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Bell Laboratories Record 1944 May

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Incoming Outgoing
Frames Frames
Manual Manual
From, Through To
Toll c Dial Dial i Toll
WI Tari
Manual Manual
From To
Local r Dial Tandem Dial E

Senders of the Crossbar Toll System

Switching Development

SINCE their first development for the manual operator, while over the outgoing
panel system, senders have been de- trunks it may be necessary for the sender to
signed in a number of varieties, but transmit dial pulses, multifrequency pulses,
their basic functions have remained un- call-indicator pulses, revertive pulses, or to
changed. Acting as automatic operators, use a call announcer, which will transmit the
they record the number transmitted to them call by voice. It would have been possible to
and send out pulses or other signals to guide provide one multi -class sender for controlling
the setting up of the connection through one all types of calls. By using various signals
or more switching frames. Their variations from the different types of trunk circuits,
have been due largely to the type of pulses* this sender could recognize what class of
used for transmitting information to them pulsing it was about to receive. Similarly
and to the kind of pulses they send out to the same sender might have been arranged
control the connection. to pulse out through the outgoing circuits as
With the crossbar toll system, the situa- required. In spite of the advantage of being
tion with regard to senders is much more placed in one common group, such a sender
complicated because of the wide variety of would have been very complicated because
incoming and outgoing trunks with which of the necessity of handling so many differ-
they are to be associated. The interconnec- ent types of both incoming and outgoing
tions that can be made by the new system pulses. It seemed more desirable to provide
are indicated in the diagram at the head of several types of senders, each to handle
this article. Besides being able to handle all traffic over certain types of trunks. The
the types of pulsing normally employed with association of the senders with these various
such trunks, senders for the crossbar toll sys- types of trunks and with other units of the
tem must also be able to send and receive system is indicated in Figure 1.
multi -frequency pulsing, which has recently In all, five types of senders are provided,
been developed for use over various types of three to be associated with incoming trunks
toll lines. Signals coming in to a crossbar toll and two with outgoing trunks. For each in-
office may be d -c key pulses, dial pulses, coming call, one of the incoming senders is
multi -frequency pulses, or speech from a employed and, unless the call is to be com-
*RECORD, November, 1943, P. no. pleted over a manual trunk on either a
May 1944 381
straight- forward or ring -down basis or over the digits received are recorded on crossbar
a trunk to an office equipped to receive switches.
multi- frequency pulsing, an outgoing sender Key -pulsing senders are arranged to re-
will also be employed. When an outgoing ceive either d -c or multi- frequency pulses,
sender is used, the incoming sender transfers and are prepared for the type of signal to be
to it all of the digits received except the first received by a signal from the incoming cir-
three, which are used by the marker to con- cuit. These senders record the digits on
trol the connection within the office. Trans- relays -four for each digit.
fer of digits is at the rate of eight per second Position senders, which are the third
by d-c key pulsing, and all incoming senders type of incoming senders, are really part of
are designed to transmit d-c key pulses, the cordless positions. The operators at
and all outgoing senders to receive them. these positions receive oral information re-
All incoming senders are also arranged for garding the connection wanted, and then
sending out multi- frequency pulses. This "write -up" the proper number on locking -
method will be used for pulsing over the type strip keys, which serve as the recording
outgoing circuits without the aid of outgoing unit for the senders.
senders whenever the terminating points are All of these incoming senders are arranged
provided with senders capable of receiving for connecting to the markers, into which
multi- frequency pulses. At present, only two they usually pass the first three digits re-
such services are provided: completing to ceived for use in determining and setting up
local crossbar offices and to other crossbar the connection to the desired outgoing
toll offices. Ultimately, it is possible that the trunk. As soon as an outgoing trunk has
use of outgoing senders will be completely been chosen, an outgoing sender is at-
eliminated by the extension of the use of tached except when the call is to be handled
multi- frequency pulsing. This, however, in the straight- forward, ring -down, or multi -
may be a rather long look into the future. frequency pulsing manner.
While all three types of incoming senders Both of the types of outgoing senders are
are thus arranged to send either d -c or multi - arranged to receive d-c key pulses as al-
frequency pulses, they are each arranged for ready noted, but each is arranged for send-
receiving different types of signals. Dial ing out two different kinds of signals, and
senders are arranged to receive dial pulses, which it sends will depend on a signal re-
at the rate of either ten or twenty per ceived from the outgoing circuit. One type
second. The receiving circuit for these receives four or five digits, and controls the
senders is similar to that of the subscriber's sending of either revertive or call-indicator
senders* of the local crossbar system, and pulses. Revertive pulses are used for com-
*RECORD, April, 1939, p 234. pleting calls to either panel or crossbar



Fig. I -Block schematic of crossbar toll system showing

the different types of senders and their association
SENDER with other parts of the system

382 May 1944


f9_99 993
$904019999303.3 ° °

..989.9 !!AA
: ,5F '.

Fig. 2A-Dial senders arl marker connectors in the

Philadelphia c.- ssbar toll office

Fig. 2B -Two sender-lind controllers and their con-
nectors comprise the bay zt the right. The primary
and secondary switches of a sender -link frame
occupy twc bays, as shown, at the left of the controllers
Fig. 2C-/q position sender at the right with the
associated position relay equipment at the left _

Fig. 2D-Receiving units for incoming key -pulsing

senders are mou..ted six on a bay
!1r Ir 'r
N 1
iS' t

+1ü1á7w141xs. .- .riHn.4%

' w
InM' P
adjacent bays. Four such bays of the Phila-
NUMBERS AND TYPES OF SENDERS delphia installation are shown in Figure 2A.
AND THEIR ENGINEERED CAPACITY IN THE The cabinets on the left -hand bay -one of
PHILADELPHIA OFFICE which is shown open -house the relay equip-
Toll Calls ment for three senders, while the second bay
Incoming Senders Per Busy Hour carries certain miscellaneous equipment
the two crossbar switches on which the
42 Dial Pulsing 8000
fourteen digits are recorded. Incoming key -
27 Key Pulsing goon pulsing senders have their multi -frequency
34 Cordless Position 6oco receiving circuits on separate bays as shown
Outgoing Senders in Figure 2D. Their relay equipment is in
27 Revertive and Panel Call cabinets on an adjacent bay. Position
Indicator 7000 senders are mounted in cabinets adjacent to
27 Step -by -Step and Call their associated position relay equipment as
Announcer 7000 shown in Figure 2C. Each type of outgoing
sender occupies only a single cabinet. The
offices; call- indicator pulses for completing cabinets are mounted three on a bay and
calls to manual offices in panel areas. each bay may include either or both types.
The other type of outgoing sender receives Figure 4 shows an outgoing step -by -step
up to eleven digits, and either sends them sender at the bottom of the bay and a re-
out as dial pulses for completing calls to vertive sender above it. The third sender on
step -by-step systems, or connects itself to a the bay is not shown.
The types of connections that incoming
voice announcements
limited to five digits.
call announcer and controls its sending of
the latter being and outgoing senders are required to control
are indicated in Figure 3. When the call is
Both the incoming and outgoing senders completed to an office within the local area
and the toll -cordless positions are associated where the crossbar toll office is located,
with the circuits they serve through sender only the called-office code and four or five
links, which consist of crossbar switches. digits are required, since the trunks picked
These switches are actuated by sender -link connect directly to the office called. For a
controllers, which control the connection to call to another switching area, a switching
the proper type of sender. code must be dialed or keyed ahead of the
Incoming dial senders are mounted on called office code and number. Similarly for
two bays with the marker connectors on two a call to another switching area through an
8 5




OR 211
-I Err




Fig. 3- Schematic representative of the types of calls handled by the crossbar toll office
May 1944
intermediate switching point, one, two, or
three additional digits for use at the inter-
mediate switching point must be dialed or
keyed following the switching code. Thus all
fourteen digits may be used where calls are
completed through one crossbar toll office
to another switching area by way of an inter-
mediate switching point.
For the Philadelphia crossbar toll office,
senders are provided in sufficient numbers á21;_ie+6
to handle over 2oo,000 calls in a ten -hour
day. The distribution of busy -hour calls for
' :+6;,f,

the various types of senders is shown in r4y} pDPP:+

Yc1 ntPl#

Table I. To permit these senders to dispose


_y1y Y .
of this large number of calls, they are ar-
ranged with a number of safeguards. All
senders have timing circuits to insure that
they will not be held too long when they
have encountered some kind of traffic delay
or trouble condition. When time -out occurs
because of traffic conditions, the senders
cause a re -order flash to be returned to the
originating operator so that she may
promptly start the call again, and are then
released. When time -out occurs as a result
of trouble conditions, however, the sender is
held for maintenance attention. All senders
are equipped with a trouble lamp and a
make -busy jack. These are located on a
lamp and jack bay in the maintenance center
along with an automatic sender test frame
for testing every function of each sender.
Some types of sender troubles are auto-
matically displayed on the trouble indicator.
With these maintenance facilities, the all - Fig. 4 -Three outgoing senders are mounted
important senders of this system are rigidly on a single bay. The photograph above shows a
tested to insure the high standard of services step -by -step sender at the bottom of the bay
obtained with the crossbar toll system. with a revertive sender above

THE AUTHOR: R. E. HERSEY'S studies at ment of the call distributing "B" board and key -
Beloit College were interrupted by fourteen pulsing type toll and DS "A" boards. Mr. Hersey
months of service with the Signal was associated with the funda-
Corps in France during World War mental studies for the crossbar sys-
I. After the armistice he studied at tem and designed the first issue of
the Sorbonne University in Paris the originating marker. In October,
until July, 1919, when he returned 1941, he took over supervision
to this country and received a B.S. of circuit design of senders, de-
degree from Beloit College. Fol- coders and markers for all systems.
lowing a year with the Delco -Light In this capacity he has been instru-
Company and two years at Har- mental in the design of the No. 4
vard Engineering School he joined crossbar toll system. Mr. Hersey
our Systems laboratories in 1922. has also been concerned with the
Two years later he transferred to design of the automatic ticketing
the local systems circuit group equipment recently installed in the
where he engaged in the develop - Los Angeles area.
May 1944 385
Historic Firsts

VACUUM -TUBE amplifiers are gen- transmitters, and he conceived a method of

erally operated over the straight section cutting them to one -third of their former
of their characteristic curve so as to secure a value. After a period of development and
linear relationship between their output and testing, his ideas resulted in the Doherty
input. When operating over such a limited high -efficiency amplifier, for which patent
range, however, No. 2,210,028
their efficiency is was granted to
low, and for the Mr. Doherty on
output amplifiers August 6, 1940.
of broadcast The first commer-
transmitters, cial application
where the much was in a 5o-kw
greater power transmitter for
made higher ef- Station CBF in
ficiency impera- Montreal, which
tive, the full range went on the air in
of the tube was used. The negative halves November, 1937. This amplifier is now in-
of the output- current waves were cut off corporated in all Western Electric broad-
almost completely, while the tops were cast transmitters from i,000 watts upward.
flattened by saturation of the tubes. The In principle, the scheme is simple. The
efficiency obtained by this means might be as output amplifier tubes are divided into two
high as 6o or 7o per cent, while the heavy groups, referred to as vi and v2. One group,
production of harmonics that such practice V2, is biased so that it contributes no output
entails was prevented from reaching the until the load is greater than the unmodu-
antenna by the design of the output circuit. lated carrier power. Below that, the vi
This high efficiency, however, was ob- tubes carry all the load, and at carrier out-
tained only at the peaks of modulation, put, which prevails during a large part of the
which occurred during the very loudest program, the efficiency obtained is 6o per
passages of the program; and these peaks cent or better. For greater loads, the v2
were few and far between. The average load tubes come into action, and besides con-
was much less, and the average efficiency tributing to the output themselves, cause
was about 33 per cent. This meant, for a the vi tubes, by a special coupling arrange-
so-kw transmitter, that 100 kw was lost in ment, to contribute further output. The
the final amplifier -twice as much as was action of such an amplifier was described on
transmitted. This situation began to assume page 333 of the RECORD for June, 1936. By
more serious proportions ten or twelve years effectively holding half of the tubes in re-
ago, as it became evident that very large serve until the load reaches the point where
broadcast transmitters wculd shortly come they can be operated efficiently, the average
into more extensive use. W. H. Doherty, efficiency is raised from the usual 33 per cent
like many other radio engineers, had been to over 6o per cent. Two-thirds of the losses
troubled by the large losses inherent in such formerly encountered are thus saved.

