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Deng Methylene Blue in Discogenic Pain Metaanalysis Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg 2021

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Article published online: 2021-01-21

Review Article 161

Intradiskal Injection of Methylene Blue for

Discogenic Back Pain: A Meta-Analysis of
Randomized Controlled Trials
Ming Deng1,# Hui Huang2,# Yong-gang Ma1 Yan Zhou1 Qing Chen1 Ping Xie3

1 Department of Orthopedics, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Address for correspondence Ping Xie, MD, Department of Chinese
Wuhan, Hubei Province, P. R. China Traditional Medicine, Tongren Hospital of Wuhan University, No. 241,
2 Department of Orthopedics, Hainan Provincial People’s Hospital, Peng Liu Yang Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei Province, P. R.
Haikou, Hainan, P. R. China China (e-mail:
3 Department of Chinese Traditional Medicine, Tongren Hospital of
Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, P. R. China

J Neurol Surg A 2021;82:161–165.

Downloaded by: National University of Singapore. Copyrighted material.

Abstract Introduction Intradiskal injection of methylene blue has some potential in alleviating
discogenic back pain. This meta-analysis aims to explore the impact of intradiskal
injection of methylene blue for discogenic back pain.
Methods Several databases such as PubMed, EMbase, Web of Science, EBSCO, and
Cochrane Library databases have been searched through November 2019, and
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) assessing the effect of intradiskal injection of
methylene blue for discogenic back pain are included.
Results Three RCTs are included in the meta-analysis. Overall, compared with control
group for discogenic back pain, intradiskal injection of methylene blue remarkably
decreased pain scores at 3 months (mean difference [MD] ¼ –0.71; 95% confidence
Keywords interval [CI] ¼ –0.96 to –0.46; p < 0.00001) and 6 months (MD ¼ –13.92; 95%
► methylene blue CI ¼ –22.31 to –5.54; p ¼ 001) and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) at 4 to 6 weeks
► intradiskal injection (MD ¼ –10.39; 95% CI ¼ –16.95 to –3.83; p ¼ 0.002) and 3 months (MD ¼ –3.66; 95%
► discogenic back pain CI ¼ –4.85 to –2.48; p < 0.00001), but demonstrated no obvious effect on ODI at
► randomized 6 months (MD ¼ –11.76; 95% CI ¼ –33.33 to 9.80; p ¼ 0.28).
controlled trials Conclusions Intradiskal injection of methylene blue can substantially decrease pain
► meta-analysis scores and improve function for discogenic back pain.

Introduction annulus are beneficial to alleviate discogenic back pain.7,8

Current treatment methods include anti-inflammation
Discogenic back pain is one of the most common types of low strategy and invasive procedures.9
back pain, accounting for 28 to 43% of the patients with low Methylene blue is a low–molecular weight, partially lip-
back pain.1–3 Discogenic back pain is mainly caused by osoluble vital dye.10,11 It is widely used for destruction of free
internal disk disruption and vascularized granulation tissue nociceptive nerve endings for the relief of pain, inhibition of
containing nociceptive nerves.4–6 Reduction of inflamma- nitric oxide synthesis, and neuroprotective effect.10,12–15 Its
tion and/or ablation of the nociceptive nerves in the outer promotion to pain control is derived from inhibition of free
radical generation, deactivation of xanthine oxidase, and
These two authors contributed equally. inhibition of the production of nitric oxide.16

received © 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved. DOI

July 2, 2019 Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 10.1055/s-0040-1721015.
accepted after revision Rüdigerstraße 14, ISSN 2193-6315.
April 7, 2020 70469 Stuttgart, Germany
published online
January 21, 2021
162 Methylene Blue for Back Pain Deng et al.

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Fig. 1 Flow diagram of study searching and selection process.

Several studies have documented the potential of intra- EBSCO, and Cochrane Library databases. The keywords for
diskal injection of methylene blue for discogenic back pain, electronic search strategy were discogenic back pain, and
but there were some conflicting results.17–19 This meta- methylene blue. The inclusive selection criteria were as
analysis aims to investigate intradiskal injection of methy- follows: (1) study design was randomized controlled trial
lene blue for pain control in patients with discogenic back (RCT); (2) patients were diagnosed with discogenic back
pain. pain; (3) intervention treatments were intradiskal injection
of methylene blue versus placebo (or ozone ablation).

