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BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 on 10 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 30, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Efficacy and safety of transcutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for
acute and chronic pain in adults: a
systematic review and meta-­analysis of
381 studies (the meta-­TENS study)
Mark I. Johnson ‍ ‍,1 Carole A. Paley ‍ ‍,1,2 Gareth Jones,1
Matthew R. Mulvey ‍ ‍,3 Priscilla G. Wittkopf ‍ ‍1,4

To cite: Johnson MI, Paley CA, ABSTRACT

Jones G, et al. Efficacy and Strengths and limitations of this study
Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of
safety of transcutaneous transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for
electrical nerve stimulation ► This meta-­analysis is the first to pool data from pain
relief of pain in adults.
(TENS) for acute and chronic irrespective of diagnosis and meets ‘rule of thumb’
Design Systematic review and meta-­analysis.
pain in adults: a systematic threshold standards for pooling pain data for meta-­
review and meta-­analysis Data sources Medline, Cochrane Central, Embase (and
analysis (ie >500 participants per trial arm).
of 381 studies (the meta-­ others) from inception to July 2019 and updated on 17
► Effect sizes were calculated during or immediately
TENS study). BMJ Open May 2020. after strong non-­painful transcutaneous electrical
2022;12:e051073. doi:10.1136/ Eligibility criteria for study selection Randomised nerve stimulation (TENS) because this is ecological-
bmjopen-2021-051073 controlled trials (RCTs) comparing strong non-­painful ly valid and overcomes problems of analysing data
► Prepublication history and
TENS at or close to the site of pain versus placebo or other gathered from a wide variety of TENS regimens,
additional supplemental material treatments in adults with pain, irrespective of diagnosis. such as pro re nata, where participants are using
for this paper are available Data extraction and synthesis Reviewers independently TENS intermittently.
online. To view these files, screened, extracted data and assessed risk of bias ► There was a preponderance of small sample-­sized
please visit the journal online (RoB, Cochrane tool) and certainty of evidence (Grading studies, so a judicious approach was taken in inter-
(​ and Recommendations, Assessment, Development and
pretation of findings.
Evaluation). Mean pain intensity and proportions of ► Subgroup analyses were used to explore statistical
participants achieving reductions of pain intensity (≥30% heterogeneity and the effect of combining different
Received 10 March 2021
Accepted 12 January 2022 or >50%) during or immediately after TENS. Random types of pain; the trim and fill method was used to
effect models were used to calculate standardised mean explore publication bias.
differences (SMD) and risk ratios. Subgroup analyses were ► Grading and Recommendations, Assessment,
related to trial methodology and characteristics of pain. Development and Evaluation (GRADE) criteria were
Results The review included 381 RCTs (24 532 used to judge the impact of risk of bias, imprecision,
participants). Pain intensity was lower during or inconsistency, indirectness and publication bias on
immediately after TENS compared with placebo (91 RCTs, the certainty of effect size estimates.
© Author(s) (or their
92 samples, n=4841, SMD=−0·96 (95% CI −1·14 to
employer(s)) 2022. Re-­use
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No –0·78), moderate-­certainty evidence). Methodological (eg,
commercial re-­use. See rights RoB, sample size) and pain characteristics (eg, acute vs
and permissions. Published by chronic, diagnosis) did not modify the effect. Pain intensity
Pain is a global health problem with nega-
was lower during or immediately after TENS compared
Centre for Pain Research, Leeds with pharmacological and non-­pharmacological treatments tive consequences for patients, society and
Beckett University, Leeds, UK used as part of standard of care (61 RCTs, 61 samples, healthcare systems.1 2 Transcutaneous elec-
Research & Development, n=3155, SMD = −0·72 (95% CI −0·95 to –0·50], low-­ trical nerve stimulation (TENS) is used
Airedale NHS Foundation Trust, certainty evidence). Levels of evidence were downgraded throughout the world for symptomatic relief
Keighley, UK because of small-­sized trials contributing to imprecision of pain, supported by physiological evidence
Leeds Institute of Health
Sciences, University of Leeds,
in magnitude estimates. Data were limited for other that TENS inhibits the activity and excitability
Leeds, UK outcomes including adverse events which were poorly of central nociceptive transmission neurons,
Center for Neuroplasticity and reported, generally mild and not different to comparators. irrespective of diagnosis (for review, see
Pain, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Conclusion There was moderate-­certainty evidence Johnson3). In most countries, TENS equip-
Denmark that pain intensity is lower during or immediately after ment and accessories are available without
TENS compared with placebo and without serious adverse
Correspondence to prescription; running costs and follow-­ up
Professor Mark I. Johnson; clinical support for TENS is inexpensive.
PROSPERO registration number CRD42019125054.
​m.​johnson@​leedsbeckett.​ac.u​ k Treatment can be self-­administered without

Johnson MI, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051073. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 1

