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Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 55 (2019) 116–127

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Original Contribution

Local anesthetics and regional anesthesia versus conventional analgesia for T

preventing persistent postoperative pain in adults and children: A Cochrane
systematic review and meta-analysis update☆
Jacob L. Levenea, Erica J. Weinsteina, Marc S. Cohenb, Doerthe A. Andreaec, Jerry Y. Chaob,

Matthew Johnsond, Charles B. Halle, Michael H. Andreaef,
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, Bronx, NY, United States of America
Department of Anesthesiology, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, United States of America
Department of Allergy/Immunology, Milton S Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA, United States of America
Human Development, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States of America
Division of Biostatistics, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, United States of America
Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine, Milton S Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA, United States of America


Keywords: Background: Regional anesthesia may mitigate the risk of persistent postoperative pain (PPP). This Cochrane
Chronic pain/prevention & control review, published originally in 2012, was updated in 2017.
Anesthesia Methods: We updated our search of Cochrane CENTRAL, PubMed, EMBASE and CINAHL to December 2017.
Conduction Only RCTs investigating local anesthetics (by any route) or regional anesthesia versus any combination of
systemic (opioid or non-opioid) analgesia in adults or children, reporting any pain outcomes beyond three
months were included.
Data were extracted independently by at least two authors, who also appraised methodological quality with
Cochrane ‘Risk of bias’ assessment and pooled data in surgical subgroups. We pooled studies across different
follow-up intervals. As summary statistic, we reported the odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals and
calculated the number needed to benefit (NNTB). We considered classical, Bayesian alternatives to our evidence
synthesis. We explored heterogeneity and methodological bias.
Results: 40 new and seven ongoing studies, identified in this update, brought the total included RCTs to 63. We
were only able to synthesize data from 39 studies enrolling 3027 participants in a balanced design.
Evidence synthesis favored regional anesthesia for thoracotomy (OR 0.52 [0.32 to 0.84], moderate-quality
evidence), breast cancer surgery (OR 0.43 [0.28 to 0.68], low-quality evidence), and cesarean section (OR 0.46,
[0.28 to 0.78], moderate-quality evidence). Evidence synthesis favored continuous infusion of local anesthetic
after breast cancer surgery (OR 0.24 [0.08 to 0.69], moderate-quality evidence), but was inconclusive after iliac
crest bone graft harvesting (OR 0.20, [0.04 to 1.09], low-quality evidence).
Conclusions: Regional anesthesia reduces the risk of PPP. Small study size, performance, null, and attrition bias
considerably weakened our conclusions. We cannot extrapolate to other interventions or to children.

1. Introduction shift: [1] to justify the inherent resource utilization, we are increasingly
asked to demonstrate that regional anesthesia affords improved long-
1.1. Paradigm change focuses on long term benefits of regional anesthesia term benefits, beyond the superior pain control immediately after sur-
gery [2,3]. Pain persisting beyond three months after surgery is the
Decreased anesthesia related perioperative morbidity and mortality prime example of a frequent, devastating long-term harm resulting from
and the shift to bundled capitated payments resulted in a paradigm many surgical interventions, which may be mitigated by optimal

Interim data from this work were presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Society Anesthesiology in Boston, October 21 to October 25, 2017.

Corresponding author at: Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Penn State College of Medicine, 500
University Drive, Hersey, PA 17033, United States of America.
E-mail address: (M.H. Andreae).
Received 30 October 2018; Received in revised form 23 November 2018; Accepted 18 December 2018
0952-8180/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
J.L. Levene et al. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 55 (2019) 116–127

