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Test Bank For Effective Instructional Strategies From Theory To Practice 3rd Edition by Kenneth D Dean Moore

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Test Bank For Effective Instructional Strategies: From Theory to Practice 3rd Edition by Ken

Test Bank For Effective Instructional Strategies:

From Theory to Practice 3rd Edition by Kenneth D.
(Dean) Moore

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Moore, Effective Instructional Strategies 3rd Edition

1. Classroom management sets the tone of the class.

A) True
B) False

2. There has been an increased awareness of bullying in schools.

A) True
B) False

3. Severe, strict disciplinarians are more likely to be successful classroom managers than
warm, empathetic teachers.
A) True
B) False

4. It is important to get to know your students by name as soon as you can.

A) True
B) False

5. Loosely run classes usually have better discipline than more tightly organized classes do.
A) True
B) False

6. If a procedure works well for one class, you can be sure that it will work well with all
A) True
B) False

7. Classroom techniques that work well for some teachers may not work well for others.
A) True
B) False

8. Planning is an essential element in classroom management.

A) True
B) False

9. Perhaps the most important essential in classroom management is monitoring.

A) True
B) False
Moore, Effective Instructional Strategies 3rd Edition

10. Teachers should post the class rules before the first class begins and explain them during
the first day of class.
A) True
B) False

11. Classroom management can be effectively separated from the other aspects of teaching.
A) True
B) False

12. Experienced teachers know that avoiding a difficult situation will only lead to more
problems later.
A) True
B) False

13. The primary purpose of Glasser classroom meetings is to get students to take control of
the classroom management system.
A) True
B) False

14. The laissez-faire leader is a completely dominant leader.

A) True
B) False

15. The behavior modification approach is based on the assumption that students will change
their behavior to receive definite rewards.
A) True
B) False

16. Which of the following provides the most accurate definition of classroom management?
A) Procedures for encouraging positive student behavior
B) Procedures to be used in response to instances of student misbehavior
C) Procedures that assist in the preservation of order and the maintenance of control
D) Procedures to be used when visitors are in the classroom

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Moore, Effective Instructional Strategies 3rd Edition

17. Classroom management is the process of:

A) Establishing discipline in the classroom
B) Planning appropriate learning and evaluative activities
C) Arranging and using the classroom materials
D) Organizing and conducting the business of the classroom smoothly

18. Reality therapy emphasizes:

A) Rewards
B) Punishments
C) Choice
D) Therapy

19. Which of the following is not a basic assumption or principle of reality therapy?
A) Punishment is an effective reinforcing technique.
B) Excuses are not accepted for poor behavior.
C) Students from disadvantaged homes are responsible for their behavior.
D) Teachers remaining distant and objective is not a principle of reality therapy.

20. The inner discipline approach to discipline:

A) Rejects the quick fix solution to discipline problems
B) Suggests that a positive atmosphere with no rules will result in few discipline
C) Suggests that schools should be adult dominated
D) Recommend teachers be “brickwall teachers”

21. Active (or empathetic) listening should be used by the teacher when:
A) The teacher owns the problem
B) Students are confused
C) The student owns the problem
D) Communicating with parents

22. The ability to handle and supervise several activities at the same time is called:
A) Group focus
B) Overlapping
C) Movement management
D) Withitness

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Moore, Effective Instructional Strategies 3rd Edition

23. A clear and firm responsive style is characteristic of:

A) Natural discipline
B) Assertive discipline
C) Group focused discipline
D) Teacher effectiveness discipline

24. Assertive discipline involves all of the following except:

A) The teacher should be in charge of the classroom
B) Teachers establishing clear consequences for violating rules and limits
C) Teachers establishing clear rules and limits for student behavior
D) Teachers developing a system of rewards for appropriate student behavior
E) Teachers hold students to stated promises

25. Teachers are using assertive discipline when they:

A) Tell how the student's behaviors affect the teacher's feeling
B) Set clear expectations and follow through with established consequences
C) Make condemnations without stating the proper behavior
D) Involve the principal in setting limits

26. Student misbehavior can often be attributed to:

A) The negative impact of parental attitudinal ideals and feelings
B) Teacher behavioral patterns
C) Teacher overplanning
D) A and B
E) B and C

27. Routines and procedures should be planned for which of the following?
A) Those things designated by the principal
B) Those things that students dislike
C) All predictable and recurring events
D) Those things that the teacher dislikes doing

28. Classroom rules work best when:

A) There are a few general rules
B) They are consistently enforced
C) They are discussed and taught to students
D) Students are informed of the consequences of breaking them
E) All of these

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Moore, Effective Instructional Strategies 3rd Edition

29. All of the following would be appropriate ideas for preventing classroom problems
A) Give only one warning when rules are broken
B) Administer reprimands privately
C) Give extra work as punishment
D) Avoid the use of corporal punishment to curb misbehavior

30. Good discipline involves:

A) Threat and punishment
B) Stillness and quiet
C) Fear and submission
D) Order and control

31. Rules and procedures should be:

A) Firm and punitive
B) Reasonable and necessary
C) Flexible and subjective
D) Unchangeable and set in stone

32. Which of the following describes one advantage to implementing Glasser's classroom
A) It is a particularly effective approach for new beginning teachers.
B) Students learn how to take responsibility for their own behavior and their personal
and social development.
C) It is a teacher-centered approach that gives teachers full control over classroom
D) It is a simple approach that requires little time and planning.