386 May 1944

Multi- Channel
Radio Telephone
Spans the
Radio Transmission Engineering

is a narrow peninsula termi-
nating in Cape Charles and
lying between Chesapeake Bay to
the west and the Atlantic Ocean
to the east. Across the entrance to
Chesapeake Bay, some twenty -
five miles to the south of Cape
Charles, lies Cape Henry, and to
the west of it Norfolk, Portsmouth
and Newport News. Telephone
communication from Norfolk and
other points south and west of the
Chesapeake has had to pass
through Washington and Balti-
more over some 400 miles of circuit
to reach Cape Charles. This situa-
tion has now been changed by the
installation of a radio link between Norfolk Whereas the earlier radio links transmitted
and Cape Charles. Not only is the cir- the frequencies from 200 to 3,000 cycles
cuit reduced to less than a tenth of its comprising a single voice channel, the new
former length, but the telephone traffic over link transmits twelve voice channels which
the busy Baltimore and Washington routes have been modulated to form a group lying
is lightened. in the frequency band that ranges from
Radio links as extensions of land lines are 1 2,000 to 6o,oco cycles.

not new. There is one between Boston and This group of twelve channels is that used
Cape Cod* that has been in service for a by the type -K carrier system* now widely
number of years, and there is the more installed on cables all over the country.
recent installation t between Crisfield and Twelve voice-frequency circuits arriving at
two of the islands in Chesapeake Bay. These Cape Charles, for example, are passed
previous installations, however, use single - through a type -K carrier terminal, and the
channel links; their radio circuits carry only resulting frequency band -extending to
single conversations. Over the new radio 6o kc-is then modulated in the radio trans-
link between Norfolk and Cape Charles, on mitter, which operates in the very high
the other hand, as many as twelve conver- frequency range, and is sent through the
sations may be transmitted simultaneously. ether to Cape Henry. After demodulation in
*RECORD, Oct., 1934, P. 34. tAug, 1941, p. 358. *RECORD, April, 1938,p. 260, and May, 0938, p. 315.
May '944 387
the radio receiver, the 12- to 6o -kc band is four similar elements that act as parasitic
transmitted over a cable to the Norfolk reflectors. A view of the Chape Charles
office. Here it is passed through a type -K tower and antennas is shown in the photo-
receiving terminal, and the twelve channels graph at the head of this article. The trans-
resulting are brought to the Norfolk toll mitting antenna is at the top of the tower,
switchboard as twelve separate voice chan- and the receiving antenna directly beneath
nels. The arrangement is indicated schem- it. Coaxial transmission lines connect the
atically in an accompanying illustration. antennas to the radio equipment in buildings
The radio system operates continuously near the base of the towers. At Cape Charles,
and unattended, and serves merely as a the building is of brick and hollow tile, and
section of "line" between two complete houses the type -K carrier terminal as well
type -K terminals. as the radio equipment. It is connected to
Steel towers nearly two hundred feet high the Cape Charles central office by a fifty -
support the antennas at each terminal. pair telephone cable. At East Ocean View, a
Transmitting and receiving antennas are reinforced concrete house has been built to
essentially alike. Each consists of two paral- provide for the radio equipment alone. The
lel arrays of half -wave elements, one behind type -K carrier terminal is in the Norfolk
the other. The front array contains twenty - central office-some eleven miles away.
four horizontal radiating or receiving ele- The radio equipment is operated from
ments, while the rear array contains twenty- commercial power lines, but at each
terminal a stand-by generator,
driven by a gasoline engine, has
WASHINGTON been provided to insure adequate
°do- EASTON power in emergencies. These auxil-
iary generators start automatically
on failure of the commercial
M D. Although the radio link forms
what is essentially a short type -K
carrier line circuit, it differs from
it in several respects. With the
type -K carrier system, the group
q. 002 of twelve single sidebands result-
ing from the modulation of twelve
speech bands is transmitted over
aPa the cable as a single sideband of
the group carrier frequency. The
radio transmitter, on the other
hand, transmits a double sideband
of the type -K carrier group, and
4,/q thus requires a total band width of
. (J t 20 kc, instead of the 6o kc trans-
mitted over the cable. A double
u sideband transmitter was decided
CHARLES upon since it is simpler and less
CAPE expensive to build.
HENRY Another difference is in the
regulating scheme. The radio re-
ceiver employs automatic gain
control to compensate for varia-
By spanning some twenty-five miles of water between tions in loss over the radio path,
Cape Henry and Cape Charles with a multi -channel as is common practice in most
radio telephone system, a 400-mile route by way of radio systems. Additional overall
Baltimore and Washington is avoided regulation is provided for the
May 1944
Upper left, J. O. Smethurst at the voice frequency
bay of the Cape Charles terminal. Upper right, D. M.
Black at the radio transmitter at Cape Charles. Lower
left, a gasoline engine-driven generator at each station
provides power for operation in emergencies. Lower
right, the radio receiver in the Cape Charles radio station
r 1 r r 1

TERM- - - -- +{SWITCH-



tirrangement of the circuit between Cape Charles and Norfolk

complete system between Norfolk and Cape flat with frequency, no twist regulation is
Charles to maintain a substantially con- needed. Only one pilot in each direction is
stant net loss between terminals. This fol- required, therefore, to control the gain, but
lows type -K carrier practice, in that the another is used to operate alarms to give an
gains of the receiving amplifiers are con- indication of transmission failure. On the
trolled by means of pilot frequencies trans- channel from Cape Charles to Norfolk, the
mitted in the frequency space between 12 -kc pilot controls gain and the 28 -kc
speech bands. As a result, the net loss of pilot is used for the alarm circuit, while for
each of the twelve channels is held con- the channel from Norfolk to Cape Charles,
stant to within ±0.5 db. the functions of the pilots are reversed. A
The change in loss of a cable circuit due third pilot channel at 56 kc, used on type -K
to changes in temperature varies with fre- systems, is not employed.
quency; and consequently long type -K car- Several alarm and test circuits are pro-
rier systems employ both flat gain and twist. vided in addition to the transmission alarms
regulators. In the link between Cape just mentioned. To check the frequency of
Charles and Norfolk, however, there is less the carrier of the distant transmitter, each
than twelve miles of cable, and since changes radio receiver has an alarm circuit fed
in loss over the radio path are essentially through a crystal filter. A deviation in car-
rier frequency of as little as 0.002 per cent
will operate this alarm. Alarms are provided
THE AUTHOR: A. C. PETERSON, JR., received to warn of excessive temperatures, power
the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from failure, and other conditions that might
the University of ultimately affect the satisfactory operation
Washington in 1928,
and in December of of the system. Each receiver is also equipped
that year joined the with an oscillator of such a frequency as to
Development and Re- permit the output of the local transmitter to
search Department be detected. This permits a "loop" test to
of the American Tele- be made through the local transmitter and
phone and Telegraph receiver. Whenever the transmission alarm
Company. With the indicates a circuit failure, these loop tests
later consolidation of are made at each end of the radio circuit to
this department with determine the location of the trouble.
the Bell Laboratories,
he became a member
This new link has been in satisfactory
of the Transmission commercial service since October, 1941.
Development Department and in 1940 a member Initially all the channels were not fully
of the Research Department. With these organi- equipped. Two circuits were provided be-
zations, Mr. Peterson has been concerned with tween Norfolk and Cape Charles, and three
problems dealing with radio transmission and between Norfolk and Onancock, which is a
development. In 1937 he received the E.E. toll center. Since then, however, all of the
degree from the University of Washington. channels have been placed in service.
390 May 1944
U. S. Navy Photo

The Gang We Work For

and What Their Leaders Say About Us
"The men and women of Bell Laboratories who participated in the develop-
ment and production of the AN /ARC -1 Communication Equipment are to be
congratulated upon the initial month's delivery of this important new radio.
Principles embodied in the AN /ARC -1 will be of value to the planes and
carriers of the United States Fleet in maintaining adequate communications
in the vital Pacific offensive. The Bureau of Aeronautics looks to you who are
engaged in this production to double and redouble your efforts to reach
your * * * per month peak by this summer.
DeWitt C. Ramsey, Rear Admiral, U.S.N.,
Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics"
In transmitting Admiral Ramsey's tele- the Laboratories developed on a rush basis.
gram, the Inspector of Naval Material, Ad- Preproduction models were built in the Pre-
miral Brinser, said: "The inspector also production Shop of the Laboratories at
wishes to express his appreciation of the Chambers Street and by the Western Elec-
splendid work your plant is doing to further tric Company to fill the urgent need within
the war effort by furnishing the Navy with the time specified by the Navy.
this vitally needed equipment. Keep up the The photograph shows members of a
good work!" fighter squadron, operating from one of the
Commendation from the Bureau of Ships aircraft carriers in the U. S. Navy Task
on the same achievement was posted on Lab- Force which raided Truk on February 16
oratories bulletin boards early in April. The and 17. They played a major rôle in neutral-
equipment referred to is a new two -way izing the ability of the Jap air arm to defend
radio telephone for Navy airplanes, which the bastion.
. vitally needed equipment. Keep up the good work!"
May 1944 391
A T & T Announces Coaxial Program
Facilities Planned to Meet Requirements for Intercity
Telephone Circuits May Also Be Used for Television

PLANS for the construction of a large tional conductors for television if then it
amount of coaxial cable to be operated appears likely that there will be a demand
by radio relays haven been announced for such facilities sufficient to justify the
by the American Telephone and Telegraph large additional investment. He said the
Company. Tentatively, the coaxial extension Bell System wishes to do anything it can
plans call for the installation of 6,000 to practically to coöperate in the development
7,000 route miles of coaxial facilities in the and extension of television, just as it has
next five or six years to help meet expected coöperated in the distribution of sound
increasing demands for long distance tele- programs for radio broadcasting.
phone service. These facilities would be Mr. McHugh added, "We shall be glad to
suitable for interconnecting television sta- consider on their merits any requests for
tions for network operations. television facilities over routes where coaxial
The extent of the coaxial construction, and cable is not being planned during this five -
when and where it will be undertaken, will de- or six -year period for telephone purposes.
pend upon the requirements of the Armed The question of when such facilities could be
Forces, general business conditions, the vol- provided would, of course, depend upon
ume and distribution of long distance tele- conditions in the individual case and its
phone messages, the availability of the neces- relation to the total program...."
sary cable and equipment, and other factors. Present coaxial equipment will provide
Work on one coaxial project, the 295 -mile television channels of 2,700,000 cycles in
Atlanta to Jacksonville route, already is in width. Careful tests have shown this equip-
progress and is expected to be in service for ment capable of transmitting the visual
telephone purposes by the spring of 1945 images with satisfactory clearness. Further
The cable is in place between Atlanta and technical improvements will make it pos-
Macon. sible to use a much wider band of fre-
Popular attention was centered on the Bell quencies, which will permit simultaneous
System's place in the television picture re- use of the same coaxial for an improved
cently by the National Broadcasting Com- (4,000,000 cycles) television channel and a
pany's published plans for regional national large number of telephone messages.
television broadcasting networks, and by Experiments with coaxial as a means of
NBC's request for a statement from the transmitting many telephone messages si-
A T & T on what it could expect in the way multaneously over two pairs of conductors
of intercity facilities by which television began more than a decade ago. The New
stations could be connected for network York -Philadelphia cable, containing two
operations. "The National Broadcasting coaxials, was installed in 1936 for further
Company looks to the Bell System to pro- experiment. Its u': for transmitting visual
vide and make available to NBC the neces- images for television broadcasts was first
sary interconnecting facilities for such a demonstrated in 1937. The cable recently
television network system," NBC President has been providing telephone circuits.
Niles Trammell said in a letter to Vice - The first commercial installation was the
President Keith S. McHugh of the A T & T. Stevens Point -Minneapolis cable, containing
At that time Mr. McHugh replied that four coaxials (two in regular use and two in
when coaxial facilities are being constructed "stand -by" use). This is capable of provid-
for telephone purposes the Bell System ing 48o telephone circuits with its present
companies would be glad to provide addi- amplifiers. It now is equipped to handle
392 May 1944
nearly ioo circuits and soon will be stepped can be handled through the same coaxial.
up to about i 5o. The tentative program of coaxial cable
One of the cables now in use between routes, which has been furnished to people
Philadelphia and Baltimore and another be- interested in network television trans-
tween Baltimore and Washington contain mission, follows:
coaxials, but the coaxials have not yet been Approximate dates at which television
equipped for service. The former contains transmission facilities might be made avail-
six coaxials and the latter four. Construction able, if demand justifies their provision and
of the remainder of the Atlanta- Jacksonville manufactured cable and equipment can be
route is expected to be started next fall. secured, in accordance with present tenta-
As many as six or eight coaxials are likely tive programs for extension of principal co-
to be built into some of the new cables. In axial cable or equivalent routes for telephone
a six-coaxial cable, for example, with the purposes-
present amplifying equipment, two coaxials 1945
could be used to provide 48o telephone cir- New York -Washington
cuits, another two could provide either two 1946
one -way television channels or 48o more
telephone circuits, and the other two would New York -Boston
serve as equipped stand -by circuits to pro- Washington- Charlotte
tect both services. Chicago -T'erre Haute -St. Louis
For the future, there are two methods of Los Angeles- Phoenix
utilizing coaxials for the combined job of
providing long distance telephone and tele- '947
vision service: (1) Use some of the coaxials Chicago- Toledo -Cleveland -Buffalo
in the cable for telephone messages ex- Southern Transcontinental Route (a
clusively, and some for television. (2) Ex- large part), will include Charlotte-
pand the frequency band width, in order that Columbia-Atlanta-Birmingham-Jack-
both telephone and television transmission son-Dallas-El Paso-Tucson- Phoenix


...oa., c<..w .ow

1.4 Linn

May 1944 393

Presidents of Operating Companies visit the Laboratories. Left to right H. Ray, A T & T;
R. J. Hopley, Northwestern Bell; J. W. Polio and J. G. Nordahl, B. T. L.; J. F. Carroll,
Indiana Bell; G. M. Welch, Michigan Bell; R. K. Honaman, B. T. L.; C. F. Sise, Bell of
Canada; and W. R. McGovern, Wisconsin Bell

Left to right-N. R. Powley, Pacific Tel.; J. G. Nordahl, B. T. L.; J. H. Ray, .1 T T;

H. S. Dumas, Southern Bell; A. F. Brooks, Southern New England; R. J. Hopley, North-
western Bell; and A. C. Stannard, Southwestern Bell

Left to right P. Ogden, Mountain States; A. J. Allen, Cincinnati & Suburban; R. Eide,
Ohio Bell; and A. H. Mellinger, Illinois Bell. Not shown but also present were J. E. Harrell,
New England Tel.; J. W. Hubbell, New York Tel.; and P. C. Staples, Bell of Pa.
394 May 1944
194$ -1950 and airborne radios, quartz crystals, Spiral -4
Southern Transcontinental (complete) packaged carrier and repeater, portable in-
Washington -Pi ttsburgh- Cleveland formation center, army switchboards and
St. Louis -Memphis-New Orleans military telephone instruments.
Kansas City -Omaha During the week, P. W. Spence, registrar
Des Moines -Minneapolis of the school, arranged for showing the ex-
Atlanta -Jacksonville-Miami hibit to nine groups of Army and Navy
Los Angeles -San Francisco students and to the patent organization,
The routes indicated above are subject to totalling 270 people. Talks were given on
review just prior to the time construction the various items by J. R. Erickson, J. A.
would be started. The list does not include Coy, R. L. Case, J. W. Pollio, J. G. Nordahl
additional sections which might be advanced and G. G. Lavery.
into this period should important television The exhibit was coürdinated and erected
requirements arise which would warrant by Henry J. Kostkos, assisted by J. R.
routes or sections being installed well ahead Erickson. J. E. Conwell and H. W. Schaefer
of telephone requirements. handled procurement and shipping.

