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Dinstar GSM Gateway HTTP API (v201910)

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Introduction of API

Instructions for Using HTTP API

Introduction of API

Change Logs
Version 1.1 2019-10-16
1. Add ‘get_status’ to API.

2. Add more examples.

Version 1.0 2016-12-8

1. Add ‘request_status_report’ parameter to SMS request;
2. Add pushing feature;
3. Add ‘slot, callstate, signal, gprs’ parameter to API of ‘Get Port Information’;
4. Add port API.

Version 0.5 2015-7-22

1. Add CDR API;
2. Add STK API.

Version 0.4 2015-4-24

1. Change the format of sending SMS request; allow each number to include a user id;
2. Add an API for querying the current number of SMS in the waiting queue;
3. Add the ‘user_id’ parameter to ‘Query SMS Result’.

Version 0.3 2015-3-20

1. Add ‘DELIVERED’ status to ‘Send SMS Result’.

Version 0.2 2015-1-22

1. Add ‘user_id’ to ‘Send SMS Request’.

Version 0.1 2014-12-25

First Version

Introduction of API

User Manual V2.1............................................................................................................................... I
Version 1.1 2019-10-16 ...................................................................................................................................... II
Version 1.0 2016-12-8 ........................................................................................................................................ II
Version 0.5 2015-7-22 ........................................................................................................................................ II
Version 0.4 2015-4-24 ........................................................................................................................................ II
Version 0.3 2015-3-20 ........................................................................................................................................ II
Version 0.2 2015-1-22 ........................................................................................................................................ II
Version 0.1 2014-12-25 ...................................................................................................................................... II

1 Introduction of API ......................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Application Scenarios ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Network Topology............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Key Features..................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Before You Start ............................................................................................................................................... 1

2 Send SMS ......................................................................................................................................... 3

2.1 Request ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Request Parameters .......................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Response Parameter ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Example of Sending SMS ................................................................................................................................ 4

3 Query SMS Sending Result ............................................................................................................ 5

3.1 Request ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Request Parameters .......................................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Response Parameter ......................................................................................................................................... 5
3.4 Example of Querying SMS Sending Result ..................................................................................................... 6

4 Query SMS Delivery Status............................................................................................................ 8

4.1 Request ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
4.2 Request Parameter ............................................................................................................................................ 8
4.3 Response Parameter ......................................................................................................................................... 8
4.4 Example of Querying SMS Delivery Status ..................................................................................................... 9

5 Query Number of SMS Messages to Be Sent .............................................................................. 10

5.1 Request ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.2 Request Parameter .......................................................................................................................................... 10
5.3 Response Parameter ....................................................................................................................................... 10

Introduction of API

5.4 Example of Querying Number of SMS Messages to Be Sent ........................................................................ 10

6 Receive SMS................................................................................................................................. 11
6.1 Request ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Request Parameter .......................................................................................................................................... 11
6.3 Response Parameter ....................................................................................................................................... 11
6.4 Example of Receiving SMS ........................................................................................................................... 12
6.5 Suggestion ...................................................................................................................................................... 12

7 Send USSD ..................................................................................................................................... 13

7.1 Request ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
7.2 Request Parameter .......................................................................................................................................... 13
7.3 Response Parameter ....................................................................................................................................... 13
7.4 Example of Sending USSD ............................................................................................................................ 14

8 Query USSD Reply........................................................................................................................ 15

8.1 Request ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
8.2 Request Parameter .......................................................................................................................................... 15
8.3 Response Parameter ....................................................................................................................................... 15
8.4 Example of Querying USSD Reply................................................................................................................ 16

9 Stop SMS Sending Task ................................................................................................................ 17

9.1 Request ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
9.2 Request Parameter .......................................................................................................................................... 17
9.3 Response Parameter ....................................................................................................................................... 17
9.4 Example of Stopping SMS Sending Task ....................................................................................................... 17

10 Get Port Information of Gateway.............................................................................................. 18

10.1 Request ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
10.2 Request Parameter ........................................................................................................................................ 18
10.3 Response Parameter ..................................................................................................................................... 18
10.4 Example of Getting Port Information ........................................................................................................... 19

11 Set Port Information of Gateway .............................................................................................. 21

