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PETW3 Workbook Unit 21

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Unit 21

♦ At the Job Fair

♦ Regional Occupational Centers

♦ Present Perfect / Simple Past

-1- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)


Read the story and answer the questions with complete sentences.
Ara, Maria, Teshome and Mrs. Lopez were at the Main Street Café, and they were
talking about their futures. Maria’s boss, Mr. Novella, wanted her to take a word processing
class in order to get a promotion. She didn’t know where to take the class.
Mrs. Lopez wanted to get her LVN certificate in order to work as a nurse. She was
going to take the necessary classes at a Regional Occupational Center or a Skills Center.
Teshome decided to talk to a school counselor about his career goals because that was what
his English teacher told him to do.
Suddenly, Anh ran in, out of breath. She had just come from a job fair at school,
which was an open house where anyone could talk to employers about jobs. Teshome had
to leave, so he told his friends to meet him at the job fair.

1. What class did Maria need to take to get a promotion?


2. Did Maria know where to take the class?


3. Why did Mrs. Lopez want an LVN certificate?


4. Did Teshome’s teacher tell him to talk to a counselor?


5. Where did Anh just come from?


Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -2- Unit 21


At the job fair, Maria got an offer for a job interview with a magazine publisher. Ara
met a counselor who recommended automotive classes for him to improve his skills. These
classes were available at a Regional Occupational Center. Maria saw that Teshome was
talking to a counselor and Mrs. Lopez was waiting to talk to one. She was a little nervous.
Teshome wanted to be a high school teacher, but he didn’t have a high school
diploma from his country. The counselor recommended that he enroll in the Diploma Plus
Program to prepare for the General Equivalency Diploma exam and get a G.E.D. certificate.
That was equivalent to a high school diploma.
Students can go to a community college for two years, which is cheaper than a state
college. After that, students can go to a state college and get a B.A., which is a Bachelor of
Arts degree.

1. Who offered Maria an interview?


2. Did Ara’s counselor recommend a word processing class?


3. How did Mrs. Lopez feel about meeting with the counselor?


4. What program should Teshome enroll in?


5. Was a G.E.D. the same as a high school diploma?


Unit 21 -3- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)


Study these definitions.

• achieve to accomplish
• college representative a person who gives information about a college
• equivalent equal to, the same as
• LVN Licensed Vocational Nurse
• prerequisite requirement
• terminology the vocabulary related to a particular profession

Complete the sentences below with the new vocabulary.

1. Mrs. Lopez was a licensed nurse in Mexico. She needs to get her
______________________ in order to work as a nurse in the United States.

2. In school, Mrs. Lopez has to learn all the medical _________________________

again in English because she needs to be able to talk to patients about their problems
and to doctors about medical procedures.

3. There is only one ________________________ for the word processing class.

You must be able to type forty words per minute before you can enroll in the class.

4. If you want to learn more about a college before you apply, you can talk to a
_______________________. That person will be able to answer all your questions
about prerequisites, tuition, housing, entrance exams, etc.

5. When you pass the test, you will receive the G.E.D. certificate. It shows that
you have sufficient knowledge of the required high school subjects. The G.E.D. is
_______________________ to a high school diploma.

6. Maria, Teshome, Ara, Sonia and Mrs. Lopez are all taking vocational classes because
they have career goals that they plan to _____________________________.

Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -4- Unit 21


Mrs. Schwab, a counselor, was talking to Anh and Maria. She suggested a retail
marketing class at the Business and Industry School for Anh. For Maria, she suggested
a word processing class. She showed them both a schedule of all the classes available to
Mrs. Lopez was too shy to speak to Mrs. Schwab, but Maria and Anh brought her
over to speak to her. Mrs. Schwab gave Mrs. Lopez information about vocational nursing
classes and the requirements for the LVN certificate.

