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PETW3 Workbook Unit 4

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Unit 4

♦ Looking for a Job in a Newspaper

♦ Calling about a Job

♦ Questions in the Past Tense

-71- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)


Read the story and answer the questions with complete sentences.
Sonia took a break from work and she called about a job as a television production
assistant. She saw the ad in a newspaper. Unfortunately, she dialed the wrong number and
got Sam’s Electronics Store instead. She had to go back to work and she couldn’t make
another call.
Ara went back to the auto repair shop to apply again for the job. The mechanic
already hired someone, but he gave Ara a newspaper. In the newspaper, there were many
ads for jobs for mechanics. Ara wanted to answer some of the ads, so he took the paper
and went to a pay phone.

1. What kind of job did Sonia call about?


2. Did Sonia call the right number?


3. Where did Ara go to apply for a job?


4. Did the mechanic give Ara the job?


5. What did the mechanic give Ara?


Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -72- Unit 4


Ara decided to try another ad in the newspaper. Next, he called Paul’s Repair Shop.
Paul’s was very busy that day, and Ara had to wait to talk to the boss. Ara waited patiently
on the phone. Finally, the boss answered the phone. He told Ara that they didn’t need a
mechanic. They needed a body repairman. Ara thanked him for his time, and then he hung
up. He continued to look through the job ads in the newspaper. He knew he would find
other places to call.

1. Did Ara call another auto shop?


2. Did Ara wait patiently on the phone?


3. Who did Ara speak to?


4. Was Paul looking for a mechanic?


5. What did Ara do after the phone call?


Unit 4 -73- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)


When you look for a job in the newspaper, you will see many abbreviations. Here
is a list of some of the abbreviations you will find in the employment opportunity section of
the classified ads.

• avail. available
• co. company
• exper. experience
• FT full-time
• hrs. hours
• immed. immediate
• mfr. manufacturer
• mgmt. management
• mo. month
• oppt. opportunity
• PT part-time
• reps. representatives
• req’d. required
• wk. week
• xlnt. excellent
• yr. year

Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -74- Unit 4

Read the following ads. Answer the questions by circling True or False.

Driver wanted for Dental Lab

PT. 20 hrs. / wk. Exper. req’d.
$1,600 / mo. Apply in person.
561 N. Western Ave. LA, CA 91111

1. This is a full-time job. T F

2. To get this job you need to have experience as a driver. T F
3. This job pays $20 an hour. T F
4. You can call to apply for his job. T F

Immed. openings with clothing mfr.

Growing co. needs sales reps.
PT - FT positions avail.
Xlnt. salary and conditions
Earn up to $40,000 / yr.
No exper. necessary. Great oppt.
Call (213) 555-6177

5. This company has full-time positions available. T F

6. This company makes clothing. T F
7. The job openings are for managers. T F
8. You need experience in sales to get this job. T F
9. The ad says that the pay is excellent. T F
10. You must call before you can fill out an application. T F

Unit 4 -75- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)

Study these definitions.
• confident to be sure of oneself
• field an area of work or interest
• located to be at a certain place
• personnel office the office at a company where applications for employment are accepted
• position job
• pretend to make believe, to play act, not real
• work conditions the situation at work

Complete the sentences below with the new vocabulary.

1. If you want to fill out an application, you must first go to the _____________________.
2. Luis is always relaxed in a job interview. He’s never nervous or scared. He’s a very
_____________________________ person. He believes in himself.
3. The personnel office is _______________________ on the fifth floor in room 555, next
to the elevator.
4. There are many opportunities in the computer _________________________. There is
work in computer programming, computer engineering, computer design, etc.
5. You’ll like working here. The ___________________________ in this office are very safe.
6. When the children play “Cowboys and Indians,” they __________________________ to
shoot each other with toy guns.
7. Hello. I’m calling about the mechanic’s ___________________________. Is that job still

Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -76- Unit 4


Ara was at Maria’s apartment. He was frustrated. He was tired of looking for a
job. He picked up a banana from the fruit bowl. Then, Maria got an idea. She grabbed a
banana and she put it next to her ear. She was pretending that it was a telephone.
“Let’s practice calling about jobs,” Maria said. Ara thought that it was a stupid
idea. Maria insisted that he try. She held her banana to her ear and said, “Hello, Bob’s
Auto Shop.”
Ara spoke into his banana. “Yes, I’m looking for a job as a mechanic.” “I’m sorry,
but that job has been taken,” Maria said. Ara hung up the phone and stopped playing.
Maria told him to try again. The next time Ara called, he didn’t quit. When Maria told Ara
that the job was taken, Ara asked if there were any other jobs open. He was confident.

1. Where were Ara and Maria?


2. Did they pretend that the bananas were telephones?


3. What did they practice?


4. How did Ara feel after they practiced?


Unit 4 -77- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)


Sonia and Ara are calling about jobs they saw advertised in the newspaper.
Study these two dialogues.

Dialogue 1
Receptionist: KWIC Radio. How may I help you?
Sonia: I’m calling about the ad I saw in the newspaper for a production
assistant. Is that job still available?
Receptionist: Yes, it is. Do you have any experience in this field?
Sonia: Yes. I worked for 5 years in my country as a radio announcer.
Receptionist: Why don’t you come in and fill out an application? We’re open until
5:00 p.m.
Sonia: Thank you very much. I’ll be there soon.

Dialogue 2
Joe: Joe’s Garage. Can you hold, please? I’m on the other line.
Ara: Yes.
Joe: Thank you for waiting. How can I help you?
Ara: I’m calling about the job opening I saw in the newspaper for a mechanic’s
assistant. Is that job still available?
Joe: Yes, it is. Do you have any experience working on cars?
Ara: Yes, I do.
Joe: How many years experience do you have?
Ara: I have 3 years experience.
Joe: Why don’t you come in and fill out an application?
Ara: Where are you located?
Joe: We’re at 667 N. Verlane St., across from Kay’s Department Store.
Ara: I know where that is. And who do I ask for?
Joe: Ask for me, Joe.
Ara: Ok, Joe. Thank you. I’ll see you in a little while.

Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -78- Unit 4

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.

ad across from application years available

experience worked ask located help

Manager: Carter’s Clothing. How may I ______________________ you?

You: I’m calling about the ______________________ I saw in the newspaper for
a salesperson. Is that position still __________________________?
Manager: Yes, it is. Do you have any _________________________ in sales?
You: Yes, I do.

Manager: How many ______________________ experience do you have?

You: I _____________________ for 6 years in my country as a salesperson.
Manager: Why don’t you come in and fill out an _________________________?
You: Where are you _____________________________?
Manager: We’re at 101 N. Spring St., ___________________________ Luck’s

You: Who should I ________________________ for?

Manager: Ask for me, Rosie. I’m the manager.

You: Thank you, Rosie. I’ll be there soon.

Unit 4 -79- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)


Ara called another repair shop. He saw its ad in the newspaper. This time, he
felt more relaxed, confident and positive. He asked if the mechanic’s helper position was
available. The manager said that it was.
Ara was very excited. The manager asked if he had any experience. Ara had three
years of experience in his country. The manager asked Ara to come down and fill out an
application by 5:30 pm, when the shop closed. Ara thanked the manager, and promised to
get there soon.
When Ara hung up the phone, Maria gave him a big hug for a job well done.

1. Why did Ara call another repair shop?


2. How much experience did Ara have?


3. Was the job already taken?


4. What time did the repair shop close?


5. Did Ara have a successful conversation over the phone?


Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -80- Unit 4


• To form a question in the simple past tense, we use did + the base form of the verb.

Example: Did you see the fire yesterday?

• This is a simple yes/no question. We can answer by saying, Yes, I did, or No, I didn’t.

• To ask information questions, we need to put one of the question words before did.

Examples: Who did you see? asks, What person did you see?
What did you buy? asks, What thing did you buy?
Where did you go? asks, What place did you go to?
When did you eat? asks, At what time did you eat?
Why did you leave? asks, For what reason did you leave?
How did you travel? asks, In what manner did you travel?