perioperative anti-nociception, primarily regional anesthesia [4–6]. through December 2017. We combined controlled vocabulary with
Gender, genetics and phenotype predispose to persistent postoperative free-text search and employed a highly sensitive search strategy to limit
pain (PPP) [4,5,7]. our results to randomized clinical trials (RCT) [31,32]. Manuscripts
published in any language were included without a restriction of pub-
1.2. Persistent postoperative pain is devastating, hence prevention is lication status. Our handsearch included the reference lists of included
paramount studies and conference abstracts of the International Anesthesia Re-
search Society (IARS), and the European Society of Regional Anaes-
PPP is frequent [5,6,8–10]. One in three to five patients undergoing thesia (ESRA) for 2005 through to 2007. The systematic review registry
thoracotomy, cardiac surgery, limb amputation, or breast surgery will PROSPERO was searched for related systematic reviews.
experience chronic pain lasting months beyond the surgical interven-
tion [4,11–14]. PPP has been shown to affect quality of life, even when 2.1.1. Study inclusion criteria
mild [8,15]. PPP treatment modalities are sparse and frustrating Participants. Trials investigating adults and/or children
[16,17]. The individual and societal burden of PPP is immense, af- undergoing elective surgery were included, regardless of the surgical
flicting one in five patients after surgery [18] and may contribute to the approach (e.g. laparoscopic versus open), but excluding trauma,
current opioid epidemic [19]. Coley et al. estimated costs per patient orthopedic and emergency surgery.
follow-up visit for PPP in the order of $2000 [20]. Therefore, it is im-
perative to develop effective approaches to reduce the risk of PPP Interventions. Studies comparing a local or regional anesthesia
[3,13]. intervention against a conventional analgesia approach were included,
We hypothesize that regional anesthesia may prevent the central regardless of the route of delivery of the local anesthetic, the timing of
sensitization leading to persistent postoperative pain [5,10,21]. Woolf the nociceptive blockade, or the co-administration of adjuvants. We did
et al. explained the transition from acute to chronic pain after surgery not include comparisons of one local/regional technique versus another
with central sensitization (Graphical abstract) [3,22,23]. Many have and excluded studies focused on the effect of timing.
since contributed to elucidate the precise molecular mechanisms
[24,25]. Anti-nociception with regional anesthesia decreases the bar- Comparators. Any conventional analgesic modality was
rage of painful stimuli that otherwise would trigger the augmentation of acceptable as comparator, including any combination of nonsteroidal
synaptic strength in the dorsal horn between the primary and secondary anti-inflammatory drugs with adjuvants and/or opioids as defined and
nociceptive neuron [3,5,25]. detailed in the appendix of our Cochrane Review [29].
Our previous systematic review and meta-analysis for the Cochrane
Collaboration investigated regional anesthesia for the prevention of Outcomes. We included studies assessing persistent pain
persistent postoperative pain [26,27]. Evidence synthesis suggested beyond three months after surgery, as a dichotomous outcome (as
that regional anesthesia reduces the risk of PPP six months after breast reported/defined in the primary studies) or by a continuous pain
surgery and thoracotomy. Over 40 new randomized controlled trials instrument.
investigating regional anesthesia for mitigation of PPP have since been
conducted and an update of our outdated search and evidence synthesis Study design. Only RCTs were included. As patients and
was overdue [26,27]. To overcome the diversity of reporting which providers can easily discern the effects of regional anesthesia,
hampered evidence synthesis for our first review [28], we chose to masking of only the outcome assessor was acceptable for inclusion.
synthesize the data across different follow up intervals within each
surgical subgroup as a novel approach in this update [29]. This 2.2. Data extraction
manuscript is a co-publication1 of our recently updated Cochrane re-
view to reach a broader audience [29]. If a study qualified for inclusion based upon the aforementioned
principles, data were extracted independently by two authors, and en-
tered in a templated form on the online systematic review software,
1.3. Objective
DistillerSR [33], and subsequently transferred into RevMan 5.1, the
Cochrane Review Manager [34]. We contacted the primary study au-
To synthesize outcome data across different follow up intervals in
thors for clarification of the methods or to acquire additional data as
our updated systematic review and meta-analysis for the Cochrane
needed. An overview of study characteristics and populations is pre-
Collaboration comparing local and regional anesthesia versus conven-
sented in Table 1 Table of surgeries, interventions, timing and outcomes
tional analgesia for the prevention of persistent postoperative pain
by subgroup of pooled studies and in the Suppl. Table 1 Participants of
beyond three months in adults and children undergoing elective sur-
pooled studies by follow up interval, respectively. Study level details on
population, intervention, control, outcomes investigated and design are
tabulated in the Suppl. Table 2 Characteristics of included studies.
2. Methods
2.2.1. Assessment of risk of bias
2.1. Search and selection Following guidance from the Cochrane Handbook, in addition to
extracting data in duplicate, two authors independently evaluated the
Our a priori protocol, methods and search were described in our methodological quality of included studies based upon randomization,
Cochrane Review in detail [21,26,27,29] and follow the PRISMA allocation concealment, observer and participant blinding, selective
Statement [30]. Briefly, PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Central reporting and funding [35]. Each category and study was graded based
Register of Controlled Trials were searched again from inception upon likelihood of bias (low, high, or unclear), with reasons for the
authors' judgement presented in Suppl. Table 2 Characteristics of in-
1 cluded studies. Authors of included trials were also contacted for this
This review is an abridged version of a Cochrane Review previously pub-
lished in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, Issue 6, DOI: purpose to clarify when needed. Otherwise, consensus was reached by
10.1002/14651858.CD007105.pub4 (see having a third author review the study. Attrition and follow-up interval
for information). Cochrane Reviews are regularly updated as new evidence could influence effect size. We explored this graphically, plotting at-
emerge sand in response to feedback, and Cochrane Database of Systematic trition versus effects size in Supplemental Fig. 3 Attrition effect size
Reviews should be consulted for the most recent version of the review. graph [29,36].

Table 1
Overview of surgeries, interventions, timing and outcomes by subgroup.
Study ID Regional technique Timing of intervention Adjuvants Outcome Continuous Follow-up
J.L. Levene et al.