11.1 Request ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
11.2 Request Parameter ........................................................................................................................................ 21
11.3 Response Parameter ..................................................................................................................................... 22
11.4 Example of Setting Port Information............................................................................................................ 22

12 Get CDR ....................................................................................................................................... 23

12.1 Request ......................................................................................................................................................... 23
12.2 Request Parameter ........................................................................................................................................ 23
12.3 Response Parameter ..................................................................................................................................... 23

Introduction of API

12.4 Example of Getting CDR ............................................................................................................................. 24

13 Query STK Info........................................................................................................................... 25

13.1 Request ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
13.2 Request Parameters ...................................................................................................................................... 25
13.3 Response Parameter ..................................................................................................................................... 25
13.4 Example of Querying STK Info ................................................................................................................... 26

14 STK Operation ............................................................................................................................ 27

14.1 Request ......................................................................................................................................................... 27
14.2 Request Parameter ........................................................................................................................................ 27
14.3 Example of STK Operation .......................................................................................................................... 27

15 Query Frame ID of STK............................................................................................................. 28

15.1 Request ......................................................................................................................................................... 28
15.2 Request Parameter ........................................................................................................................................ 28
15.3 Response Parameter ..................................................................................................................................... 28
15.4 Example of Querying Frame ID ................................................................................................................... 28

16 Get Device Status ......................................................................................................................... 29

16.1 Request ......................................................................................................................................................... 29
16.2 Request Parameter ........................................................................................................................................ 29
16.3 Response Parameter ..................................................................................................................................... 29
16.4 Example ....................................................................................................................................................... 29

17 Push Event ................................................................................................................................... 31

18 CALL Forward ............................................................................................................................ 33
18.1 Set Call Forward Request ............................................................................................................................. 33
18.2 Request Parameter ........................................................................................................................................ 33
18.3 The First to Read Call Forward Request ...................................................................................................... 33
18.4 The First Request Parameter ........................................................................................................................ 33
18.5 The Second To Read Call Forward Request ................................................................................................. 34
18.6 The Second Request Parameter .................................................................................................................... 34
18.7 Example ....................................................................................................................................................... 35

19 NAT .............................................................................................................................................. 36
19.1 Application Scenarios ................................................................................................................................... 36
19.2 Configuration section ................................................................................................................................... 36
19.3 API Changes ................................................................................................................................................. 37

20 FAQ .............................................................................................................................................. 38
20.1 How can you specify a port for sending SMS? ............................................................................................ 38
20.2 How to match an SMS sending result with an SMS sending request? ......................................................... 38

Introduction of API

20.3 How fast can a SMS be sent? ....................................................................................................................... 38

20.4 How can you get SMS delivery status? ........................................................................................................ 38
20.5 How can you disable SMS delivery status? ................................................................................................. 38
20.6 How to send HTTP(s) request in the program? ............................................................................................ 39

Introduction of API

1 Introduction of API
1.1 Application Scenarios
API enables an SMS server to communicate with lots of gateways, and then users can send
and receive SMS through this server.

1.2 Network Topology

Internet Internet

Gateway SMS Server Client

1.3 Key Features

 Support sending and receiving of SMS/USSD
 Support batch sending of SMS
 Support ‘SMS Delivery Status’
 Support obtaining of basic port information

1.4 Before You Start

1) The API is based on HTTP and JSON. So please check how to send HTTP request and how
to encode/decode JSON data before you write an application with this API. This document
takes cURL as an example to demonstrate how to use this API, and please convert it to your
own programming language if there is a need.

2) Please enable the API function before your test. On the web interface of the gateway, select
Mobile Configuration  Basic Configuration in the menu bar, and then select new-version
API. Only version 1102 or later version of the gateway supports the new-version API.

Introduction of API

3) Something about SMS.

a) The gateway supports 2 types of encoding, namely GSM 7 bit and UCS2. GSM 7bit is
suitable for sending messages that contain ASCII and some Latin alphabets, while UCS2 is
suitable for sending anything, including Chinese, Korean, Japanese and even emoji .

b) For GSM 7bit, it is possible to send up to 160 characters (packed in up to 140 octets) in one
SMS message. But for UCS2, one SMS message could only contain 70 characters at

c) The gateway supports Concatenated_SMS, which means the gateway will split your long
messages into smaller SMS.

