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Original Article: Pregnancy Outcome Between Booked and Unbooked Cases in A Tertiary Level Hospital

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Original Article

Pregnancy Outcome between Booked and Unbooked Cases in A

Tertiary Level Hospital
Adhikary A1, Begum A2 , Joty FS3 , Sarker NR4, Akhter T5

Conflict of Interest: None To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’2030) with regards to maternal health, there
is need for research on the local causes and factors influencing adverse maternal & foetal outcomes
in health institutions. Antenatal care throughout the pregnancy can ensure better feto-maternal
Received: 16-10-2017 outcome. It also contributed to reduction of maternal and infant mortality. This study was an attempt
Accepted: 12-11-2017 to enable health care providers to know where to focus to overcome adverse maternal outcome.
Objectives: To find out the difference in maternal and perinatal outcome and socio-demographic
characteristics in booked and unbooked cases. Design: A Cross-sectional observational study.
Place of study :Department of Obststrics and Gynaeology , Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical
College Hospital.
Study period: April’2015 to july’2015. Study population- All patients admitted for delivery and
puerperium during study period.
Results: Unbooked mothers constituted 39.1% of the 218 deliveries in the studied period. There
was no mean age difference between booked mothers and unbooked mothers (26.05±5.5 and
25.44±5.4; P=0.667) .But unbooked cases had a lower educational status (P<0.0036). Majority
of the unbooked cases were from low family income group. Unbooked mothers were about less
likely to deliver by spontaneous vaginal delivery compared to booked mothers (28% to 39%;
P<0.339) and more likely to be delivered by emergency caesarean section than booked mothers.
Unbooked mothers were having low birth weight babies than booked mother (2.65±0.595 and
3.02±0.477, p<0.010). Referral to neonatal unit more common in unbooked cases (69.6% to
Key Words:
25.6%). Post partum complications in unbooked and booked cases were (44%and 20.5%).
Booked case, Unbooked case, Conclusion: The study showed a positive correlation between socio –demographic factor and lack
antenatal care, Fetomaternal of proper antenatal care and adverse pregnancy outcome. Improving the availability and accessibility
out come of quality antenatal and delivery care services in all our institutes will improve pregnancy outcome.
[J Shaheed Suhrawardy Med Coll 2017; 9(2): 43-48]

Introduction: Maternal mortality ratio in developing countries in 2015 is

Childbirth is a natural and physiological event. Though it 239 per 100000 live births in developing countries versus
acts as a rewarding event for majority of couples, yet it may 12 per 100000 live births in developed countries
turn out into a nightmare by an unforeseen complication. (WHO’2018)1.
Bangladesh is one of the developing countries with high Though maternal mortality ratio in Bangladesh is 176 per
maternal and neonatal mortality rates. 100000 live births which is still much higher than other
1. Dr. Alpana Adhikary, Associate Professor, Department of countries2 . The health care system aiming to reduce
Gynae & Obs., Shaheed Suhrawardi Medical College Hospital morbidity and mortality related to pregnancy is focus on
2. Dr. Anwara Begum, Associate Professor, Department of Gynae maternal and newborn health. The health care that a woman
& Obs., Dhaka Medical College Hospital receives during pregnancy, at the time of delivery, and
3. Dr. Fahmida Sharmin Joty, Assistant Professor, Department of
Gynae & Obs., Care Medical College Hospital
soon after delivery is important for the survival and well-
4. Dr. Nihar Ranjan Sarker, Associate professor, Dept of being of both the mother and the child. The government
Paediatrics, Shaheed Suhrawardi Medical College Hospital of Bangladesh is committed to achieving Sustainable
5. Dr. Tahmina Akhter, Medical officer, Department of Virology, Development Goal (SDG) by 2030, to improve maternal
BSMMU, Dhaka
health, by reducing the maternal mortality ratio from 176
Correspondence to: Dr. Alpana Adhikary, Associate Professor,
Department of Gynae & Obs, Shaheed Suhrawardi Medical College to 70 deaths per 100.000 live births by 2030 (UNDP, 2015)1.
Hospital, The SDG Goal 3 for Bangladesh has been set also to reduce
J Shaheed Suhrawardy Med Coll Vol. 9 No. 2, December 2018