Breast cancer surgery

Albi-Feldzer 2013 Infiltration and intervertebral block Postincision, single shot vs placebo None Pain/no pain Brief Pain Index 3, 6 and 12 months
Baudry 2008 Local infiltration Single shot, postincision vs control None Pain/no pain McGill results not reported 18 months
Besic 2014 Local infiltration Postincision, continuous post-op vs control None Pain/no pain None 3 months
Fassoulaki 2000 Topical application Preincision, continuous post-op vs placebo Propoxyphene Pain/no pain Verbal Intensity Scale 3 months
Fassoulaki 2001 Brachial plexus block Postincision, single shot vs placebo Mexiletine, propoxyphene Pain/no pain VAS 3 months
Fassoulaki 2005 Topical application Postincision, continuous postop vs control Gabapentin Pain/no pain Analgesic consumption 6 months
Gacio 2016 Paravertebral block Single shot, preincision vs control Parecoxib, opioid and adrenaline Pain/no pain None 6 months
Grigoras 2012 IV lidocaine Preincision, continuous intra-op vs placebo None Pain/no pain Short-form McGill Pain 3 months
Ibarra 2011 Single shot, paravertebral block Single shot, preincision vs control None Phantom or neuropathic None 3 and 5 months
Kairaluoma 2006 Single shot, paravertebral block Single shot, preincision vs control None NRS > 3 Analgesic consumption 12 months
Karmakar 2014 Thoracic paravertebral block Single shot, pre vs post, continuous vs control Epinephrine Pain/no pain VRS 3 and 6 months
Lam 2015 Paravertebral block Not specified None Pain/no pain None 6 months
Lee 2013 Paravertebral block Preincision, continuous intra-op and post-op vs Pregabalin Pain/no pain Short-form McGill Pain 3 months
control Questionnaire
Micha 2012 Local infiltration with brachial Postincision, single shot vs placebo None DN4 None 6 months
Strazisar 2012 Local infiltration Postincision, continuous post-op vs control None Pain/no pain None 3 months
Strazisar 2014 Local infiltration Postincision, continuous post-op vs control None Pain/no pain None 3 months
Tecirli 2014 Intercostal nerve block Postincision, single shot vs control None DN4 VAS 3 months
Terkawi 2015b IV lidocaine Preincision, continuous intra-op and post-op vs None Pain/no pain VAS 6 months

Cesarean section

Bollag 2012 Transversus abdominis plane block Single shot, post-op vs placebo Clonidine None Short form McGill Pain 3, 6 and 12 months
Lavand'homme 2007 Wound irrigation Preincision, continuous post-op vs control None Pain/no pain Analgesic consumption 6 months
Loane 2012 Transversus abdominis plane block Postincision, single shot vs placebo None Pain/no pain None 3 months
McKeen 2014 Transversus abdominis plane block Postincision, single shot vs placebo None None SF-36 6 months
Shahin 2010 Peritoneal instillation Postincision, single shot vs placebo None Pain/no pain NRS 8 months
Singh 2013 Transversus abdominis plane block Postincision, single shot vs placebo None None NRS 3 months

Iliac crest bone graft

Barkhuysen 2010 Local infiltration Postincision, single shot vs control Epinephrine Pain/no pain None 1 year
Gundes 2000 Wound instillation Postincision, single shot vs placebo None Pain and dysesthesia vs none None 3 months
Singh 2007 Wound irrigation Postincision, continuous post-op vs control None Pain/no pain VAS, activity, satisfaction 4.7 years

Brown 2004 Spinal Preincision, continuous intra-op vs placebo Clonidine Pain/no pain Numerical Pain Scale, SF-36 3 months
Gupta 2006 Epidural Continuous, post-op vs placebo Adrenaline None SF-36 3 months

Can 2013 Epidural Single shot, pre vs postincision, continuous vs None Pain/no pain VAS, patient satisfaction 6 months
Comez 2015 Epidural Preincision, continuous intra-op vs control Dexketoprofe, morphine, and Pain/no pain VAS 3 and 6 months
Ju 2008 Epidural Preincision and post-op vs control None Pain/no pain Allodynia 12 months
Katz 1996 Intercostal nerve block Single shot, postincision vs control None Pain/no pain VRS, analgesic consumption 18 months
Liu 2015 Wound irrigation Postincision, continuous post-op vs control Fentanyl Pain/no pain None 3 months
Lu 2008 Epidural Preincision vs post-op vs control None Pain/no pain None 6 months
Senturk 2002 Epidural Preincision vs post-op vs control None Pain/no pain NRS, pain affecting living 6 months

Vaginal hysterectomy
Purwar 2015 Spinal Single shot, preincision vs control Fentanyl None VAS, SF-36 3 months
Sprung 2006 Spinal Single shot, preincision vs control Clonidine None NRS, SF-36 3 months
Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 55 (2019) 116–127

(continued on next page)

J.L. Levene et al. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 55 (2019) 116–127