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 on 10 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 30, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
fear of toxicity, potentially offering symptomatic relief of no attempt to undertake a meta-­analyse of this nature,
pain throughout the day. possibly because of the enormity of the task.
Uncertainty about the clinical efficacy of TENS has The aim of our systematic review and meta-­analysis was
fuelled a longstanding debate as to whether TENS should to evaluate the efficacy and safety of TENS for pain, irre-
be offered to patients in public health systems (eg, within spective of medical diagnoses in adults.
the National Health Service in the UK) or covered by
private healthcare insurance (eg, by the Center for Medi-
care Services in the USA). Clinicians and policymakers METHODS
are confused about the benefits and harm associated with This systematic review and meta-­analysis were conducted
TENS, and clinical practice guidelines are inconsistent. and reported in accordance with guidelines from the
In 2021, the National Institute of Health and Care Excel- Cochrane Collaboration of Systematic Reviews; GRADE
lence (NICE) released guidance for the management of and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review
chronic pain in over 16s that recommends not to offer and Meta-­analysis. The study was registered on PROS-
TENS.4 The NICE does not recommend TENS for intra- PERO and the protocol published (https://bmjopen.​
partum care5 or non-­specific chronic low back pain6 but See online supple-
does recommend TENS as an adjunct for osteoarthritis7 mental file 1 for full details of search strategy, eligibility
and rheumatoid arthritis.8 These guidelines are organ- screening, data extraction and analysis.
ised according to a traditional pathology-­based classifi-
cation of pain. This restricts the quantity of randomised Search strategy and selection criteria
controlled trials (RCTs) included for evaluation, despite One reviewer (PGW) searched electronic databases
many of these conditions having commonalities in the (Medline, Embase, Cochrane Central, CINAHL,
way that pain presents. Moreover, there is strong evidence PsycINFO, LILACS, PEDRO, Web of Science, AMED,
that TENS acts via non-­specific therapeutic neuromodu- SPORTDiscus) from inception to July 2019 and updated
lation irrespective of pathology, and that the lived experi- on 17 May 2020, for full-­text publications of RCTs and
ence of pain and response to pain-­relieving interventions for systematic reviews that evaluated TENS for adults with
result from a complex interplay of biopsychosocial factors clinical pain vs:
(for review, see Johnson3). ► placebo (eg, sham (no current) TENS device)
The debate about the efficacy of TENS has been ongoing ► no treatment or waiting list control
since the 1970s, despite the publication of more than 350 ► standard of care (SoC) and
RCTs.9 A comprehensive appraisal of literature identified ► other treatment, both pharmacological and
169 systematic reviews, including Cochrane reviews, and non-­pharmacological.
at least 49 meta-­analyses of TENS for specific pain condi- There were no language restrictions and articles were
tions.10 Most reviews are inconclusive due to insufficient translated where possible.
pooled data. A recent overview of eight Cochrane reviews
on TENS for chronic pain analysed 51 RCTs (2895 partic- Types of TENS interventions
ipants) and was inconclusive, with reviewers reluctant to The TENS intervention was defined as pulsed electrical
pool data for meta-­analysis because of clinical heteroge- currents generated by a ‘standard TENS device’ admin-
neity.11 There is an absence of convincing or consistent istered across the intact surface of the skin using surface
evidence that TENS outcome is related to pathology, pain electrodes at the site of pain or over nerve bundles prox-
characteristics, medical diagnoses or clinical context.9 12 imal (or near) to the site of pain, with the intention of
It seems logical to evaluate efficacy from a phenomeno- stimulating peripheral nerves to alleviate pain.3 We
logical perspective, that is, by pooling pain intensity data included any type of pulse pattern and excluded pulse
irrespective of medical condition. This would increase frequencies>250 pulses per second (pps), pulse dura-
the likelihood of exceeding thresholds for adequacy of tions>500 microseconds (µs) and peak-­ to-­
peak ampli-
pooled data. The intention of TENS is to provide symp- tudes>60 milliamperes (mA).
tomatic relief of pain and discomfort ‘in-­the-­moment’, so We included TENS administered by a therapist and/
it would be ecologically valid to evaluate outcomes during or participant; as a sole treatment or in combination
or immediately after a single strong but comfortable with other treatments, for any duration or regularity of
TENS treatment. Assessing TENS at a single time point treatment; as a single or multiple treatment intervention
would mitigate for heterogeneity associated with variable with or without follow-­up. However, we only extracted
treatment schedules used in RCTs. Clinical heteroge- data for the measurement timepoint during or immedi-
neity associated with combining pain conditions arising ately after a TENS treatment, as this is the most ecolog-
from different pathologies and settings can be explored ically valid outcome (see Introduction). We considered
through subgroup analyses. Concerns about the impact participant-­reported strong but comfortable TENS
of risk of bias (RoB), imprecision, inconsistency, indirect- sensations as optimal and used this as our primary TENS
ness and publication bias can be assessed using Grading comparison group. We excluded RCTs evaluating non-­
and Recommendations, Assessment, Development and painful outcomes (eg, bladder dysfunction, constipation,
Evaluation (GRADE) criteria. To date, there has been dementia), or administering TENS at acupuncture points

2 Johnson MI, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051073. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 on 10 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 30, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
(unless over nerve bundles at the site of pain), using of current that fade to 0 mA within 1 min. We considered
probes or electrode arrays, or using TENS-­like currents the use of a sham TENS device coupled with appropriate
(eg, interferential current, microcurrent). briefing information as an adequate method of blinding.
Two review authors (PGW and MIJ) independently
screened titles, abstracts and full texts and extracted trial TENS versus no treatment or waiting list control
characteristics and numerical data. Disagreements were We considered an intervention as ‘no treatment’ if we
resolved by consensus with a third review author as arbiter were confident that participants did not receive any other
(CAP or GJ). Records were not anonymised before assess- ‘active’ treatment. Comparators described as ‘controls’
ment. Reasons for exclusion were coded and tabulated. were not included if patients were taking any type of
The characteristics of included trials were extracted and active treatment, including ad hoc non-­prescriptive medi-
tabulated including design, sample population, TENS cation or advice to undertake regular exercises. RCTs that
intervention, comparator(s) and outcome measures. compared TENS in combination with a pharmacological
Decisions, trial characteristics and codes for analyses were agent versus a control consisting of the pharmacological
documented in Excel spreadsheets. agent on its own were not included in this analysis.