Presidents of Operating Companies Post -War Prospects

Visit Laboratories Addressing the annual meeting of A T & T
The presidents of Bell System companies stockholders on April 19, President Gifford
visited the Bell Telephone Laboratories spoke as follows on post -war prospects:
School for War Training on April Io and 14 " ... There is every indication that we, in
during their spring meeting in New York. the Bell System, will have plenty to do when
O. E. Buckley outlined to them the war de- the war is over. We have the very agreeable
velopment work of the Laboratories and prospect of welcoming back our employees
R. K. Honaman explained the school. who are in the Armed Services -there are
An exhibit of military communications now more than 55,000 of them. Some I re-
equipment was displayed, including tank gret to say can never come back. Already

During a recent visit at Murray Hill, Brigadier fl. C. Sykes, Chief Signal Officer, British ilrmy
Staff, and R. P. Ross, British Ministry of Supply Mission, were shown, among other things,
the Command Set exhibit which was in the restaurant lounge. From left to right are H. J.
Kostkos, Mr. Ross, Brigadier Sykes, R. K. Honaman and M. B. Long
May 1944 395
there are three hundred and eight gold stars
on our flag. Some -very few I hope -will
have been disabled and will need special
attention to fit them into jobs they can fill.
"We look forward to a record post -war
construction program and we have many
new things we expect to do. We expect to
provide intercity networks -ultimately Na-
tion -wide in extent -for television. We plan
to try out short -wave radio relay systems
for long distance telephone service and for
television. We know that coaxial cable sys-
tems ... work very satisfactorily but we do
not know whether or not radio relay sys-
tems will work better or prove more econom-
ical. We are in the communications business
and we intend to use the best and most
economical means, whether wire or radio.
"As mentioned in the annual report, we
expect to extend automatic long distance
switching systems and the subscriber dialing Toward the end of the drive a number of girls
of toll calls. We expect to extend overseas like Effie Ross helped the Red Cross War Fund
radio telephone service and to reduce its by giving out literature and pledge cards to
cost. We were the first to establish overseas those who had not made their contributions
telephone service and the United States
leads the world in the extent of its world- telephone cable should prove better or more
wide international radio telephone service economical than radio, we shall use it just
just as it does in its telephone service here at as we intend to use the best and most
home. Incidentally, if an overseas submarine economical means of telephone communica-
tions on land whether it be wire or radio.
... The longer the war lasts, the greater
the loss of life, the greater the number of
wounded who will be permanently disabled,
the greater the national debt, the greater
the risk of dangerous inflation and the
greater the danger of peacetime continuation
of wartime governmental controls, for the
longer these have to be in effect because of
the war, the more they tend to become per-
manent, so, our post -war plans begin with
doing everything we can to help win the
war as quickly as possible."
American Red Cross Fund
Members of Bell Laboratories contributed
$23,180.77 to the American Red Cross dur-
ing its recent campaign. Of this amount
$10,678.36, the donations of 2,209 members,
went to the New York Chapter, while 1,466
others designated $12,502.41 to be sent to
their local chapters. The amount paid out-
right with the pledges was $18,286.27; the
amount deducted by the Payroll plan was
$4,894.50 at the ',request of 642 members.
396 May 1944
News Notes Museum of Science and Industry on March
FOUR RETIRED MEMBERS of the Labora- 24, Dr. Jewett, as President of the Museum,
tories have recently died. They are: WILLIAM made the opening remarks.
B. WALLACE, formerly Treasurer of the What Is Coming in Electrical Communi-
Laboratories, who retired in 1938 after forty- cation was the subject of a talk by O. E.
eight years of service, on March 18; HARRY BUCKLEY to convalescent soldiers in Hal-
J. CHRISTOPHER, formerly of the Systems loran General Hospital on April 4.
Administration Department, who retired in DR. BUCKLEY talked to students of
1942 after forty -four years of service, on Columbia High School, South Orange -
March 19; JOHN J. HUGHES, formerly of the Maplewood, on March 8, about engineering
Research Department, who retired in 1933 as a career. He outlined what the profession
after thirty -three years of service, on March requires from those who would enter it, and
31; and ARTHUR C. MAGRATH, formerly of what it offers to those who are successful.
the Switching Apparatus Development De- W. E. CAMPBELL visited the Airplane
partment, who retired in 1943 after thirty- Engine Research Laboratories of the Na-
five years of service, on April 2. tional Advisory Committee of Aeronautics
As of FEBRUARY I, the Bell System had at Cleveland. Mr. Campbell also visited the
486 attended public telephone locations in Gulf Research Laboratories at Pittsburgh
service for the Armed Forces. There are 370 and the Naval Research Laboratory in
camp telephone managers who give full time Washington where he discussed lubrication
to seeing that adequate service is given both research. He attended a meeting of the
on official and personal calls. A.S.T.M. at Cincinnati.
FRANK B. JEWETT attended Boston Uni- STUDIES on panel -bank contact noise have
versity's Founders' Convocation on March recently taken H. W. HERMANCE to Cleve-
13 at which he received the University's land, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, St. Louis,
honorary degree of Doctor of Science. On Buffalo and Washington.
March 16 he spoke before the Patent Law- F. J. SCUDDER and J. W. CORwIN went to
yers' Club in Washington on the subject of Washington with L. E. Kittredge of the
Patents and Technology. At a preview of the A T & T. They discussed dial office prob-
Ninth Annual Exhibit of the Press Photog- lems with engineers of The Chesapeake and
raphers' Association, held at the New York Potomac Telephone Company.

April Service Anniversaries of Members of the Laboratories

Io Years P. K. Dean George Spilger Laura Servoss
C. C. Fenwick E. W. Waters W. T. Wintringham
D. J. Brangaccio
R. F. Glore Daniel Gimenez F. R. Wheeler Eugenia Wyckoff
J. A. Haunss H. E. Haring Mary White
K. F. Hedel H. L. Herbert I. E. Wood
M. N. Yarborough
25 Years
S. P. Leahy E. A. Hollis
S. J. McDermott E. H. Kampermann Michael Bandura
E. C. Mener Nicholas Knapp, Jr. Robert Burns
Mildred Koser 20Years C. W. Green
W. J. O'Neill
K. H. Schunke A. J. Kuczma G. J. Bennett A. L. Hogan
J. W. Tengstrom Frank Kuepper C. R. Burrows R. B. Miller
K. M. Martin R. F. Dibble L. J. Stacy
M. H. McCormick A. C. Dickieson P. V. Welch
15 Years Nannette Meade Rafael Fontrodona George Wolff
S. M. Babcock E. J. Moravec Miriam Harold
Viola Bauer Anna Mulgrew R. M. Hawekotte
G. Q. Lumsden
3o Years
Emanuel Belek Colburn Olsen
G. J. Brown R. T. L. Patterson F. F. Merriam W. P. Albert
A. W. Daschke W. S. R. Smith R. H. Ricker A. J. Wier

May 1944 396A

Around the World
Our Armed Forces
Lieut. Nils H. Anderson ing to him, Africa was a comparatively easy
I.IEUT. NILS ANDERSON, winner of the campaign compared to the gruelling moun-
Purple Heart, and one of the first Labora- tainous travel for the Infantry in Italy. His
tories men to enter service, is back in this most trying experience was the crossing of
country. After eighteen months abroad and the Volturno River where along the river
ten months of actual combat as Communica- bed land mines were planted like corn seeds
tions Officer with the Infantry in the Tu- and many of his men suffered loss of limbs.
nisian and Italian campaigns, he is now at the A further account of Lieut. Anderson's
Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, under- activities as a Communications Officer in
going treatment for wounds received when a Italy may be found on page 398.
mortar shell hit him in Italy.
When I.ieut. Anderson visited his old Ernest F. Neubert
gang in the Systems Development Depart- ERNEST F. NEUBERT of the General Serv-
ment he was wearing stars for major engage- ice Department has been returned to this
ments at Pichon, Fondouk and Hill 609 in country from England after having com-
the Tunisian Campaign and one for his corn- pleted thirty -six bombing missions over
bat period in Italy. As Communications occupied Europe. Winner of the Distin-
Officer he naturally used a great many guished Flying Cross, he qualified for avia-
Western Electric products, phones, radios, tion cadet while abroad and has been
wire and other equipment. His men were not ordered to Keesler Field, Biloxi, Mississippi.
Signal Corps men, but regular G.I. Infantry- Mr. Neubert was the tail -gunner on a B -26
men whom he trained for the work. Accord- Marauder and, despite the many breathless

Ernest F. Neubert,
extreme right, with
other members of
the crew of "The
Ladyfrom Hades,"
the B-26 Marauder
which had carried
them on thirty -six
successful bombing
missions before
Ernest returned to
this county

396B May 1944

moments amid the terrific anti -aircraft fire
when he expected the worst, in all his mis-
sions he never had to bail out or make a
forced landing. The Germans are not to be
underestimated he thinks, but the Allies will
win because of the preponderance of our air
might and the scientific methods of our
bombing. The missions on which he was
sent varied from as few as two a month to as
many as two a day. His closest call to dis-
aster was over Amsterdam when a plane
flying beside them was blown to bits and
their ship, The Lady from Hades, had to fly
through the flames at an angle to keep her
gasoline supply from igniting.
Colonel H. B. Ely
COLONEL H. B. ELY, Chief of the Field
Service Division at Frankford Arsenal, is
examining various Fire Control Spare Parts,
of which there are approximately thirty
thousand active items. The tiny capsule he
is holding contains forty spare parts for

Lieut. Ernest G. Graf

1918 -1944
Lieut. Graf, a Navigator with the
Army Air Forces in Italy, was killed
in action on April 5. He is the first
member of the Laboratories known
to have lost his life in World War II.

John F. McCarthy
"Recent letters from the Laboratories
have greatly interested me. I have been sur-
prised to find so many girls working in the
Shops, but war changes everything. I wish I
could say something specific about the
equipment they're helping to make and how
we use it. However, since that's impossible,
I can say from my own experience the Labs
Colonel H. B. Ely haven't been letting us boys down. Inci-
dentally, I have had a letter from HERBERT
watches. The item on the right is a very BRAUN. Through the RECORD I contacted
carefully made differential for the Mechani- him and ELSIE PAVLIC, both old school-
cal Director. The item on the left is a com- mates of mine."
plex ocular prism for use in Range Finders.
All of these parts must be carefully handled, Lieut. Col. Ward K. St. Clair
packaged, protected against corrosion, iden- "India: I arrived back in this Signal
tified, stored, and issued through a long Corps office the other day after a week's
pipe line to the maintenance soldier in the field inspection trip to find two pleasant
field, who requires them for all kinds of items of interest. One was a package of BELL
repair jobs. LAB RECORDS, the first I have seen

May 1944 396C

4C in the South Pacific and I'd sure like to
meet them. The drop of rain beating on my
head through the tent roof makes writing
conditions rather trying, so I'll sign off."