33. The term that describes teachers' abilities to spot sources of misbehavior right away as
though they have “eyes in the back of their head” is called:
A) Monitoring
B) Accountability
C) Withitness
D) Overlappingness

34. Classroom chairs should be organized:

A) In rows
B) In a circle
C) In a semicircle
D) According to the learning activity to be conducted

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Moore, Effective Instructional Strategies 3rd Edition

35. Student participation in rule making:

A) Is mandatory
B) Is unwise
C) Encourages appropriate behavior
D) Is inappropriate at the elementary level

36. Name the three styles of leadership.

37. Differentiate between punishment and discipline.

38. Define democratic leadership.

39. Define withitness.

40. Define movement management.

41. Define classroom management and explain and discuss the major purpose of classroom

42. Assume that you are teaching your first year. Which discipline approach discussed in this
chapter would you be most comfortable using and why do you favor the approach?
Would your approach differ if you were teaching at a different grade level?

43. Outline the steps and procedures that you would follow during the first few days to set
the tone for the year. What rules (limits) and consequences would you establish? Would
you involve students in the establishment of rules (limits) and consequences?

44. Describe and discuss the principles that guide your classroom management philosophy
from a preventive perspective.

45. Describe and discuss the specific steps you would take as a teacher to be an effective
classroom manager.

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Moore, Effective Instructional Strategies 3rd Edition

Answer Key
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. B
15. A
16. C
17. D
18. C
19. A
20. A
21. C
22. B
23. B
24. E
25. B
26. D
27. C
28. E
29. C
30. D
31. B
32. B
33. C
34. D
35. C
36. Authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire
37. Punishment involves the consequences of misbehavior, whereas discipline deals with the
prevention of classroom misbehavior as well as the consequences of disruptive action.
38. A leader who is kind, caring, and warm, but firm. The democratic leader stimulates
students from within by sharing responsibility and encouragement, rather than demands.
39. A skill to know what is going on in all parts of the classroom at all times.
40. The ability to make smooth lesson transition, keep an appropriate pace, and involve all
learners in a lesson.

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Test Bank For Effective Instructional Strategies: From Theory to Practice 3rd Edition by Ken

Moore, Effective Instructional Strategies 3rd Edition

41. Students should define classroom management as the process of organizing and
conducting the business of the classroom relatively free of behavior problems. Students
should explain and discuss the purpose of classroom management as being to establish
and maintain the classroom environment so that educational goals can be accomplished.
Thus, the major purpose of classroom management is to provide a positive social and
physical environment conducive to the learning process.
42. Students should select one of the eight approaches presented in the text. These
approaches include reality therapy, Teacher Effectiveness Training (TET), inner
discipline, beyond discipline, the Kounin Model, the Jones Model, assertive discipline,
and behavior modification. Students should present a valid rationale or reason for the
approach they selected. However, some students might select an eclectic combination of
several approaches along with a valid rationale for making this selection. Students should
also discuss whether they would change their preference if they were to teach a different
grade level.
43. Students should present and discuss such steps as establishing credibility on the first day
by planning well. On that first day, learners should be occupied with some type of
activity with involvement at all times. Rules should be established and taught,
organizational structures shared, classroom procedures shared, and expectations
communicated. Students should also discuss the establishment of a classroom
environment that is conducive to effective management. Students should also discuss the
need to know students, the enforcement of rules, and the monitoring of the classroom.
Finally, students should present and discuss the rules and consequences they would
establish and whether they would involve students in the establishment of these rules and
44. Students should discuss such preventive principles as planning well, establishing
routines, managing the classroom space, and establishing realistic and usable limits.
Students should note that well-planned lessons that involve the learners will usually curb
most management problems. Students should also note that a well-organized classroom
environment that is well-monitored will also curb most problems.
45. Students should discuss such steps as planning well, using time effectively, teaching at
the appropriate level of learners, and showing respect for learners. Planning well should
include, among other things, lesson planning that maximizes learner involvement and the
establishment and sharing of rules and consequences. Addressing these steps will usually
lead to the establishment of respect from learners, which should result in better

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