1. What kind of class did the counselor suggest to Anh?


2. What kind of class did the counselor suggest to Maria?


3. Was it easy for Mrs. Lopez to speak to the counselor?


4. Did Mrs. Schwab help Mrs. Lopez too?


5. What did Mrs. Schwab give Mrs. Lopez?


Unit 21 -5- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)


Flora is Dee Dee’s friend from Brazil. Flora wants to be a fashion designer. Dee
Dee tells Flora to talk to her ESL counselor about getting job training.

Study the following dialogue between Flora and her counselor.

Flora: I’m interested in becoming a fashion designer.
Counselor: Maybe you should go to a Regional Occupational Center.
Flora: What’s a Regional Occupational Center?
Counselor: A Regional Occupational Center is a school that offers vocational and
technical training. They teach students the skills they need to enter the job
Flora: Can anyone go to one of these centers?
Counselor: Yes. Any person 16 years old or older can attend classes. If you are under
18, you have to get permission from the administration.
Flora: What kind of skills can we learn there?
Counselor: They offer many courses. There are classes in office skills, auto mechanics,
real estate, landscaping, graphic arts, nursing, fashion design, and many
Flora: Do they give you a certificate when you complete a course?
Counselor: Yes, they do.
Flora: How much English do you need to attend an Occupational Center?
Counselor: They usually ask ESL students to complete ESL 3 before they enroll in
Flora: Where are these centers located?
Counselor: There are Occupational Centers and Skills Centers throughout the state of
California. Here’s a list of the centers in the Los Angeles area.
Flora: Thank you very much. You’ve been very helpful.

Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -6- Unit 21

Circle True or False.

1. To go to a Regional Occupational Center, you must be T F

14-years-old or older.

2. Regional Occupational Centers offer vocational training. T F

3. You can study graphic arts at a Regional Occupational Center. T F

4. Regional Occupational Centers do not offer you a certificate T F

when you complete a course of study.

5. You need to complete ESL 5 to attend a Regional T F

Occupational Center.

6. There is only one Regional Occupational Center in the T F

Los Angeles area.

Unit 21 -7- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)


• We use the present perfect tense for actions that happened in the past when you don’t
mention a specific time.

Example: I have already seen that movie.

• We use the simple past tense for actions that happened at a definite time in the past.

Example: I saw that movie last week.

Maria’s boss, Mr. Novella, is asking Maria to do many things. Fill in the blanks
with the correct form of the verb, present perfect or simple past.

Boss: Maria, please type those letters for me.

Maria: have
I _______________ typed
already _________________ them.
1. 2.
Boss: When did you type them?

Maria: typed
I _______________ them this morning.

Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -8- Unit 21

Boss: Afterwards, Maria, please copy the Alvarado documents.

Maria: I ________________ already _________________ them.

4. 5.
Boss: When did you copy them?

Maria: I ________________ them an hour ago.

Boss: In that case, Maria, could you please call Mr. Sanchez for me?

Maria: I ________________ already _________________ him.

7. 8.
Boss: When did you call him?

Maria: I ________________ him at noon, while you were at lunch.

Boss: OK, Maria. Why don’t you take a break?

Maria: I ________________ already _________________ my break.

10. 11.
Boss: When did you take it?

Maria: I ________________ it fifteen minutes ago!


Unit 21 -9- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)


Review the uses of the present, the present perfect, and the simple past tenses.

Present: I work in a hotel now.

Present Perfect: I have worked in a hotel since January.
Past: Last year, I worked in a restaurant.

Anh hasn’t seen her friend Sue for a long time. Sue asks Anh many
questions about her life. Read their conversation and fill in the blanks with the
correct form of the verb.

Sue: Where do you work now?

Anh: I _____________________ at a flower shop.


Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -10- Unit 21

Sue: How long have you worked there?

Anh: I __________________________ there for three months.


Sue: Where did you work before that?

Anh: Before that I ________________________ at a restaurant.

Sue: Where do you live now?

Anh: I _______________________ on Bronson Avenue.

I _______________________ there since last year.

Sue: Where did you live before that?

Anh: Before that I ________________________ on Carl Street.


Sue: I see you have a new car! How long have you had it?

