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Solutions Manual To Accompany Math Skills For Allied Health Careers 9780131713482

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Solutions Manual to accompany Math Skills for Allied Health Careers 9780131713482

Solutions Manual to accompany Math Skills for

Allied Health Careers 9780131713482
Full download link at:

Appropriate for Two-year associate in arts health care curriculum

Basic Mathematical Skills for Allied Health Careersprovides allied health students
with a solid mathematical foundation because it presents clear explanations of
the mathematical concepts required of health care workers. It contains over 1500
problems ranging in level and difficulty, and applies material directly to a variety
of allied health careers. Detailed examples are worked through step-by-step and
concepts are presented in a non-threatening, yet sophisticated, manner. Unique
to this book, it covers a broader range of allied health topics, discusses calculators
and manual calculation techniques, and presents multiple methods for
determining dosages.
• ISBN-10 : 0131713485
• ISBN-13 : 978-0131713482
Table contents:
1. Basic Arithmetic Computations in Health Applications
2. A Review of Algebra
3. Systems of Measurement
4. Medication Labels, Prescriptions, and Syringe Calculations
5. Modeling Health Applications
6. Calculations for Basic IV Therapy
7. The Basics of Statistics
8. Logarithms, Ionic Solutions, and pH

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Application to a variety of allied health professions–appeals to a broad audience.
• Represents numerous allied health careers such as medical assisting,
nursing, dental assisting, pharmacy technicians, radiology, etc.
Coverage of more allied health topics–makes this text unique.
• Devotes more chapters to allied health topics than most competitors and
discusses the latest on medication labels, prescriptions, syringe
calculations, measurement systems, etc.
Over 1500 problems–appear throughout the text, with odd number answers
appearing in the back of the book.
• Range from simple to complex and reflect a variety of situations that
students will face in their allied health careers.
• Give instructors ultimate flexibility by providing a wide range of problems
to choose from and assign.
Over 125 detailed examples–appear throughout the text.
• Give students step-by-step guidelines on how to solve problems and
reinforce each section of the text.
• Clarify different methods and approaches to solving mathematical
problems related to allied health.
Dosage calculations–are presented using several different methods.
• Show how to determine appropriate dosages using ratio/proportion,
formula and dimensional analysis.
• Give students a better understanding of this important topic and multiple
ways they can check if their calculations are correct.
Calculator lessons–are interspersed throughout the text, in addition to manual
calculation techniques.
• Discuss how calculators are used to solve mathematical problems within
professional health care environments.
• Place a greater emphasis on understanding the underlying mathematical
concepts in each section.
Chapter reviews and practice tests–are provided with answers appearing in the
back of the book.
• Give students a chance to test their own knowledge of basic concepts as
they progress through the course.
• Prepare students for tests given by the instructor during the term.
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"That was all he said. He became unconscious then and died in a few
minutes. Just why he couldn't get away with the loot and why he hid it in
the tower, I don't know. He didn't have time to tell me. But he said it was
hidden in the old tower."
"Why, we'll find it in no time!" exclaimed Frank. "Tower Mansion has two
towers—the old and the new. We'll search the old tower."
"The story seems likely enough," said Mr. Hardy. "Jackley would gain
nothing by lying about it when he was on his deathbed. He probably
became frightened after he committed the robbery and hid in the old tower
until he saw the coast was clear and he was able to get away. Then no doubt
he decided to hide the stuff there and take a chance on coming back for it
some time after the affair had blown over."
"That was why he couldn't be traced through the jewels and the bonds," Joe
said. "They were never disposed of at all. They've been lying in the old
tower all this time."
"I tried to get him to tell me in just what part of the tower the loot was
hidden," continued Fenton Hardy, "but he died before he could say any
more. 'I hid it in the old tower.' He just managed to gasp that out before he
became unconscious."
"It shouldn't be hard to find the stuff, now that we have a general idea of
where it is," Frank pointed out. "Probably he didn't hide it very carefully.