An overview of the surgeries, interventions employed, the timing and the outcomes observed is provided by surgical subgroup in this table. We were able to pool study data for the subgroups of thoracotomy, breast cancer
surgery, hysterectomy, ICBG, cesarean section, and prostatectomy. The majority of studies investigated epidural analgesia for thoracotomy, but for breast surgery the regional anesthesia interventions were more varied,
with four studies investigating paravertebral blocks and several studies using local infiltration and even including intravenous infusions. Three of the studies on ICBG used wound instillation and intravenous infusions,
while for cesarean section transverse abdominal plain block was the most frequently employed technique (Footnotes VAS: Visual Analogue Scale, VRS: Verbal Rating Scale, DN4: DN4 questionnaire, NRS: Numerical
2.3. Data synthesis

2.3.1. Responder analysis and summary statistic


6 months Responder analysis considers the number of subjects reporting an

above threshold outcome, in our case more than three out of ten pain on
numerical rating scale or the equivalent [16,37]. Responder analysis
informed also this evidence synthesis, pooling the number of study
participants with a favorable outcome (no pain versus pain above
threshold beyond three months after surgery). For this dichotomous
outcome, we choose the odds ratio as our summary statistic [38]. De-
spite the different scales and instruments used by the primary study
authors, we again accepted their thresholds and definitions for the
presence of absence of pain [26]. Our data imputation of missing data

used a similar responder analysis concept [39]. The standard mean

difference is reported for studies whose pain outcomes instruments

were primarily continuous. Confidence intervals were calculated for

any statistical measure to precision of our estimates and to make in-
ferences. We calculated and reported the number needed to benefit
(NNTB) [40], using the statistical software package R [41] and sum-
marized our results in Summary of Findings Tables, published in the
Cochrane Library [29].

2.3.2. Diversity of design and heterogeneity


Diversity of design and outcome reporting remains a major chal-

lenge for evidence synthesis of function and pain after surgery [42].
Heterogeneity between studies can be categorized as statistical, meth-
odological, or clinical [43]. Heterogeneity is particularly pronounced
among long-term studies. Anticipating challenges posed by the dis-
parate and variable reporting, we had defined our approach a priori.

2.3.3. Clinical heterogeneity: stratifying by surgical intervention

The first challenge (clinical heterogeneity) is to explain and in-

tegrate differences in clinical effects observed between trials at the

study or population level. It is well known that effects are contingent on

populations, interventions or settings, that clinical differences across

individual studies all can induce puzzling variance in effect estimates
[44]. We therefore a priori decided to stratify, by grouping the studies
according to surgical intervention [21,29]. We followed the paradigm
of procedure specific pain control in stratifying our comparisons hier-
Single shot, preincision vs control

archically according to surgical procedure in broad groups (breast

Table of surgeries, interventions, timing and outcomes by subgroup of pooled studies.

surgery, thoracotomy, cesarean section, etc.) [40]. The diversity in

natural histories of PPP after different procedures and significant dis-
similarities between populations undergoing different surgeries in-
Timing of intervention

formed our group choices.

2.3.4. Methodological heterogeneity

The second challenge (methodological heterogeneity) is to synthe-
size effect estimates despite differences in design, assessment instru-
ments, follow-up intervals and outcome reporting. For example, we
may want to pool dichotomous outcomes (pain versus no pain) with
continuous outcomes (numerical Rating Scale 1–10) or to pool studies
reporting data at repeated but variable follow-ups without counting any
single patient twice. We referenced all manuscripts reporting on in-
cluded studies, but counted each study only once [28].
Regional technique

Rating Scale, SF-36: Short Form 36). Pooling across variable follow-up intervals

Studies observed participants' pain outcomes at variable follow-up

intervals. We pooled studies across different follow-ups, our primary

inclusive analysis approach [28]. For studies reporting on more than
Abdominal hysterectomy

one follow up interval, we used only the latest follow-up, which we

Table 1 (continued)

considered the most conservative (considering attrition bias in Sup-

plemental Fig. 3 Attrition versus effect size graph) [36] and the most
Wodlin 2011

impactful, because it investigated the longest lasting sequelae [29,36].

Study ID

We pooled the data using the inverse variance approach to weight

studies adjusted by the variation among their estimates of intervention
effects [41]. We chose a priori the random effects method for our meta-

J.L. Levene et al. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 55 (2019) 116–127

