 km west of Addis Ababa. The district has a total of 30 kebeles of
which 27 are rural based kebele administration areas and 3 are town kebele. Total human
population of the district is estimated at 89,168 of whom 45,352 are males and 43,816 females.
Of the total households 88.36% are rural agricultural households (CSA, 2014). The altitude of
the district varies from 2,060 meters to 3,185 meters above sea level. It receives an annual
rainfall of 900-1,200 mm, and has an annual temperature range of 90c-180c. The district has two
agro- ecologies which is Dega (45%) and Weina Dega (55%) (Fanos, 2012). The soils types in
the district are predominantly red (58%), black (32%) and mixed (10%). The district is
characterized by subsistence mixed farming system in which production of both crops and
livestock is common economic activity. The total land of the district is estimated to be 56,918 ha,
out of which 40,985 ha is cultivated land, 4,446 ha is grazing land, 4,456 ha is forest and 7,031
ha is covered with others (EWAO, 2015). The district is known for its high production potential
of crops and livestock. Crop production takes the lion’s share of consumption and income
generation of the household. Cereals crops widely produced in the area include teff, wheat,
barley and maize, pulse crops like chickpea, haricot bean, fababeans and noug are the major
crops grown. Moreover, vegetables and root crops produced in the area include onions, potato,
tomato, pepper, cabbage and sweet potato.

Sampling technique and sample size

A combination of purposive and simple random sampling was used. Ejere district was selected
purposively based on the potential it has for potato production. From the district four kebeles
namely Amaro, Hora, Arebsa and Kimoye based with higher production, both from nearest and
farthest distances to market were selected. Finally, the study used a total of 78 respondents which
was selected using simple random sampling technique. Field level data was collected with the
aid of semi structured interview.

Data and Sources
Both primary and secondary data were used for this study. Secondary data sources include Ejere
District Irrigation and Development Authority, Ejere District Bureaus of Agriculture, District
Trade and Market Development Office and its associated primary cooperatives and Central
Statistical Authority (CSA), published and unpublished reports, bulletins, and websites. Primary
data sources were smallholder farmers from four purposively selected kebele and wholesalers,
collectors, retailers and consumers. Primary data were collected using informal and formal
surveys and key informants interviews. For informal survey Rapid Market Appraisal (RMA)
technique like focus group discussion and key informant interview was used with checklists. The
formal survey was undertaken through formal interviews with randomly selected farmers and
purposively selected traders using a pre-tested structured questionnaire for each group. Focus
group discussions were held with two groups based on predetermined checklists and a total of 15
key informants were interviewed from different organizations and institutions.

Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected and used for the study. Qualitative
information from farmers and key informants was collected from each kebeles. Quantitative data
incorporated information on demographic and socio-economic characteristics, distances to key
production-enhancing facilities, land holdings, farming practices, potato production, sales and
consumption and institutional factors.

Analytical Methods

Descriptive statistics such as frequency, mean, percentage, and standard deviation was used. For
econometrics analysis multiple linear regression model (OLS) was appropriate to analyze factors
affecting volume sales because all sampled households producing potato participated in
marketing. However, when some of the assumptions of the Classical Linear Regression (CLR)
model are violated, the parameter estimates of the above model may not be Best Linear Unbiased
Estimator (BLUE). Thus, it is important to check the presence of heteroscedasticity,
multicolliniarity and endogeniety problem before fitting important variables into the regression
models for analysis.

The problem of endogeniety occurs when an explanatory variable is correlated with the error
term in the population data generating process, which causes, the ordinary least squares
estimators of the relevant model parameters to be biased and inconsistent. The source of
endogeneity could be omitted variables, measurement error and simultaneity (Maddala, 2001).
Both Hausman test and Durbin-Wu-Hausman (DWH) test were applied to check the productivity
of potato included in the explanatory variables that could cause endogeneity bias if OLS is
applied. Therefore, in identifying the determinants of farm level marketed surplus of potato and
onion, a two-stage least square (2SLS) model was used. Two-stage least square is similar to OLS
except that uses two completely separate stages during the analysis phase in order to avoid
problems of endogeneity (Wooldridge, 2010).