Send SMS

2 Send SMS

2.1 Request
POST https://gateway_ip/api/send_sms

2.2 Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
Required Parameter
text String The content of SMS, support grammar like
param Array of Object Each element is an object, which can be any of
the following :
number: a digit string no more than 24 bytes
text_param: an array of string. Each element is
used to replace #param# in the text
user_id: an integer greater than or equal to 0.
It is recommended the user_id is an unique value
for each SMS. user_id is the index of SMS,
which is used to identify the SMS while user
query SMS sending result. (refer to 3 “Query
SMS sending Result” )

Optional Parameter
port Array of Integer Number of port for sending SMS
Each port number should be an integer, ranging
from 0 to 31
encoding String It can be ‘unicode’or ‘gsm-7bit’
Default is ‘unicode’
request_status_report Boolen It is used to determine whether to use SMS
status report. It can be true or false
Default is true

Send SMS

2.3 Response Parameter

Parameter Type Description
error_code Integer Codes that may be returned:
202: Request has been accepted and will be
processed later;
400: Request format is not valid
413: the count of telephone numbers is more than
128 or text content is over 1500 bytes
500: other errors
550: No available port for sending sms.

sn String SN of the gateway

sms_in_queue Integer Number of SMS messsages waiting for being

task_id Integer Used to stop corresponding sending task later

2.4 Example of Sending SMS

Simple Request:
curl -k --anyauth -u admin:admin -d
'{"text":"ye","param":[{"number":"10086"}]}' -H "Content-Type:
application/json" https://gateway_ip/api/send_sms

Request with #param:

curl -k --anyauth -u admin:admin -d
"text_param":["ye"],"user_id":2}]}' -H "Content-Type:
application/json" https://gateway_ip/api/send_sms


1. The example above comes with the default username and password.
Use the real username and password of your own gateway.

2. Use the real ip of your gateway to replace the gateway_ip.



Query SMS Sending Result

3 Query SMS Sending Result

3.1 Request
POST https://gateway_ip/api/query_sms_result

3.2 Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
Optional Parameter
number Array of Strings The number of the string arrays should not exceed 32,
while the length of each string should not be more
than 24 bytes.
port Array of Integers The port(s) for sending SMS
Each port should be an integer ranging from 0 to 31

time_after String String like "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"

Query the records of SMS messages sent after this

time_before String String like "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS";

Query the records of SMS messages sent before this

user_id Array of Integers Each user ID here is used to match the user ID carried
in Send Sms Request
This user_id is the unique value which is set during
sending SMS. (refer to “send SMS”, “Request
This parameter is recommended for practice.

3.3 Response Parameter

Parameter Type Description
error_code Integer codes that may be returned:

Query SMS Sending Result

200: Request has been accepted and processed

400: Request format is not valid
413: the count of telephone numbers is more than 32
500: other errors

sn String SN of the gateway

result Array of Objects Results of SMS sending; Each result includes the
following information:
port: port for sending SMS
number: destination number of the sent SMS
user_id: match with the user ID carried in SMS
sending request
time: the time of sending SMS
status: sending status, which could be FAILED,
count: count of SMS segments. A long SMS message
is divided into several segments and then is sent.
succ_count: count of SMS segments that are sent
ref_id: the first reference ID of this SMS, which is
used to match SMS delivery status. The range of
reference ID is from 0 to 255. Reference ID is
generally used together with telephone number, port
number and even sending time to match a delivery
imsi: IMSI of the SIM card.

3.4 Example of Querying SMS Sending Result


curl -k --anyauth -u admin:admin -d '{"user_id":[1,2]}' -H

"Content-Type: application/json"


12:06:01","status":"SENT_OK","count":3, "succ_count":3,

Sms result can also be pushed to your application, like

Query SMS Sending Result


Query SMS Delivery Status

4 Query SMS Delivery Status

4.1 Request
POST https://gateway_ip/api/query_sms_deliver_status

4.2 Request Parameter

Parameter Type Description
Optional Parameter
number Array of Strings The count of telephone numbers should not be more
than 32. The length of each number should not exceed
24 bytes
port Array of Integers The port(s) for sending SMS messages
Each port should be an integer ranging from 0 to 31

time_after String String like "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"