the under-5 mortality ratio from30 to 12 per 1,000 live births for delivery, irrespective of age, gestational age, parity,
in by 20302. Accordingly, the Ministry of Health and booking status and patients discharged and readmitted
Family Welfare has developed various policies and with any complication during puerperium were included
strategies to improve maternal and newborn health. To in this study. Pregnant woman admitted for any
achieve sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with complication and treated for without delivery of the foetus
regards to maternal health, there is need for research on were excluded from the study.
the local causes and factors influencing adverse maternal Non-probability/Purposive sampling was done from the
outcomes in individual institutes. study population. Patients were selected through short
Antenatal care is systemic supervision of pregnant women interview applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. No
and aims to improve feto-maternal outcome. World health more than 218 subjects were feasible to be included in the
Organization has specific guideline for a pregnant woman study during the study period. A structured questionnaire
should have at least 4 antenatal visits during pregnancy was designed including all the variables of interest
period 3. Maternal complications and poor perinatal Data was collected through direct interview of the patients
outcome are highly associated with non-utilization of at the respective departments by the researcher and
antenatal care and delivery care services provided by the competent colleagues. Detailed history and Pregnancy
health care centers. During 2010–2015, the ANC coverage, outcome of patients were recorded on questionnaire.
defined as the percentage of women aged 15–49 years Antenatal booking record was reviewed. Patients were
who attended at least one ANC visit with a skilled provider, divided into 2 groups i.e., Booked and Unbooked.
was around 85% globally and approximately 77% in the
least developed countries4,5 Booked’ patients were those who carried documented
evidence of more than or equal to 4 antenatal visits. Those
But in Bangladesh the percentage of women who seek who did not fulfill these criteria were labeled as ‘Unbooked’
antenatal care at least once in their entire pregnancy period patients.
is 64% in whereas only 31% have more than four antenatal
visits3. Collected data was checked and edited first. Then they
were processed with the help of software SPSS (Statistical
The reason for poor utilization of health care facilities in Package for Social Sciences) version 16 and analyzed. The
Bangladesh is a matter of concern as many unbooked test statistics used to analysis the data were descriptive
mothers are seen with dreaded maternal complications and statistics, Pearson Chi-Square test. For all analytical tests
adverse neonatal outcome. Though much stress has been level of significance was set at 0.05 and p<0.05 was
put by our Government to reduce the complications of considered significant.
maternal and child health by proper utilization of antenatal
care but the uptake of present services is far from universal Results:
even in settings where they are readily available. A total of 218 patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria
With this impression, this study is planned to explore were participated in the study.
relationship between the socio demographic Among 218 cases 60.9% were booked cases and 39.1%
characteristics of booked and unbooked cases with were unbooked cases.
maternal and perinatal outcomes in a tertiary level hospital
Table 1
where antenatal, intranatal & postnatal care are well
provided. Distribution of patients according to having Ante
natal care (n=218)
This Cross-sectional observational study carried out Having Frequency Percent Commulative
among patients admitted for delivery and puerperium in antenatal care Percentage
labour ward in the Department of Obststrics and Booked cases 133 60.9 60.9
Gynaeology, Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Unbooked cases 85 39.1 39.1
Hospital from April 2015 to July 2015. All women admitted 218 100.0

Table II
Comparison of Mean age (years) between booked and unbooked cases (n=218)
No Mean Std. deviation Std. Error Mean T test
Booked cases 133 26.05 5.591 .895 0.667
Unbooked cases 85 25.44 5.409 1.082

Pregnancy Outcome between Booked and Unbooked Cases in A Tertiary Level Hospital Adhikary A et al

Among 218 cases Mean ages of booked and unbooked booked and unbooked cases, primary education level are
cases were 26.05±5.5 and 25.44 ±5.4. P value is more than same between two group, Higher secondary78.9%and
0.05 which is not significant. graduation and above are 87.5% in boked cases. Pearson
Table III shows the comparison of educational status Chi-Square test was done. P value is <0.05, which is
between booked and unbooked cases. Regarding 218 of significant.


