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Status of Vegetable Peroduction in Ethiopia

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Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2006, 12(2): 26-30 ISSN 1026-0919

Printed in Uganda. All rights reserved ©2006 National Agricultural Research Organisation

Review of the status of vegetable crops production and

marketing in Ethiopia

Fekadu Mariame1 and Dandena Gelmesa2

Key words: vegetable production, yield of vegetable crops, constraints to vegetable production
Melkassa Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research,
P. O. Box 2500, Adama (Nazret), Ethiopia; E-mail:;
Werer Agricultural Research Centre, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research,
P. O. Box 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; E-mail:

Introduction country like Ethiopia where the people

The currently population of 70 million people experience malnutrition due to heavy
in Ethiopia is expected to double within the dependence on cereals such as tef (Eragrostis
next 30 years. Almost 80% of the population tef), maize (Zea mais), wheat and other cereals.
live in the country side while the rest situated Vegetable crops are also important for food
in urban area. An estimated five million people security in times of drought, famine and food
suffer from lack of vitamins and essential shortage. They provide a source of income for
minerals, of which 80% are children. the farmers/producers, create employment
Vegetables are the major source of most opportunity and contribution to the national
micronutrient and the only practical and economy as export commodities.
sustainable way to ensure their supply
(Anonymous, 1998). The current investment policy in the country
are favorable for expansion and diversification
The economy of the country predominantly of vegetable crops both in the production and
depends on agriculture, which contributes marketing sectors for export and foreign
about 50 percent to the total GDP and 90 exchange earnings. There are a number of
percent of export items of which horticultural strong vegetable research programs across 15
crops are the leading component. research stations throughout the country. In
collaboration with regional research centers,
The county has favorable conditions for the and universities, the centers have generated a
production of a a number of vegetable crops. number outputs including improved varieties,
The wide range of altitude, ranging from below appropriate agronomic practices and crop
sea level to over 3000m above sea level, gives it protection measures for the vegetable
a wide range of agroecological diversity ranging production sector.
from humid tropics to alpine climates, where most
types of vegetable crops can be successfully Different types of leafy, root, tuber, bulb and
grown. Further, the abundant labor, vast land fruit vegetables are grown in the country both
and water resources give her an opportunity under rain fed and irrigated conditions. Onion,
and facilitation for the production of different Tomato and Capsicum are grown mainly in the
types of vegetable crops. central rift valley part under irrigation. The cool
season vegetables like Cabbage, Garlic, Shallot,
Vegetable crops are valuable sources of Carrot, Ethiopian Mustard, Ethiopian Kale, Irish
vitamins, minerals and proteins especially to a potato and the likes are under cultivation on

26 Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 12 No.2 Sept 2006

Fekadu Mariame1 and Dandena Gelmesa

enormous area under seasonal rain fed commercially in different parts of the country.
agriculture in the highland part of the country. These include Onion, Garlic, Shallot, Capsicum,
Tomato, Cole crops, Ethiopian Kale, Head
Up to 30% of vegetable harvests in Ethiopia is Cabbages, Ethiopian Mustard, Water-melon,
reported to be lost due to poor post-harvest Musk-melon, Pumpkin, Beet root, Carrot, Snap
handling. Hence, of the vegetable production been, Sweet potato, Irish Potato, Anshote,
value chains should include productive Colocosia yam, Taro, Moringa olifera. Most
diseases resistant varieties, agronomic of them are produced by individual growers
practices, postharvest handling capacity for and others by private investors as well as state
bulking, increased shelf life, new product enterprises. There is, however, no reliable
development and delivery systems to markets. database on the production trends of these
Contribution of Vegetables to Ethiopia Economy
Vegetable crops make significant contributions In recent years, there has been a steady increase
to the Ethipopian household and national in the demand for vegetable crops both for local
economy. Potato and sweet potato are and export markets. Consequently, the area
valuable food security crops for densely under these crops has been expanded even if
populated highland regions and drought-prone the extent of their cultivation in the peasant
areas respectively. Vegetables like hot pepper sector is difficult to indicate numerically
and onion are also used for flavouring local because it is scattered throughout the country
dishes and as well important as sources of and in small plots commonly by the side of
vitamins and mineral. This indicates that a homestead. Nevertheless, in 2005 the
considerable proportion of Ethiopians could production of all the vegetable crops was
derive their livelihood from growing vegetables. estimated to be 131,962 ha planted to about
2.8 million tones per year, from a total area of
High yields across diverse climatic conditions major vegetable crops production excluding
is the primary attribute for the economic and tuber crops in the country.
social value of vegetable crops. Root and tuber
crops can yield as much as 40-60 tonnes per The total area under some crops like tomato
hectare and can provide food security production has been reduced by about 22%
especially in times of drought, famine and food and productivity by about 15% in 2005 as
shortages. They can be grown through out compared to 2004. This is mainly due to the
the year and provide a continuous food supply, prevalence of severe viral and viral like disease
help in balancing nutrition and protecting accompanied by absence of effective control
vulnerable groups of the local populations from measures so far.
disorders associated with low mineral and
vitamin intake. Commonly the highest yield of In general, in view of the existing deficit of
commonly grown tef, the staple food of the food crops, vegetable production is one of the
country, is on average 1 tonnes per hectare key alternatives to improving the country's
which is sixty times less yield per hectare of deteriorated food supply situation and alleviate
potato (60 ton ha-1). The high returns to malnutrition and under-nourishment,
labour is sufficiently attractive to otherwise particularly in the rural areas.
idle labour and improve the external trade
balance in export value of processed products. Contributing factors for Investment Expansion
of Vegetable Crops of the Country
Current status of Vegetable Crops in the Ethiopia has got an immense potential to
Country develop intensive vegetable production
At present, different vegetable crops are especially at commercial scale. Some of the
produced in many home gardens and also favourable factors that contribute to an overall

Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 12 No.2 Sept 2006 27

Review of the status of vegetable crops production and marketing in Ethiopia

investment include proximity to profitable vegetable crops would unquestionably help

markets, agro-climatic suitability and rich to improve the standard of living of the nation,
water resources for irrigated vegetables, rise especially small-scale resource-poor farmers.
of demand for vegetable crops particularly in
the urban areas, diversity of agro-climatic Foreign Trade Development, Market
conditions that facilitate the diversification Destination and Prospect for Ethiopian
of the crops and the current malnutrition Vegetable Products
problem in the country that calls for an
increased need for vegetables. Further, the Export development
high productivity of vegetable crops (root and In the export of vegetable and fruits, the share
tubers) compared to cereals can be the viable of vegetables was reported to be 46% in terms
alternatives to supplement the good supply of quantity and 52% in value in 1974. However,
of farmers living at subsistence level. On the the average share of vegetable was raised to
other hand, export possibilities for these crops 79 % in quantity and 74% in value over the
are very encouraging and if fully exploited, years 1999-2005 as indicated below in table 2.

Table 1. Estimate of area and yield of major vegetable crops for 2004 and 2005 in Ethiopia
Crop Area (ha) Production (tones) Yield (tones ha-1)
2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005
Head Cabbage 1843 2120 8577 15208 4.7 7.2
Ethiopian Cabbage 22377 27143 213592 265455 9.6 9.7
Tomatoes 3761 2919 54871 31655 14.6 12.4
Hot Peppers (for green pod) 4471 4783 43187 44273 9.3 9.3
Hot Peppers (for dry pod) 49611 59991 66908 72466 1.4 1.3
Swiss Chard 140 142 1075 680 7.6 4.8
Beetroot 1216 1486 140956 16480 11.6 11.1
Carrot 1808 1741 10023 17895 9.1 10.3
Onion 17017 17980 216689 229678 12.7 12.8
Garlic 9465 13657 135394 196741 14.3 14.4
Total 111,709 131,962 891,272 890,531 - -
Source: Central Statistical Authority of Ethiopia, 2005
Table 2. Export quantity (tones) and value (US dollar) of major fruits and vegetable crops in Ethiopia

Year Vegetable Fruit Total Total Share of vegetable (%)

(G.C.) Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
1999 11554 1992926 3562 781343 15116 2774269 76 72
2000 14946 3477508 4180 981013 19126 4458521 78 78
2001 14035 3387453 3561 939876 17596 4327329 80 78
2002 13440 3673921 3185 1233757 16625 4907677 84 75
2003 22610 5315547 5096 1376134 27706 6691681 82 79
2004 21987 5502998 4695 2675396 26682 8178394 82 67
2005 21165 4779410 7260 2111028 28424 6890438 74 69
Total 119737 28129762 31539 10098547 151275 38228309 79 74
Source: Ethiopian Export promotion Agency (compiled from raw data, unpublished)