Materials and Methods

Data Extraction and Outcome Measures
This was a systematic review and meta-analysis of previously We have extracted the following information: author, num-
published studies, and no ethical approval and patient ber of patients, age, male, pain duration, and detail methods
consent were required. This meta-analysis was performed in each group, etc. Data have been extracted independently
based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews by two investigators, and discrepancies are resolved by
and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA).20 consensus. We also contacted the corresponding author to
obtain the data when necessary.
Search Strategy and Study Selection The primary outcomes are pain scores at 3 and 6 months.
Two investigators searched the following databases (incep- Secondary outcomes include Oswestry Disability Index (ODI)
tion to November 2019): PubMed, EMbase, Web of Science, at 4 to 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months.

Journal of Neurological Surgery—Part A Vol. 82 No. A2/2021 © 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Methylene Blue for Back Pain Deng et al. 163

Table 1 Characteristics of included studies

No. Author Methylene blue group Control group Jada

No. Age Male Pain Methods No. Age Male Pain Methods
(y) (n) duration (y) (n) duration
(y) (y)
1 Kallewaard 40 41.2 11 10.2 a mixture of 1-mL 41 42.6 12 8.5 placebo 5
et al 2019 (9.6) (8.8) methylene blue (10 (10.2) (7.1)
mg/mL), 0.5-mL lido-
caine hydrochloride
2%, and 0.5-mL con-
trast dye was injected
into the disk
2 Zhang 2018 55 38.45 34 3.91 1 ml of methylene 55 38.52 33 3.95 ozone 4
(4.96) (1.45) blue solution at a (4.93) (1.46) ablation
concentration of 1%
for disk injection
3 Peng et al 36 42.06 21 3.5 1 ml of 1% methylene 36 41.28 20 3.2 placebo 4
2010 (13.74) (1.6) blue (10 mg) was (12.84) (1.7)
injected into the dis-
cogram-proven dis-

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eased disk

Quality Assessment in Individual Studies Among the three studies included here, two studies
Modified Jadad scale was used to assess the methodological reported pain scores at 3 months,17,18 three studies reported
quality of the included studies.21,22 There were three items pain scores at 6 months,17–19 two studies reported ODI at 4 to
for Jadad scale: randomization (0–2 points), blinding (0–2 6 weeks and at 3 months,17,19 and three studies reported ODI
points), and dropouts and withdrawals (0–1 points). The at 6 months.17–19 Jadad scores of the three included studies
score of Jadad scale varied from 0 to 5 points. Jadad score 3 varied from 4 to 5, and all three studies had high quality.
indicated high quality, while Jadad score 2 suggested low
quality.23 Primary Outcomes: Pain Scores at 3 and 6 Months
The random-effects model was used, and compared with the
Statistical Analysis control group for discogenic back pain, methylene blue injec-
We estimate the standard mean difference (MD) with 95% tion substantially decreased pain scores at 3 months (MD ¼ –-
confidence interval (CI) for all continuous outcomes. The 0.71; 95% CI ¼ –0.96 to –0.46; p < 0.00001), with no
random-effects model is used regardless of heterogeneity. heterogeneity among the studies (I2 ¼ 0%, heterogeneity
Heterogeneity was reported using the I2 statistic, and p ¼ 0.62; ►Fig. 2), and 6 months (MD ¼ –13.92; 95% CI ¼ –-
I2 > 50% indicated significant heterogeneity.24 We searched 22.31 to –5.54; p ¼ 001) with significant heterogeneity among
for potential sources of heterogeneity via omitting one study the studies (I2 ¼ 100%, heterogeneity p < 0.00001; ►Fig. 3).
in turn when encountering significant heterogeneity. Publi-
cation bias was not evaluated because of the limited number Sensitivity Analysis
(<10) of included studies. All statistical analyses were per- Significant heterogeneity was observed for pain scores at
formed using Review Manager Version 5.3 (the Cochrane 6 months. After excluding the study conducted by Peng,18 no
Collaboration, Software Update, Oxford, UK). heterogeneity remained (I2 ¼ 0%, heterogeneity p ¼ 0.94).
Methylene blue injection still resulted in the decrease in
pain scores at 6 months compared with the control group.
Literature Search, Study Characteristics, and Quality Secondary Outcomes
Assessment Methylene blue injection significantly reduced ODI at 4 to
►Fig. 1 demonstrates the flowchart of the search and selec- 6 weeks (MD ¼ –10.39; 95% CI ¼ –16.95 to –3.83; p ¼ 0.002;
tion result. Four hundred and thirty-three potentially rele- ►Fig. 4) and ODI at 3 months (MD ¼ –3.66; 95% CI ¼ –4.85 to
vant articles were identified initially, and three RCTs were –2.48; p < 0.00001; ►Fig. 5) compared with control interven-
finally included in the meta-analysis.17–19 tion for discogenic back pain, but not ODI at 6 months (MD ¼ –
The baseline characteristics of the three eligible RCTs in the 11.76; 95% CI ¼ –33.33 to 9.80; p ¼ 0.28; ►Fig. 6).
meta-analysis are summarized in ►Table 1. The three studies
were published between 2010 and 2019, and the total sample
size was 263. Two RCTs compared methylene blue with place-
bo,17,19 and the remaining RCT compared methylene blue with Methylene blue is a potent reversible inhibitor of mono-
ozone ablation.18 One RCT was published in Chinese. amine oxidase A, and has some association with 5-

