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Antenatal Services Un PMSMA

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Pragya Sinha., et al.: Utilization of antenatal services under Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan.

ISSN - Print: 2277 – 1522; Online: 2277 – 3517


DOI: 10.26727/NJRCM.2019.8.2.184-188 Year: 2019 Vol: 8 Issue: 2. Apr.-Jun. Page: 184-188

Utilization of antenatal services under Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan in rural area
of North Karnataka: a cross-sectional study
Pragya Sinha1, Praveena R. Gunagi2, R. G. Viveki3, Manjunath Kamble2, Sunanda Halki4

Affiliation: 1Postgraduate, Department of Community Medicine, 2Assistant Professor, Department of Community

Medicine, 3Professor and HOD, Department of Community Medicine, 4Statistician cum Assistant Professor, Department of
Community Medicine, BIMS, Belagavi

Date of Submission : 09-05-2019 Date of online Publication : 30-06-2019

Date of Acceptance : 26-06-2019 Date of Print Publication : 30-06-2019

*Author for correspondence: Dr. Praveena R. Gunagi, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Belagavi
Institute of Medical Sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka-590001. Email:

Background: PMSMA was launched by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India to improve the
quality and coverage of antenatal care as part of RMNCH+A to reduce MMR. It is an initiative to help pregnant women
especially from backward classes, rural areas and belonging to the unprivileged group, in remaining healthy throughout their
pregnancy. Objective: 1. To assess the utilization of antenatal care services at PMSMA clinic on 9th of each month. 2. To
know factors associated with the utilization of services in PMSMA clinic. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out
in February-April 2018 among 161 mothers who had delivered within one year from the date of the study and who had
registered and availed ANC services at Rural field practice area of BIMS, Belagavi. Mothers were selected using systematic
sampling. After obtaining an informed, written consent from the eligible participants, data was collected regarding utilization
of ANC services and the quality of care received by them. The collected data was compiled, tabulated and analyzed in MS
Excel and SPSS. The results are presented as percentage and proportion and chi-square test has been applied. Results:
Majority of participants belonged to the age group 20-30 years. Majority were Hindu by religion and belonged to low socio-
economic class. ANC services under PMSMA were utilized by 32% participants. The utilization of services under PMSMA
was found to be significantly associated with the type of family of the participant and awareness regarding the same.
Conclusion: This study found low level of utilization of antenatal services under PMSMA in rural area of Belagavi.

Key Words: Utilization, Antenatal services, PMSMA, Rural Belagavi, Quality care

Maternal health refers to health of the women during With the implementation of Janani Suraksha Yojana and
pregnancy, child birth and postpartum period. While Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram, within a short span of
motherhood is often a positive fulfilling experience, but for time significant progress was observed in the maternal
too many women it is associated with suffering, ill-health health care service indicators like institutional deliveries
and even death. The WHO estimates that every day, about and antenatal care coverage. As per latest data of the Rapid
830 women die due to the complications during pregnancy Survey on Children (2013-14), the institutional deliveries
and child birth.1 Maternal Mortality Ratio in India is 130 in India are 78.7%. Till date only 61.8% women receive
per 100,000 live births (2014-16), and that of Karnataka is first ANC in first trimester (RSOC) and the coverage of full
108 per 100,000 live births (2014-16).2 ANC is as low as 19.7% (RSOC).4

To reduce MMR substantially and move towards As per data from NFHS-4 (2015-16), 67.3% women had
elimination of preventable cause of maternal death, antenatal check-up in first trimester while 70.9% women
increased coverage should be accompanied by improved had at least 4 antenatal care visits in rural Karnataka.
quality throughout the continuum of care. To make Whereas in rural Belgaum, 78.6% women had antenatal
pregnancy safe has remained the key objective of check-up in first trimester and 76% women had at least 4
reproductive and child health program in India. The antenatal care visits.5
National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) reiterates the
government’s commitment to the safe motherhood. The MMR still remains high even with improved access to
popularity of antenatal care services in the rural community maternal health care services.5 High MMR reflects poor
has been encouraging.3 coverage of antenatal care services, poor quality of care
and inequity to access to health services.