28 Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 12 No.2 Sept 2006

Fekadu Mariame1 and Dandena Gelmesa

In general, the export of horticultural produces Despite the advantage in proximity, the
of the country has increased tremendously over Ethiopian vegetable produce has not yet fully
years. However, as indicated in Table 1, the broken into the quality market of those
export of vegetable produce is by far better than countries due to poor grading, substandard
fruit both in quantity exported and value earned packaging and inappropriate transport
for the same period of time, 1999 to 2005. methods. However, there is good prospect for
exporting all kinds of vegetable produces to
Market Destinations these markets if these situations are improved
The country has various advantages for the and good quality produce is delivered.
development of export sector. These include the
abundant and capable labor forces, low wage Constraints to Vegetable Crops’ Production
levels, pre-financial access to some of the major of the Country
world markets such as Europe, USA, and the In general, the drawback to this sector include
Common Market for Eastern and Southern social and cultural habits of the population like
African states (COMESA). The major markets dietary preferences for meat and other animal
of the fruit and vegetable exports of the country products, and distaste for vegetable crops, lack
has been the Republic of Djibouti, Middle East of consumer awareness, economic reasons of
countries and the Western European countries. the local consumers, absence of nutrition
intervention programme using vegetables and
Recently, in the year 2005 about 32,000 tons of their processed products and certain
vegetables that worth about 12 million US dollar environmental limitations. However, many other
were exported mainly to Djibouti and other commodities such as onion, garlic and hot paper
countries (Table 3) which indicates an increase are part and parcel of every Ethiopian diet in
of about 8 million US dollar over the last year flavouring and garnishing local food.
Drawback related to produce marketing and
Major vegetable export product of Ethiopia preservation such as heavy losses that are
includes Potato, Beans, White and Red Onion, caused mainly due to price fluctuations, lack
Shallots, Cabbage, Leeks, Beetroot, Carrots, of guaranteed prices and unplanned planting
Hot pepper (green pod as well dry pod), patterns. Such constraints are aggravated by
Tomato, Asparagus, Okra, Sweet pepper, Garlic underdeveloped infrastructure and weak
and Lettuce (Anonymous, 2005b). transportation facilities. Vegetable produce to
market are yet transported as bad packs on
Processed vegetable products exported include animals and human load. This causes heavy
tomato ketchup, paste and concentrated. post-harvest losses. Trucks and private buses
Further, the country is one among few countries are also used by traders between local market,
that produces Capsicum Oleoresin for the world regional and terminal markets but they are not
market. However, the most important and major also designed for the purpose.
vegetables export from Ethiopia is fresh produce
of green beans and tomatoes. Noteworthy is the lack of processing facilities
because the existing processing facilities are
Market Prospects not easily accessible to producers. Most
The Republic of Djibouti and Saudi Arabia vegetables are sold in unprocessed form. Lack
have been the important traditional export of storage facilities, poor traditional storage
market for Ethiopian vegetable products. system, which are prone to storage pests and
Djibouti still remains by far the largest market diseases, lack of on-farm storage system and
target. European markets such as the absence of cool storage facilities are among
Netherlands had also significant shares as the important limitation to the vegetable
indicated in Table 3. production sector of the country. Packing

Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 12 No.2 Sept 2006 29

Review of the status of vegetable crops production and marketing in Ethiopia

Table 3: Vegetable export from Ethiopia for the year 2004-2005 and value earned
2004 2005
Destination Wt ( tones) Value (USD) Wt ( tones) Value (USD)
Australia 0.745 187 7.565 1,749
Austria 0.150 200 0.300 368
Djibouti 21,072.860 4,708,588 28,817.822 6,512,955
Israel 1.226 556 0.199 90
Italy 250.000 156,412 483.247 264,657
Kenya 0.0 0 0.005 175
Netherlands 2.176 940 2,451.158 4,933,634
Norway 0.0 0 24.970 45,902
Saudi Arabia 3.450 1,500 41.859 92,184
Sudan 26.576 5,582 53.175 33,255
United Arab Emirates 0.0 0 43.263 153,938
UK 0.0 0 32.570 47,705
USA 1.503 1,196 0.005 175
Total 21,358.686 4,875,161 31,956.137 12,086,787
Source: - Ethiopian Customs Authority, 2006 (compiled from raw data, unpublished)

facilities were not also well developed to bridge the nutritive and economic advantages of these
gab between growers and lessen the time crops.
interval between harvesting and consumption.
Conclusion The authors are grateful for the support of
The status of vegetable production in the AVRDC–The World Vegetable Centre,
country yet needs further improvement. Regional Centre for Africa to organize this
Despite an enormous potential and a review article.
favourable environmental advantage in the
country, vegetable is relatively under- References
developed. The majority of private farms in the Anonymous, 1998. Vegetables for poverty
countryside are using traditional practices to Alleviation and Healthy Diets. Asian
grow the crops and need much benefit from Vegetable Research and Development
the research results, including inputs like (AVRDC), a plan for 1998-2002. Taiwan 744,
improved seeds. Research attempts have been Roc.
made to address some of the production Anonymous, 2005a. Central Statistic Authority
constraints but there is still much to be achieved (CSA), Agricultural Sample Survey Report
and many constraints to be resolved. The on Area and Production of Crops (private
major problems are lack of high-yielding, peasant holdings). The FDRE statistical
multiple pest and disease resistant cultivars bulletin 331 vol 01, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
with specific attributes for growth in to the Anonymous, 2005b. Export Products of
different agro-ecological zones, proper Ethiopia, Ministry of Information Press
agronomic practices, appropriate pest and and Audiovisual Department, Addis
disease control techniques, proper post- Ababa, Ethiopia.
harvest handling, poor marketing and
transportation systems, lack of sufficient
quantity of seed supply, and insufficient
orientation of people to make them aware of

30 Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 12 No.2 Sept 2006

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