Use did + the base form of the verbs you see to complete the questions.

Example: did he go
When ____________? He went at 9:00 pm.

1. Where _____________________? They ate at a fancy restaurant.

2. Why ________________________there? They went there because it was Jose’s birthday.

3. What presents _________________________? He got a shirt and a wallet.

4. When ___________________________ dinner? They finished dinner at 7:00 pm.

5. How __________________________ home? They went home in Maria’s car.

6. Who __________________________ after dinner? They met Ara.

Unit 4 -81- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)


Choose one question. Think about it and then write your ideas.

1. How have you found jobs in the past? Write about two different ways.
2. A friend of yours is looking for a job. What advice would you give your friend?
3. You want to make a good impression on the phone and you’re nervous.
What should you do?



















Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -82- Unit 4

(video - 19:10)

Watch the video section called “Focused Listening.” Listen to each

conversation and then write the correct information in the chart or make
check marks.

Company Wrong Number Application






Unit 4 -83- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)

Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -84- Unit 4

Choose the correct answers.

1. Do you have any _________________________ working with computers?
a. job
b. experience
c. profession

2. Where is the your office ___________________?

a. located
b. street
c. address

3. We need a new secretary for our office. Let’s put an ___________________ in

the newspaper.
a. letter
b. ad
c. schedule

4. I saw your help wanted sign for a cook last week. Is that job still
a. good
b. pay
c. available

5. The hours for this position are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. It’s
a. busy
b. full time
c. part time

6. This is a ____________________ position. You’ll work on Tuesdays and

Thursdays, 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
a. part time
b. full time
c. half time

7. Look in the employment ___________________ section of the newspaper for

a. hiring
b. today
c. opportunity

Unit 4 -85- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)


8. Experience is __________________ for this position. We don’t train.

a. required
b. good
c. excellent

9. Where ____________________ the party? They had the party at Joanne’s house.
a. do they have
b. do they had
c. did they have

10. What _______________? She bought a radio.

a. did John buy
b. does Sue buy
c. did Sue buy

11. Why ________________ the class early? He left because he was tired.
a. did Jerry leave
b. does Jerry leave
c. did Jerry left

12. When ______________________? It began at 9:00 in the morning.

a. does the class begin
b. did the class begin
c. did the class begun

13. ______________________ did you give Mary for her birthday? I gave her a pair
of shoes.
a. What
b. Where
c. How

14. _____________________ did Mark and Brenda go to work this morning?

They went by bus.
a. What
b. Where
c. How

15. _____________________ were you so tired today? I was tired because I didn’t
sleep last night.
a. Why
b. When
c. What

Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -86- Unit 4


16. _____________________ did Charlie take to the dance? He took his girlfriend, Sherry.
a. Why
b. Who
c. Where

17. _____________________ did the manager put the applications? She put them on her
a. Why
b. Who
c. Where

18. Go to the _____________________ on the third floor to get a job application.

a. personnel office
b. lobby
c. cafeteria

19. I’m calling about the cook’s ___________________. Is that job still open?
a. employment
b. position
c. experience

20. When you go to an interview, you need to be _____________________.

a. confident
b. pretend
c. working

Unit 4 -87- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)

Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11) -88- Unit 4


(page 75) (page 81)
1. F 1. Where did they eat?
2. T 2. Why did they go there?
3. F 3. What presents did he get?
4. F 4. When did they finish dinner?
5. T 5. How did they go home?
6. T 6. Who did they meet after dinner?
7. F
8. F
10. T (page 83)
1. Wrong number
VOCABULARY 2. Comlink Cable, Yes
(page 76) 3. ABC, Yes
1. personnel office 4. KNWS
2. confident 5. Murray Productions
3. located
4. field
5. work conditions
6. pretend
7. position


(page 79)
1. help
2. ad
3. available
4. experience
5. years
6. worked
7. application
8. located
9. across from
10. ask

Unit 4 -89- Putting English to Work 3 (rev. 10/11)

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