The old tower has been unoccupied for a long time and it is rarely entered.
The stuff would be as safe there as if he had hidden it miles away."
Joe got up from his chair.
"I think we ought to get busy and go search the old tower right away. Oh,
boy! If we can only hand old Applegate his jewels and bonds this morning
and clear Mr. Robinson. Let's start."
"I'll leave it to you boys to make the search," said Mr. Hardy, with a smile.
"I've no doubt the stuff will be easily recovered, and you can have the
satisfaction of turning it over to Mr. Applegate. I guess you can get along
without me in this case from now on."
"We wouldn't have got very far if it hadn't been for you."
"And I wouldn't have got very far if it hadn't been for you, so we're even,"
smiled Mr. Hardy. "Be on your way, then, and good luck to you."
"We'll find it, never fear," promised Frank, putting on his cap. "I hope the
Applegates don't throw us out when we ask to be allowed to look around in
the old tower."
"Just tell them you have a pretty good clue to where the bonds and jewels
are hidden and they'll let you search to your heart's content," Mr. Hardy
"Come on then, Joe. We'll have that thousand dollar reward before the
morning is over."
Their father glanced at them shrewdly.
"Don't count your chickens before they are hatched," he said. And then, as
the boys hastened out of the den, he called after them: "Also, you might
remember the old proverb that there is many a slip between the cup and the
But the Hardy boys scarcely heard him, so eager were they to begin
searching the old tower and so confident were they that the mystery was
about to be cleared up.

When the Hardy boys reached Tower Mansion that morning the door was
answered by Hurd Applegate himself. The tall, stooped gentleman peered at
them through his thick-lensed glasses. In one hand he held a sheet of
stamps, for it was his custom to devote the mornings to his collection.
"Yes?" he said testily, for he was annoyed at being disturbed. "What do you
boys want here at this hour of day?"
"You remember us, don't you?" asked Frank politely. "We're Mr. Hardy's
"Fenton Hardy, the detective? Are you his boys?"
"Yes, sir."
"Well, what do you want?"
"We'd like to take a look through the old tower, if you don't mind. We've got
a new clue about the robbery you had here a while ago."
"Want to look through the old tower? Of all the impudence! What do you
want to look through the tower for? And what has that got to do with the
"We have evidence that leads us to believe the jewels and bonds were
hidden in the tower by the thief."
"Oh! You have evidence, have you?" The old man peered at them very
closely. "It's that rascal Robinson, I'll warrant. He hid the stuff there, and
now he's put you up to going and finding it, just to clear himself."
The Hardy boys had not considered the affair in this light, and they gazed at
Mr. Applegate in consternation. At last Joe found his tongue.
"Mr. Robinson isn't mixed up in this at all," he said. "The real thief was
found. He said the stuff was hidden in the old tower. If you will just let us
take a look around, we'll find it for you."
"Who was the real thief, then?"
"We can't tell you just now, sir. Wait till we find the stolen goods and we'll
tell you the whole story."
Mr. Applegate took off his glasses and wiped them with his handkerchief.
He glared at the boys suspiciously for a few moments. Then he called out:
A high cracked voice from the dim regions of the hallway answered.
"What d'you want?"
"Come here a minute."
There was a rustle of skirts, and then Adelia Applegate, maiden sister of the
owner of Tower Mansion, appeared. She was a faded blonde woman, of thin
features, and she was dressed in a gown of a fashion fifteen years back, in
which every color of the spectrum fought for supremacy.
"What's the matter now?" she demanded. "Can't a body sit down to do a bit
of sewin' without you hollerin' at them?"
"These boys want to look through the old tower."
"What for? Up to some mischief, I'll be bound."
"They think they can find the bonds and jewels."
"Oh, they do, do they?" sniffed the woman. "And what would the bonds and
jewels be doin' in the old tower?"
"We have evidence that they were hidden there after the robbery," replied
Miss Applegate sniffed again and viewed the boys with frank suspicion.