Journal of Neurological Surgery—Part A Vol. 82 No. A2/2021 © 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved.
164 Methylene Blue for Back Pain Deng et al.

Fig. 2 Forest plot for the meta-analysis of pain scores at 3 months.

Fig. 3 Forest plot for the meta-analysis of pain scores at 6 months.

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Fig. 4 Forest plot for the meta-analysis of Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) at 4 to 6 weeks.

Fig. 5 Forest plot for the meta-analysis of Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) at 3 months.

Fig. 6 Forest plot for the meta-analysis of Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) at 6 months.

hydroxytryptamine (5-HT or serotonin) levels.25 Serotonin radicular pain, as well as improve functional out-
(5-HT) may produce some analgesic effects and modulation comes.19,30 The follow-up of 2 to 3 months is important
in the central nervous system depending on the site of action to evaluate the safety and efficacy of methylene blue for
and the receptor subtype.26,27 Methylene blue shows the postoperative pain, and 6 months may be sufficient to
neurolytic effect and benefits to various painful conditions assess the pain. Intradiskal methylene blue injection was
and idiopathic pruritus ani.28 In patients with open lumbar found to relief at least 30% of pain in 40% of the patients
diskectomy, the anti-inflammatory method proved to reduce with discogenic low back pain at 6 months.31 However,
the low back pain after the surgery.29 another trial revealed no significant pain relief at 6 months
With the anti-inflammatory effect, methylene blue was after intradiskal methylene blue injection for discogenic
reported to significantly decrease low back pain and low back pain.32

Journal of Neurological Surgery—Part A Vol. 82 No. A2/2021 © 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Methylene Blue for Back Pain Deng et al. 165

This meta-analysis concludes that intradiskal methylene blue 13 Vaccaro A, Patten SA, Ciura S, et al. Methylene blue protects
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16 Cohen SP, Williams KA, Kurihara C, et al. Multicenter, randomized,
ed as a safe and effective method for the treatment of
comparative cost-effectiveness study comparing 0, 1, and 2
discogenic low back pain.17,19 Several potential limitations diagnostic medial branch (facet joint nerve) block treatment
may exist in this meta-analysis. First, our analysis is based on paradigms before lumbar facet radiofrequency denervation.
only three RCTs and two of them have a relatively small Anesthesiology 2010;113(02):395–405
sample size (n < 100). There is significant heterogeneity, 17 Kallewaard JW, Wintraecken VM, Geurts JW, et al. A multicenter
randomized controlled trial on the efficacy of intradiscal methy-
which may be caused by different combination of drugs,
lene blue injection for chronic discogenic low back pain: the IMBI
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may have an influence on the pooling results. Finally, some 18 Zhang L. Effect of methylene blue injection on lumbar function
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Downloaded by: National University of Singapore. Copyrighted material.

19 Peng B, Pang X, Wu Y, Zhao C, Song X. A randomized placebo-
Conclusion controlled trial of intradiscal methylene blue injection for the
treatment of chronic discogenic low back pain. Pain 2010;149
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Conflict of Interest reports of randomized clinical trials: is blinding necessary?
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Journal of Neurological Surgery—Part A Vol. 82 No. A2/2021 © 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved.

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