Econometric model specification of supply function in matrix notation is as follows:-

Structural equations : Y  β 0  X k ' β1  δY1  U (1)

where; Y is a vector of quantity of potato supplied to market, Xˈ is exogenous variable that is

assumed to affect potato marketed surplus, Y1 is a vector of endogenous variables which are

productivity of potato, β 0 ,  1 and  are a vector of parameters to be estimated, and U is a vector

of disturbance terms.

As the name suggests 2SLS involves using OLS regression in two stages, in the first stage a
reduced form of the structural equations is estimated where the endogenous variable productivity
of both crops is regressed on all the exogenous variables in the system separately.

Reduced form: Y1i   0   1 X i   2 Z i  v (2)

where, Y1i is endogenous variable (productivity of, X i is vector of exogenous variables (SHH,

EduHH, famsz, DNMKT, exper, offarm, areapotato, ownmotor and Extcontact), Z i is a vector

of excluded instruments (amount of fertilizer applied for potato and improved seed); π is the
coefficients to be estimated; and ν is the errors terms, symmetrically distributed around zero. In
order to obtain consistent estimators in this case, we need some additional information. These

instruments (in this case Z) must satisfy two conditions; uncorrelated with U, also called
orthogonal to the error process (exogeneity condition i.e. Cov (Z, U) =0) and correlated with Y1

the endogenous variable (relevance condition i.e. Cov ( Y1 , Z) ≠ 0) (Wooldridge, 2010). This
means Z is a variable directly affecting the endogenous variable and may not directly be related
to the dependent variable Y.

By subtracting the residual of the regression of equation (2) from the actual value of productivity
variable (YILDPOT), a fitted value Y of the productivity variable is obtained that is uncorrelated
with the error term. In the second stage, by substituting the yield variable in structural equations
(1) with the fitted value of yield, the right-hand side of the equations no longer contains any
endogenous variables. It is vital to make different tests before 2SLS estimations. Furthers,
multicolliniarity problem among explanatory variables had been checked using the Variance
Inflation Factor (VIF). As a rule of thumb, if the VIF is greater than 10 (this will happen if R 2 is
greater than 0.90), the variable is said to be highly collinear (Gujarati, 2003). A measure of
multicolliniarity associated with the variance inflation factors is computed as:

VIF(X j )X  (3)
1 R j

where; Rj2 represents a coefficient for determining the subsidiary or auxiliary regression of each
independent continuous variable X. Conversely, test for heteroscedasticity had been undertaken
for this study. There are a number of test statistics for the detect heteroscedasticity. For this
study, Robust method of was employed for correcting the problem.

Definition of Variables and Working Hypothesis

Dependent variables
Quantity Supplied to Market (VVS): A continuous variable that represents the actual supply of
potato by individual households to the market during the survey year, measured in quintals

Independent Variables
In order to identify factors influencing potato volume sales and market outlets choice both
continuous and discrete variables were hypothesized based on economic theories and the
findings of different empirical studies. Accordingly, in order to investigate the determinants of
market supply the following variables were constructed. The explanatory variables that are
expected to influence the dependent variable(s) are the following:-

Productivity (YILDPOT): It is an economic factor and continuous variable that can affect the
household level volume sales and measured in quintals per hectare during survey year.
Productivity is assumed to affect the volume supply positively, because a farmer that obtains
high yield can supply more to the market than a producer who had fewer yields. Bosena (2008)
found that productivity of cotton influenced marketable supply of cotton positively and
significantly. Berhanu et al. (2014) found that milk yield per day has positive and significant
influence on volume of milk supply per day per household.

Sex of the Household Head (SHH): This is a dummy variable (takes a value of 1 if the
household head is male and 0 otherwise). The variable is expected to have either a positive or
negative relation with volume of potato marketed. Tewodros (2014) found that household head
sex influenced chickpea market orientation negatively and significantly.

Family Size (famsz): This variable is a continuous explanatory variable and refers to the total
number of family in the household. In this study it is assumed that any family member might
decide to participate in potato production and marketing. Since production is the function of
labour, availability of labour is assumed to have positive relation with potato, but larger family
size requires larger amounts for consumption, reducing volume sales. A study conducted by
Wolday (1994) showed that household size had significant positive effect on quantity of teff
marketed and negative effect on quantity of maize marketed. In this context family size is
expected to have positive or negative impact on volume of sale.