Query the records of SMS messages sent after this time

time_before String String like "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"

Query the records of SMS messages sent before this

4.3 Response Parameter

Parameter Type Description
error_code Integer Codes that may be returned:
200: Request has been accepted and processed
400: Request format is not valid
413: the count of telephone numbers is more than 32
500: other errors

sn String SN of the gateway

Query SMS Delivery Status

result Array Results of delivery status; each result includes the

following information:
port: port for sending SMS messages
number: destination number
time: time of sending SMS messages
ref_id: reference ID which is used to match SMS
sending result
status_code: delivery status which ranges from 0 to
0: it means the SMS has been received by peer
32 ~ 63: temporary error
64~255: permanent error
For more information about status code, please search
"SMS Status Report.
imsi: IMSI of the SIM card.

4.4 Example of Querying SMS Delivery Status


curl -k --anyauth -u admin:admin -d '{"number":["12341234"],

"port":[1,2,3], "time_after":"2014-12-12 19:29:19",
"time_before":"2014-12-12 19:29:19"}' -H "Content-Type:


:0, "number":"12341234","time":"2014-12-21 12:06:01","ref_id":12,

Deliver status can also be pushed to your application, like


Query Number of SMS Messages to Be Sent

5 Query Number of SMS Messages to Be Sent

5.1 Request
GET https://gateway_ip/api/query_sms_in_queue

5.2 Request Parameter


5.3 Response Parameter

Parameter Type Description
error_code Integer Codes that may be returned:
200:Request has been accepted and processed
500: Other errors

sn String SN of the gateway

in_queue Integer Number of SMS messages waiting to be sent

5.4 Example of Querying Number of SMS Messages to Be Sent





Receive SMS

6 Receive SMS

6.1 Request
GET https://gateway_ip/api/query_incoming_sms

6.2 Request Parameter

Parameter Type Description

Optional Parameter

incoming_sms_id Integer It is an integer greater than 0

When a SMS server/client request for SMS
messages, the gateway will return the messages
whose ID are greater than this value to SMS
Default value is 0

flag String Optional values of this parameter include:

"unread": unread SMS messages (whose status will
change to ‘read’ after they are read by this API)
"read": SMS messages that have been read
"all": SMS messages that are unread and read
Default value is "unread"

port Array of Integers Port(s) for receiving SMS messages

Each port should be an integer ranging from 0 to

6.3 Response Parameter

Parameter Type Description
error_code Integer Codes that may be returned:
200:it is legal request and gateway will return
SMS messages according to the request

Receive SMS

500: Other errors

sn String SN of the gateway

sms Array of Object SMS messages; each message include the

following information:
incoming_sms_id: message ID in gateway’s
port: port of receiving SMS message
number: telephone number of SMS sender
smsc: telephone number of SMS center
timestamp: time of receiving SMS message
text: content of a SMS message

read Integer count of SMS messages that have been read

unread Integer count of SMS messages that are unread.

6.4 Example of Receiving SMS




_sms_id":1, "port":2, "number":
17:11:18","text":"This is a test"},],"read":1, "unread":0}

Incoming sms can also be pushed to your application, like

7-12 15:46:18","text":"test"}]}

6.5 Suggestion
1. Use Push Service for getting SMS.


2. Incoming sms id should be increased every time. For example, First request, without
incoming_sms_id is OK. But Seconde request, the incoming_sms_id should be the max id in
the first response.

7 Send USSD

7.1 Request
POST https://gateway_ip/api/send_ussd

7.2 Request Parameter

Parameter Type Description
Required Parameter
text String The content of SMS message to be sent; its length
should not exceed 60 bytes.
When command is "send", text should not be empty;
when command is "cancel", text can be empty.

port Array of Integers Port(s) for sending USSD

Each port should be an integer ranging from 0 to 31

Optional Parameter
command String It can be "send" or "cancel"; default value is "send"

7.3 Response Parameter

Parameter Type Description
error_code Integer Codes that may be returned:
202: request has been accepted and processed.
400: it is an illegal request, for example, the command
is “send” but text does not exist.
500: other errors


sn String SN of the gateway

result Array Results; each result include the following information:

Port: port for sending USSD
Status: its value may be any of the following
200: USSD is sent successfully
486: the port is busy currently, for example, SMS is
being sending through the port
503: the port is not registered currently