Lieut. Edward J. Bybel

"Just finished desert maneuvers in South-
ern California. I am now stationed at Camp
Cook, where believe it or not the winter
uniform is worn the year round. All talk
about California having year -round sun-
shine is just so much propaganda spread by
the California Chamber of Commerce.
"This division is strictly New Jersey, New
York, and Pennsylvania, in fact the majority
Hugh Glynn (right) has had a fifteen-day of the battery comes fom Bayonne, Jersey
furlough which he spent in Sydney, flustralia. City, Newark and Manhattan."
He is now back in New Guinea
Major Harold T. King
since last August, and the second a notifica- "Thank you for the RECORD so promptly
tion of my promotion to grade of Lieut. forwarded to me at my new address. I am
Colonel, my first during the war. able to say that I am in Italy and of course
"Here in India the only thing which would we are trying to give the Germans as much
surprise you would be to find something
worked the way it should. You see beggars,
snake -charmers and almost everything you
have ever read about this country." Leaves of Absence
There were 766 members of the Labora-
Vincent J. Wycheck tories on military leaves of absence and 15
"Somewhere in New Guinea: I am now members on merchant marine leaves as of
working on something that I like-taking March 31, 1944:
care of electric generators here. It's some-
Army 474 Navy 217 Marines 27
what like the job I did in the Labs power
room. My hours are eight to four, and it's Women's Services 48 Merchant Marine 15
day work. There's rain almost every day Recent Leaves
and yet the rainy season hasn't begun. We
have plenty of cocoanuts, pineapples and United States flrmy
bananas. Chow isn't bad. I have seen wild William J. Behan Henry Henkel
Martin Clohessy Sarkis Karibian
boars, many interesting kinds of birds, and a
Martin J. Corley Frank Navratil
ten -foot python snake." Sara Dolin Eugene R. Pontecorvo
Frederick H. Engelman Patrick J. Smith
Frank Monforte Eugene E. Francois Dietrich K. Wagner
"Books can be written on the subject of Charles R. Hempel Stanley M. Wojtaszek
mail for servicemen, but none can really
explain how a person feels to receive mail, United States Navy
personal and otherwise, such as the Labora- Adele E. Aboutok Louis A. Del Fabro

a person is tucked away from everything -

tories send out. This is especially true when

isolated on the supposedly island paradise of

George C. Barry
Wilfred Bauer
William F. Blazure
Joseph A. Fairbrother
Elizabeth P. Kenny
John J. Nichik
New Guinea. Thomas J. Boland Richard C. Ryan
"The island itself isn't bad now that one Thos. C. O'Sullivan, Jr.
of the most persistent pests has been nearly U. S. Marine Merchant Marine
exterminated, namely our little yellow Joseph P. Reddington David H. Freese
cousins. I am sure there must be others from
396D May 1944
hell as we can. You might possibly see some jungle and set. We then wire shops, mess
pictures of us in the Times as they took halls and living quarters. Well, keep the
photographs at one of our gun positions some equipment coming, especially like the elec-
time ago. I'd like to add a good word for the trical gun director, and we'll be home soon."
Red Cross and urge all to contribute to it.
They are doing a superb job for the lads Edward R. Clark
fighting over here." "It is, indeed, pleasant to dwell among the
fond memories of the Labs a few hours each
John H. Stelljes month through the medium of the RECORD.
"I've just received my January issue of Although my leave of absence has outlived
the RECORD and it is like a bit of home to see my actual stay at the Labs several times
the familiar faces and places. In that issue over, it seems as though it was yesterday
of the RECORD you had a photo of J. M. that I packed up and left. My civilian in-
BARSTOW. It was my good fortune to meet dustrial life was short, but sweet. I should
him several weeks ago and you may be sure like very much to hear of the latest develop-
I didn't allow him to escape till I got my fill ments in the old department. In particular I
of the home -town news." would like to inquire about S. C. HIGHT.
`Uncle Stew' was my guardian, teacher, and
James M. Cullen benefactor in general to me at the Whip-
"I left California September 21, and we pany Radio Laboratory.
landed in a town in Australia about a month "After kicking around the States for a
later. We stayed there a few days but did year being trained and so forth, I was loaded
not have much except a good fresh water on a boat and shipped to North Africa. We
shower and a few good meals. We then landed on the Christmas Eve following the
went to New Guinea and have been on the invasion and have been here ever since. I ap-
go since. It sure is hot and I would enjoy that plied for some sort of work dealing with
breeze blowing up Bethune Street right now. radio, but in true Army fashion I was as-
I'm enclosing a picture of one of the tele- signed as an Aircraft Inspector. It's not
phone exchanges we built here. We are now much in the Bell Lab line, but I manage by
building another base and expect to be reading to keep my hand in on my TA work
finished wiring it soon. We are running and am looking forward to my return to
M.C.M. cable on poles which we cut in the the Labs at Whippany."

This is one of the telephone setups which James M. Cullen helped to install in a .Quonset Hut
somewhere in New Guinea
May 1944 396E
"Naturally we are all hoping that soon
we will be given the opportunity to return to
the States for awhile but there is plenty to be
done yet on this side of the globe.
"The RECORD just caught up with me
again and I really look forward to the arrival
of that particular piece of mail. Regards to
the old gang, the members of Systems De-
velopment Department."
Major Allen L. Whitman
"After a delightful stay in the tropical
paradise of New Guinea I am now on duty
in Australia. The assignment promises to be
a most interesting one with opportunities
for a break in sight into many activities and
probable chances for travel. I am at present
associated with LIEUT. COL. H. N. MISEN-
HEIMER, and there are numerous other Bell
System men to carry on the traditions. While
Georg Eltze says that his BT13 A with which we all miss home and loved ones, there is
he's shown seemed like such a complicated compensation in the wide range of most un-
mess of gadgets -until he started to fly ad- usual experiences. The arrival of mail from
vanced trainers. His final sentence, "How's home is always a red- letter event -perhaps
about more mail from the folks?" should start my good friends will take the hint."
his friends writing
Flight Officer Stanley W. Erickson
F. Bartinelli
Andrew "I've been assigned as Co -Pilot on a B17,
ANDREW F. BARTINELLI Was with the 5th and I'm in for combat crew training which
Armv in Italy- Black's army. After two will last three months. Although I wanted
or three months of combat duty, he was B25's and B26's, the powers that be thought
taken from the fighting front with swollen different. Upon completion of my training
feet and ankles, taken to a hospital in Sicily here I will be assigned to the 8th Air Force
and then to a hospital in in England, and from then
North Africa where he on I hope I'm lucky. On
was told his fighting days my last leave, the one and
were over. He is now driv- only, I had just three days
ing a truck in North Af- at home, but I managed to
rica. He has a nice room squeeze in an all too short
with another boy and even afternoon at the Labs. I
a shower bath. hope I get a leave before
going across, as I'd like to
Lieut. Robert C. Nance say goodbye to my 'bud-
"I participated in the dies' in 4B and to my
battle of Kwajalein Atoll. other fellow employees."
It was quite an experience
and much different from John Gris
our Aleutian campaigns. "I no longer have to take
I'll not attempt any de- basic field training, that's
scriptions of the affair as all finished with. A special
the newspapers have order came through trans-
done a far better job of ferring me to the Army
reporting than I could Clerical School to study
hope to accomplish. zindrew F. Bartinelli Army Regulations and
396F May 7944
Administrative Procedures. This transfer
certainly came as a surprise to me."

Military News
JOSEPH KELLY, Aviation Cadet, at Bunker
Hill, Peru, Indiana, has had twenty hours
of training in Stearmans, the Navy primary
trainers. Most of his classroom time is de-
voted to navigation.
"I HAVE successfully completed the basic
A.S.T.P. course," HARRY G. REIMELS
writes, "and I have been transferred to the
Field Artillery at Fort Bragg."
DANIEL F. O'SULLIVAN of the Marines
has completed his training in the 40 mm-
A.A. School and has been transferred to
New River, N. C. "We are on beach maneu-
vers and at present I am `co- owner' of a
fire-making brigade. We have the pleasure William J. Perry of the Receiving and Ship-
of supplying hot water to the galley in the ping Department came back to visit his old
field kitchen and have just had our pictures gang when on furlough in March. Here he is
taken. With our coloring from smoke the shown with 'Inn Colosimo who is doing his
results will look like two negatives." work for the duration
DONALD F. CUNEO is doing instrument
work at Brunswick, Maine, where English
cadets are introduced to their first fighter "I MET EDWARD FISCHER at Camp Wood,"
ROBERT T. LYNCH says. "He's the only
Dept. 142o man I've met and fortunately he
and I are still together at this APO address."
CHARLES H. DALM is attached to a
squadron of torpedo planes. His last letter
reads: "In a few hours I leave for a spot in
the Atlantic. I like my work and find it
enjoyable. I have seen many pieces of
hush -hush radio gear designed by the Labs.
You must feel very important and proud."
"THANKS EVER SO much for sending me the
is with the Pacific Fleet. "It is nice to know
JOHN GRIS S. W. ERICKSON Bell Laboratories have not forgotten me."
RUTH RYDBERG has been permanently as-
planes. He has recently become the father of signed to the Marine Candidate Class De-
twins, a boy and a girl. "Tell all the gang tachment at Quantico.
I'll pass the cigars when I get back." MAJOR WILLIAM R. LYONS' newest assign-
MAJOR F. A. COLES has been at Camp ment is the Equipment Laboratory at
Evans since leaving Varick Street. As Wright Field. "It is the first assignment in
officer in charge of the Engineering Branch over three years that has used my engineer-
he sometimes sees old friends from the ing experience."
Bell Laboratories. ROBERT G. KEMPLE had completed his
CENSORSHIP limits what JOHN R. NELSON boot training in the Marines before he
can say about himself. He is an RT2 /c with a visited the Laboratories on his last leave.
New York Fleet Post Office address, and he He expects to see action shortly with the
finds a great amount of enjoyment in reading Fleet Marine Force -the men who land first
the interesting articles in the RECORD. and establish beachheads.
May 1944 396G
THE BEST part Of RUTH MANDELL'S job writes. "We have had very limited time in
as a Marine aerial gunnery instructor is her which to do anything but train. However, I
hops in the gun turrets of B25's. She is sta- appreciate the various pieces of literature
tioned at Edenton. being distributed by the Labs to its mem-
OLIVER C. KANOUSE and AUGUST UHL are bers in the Armed Forces."
at the same Pacific APO address. PATRICK S. BENNETT is in the engineering
JOHN McGuIRE, who has been in service course at Clemson College.
for over a year, is now at Fort Jackson. FRANK A. KODITEK is quartermaster
"I'M STUDYING supply and disbursing at aboard an LST and is now training in the
Cambridge, Massachusetts," ENSIGN ELOISE Gulf of Mexico.
YOUNG writes. "I have enjoyed the many "THE STUDENTS at the Naval Research
letters from the Labs and when this course Laboratories all realize the tremendous
is over I hope to visit my friends." credit that goes to Bell Labs," H. S. GEISLER
MORGAN F. HICKEY iS stationed at a writes. He is instructing students at an
bomber base somewhere in England. Advanced Radio Material School.
LETITIA LAUTEN Of the Waves is working BERNARD C. GUINTER iS attending the
at the Chief of Naval Communication annex Marine Aviation Ordnance School at Quan-
in Washington. tico, Virginia.
LAWRENCE B. JONES has been given a "I AM the Executive Officer of a battery
personal leave of absence to enter the Army here at Camp Bowie," LIEUT. CHARLES R.
Specialized Training Reserve Program. JOHN SCHRAMM writes. "We expect our equipment
E. TWEEDDALE'S leave of absence (N.D.R. will include our approved weapon, a
C.) has been terminated with his transfer to tractor -drawn 155-mm M.I."
the Western Electric Company. "CALIFORNIA'S SUNSHINE" has a dripping
HELEN OLIN works for the Office of Chief effect on GEORGE J. THIERGARTNER Who is
of Medical Service in the Walter Reed at Camp Beale. However, he really enjoys
Hospital, Washington. the state and says it has the most beautiful
MARGARET MACILVAINE, Pharmacist's countryside he has ever seen.
Mate in the Waves, is at present working in
the Bainbridge Naval Hospital in a surgical
ward. "We are all delighted to be doing our
part to make the boys comfortable while
they are sick," she says.
Waves is a base radio operator.
MARCAE D. BITOWF of the Marines at-
tended radio school at Cherry Point and is
preparing to work on airplane radios.
"OUR ACTIVITIES here at Camp Pickett
keep me stepping," CHARLES D. BRIGGS