TENS versus SoC comparators

Types of outcome measures
We considered an intervention as SoC when trial authors
Pain outcomes were mean (continuous data) patient-­
described the intervention(s) to be fully or part of
reported intensity of spontaneous or evoked pain (at rest
‘common’, ‘routine’, or ‘standard’ practice and/or care.
or on movement) using standard subjective scales (eg,
Thus, comparisons were either TENS compared head-­to-­
numerical rating scale (NRS) or visual analogue scale
head with a SoC intervention (ie, TENS vs SoC) or TENS
(VAS)) and the proportion of participants reporting a
as an adjunct to a SoC intervention (ie, TENS combined
reduction in pain intensity of ≥30% (moderate) or ≥50%
with SoC vs SoC alone). If a study had more than one
(substantial) relative to baseline.14 A between-­ group
treatment comparator, we planned to select only one
difference of ≥10 mm on a 100 mm VAS was set as the
comparator for meta-­ analysis to avoid unit-­of-­
threshold for clinical importance in line with the Initia-
errors, although there were no instances of this.
tive on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in
Clinical Trials (IMMPACT) criteria.15 TENS versus other treatment comparators
For standardised mean difference (SMD), we used This analysis compared TENS with another treatment
‘rules of thumb’ based on Cohen’s d16 17 for interpreting that had not been categorised as SoC. There was a variety
effect sizes as follows: of other treatment comparators and instances of studies
► <0.4=small effect. with multiple treatment comparators. We produced a
► 0.4<0.7=moderate effect. forest plot for visual inspection but did not undertake a
► ≥0.7=large effect. subgroup analysis because this would violate criteria for
We considered a SMD of 0.5 as a rule of thumb for an unit of analysis (ie, double counting of primary TENS
important difference.17 We were mindful that interpreta- group data). None of these other treatment subgroups
tions of this nature can be problematic due to a variety of met our criteria for adequate sample size in treatment
factors including settings and context in which pain was arms.
We only extracted data at the last during TENS time Data analysis
point (ie, while TENS was switched on) or the first time Meta-­analyses were conducted using Review Manager
point immediately after TENS had been switched off. 5.3 and Stata 16 software. We calculated SMD for contin-
If TENS was administered as a course of treatments, we uous data and risk ratio (RR) for dichotomous data. Pre-­
extracted data from the last treatment session. specified criteria were used to select the primary TENS
We analysed the proportion of participants experi- comparison and we did not enter several interventions
encing an adverse event, irrespective of severity. We only into the same meta-­ analysis to avoid double-­
extracted data as ‘zero’ when the RCT report included and unit-­of-­analysis errors. We used an intention-­to-­treat
numerical data for the presence of at least one adverse analysis and combined data from first and second periods
event in one of the trial arms and clearly stated that no in cross-­over trials because there was sufficient washout
adverse events had occurred in the other trial arm(s). between interventions to eliminate contamination. We
produced forest plots for visual inspection and calculated
Evaluation of TENS effects overall treatment effect sizes when there were at least 100
Full details of the process used to categorise comparators data points in both trial arms pooled from at least two
are provided in online supplemental file 1. RCTs. Data was considered imprecise if the TENS treat-
ment arm was below 500 participants for pooled data or
TENS versus placebo below 200 participants for a single RCT.18
We included any type of placebo TENS and conducted Two review authors (CAP and MIJ) independently
a subgroup analysis of the different types of approaches assessed RoB using the Cochrane tool. We examined
such as sham devices with no electrical current or pulses heterogeneity using visual inspection of forest plots, the

Johnson MI, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051073. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 3

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BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 on 10 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 30, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
I² statistic, the Chi2 test and the Cochrane Collabora- subgroup effect (ie, qualitative or quantitative); and the
tion’s rough guide to interpretation. Small study effects extent to which individual trials differed in treatment
were analysed using Egger’s regression test (p-­value set effects within each subgroup (ie, heterogeneity), in-­line
at ≤0·1), and the trim and fill method was used to analyse with Richardson et al.19 We evaluated the certainty of
potential publication bias. evidence using the GRADE system (GRADEpro GDT
Pre-­specified subgroup analyses were related to 2015,
► trial methodology for example, overall RoB, trial arm Full details about the principles and operational proce-
sample size, and access to other treatments dures of subgroup analyses and GRADE assessments,
► characteristics of pain for example, duration (acute vs including interpreting the findings, are provided in
chronic), medical diagnosis (pain conditions), mech- online supplemental file 1.
anistic descriptors (nociceptive or neuropathic), and
systems or organs involved (musculoskeletal, visceral, Patient and public involvement
somatosensory); and There was no patient or public involvement in any aspect
► characteristics of TENS and comparators for example, of this study or its write-­up.
high vs low frequency TENS, types of placebos, and
types of SoC.
Eligibility criteria had optimised TENS technique by RESULTS
excluding RCTs that did not deliver TENS above sensory Our searches yielded 7679 records (figure 1). After
detection threshold or close to the site of pain, making removal of duplicates, we screened 5384 records and
subgroup analyses of optimal vs suboptimal intensity or reviewed 623 full-­text reports of which 381 RCTs were
site of stimulation impossible. There were insufficient included (383 samples, 24 532 participants, 334 parallel-­
data to undertake subgroup analyses of conventional vs group, see online supplemental file 2 for characteristics of
acupuncture-­like TENS. included studies) and 19 RCTs are awaiting classification
We interpreted subgroup analyses by considering: (online supplemental file 3). Violations of pre-­specified
a p-­value of <0·1 to indicate a statistically significant criteria for TENS were the most common reasons for
subgroup effect (interaction); the direction of each excluding studies (online supplemental file 4). See

Figure 1 PRISMA flowchart. PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-­analysis; TENS,
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.