"As if any thief would be fool enough to hide them right in the house he
"These are Mr. Hardy's boys," explained Hurd Applegate. "He is the big
detective, you know."
"All detectives," said Miss Applegate, "are nosey. Always pryin' into other
people's affairs."
"We're just trying to help you," put in Joe politely.
"Go ahead, then. Go ahead," said Miss Applegate, with a sigh. "Come
around at this hour of morning, disturbing honest folks. Go ahead, and tear
the old tower to pieces if you like. But I'll be bound you won't find
anything. It's all foolishness. You won't find anything."
Consent having been given, Hurd Applegate led the way through the
gloomy halls and corridors of the mansion toward the old tower. He was
inclined to share his sister's view that the boys' search would be in vain.
"Might as well save yourselves the trouble," he declared. "You won't find
anything in the old tower. If anything was hidden there it's been taken away
by this time."
"We'll make a try at it, anyway, Mr. Applegate."
"Don't ask me to help you. I've got better things to do. Just got some new
stamps in this morning and you interrupted me when I was sortin' them out.
I've got to get back to my work."
The man led the way into a corridor that was heavy with dust. It had not
been in use for a long time and it was bare and unfurnished. Leading off this
corridor was a heavy door. It was unlocked, and when Mr. Applegate
opened it the boys saw that a flight of stairs lay beyond.
"There you are. Those stairs lead up into the tower. Search away. You won't
find anything."
"I hope we do, Mr. Applegate," said Frank. "And I'm pretty sure we shall."
"Yes—boys are always goin' to do wonders. Go ahead. Live and learn.
Waste your time."
And with this parting shot, Hurd Applegate turned and hobbled back along
the corridor, the sheet of stamps still in his gnarled hand. He was muttering
to himself as he departed. The Hardy boys looked at one another.
"Not very encouraging, is he, Frank?"
"Not a bit of it. But it will be so much the better for us if we get the stuff
back for him. He won't think we were wasting our time then."
"Let's get up into the tower. I'm anxious to start."
The tower was about five stories in height, as compared with the rest of the
mansion, which had but three stories. The lower floor was empty. The
floors and walls were heavy with dust. Frank and Joe first examined the
stairs carefully for footprints, but there were none to be seen.
"That seems queer," remarked Frank. "If Jackley had been in here within
the past month you'd think his footprints would still show. By the
appearance of this dust, there hasn't been any one in the tower for at least a
"Perhaps the dust collects more quickly than we think. It may have covered
his footprints over even within a couple of weeks."
An inspection of the ground floor revealed the fact that there was no place
where the loot could have been hidden, save under the stairs, and there was
nothing in that place of concealment. Accordingly, the Hardy boys
ascended to the next floor, finding themselves in a room as drab and bare as
the one they had just left. Here again the dust lay heavy and the murky
windows were thick with cobwebs. There was an atmosphere of age and
decay about the entire place. It seemed to have been abandoned for years.
"Nothing here," said Frank, after a quick glance around. "On we go."
They made their way up to the next floor, after again poking about under
the stairs, but again without success.
The next room was a duplicate of the first. It was bare and cheerless, deep
in dust. There was not the slightest sign of a hiding place. Much less was
there any indication that another human being had been in the tower for
"Doesn't look very promising, Joe. Still, he may have gone right to the top
of the tower."
So the search continued, until at last the Hardy boys had reached the top of
the tower. Here they emerged into the open air, coming through a trapdoor
that led through the roof from the upper room. They were now standing on
a platform, and far below them lay the city of Bayport. To the east was
Barmet Bay, the waters sparkling in the sun.
The platform was quite bare. The stone walls gave no opportunity of a
hiding place. Their search had been in vain.
"We were fooled, I guess," Frank admitted. "There hasn't been any one in
this tower for years. I knew it as soon as I saw there were no footprints."
The boys gazed moodily down over the city, and then down over the
grounds of Tower Mansion. The roofs of the mansion itself were far below,
and directly across from them rose the heavy bulk of the new tower.
"Do you think he might have meant the new tower?" exclaimed Joe
"Dad said he specified the old one."