National Journal of Research in Community Medicine│Apr-Jun.2019│ Vol 9 │Issue 2│
Pragya Sinha., et al.: Utilization of antenatal services under Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan.
The World Health Organization envisions a world where collected from each subcentre and individual subjects were
every pregnant woman and newborn receives quality care selected using systematic sampling with sampling interval
throughout the pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal being 5. In case the selected participant was not available,
period. There is a comprehensive WHO guideline on the next participant was selected for interview. Women not
routine ANC for pregnant women and adolescent girls on willing to participate in the study and women with
the management of specific pregnancy related psychiatric illness were excluded from the study.
After obtaining an informed written consent from the
The Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan was eligible participant, she was interviewed at her residence or
launched by the ministry of health & family welfare, nearest anganwadi centre using a predesigned and pretested
government of India on 9th June 2016. The program questionnaire to get information on her socio demographic
envisages to improve the quality and coverage of Antenatal profile, quality of care given to her, utilization of antenatal
Care, Diagnostics and Counselling services and also services in PMSMA clinic and awareness of this program
detection, referral and follow up of high-risk pregnancy as launched by the Government. Mother child protection card
part of the Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child and which is available from the respondent was checked to
Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A) Strategy. It is ensured confirm the service utilization and the investigations
that not only all pregnant women complete their scheduled carried out. The data was cross checked from the ANMs
ANC visits but also undertake all essential investigation. registers and registers of PHC.
The services provided in PMSMA are detailed history
taking and clinical examination followed by blood and The collected data was compiled and tabulated in MS
urine investigations and ultrasonography and treatment. Excel and analysis was done in SPSS 20.0. The results
Special care is given to the high-risk cases. The program have been presented as frequency, percentage, proportion
also includes provision of counseling services to the and chi-square test has been applied.
beneficiaries on nutrition and anemia, birth preparedness,
lactation and family planning .4
A total of 161 mothers were surveyed during the study
If each and every pregnant woman in India is examined by
period. Majority of them i.e. 117 (72.7%) were between
a Medical officer/ specialist and investigated appropriately
16-25 years. The remaining 44 (27.3%) participants
at least once during the PMSMA, the program can play a
belonged to 26-35 years age group. The majority of the
crucial role in reducing the number of maternal deaths in
participants, i.e. 153 (95%) were Hindus by religion. 72
our country.7
(13.6%) participants were SC/ST, 41 (25.5%) were OBC
Till now no study has been conducted to assess the quality and the remaining 98 (60.9%) belonged to other caste
of care given to pregnant women in rural area of Belagavi. groups. 3.1% of the participants were illiterate while 94.4%
Hence this study was undertaken with the following of the participants had received education beyond primary
objectives: 1. To assess the utilization of antenatal care school. Out of 161 mothers, 152 (94.4%) were housewives
services at PMSMA clinic on 9th of each month. 2. To while remaining 9 (5.6%) were employed. 38 (23.6%)
know the factors associated with the utilization of services belonged to nuclear family while remaining 123 (76.4%)
in PMSMA clinic. belonged to joint/3 generation family. Socio economic
status classification showed that 5 (3.1%) belonged to class
MATERIAL AND METHODS I, 26 (16.1%) belonged to class II, 34 (21.1%) belonged to
class III, 62 (38.5%) belonged to class IV and 34 (21.1%)
The present cross-sectional study was carried out in months belonged to class V socio-economic status according to
of February – April 2018, among mothers who had modified B.G.Prasad classification. Out of 161, 116 (72%)
delivered within one year from the date of the study and mothers were BPL card holders (Table 1).
who had registered and availed ANC services at a rural
field practice area of Department of Community Medicine, Among the study participants, only 32% (52) claimed to