4 Johnson MI, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051073. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 on 10 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 30, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 2 Risk of bias graph: review authors’ judgments about each risk of bias item presented as percentages across all
included studies.

online supplemental file 1 for full details of screening, participants reporting a >30% or >50% reduction in pain
extraction, main and subgroup analyses, and interpreta- intensity unless otherwise stated.
tion, including RoB and GRADE judgements. Online supplemental file 1 provides details about
Included trials consist of 176 samples with chronic pain analyses (ie, main, subgroup and sensitivity), forest and
(osteoarthritis=32 samples), 162 samples with acute pain funnel plots, and GRADE judgements with summary of
(post-­operative pain=95 samples), 10 samples mixed, and findings tables.
35 samples unclear. There were 26 trials with overall low
RoB (figure 2 and online supplemental file 1). Small TENS versus placebo
sample size was an issue with 341 trials having fewer than We extracted mean (continuous) data from 91 of 202
50 participants in the TENS group (mean±SD TENS RCTs comparing TENS with placebo. There was a
group=27·71±21·89 participants; 13 RCTs enrolled >100 significant overall effect in favour of TENS and substan-
participants in the TENS group). There were at least tial statistical heterogeneity (TENS=2426 participants,
216 TENS interventions where participants had access to placebo=2415 participants, SMD = −0·96 [95% CI −1·14,–
other treatments, most commonly medication or exercise 0·78], I²=88%).
as part of ongoing SoC, as a combination treatment or as Subgroup analyses found that the effect of TENS was
rescue analgesia. Often, monitoring and/or reporting of not modified by methodological variables including
concurrent treatment(s) was deficient. overall RoB (score <6, online supplemental file 5), sample
All studies met our pre-­ specified criteria for TENS, size, or the type of placebo. Subgroup analyses found that
although unclear reporting hindered characterisation of the effect of TENS was not modified by any pain charac-
specific aspects of TENS technique. We categorised 276 teristic including the duration (acute vs chronic, (online
interventions as high-­frequency TENS (100Hz=109 inter- supplemental file 6), mechanistic descriptors, or physio-
ventions) and 35 interventions as low-­frequency TENS. logical structure involved.
Participants in some RCTs were instructed to adjust the The test for subgroup differences for pain diagnoses
pulse frequency of TENS as needed. TENS interven- was statistically significant (Chi²=202.12, df=23 (p<0.001),
tions varied considerably; supervised (therapist) or unsu- I²=88.6%) but there were more trials (and participants)
pervised (self-­administered); prescribed or pro re nata contributing data from some pain conditions than others,
(PRN); single or multiple treatments; short treatment and there was considerable unexplained heterogeneity
duration <1 min for procedural pain or up to 2 years ‘as between the trials within each of these subgroups. A sensi-
required’ for chronic pain. Inconsistency in treatment tivity analysis following removal of subgroups with pooled
duration was mitigated by assessing TENS during or sample sizes fewer than 100 participants in the TENS trial
immediately after TENS treatment. arm, rendered the test for subgroup differences for pain
There were 352 of 381 RCTs that gathered continuous diagnoses not statistically significant (figure 5). There-
data for pain intensity and 164 RCTs had extractable data fore, we interpret these findings as pain diagnosis does
for meta-­analysis. Figure 3 summarises overall effect sizes not modify the effect of TENS in comparison to placebo.
for treatment comparisons with at least 100 pooled data We downgraded evidence by one level for the combined
points per intervention arm and figure 4 summarises effects of unexplained heterogeneity and possible publica-
subgroup analyses for types of pain. There was insuffi- tion bias. Egger’s regression test showed significant evidence
cient extractable data to conduct responder analyses of of a small‐study effect (p<0·0001) and trim and fill analysis

Johnson MI, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051073. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 5

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BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 on 10 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 30, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 3 Summary of standardised mean difference (SMD) and 95% CI of pain intensity for intervention comparisons and
subgroup analyses of risk of bias (RoB), trial arm size and type of standard of care (SoC) intervention.

showed evidence of publication bias, indicating that eight scores although sub-­group and sensitivity analyses of RoB did
trials might be missing to the right of the mean for an not modify the effect of TENS. We did not judge there to
adjusted SMD of ‐0·78 (95% CI −0·995 to ‐0·565). Trim and be serious limitations for blinding of placebo because sham
fill did not alter the SMD to any appreciable degree. Approx- TENS devices have been shown to create uncertainty about
imately 90% of studies had ‘low’ or ‘unclear’ overall RoB whether a device is correctly functioning21 ; and there was

Figure 4 Summary of standardised mean difference (SMD) and 95% CI of pain intensity between TENS and placebo for
types of pain in analyses with greater than 100 pooled data points in each trial arm . RCTs, randomised controlled trials; TENS,
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.

6 Johnson MI, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051073. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 on 10 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 30, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.

Figure 5 Foreste to downgrade further, and we judged the plot of pain diagnoses as stated by RCT author(s) for the SMD
and 95% CI of pain intensity between TENS and placebo. See online supplemental file 2 for reference list of studies. RCTs,
randomised controlled trials; SMD, standardised mean difference; TENS, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.