LIEUT. JAMES R. WALSH, recently Com-

missioned pilot, called on friends at Four-
teenth Street where he formerly worked in
the Savings Bond Department. He is as-
signed to a tactical unit in an Army tran-
sition school.
first furlough since leaving the Labora-
tories. A former Plant Department man, Mr.
Richardson is a Code Clerk in a Head-
E. L. FISCHER G. J. THIERGARTNER quarters Company at Camp Breckinridge.
396H May 1944
ANTHONY J. WARASKE has recently been
promoted to Staff Sergeant; JOHN F.
MCCARTHY to Technical Sergeant; HELEN
to Aviation Cadet; JOHN DEVEREAUX to
T /4; L. A. VABU LAS to Ensign.
OTHER RECENT promotions include HAL-
SEY A. FREDERICK, JR., to Lieutenant (jg);
WARD C. HEATON to Corporal.
";AMY NAVY career so far has been short in
time," LOUIS MUNCH says, "but long in sea
travel and business. I wish I could tell you
about the things I have seen and the grand P. S. BENNETT W. RICHARDSON
job the Navy Pacific Fleet is doing. The
newspaper men, however, have the telling of Members of the Laboratories who have
it, and perhaps you have read of it by now." written recently are:
R. J. Seymour, G. E. Fuchs, E. J. Filipovits,
A. J. Osinski, C. J. Osiecki, W. J. McKee, P. E.
Watts, Capt. W. S. Gunnarson, W. P. Harnack,
F. J. Howe, J. H. Devereaux, A. M. Doyle,
G. A. Bickard, L. A. Bergdahl, H. A. Bennett,
W. E. Archbold, J. R. Merchant, G. J. Wolters,
R. H. Meuser.
D. W. Graham, R. G. Bussman, August Uhl,
H. W. Menzel, Thomas Fox, David Webster,
L. M. Cassano, Victor Silzer, W. F. Lynch,
David Greenhagen, W. F. Wilson, Lieut. J. R.
Walsh, R. W. Search, Clarence Anderson, R. E.
Filler, Capt. L. G. Rainhart, W. R. O'Neill,
Robert Klem, R. C. Lamont, Harold Jaffe, Capt.
F. B. Monell, G. E. Tirone, Peter Wargo, M. V.
JOSEPH ONTKA visited West Street and News Notes
14th Street buildings before being assigned G. G. WINSPEAR, at Cleveland on March
to the Amphibious forces now in training 23 and 24, consulted engineers of the Ward
somewhere in Florida. Products Company on rubber problems.
LETTERS AND CARDS Say that J. F. MARTIN G. DEEG and C. J. FROSCH conferred
has started instrument flying at Pensacola; with engineers of the Sharon Plant of the
F. A. BROWN, assigned to a newly com- Westinghouse Company in connection with
missioned ship; G. H. REINHARDT, awaiting transformer treatments.
shipment from Camp Reynolds; J. M. M. D. RIGTERINK studied ceramic pro-
O'NEILL, in La Garde General Hospital duction problems at the Lapp Insulator
being treated for a broken leg; S. G. REED, Company, Le Roy, N. Y., and at Lenox,
University of Illinois; J. C. PTACEK, Yale Inc., at Trenton, N. J.
University; ENSIGN W. B. SCHEI.LERUP, C. J. CHRISTENSEN visited the Brush De-
Lake City, Florida; N. A. SORGER, Camp velopment Company in Cleveland, Ohio.
Ruckner, Alabama. A. R. KEMP and F. S. MAIM attended a
DANIEL BRADY, Northern Ireland; P. R. WPB meeting in Washington on March 22
BROCKETT, aboard a Canadian corvette where they discussed synthetic rubber insu-
doing convoy escort duty; W. J. H. THOELE, lation for wire and cable.
at Camp Reynolds awaiting overseas duty; R. G. MCCURDY and E. L. SCHWARTZ
R. W. MCMURROUGH, Fort Jackson; T. J. went to Hawthorne and to Wright Field
McDoxouGH, Webb Institute of Naval with members of the Western Electric Com-
Architecture; and H. H. HOFFMAN at Camp pany to discuss moisture- proofing and pro-
Murphy, Florida. duction testing of transformers.
May 1944 396I
H. H. STAEBNER conferred on cord de-
Keep Up the Good Work! velopment matters at Baltimore.
H. H. GLENN visited the Bureau of Ships,
The Editors wish to thank all
members of the Laboratories who re- Washington, to discuss wires and cables.
turned their copies of the April C. A. WEBBER went to Chicago in con-
RECORD when they had finished nection with cable designs.
reading them. Requirements for serv- F. W. CLAYDEN made special contact
icemen's families were amply met studies at the Albany and the Scranton tele-
and the response was such that phone offices.
further savings in paper consumption THE SPRING meeting of the American
are contemplated. Society for Testing Materials, held in Cin-
cinnati, was attended by C. D. HOCKER,
Chairman, and J. B. DIXON, Secretary of
G. N. VACCA, G. G. WINSPEAR and H. Committee on Corrosion of Iron and Steel.
PETERS attended an A.S.T.M. meeting on W. H. S. YOURY visited the Plymouth
rubber at Cincinnati. Rubber Company in Canton, Mass., to dis-
N. R. PAPE, R. W. WALKER and W. O. cuss DR tape.
BAKER collaborated on reports given March W. T. PRITCHARD recently consulted with
13 and 14 before the Research Conference of engineers of the Highspeed Hammer Com-
the Office of Rubber Director. pany of Rochester, N. Y., on the design of
DURING THE week of March 19, E. E. special riveting machines.
SCHUMACHER discussed metallurgical prob- P. W.
lems with engineers at Hawthorne. W. Rupp of the A T & T were in Cleveland
A. H. SCHAFER, at Hawthorne, studied to discuss unattended dial office problems
manufacturing problems of resistances. with Ohio Bell representatives.
F. J. GIVEN and A. J. CHRISTOPHER as- AT THE BUREAU Of Ships in Washington,
sisted in the preparation of the American H. E. MARTING, H. A. LEWIS and C. C. HIP -
War Standard on Paper Capacitors. KINS, with members of the Western Electric
R. P. MUHLSTEFF has been awarded the Company, discussed moisture- and fungus -
degree of Master in Mechanical Engineering proofing of communication equipment.
from New York University. J. A. WATTERS went to Chicago in con-
IN CHICAGO during March A. J. GROSS - nection with broadband carrier equipment
MAN and T. R. FINCH conferred on the and installations.
manufacturing problems of special networks. STEP -BY -STEP equipment studies took
P. H. RICHARDSON visited Hawthorne J. O. JOHNSON to Scranton and to Albany.
and the S. and W. Inductor Company in L. G. ABRAHAM and B. J. KINSBURG ac-
Chicago regarding networks. companied M. Barton, C. M. Edwards and
R. E. DRAKE and M. WHITEHEAD dis- R. L. Roemer of Western Electric, and
cussed electrolytic condensers on March 15 W. S. Brown and C. E. Schooley of Long
at the Sprague Specialty Company. Lines on an inspection trip to the coaxial
R. T. STAPLES discussed cable designs amplifier repair point at the Princeton re-
with engineers of the Boston Insulated Wire peater station. The purpose of the trip was
and Cable Company. to familiarize the Western Electric personnel
J. ABBOTT, JR., attended a Dial Survey with the coaxial amplifier repair testing pro-
Conference in Hawthorne. He also discussed cedures instituted there by the Long Lines.
dials with the Manufacturing Department. * * * * *
WILLIAM H. SPAHN of the Switching De-
The drawing Of DENNIS CRONIN in velopment Department retired on April 30
the April RECORD caused consider- at his own request with a Class A pension
able interest among his friends. In upon the completion of over thirty -five
answer to the many calls received years of service which began when he joined
asking who drew "Denny," it the New York Telephone Company in 1905.
was LILLIAN GUBERMAN Of the Ap- After three years of installation work, he
paratus Development Department. was assigned to special work on PBX's,
396J May 1944
and two years later he entered the central-
office maintenance force. When he left in
1913 to join the engineering staff of the
New York City Fire Department, he was a
test deskman.
In the meanwhile Mr. Spahn had been
studying at Cooper Union, and in 1912 had
received the degree of B.S. in M.E. In 1915
he received the B.S. in E.E., and the fol-
lowing year the advanced degree of E.E. On
joining the Engineering Department of the
Western Electric Company in 1916 he en-
gaged in circuit design work, and the follow- MORRIS LEBOFF W. H. SPAHN
ing year took charge of a group analyzing all
standard circuits to determine where No. I THE MARCH issue of Electrical Engineering
contact metal could be substituted for contains a paper by O. A. FRIEND entitled
platinum. In 1917 Mr. Spahn was asked to /lutomatic Ticketing of Telephone Calls. It
teach physics at Cooper Union, an activity was presented before the winter convention
in which he continued until 1938. On trans- of the A.I.E.E.
ferring to the panel dial group in 1920 he BEFORE THE Radio Television Planning
worked for a year on sender circuit design. Board on March 16, J. F. WENTZ discussed
Since 1921 Mr. Spahn had charge of all time the possibilities for post -war television net-
and traffic studies for automatic systems, and works over coaxial cables. The present and
of the application of the theory of proba- contemplated facilities of the A T & T for
bility to automatic switching problems. such a network were outlined.
A. F. MOTT has recently assisted the
MORRIS LEBOFF of the Development N.B.C. in transmitting video television sig-
Shop retired on April 16 at his own request nals from Madison Square Garden.
with a Class B pension following a year of E. B. CAVE appeared before the Board of
absence due to sickness. He joined the Engi- Appeals at the Patent Office in Washington
neering Department of the Western Elec- relative to an application for patent.
tric Company as a machinist and bench F. D. LEAMER 'S appointment as a regular
hand in 1918. From 1936 to the time of his member of the Irvington War Manpower
illness he was engaged as a supervisor in Appeals Committee was made recently by
the New York Development Shops. the Regional Director of Region III of the
* * * * * War Manpower Commission.
IN THE LONG LINES Chicago toll office F. D. LEAMER, M. B. LONG and E. V.
D. B. PENICK is testing the first commercial MACE attended an Army- Management-
installation of the A2 channel bank. Labor Safety and Security Conference on
RECENT RECORD articles have been ab- March 21 at Trenton which was held
stracted in issues of Nature (London). They under the auspices of the Trenton District
are Gas Tube Harmonic Generator by L. G. Headquarters, Second Service Command.
Kersta, How Well Do I
Hear? by M. B. THE ANNUAL DINNER Of the Fifteenth
GARDNER, and Fastax, /In Ultra-High-Speed Greater New York Safety Council Con-
Motion Picture Camera by H. J. SMITH, all vention at Hotel Pennsylvania on March 29
in the January 15 issue; Noise Measurements was attended by G. B. THOMAS, S. H.
in Vacuum Tubes by J. J. DEBUSKE in the WILLARD, DR. C. E. MARTIN, H. S. SHEP-
January 22 issue; and Teletypewriter Test PARD, D. P. BARRY, J. E. CONELL, L. E.
Sets by W. Y. LANG in the February 5 issue. COON, L. S. HULIN, M. JOAN MULHERIN,
Science Teachers of Rockland County, held R. W. GAST, J. R. P. G0LLER and G. B.
at Suffern, New York, on March 24, P. B. TIMM. J. S. EDWARDS served on the At-
MURPHY spoke on the subject Science and tendance Committee, and L. E. COON on the
Industry /liter the War. Arrangements Committee.
May 1944 396K
Fighting by Nigh
on the
Home Front
When it's bedtime for most
members of the Laboratories,
girls like these are just starting
to work at West Street and at
Fourteenth Street. Their hours,
for the most part, are from
eleven at night to eight in the
morning, six nights a week
Women of the Laboratories

oratories Staff and manager of the Restau- ALMA CARLSON, all working key punch
rant and Cafeterias at West Street. She pre- machines in the Accounting Department,
pared for her vocation at Skidmore College Fourteenth Street. Across the bottom of
where she received her B.S. in Home Eco- the page are: EDNA HERZOG, who is pre-
nomics and at Teachers' College, Columbia paring to run a winding machine in the
University, where she was awarded a master's Coil Winding Department; MARION CHAMA,
degree in Institutional Management. Before who is a cleaner in the Plant Department;
joining the Laboratories in January she was and JOSEPHINE SETTICASE, Who iS adjusting
assistant manager of the John Jay Hall resistances in the Coil Department's test
Dining Rooms at Columbia University. room on the third floor.
With the heavy wartime schedule of the * * * * *

Laboratories it has become necessary to MURIEL LAZEAR entered the Whippany

operate the Restaurant practically 24 hours Drafting Room with a background of edu-
a day. Under present food and employment cation and experience which has been val-
market conditions and with increasingly uable to her in her work on some of the
strict O.P.A. regulations, this is a sizable electronic devices which the Laboratories
job. Approximately four thousand members has developed for the Armed Forces. After
of the Laboratories eat in the Restaurant a year at Morris Junior College and an-
at West Street daily. other at Limestone College in Gaffney,
Although Miss Ink claims she does not South Carolina, she entered the employ of a
excel in any, she participates in all kinds machine design company where, along with
of sports. She is also adept
at making her own clothes,
but that accomplishment is
out for the duration. In war-
time her reading is limited to
the Reader's Digest, to a few
of the current best sellers,
and to the magazines and lat-
est literature of her profession.
Her favorite form of relaxa-
tion is jewelry- making.
Night Workers
AMONG the women of the
Laboratories who work on the
night shift are those shown on
the opposite page. On the top
the Reproduction Department,
who runs a blueprint machine;
and BETTY WAGNER of the
tabulating service group in the
Accounting Department, Four-
teenth Street. The three girls Elizabeth Ink consults zindrew Scaglione about the day's
in the center of the page are menus for the West Street Restaurant
May 1944 396M
them through the various processes of de-
velopment, makes certain that they are de-
livered on schedule, and assigns negative
numbers to the prints selected.
Miss Meyer is a sports enthusiast. Until
recently she was manager of a local girls
athletic club and had her own softball and
basketball teams. Strangely enough she is
not a camera fiend, even though her fiancé,
who is now in the Air Corps, was a pho-
tographer before he entered Service.
* * * * *
SYLVIA LE Pow of Transmission Networks
told the students of Adelphi College at
Garden City on April 13 about the Labora-
tories and her work here. Miss Lepow
graduated from Adelphi in 1943. She is now
studying at Brooklyn Polytechnic for a
master's degree in electrical engineering.


some stenography, she did drafting on small

mechanical parts. At the same time she at-
tended Rutgers University where she studied
applied mathematics and basic drafting.
An all- around sportswoman, she enjoys
the opportunities which Whippany affords
for noon -hour athletic activities, particularly
ice skating in winter and swimming during
the summer months. Her training in the arts
and costume design come to the fore in her
leisure time. She does painting, sewing and
leather craft, skills which have been of im-
mense value in her Girl Scout activities.
* * * * *
PHOTOGRAPHY has always been EVELYN
MEYER'S specialty. As a youngster out in EVELYN M. MEYER
Floral Park, Long Island, she spent her high
school summer vacations working in the BEFORE BECOMING a student in the Lab-
photo finishing establishment with which oratories' first full -time training course for
her father has been connected for many Technical Assistants, ANGELA SCANNELL
years. Upon graduation from Sewanaka had completed an academic course at Great
High School in 1939, it was only natural Neck High School and three months' training
that she returned there to work full time and, at Stevens Institute. Miss Scannell works
eventually, she was given charge of ten girls. on special preproduction models of electronic
Last June, when she decided to make a devices in the Equipment Development De-
change, she came to the Laboratories' Pho- partment. She acts as the contact between
tographic Department where she is respon- engineers and the mechanics in the Develop-
sible for the service on all photograph orders ment Shops and their subcontractors work-
received. She checks in the orders, follows ing on the equipment. After helping to place
396N May 1944
orders, she expedites them through the
Shops to their completion and then checks
the work against the blueprints before sub-
mitting it to the engineer concerned. To help
her to better understand the problems she
encounters in her work, she studies ultra-
high- frequency techniques at Columbia two
nights a week.
Miss Scannell's outside interests are horse-
back riding and swimming. Commuting to
and from her home in Great Neck, she man-
ages to keep up with her magazine read-
ing, which includes the Nation and flrnerica.
She prefers Thomas Wolff and thinks that
Look Homeward, /Inge/ is the best of his work
she has read so far. ANGELA F. SCANNELL