Education Level of the Household Head (EduHH): This is a dummy variable with a value of
one if a household head had attended formal education and zero otherwise. The educational
status of the farmer determines the speed with which he/she likely to adopt agricultural

technologies. Those who can read and write stand a better chance of understanding things faster.
Moreover, better educated farmers tend to be more innovative and are therefore more likely to
adopt the marketing systems. Therefore, it is hypothesized to affect positively volume of supply
of potato. Astewel (2010) who found that if paddy producer gets educated, the amount of paddy
supplied to the market increases, which suggests that education improves level of sales and that
affects the marketable surplus.

Distance from Nearest Market (DNMkt): Distance to the nearest market is a continuous
variable measured in walking minutes from the household residence to the nearest market. The
closer the market, the lesser would be the transportation charges, reduced walking time, and
reduced other marketing costs, better access to market information and facilities. Farmers living
closer to markets were found to participate and sell more livestock products (Holloway et al.,
2000). In this study, distance from nearest market is hypothesized to influence volume supply

Farming Experience (exper): This is a continuous variable measured in number of years. A

household with better experience in potato farming is potato to market. Toyiba et al. (2014)
found that experience in papaya production had a positive and significant effect on papaya
volume marketed.

Non/Off Farm Income (offarm): It is a dummy variable measured in terms of whether the
household obtained income from off and non-farming activities. It is one if the household is
involved in non/off-farm activities and zero otherwise. The study has hypothesized that if the
earning from the non/off-farm income is higher than the potato production mostly the farmer’s
shift towards the non-farm income activities. Rehima (2006) found that the amount of pepper
supplied to the market decreases as pepper producer have engaged on non-farm income.
Therefore, in this study, Off/non-farm income has expected to influence the volume of potato
supply to market negatively

Motor Pump Ownership (ownmotor): It is a dummy variable which takes a value of 1 if the
farmers had own motor pump for irrigation 0 otherwise; this one is the most important inputs for
potato production is assumed to produce more amounts of potato and, hence have hypothesized

to influence on potato production and there by volume supply positive. The study of Moti (2007)
showed that area allocation to onion and kale production around Ziway as well as beetroot and
leek production around Haro-Maya are positively and significantly affected by motor pump

Extension Contact Frequency (Extcontact): This is continuous variable which is the number
of days that farmer had contact with extension agent for agricultural work supervision in a year.
The objective of the extension service is introducing farmers to improved agricultural inputs and
to better methods of production. In this regard, extension is assumed to have positive
contribution to farm level volume supply of potato. Farmers that have frequent contact with
extension agent have better access potato. Ayelech (2011) found that if fruit producer gets
extension, the amount of fruits supplied to the market increases.

Land Size Allocated (areapotato): This variable is assumed to have a positive relation with the
dependent variable and is continuous variable measured in hectare. Potato is cash crop having a
direct relation volume sale of potato. Hence, area allocated for potato is hypothesized to
influence positively volume supply to market. Kindie (2007) found that land allocated to sesame
production influenced marketable supply of sesame positively.

Table 1: Description of dependent and independent variables used in 2SLS models

Variable Measurement Expected effect on outcome

Quantity supply Continuous (qt)
Productivity Continuous (qt/ha) +ve
Sex of households head 1 if Male, 0 if Female +/-ve
Family size Continuous (number) +/-ve
Education level of households 1 if Follow formal education, +ve
0 if Illiterate
Distance to nearest market Continuous (walking minutes) -ve
Farming experience Continuous (years) +ve
Access to off/on farm income 1 Yes, 0 Otherwise _ve
Motor pump Ownership 1 Yes, 0 Otherwise +ve
Extension Contact Continuous (number) +ve
Land allocated for potato Continuous (hectares) +ve

3. Results and Discussions

Descriptive analysis
Socio-economic characteristics of the sampled potato households
As shown in Table 2, out of total households head interviewed 83.33% were male headed
households while 16.67% were female headed households. The survey result shows that about
41.03% of the sampled household heads were illiterate while 58.97% were attended formal
education. The mean family size of the total sample households was 6.93 persons ranging from 1
to 15 and this might assist them for a better participation of households in the potato markets.
From sampled households about 43.59% were participating on off/non-farm income activities
and 56.41% were not participating on off/non-farm income activities. Distance from producer’s
house to nearest market was also the factor which determines potato supply to marketming
experience in potato production with a standard deviation of 2.51 years.