Johnson MI, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051073. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 7

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 on 10 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 30, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
less than 10% incidence of high RoB for random sequence High versus low-frequency TENS
generation and allocation concealment. Thus, it was not We extracted mean (continuous) data from 13 of 37 RCTs
appropriate to downgrade further, and we judged there to (468 participants) that compared high with low-­frequency
be moderate-­certainty evidence. TENS and found no statistically significant difference (high-­
We extracted dichotomous data from nine RCTs and frequency TENS=235 participants, low-­frequency TENS=233
found a statistically significant difference in the proportion participants, SMD=−0.19 (95% CI −0.43 to −0.06), I²=39%)
of participants reporting a reduction of pain intensity >50% (figure 3). Egger’s regression test showed no significant
in favour of TENS (TENS=106/241 responders, placebo evidence of a small‐study effect (p=0·8871). Trim and fill
28/219 responders, RR=2·89 [2·02, 4·13], p<0·00001, analysis showed no evidence of publication bias. We down-
I²=0%). There were too few RCTs and participants to be graded by one level to moderate-­certainty evidence of no
entirely certain of the validity of the treatment effect estimate difference because the pooled data sample size did not meet
so we downgraded by two levels to low-­certainty evidence. prespecified threshold of at least 500 participants per trial
TENS versus no treatment
We extracted mean (continuous) data from 10 of 16 RCTs
There were 136 reports that included a statement about
(602 participants) comparing TENS with a no treatment
adverse events (59/136=no adverse events in all interven-
control. There was a statistically significant difference in
tion groups, 90/136=no adverse events related to TENS,
favour of TENS and substantial statistical heterogeneity
see online supplemental file 7 for characteristics of
(TENS=298 participants, no treatment=304 participants,
adverse events). Often statements were unclear. Adverse
SMD = −0·82 [95% CI −1·18,–0·46], I²=76%) (figure 4).
events associated with TENS were mild in severity, infre-
There was insufficient data to undertake subgroup analyses
quent in occurrence and included skin irritation, tender-
to explore the effect of methodological nor clinical charac-
ness/soreness and TENS discomfort. There were no
teristics on outcome. Egger’s regression test showed signifi-
reports of a serious adverse event directly attributable
cant evidence of a small‐study effect (p=0·0878). However,
to TENS. We extracted dichotomous data from 18 RCTs
trim and fill analysis showed no evidence of publication bias.
(1587 participants) and found no statistically significant
We downgraded two levels to low-­certainty evidence due to
difference in the risk of an adverse event, irrespective of
unexplained heterogeneity and small study effect.
severity, between TENS and comparators (RR=0·73 (95%
CI 0·36 to 1·48), p=0·38, I2=66%). The type of compar-
TENS versus treatment(s) used as SoC ator did not modify the effect. We downgraded by two
We extracted mean (continuous) data from 61 of 127 levels for indirectness because of the use of spontaneous
RCTs (3155 participants) comparing TENS with treat- detection of adverse events based on ill-­defined criteria,
ment(s) used as SoC. There was a statistically significant two levels for RoB and one level for imprecision, and for
difference in favour of TENS and substantial statistical publication bias, that is, to very low-­certainty evidence.
heterogeneity (TENS=1594 participants, SoC=1561
participants, SMD=−0.72 (95% CI −0.95 to −0.5), I²=88%)
(figure 3). Subgroup analyses suggested that the type DISCUSSION
of SoC intervention (predominantly exercise/physio- Statement of principal findings
therapy vs predominantly pharmacological) did not Our meta-­analysis of 91 RCTs (4841 participants) found that
modify the effect of TENS. Egger’s regression test showed pain intensity was lower during or immediately after strong
significant evidence of a small‐study effect (p=0·0062). but comfortable TENS administered to painful body parts,
Trim and fill analysis showed evidence of publication bias, when compared with placebo. RoB or trials with fewer than
indicating that 11 trials might be missing to left of mean 50 participants per treatment arm did not modify the effect
for an adjusted SMD of −1·032 (95% CI –1·31 to –0·76). of TENS, allaying at least in part, concerns that small study
We downgraded one level for imprecision (unexplained size may undermine the veracity of our conclusion.22 Pain
heterogeneity effect) and one level for publication bias, characteristics and diagnosis did not modify the effect of
small study effect and an RoB associated with unblinded TENS compared with placebo. Inconsistency in individual
treatment, that is, to low-­certainty evidence. trial results generated uncertainty in the magnitude of effect
estimates for different types of pain, but this was quantita-
TENS versus other treatment(s) tive in nature (ie, in the same direction and always in favour
We extracted mean (continuous) data from 67 of 118 of TENS). Thus, we are confident that pain intensity is
RCTs that compared TENS with a treatment, not catego- lower during or immediately after TENS treatment when
rised by RCT authors as SoC (67 RCTs, 131 samples, 3327 compared with placebo.
participants). We chose not to report the meta-­analysis We judged there to be moderate-­certainty evidence that the
due to the heterogeneous mix of comparators, the inclu- magnitude of the effect size estimate exceeds the threshold
sion of duplicate data in the TENS arm and subgroups for clinical importance, that is, surpassed our 0.5 ‘rules of
with too few comparisons. Therefore, we did not GRADE thumb’ for Cohen’s d. The magnitude of the SMD suggests
this evidence. that mean pain intensity during or immediately after TENS

