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Silver's Monster Girl Manual Preview

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Silver’s Monster Girl Manual!

Heya! Welcome to the first release of Silver’s Monster Who are the Protagonists?
Girl Manual! These reviews contain dating advice for Silver: A charismatic young human bard eager to ex-
fantasy monsters re-imagined as cute anime characters! plore the continent and share their love of every monster
These reviews aim to provide a system-neutral set of girl species to the world!
creative ideas for game masters of any tabletop games Gwen: A shy cloistered elven sun cleric in pursuit of
to draw inspiration from, and is built with the intent of understanding the intricacies of love through living vicari-
letting readers and creators mix their own ideas with the ously through the people she meets along the way.
stories. Additionally, although all the monsters in this Desmond: A bold and reliable dwarven warlock of the
book will be visually depicted as girls, masculine mon- undeath that takes great care in keeping his inexperi-
sters can abide by the same descriptions! enced traveling companions safe, all while continuing his
endless search for the meaning of life.
What’s the Story?
Join Silver, Gwen, and Desmond, writers of the Wayward Early Access
Affair, as they travel the world in search of the most dan- Silver’s Monster Girl Manual is still in the works, with
gerous and lovable monsters. Each month a new article many formatting, images, and concepts still being de-
is written by them and spread across every tavern in the signed. As of such, readers are opting in for early access
continent for their reader’s pleasure, detailing the journey content that’s prone to change and may not be represen-
and including a score of 1-10 based on the experience! tative of the final product. Our plan with this series is
to eventually release a full-scale project on Kickstarter
Although many travelers have designed books and jour- containing 160+ monsters and reviews, 40+ gifts, and
nals detailing the sexually charged nature of monsters, exciting date locations. Patrons will get special backer
Silver aims to focus on longterm relationships, going rewards, sneak peaks, and developer notes as the project
above and beyond a simple one night stand to give read- unfolds!
ers accurate details on how special romancing certain
monsters can truly be. Great lengths have been taken by
our heroes to get you hands-on information regarding
your favorite monsters, so don’t make the same rookie
mistakes they did!

r Gwen

Credits Ownership & Copyright

Lead Design: Blaine Simple Silver’s Monster Girl Manual © 2023, Blaine Simple
Art Direction: Blaine Simple LLC. All rights reserved.
Writing: Blaine Simple, Jaarth
Editing: Blaine Simple Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material
Interior Illustration: Skinnysloth_, Shinji2602, Carlos- or artwork contained herein is prohibited without prior
bobadilla permission by Blaine Simple. Reference to other copy-
righted material in no way constitutes a challenge to the
respective copyright holders of that material. Silver’s
Monster Girl Manual logo is a pending trademark of
Blaine Simple LLC.
Silver’s Monster Girl Manual
Aboleth (Pursue at own risk)
Aboleth dwell within supernatural bodies of water
throughout the realm. They effortlessly build cults to
harbor dominion on their territory, and get unreason-
ably angry whenever stronger entities trespass.
The Wayward’s Advice
Fear the mighty. Aboleth pass down memories to
their offspring. This process scars each aboleth
with a built-in trauma of being overpowered by
stronger entities. They despise creatures with
enough strength to push and abuse them and will
never consider them as a potential partner.

Revenge. Aboleth are always plotting intricately

planned revenge schemes against creatures that have
ever slighted them. Someone who vows to assist with
these plans while asserting their free will can cause
the aboleth to view them as an equal. Otherwise, abo-
leth rarely ever see humanoids as more than lesser
mind controllable slaves to boss around.

Mind denied. Disagreements with an aboleth may

have them resort to dominating you with power-
ful charm magic. You should possess an adequate
amount of ways to protect your mind from these
spells, as early in your relationship they may find you
easier to forcefully control than properly converse

Cult Satiation. Although aboleth see themselves as

higher than the divines, most eventually find them-
selves fully relying on the support of cults that form
to admire them. Getting close to an aboleth can be
difficult to near impossible depending on the esta-
blished devotion of these cults and the aboleth’s
desensitized nature towards its members. The
chance for budding romance between a prospec-
tive leader and an aboleth is sometimes all it
takes for a cult to sprout.

Illusory stimuli. Within an aboleth’s lair resides

murky waves of illusion magic that can cause a
creature to imagine itself in any situation and feel any
stimuli. If the aboleth can be trusted while your mind
wanders their sensory chambers unprotected, this
experience is like no other.

Likes dislikes
Respect divinity
Manipulation weakness
12’10” pg.? Revenge Strength
Large Obsidian Crown
Silver’s Monster Girl Manual
Out of the three aboleth in the region, Gwen and Desmond stuck the
one with the largest cult following onto me to visit. It took nearly all
month, but I finally found an opening to disguise as the leader and hang
out with the aberration. Seems the two had a feisty relationship of hal-
low threats and quippy insults. Even if you find yourself this romantical-
ly close to an aboleth, don't push your luck. I felt only millimeters away
Silver from being strangled to death on multiple occasions!
Upon casting a few holy protection spells during my time with the aberration,
the aboleth’s mood suddenly soured as they lashed out towards me. Appar-
ently my goddess gave her a stupid sounding nickname sometime around the
creation of the world, and now she needs to take it out on me. I understand
grudges, but something so trivial being held onto for this long is simply child-
ish. This unbearable attitude never let up through our time together as if
Gwen they were waiting for me to apologize on my goddess’s behalf.
I was invited down into the depths and had a chance to enjoy the aboleth’s
renowned stimuli magic. I became fully engrossed in the illusions and completely
forgot about the aberration I was there to hang out with, which could be a common
issue for anyone who gets to enjoy this magic at an expedited pace. Although the
Desmond stimulation magic is incredible, don’t ignore the one responsible for it.

Backers will have the chance to leave their

own reviews in the full book during
the release on Kickstarter!

Silver’s Monster Girl Manual

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Silver’s Monster Girl Manual

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