7.4 Example of Sending USSD


curl -k --anyauth -u admin:admin -d

'{"port":[1,2,3],"command":"send","text":"*125#"}' -H
"Content-Type: application/json"


:0, "status":503},{"port":1, "status":503},{"port":2,

Query USSD Reply

8 Query USSD Reply

8.1 Request
GET https://gateway_ip/api/query_ussd_reply

8.2 Request Parameter

Parameter Type Description
Required Parameter
port Array Port(s) for querying USSD reply
Each port should be an integer ranging from 0 to 31

8.3 Response Parameter

Parameter Type Description
error_code Integer Codes that may be returned:
200: Request has been accepted and processed
400: Request format is not valid
500: Other errors

sn String SN of the gateway

reply Array Replys; each reply includes the following

port: port for receiving USSD reply
text: USSD reply

Query USSD Reply

8.4 Example of Querying USSD Reply


1, "text":" "},{"port":2, "text": "Test…"},{"port":3, "text":

USSD can also be pushed to your application, like:


Stop SMS Sending Task

9 Stop SMS Sending Task

9.1 Request
GET https://gateway_ip/api/stop_sms

9.2 Request Parameter

Parameter Type Description
Required Parameter
task_id Integer The ID of the task to be stopped, which corresponds
with the task-id carried in the response of SMS sending

9.3 Response Parameter

Parameter Type Description
error_code Integer Codes that may be returned:
200: SMS sending task has been stopped
404: SMS sending task cannot be found
500: Other errors
sn String SN of the gateway

9.4 Example of Stopping SMS Sending Task





Get Port Information of Gateway

10 Get Port Information of Gateway

10.1 Request
GET https://gateway_ip/api/get_port_info

10.2 Request Parameter

Parameter Type Description
Required Parameter
info_type Array of Strings; each string cloud be any of the following
Strings strings:
Optional Parameter
port Array Port(s) whose information is to be queried
Each port should be an integer ranging from 0 to 31.

10.3 Response Parameter

Parameter Type Description
error_code Integer Codes that may be returned:
200: Request has been processed.
400: Request format is not valid.
500: Other errors

sn String SN of the gateway

info Array Each piece of port information is returned according to

the query request;
port: the port which is queried
type: could be GSM, CDMA, WCDMA, LTE or

Get Port Information of Gateway

UNKNOWN (when type is not recognized)

imei: IMEI of this port
imsi: IMSI of the SIM card inserted into this port
iccid: ICCID of the SIM card inserted into this port
number: the mobile number of this SIM card
reg: register status of this port, which could be
slot: slot of this port (when the gateway is a multi-sim
gateway); slot number ranges from 0 to 3; 255 will be
returned when the gateway is not a multi-sim gateway.
callstate: the current state of this port, which could be
Idle, Processing, Ringing, Active, Alerting, Call
Waiting, Call holding or Unknown.
signal: signal strenth of this port, ranging from 0 to 31
gprs: gprs which is attached or detached to this port
remain_credit: total remain credit of this port
remain_monthly_credit: monthly remain credit of this
remain_daily_credit: daily remain credit of this port
remain_daily_calltime: daily remain call time of this
remain_hourly_calltime: hourly remain call time of
this port
remain_daily_connect: daily remain connect times of
this port

10.4 Example of Getting Port Information





Get Port Information of Gateway


Set Port Information of Gateway

11 Set Port Information of Gateway

11.1 Request
GET https://gateway_ip/api/set_port_info

11.2 Request Parameter

Parameter Type Description
Required Parameter
action String Action could be slot, reset or power
Slot: choose a slot (when the gateway is a
multi-sim gateway)
Reset: reset the gsm/cdma/wcdma module
Power: turn on or turn off the gsm/cdma/wcdma
imei: to modify IMEI,param should be IMEI
number: to modify number in SIM,param should
be phone number
lock: to lock SIM card,param should be PIN of
the SIM
unlock: to unlock SIM card,param should be
PIN of the SIM
block: block SIM
unblock: unblock SIM
CallForward: to set call forward,see set call
forward for detail
CheckCallForward:to send checking call
forward command

param String Slot: slot of this port(when the gateway is a

multi-sim gateway), ranging from 0 to 3;
Power: could be “on” or “off”.