"But he may have been mistaken. In the darkness and everything, perhaps
he didn't know the difference."
"That's possible, too. It's certain that he didn't hide anything in this tower, at
any rate. Although why he should say 'the old tower'—"
"Let's ask Mr. Applegate if we can search the new tower, too."
"What a fine chance we have! He'll crow over us now in real earnest when
we go back and tell him we didn't find anything. He'll say 'I told you so',
and if we try to get into the new tower he'll just laugh at us."
"It's worth trying, anyway. We can tell him the whole story about Jackley.
That ought to convince him."
Disappointed, the Hardy boys descended through the trapdoor, and then
made their way down through the tower until at last they were in the long
gloomy hallway again. Their clothes were covered with dust and their
hands and faces were grimy. Slowly, they trudged back into the main part of
the mansion again, and there they met Adelia Applegate, who popped out of
a doorway as they were passing and cackled with delight.
"So these are the fine boys who were going to find the stolen stuff for us,
eh!" she exclaimed, in her cracked voice. "So these are the boys who were
so sure it was hidden in the old tower! Well, well! And they didn't find
anything after all!"
"I'm afraid we didn't, Miss Applegate," Frank answered, with a smile. "But
if you and Mr. Applegate will let us tell our story I think we can convince
you that we really thought the stuff was hidden there. Even yet I believe it is
hidden somewhere in the mansion—probably in the new tower."
"In the new tower!" she sniffed. "Absurd! I suppose you'll want to go
poking through there now."
"If it wouldn't be too much trouble."
"It would be too much trouble, indeed!" she shrilled. "I shan't have any boys
rummaging all through my house on a wild-goose chase like this. You'd
better leave right away, and forget all this nonsense."
Her voice had attracted the attention of Hurd Applegate, who came
hobbling out of his study at that moment.
"Now what's the matter?" he demanded. Then, seeing the boys, his face
became creased in a triumphant smile.
"Ah, ha! So you didn't find anything after all! Heh! Heh!" he began to
chuckle, immensely pleased with himself. "I told you so."

"They have the audacity to want to go looking through the new tower now,"
said Miss Applegate, in high indignation.
Hurd Applegate's smile vanished.
"You can't do anything of the sort!" he snapped. "Are you boys trying to
make a fool out of me? I knew mighty well you wouldn't find anything in
the old tower."
"And we were pretty sure we would," answered Frank. "Listen, Mr.
Applegate—we'll be fair with you. We'll tell you exactly why we wanted to
make this search."
"Go ahead and tell me. Why didn't you tell me before?"
"Because we wanted to work this out ourselves, as far as possible. But the
information we had came from the man who stole the jewels and the
"What! Has he been caught?"
"He was captured—but he will never come to trial."
"Did he escape again?"
"He escaped—by death. The thief is dead."
"Dead? What happened?" asked Hurd Applegate excitedly.
"His name was Red Jackley, and he was a notorious criminal. He was
tracked down by our father, and when he tried to escape on a railroad hand-
car he got into a smash-up, and he was fatally injured. But before he died,
he admitted robbing Tower Mansion."
"He admitted it? He confessed?"
"He confessed everything."
"I don't believe it," sniffed Adelia Applegate. "Nothing will ever convince
me that it wasn't that rascal Robinson."
"Jackley confessed the whole business," Frank persisted. "And on his
deathbed he said that he hadn't been able to get away with the loot. That he
had hidden it."
"In the old tower."
"And it isn't there?"
"Joe and I have just searched the place high and low. The stuff isn't there.
And from the fact that there are no footprints or marks of any kind in the
dust, I don't think any one has been in the place for a long time."
"The old tower has been closed for years."
"So we thought," Joe interjected, "that he might have been mistaken and
that he had really hidden the stuff in the new tower instead."
Hurd Applegate rubbed his chin meditatively. His manner toward the boys
had undergone a change, and it was evident that he was impressed by their
"So this fellow confessed to the robbery, eh?"