analyses, which leads to more cautious effect estimates, to allow for the 3.1.2. Excluded studies
expected clinical between-study heterogeneity [42]. As a sensitivity From the 564 articles selected for full text review, 79 articles, re-
analysis, we pooled only studies with similar follow up intervals, with porting on 67 unique studies, were excluded for reasons other than not
similar inferences, as detailed in our Cochrane Review [28]. being pertinent, with reasons for their exclusion tabulated in the online
supplement (Suppl. Table 2 Characteristics of excluded studies) [29]. Pooling dichotomous with continuous outcomes. We had a priori 11 additional studies were excluded for what we determined to be in-
planned evidence synthesis to pool dichotomous with continuous sufficient randomization. 24 included studies were not pooled (Fig. 1
outcomes for this review update using a Bayesian approach for the Quorum Flow Diagram). The reasons for not pooling them were de-
surgical subgroup of Iliac Crest Bone Harvesting. Bayesian statistics is tailed in the supplement (Suppl. Table 4 Study data not included in
an alternative statistical approach suitable for evidence synthesis [45]. meta-analysis) and in the Table of Characteristics of Included Studies
Bayesian hierarchical evidence synthesis can pool effects assessed by published in the Cochrane Review [29].
different instruments at variable intervals [16,39,46].
3.2. Regional techniques and surgical interventions
2.3.5. Statistical heterogeneity
Included studies were categorized by surgical subgroup. An over-
As customary, we explored between-study heterogeneity and re-
view of the surgeries and regional interventions investigated is pro-
porting bias with classical methods graphically, with funnel plots, the
vided in Table 1. The number of participants enrolled in the pooled
χ2, the I2 statistic [47] and Egger's test [48,49]. We did so at the sub-
studies, broken down by follow-up interval is rendered in the Suppl.
group level of our comparisons. Given our between study-hetero-
Table 1. More comprehensive details, tabulating all study character-
geneity, we did not consider Duval and Tweedie's trim and fill analysis
istics including methods and risk of bias, are provided online as a
to adjust for publication bias [49,50]. Following the thresholds sug-
supplement (Suppl. Table 2 Characteristics of included studies, Suppl.
gested in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interven-
Table 3 Characteristics of excluded studies, Suppl. Table 4 Study data
tions, we abstained from pooling studies, if between study statistical
not included in meta-analysis) are/or published in our Cochrane Re-
heterogeneity seemed excessive [51].
view [29]. The method of regional anesthesia application varied typi-
cally by surgical subgroup (Table 1). The cesarean section group, for
3. Results example, employed predominantly Transversus Abdominis Plane
blocks, while the thoracotomy group largely utilized epidurals.
3.1. Results of the search and description of studies
3.3. Methodological quality and risk of bias of included studies
Fig. 1 provides a diagrammatic schema of our search update which
lead to the identification of 40 new RCTs included in this updated re- Fig. 2 Risk of bias graph presents an overview of the risk of bias for
view [29]. In short, searches were conducted from September 2014 to the included studies, Suppl. Fig. 1 summarizes the risk of bias for each
January 2015, April 2015, and updated in December 2016. An addi- of the 63 included studies. More detailed tables with explanations and
tional search was performed in December 2017 with the results added support for the authors' assignment of the risk of bias are available
to Studies awaiting classification to be incorporated into the next up- online as a supplement (Suppl. Table 2 Characteristics of included
date of this review. studies, Suppl. Table 3 Characteristics of excluded studies) and/or in
The electronic searches collectively yielded 4717 references, 1765 our Cochrane Review [29].
in MEDLINE, 2179 in EMBASE, and 773 in CENTRAL. Of these, 1371
were determined to be duplicates. Of the remaining references, 2787 3.3.1. Randomization
were excluded for irrelevance or not being randomized controlled trials. The method of sequence generation (randomization) was not well
12 study reports from the search conducted in December 2017 were described in 11 studies. Further, three studies were excluded for pre-
added to Studies awaiting classification. sumed pseudo-randomization [52–54].
This left 564 studies for full text review, of which 63 unique studies
were selected for inclusion, among them 40 newly identified RCTs not 3.3.2. Allocation concealment
described in our previous review [26,27]. Additionally, seven ongoing Concealment of allocation via use of sealed opaque envelopes or a
studies, reported in 10 full-text articles, were identified and will be similar mode was sufficient in most included studies, but not detailed in
assessed upon completion. 16 studies (Fig. 2, Suppl. Fig. 1).

3.1.1. Included studies 3.3.3. Blinding

63 studies comparing standard methods to the use of regional or Only blinding of outcome assessors was a requirement for study
local anesthesia for risk reduction of PPP are included in our review inclusion. Because of the evident effects of regional anesthesia, blinding
(among them 40 newly identified RCTs). Study data for 39 trials were anesthesia providers or participants effectively is difficult and no study
pooled in our inclusive meta-analysis. Table 1 provides an overview of was excluded for a lack thereof.
the type and timing of the regional or local anesthesia intervention,
outcomes, and follow up for the pooled studies. Exhaustive details 3.3.4. Incomplete outcome data
about each included study, pooled and not, are provided as an online Data for incomplete outcomes was more likely to be reported in
supplement (Suppl. Table 1 Participants of pooled studies by follow up newer studies. When data was reported, loss to follow up was sig-
interval Suppl. Table 2 Characteristics of included studies, Suppl. nificant in many studies. This allows for the possibility of attrition bias
Table 3 Characteristics of excluded studies) and in the Cochrane Library [36], explored in Supplemental Fig. 3 [29,36]. We enumerate every
[29]. For each study not included in a meta-analysis, despite meeting single included study for which the data could not be pooled in a meta-
inclusion criteria, we explain why the data were not included in our analysis in Suppl. Table 4: Study data not included in meta-analysis.
evidence synthesis in Supplemental Table 4. For some surgical sub-
groups, the I2 statistics suggested clinical heterogeneity was too large to 3.3.5. Selective reporting
justify pooling of clinical diverse studies. For some studies, data were The description of adverse effects among study participants was
not available. No study meeting the inclusion criteria was excluded for concerningly sparse. Often, adverse effects were not reported and when
methodological shortcomings alone. they were, details were lacking. Therefore, significant potential for

J.L. Levene et al. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 55 (2019) 116–127

Fig. 1. Quorum flow diagram.