port Integer Port number is an integer ranging from 0 to 31

Set Port Information of Gateway

11.3 Response Parameter

Parameter Type Description
error_code Integer Codes that may be returned:
200: Request has been processed
400: Request format is not valid.
500: other errors
sn String SN of the gateway

11.4 Example of Setting Port Information






12 Get CDR

12.1 Request
POST https://gateway_ip/api/get_cdr

12.2 Request Parameter

Parameter Type Description
Required Parameter
Optional Parameter
port Array Port(s) whose CDR is to be queried;
Each port number should be an integer ranging
from 0 to 31.

time_after String String like "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS";

Query the CDRs which are sent after this time.

time_before String String like "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS";

Query CDRs are sent before this time.

12.3 Response Parameter

Parameter Type Description

error_code Integer Codes that may be returned:
200: Request has been processed
400: Request format is not valid
500: Other errors

sn String SN of the gateway

cdr Array Each CDR will be returned according to the



port: port number;

start_date: start time of the call;
answer_date: answer time of the call;
duration: call duration
source_number:source number
destination_number:destination number
direction: call direction which could be gsm->ip,
ip->gsm or callback;
ip: the source ip of an ip->gsm call
codec: it could be:G.711U, G.723.1, G.711A or
hangup: the party to hang up the call ; it could
be the called party, the calling party or the
gsm_code: the code of the reason why the GSM
side hangs up the call;
bcch: BCCH used for this call

12.4 Example of Getting CDR


curl -k --anyauth -u admin:admin -d '{"port":[2,3]}' -H

"Content-Type: application/json" http://gateway_ip/api/get_cdr


"start_date":"2015-07-21 16:35:20","answer_date":"2015-07-21

Query STK Info

13 Query STK Info

13.1 Request
GET https://gateway_ip/GetSTKView

13.2 Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description

Required Parameter

port Integer

13.3 Response Parameter

Parameter Type Description

title String The title of STK

text String The content of prompt during the query of

STK information

input_type Integer 0: display only

1: desktop
2: select item
3. require "yes" or "no" response
4: require one digit input
5: require one character input
8: require input of only digit(s)
9: require input of digit(s) without echo
10: require input of character(s)
11: require input of character(s) without
12: locked status

frame_id Integer The frame id of current STK view

Query STK Info

item Object It is included only when input_type is 1 or 2

Item. item_id Integer The id of item

Item .item_string String The name of item

13.4 Example of Querying STK Info





STK Operation

14 STK Operation

14.1 Request
POST https://gateway_ip/STKGo

14.2 Request Parameter

Parameter Type Description

Required Parameter

port Integer

Optional Parameter

item Integer

param String

action String “ok”, ”cancle”or ”home”

14.3 Example of STK Operation


curl -k --anyauth -u admin:admin -d '{"port":7,"item":1}' -H

"Content-Type: application/json" -H "Content-Type:
application/json" http://gateway_ip/STKGo

curl -k --anyauth -u admin:admin -d '{"port":7,"action":"cancle"}'

-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Content-Type:
application/json" http://gateway_ip/STKGo

Query Frame ID of STK

15 Query Frame ID of STK

15.1 Request
GET https://gateway_ip/GetSTKCurrFrameIndex

15.2 Request Parameter

Parameter Type Description

Required Parameter

port Integer

15.3 Response Parameter

Parameter Type Description

frame_id Integer

15.4 Example of Querying Frame ID





Get Device Status

16 Get Device Status

16.1 Request
POST https://gateway_ip/api/get_status

16.2 Request Parameter

Parameter Type Description

Required Parameter

16.3 Response Parameter

Parameter Type Description

cpu_used String CPU usage

flash_total String flash size

flash_used String Used flash size

memory_total String Memory size

memory_cached String Cache size

memory_buffers String Buffer size

memory_free String Free memory size

memory_used String Used memory size

16.4 Example

curl -k --anyauth -u admin:admin -d '["performance"]' -H "Content-Type:

application/json" https://gateway_ip/api/get_status

Get Device Status



Push Event

17 Push Event
In the latest version, the gateway can push some events such as SMS, SMS sending results
and SMS delivery status to your web server.