"He admitted everything. He was a man who once worked around Bayport
and he knew this locality pretty well. He had been hanging around the city
for some days before the robbery."
"Well," said Applegate slowly, "if he says he hid the stuff in the old tower
and it isn't there, he must have meant the new tower, just as you say."
"Will you let us search it?"
"I'll do more than that. I'll help you. I'm just as anxious to get the jewels and
bonds back as anybody."
"All nonsense!" declared Adelia Applegate. "It's all a pack of falsehoods. I
don't believe a word of it."
"Now, now, Adelia," said her brother soothingly, "these boys may be right
after all. It won't hurt to take a look around, at any rate."
"And much you'll find, I'm sure! I declare, Hurd Applegate, you're just as
bad as those boys are."
"Maybe, maybe," he answered. "But I'm going to help them search the new
tower, anyway."
"Don't ask me to brush the dust off your clothes when you come back, then.
For that's all you'll get. Dust. Nothing more. The jewels and bonds are no
more in the new tower than they are back in the safe right now."
"All right, Adelia. Perhaps you're right. But it won't hurt to make a search,
anyway. Come on, boys."
With that, Hurd Applegate led the way down the hall and opened the door
leading to a corridor that extended toward the new tower. Frank and Joe,
tingling with excitement, followed.
Although the new tower had been built just a few years back and although
its rooms had been furnished, it had been seldom occupied, save on the rare
occasions when the Applegates had visitors from the city. The new
caretaker, employed to replace Robinson, was a lazy and slovenly fellow,
who did not bother to extend his duties to the tower, knowing that the
Applegates seldom went near that part of the mansion and realizing that any
laxity in his duties in that respect would scarcely be discovered. It came as a
surprise to Hurd Applegate, then, to find out that the new tower was dusty,
that the windows had not been cleaned, that there were cobwebs on the
In the first room they found nothing, although they rummaged about in all
the corners, looked beneath the table, behind the chairs—looked
everywhere, in fact. Not until they were quite satisfied that the loot had not
been hidden there, did they ascend the stairs to the next room, and there
again their search was fruitless.
Hurd Applegate, being a quick-tempered man, fell back into his old mood.
The boys' story had convinced him, and he had been even more certain than
they that the stolen bonds and jewels would indeed be found in the new
tower. But when two of the tower rooms had been thoroughly searched
without success, his disappointment increased.
"Don't believe there was anything in that yarn, after all," he muttered, as
they went up the stairs to the third room.
"I don't see why he should lie about it, after he confessed," remarked Frank
thoughtfully. "Dad told us that he admitted not being able to get away with
the stuff."
"Then where did he hide it?" demanded Applegate. "If he wasn't lying, the
stuff must be around here some place."
"Perhaps he hid it a little more carefully than we imagine," put in Joe.
"Haven't we hunted carefully enough?" Hurd Applegate snapped.
In the third room their search was again in vain. They even inspected the
window ledges and tapped the floors and ceiling in the faint hope of finding
some secret cupboard that was unknown to them.
But the loot was not found.
When at last they emerged through the trapdoor in the roof, out on top of
the rear tower, and found it to be bare and empty, Applegate could not
disguise his chagrin.
"Wild-goose chase!" he snorted. "Adelia was right. I've been made a fool
"You don't think we would make up a story like that, do you, Mr.
Applegate?" Frank asked.
"I don't see any reason why you should. But there's something wrong
somewhere. I've wasted half a morning poking around through this
confounded tower—all for nothing."
"So have we."
"If that fellow did hide the stuff in one of the towers, some one else must
have come along and got it. That's the only way I can figure it out. He had
some one working with him. Or else Robinson found the stuff—That's more
likely! Probably Robinson found the loot right after the robbery and kept it
for himself."
"I don't think he would do that. He isn't that kind of man," Joe objected.
"With all that money in front of him? I wouldn't put it past him for a
minute. Where did he get that nine hundred dollars, then? Explain that. He
can't. He won't tell."