The process of reference search and selection is
detailed in this Quorum flow diagram, depicting
the study flow. Among the 469 articles eval-
uated in full text, 79 were excluded and listed in
the Supple Table 3 of Characteristics of
Excluded Studies with details as to why they
were excluded. Of the 63 included randomized
trials, we were able to include 39 in our in-
clusive analysis. For the remaining 24 trials,
only a single study was found for the surgical
intervention investigated, study data were un-
available, or data could not be pooled for other
reasons (reported in our Cochrane Review) [29].
We enumerate every single included study for
which the data could not be pooled in a meta-
analysis in Suppl. Table 4: Study data not in-
cluded in meta-analysis.

reporting bias of unintended consequences exists. 3.4. Effects of interventions

3.4.1. Thoracotomy
Overall, regional anesthesia was favored over standard analgesia
with an OR of 0.52 (95% CI 0.32–0.84, p = 0.008) (Fig. 3 Forest plot

J.L. Levene et al. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 55 (2019) 116–127

Fig. 2. Risk of bias graph.

Fig. 3 summarizes the risk of bias graphically across all included studies based on the review authors' judgements about selection, performance, detection and
attrition bias, as well as selective reporting and Null bias. A comprehensive risk of bias tables, published in our Cochrane Review, provides detail at the study level
and support for the judgement in tabular form [29].

Fig. 3. Forest plot thoracotomy.

In this forest plot, each of the seven randomized trials investigating regional anesthesia for the prevention of persistent postoperative pain after thoracotomy is
depicted as a small blue square. Their sizes correspond to the number of study participants with bars on either side indicating the confidence in the effect estimate.
The midline indicates no effect, with studies on the left favoring regional anesthesia. The diamond below reflects the pooled estimate favoring regional anesthesia
with an odds ratio of 0.52 and a 95% confidence interval ranging from 0.32 to 0.84. The use of epidural anesthesia may mitigate the risk of persistent pain after
thoracotomy in one patient out of every six treated. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this

thoracotomy). This results in slightly moderating our previous estimate 0.69), with a NNTB of 4 (Fig. 4 Forrest Plot breast surgery).
of 0.34 (95% CI 0.19–0.60). Moderation of effect estimates is typically
with the inclusion of more data, now seven studies and a total of 499
participants. We determined there was little heterogeneity among 3.4.3. Cesarean section
pooled studies (I2 = 14%). Chronic postoperative pain was markedly reduced following ce-
sarean section when using regional methods compared to control
(Suppl. Fig. 2 Forest plot cesarean section), a novel finding. An OR of
3.4.2. Breast surgery 0.46 (95% CI 0.28 to 0.78, p = 0.0004) was calculated from pooling
Regional anesthesia was also favored for PPP risk reduction after four studies [74,75] (551 participants). Heterogeneity was determined
breast surgery. Pooling 18 studies and 1297 participants reaffirmed an to be minimal with an I2 = 0%. Two additional studies [76,77] re-
OR of 0.43 and improved our confidence in the estimate (95% CI 0.28 porting continuous outcomes were incorporated in an inclusive analysis
to 0.6, p = 0.0003) (Fig. 4 Forest plot breast surgery) compared to our but the results were inconclusive.
last evidence synthesis of only 4 studies [29]. This evidence synthesis
pooled six studies investigating paravertebral block [55–60], four in-
vestigating a multimodal block [61–64], six investigating local in- 3.4.4. Iliac crest bone graft harvesting
filtration [65–70], and two studies investigating intravenous local an- Three studies [78–80] with 123 participants analyzing persistent
esthetics [71,72]. A sub-analysis of the six studies [55–60] employing postoperative pain after iliac crest bone graft harvesting (IBGH) were
only paravertebral block still favored regional anesthesia over con- pooled. Though an overall favorable effect was expected with an OR of
ventional methods (OR of 0.61, 95% CI 0.39 to 0.97) while reducing the 0.20, the results were inconclusive as the p value exceeded 0.05. Em-
heterogeneity from 63% to 0%. Another study examining plastic sur- ploying an alternative method, four studies [78–81] and 159 partici-
gery of the breast was not included in either analysis because of the pants were pooled in a Bayesian analysis [39]. Results favored use of
difference in surgical technique and participant comorbidity [73]. Nota regional anesthesia with an OR equal to 0.1 (95% Bayesian credible
bene, evidence synthesis of two trials [71,72] with 97 participants interval ranging from 0.01 to 0.59). We were unable to include one
showed a statistically meaningful benefit of intravenous local anes- study observing zero PPP events at 6 months [82].
thetics for PPP after breast cancer surgery (OR of 0.24; 95% CI 0.08 to

J.L. Levene et al. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 55 (2019) 116–127

Fig. 4. Forest plot breast surgery.