Members of the Laboratories remember most of these girls as former messenger and mail clerks.
Now they are working in clerical positions to which they were promoted and a new group of girls
is wanted to fill mail and messenger jobs and to preparefor advancement in the Personnel Depart-
ment's Training Program. If you know any High School Seniors who would be interested in
working at Bell Telephone Laboratories, please refer them to the Women's Employment Depart-
ment at 744 Washington Street, New York City.
The girls in this picture are: Marie Teschner, Patricia Phelan, Elsie Pavlic, Vivian Driscoll,
Marilyn Daniels (standing), Catherine Sweeney, Marjorie Lapham, Lillian Sangberg
(standing), Doris Middleton, Winifred Burke and Helen Schaefer
May 1944 3960
A T and T Girls Help the
To help relieve the heavy load of Tran-
scription work at the Laboratories, an
average of twenty A T and T girl volunteers
work Saturdays at 463 West Street on an
overtime basis. These girls represent many
departments at 195 Broadway and are not
all engaged regularly in transcription work.
They range from typists to secretaries whose
spirit of service has prompted them to do
war work elsewhere in the Bell System dur-
ing their free time. Their willingness to serve
in an emergency has helped to relieve the
shortage at Bell Laboratories where every
available source of manpower is being used.
* * * * *
MARY LOEFFLER has always been a sports
enthusiast. Neither her convent training
nor her subsequent marriage in her sopho-
more year at college dampened her en-
thusiasm for roughing it in the open and
for competitive sports. She was born in since she joined the Laboratories. As ex-
St. Mary's, Pennsylvania, and educated in pediter to a buyer, she is responsible for
private schools in Alabama, Florida and following orders, checking deliveries, and,
Cuba. A few years after her marriage her where necessary, helping to make substi-
husband died, leaving her with a small son tutions on such items as printing services,
to raise. Because she had majored in the stationery, paper products, office equip-
fine arts and was without business training, ment, typewriters, calculating machines,
Mrs. Loeffler became hostess in one of the textiles and uniforms for guards, nurses, and
restaurants of a well -known chain. Later restaurant workers.
she taught clerical work to girls in the Mrs. Loeffler's son, who is just nine-
same concern where she learned much teen, has received his B.S. degree and has
about handling people that has helped her recently become an Army medical student.
From the time he was a little
tyke she shared the sports
he and his pals enjoyed, raised
animals and tamed wild pets
with him. Their back yard
was an archery range and a
baseball diamond on which
Mrs. Loeffler could play al-
most any position. Later on
they went in for tennis, dis-
tance swimming and canoe
tilting. Now that her son is in
service, she lives on Man-
hattan near Columbia where
she is studying psychology.
Her free time for the most part
is devoted to hospital work
two evenings a week and Sun-
A group of A T and T girls about to enter Me Laboratories day mornings.
396P May 1944
Members of Bell System Companies Transferred to the Laboratories
to Aid in War Work -October 1, 1943, to April 12, 1944

Western Electric
Ruth Ammons 2300 E. J. Hawes 3200
M. C. Biskeborn 2300 J. D. Lawson 7300
C. E. Brokenicky 3500 R. S. Newsham 1400
O. P. Clark 1700 W. C. Royal 2300
Leonora Daniel 7100 R. A. Skepstedt 3200
Nadia Evanowicz 2300 Elsie Sweitzer 1-too
D. J. Fefee 2600

R. S. Newsham E. E. Wade T. A. Williams

New York Tel.

J. A. Antola 3200 A. A. Greenrose 3200
S. J. Aronchick 7100 Kenneth Haynes 2600
Attilio Baltera 1700 J. J. Jacobs 3200
Mulford Beebe 2600 E. A. Jones 7400
B. J. Betkowski ....7400 T. C. Kraft 2600
R. H. Boehm 3200 A. R. Nardi 3200
S. O. Carleton 3100 J. I. Palmer 3200
A. E. MacMahon Elsie Sweitzer J. A. Anto la N. G. Carlson 7400 A. R. Parker, Jr.* 7400
R. W. Conklin 7100 R. B. Perkins 60o
G. B. Crofutt 3300 W. C. Pfrommer 2600
Illinois Bell R. J. Cunningham...3100 C. S. Rhoads 3100
L. E. Dever 7100 H. W. Risch 3200
R. A. Bina 3200 Mildred Middaugh..7100 7400 M. J. Robinson 7400
1700 J. R. Morris 7400 C. D. Dixon
A. R. Copley J. H. Durnan 7400 E. W. Schmoll 3200
G. F. Gould 1700 J. E. Ottman 1700
1700 C. G. Emery 2600 Samuel Sempey 7400
L. D. Graham 3200 Stanley Pollenz William Stevenson 2400
A. G. Hochleutner 1700 Theodore Reckling 1700 Walter Fenner, Jr 7600
6000 C. O. Fogelberg 2600 O. R. Strittmatter 7400
E. J. Jedlicka 1700 G. B. Ross C. A. Walsh 7100
M. J. Larsen 1700 E. H. Scholz 1700 R. O. Fraser 7100
P. A. Gartman 7100 K. E. Wheeler
S. G. Lehmann 1700 W. C. Shaw, Jr 1700
Clement Winter 7100
R. K. Metcalf 7400 M. B. Umnitz 1700 E. E. Gillam 7100
J. K. Middaugh.. 1700 T. A. Williams 7400 L. O. Goodman 320o *On Military Leave.

AT&T Ohio Bell

C. S. Borthwick . . . . 1600 A. L. Kiser 1700
C. R. Burchfield . 2200 E. E. Wade 3200

Michigan Bell Pacific Tel.

Elizabeth Hart 1200 A. E. MacMahon.. 3500
J. C. Leffel 3200 E. C. Rohr 1700

E. W. Coyer A. A. Greenrose J. C. Leffel

Mountain States New Jersey Bell

E. W. Coyer 3500 W. S. Irvine 3200
H. G. Sei fried 7400
New England Tel. C. R. Wilcox 7400
Gale Forssen 1700
P. J. Hamill 7400 Sou. New England
A. H. Johnson 1700
H. T. Sargent, Jr 7400 J. F. Cannon 1600
C. R. Burchfield Gale Forssen C. R. Wilcox

Imo Physical Research (Harvey Fletcher) 3100 Switching Engineering (H. M. Bascom)
1200 Chemical Laboratories (R. R. Williams) 3200 Equipment Development (H. H. Lowry)
1400 Electronics Research (J. R. Wilson) 3300 Switching Development (J. L. Dow)
1600 Radio Research (Ralph Bown) 3500 Transmission Development (D. A. Quarles)
1700 Commercial Products (O. M. Glunt) 60o Personnel (G. B. Thomas)
2200 Switching Apparatus (H. A. Frederick) 7100 General Accounting (A. O. Jehle)
2300 Outside Plant (R. A. Haislip) 7300 General Service (R. H. Wilson)
240o Station Apparatus (W. H. Martin) 7400 Commercial Relations (B. B. Webb)
2600 Apparatus Staff (H. S. Sheppard) 7600 Development Shops (H. C. Atkinson)

May 1944 397

Experiences of Lieut. Anderson Because of his Bell System background,
in Italy Lieut. Anderson was soon put into communi-
After four years in the Laboratories, cations work. From company up to regi-
LIEUT. NILS H. ANDERSON left Systems mental headquarters, facilities are
Drafting in September, 1940, when his and operated by the infantry itself. In his
National Guard regiment was inducted. In last post, as a First Lieutenant, he corn-
June, 1942, he was sent to Officers' Candi- manded about thirty men who were respon-
date School at Fort Benning; he went over- sible for the wire and written communica-
seas to the United Kingdom in October as a tions service, as well as for a message center
Second Lieutenant. In January, 1943, he of a battalion (two companies). For all-
went to North Africa and in September to around reliability he preferred a wire line to
Italy. Wounded in December, he arrived in radio whenever a line could be placed. Over
the United States in March of this year. rough terrain where vehicles could not be
used, that was a hard job, for
the field wire weighs eighty-
two pounds on a half-mile reel.
Wire must be laid off the trail,
but even so it takes quite a
beating. When wire is laid
from a reel mounted on a
truck, the reels are dropped
off as they are emptied, so as
to be handy for salvage. When
the action moves forward, the
infantry leaves its wire behind,
to be salvaged and reissued by
teams from the Division Sig-
nal Officer's outfit.
Shell fire is very destructive
to wire, and many casualties
occur when repairmen dash in
to fix it. One crossroad in
Tunisia Lieut. Anderson re-
members well because some
thirty lines passed it, and
every one was cut. Ten wire
teams of two men each went in
and began to test the broken
wires; before all were repaired
there were quite a few of those
men killed or wounded.
Lines placed by Lieut. An-
derson's men were served by
six-drop and twelve -drop
boards, and magneto field
telephones. Some of the latter
were of German make and well
made, too. In the two machine
gun companies there were
British Combine Photo some ten sound power tele-
Note on this picture from Italy, the reel on the back of the phones on a network which
jeep and the three empties, one in back of the pole and two those outfits laid and main -
at the extreme right. !In unlucky shell hit here could disrupt tained themselves.
a lot of circuits On the night before the
398 May 1944
Volturno River crossing, Lieut.
Anderson laid a wire down to a
thicket at the river's edge.
The next night, testing back,
he found the circuit open, and
on inspection a half mile of
pair was missing. By the time
the break was repaired the
assault wave had crossed, and
the rifle platoon that the sig-
nallers were to follow had
quite a few casualties.
Not long afterward, while in
a relatively sheltered area,
shelled only now and then, a
shell came over which killed
one of Lieut. Anderson's men
and wounded him.
Director of WPB Com-
munications Division Signal Corps Photo

Visits Laboratories Lieut. 4nderson says this scene is as familiar to him as

Leighton H. Peebles, Di- the 9 -H Drafting Room. In the foreground, two soldiers
rector of the Communications get ready to eat a can of C ration heated over a gasoline
Division of the War Produc- stove. 'It the rear, a signal man answers a call on a switch-
duction Board, and J. B. Rees board capturedfrom the enemy

of the American Telephone and Telegraph

Company visited the Laboratories at West
Telephone Pioneers Enrolled During Street and Murray Hill on April 3. After
February and March meeting O. E. BUCKLEY, O. B. BLACKWELL
C. H. Achenbach Kathryn E. Joyce and M. J. KELLY, H. H. LOWRY showed
A. J. Aikens F. A. Lindebergt them some of the communications equip-
B. G. Bjornson W. F. Malone ment that had been developed for the
P. E. Buch Florence Metz military services, including an inspection of
Elsie Burger C. C. Meyer the humidity rooms where moisture and
H. H. Buttner* V. Montagna
fungus treatments for tropical use are
C. O. Cross E. C. Muller
C. C. Munro
tested on working systems. J. R. WILSON
J. Denardo
Blanche Dooley D. S. Myers then took them on an inspection trip
H. T. Douglass O. Myers through certain sections of the vacuum-
R. F. Elliott J. B. Newsom$ tube development shop.
Mary Farmer G. R. Odint They were taken to Murray Hill by R. L.
E. L. Fletcher G. T. Selby JONES where they had lunch with HARVEY
L. D. Fry E. R. Taylor FLETCHER, R. A. HAISLIP, M. B. LONG,
H. A. Giroud H. R. Vail W. H. MARTIN and R. R. WILLIAMS. Fol-
J. R. P. Goller E. von der Linden lowing this, F. L. HUNT escorted them on an
E. V. Griggs C. A. Walterst inspection trip. A. R. KEMP described the
F. J. Hallenbeck W. K. Webster
work in the rubber laboratory; S. O.
L. E. Herborn Mary West
MORGAN, the ceramic laboratory; F. S.
C. L. Howkt A. Westenberger
R. T. Jenkins GOUCHER and R. O. GRISDALE, the carbon
resistor laboratory; and W. C. JONES, the
*Federal Tel. & Rad. work being done on substitute materials,
tTransferred from other Chapters. particularly in reference to transmission in-
On Military Leave. struments and telephone booths.
May 1944 399
food situation. That is
terribly unfortunate be-
cause the need this year is
to top last year's fine Vic-
tory Gardening program
by as much as possible.
Take my word for that,
current abundant supplies
notwithstanding. The goal
this year is 22 million gar-
dens-2 million more than
were grown last year. Pass
that information along to
your neighbor who is ask-
ing `Is there really a
serious need for Victory
Gardens in 1944 ?' "
High- Powered Loud-
speaker for the Navy
Signal Corps Photo
The demand by the
Only loo yards from Jap positions on New Guinea, these three Navy for a loudspeaker
members of an Infantry unit pause in their task of cleaning a 4.2 that could rise to the oc-
mortar to read the all-important mail from home. This mortar casion and satisfy the
has been in effective use since last summer in Sicily and Italy rigid requirements of to-
and in the South Pacific. It has a rifled barrel and is employed as day's great naval battles
a smoke and high explosive projector
has been met in a new
speaker designed by the
Bell Telephone Labora-
Your Victory Garden Is Vital tories and now being produced by the West-
"The 1943 Victory Garden program was ern Electric Company. This high-powered
a success by all standards," according to unit has passed the rigid Navy tests to
Secretary of Agriculture Claude R. Wickard
in an address he made in Boston recently.
"Last year our goal called for 18 million
gardens. It has been estimated that 20 mil-
lion were actually planted and that as much
as 4o per cent of last year's supply of fresh
vegetables came from home gardens.
"Within the last two weeks I have been
getting some very disturbing reports about
Victory Garden prospects for this year. Re-
ports from seed houses indicate that the
number of Victory Gardens to be grown
will be less this year than last year. Many of
you, I am sure, are familiar with the
National Poll on Victory Gardens which
was carried recently in widely circulated
newspapers. This poll showed that the over-
all number of gardens planned, as of March
this year, was definitely below the Victory
Garden goal. In fact, it was io per cent less. Groundwork for Victory
"If these reports are true, it is simply be- CROW MORE IN 44
cause people are too complacent about the
400 May 1944
insure reliable operation under the wide
geographical range necessary for the fleet's
Designed for speech reproduction, this
speaker has an outside diameter of 1212
inches and weighs approximately 25 pounds.
The unit is composed of three principal sec-
tions: the base, which provides space for a
transformer, and a terminal strip, and pro-
visions for the lead-in cable; the horn, which
is of the folded exponential type; and the
magnetic unit which is fitted with a two-
piece permanent magnet, diaphragm, and
blast valve. The loudspeaker is constructed
principally from formed sheet steel and
molded plastic.
The voice coil impedance of the unit is
approximately 7.5 ohms. The speaker de-
velops the high sound pressure of 5o dynes
per square centimeter when operated at the
rated electrical input and measured at 10
feet from the speaker on the sound axis in
open air. Latest Western Electric high- powered loud-
Other features of this loudspeaker are speaker for the U. S. Navy
that it is resistant to shock, vibration, salt
spray, gun blast, and is extremely accessible obtained from stainless steel scrap left over
for servicing due to its simple construction. from the manufacture of other articles, and
from "off- heat" or rejected ingots.
Table Flatware and Mess Equipment The metal is useless for most military
From Rejected Stainless Steel purposes, but contains the stainless qualities
A substantial part of the Army's metal urgently required for Army mess equipment
mess equipment such as mess kits, canteen and can be worked almost as easily in the
cups and field knives, forks and spoons, manufacture of this equipment as new metal.
mess trays and mess hall tableware is being This rejected metal and the scrap even-
ave been made available to manu-
tually hay-
facturers of Quartermaster Corps equip-
ment, and as a result, the Quartermaster
FOOD Corps was able to obtain the most suitable
tableware and individual mess equipment