Once you selected push SMS, all SMS messages received by the gateway will be pushed to
your web server. The context of SMS pushing is very similar to the response of querying
incoming sms.
7-12 15:46:18","text":"test"}]}

The result of SMS pushing is similar to the response of Query Send SMS Result.

SMS delivery status


Push Event


SIM Register Status



Note: Multi-SIM gateway will push SIM Register Status with “slot”.


5-07-21 16:35:20","answer_date":"2015-07-21

Note: Only answered call will be pushed. For All the CDR, please ues “get_cdr”






Note:Exception Event Handling should be enabled.

CALL Forward

18 CALL Forward

18.1 Set Call Forward Request

GET https://gateway_ip/api/set_port_info

18.2 Request Parameter

Parameter Type Description
Required Parameter
port Integer
action String Should be “CallForward”
param String Could be like Uncondational,NoReply,
number String Phone Number

18.3 The First to Read Call Forward Request

GET https://gateway_ip/api/set_port_info

18.4 The First Request Parameter

Parameter Type Description
Required Parameter
port Integer
action String Should be

CALL Forward

18.5 The Second To Read Call Forward Request

GET https://gateway_ip/api/get_port_info

18.6 The Second Request Parameter

Parameter Type Description
Required Parameter
port Integer
info_type String Should be “CallForward”

CALL Forward

18.7 Example
1. Set call forward



2. Send checking command



3. Get result




19 NAT

19.1 Application Scenarios

DRP server can be used to communicate with the gateway behind NAT.

19.2 Configuration section

(1) Enable "Tools -> Remote Connection Configuration" in the gateway.

(2) Add gateway in DRP server.


19.3 API Changes

Based on the IP and port (in the configuration file) that the DRP server is configured, the API
client sends the request to that address;

(1) Connect to the DRP server and send the password of the account for authentication

Request: https://drpserver_ip:port/doLogin?Username=admin&password=admin

After the DRP server authentication passes, it returns 200 OK, indicating that the server
accepts the subsequent requests from the API client;

(2) After passing the authentication, send the device serial number to the DRP server:

Request: https://drpserver_ip:port/remoteWeb?Product_sns= 0123-4567-890A-BCDE

After the DRP server matches the corresponding device, it replies 200 OK, indicating that
subsequent requests of the API client are forwarded to the device specified by the serial

(3) Follow-up according to the specific function to send the corresponding request, see the
API specific usage (the model api client requests are sent to the DRP server);


20 FAQ

20.1 How can you specify a port for sending SMS?

When you need to specify a port for sending SMS, you can set port parameter in the SMS
sending request. If you don’t need to send SMS through a specific port, port parameter is not

20.2 How to match an SMS sending result with an SMS sending

It is advised to use user_id in the SMS sending request. You can use different user id when
SMS is sent to a different telephone number, and then SMS sending result will also carry this
user id. Each user id needs to be unique, and generally it is changed in an increasing order.

20.3 How fast can a SMS be sent?

It takes about 5 to 8 seconds to send a SMS message on a GSM gateway, and about 2 to 4
seconds on a LTE gateway. The time depends on the GSM network quality. When the GSM
network is in a bad condition, it may take about 1 minute.

20.4 How can you get SMS delivery status?

Generally, it is not necessary to query delivery status, as delivery status is included in SMS
sending Result. But if you want to control the SMS delivery, please see the following:

SMS delivery status is received by gateway in unspecific time. It is connected with an SMS
sending result by a ref_id. And it is better to query delivery status after SENT_OK is
returned. For a long SMS message which will be divided into 3 smaller SMS segments, if the
first ref_id in SMS sending result is 0 and those of other two SMS segments are 1 and 2
respectively, at least 3 delivery statuses will be received, carrying ref_id 0, 1 and 2

20.5 How can you disable SMS delivery status?

Set the value of ‘request_status_report’parameter into ‘false’ in the SMS sending request.


20.6 How to send HTTP(s) request in the program?

C/C++ and PHP can use libcurl for sending HTTP(s) request. The parameter in libcurl is
almost the same in curl utility.

curl libcurl






PHP example:

$curl = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY ) ;
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-type:
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "admin:admin");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $content);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);

C#,JAVA,PYTHON and other programming language have their own lib for sending http
request, please check the programming manual for help.


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