Comparison of educational status between booked and unbooked cases (n=218)

Educational Status Booked cases Unbooked cases Total P value

No % No % No %
Primary 27 50.0 27 50.0 54 100.0
Secondary 29 42.9 42 57.1 71 100.0 0.0036
HigherSecondary 53 78.9 12 21.1 65 100.0
Graduation and higher 24 87.5 4 12.5 28 100.0
Total 133 60.9 85 39.1 218 100.0

Table - IV
Comparison of Family income between booked and unbooked cases (n=218)

Cases Family income Total P value

<8000tk 8100-12000tk 12100-15000tk >15000tk
Booked cases no 7 48 41 37 133
% 5.1% 36.04% 39.82% 27.8% 100%
Unbooked cases no 10 48 24 3 85 0.053
% 12% 56% 28% 4% 100%
Total no 17 96 65 40 218
% 7.8% 43.8% 29.7% 18.8% 100%

Among booked cases 28.2% patient’s family income more than 15000Tk but in unbooked cases only 4% .There is no
difference in 8100-12000tk group. Pearson Chi-Square test was done .
P value is >0.05.
Table 5 shows among 218 cases vaginal delivery 34.4% and caesarean section 65.6% .72% caesarean section occured in
unbooked cases. P value is >0.05, which was not significant.


Mode of delivery between booked and unbooked cases (n=218)

Vaginal Delivery Caeserean section Total P value

Booked cases no 51 82 133
% 38.5% 61.5% 100% 0.390
UnbookedCases no 24 61 85
% 28.0% 72.0% 100%
Total no 75 143 218
% 34.4% 65.6% 100%

J Shaheed Suhrawardy Med Coll Vol. 9 No. 2, December 2018

Table -V

Comparison of Mean( Kg) Birthweight between booked and unbooked cases(n=214)

No Mean Std. deviation Std. Error Mean T test

Booked cases 133 3.02 .477 .077 0.010
Unbooked cases 81 2.65 .595 0.121

Among 218 cases (4 cases are Intra uterine death) Mean birthweight of booked and unbooked cases were 3.022±.477Kg
and 2.65±.594kg. P value unbooked case gr <0.05 which is significant. All 4 cases of intrauterine death belong to
unbooked case group.
Among 214 cases (4 cases IUD) 41.9% were required referral to Neonatal unit, booked cases25.6% and 69.6% were
unbooked cases. P value is <.05, so highly significant.

Table VII

Referral to neonatal Care unit among booked and unbooked cases(n=214)

Required Referral Referral Not req. Total P value

Booked cases no 34 99 133
% 25.6% 74.4% 100%
UnbookedCases no 52 29 81
% 69.6% 30.4% 100% 0.61
Total no 86 128 214

% 41.9% 58.1% 100%

Table 8 shows the comparison of postpartum complication between booked and unbooked patients. 30.5% of unbooked
cases had post-partum complication and only 16.7% of booked cases have such complication.


Postpartum complications among booked and unbooked cases (n=218)

Postpartum complications Booked cases (n=133) Unbooked cases (n=85) P value

No % No %
Post partam haemorrhage 9 6.8 11 12.9
Wound infection after operation 8 6.0 8 9.2 0.061
Puerperal sepsis 6 3.9 7 8.4
Total 23 16.7 26 30.5

Discussion In this study, 60.9% of patients have four or more antenatal

Lack of access to antenatal care has been linked to care which is more than 31%, that has been describe by
increased mortality and morbidity for mother and baby. In Bangladesh demoghraphic and health survey3.
this study, a positive correlation between unbooked This is may be due to study was done in short period of
mothers with adverse feto-maternal outcome was
time and conducted in tertiary level hospital with well-
equipped Gynae and obstetric department. But 39.1% cases
There is no doubt that the uses of maternal health services are un booked .It is the reason for concern for all care
improve reproductive outcomes.6 providers .