BIMS, Belagavi. have utilized antenatal care in PMSMA clinic which is held
on 9th of every month. The remaining 68% (109) of the
Sample size was estimated by considering the findings by participants utilized the routine antenatal care given at the
Manju Rani et al on clinical components of quality health centres .
antenatal care in south India, the average prevalence of
which comes as 88%.8 By taking absolute error of 5% the There are 4 components of antenatal services under
sample size was calculated to be 161. PMSMA which are to be provided at the PMSMA clinic
that is held on 9th of every month. The first component is
Primary Health Centre in the rural field practice area of history and examination. All the 52 participants (100%)
BIMS caters to a population of 43,000 and has 6 who attended PMSMA clinic, stated that their history was
subcentres. The study population was selected in taken, height, weight and BP were measured and their
proportionate to the number of total deliveries in each clinical examination was done in the PMSMA clinic.
subcentre in the last 1 year. A list of mothers who delivered
within last 1 year of the commencement of the study was
National Journal of Research in Community Medicine│Apr-Jun.2019│ Vol 9 │Issue 2│
Pragya Sinha., et al.: Utilization of antenatal services under Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan.
Table 1. Distribution of participants on the basis of Table 2. Utilisation pattern of PMSMA
socio-demographic variables
History and examination Frequency %
Variables Frequency %
Age History 52 100
16-25 117 72.7 Height 52 100
26-35 44 27.3 Weight 52 100
Religion BP examination 52 100
Hindu 153 95 Clinical examination 52 100
Muslim 8 5 Investigation
Caste Hb 52 100
SC/ST 22 13.6 HIV,HBsAg 52 100
OBC 41 25.5 VDRL 45 86.5
Others 98 60.9 Urine (R) 45 86.5
Educational status RBS 52 100
Illiterate 5 3.1 Blood group 52 100
Primary 4 2.5 USG at PMSMA clinic 0 0
Beyond primary 152 94.4
TT 52 100
Employed 9 5.6
2 doses 23 44.2
Unemployed 152 94.4
Booster dose 29 55.8
Family type
Folic acid 52 100
Nuclear 38 23.6
Iron capsule 52 100
Joint / 3 generation 123 76.4
Calcium tablet 52 100
Referral 22 42.3
1 5 3.1
2 26 16.1
Nutrition and anemia 49 94.2
3 34 21.1
Birth preparedness 47 90.4
4 62 38.5
Lactation 44 84.6
5 34 21.1
Family planning 41 78.8
BPL card
This study found that the utilization of antenatal services in
Yes 116 72 PMSMA clinic was more in the mothers who belonged to
No 45 28 joint/three generation families and those who were aware
The second component of PMSMA is investigations. Hb regarding the program and its various components and
estimation, HIV, HBsAg, random blood sugar and blood services and this association was found to be statistically
grouping and typing were done for all 52 participants significant. (Table 3).
(100%) while only 45 (86.5%) were tested for VDRL and
urine routine and microscopy. None of the participants DISCUSSION
underwent ultrasonography at the PMSMA clinic.
However, all of them stated that they had undergone USG This is the first study in India to assess the utilization of
scanning at private centres. antenatal services in PMSMA clinic and to study the
factors associated with the utilization of these services.
The third component of PMSMA is treatment. 52 (100%)
of the participants stated that they had received injection A study done by Manju rani et al on the differentials in the
TT, IFA and calcium tablets at the PMSMA clinic. 22 quality of antenatal care in India found that blood pressure
(42.3%) of the participants who had received ANC at was measured in 40% women who received antenatal care
PMSMA clinic were referred to higher centres for further in north India while in 87% in south India as compared to
care and treatment owing to the high-risk factors associated 100% in our study. Weight was measured in less than 33%
with their pregnancy. of participants in north and in 80% in south India as
compared to 100% in our study. Blood examination was
The fourth component of PMSMA is counselling. Out of done in 40% in north and 79% in south India, while in our
52 mothers who had attended PMSMA clinic, 49 (94.2%) study blood examination was done in all the participants in
were counselled for nutrition and anemia, 47 (90.4%) were PMSMA clinic except for VDRL which was done in 86.5
counselled regarding birth preparedness, 44 (84.6%) were % only. Urine examination was done in 38% in north and
counselled for lactation and 41 (78.8%) were counselled 77% in south India as compared to 86.5% in our study. IFA
regarding family planning (Table 2).Awareness regarding tablets were given to 89% in north while 95% in south
PMSMA was seen in only 5% of the participants.