18 studies investigating the effect of regional anesthesia for the prevention of persistent pain after breast surgery are grouped by intervention and shown on this forest
plot. Each study is shown by a small blue square. The number of study participants and the confidence in the effect estimate are reflected in the size of the square and
the lateral bars, respectively. Studies favoring regional anesthesia fall on the left of the midline of no effect. The pooled effect estimates are shown for each subgroup
and for all studies as black diamonds. Pooling all studies results favors regional anesthesia (odds ratio 0.43; 95% CI [0.28, 0.68]). The number needed to benefit for
paravertebral block for breast cancer surgery is about seven. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

3.4.5. Limb amputation use of regional anesthesia for avoidance of chronic postoperative pain
The timing of intervention studies examining the use of epidural was pooled. The measured outcome was continuous (Short Form Health
anesthesia to reduce the risk of phantom limb pain after amputation Survey 36) and the calculated standard mean difference was incon-
varied, some beginning analgesia 24 h before surgery. The data from clusive (SMD 1.70, 95% CI −1.06 to 4.46).
two RCTs [83,84] were not pooled due to this clinical heterogeneity
and for others reasons, detailed the supplement to this manuscript 3.4.8. Other surgeries
(Suppl. Table 4 Study data not included in meta-analysis) [29]. Two surgical subgroups, vasectomy [90] and pectus excavatum re-
pair [91], each contained only one study and thus could not be included
3.4.6. Prostatectomy in the meta-analysis. Clinical heterogeneity was the reason we did not
Continuous outcome data after prostatectomy was pooled from two perform evidence synthesis for some surgical subgroups including la-
studies [85,86] (150 participants). The standard mean difference of parotomy, hernia repair, and cardiac surgery (Suppl. Table 4).
0.06 (95% CI −0.26 to 0.38) was inconclusive.
4. Discussion
3.4.7. Hysterectomy
Data of 297 participants of three studies [87–89] investigating the This review and search update identified 40 new randomized

J.L. Levene et al. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 55 (2019) 116–127