As they descended the stairs and went back into the main part of the
mansion, Hurd Applegate elaborated on this theory. The fact that the loot
had not been found in the face of Red Jackley's story, seemed to strengthen
his conviction that Robinson had something to do with the affair.
"Either Robinson found the stuff and kept it, or else he was in league with
Jackley!" said Applegate. "He's mixed up in it some way. I'm sure of that."
The boys could say nothing. They realized that the theory was probable,
although in their hearts they found it hard to believe that their chum's father
could have had anything to do with the theft. They were deeply puzzled and
tremendously disappointed, for they had been practically certain that the
loot would be found. Now they saw that the only consequence of the whole
affair was to involve Mr. Robinson more deeply than ever in the mystery.
Back in the hallway they endured the taunts of Adelia Applegate, who
cackled jubilantly when she saw that the searching party had returned
"There now!" she crowed. "Who's right now? Didn't I tell you it was all
nonsense? Hurd Applegate, you've simply been made a fool of by these two
"Now, Adelia, I think they meant well—"
"Meant well! Of course they meant well! And what did it gain you? They
have prowled through the place all morning and all the good that's come of
it is that perhaps you won't be so ready to believe the next cock-and-bull
story some one tells you. Go back to your stamps, Hurd Applegate, and let
it be a lesson to you. As for you boys, you should be ashamed of
yourselves, disturbing folks like this!"
Whereupon she escorted the Hardy boys to the door, while Hurd Applegate,
muttering sadly, went back to his study with a puzzled air.

Fenton Hardy was dumbfounded when his sons returned to him with the
news that the loot had been found in neither the old tower nor the new. So
implicitly had he believed in the dying confession of Red Jackley that he
had not even bothered to join in the search, preferring to let his sons have
the satisfaction of recovering the stolen goods that he was positive were
hidden in the old tower.
"And you're sure you searched the place thoroughly?" he asked, for the
third time.
"Every inch of it. There was nothing in the old tower. No one had been
there in weeks," answered Frank.
"How could you tell?"
"By the dust. It hadn't been disturbed. There wasn't a footprint of any kind."
"But you searched anyway."
"We went through the tower from top to bottom," Frank replied. "It wasn't
any use. No one had been there. So then we thought Jackley might have
been mistaken and that he had left the stuff in the other tower."
"And Applegate let you search that as well?" and Fenton Hardy's eyes
"Not until we had told him our reasons. We told him about Jackley, and then
he became enthusiastic and even helped us in the search. But we didn't find
"Strange," muttered the detective. "I know Jackley wasn't lying. He had
nothing to gain by deceiving me. Absolutely nothing. He was in real earnest
if ever a man was. 'I hid it in the old tower.' Those were his words. He
would have told more if he had been able. And what could he mean but the
old tower of Tower Mansion? Why should he be so careful to say the old
tower. Every one knows the mansion has two towers, the old and the new."
"Of course, it may be that we didn't search thoroughly enough," Joe said.
"The stuff may be hidden in the flooring or behind the walls."
"That's the only solution I can think of," replied Fenton Hardy. "I'm not
satisfied yet that the loot isn't there. I'm going to get in touch with
Applegate and ask permission for a real, thorough search of both towers. It's
to his interest as well as mine."
"Applegate thinks possibly Jackley hid the stuff all right but that Robinson
found it and sold it," said Frank. "He hinted that he was of the opinion that
Robinson was in league with the thief."
"It does look rather bad," Mr. Hardy admitted. "One couldn't blame
Applegate very much for thinking Robinson found the stuff after it was
hidden and made away with it."
"Robinson wouldn't do that!" cried Joe. "He's too honest!"
"I don't think he would do it, either. But sometimes, if a man is in need of
money and temptation is placed in his way, he gives in. I'd hate to believe
that of Robinson, but if that stuff isn't found in the tower I'll have to admit
that it looks very much as if he were mixed up in it."