National Journal of Research in Community Medicine│Apr-Jun.2019│ Vol 9 │Issue 2│
Pragya Sinha., et al.: Utilization of antenatal services under Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan.
Table 3. Factors associated with utilisation of PMSMA In our study, clinical examination was done for all the
participants who attended PMSMSA clinic, while a study
Factors PMSMA Routine P value done on the quality of antenatal services in Kanpur
Age reported weight examination in 74.9%, height measurement
16-25 38 79 0.936 in 60.8%, BP examination in 66.2%, and clinical/obstetric
26-35 14 30 examination in 76.4% of patients in ANC clinic. Hb
Religion estimation was done for 69.6% and urine examination for
Hindu 48 105 0.272 50.2% of patients as compared to 100% and 86.5%
respectively as reported in our study.10
Muslim 4 4
Caste A study in Manguluru by C.S.Vishnu et al on the utilization
SC/ST 8 14 0.836 of antenatal services and supplementary nutrition during
OBC 14 27 pregnancy reported similar findings for antenatal
Others 30 68 registration, weight and BP measurement and TT injection.
Educational status 95% and 65% of patients had received advice on nutrition
Illiterate 2 3 and birth preparedness as compared to 94.2% and 90.4%
Primary 1 3 0.89 respectively in our study. PMSMA awareness was seen
only in 5% of the participants as compared to 37% in our
Beyond primary 49 103
Employed 2 7 0.506 Kakati R et al conducted a study on the factors associated
Unemployed 50 102 with the utilization of antenatal care services in rural areas
Family type of Assam. The utilization of antenatal care services was
Nuclear 18 20 0.023 found to be significantly associated with age of mother at
Joint / 3 generation 34 89 last birth, religion, caste, socio-economic status, and parity
of mother and place and mode of delivery. While in our
study the utilization of antenatal services was found to be
1 1 4 0.487
significantly associated with only the type of family the
2 6 20
lady belonged to and to the degree of awareness regarding
3 10 24
the services.12
4 25 37
5 10 24 This study found low level of utilization of antenatal
BPL card services under PMSMA in rural area of Belagavi. Quality
Yes 41 75 0.184 of care was found to be good in those who attended
No 11 34
PMSMA clinic. The utilization of PMSMA was
significantly associated with the type of family and
awareness of PMSMA. There is a need for improving
Early registration 49 100 0.701
community awareness on maternal health and for
Late registration 3 8
motivating women to utilize maternal care services under
Parity PMSMA by intensive IEC activities.
Primigravida 21 48 0.661
Multigravida 31 61 Only high-risk antenatal cases are seen in PMSMA clinic at
PMSMA awareness our health centre. This might be the reason behind the low
Yes 50 10 < 0.001
utilization of the antenatal services in PMSMA clinic at the
PHC attached to BIMS. Hence the findings of this study
No 2 99
cannot be generalized to get the information regarding
India as compared to 100 % in our study. Counseling on
utilization of PMSMA across the country.
birth preparedness was given to 23% in north and 44% in
south India as compared to 90.4% in our study. 8 This study has a limitation that the number of follow up
visits in the PMSMA clinic have not been dealt with in this
Sugunadevi G conducted a study on the quality of antenatal
study.Future research on utilization of services in PMSMA
care services at subcentres and reported that 70.2% of
in India could assess its acceptability in a broader variety of
patients were examined for height, 83.4% for weight, 87%
settings, and evaluate outcomes in facilities across the
for BP while in our study all the participants received these
aspects of examination in PMSMA clinic.100%
participants were reported to receive TT injection and IFA ACKNOWLEDGMENT: The authors would like to thank
tablets which was found to be similar to the results in our the institution, PHC incharge, Medical officer at PHC,
study. 32.5% were counseled regarding nutrition as interns and the participants for allowing us to carry out this
compared to 94.2% in our study.17.8 % were counseled research and also for their support and participation.
regarding family planning as compared to 78.8% in our
National Journal of Research in Community Medicine│Apr-Jun.2019│ Vol 9 │Issue 2│
Pragya Sinha., et al.: Utilization of antenatal services under Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan.
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Conflict of Interest : None

Source of funding support: NIL

How to cite this article: Pragya Sinha, Praveena R.

Gunagi, R. G. Viveki, Manjunath Kamble, Sunanda Halki.
Utilization of antenatal services under Pradhan Mantri
Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan in rural area of North
Karnataka: a cross-sectional study. Nat J Res Community
Med 2019;8(2): 184-188.

National Journal of Research in Community Medicine│Apr-Jun.2019│ Vol 9 │Issue 2│

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