8 Johnson MI, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051073. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 on 10 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 30, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
was 0·96 standard deviations (SDs) lower than placebo (95% within a prolonged course of treatment. We noted a scarcity
CI 1·14 lower to 0·78 lower). The lower boundary of the 95% of data at 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months after
CI exceeds our prespecified threshold for a large and clini- the end of a course of TENS treatment in studies included
cally meaningful difference using Cohen’s interpretation of in our review. Thus, we suspect that effect sizes for long-­term
effect size. This can be re-­expressed by back transforming and/or follow-­up outcomes will be less precise than those
the SMD to a familiar scale such as a 0 mm (no pain) to 100 during or immediately after a TENS treatment.
mm (worst pain imaginable) VAS. To do this, we selected
a low RoB study that was representative of the population Weaknesses of the study
and intervention in the meta-­analysis (ie, by Atamaz et al23— An overview of Cochrane reviews on TENS for chronic
knee osteoarthritis) and multiplied the SD of the control pain did not pool data from small-­sized trials because of
group (20.3) by the pooled SMD (−0.96) producing a mean concern about imprecision.11 25 The purpose of our meta-­
difference (MD) of 19.49 mm in favour of TENS17 (chapter analysis was to explore the nature of TENS data and as This exceeds our prespecified criterion for clin- suspected high levels of unexplained statistical heteroge-
ical importance in line with IMMPACT criteria (ie, set ≥10 neity were found. We quantified small study effect and
mm on a 100 mm VAS).15 Likewise, we back-­transformed the publication bias, although the adjusted SMD using the
SMD of Dailey et al24 (fibromyalgia, high-­frequency TENS, trim and fill method did not alter the effect size esti-
low RoB, used a 0–10 NRS) and calculated MD to be 1.91 mate for TENS versus placebo. Valentine et al argue that
points. This also exceeded our criterion for clinical impor- a prospective or retrospective power analysis can be of
tance. We emphasise that effect sizes re-­expressed in this way
value,26 although we preferred to make inferences based
should be interpreted with extreme caution because they are
on prespecified thresholds for pooling data suggested
based on the SD of only one study.
by Moore et al18 (ie, ≥500 participants per trial arm and
There was low-­certainty evidence that more participants
credence given to individual trial arm sample sizes of
reported at least 50% reduction in pain during or imme-
≥200 participants). There were insufficient studies with
diately after TENS than placebo. There was low-­certainty
extractable data of at least 100 participants in the TENS
evidence that pain intensity was lower during TENS
group to conduct a sensitivity analysis, although removing
compared with treatments that we categorised as exercise/
studies with fewer than 50 participants did not affect the
physiotherapy or analgesic medications when they were used
effect size estimates of any of our primary comparisons.
wholly or as part of standard/routine care (61 RCTs, 3155
The largest TENS trial arm sample size was 144 partici-
participants). Adverse events were minor with no serious
pants.27 There is potential to undertake further analyses
adverse events reported in 381 RCTs, but there was very
in the future, such as examination of CI width and retro-
low-­certainty evidence of the RR estimate suggesting no risk
of an adverse event, irrespective of severity compared with spective power analysis based on a clinically important
comparators, provided very low-­certainty evidence. effect size rather than the observed effect size.26 Meta-­
regression and network analyses could also explore the
Strengths of the study impact of interstudy heterogeneity and the relationships
Our systematic review of 381 RCTs (24 532 participants) is between different types of comparators on outcome.
the most comprehensive to date and is the first to under- The impact of inadequate reporting contributed
take an ‘all-­encompassing’ meta-­analysis. Our analysis is to unclear RoB judgements affecting the precision of
logical, systematic, rigorous and transparent, and we have categorising types of pain, the nature of comparators
been judicious when interpreting the analysis using the and whether participants used additional treatments.
GRADE approach. Remarkably few reports followed standards for design
Our estimates of effect size during or immediately after and reporting of TENS trials.28 In placebo comparisons,
a treatment of TENS at, or close to the site of pain, is blinding of participants was achieved using a sham TENS
ecologically valid because symptomatic relief of pain ‘in-­the-­ device (commonly without current) and prestudy brief-
moment’ is of primary importance. In practice, patients tailor ings to create uncertainty about which intervention was
treatment regimens to match the temporal characteristics of functioning properly. This has been shown to be a valid
their pain at that moment in time. Our primary endpoint method of reducing performance bias, although few of the
accounts for confounders associated with variability of TENS included studies measured blinding success.21 Contam-
techniques and regimens, such as PRN, where participants ination of effect size estimates by concurrent treatment
may be using TENS intermittently. Credence is given to was also an issue.29 We decided not to use generic inverse
effect size estimates of long-­term follow-­up, but analysis of variance to correct for paired data associated with cross-
such outcomes is complex for TENS. Often trial reports over trial data because of sufficient washout periods and
are unclear whether data were collected within an ongoing an overwhelming number of parallel group data points.
course of treatment, or after a course of TENS treatment had Most investigators reported spontaneous detection of
finished (ie, follow-­up), and this would compromise simple adverse events based on ill-­defined criteria resulting in
pooling of long-­term and/or follow-­up data.10 Our analysis very low-­certainty for the precision of our estimate of RR.
of outcomes during or immediately after treatment also Inadequate adverse event reporting remains a concern in
reduces the influence of participants who stop using TENS RCTs of non-­pharmacological interventions for pain.30

Johnson MI, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051073. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 9