The interview with their father left the Hardy boys feeling far from
cheerful, for they saw that Mr. Robinson was now more deeply involved in
the affair than before. On the face of it, circumstances seemed to be against
the caretaker.
"Just the same," said Frank, as the boys left the house and went down the
street, "I don't believe Jackley ever hid the stuff in the tower. If he had ever
so much as opened the tower door he would have left some marks in the
dust and we would have seen them. So I don't believe Robinson came along
later and got the loot."
"As we saw it, the dust in the tower hadn't been disturbed in weeks. Why,
there was even dust on the door-knob, when Mr. Applegate let us in."
"Then, why should Jackley say he hid the stuff there?" exclaimed Frank,
"Don't ask me. I'm just as much in the dark as you are."
When the boys reached the business section of the city they found that
already Jackley's confession had become common property. People were
discussing the deathbed confession on the street corners and newsboys were
busy selling copies of papers in which the story of the criminal's last
statement was featured on the front page under black headlines.
Policeman Con Riley was ambling along Main Street in the morning
sunshine, swinging his club with the air of a man without a care in the
world. When he saw the boys he frowned, for there was no love lost
between the Hardys and the Bayport police department.
"Well," he grunted, "I hear you got the stuff back."
"I wish we had," said Frank.
"What?" said the constable, brightening up at once. "You didn't get it? I
thought it said in the paper this morning that this fellow Jackley told where
he had hidden it."
"He did."
"And you can't find it! Ho! Ho!" Con Riley indulged in a hearty laugh.
"What a fine detective your father is! Didn't Jackley say the stuff was
hidden in the old tower? What more does he want?"
"Our father didn't search for the stuff," retorted Frank. "We did. And it
wasn't there. Jackley must have made a mistake."
"It wasn't there?" exclaimed Riley, in high delight. "That's a good one.
That's the best I've heard in years." He chuckled exceedingly, and slapped
his knee. "Jackley put a good one over on your father that time. Ho! Ho!
Ho! The stuff wasn't there!"
Riley wiped the tears from his eyes and went on his way, trying to laugh
and at the same time retain his dignity as an officer of the law. The joke, he
decided, was too good to keep, so as he proceeded back toward the police
station, there to edify Chief Collig and Detective Smuff with the tale, he
buttonholed various passers-by and poured the story into their willing ears.
It was not long before the yarn had spread throughout the city with that
swiftness peculiar to stories spread by word of mouth, and in the telling the
story was exaggerated, the net effect being that Fenton Hardy was made to
look ridiculous by believing a false confession.
Highly colored accounts of the boys' search of the old tower quickly spread,
and throughout the day they were subjected to many caustic and sarcastic
inquiries on the part of friends and acquaintances alike. They took all these
remarks in good part, although they did not enjoy their sudden prominence.
"Never mind," said Frank, "we'll show them yet."
"I hope they find that stuff when they search the towers again," added Joe.
"Then the people will have to eat crow. It'll be our turn to laugh."
"Yes," agreed Frank; "but just now our laughter seems to be in a far-distant
When they returned home they found that Fenton Hardy had been busy in
the meantime and had convinced Hurd Applegate that a thorough search of
the towers would be advisable. True, he had not accomplished this without
a great deal of opposition on the part of Adelia and without misgivings on
the part of Hurd Applegate himself, who had by that time come to the
conclusion that Robinson had indeed been mixed up in the affair all along.
In this conviction he was sustained by Chief Collig, who had paid a call at
the Applegate home as soon as Collig had told him of the vain search of the
"The chief says Robinson is behind it, and I'm beginnin' to think he's right,"
said Applegate.
"But how about the confession?" Mr. Hardy asked.
"The chief says that's all a blind. Jackley did it to protect Robinson. They
were both working together."
"I know it looks bad for Robinson, but I don't think it would hurt to give the
towers another thorough search. I was the one who heard Jackley make the
confession and I don't believe he was lying. I believe he was trying to tell
me all he knew."
"Maybe. Maybe. I think he was too smart for you, Mr. Hardy, and
everybody else thinks so too. It was all a hoax."