controlled trials investigating the use of regional anesthesia to reduce (Table 1 Overview of surgeries, timing and oud outcomes by subgroup
the risk of PPP three or more months following surgery (Fig. 1) and and Suppl. Table 1 Participants pooled by follow up period). Concerns
employed a new approach to synthesize the evidence across different remain about attrition biasing estimates of treatment effects. These may
follow up intervals within surgical subgroups [29]. be biased in unforeseeable ways, if outcomes, interventions, or effect
Regional anesthesia implemented during thoracotomy, breast sur- mediation are correlated with loss to or duration of follow-up. Consider
gery, and cesarean section demonstrated a marked reduction in the risk that participants with persistent pain symptoms may be more likely to
to develop persistent postoperative pain compared to standard an- be retained in the study, because their symptoms give them reason to
algesia (Fig. 3 Forest plot thoracotomy, Fig. 4 Forest plot thoracotomy, continue to seek care. We may hence observe PPP more frequently in
Suppl. Fig. 2 Forest plot cesarean section). In our current reproduci- the experimental or control group, given differential retention, leading
bility crisis, this affirmation of our previous evidence synthesis, im- (spurious) effect estimates. Time, healing all wounds, may also mitigate
proving the confidence in our estimates with data from many additional PPP. Reducing signals in both the experimental and the control group,
studies is important. The number of about six to seven needed to benefit dilution could bias or obliterate effects of regional anesthesia on PPP.
for thoracotomy (6.3, 95% CI 3.9 to 23) and breast surgery (6.9, 95% CI We explored this unforeseeable effect of time and attrition on effect
5.2 to 13) were slightly adjusted compared to our previous evidence estimates graphically in a novel attrition effect size plot (Suppl. Fig. 3
synthesis [29] (Figs. 3 and 4). Attrition versus effect size graph) [36]. We are unaware of a similar
We tabulated the total 63 trials included (Table 1, Fig. 1) in tables graphical test in the context of meta-analysis to investigate the corre-
and graphs with detailed study level information and methodological lation between study effect size estimates and their different follow-up
quality available online as a supplement (Suppl. Table 1 Participants of interval or attrition [29]. The graphical exploration is without any
pooled studies by follow up interval, Suppl. Table 2 Characteristics of apparent trend (Suppl. Fig. 3 Attrition versus effect size graph) re-
included studies, Fig. 2 Risk of bias graph, Suppl. Fig. 1 methodological assuring us about our decision to pool observations across different
quality summary), and in the Cochrane Library [29]. follow up intervals. Still, the clinical heterogeneity in some subgroups,
The available evidence markedly increased compared to our pre- e.g. breast surgery, and our choice to pool studies across variable
vious Cochrane review search [which had reached only up to May follow-up intervals, paired with high risk of bias from lack of partici-
2012] [29]. Even recent reviews on prevention of PPP failed to cite pant blinding, may induce skepticism among readers. Small study size
most of the studies we included [4,92]. The evidence favoring regional alone may explain the variability of effect estimates between studies
anesthesia to reduce the risk of post-mastectomy pain is now supported and constitutes a risk of bias in its own right [95].
by 18 studies including 1297 participants, a significant increase in data Published aggregate study data did not provide the granularity to
over our previous review. Our inference that regional anesthesia re- discriminate mild PPP from severe disabling PPP [8]. While this is an
duces PPP after cesarean section is novel (Suppl. Fig. 2). The number important distinction [5], we argue that pain even when not severe,
needed to benefit from use of regional anesthesia for cesarean section is impacts quality of life and function [6,8]. The prevention or mitigation
19 (95% CI 14 to 49) (Suppl. Fig. 2). In the original protocol, in the first of even mild persistent pain after surgery is an important goal, espe-
review published as well in this update, we included studies in- cially after elective interventions like cesarean section, breast lum-
vestigating intravenous administration of local anesthetics a priori, pectomy, vasectomy, or after harvesting iliac bone grafts Iliac.
because we hypothesize that the mechanism of action of regional an- The funnel plot (Suppl. Fig. 4 Funnel plot) shown for the subgroup
esthesia interventions may not be through locally mediated nociceptive of breast surgery is inconclusive and the small number of included
blockade, but through systemically mediated effects [21,26,27,93]. Our studies precluded a formal analysis of publication bias for the other
evidence synthesis suggested furthermore that intravenous adminis- surgical subgroups. We acknowledge the possible publication bias,
tration of local anesthetics may be equally protective against PPP as given that not all study data were accessible for evidence synthesis
regional anesthesia, a remarkable new finding that questions the (Fig. 1, Suppl. Table 4), e.g. due to excessive disparity in design or
paradigm of how regional anesthesia works through prevention of reporting [29].
central sensitization [23,93]. Data for many studies in the iliac crest
bone graft, prostatectomy, and hysterectomy surgical subgroups in-
itially appeared to also favor the use of regional anesthesia. However, 4.2. Future studies
results were deemed inconclusive as the confidence interval included
the null value. Excessive heterogeneity limited our ability to pool RCTs The focus on long-term benefits of regional anesthesia is relatively
studying the use of regional anesthesia in laparotomy, hysterectomy, new, but very promising [3,4]. Evidence is lacking for several surgical
and cardiac surgery. Conclusions could not be drawn from studies in- interventions. Though limited by technical difficulty and availability of
vestigating limb amputation as the timing of the applied interventions resources, more methodologically sound, randomized controlled trials
was variable. Another Cochrane review addresses the effect of adjuvant investigating the use of regional anesthesia, especially in pediatric pa-
pharmacotherapy on the prevention of PPP [94]. tients, are desirable. Adaptive trial designs [96,97] and focusing on
high risk patients, [5] especially patients with a pain phenotype pre-
4.1. Limitations disposing them to persistent pain after surgery [98] could increase the
yield of interventions and trials, but may render evidence synthesis
Methodological shortcomings of included studies- in particular more difficult. Studies should include validated instruments for chronic
small study size, attrition and data loss, high risk of performance bias pain [8], and study authors should make individual patient data freely
due to incomplete participant blinding, and high risk of selection bias accessible for meta-analysis [99]. Additionally, a direct comparison of
due to lack of allocation concealment- markedly weaken our conclu- the effects of regional techniques versus intravenous infusion of local
sions (Fig. 2, Suppl. Fig. 3 Attrition versus effect size graph). Supporting anesthetics is warranted [71,72,93]. The potential synergy of adjuvant
details with study-level risk of bias tables are available online as a medications with regional anesthesia remains unclear [94]. The defi-
supplement (Suppl. Table 2 Characteristics of included studies, Suppl. nition and nomenclature of PPP is shifting over time and currently
Fig. 1 Methodological quality summary, Suppl. Table 4: Study data not varies from 2 to 3 months [4,5,25,92]. We had committed to a cutoff of
included in meta-analysis), and published in the Cochrane Library [29]. 3 months for this update. Studies with shorter follow-up are en-
umerated in Suppl. Table 3 Characteristics of excluded studies and will
4.1.1. Influence of attrition and follow-up interval on effect size likely be considered in the subsequent review update.
We pooled studies eliciting pain outcomes with different instru-
ments and at variable follow-up intervals to increase our power

J.L. Levene et al. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 55 (2019) 116–127

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