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BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 on 10 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 30, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Judgements of the impact of study limitations (RoB), not moderate the effect of TENS is of critical importance.
imprecision, inconsistency, indirectness and publication Thus, we hope that these findings will be considered by
bias resulted in downgrading the certainty of all effect future guideline panels.
size estimates according to GRADE criteria (online
supplemental file 1). Decisions to downgrade rely on Meaning of the study
judgements of the authorship team. Our decision to Our all-­encompassing analysis of RCTs provides clinicians
downgrade TENS versus placebo by only one level may and policymakers with evidence that TENS is efficacious
be challenged. We decided that high statistical hetero- at reducing the intensity of pain ‘in-­the-­moment’. Data
geneity and possible publication bias were not sufficient were extracted and combined from a variety of settings
enough to downgrade by two levels of evidence. Trim and (ie, hospital, clinic and home) and when TENS was
fill did not alter the SMD to any appreciable degree. We administered on its own or in combination with other
did not downgrade for study limitation because subgroup treatments. Scrutiny of data and sub-­group analyses did
analyses did not modify the effect of TENS and sensitivity not suggest that these factors influence outcome to an
analyses did not affect the overall effect size estimate. We appreciable degree.
argue that there would be low risk of blinding using sham
TENS, especially when participants received briefings Implications for clinical practice
that some electrotherapies do not generate sensations Pain mechanisms are complex often causing uncertainty
(eg, microcurrent electrical stimulation). This promotes in finite diagnoses. Contemporary pain science suggests
the belief that electrotherapy devices not generating that pain acts to protect the integrity of tissue rather than
sensations may be functioning correctly and delivering monitor the status of tissue damage, that is, 'hurt does
an active treatment.21 not always mean harm'. Our findings suggest that TENS
may be beneficial for pain irrespective of pain charac-
Strengths and weaknesses in relation to other studies teristics or medical diagnosis, supporting the view that
The findings of our meta-­ analysis are consistent with TENS should primarily be indicated according to symp-
clinical experience and physiological plausibility. Since toms, that is, the presence of pain rather than medical
its inception over 50 years ago, clinical experience diagnosis. We encourage guideline panels to consider this
and expert opinion have remained resolute that TENS evidence when evaluating TENS in the future. Neverthe-
provides some people with immediate short-­term relief less, we do not claim that TENS is efficacious for all types
of pain by therapeutic neuromodulation, in a manner of pain because there were insufficient RCTs to judge for
akin to rubbing the skin (for review, see Johnson3). Phys- every diagnosis or pain characteristic.
iological evidence demonstrates that selective activation Optimal pain management strategies adopt a biopsy-
of low threshold somatosensory peripheral afferents by chosocial approach and a self-­management framework to
TENS reduces activity and excitability of sensitised and aid recovery, including return to activities of daily living
non-­sensitised central nociceptive transmission cells; and and improvements in quality of life. Core treatment
this effect does not persist far beyond the duration of involves physical activity and psychological interventions
stimulation.31 32 Different frequencies of pulsed current supported by pain education and lifestyle adjustments
influence central neuropharmacological actions in towards healthy living. Neuromodulation techniques
animal studies,33 but clinical research has failed to find such as TENS are indicated as adjuncts to core treatment
relationships between electrical characteristics, type of and used to alleviate sensations of pain, muscle tension
pain and clinically meaningful outcome.12 Our finding and spasm, and the impact of an ‘overprotective brain’.
that adverse events were minor and mostly erythema and Patients report that TENS provides indirect benefits
itchiness at the site of electrodes is consistent with evalua- including enhanced function, improved psychological
tions of safety by professional bodies.34 well-­being, better sleep and medication reduction; there-
Previous systematic reviews and meta-­ analyses, fore, TENS is widely accepted by patients because it is inex-
including Cochrane reviews, are inconsistent and/or pensive, can be self-­administered and has no toxicity.35 36
inconclusive (for review, see Johnson3). The 2021 NICE In clinical practice, users are advised to personalise their
guidelines for chronic pain did not recommend TENS for treatment strategy, including the electrical characteristics
chronic primary pain based on analyses of two RCTs on of currents, according to their personal needs.
fibromyalgia.4 The NICE excluded RCTs that had been Recently, Johnson9 argued that the long-­standing search
evaluated in previous NICE guidelines (eg, non-­specific for optimal TENS parameters for specific pathology-­based
low back pain6), reducing the quantity of extractable data pain conditions has been futile, and that the quality of
for meta-­analysis. We analysed data from 20 trials that we the TENS sensation rather than specific electrical char-
coded as chronic primary pain according to the Interna- acteristics of current is the critical factor for success. Our
tional Classification of Diseases 11th revision (ICD-­11) analysis suggested that the frequency of currents does not
and found a statistically significant overall effect in favour modify outcome when a strong non-­painful TENS sensa-
of TENS compared with placebo (SMD=−0.66 (−1.20 to tion is generated within or close to the site of pain, and
−0.29), p<0.0004, online supplemental file 1). Moreover, we suspect that this would also be the case for pulse dura-
our finding that pain characteristics and diagnosis did tion (width) and pulse pattern if sufficient data became