Anh: I _______________________ it for six months.

I (buy) _______________________ it after my son was born.

Sue: Oh, you have a son now?

Anh: Yes, I do. I _______________________ a little boy.

He (be) _______________________ seven months now.

Sue: I’d love to see him sometime.

Anh: Why don’t you come over this weekend?

Sue: Thanks, that would be great!

Unit 21 -11- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)


Choose one question. Think about it and then write your ideas.
1. Why is the conversation between Teshome and the counselor successful? What kinds
of questions does Teshome ask?
2. List three ways to get information on schools, employment preparation centers, and
community colleges in your area. Have you considered any of these schools?
3. Do you plan to get a G.E.D. certificate or a college degree? Why or why not?


Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -12- Unit 21

(Video - 22:25)

Watch the video section called “Focused Listening.”

Then circle the correct answer in each group.

Mrs. Lopez
1. Medical Terminology
2. Medical Office Procedures
3. Home Health Care

1. Because she needs to take care of her grandmother.
2. Because she needs to go to school during the day.
3. Because she needs to keep working.

1. Because she needs child care.
2. It’s a very popular class.
3. She just got a promotion.

1. On the phone.
2. In person.
3. By mail.

Unit 21 -13- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)

Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -14- Unit 21

Circle the correct answers.

1. You can get job skill training at a Regional ______________________.
a. School
b. University
c. Occupational Center

2. Regional Occupational Centers offer ___________________ training.

a. vocational
b. fast
c. serious

3. When you complete a course of study in a vocation, you will receive a

a. vocation
b. certificate
c. scholarship

4. You can attend a Regional Occupational Center if you are at least _______________
years old.
a. 16
b. 18
c. 21

5. Lawrence __________________ at Macro Bank now.

a. work
b. works
c. worked

6. He _____________________ at Macro Bank since 1989.

a. worked
b. has work
c. has worked

7. Before that, Lawrence ______________________ at Eureka Bank.

a. worked
b. has worked
c. works

Unit 21 -15- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)


8. Mr. and Mrs. Newhall ___________________ in Minnesota now.

a. have lived
b. live
c. lived

9. They __________________ in Minnesota since January.

a. have lived
b. have live
c. lived

10. Before they moved to Minnesota, they _________________ in Wisconsin.

a. have lived
b. live
c. lived

11. Marie _______________ already ________________ a shower.

a. have taken
b. has taken
c. is taken

12. My husband and I ________________ already ________________ shopping.

a. have gone
b. has gone
c. are gone

13. Michael and Mabel ________________ already ________________ dinner.

a. is eaten
b. has eaten
c. have eaten

14. Joe __________________ already ________________ his homework.

a. have done
b. has done
c. has do

15. I ______________________ breakfast at 9 o’clock this morning.

a. eat
b. ate
c. eaten

Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -16- Unit 21


16. Umberto _________________ to the beach yesterday.

a. went
b. has gone
c. go

17. Mr. and Mrs. Tolstoy _______________________ the ballet at the Bolshoi Theater
last night.
a. have seen
b. saw
c. see

18. There are two _________________ for this Advanced Auto Mechanics class.
You must have taken Basic Auto Mechanics and know how to use a computer.
a. needs
b. prerequisites
c. necessary

19. You need to know computer ___________________ to be able to talk about the
a. terminology
b. manual
c. lesson

20. If you have any questions about this college, you should ask the ______________.
a. college representative
b. teacher
c. student

Unit 21 -17- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)

Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -18- Unit 21


2. terminology (pages 10 & 11)
3. prerequisite 1. work
4. college representative 2. have worked
5. equivalent 3. worked
6. achieve 4. live
5. have lived
CENTERS 7. have had
(page 7) 8. bought
1. F 9. have
2. T 10. is
3. T
5. F (page 13)
6. F Mrs. Lopez: 1
Maria: 3
(pages 8 & 9)
4. have
5. copied
6. copied
7. have
8. called
9. called
10. have
11. taken
12. took

Unit 21 -19- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)

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