Pregnancy Outcome between Booked and Unbooked Cases in A Tertiary Level Hospital Adhikary A et al

Though socio –demographic factors have association of presented. This may be due to smaller sample size. The
patient having four or more antenatal care ,but mean age causes of PPH are prolonged labour, obstructed labour
of both this group is about 24.05±5.5 and 25.44±5.4, there followed by atonic uterus in unbooked cases. In booked
is no significant difference between the age group. This cases causes are pre natal like placenta praevia. Wound
also supported by Jaleel R, Khan A study at Pakistan7. infection is found about 7.2% of unbooked which is
But Gross et al8 showed that advanced age group had similar with Dinesh et al14. Mean birth weights of unbooked
more antenatal care then young age group. cases are 2.65±0.595kg and booked cases are 3.02±0.477
which is much higher. Jaleel R, Khan A7. has shown that
In the present study the socio- economic status has no
frequency of birth asphyxia and Low Birth Weight was
significant role among women receiving antenatal care
significantly higher in babies of nonbooked mothers, as
but educational status had. This may due to number of
was the perinatal mortality rate. Lack of antenatal care was
study population. The result was not consistant with
associated with higher incidence of birth asphyxia in a
others. Fawcus SR et al9 and Chigbu B et al10, Akowuah et
study in Majeed et al.15 Fatrakul et al16 has reported
al11 showed that a higher percentage of unbooked mothers
inappropriate antenatal care as a risk factor for hypoxic
belonged to lower socio- economic status. The poor
ischemic encephalopathy in newborn infants. Frequency
economic and education status may make it difficult for
of birth asphyxia, LBW, NICU admissions are significantly
women to make informed decisions about using preventive
higher in unbooked mothers. No case of intrauterine fetal
and promotive health services, such as antenatal care.
demise was noted in the booked group. Referral to neonatal
In interpretation of our results, we found that unbooked unit is much higher in my study. This is because of
mothers had adverse fetal and maternal outcome. But this prolonged labour and failed home trial. Though referral to
study showed that the incidence of caesarean section is neonatal unit about 66.4% which is similar Mundhra et
high between unbooked and booked mothers (72% vs. al14.
61.5%). The reason behind this could be:
Many of the booked patients with complications like
This study was done in short period of time and conducted
pregnancy induced hypertension, post caesarean status,
in tertiary level hospital with well-equipped Gynae and
primigravida with breech presentation attends labour room
obstetric department. Thus the result does not reflexs
earlier and at the slightest and earlier detection of deviation
whole Bangladesh secenario.
from normal labour pattern undergo caesarean section.
Many of the booked patients had associated risk factors Conclusion
in the form of once or twice previous caesarean section, We conclude in our study that poor utilization of antenatal
bad obstetric history, elderly primigravida not willing for care is associated with adverse feto-maternal outcome.
vaginal birth, cephalo pelvic disproportion and contracted Antenatal care and its importance can be implemented
pelvis. Such cases were being planned for elective through general and health education, developing
caesarean section but had to be taken as emergency cases infrastructure, transport and communication facilities.
as they came in early labour thereby increasing the Hence, targeted, integrated, patient friendly, affordable
caesarean section rate in booked mothers. The results is and accessible health services in the form of Antenatal
not consistant with Mundhra R et al in India12. In her care need to be delivered in an equitable manner so as to
study non-booked cases has lower rate of caesarean improve the outcome for many women and children. We
section than booked cases (28.39% vs. 36.84%) The most hope the result of this study will proved the fact that
important indication for C/S in unbooked cases was Antenatal care is an important component to ensure
prolonged labour with foetal distress followed by successful fetomaternal outcome. Our aim to motivate the
obstructed labour. Similar findings have been reported in health care provider to encourage the pregnant mother
a study carried out by Danish N13. for regular antenatal care not only one or two but at least
The commonest maternal morbidity observed in this study four ( according to WHO) . Antenatal care is provided free
is postpartum haemorrhage. This is consistent with other of cost in our institutional service
studies presented internationly and locally7,10,9, their References
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postpartum hemorrhage is not far higher in unbooked Mortality.World Health Organization. 2017 http://www. who.
int/ gho/ child_health/ mortality/ neonatal_ text/ en/ (accessed
patients as compared to booked patients in the study
21 Aug 2017).

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