"I'll believe that after I've searched the towers inside and out."
"Well, go ahead. Go as far as you like. But I don't think you'll find that
With that, Mr. Hardy was content. He made preparations for a search of the
towers, although Adelia Applegate flatly declared that the detective was
making a laughing-stock of her and her brother and that if the nonsense
continued she would leave Tower Mansion forever and carry out her oft-
expressed intention of going to one of the South Sea Islands as a
In spite of the protestations of the worthy lady, however, the search was
carried out. The old tower was visited first, and for the greater part of the
following morning the place was searched from top to bottom. Even the
floors were torn up in places in the quest for some secret hiding place in
which Jackley might have left the loot.
But although Fenton Hardy, accompanied by the boys and Hurd Applegate,
who soon became infected with the dogged enthusiasm of the others and
lent every assistance in his power, hunted throughout the old tower in every
conceivable place, the missing jewels and bonds were not recovered.
"Nothing left but to search the new tower," Mr. Hardy commented briefly,
when the search was over, and throughout the whole afternoon the new
tower was the scene of a search that was as thorough as it was fruitless.
Walls and partitions were tapped, floors were sounded, furniture was
minutely examined—not an inch of space escaped the minute scrutiny of
the detective and his helpers. But as the search wore on and the loot still
evaded discovery, the chagrin of Fenton Hardy deepened and Hurd
Applegate finally lost his temper.
"A hoax!" he declared. "A hoax from start to finish."
"The man was in earnest!" the detective insisted.
"Then where is the stuff?"
"Some one else may have found it. That's the only explanation I can think
"Who else could have taken it but Robinson?"
To this, Mr. Hardy was silent. In spite of his knowledge of and liking for the
man, he was beginning to suspect that the caretaker may have had a hand in
the affair after all.
"Either that or Jackley simply told that yarn to shield Robinson," declared
"I'm not going to give up this search yet," said Mr. Hardy patiently.
"Perhaps the loot was hidden somewhere about the grounds."
So the grounds of Tower Mansion, particularly in the vicinity of the two
towers, were thoroughly searched. The shrubbery was inspected but to no
The search continued until sundown, and by that time Adelia Applegate
was pale with wrath, for the place, as she expressed it, had been "turned
upside down," Hurd Applegate was outspoken in his rage and
disappointment, while Fenton Hardy was deeply chagrined. As for the boys,
although they had expected that the additional search would be without
success, they shared their father's bewilderment.
"I can't understand it," admitted the detective. "I could have sworn that
Jackley was in earnest when he made that confession. He knew he was near
death and that he had nothing to gain by concealment. I can't understand it
at all."
And there the mystery remained, deeper than it had ever been.

For two days after the unsuccessful search of Tower Mansion, there were no
further developments in the affair of the robbery. But on the third day, Chief
Collig took a hand.
The first intimation the Hardy boys had of it was when they met Callie
Shaw and Iola Morton on their way to school. Iola, a plump, dark girl, was
a sister of Chet Morton and had achieved the honor of being about the only
girl Joe Hardy had ever conceded to be anything but an unmitigated
Joe, who was shy in the presence of girls, professed a lofty scorn for all
members of the other sex, particularly those of high school age, but had
once grudgingly admitted that Iola Morton was "all right, for a girl." This,
from him, was high praise.
"Have you heard what's happened?" asked Callie, as they met the boys near
the school entrance.
"School called off for to-day?" asked Joe eagerly.
"No, no. Nothing like that. It's about the Robinsons."
"What's happened now?"
"Mr. Robinson has been arrested again."
The Hardy boys stared at her as though thunderstruck.
"What for?" demanded Frank, in astonishment.
"Over that robbery at Tower Mansion. He has been working in the city
lately and Chief Collig sent Detective Smuff for him last night. Iola and I
were over to see the Robinson girls last night and they told us about it.
Smuff should be back by now."
"Well, can you beat that!" exclaimed Frank. "I wonder what's the big idea of
arresting him again?"

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