*R. H. Bedell
DACE R. G. McCoy
without using the production facilities for
steel so urgently required for the manu-
facture of vital arms and ammunition.
J. F. Brennan Laurette McDonnell A nice job of salvaging, you'll say; so then
Matilda Chvastik O. S. Mesch
ask yourself these salvage questions:
W. E. Cobb A. C. Peyman
*P. Pfister
Do you cut up partly used sheets of paper
H. W. Cosgrove for your small memoranda?
*J. Gordon *E. J. Phillipps Do you use both sides of the sheet for
*J. Harrigan *T. Portanova
manuscript and rough figuring?
Maryrose Hanavan *0. Rappe
Anne Iwaniw F. A. Schulz Bell Chorus to Give Concert
Helen Kelly W. J. Snyder
W. J. Kindermann E. T. Stammer The Bell Chorus will present their Spring
R. W. Widman Concert at Town Hall on Tuesday evening,
May 9, at 8:3o P.M. The Chorus has pre-
*Western Electric men stationed at the Laboratories.
pared an interesting program which includes
May 1944 401
some delightful American folk tunes and We See by the Papers, that
several contemporary numbers by William For the first time since 1937, a change
Schuman. Mrs. Elsie Urban, soprano, will occurred in the board of directors of the
be the guest artist for the evening. First National Bank and Trust Company of
Tickets may be purchased at $1.10 from Tuckahoe when five new directors were
Miss Hilda R. Muller, Extension 1902, at named. They are: . . . ARTHUR O. JEHLE,
West Street, and Mr. Allen E. Blackman, chief auditor, Bell Telephone Laboratories,
Extension 2024, Graybar-Varick. New York.... -Herald-Statesman, Yonkers,
N. Y., January 12, 1944.
"The Horrors of War" A. PAUL MOORE, Bell Laboratories, 463
Servicemen from the Apparatus Develop- West Street, New York, former Daytonian,
ment Drafting Department now have an has been proposed for membership in the
excellent idea of how the drafting room is Ohio Society of New York. -Journal, Day-
faring in their absence. In a thirty- six -page ton, Ohio, February 2, 1944.
booklet of caricatures and verse, called The Buffalo motorists would prolong the life
Horrors of War, the drafting group from its of mufliers and exhaust pipes on their cars if
head, H. J. DELCHAMPS, to its messenger girl, they painted these parts as a safeguard
takes a lampooning, but it's all in fun. against rust caused by the calcium chloride
Drawings in the booklet are the work of used to melt the ice on the streets, DR. R. M.
LIZZIE BAUER, LILLIAN GUBERMAN and BURNS declared Thursday evening before a
G. J. STEINACKER. Both the subjects and joint meeting of the Western New York
the artists worked on their own time. The Section, American Chemical Society, and the
verses were contributed by various members Niagara Chapter, Electrochemical Society.
of the department; the booklet was edited by -News, Buffalo, N. Y., February 18, 1944.
Mrs. Guberman. Extra copies of The Horrors Soviet engineers have put to good use the
of War are available in Section 4C and are system of "statistical quality control" in-
being sold to swell Apparatus Drafting's vented by the mathematician, DR. WALTER
fund for servicemen. A. SHEWHART, consultant for the Bell Tele-
402 May 1944
phone Laboratories. This method is applied place, a kind of Shangri -la atmosphere... .
to mass production techniques and widely Here at Murray Hill is a building, or mass of
used in this country, and Great Britain com- buildings, designed for research scientists,
bines the statistical approach with the and it achieves its purpose. Indeed it could
science of engineering to effect both the well be a monument to glorify the dignity of
economy and uniformity of production in scientific research... .
industry. -Daily Worker, New York, N. Y., There is no contest between industrialism
April 13, 1944. and the beauties of nature at Murray Hill.
To encourage employees of the Bell Perfect balance exists between them and the
Telephone Laboratories to write to fellow resultant edifice is successful because it is
workers now in the Nation's Armed Forces, completely functional with absolute har-
writing facilities with pens, ink, V-mail mony between its needs and style. There is a
forms, and a list of those in the service has thrilling beauty about it which must be in-
been installed in the lounge of the Labora- spiring to the lucky twelve hundred persons
tories building on West Street, New York who work there. The remaining sixty -five
City. It isn't even necessary to know the hundred who work in the more orthodox
address. All the writer has to do is put the building in New York must be very envious.
addressee's name on the envelope, stamp it, -From "One Point of the Compass," North-
drop the letter into the box provided, and port Journal, April 14, 1944.
the personnel department fills in the latest WILLIAM L. BELL and RAY R. SCOVILLE,
address and mails the letter. News, Iron- employed in special development work at
ton, Ohio, January 31, 1944. Bell Telephone Laboratories, received yester-
Last week we saw the new Bell Telephone day the award of the S.M.P.E. Journal for
Laboratories at Murray Hill, New Jersey, their article describing design and use of
and now we know that all other industrial equipment for reducing background noise in
buildings are second rate. film sound recording systems. -New York
There was an air of unreality about the Times, April 20, 1944.


(NBC, Monday Nights, 9:oo P.M., Eastern War Time)
MAY 8, 1944 MAY 22, 1944
Song of Songs Moya Furiant Weinberger
Surrey with the Fringe on Top Rodgers from "Schwanda, the Bagpipe Player"
James Melton Orchestra
Old- Fashioned Wife Kern Iris Wolf
Il Mio Tesoro from 'Don Giovanni" Mozart Deep River Spiritual-arr. Burleigh
James Melton Song of the Open LaForge
The Enchanted Lake Liadoff Helen Traubel
Orchestra Valse Triste Sibelius
David and Goliath Malotte Orchestra
James Melton A Perfect Day Bond
Helen Traubel
MAY 15, 1944 Le Carillon Bizet
Floods of Spring Rachmaninoff from "L'Arlésienne Suite No. I"
Orchestra Orchestra
Minuet Beethoven Du Bist der Lenz Wagner
Redwoods at Bohemian Grove Templeton from "The Valkyrie"
Impression Templeton Helen Traubel
Alec Templeton
Andante Cantabile Tschaikowsky
Orchestra MAY 29, 1944
Concerto No. 2 -First Movement Rachmaninoff Nelson Eddy will be the guest artist
Alec Templeton and Orchestra
Bell Laboratories' Club has no more tickets for these programs
because its limited supply has already been distributed to applicants.

May 1944 403

Portable Carrier
Telegraph for the
Signal Corps
Systems Development

operated power supply in a single cabinet

of the same size as for the CF-2 -A equip-
ment, and weighs only 3o pounds more.
This new terminal is shown under test in
Bell Telephone Laboratories in the photo-
graph at the head of this article and in
Figure 1. The entire equipment assembly is
attached to a floating framework suspended
in the wooden cabinet by rubber cushions.
All external connections except those to the
a -c power supply are made by binding posts
at the top of the bay.
The four telegraph channels are arranged
for simultaneous two -way operation. Trans-
mission between terminals utilizes voice -
frequency carrier currents of eight different
frequencies between 595 and 1,955 cycles.
The system is designed primarily to operate
WITH the fast moving pace of over one channel of the carrier telephone
modern warfare, the need for system comprising the CF-1 -A* telephone
reliable telegraph equipment, terminals and the CF-3 -A repeater, inter-
which can quickly be transported and set up connected by lines made up of Signal Corps
for operation, is of prime importance. To cable assemblies CC -358, more commonly
meet this demand, Bell Telephone Labora- referred to as "Spiral -4" cable.t Figure 2 is
tories, in coöperation with the Signal Corps a simplified schematic of a system layout.
Laboratories, has developed a four-channel The telegraph terminal is connected to
voice -frequency carrier telegraph system channel 3 of the telephone terminal on a
with terminal equipment mounted in two -wire basis, just as telephone sets are
wooden cabinets suitable for rapid transpor- connected to the other three channels. It
tation and installation. The original design, may, however, be operated over any tele-
the CF -2 -A telegraph terminal, consists of phone circuit having the required stability
two cabinets, each containing terminals for and freedom from interference and a net
two channels complete with a -c operated loss not exceeding 25 db over the required
power supply. Each cabinet is 512 ft. high, frequency range. Although the earlier tele-
2712 in. wide and 19 in. deep and has remov- graph terminal, the CF -2 -A, was arranged
able front and rear covers. It weighs S30 only for two -wire operation -both sending
pounds and is equipped with six handles so and receiving frequencies being transmitted
it may be carried by six soldiers. A new over the same connecting pair-the new
design now available, known as the CF-2 -B CF-2 -B unit is arranged for either two- or
telegraph terminal, provides terminals for
four telegraph channels complete with a -c
*RECORD, Dee., 1943,
p. 251.
p 168. tRECORD, .4pril, 1943,

404 May 1944

four-wire operation. With four -
wire operation two C F-2 -B
units at each terminal can pro-
vide eight transmitting chan-
nels over one connecting pair
and eight receiving channels
over another connecting pair.
The local side of each tele
graph channel is arranged to
operate to outlying teletvp.-
writer stations, telegraph re-
peaters, or switchboards over
d -c extensions or loop circuits.
Since the various types of out-
lying equipments require dif-
ferent circuit constants and
arrangements for the particu-
lar method of transmission
used, a multicontact switch is
furnished in each channel.
When operated, this switch
provides arrangements for any
of six conditions: either half or
full -duplex neutral operation
to equipments terminated in
either positive or negative bat-
tery, half-duplex polarential
operation, or full -duplex two -
path polar operation.
When using half-duplex
operation, there is only one d -c Fig. 1-Covers may be placed on the terminal in a very .few
loop or extension per channel, moments without the aid of special tools
and transmission to and from