10 Johnson MI, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051073. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 on 10 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 30, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
available. This supports best practice guidelines to advise adverse events. Clinicians, policymakers and funders
patients to self-­ administer strong non-­ painful TENS should consider TENS as an adjunct to core treatment
within or close to the site of pain and to adjust pulse for immediate short-­term relief of pain, irrespective of
frequency, duration and pattern to what is most comfort- diagnosis. Patients should be advised to tailor TENS treat-
able. Patients are advised to administer TENS as often as ment according to their individual needs.
is necessary, although there is evidence that physiological
tolerance may develop.37 This does not appear to have a Contributors Based on CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy)
significant impact in clinical practice when a variety of Conceptualisation: MIJ; data curation: MIJ, PGW, CAP (GJ cross checking); formal
analysis: MIJ, PGW, CAP, MRM, GJ; funding acquisition: MIJ; investigation: MIJ, PGW,
troubleshooting strategies are used, including the use of CAP, MRM, GJ; development and delivery of search strategy: PGW, MIJ; screening
modulated currents to create a novel input to the nervous for eligibility: PGW, MIJ (CAP and GJ as arbiters); data extraction: MIJ, PGW, (CAP, GJ
system.38 cross checking); assessment of risk of bias: MIJ, CAP, (PGW as arbiter); assessment
In summary, TENS should be considered in a similar of adverse events: MIJ, CAP, PGW; assessment of effects of interventions: MIJ,
PGW, CAP (GJ and MRM arbiters); assessment of publication bias: MRM, PGW, MIJ;
manner to rubbing, cooling or warming the skin to GRADE assessment against criteria: MIJ, CAP (PGW, GJ as arbiters); overall GRADE
provide symptomatic relief of pain via neuromodulation. judgement: MIJ, CAP, PGW, MRM, GJ; interpreting the results: MIJ, PGW, CAP, MRM,
One advantage of TENS is that users can adjust electrical GJ; methodology (protocol development): MIJ, PGW, CAP, GJ; project administration:
characteristics to produce a wide variety of TENS sensa- MIJ; resources: MIJ; software: MIJ, MRM; supervision: MIJ; validation: MIJ;
visualisation: MIJ; writing—original draft: MIJ; writing—review and editing: MIJ,
tions such as pulsate and paraesthesiae to combat the PGW, CAP, GJ, MRM. All authors had access to the data and took responsibility
dynamic nature of pain. Consequently, patients need to for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. All authors
learn how to use a systematic process of trial and error to approved the final version of the review. MIJ is responsible for the overall content
select electrode positions and electrical characteristics to as guarantor.
optimise benefits and minimise problems on a moment Funding GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Consumer Healthcare, Nyon, Switzerland provided
to moment basis.39 funding for the study (Investigator Sponsored Study grant, award/grant number
Unanswered questions and future research Competing interests MIJ (taken from ICMJE form); MIJ reports grants from
GlaxoSmithKline, during the conduct of the study; other from GlaxoSmithKline,
Our findings should discourage publication of small-­
other from TENSCare, other from Actegy Ltd, other from LifeCare Ltd, other from
sized RCTs and new systematic reviews until larger RCTs Eurocept Pharmaceuticals, personal fees from Oxford University Press, outside the
become available. For decades, systematic reviewers submitted work. MIJ was involved in conducting the following studies that were
have called for large multicentred RCTs to resolve the considered for inclusion in the work submitted for publication. (1) Dissanayaka TD,
Pallegama RW, Suraweera HJ, Johnson MI, Kariyawasam AP. (2016). Comparison of
efficacy-­impasse. This situation is unlikely to change in
the Effectiveness of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Interferential
the foreseeable future, due in part to a lack of funding.9 Therapy on the Upper Trapezius in Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Randomized
We recommend the delivery of an enriched enrolment Controlled Study. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2016
randomised withdrawal design with trial arm sample sizes Sep;95(9):663-­72. (2) Palmer S, Domaille M, Cramp F, Walsh N, Pollock J, Kirwan
J, Johnson MI. (2014) Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation as an adjunct
of at least 200 participants to overcome methodological
to education and exercise for knee osteoarthritis: a randomised controlled trial.
issues.9 28 We predict that such a trial would produce an Arthritis Care & Research 2014: 66(3), 387–394 – Funded by the Physiotherapy
effect size estimate close to our analysis of TENS versus Research Foundation (part of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Charitable
placebo. Trust) and Above & Beyond Charities. (3) Pallett EJ, Rentowl P. Johnson MI, Watson
PJ (2014) Implementation fidelity of self-­administered Transcutaneous Electrical
Our findings justify the need for pragmatic ecologically
Nerve Stimulation (TENS) in patients with chronic back pain: An observational
valid studies gathering real-­world data about how best to study. Clin J Pain. 2014: Mar;30(3):224-­31. (4) Kolen AF, de Nijs RN, Wagemakers
integrate TENS into practice. Recently, a 30 min TENS FM, Meier AJ, Johnson MI (2012) The effects of spatially targeted transcutaneous
treatment was shown to predict longer term outcome in electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) using an electrode array that measures skin
resistance on pain and mobility in patients with osteoarthritis in the knee: A
women with fibromyalgia.40 Real-­world data can be used
randomized controlled trial. Pain. 2012 Feb;153(2):373-­81 - Funded by Phillips
to develop educational packages to train and support Research Europe.
patients to optimise TENS treatment within a self-­care
Patient consent for publication Not applicable.
model of pain management.35 36 We did not undertake a
Ethics approval Ethical approval for the review was granted by Leeds Beckett
cost-­benefit analysis, although previous analyses provide
University (Application Ref: 78097). This study does not involve human participants.
evidence that TENS equipment, running costs and
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
follow-­up clinical support, is inexpensive and can reduce
annual costs for chronic low back pain and knee osteoar- Data availability statement Data are available upon reasonable request. Data is
available on request from Prof. Mark I. Johnson - ​m.​johnson@​leedsbeckett.​ac.​uk.
thritis.41 42
Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has
not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been
peer-­reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those
CONCLUSIONS of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and
This systematic review resolves long-­ term uncertainty responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content
includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability
about the efficacy of TENS. The meta-­analysis provides of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines,
moderate-­certainty evidence that strong non-­ painful terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error
TENS within or close to the site of pain produces clini- and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.
cally important reductions in the intensity of pain during Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
or immediately after treatment, with no reports of serious Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-­NC 4.0) license, which

Johnson MI, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051073. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 11

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051073 on 10 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 30, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-­commercially, 21 Rakel B, Cooper N, Adams HJ, et al. A new transient sham TENS
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is device allows for investigator blinding while delivering a true placebo
properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use treatment. J Pain 2010;11:230–8.
22 Dechartres A, Trinquart L, Boutron I, et al. Influence of trial sample
is non-­commercial. See:
size on treatment effect estimates: meta-­epidemiological study. BMJ
23 Atamaz FC, Durmaz B, Baydar M, et al. Comparison of the efficacy
Mark I. Johnson of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, interferential currents,
Carole A. Paley and shortwave diathermy in knee osteoarthritis: a double-­blind,
Matthew R. Mulvey randomized, controlled, multicenter study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil
Priscilla G. Wittkopf 2012;93:748–56.
24 Dailey DL, Vance CGT, Rakel BA, et al. Transcutaneous electrical
nerve stimulation reduces movement-­evoked pain and fatigue: a
randomized, controlled trial. Arthritis Rheumatol 2020;72:824–36.
25 Travers MJ, O'Connell NE, Tugwell P, et al. Transcutaneous electrical
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