Table 2: Demographic and socio-economic characteristics of sampled producers

Variables Indicators freq Percent

Sex of households head Male 65 83.33
Female 13 16.67
Education level of households Formal education 46 58.97
Illiterate 32 41.03
Access to off/on farm income Yes 34 43.59
No 44 56.41
Motor pump Ownership Yes 41 52.56
No 37 47.44
Mean SD min Max
Productivity (Qt/ha) 77.43 31.77 16 152
Extension Contact (years) 18.03 12.09 1 36
Family size (number) 6.93 2.82 1 15
Distance to nearest market (walking minutes) 143.77 63.89 10 240
Farming experience (years) 4.25 2.51 1 15
Land allocated for potato (hectare) 0.29 0.14 0.01 0.5
Source: Own computation from survey result, 2015.

As observed from Table 2, the average distance needed for producer’s to travel to nearest market
place was took average walking minutes of 143.77 with range from 10 to 240 walking minutes.
The result also shows that the land allocated for potato is an average per household allocation of

0.29 hectares and the standard deviation of 0.14 and ranges from 0.01 to 0.5 hectares during
survey year. The mean productivity of potato was 77.43 qt/ha and ranges from 16 qt/ha to 152
qt/ha during survey year. The respondents have an average of 4.25 years of far

4.5.1. Determinants of volume supplied to market

Analysis of determinants affecting farm level volume supply of potato was found to be important
to identify factors constraining potato supply to market. Prior to fitting multiple linear
regressions, the hypothesized explanatory variables were checked for existence of
multicolliniarity, heteroscedasticity and endogeniety problem.
Test of multicolliniarity: All VIF values are less than 10. This indicates absence of serious
multicollinearity problem among independent variables. If there is presence of multicolliniarity
between independent variables, it is impossible to separate the effect of each parameter estimate
in the dependent variables. It is thus, important to test multicolliniarity between explanatory
variables (Appendix Table 1).
Test of heteroscedasticity: Since there is heteroscedasticity problem in the data set, the
parameter estimates of the coefficients of the independent variables cannot be BLUE. Therefore,
to overcome the problem, Robust OLS analysis with heteroscedasticity consistent covariance
matrix was estimated.
Test of endogeneity: When a variable is endogenous, it will be correlated with the disturbance
term, hence violating the OLS assumptions and making our OLS estimates biased. Testing for
endogeneity of productivity of potato was carried out in the model using both Hausman test and
Durbin-Wu-Hausman (DWH) test and endogeneity problem were found in productivity variable
in both potatoes. Hausman test result indicated that, the predicted productivity was statistically
significant with (p= 0.084) when included as additional explanatory variable in structural model
which implies hypothesized productivity variables endogenous due to correlated with error term.
Durbin Wu-Hausman test results also shows that the null hypothesis of exogeneity of the
productivity of potato was rejected at 10% probability level (  2 =3.011 and P-value = 0.082)
using estat endogenous STATA command after ivregress (Appendix Table 2). Therefore, two
stages least square (2SLS) method was used to address the endogeneity problem.

Two-stage least squares is a poor strategy for estimation and hypothesis testing when instruments
are weak and the model is over-identified. To overcome the endogeneity issue that two stage
least technique requires valid instrumentals variables. Therefore, for this study relevance tests of
excluded variables were made using F statistic from the first stage regression using estat
firststage STATA command. The F test result for productivity of potato was“24.14” (a general
rule of thumb is that if F test is less than 10 there is cause for concern) (Appendix table 2). So we
should reject the null hypothesis presence of weak instruments hence our statistics greatly
exceeded the critical values. Overidentifying restrictions test was also tested using Hansen-
Sargan test and Basmann test using estat overid command. The results of Basmann test show a
P-value of 0.6133 and which indicated the model is correctly specified and the instruments are
valid (Appendix table 2). Determinants of volume of sales of potato

Table 3: Determinants of farm level volume sales of potato (2SLS estimates)