-{ CHAN. II -




? O.
w1 w á
J yj W J

F I- O u

Fig. 2- Schematic for the CF-2B telegraph system

May 1944
Fig. 3- Schematic for the sending and receiving circuits of
the CF-2 -B telegraph terminal
i V2 V4





the outlying equipment is the s contact to short -cir-

over one extension. Simul- cuit the carrier source, while
taneous transmission in both closed, or marking, signals
directions is not possible will operate the send relay
under these conditions. +TELEGRAPH
to the M contact to permit
When using full -duplex op- the carrier to be applied to
eration, there are two d -c the line through the send-
loops or extensions, and transmission to the ing filter and common line coil. These carrier
outlying equipment is over one extension, signals are prevented from entering the other
while transmission from the outlying equip- telegraph channels at the same terminal by
ment is over the second extension. The latter their respective band -pass filters.
condition permits transmission in both Each receiving circuit contains a receiving
directions at the same time. band -pass filter to select one set of carrier
The d-c current in the extensions may be signals from the distant terminal, and a
adjusted to the proper value by rheostats two -stage amplifier to amplify these signals.
on the loop control panel. The amplified signals are rectified by a
Each telegraph channel terminal consists copper -oxide rectifier, and then finally ampli-
of a sending and receiving circuit as shown fied to operate the receiving relay. The re-
in Figure 3. The sending circuit consists ceiving relay repeats the signals to the
of the d -c extension or loop circuit, an oscil- printer in the receiving locp or extension
lator to generate the proper channel carrier circuit. The amplifier- detector is equipped
frequency, and a sending band -pass filter. with an automatic gain control to provide
Teletypewriter or manual telegraph signals protection against changes of the
originating in the extension circuit will input carrier level. This feature is usually
operate the sending relay, which will in turn referred to as a level compensator. The gain
interrupt the channel carrier in accordance of the amplifier-detector is under the control
with the pattern of the signals. Open, or of the REC INPUT switch. The attendant,
spacing, signals operate the sending relay to knowing the level of the incoming carrier
406 May 1944
signal, can set the switch to the proper point,
and when this is done the receiving circuit TABLE I- FREQUENCY ASSIGNMENT FOR
operates at its optimum point without
further adjustment. Terminal f1 Terminal 4
Frequency allocation for each terminal is Channel Sending Receiving
set up by operating multicontact switches. Number Frequency Frequency
If a terminal is assigned to be the A ter- II05
I 1445
minal (usually the terminal of higher 2 1615 935
command), these switches are operated to 765
which arranges the 3 1785
the A (HIGH) position, 595
4 1955
terminal channels to transmit frequencies
as shown in Table I for Terminal il Sending.
The terminal will then receive carrier fre-
only a plus or minus
quencies as shown for Terminal f1 Receiving. will together cause
The same switches at the distant terminal 2 per cent change in the
output d-c tele-
will be set to the B (Low) position, and the graph voltage.
terminal will send and receive the opposite In designing this new telegraph terminal,
group of frequencies. Either terminal can be every effort was made to simplify its opera-
as to reduce
arranged to be an A or B, but once a terminal tion and maintenance as well front panels
its size and weight. The various
is designated as the A terminal, the remain-
on hinges, as shown
ing one must be the B terminal. The oscil- may be tipped forward
to generate in Figure 5, to give access to the wiring and
lator of each channel is arranged complete cir-
either of the two frequencies assigned to the apparatus behind them, on the inside of
channel. There are likewise two band -pass cuit diagrams are furnished
may the front and rear wooden covers. Tech-
filters for each channel, either of which are
while the other nical manuals applying to the terminal
serve as a sending filter the
one located in
serves as a receiving filter. The multicontact furnished in two pockets,
switches control the selection of the oscil- front cover and the
other attached to the
top of the cabinet. A summary of the operat-
lator frequency and the proper association on the front of
of the filters with the sending and receiving ing instructions is provided
panel, where it is always
circuits. Figure 4 shows the allocation of the next to the top are in-
carrier telegraph frequencies for A and B in plain sight. These instructions
tended to help the operating personnel in
terminals together with typical band-pass a minimum
filter characteristics. setting up working circuits in
Each cabinet is equipped with two a -c amount of time, even if the men are not too
details of the
operated regulated rectifiers of the thyra- familiar with the technical
tron -tube type, which supply positive and circuit operation.
negative telegraph battery and
positive plate potential for the M= MID -BAND ATTENUATION
vacuum -tube circuits. Fila- TERMINAL B SENDING
ment current supply is also M+30
available from the same power wn wz wz wz w
Jw wz wz zn Z
zm zú°
units. The rectifiers can be wwmV LL
Zm Zm Zm ZO áá_ úó
operated from 5o /6o- cycle, rj ° M+20 Úv V O UV Úy ú-
115- or 23o -volt a -c power Yi:
supply, and require approxi- a
mately 25o watts of a -c XZ M+10
power. The regulation effi- áá
ciency of the rectifier is such á
that a plus or minus 10 per
cent change in the a -c line
111 1000 1500

voltage from zero to full load

and a change in temperature Fig. 4-
Channel frequencies and filter characteristics for the
over the full range expected four -channel carrier system
May 1944 407
A complete set of spare tubes is carried in nent parts were drastically redesigned.
dummy sockets at the top of the cabinet in Many other simplifications were made such
front and back, and two spare telegraph as the use of a single meter instead of the
relays are carried in sockets located on the twelve of the earlier terminal. Besides secur-
fuse panel between the power units. Spare ing the specific objective sought, many of
fuses, a screwdriver for making various ad- these changes have resulted in the saving of
justments, and adjusting tools for the relays strategic materials.
are carried in clips along the sides of the Although it is recommended that the
cabinet. A relay test set socket and associ- terminals be set up with some form of pro-
ated test set keys are provided at the lower tection against the weather, all the equip-
right of the upper panel, where the relays ment is weather -proofed and capable of
may be quickly tested and adjusted. This withstanding reasonably rough treatment to
test set circuit is similar in design to that which it might be exposed under combat
used in standard Bell System test sets. The conditions. The edges of the cabinet are
meter located in the middle of the top panel fitted with rubber gaskets to seal them
is a special combination a -c and d -c meter, against water during transit.
and is equipped with a cord and plug. A
number of jacks are provided to permit
connecting the meter into the various termi- THE AUTHOR: C. A. DAHLBOM, shown below,
nal circuits for measuring the loop or ex- joined the Laboratories in 1930 and since that
tension currents, the bias of the signals being time has been with the telegraph group of Sys-
sent, the voltage of the power rectifiers, tems Development. His work here has been
and the level of the output carrier supply. chiefly on investigation and development of tele-
graph transmission and switching circuits. He
To secure the approximate fifty per cent received his B.E.E. degree from Brooklyn Poly-
reduction in size and weight as compared to technic Institute in 1941. His work at present is
the earlier terminal, many of the compo- entirely on war projects.

Fig. 5-Panels carrying various components of the circuit may be

tipped forward to give access to all apparatus and wiring

408 May 1944

Quartz Crystal Model
Apparatus Development

WHEN the faces of a plate cut from

quartz crystal are subjected to
aelectrical charges, the plate
changes shape and the deformation which
results depends on the cut and how the
charges are applied. Most quartz plates can
be deformed in several ways. They may
expand when a potential gradient is applied
through them in one direction and contract
for one in the reverse direction. The charges
and cut may also make a plate flex, shear or
experience some more complex distortion. If
the charges alternate, the plate deforms in
unison and it vibrates in mechanical reso-
nance when the dimensions of the plate are
correctly proportioned. This response, which
is extremely selective to frequency, acts
electrically as an inductance in series with
a capacitance. The ratio of reactance to re-
sistance of this inductance may be from
io,000 to 250,000, depending on the medium
in which the crystal vibrates. This high "Q"
is the property that makes the quartz ested in research, design and manufacture,
crystal resonator so valuable in filters where the angular relations of the various cuts of
high discrimination over a narrow band of plates to the original mother crystal, the
frequencies is required. The frequency of model shown in Figure was constructed in

resonance is also very stable, which makes August, 1938. It has an outer shell about
the crystal resonator useful in oscillators two feet high that shows the typical shape of
when their frequencies must be accurately quartz as it grows in nature and an inner
maintained. display of crystal plates. The shell and dis-
Different types of deformation extend the play tiers are made of sheet lucite and the
range of frequencies that quartz plates can plates are lucite which has been roughened to
cover and a single plate may be used for appear like etched quartz. The plates in-
totally different ranges when vibrated in clude those used for oscillators and filters.
different modes. This flexibility also results About the vertical axis the outer shell
in an economy of material. To obtain most shows an array of faces that repeat three
of these various modes of vibration the times in exact symmetry. This axis is called
plates have to be cut from the mother the optical axis because it is the only direc-
quartz at different angles with respect to the tion through quartz along which a light ray
electrical, mechanical and optical axes of will travel without dividing into two rays of
the quartz crystal. There are also special different velocities which are refracted by
orientations which provide better frequency different amounts. The shell can be rotated
stability in cases of temperature changes and with respect to the inner display so that its
these orientations are used where stringent faces can assume three identical orientations
temperature requirements apply. with respect to the crystal plates. Three
To visualize more clearly, for those inter - pairs of X and Y axes are marked on the
May 1944 409
apron of the model to demonstrate the on the quartz causes it to expand along the
trigonal symmetry of quartz. axis that passes through that edge. The
The six vertical faces of the model meet in direction in which the pair of s and x faces
edges, three of which are modified by pairs slopes with respect to the vertical edge,
of s and x faces. These faces also modify which they terminate, may be used to deter-
each of the three major apex faces R and each mine whether the crystal is left or right
of the three symmetrical minor apex faces z. hand. The model shows a left -hand crystal,*
The electrical axes are the ones that pass and its mirror image would be right hand.
through the vertical edges and positive In nature, the faces of a quartz crystal
charges appear at any one of the edges which grow at exactly the angles shown but they
are terminated by s and x faces, if a stress are rarely complete. The specimen in the
headpiece has an unusually
well developed R face and an
indication of an s face but it
has no x faces. It is usable for
making crystals, however,
since quartz plates could be
cut from it that are clear, free
from such imperfections as
bubbles, needles or any foreign
matter and from twinning, one
form of which is the occurrence
of right and left -hand quartz
in a single specimen.
Before constructing the
outer shell of the model,
CCC. In ,u.s EHS AND OSCILLATORS formulas were developed to
compute the angles between
adjacent faces from published
crystallographic data. All
identical faces were made the
same size by having the major
apex faces R meet in the verti-
cal axis of the model. Minor
apex faces z were located at an
arbitrary distance from this
central axis. In cementing the
parts together, Acryloid B7
was used and the bracing,
Figure 2, was disposed to ap-
ply pressure externally and at
the joints. Felt pads protected
the lucite from scratching and
localized the pressure, which
was applied by rubber bands.
The removable display tiers
are supported by small lucite
wedges and stays.
The model illustrates cuts
used in ranges varying from

Fig. i -Model of a quartz crystal constructed in 1938 by the *This definition is in accordance
with the recommendation of a com-
Laboratories to illustrate the locations of the plates commonly mittee reporting in the Proceedings of
used as vibrators in electrical apparatus Me I.R.F_., November, 1942.

410 May 1944

less than 1 kc to 24,000 kc and
each one is particularly suited
for a definite range of fre-
quency. In addition, there are
several different cuts operating
over the same range but hav-
ing some specific characteristic.
The GT, DT, AT and CT cuts are
those which remain highly
stable over wide temperature
changes. By selecting the cut
and dimensions of a plate, the
desired resonant frequency
and electrical impedance can
be obtained.
On the top tier of the dis-
play there is a plate whose
coating is divided so that it
will vibrate by flexing the
major surfaces; and on the
bottom tier are a number of
plates of the same cut but
with the coating divided to
excite the third, the fifth or
seventh harmonics of a longi-
tudinal mode of vibration.
The flexure plate has practical
dimensions when used in the
frequency range from about
4 to 6o kc. The fundamental
longitudinal mode can be used
from about 5o to 55o kc. When
there is desired a lower im-
pedance than can be obtained
with fundamental longitudinal Fig. 2-In constructing the model, the bracing
was located
entirely on the outside so that pressure could be applied
modes, crystals that vibrate in
the third and fifth harmonics externally to the joints
are generally employed. Al-
though the harmonic crystal is a single When vibrating in one mode, the distor-
quartz plate, it can thus be made to simulate tions of a crystal in a given direction may be
the characteristics of a number of crystals accompanied by distortions in other direc-
operating in parallel by division of its sur- tions which will be in mechanical resonance
face plating. Third harmonic crystals can be at other frequencies. This mechanical cou-
used from about 15o to 55o kc, or higher, pling between modes is often undesirable. It
and have approximately one -third of the can be avoided by cutting the plates in
impedance of a single plate vibrating at the selected directions. For instance, one cut
same fundamental frequency. perpendicular to the X axis and at -18
To provide identical electrical resonances degrees to the Y axis is used for channel -
in two arms of a network, the surface coating filter crystals in broadband carrier systems
may be divided and part connected into each because of this characteristic.
arm. The crystal still vibrates as a whole A coupled mode may be made useful,
but the associated electrical inductance in moreover, because its temperature charac-
each arm may be different, depending upon teristic can be made to compensate for those
how the electrode is divided. of the main mode. The best crystal in this
May 1944 41I
respect is that obtained by the GT cut. It THE AUTHOR: F. CAROSELLI was graduated
has two coupled longitudinal modes; one from Stevens Institute of Technology with the
along its width and a secondary mode along degree of M.E. in
its length. This crystal may be adjusted to 1934 and M.S. in
have a temperature coefficient for the main 1935. The following
mode of less than ()Jo part per million per year he became in-
structor in descriptive
degree Centigrade over a range of loo de- geometry and draft-
grees. It is shown in the display on the ing at Stevens Insti-
second tier from the bottom and rests on its tute and he also con-
own plane, which extends from the tier. tinued to teach elec-
To meet war demands, the facilities for tricity at the Jersey
cutting quartz crystals have had to be ex- City Evening High
panded by the Western Electric Company School, in which ca-
and by other manufacturers. New men have pacity he was en-
had to be educated in the intricacies of cut- gaged for several
years. On coming to the Laboratories in 1937,
ting a rectangular plate from a rough piece Mr. Caroselli undertook theoretical studies and
of quartz in such a way that the plate is the preparation of design information for quartz
accurately oriented to the principal axes. In crystal oscillators and filter units. He is now
the training necessary, this model and pic- devoting his entire effort to mathematical
tures of it have been widely distributed to studies relating to the Laboratories' war work.
manufacturers and have proved valuable.

. .

Precision measurements of the temperature coefficient of resistance of experimental

wire for resistors in communications equipment. Betty Kent is the observer

412 May 1944

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