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Silver's MGM - Iron Abductor!

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Silver’s Monster Girl Manual!

These sample packs contain dating advice for fantasy A charismatic young human bard eager to
monsters re-imagined as cute anime characters! Each
romance and review every species
page aims to provide a system-neutral set of creative
ideas for game masters of any tabletop game to draw around the continent!
inspiration from, and is built with the intent of letting
readers and creators mix their own ideas with the stories.
Although all the monsters in this book have visually
A cloistered elven sun cleric in pursuit of understand-
feminine appearances, masculine monsters can exist and ing the intricacies of love by living vicariously
abide by the same descriptions! Your characters and their through everyone she meets.
romantic preferences are ultimately paramount.
What’s the Story? A cautious dwarven warlock of the undeath that keeps his
Join the writers of The Wayward Affair as they travel the
world in search for the most lovable monsters! Each traveling companions safe while continuing his endless
reviewer writes up a segment that details the journey and search for the meaning of life.
includes a 1-10 score based on the romantic experience!
Early Access
Although many travelers have designed media detailing
As Silver’s MGM is still in the works, readers are opting
the violently or sexually charged nature of monsters,
in for early access content that may not be representa-
Silver’s MGM focuses on longterm relationships. This
tive of the final product. Our plan with this series is to
book goes beyond simple one night stands or kill quests
eventually release a full-scale project on Kickstarter con-
to humanize monsters, and present ideas for dating in a
taining 80+ monsters, 40+ gifts, and 10+ romantic date
large assortment of TTRPGs.
locations. Patrons will get special backer rewards, sneak
peaks, and developer notes as the project unfolds!

r Gwen

Lead Design: Blaine Simple
Assistant Writer: Jaarth, Alice, Bee Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material
Interior Illustration: Animashit Studio, Beebros Team, or artwork contained herein is prohibited without prior
Skinnysloth_, Carlos B, Nanda permission by Blaine Simple. Reference to other copy-
righted material in no way constitutes a challenge to the
Ownership & Copyright respective copyright holders of that material. Silver’s
Silver’s Monster Girl Manual © 2023, Blaine Simple Monster Girl Manual logo is a pending trademark of
LLC. All rights reserved. Blaine Simple LLC.

Silver’s Monster Girl Manual

Iron Abductor (Pursue With Caution)
Originally designed to act as a peaceful policing
force, iron abductors have been modified into wea-
ponized killers. Most have fallen inert for centuries
and awaken with caution towards the new world.
The Wayward’s Advice
Warborn. The iron abductor’s original purpose were
to capture and contain dangerous monsters and
criminals within their confining cores. Back then,
abductors lacked weapon, and sourced their power
through charging pedestals stationed around city
streets. Through the need for super soldiers in the
last global conflict, iron abductors were modified
with spike-laced interiors to kill their captives. When
hostile forces eventually destroyed the abductor’s
charging stations, a need for a new power source
arose, modifying them again to stay active through
the use of sacrifices. Many abductors abhor their
wartime modifications, and suffer from PTSD
through the intensity of the time period.

Lost age. As conflict subsided and death diminished,

many abductors fell into a deep slumber. Due to the
large gap in time since they were last awake, many
abductors are worriedly cautious against the new
world and lash out towards everything unusual.
Creatures old enough to have lived in the same time
period as the abductor have an easier time interact-
ing with the construct on a general basis.

Sacrificial Prison. Iron abductors have a hollow

core within their base riddled with long spikes. To
reawaken an abductor for a week, a sacrifice of a
living creature must be made using the construct’s in-
ternals. Abductor’s become antsy as their awakened
states draw to an end, and value anyone willing to
help them find a solution to their energy crisis. Some
abductors even request they be allowed to fall inert
yet again as they woe death being their salvation.

Hollow. Decades of conflict have dulled an abductor’s

personality and sharpened its paranoia. Although
some parts of the construct are lost or changed for-
ever, a peaceful partner can help restore fragments
of these once passionate and community focused

Likes dislikes
community Sacrifices
Familiar Faces War
10’ pg.? Being Relied On Large Changes
Large Kickstarter Unlock!
Silver’s Monster Girl Manual
The abductor became entranced with me the moment I began playing
some old tunes on my lute. We traveled through war torn fields and
regaled in the classics, which put their weary mind to ease. Wish I was
around for the generation they so adamantly praised, but the least I
could do was show them the wonders of present day. Needing to hunt
down a few dozen animals to keep their energy going was a bit much,
Silver but its great to see that a machine of war can actually find peace.
The local city had prisoners they were eager to use as sacrifices to power
the abductor. Although I spoke against it, the mayor was thrilled. Once the
construct was powered up, it lashed out at the city officials in a scared stu-
por and fled the scene. I later caught up with the abductor and recognized
them as one that used to protect my hometown. We bonded through those
childhood memories and got back on track towards building a solid relation-
Gwen ship! I hope a permanent solution for their energy problem is fixed soon.
I introduced the abductor to my patron and hooked them up with a more permanent
energy source. Their new crystal core kept them energized, and we spent most of
our time laughing through the world’s folly. The abductor would tense up whenever
I brought up more serious global topics, which was a bit upsetting as I love any
Desmond chance to talk politics. A great companion for lighthearted fun!

Kickstarter backers can pledge to become a

reviewer for this monster!

Silver’s Monster Girl Manual

Sneak Peaks! Community!

Silver’s Monster Girl Manual

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