Variables Coef. Robust Std.Err t-value

Constant -12.248*** 3.772 -3.25
Productivity of potato 0.270*** 0.031 8.66
Sex of households heads 4.563** 1.855 2.46
Education status of households -1.105 1.458 -0.76
Family size -0.380 0.294 -1.29
Distance from nearest market 0.033*** 0.011 3.04
Farming experience 0.251 0.383 0.66
Off/non-farm income 2.611* 1.479 1.77
Land allocated for potato 84.561*** 6.829 12.38
Ownership of motor pump 1.701 2.188 0.78
Extension contact 0.032 0.057 0.56
Number of observation 78
F(10, 67) 32.21
Prob>F 0.0000***
R-Squared 0.8480
Note: Dependent variable is quantity of potato supplied to market in quintal in 2015.
***, ** and * are Significant at 1%, 5% and 10% level of probability, respectively.
Source: Own computation from survey result, 2015.

Two stages least square (2SLS) method was used to identify factors affecting the volume of
potato sold to the market by potato farmers in the study area. In the first stage of 2SLS method,
regressions was run and analyzed using eleven explanatory variables including instrumentals
variables and the result shows that, amount fertilizer application, improved seed and sex of the
households head were affects positively and significantly the productivity of potato (Appendix
Table 3). Amount of fertilizer applied for potato production and improved seed were used as
instruments for productivity. In second stage of 2SLS from hypothesized ten explanatory
variables five variables productivity, sex of households, distance from nearest market, access of
off/non-farm income and land allocated for potato significantly influence volume sales of potato.

As depicted in Table 3, the model was statistically significant at 1% probability level indicating
the goodness of fit of the model to explain the relationships of the hypothesized variables.
Coefficient of multiple determinations (R2) was used to check goodness of fit for the regression
model. Hence, R2 indicates that 85 percent of the variation in the quantity of potato supplied to
market was explained by the variables included in the model. The explanation on the effect of
the significant explanatory variables is discussed below.

Productivity (YILDPOT): As hypothesized the regression coefficient of potato productivity

was positively and significantly related with potato quantity supplied to market at 1% probability
level. The positive and significant relationships between the two variables indicate that potato
productivity household is very important variable affecting household head volume of potato
supply. The coefficient for productivity of potato implies that an increase in productivity of
potato by one quintal per hectare resulted in an increase in farm level marketed surplus of potato
by 0.270 quintals, keeping other factors constant. Previous studies for example, Rehima, (2006);
Kindie, (2007) and Bosena, (2008) showed that the amount of red pepper, sesame, and cotton
produced by households significantly and positively affected the marketable supply of each of
the commodities, respectively. Ele et al. (2013) also found that total quantity of crops produced
have a significant and positive relationship with the degree of commercialization.

Sex of Household Head (famsz): This variable was found to be positive and statistically
significant influence on potato volume supply to market at 5% level of significance. The positive

sign shows being a male head of a household significantly increase potato quantity supplied to
market by 4.563 quintals as compared to that of female-headed households, keeping other
variables constant. The reason behind male headed households supplied more potato to market
than female headed households, is that females can take higher care than males about households
consumption by saving from produce to feed household; this can reduce the quantity to be sold.
This is consistent with the finding of Mahlet et al. (2015) who found that gender of the
household head positively and significantly influenced potato marketed supply of potato. The
authors stated as the reason that male headed households have better financial capability, better
land size, better extension contacts, and better access to market information than female headed
households. Toyiba et al. (2014) also found that the sex of the household head had a positive and
significant effect on the volumes of papaya sold in to the market.

Distance from the Nearest Market (DNMKT): This variables result contrary to the hypothesis,
showed distance from the nearest market was found to be positive and significant influence on
the volume of potato supplied to market at 1% probability level. As the distance from the nearest
market increases by one walking minutes, it resulted in increased farm level marketed surplus of
potato by 0.033 quintals, keeping other factors constant. These variable affected dependent
variables positively because of the households far from nearest markets have more access of
irrigation water use and have large size of farmland which assist them to increase their potato
production and sales of the crops compared to households closer to market. Similar to this, the
results by Sebatta (2013) and Habtamu (2015) found that distance from the nearest market had a
positive and significant effect on potato farmer’s decision to participate in the market in Uganda
and Hadiya Zone of Ethiopia, respectively.

Off/Non-Farm Income (offarm): This variable was significant (10%) and positively influenced
the household heads volume sales of potato. This is just a contrary to the hypothesis set earlier.
The result shows that households who earn income from non/off-farm activity sold 2.611
quintals more potato than those who did not have access, by holding other factors constant. This
may due to the fact that farmers who had cash from these sources used as supplementary income
to purchase inputs like improved seed, fertilizers, chemicals and farm implements for vegetable
production and thus supplied more potato to market than those who had not because they are

business oriented. This result is consistent with Adenegan et al. (2012) who found that access to
non-farm income influenced volume of maize supplied to market positively and significantly.
They explain that farmers with an additional source of income will be willing to take risk in
producing more for the market.

Land Allocated for Potato (areapotato): The result shows that land allocated for potato has
significant effect on volume of sales of potato at 1% significant level with expected positive sign.
The positive sign of the coefficient implies that the larger the land size allocated for potato
production the larger the quantity produce and thereby increasing the quantity of produce
available for sale. Thus, the per unit production costs will be lower due to the economics of
scale. Increase in the size of one hectare of land allocated for potato is increase volume sales of
potato by 84.561quintals, keeping other factors constant. In support of the finding here, Wubshet
(2010), Alemnew (2011), and Toyiba et al. (2014) indicated that the area of land allocated for
coffee, red pepper and papaya production affected farm level marketed supply of each
commodity significantly and positively.

Conclusion and Recommendation

This paper examined the factors affecting potato volume sales, using the two-stage least squares
regression model and data collected from the smallholders’ farmers in Ejere district. Descriptive
result showed that the mean land size allocated for potato by sampled households was 0.29
hectares during survey years. The results also showed that a mean potato yield of 77.43 qt per
hectare per households was produced. Econometric result of the two stage least(2SLS) regression
model indicated that yield of potato produced per hectare, sex of household head, distance to
nearest market, access off/non-farm income and area of land allocated for potato are significantly
determining the quantity of potato supplied to the market. The policy implication is that
increasing the productivity of potato crops per unit area of land through promoting and
providing; improved seeds, training on production skill, technical support to farmers in
agronomy practices, technical support in post-harvest handling that would increase productivity
of smallholders and enables them to link up with crops output market. The distance to the market
places has also become important determinants of farmers in the volume sales of potato. As a

result, improving rural infrastructure in developing market infrastructure in the form of
establishing produce collection points across rural areas would assist poor farmers for faster
delivery of farm produces especially perishable commodities of potato. To improve the marketed
surplus across farmers there is a need to focus on the female head households by improving,
facilitating and giving priority for increasing production and market supply. Basing on the
finding that smallholder off/non-farm incomes encourage volume of potato supplied to market, it
is recommended, therefore, that potato farmers are promoted on investment of off/non-farm
incomes as well as potato production.


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Appendix Table 1: Test for multicollinearity of explanatory variables

Variables used for potato marketed supply model

Variable VIF 1/VIF
YILDPOT 1.18 0.849
exper 1.24 0.805
famsz 1.13 0.886
SHH 1.25 0.802
EduHH 1.15 0.868
DNMKT 1.24 0.803
offarm 1.12 0.894
ownmotor 1.50 0.666
Extcontact 1.14 0.879
areapotato 1.28 0.781
Mean VIF 1.22
Source: Own computation from survey result, 2015.

Appendix Table 2: First-stage regression summary statistics, endogeneity and overidentification

test for productivity of potato

Variable R-sq. Adjusted Partial F(2,66) Prob > F

R-sq. R-sq.
YILDPOT 0.5095 0.4278 0.4225 24.1413 0.0000
Minimum eigenvalue statistic =24.1413
Critical Values # of endogenous regressors: 1
Ho: Instruments are weak # of excluded instruments: 2
10% 15% 20% 25%
2SLS Size of nominal 5% Wald test 19.93 11.59 8.75 7.25
LIML Size of nominal 5% Wald test 8.68 5.33 4.42 3.92
Endogeneity test for yield of potato Overidentifying restrictions test
Durbin (score) chi2(1) =3.012 (p =0.083) Sargan chi2(1) 0.204 (p =0.652)
Wu-Hausman F(1,66) =2.651 (p =0.108) Basmann chi2(1) 0.173 (p =0.678)
Source: Own computation from survey result, 2015.


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