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The document covers an overview and technical details of the DR5000 modular contribution decoder.

The document covers an overview of the DR5000, its installation, user interfaces, technical specifications and support resources.

Some key components of the DR5000 include its front and rear interfaces, ventilation, DVB-S2, ASI, SDI, audio and IP inputs/outputs.

DR5000 - Modular Contribution Decoder

User Manual
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Table of Contents
1. Document Overview ...................................................................................................................... 9
1.1. Document identification ....................................................................................................... 9
1.2. Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................ 10
1.3. Copyrights ....................................................................................................................... 11
1.4. Precautions ....................................................................................................................... 12
1.5. Symbols ........................................................................................................................... 13
2. Product Overview ........................................................................................................................ 14
2.1. Package Content ............................................................................................................... 14
2.2. Front View ....................................................................................................................... 15
2.3. Rear View ........................................................................................................................ 16
2.3.1. DVB-S2 IO Interfaces ............................................................................................. 17
2.3.2. ASI IO Interfaces .................................................................................................... 18
2.3.3. SDI Output Interfaces .............................................................................................. 18
2.3.4. Synchonization IO Interfaces .................................................................................... 19
2.3.5. Ethernet IO Interfaces .............................................................................................. 19
2.3.6. Ethernet Management Interface ................................................................................. 20
2.3.7. Audio Out Interfaces ............................................................................................... 20
2.3.8. Analog Audio Out Interfaces .................................................................................... 20
2.3.9. Ultra IP Input Interface ............................................................................................ 22
2.4. Ventilation ....................................................................................................................... 23
3. Installation .................................................................................................................................. 24
3.1. Setting Up Your Device ..................................................................................................... 24
3.2. Quick start ....................................................................................................................... 25
3.2.1. Setting up the Management IP Address ....................................................................... 25
3.2.2. Accessing the Web GUI ........................................................................................... 25
4. User Interfaces ............................................................................................................................ 27
4.1. Three configuration tools .................................................................................................... 27
4.2. Front Panel ...................................................................................................................... 28
4.2.1. Status LED ............................................................................................................ 28
4.2.2. LCD ..................................................................................................................... 28
4.2.3. TFT ...................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.4. Keypad ................................................................................................................. 29
4.2.5. USB ..................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.6. Menus ................................................................................................................... 29
4.3. Web GUI ......................................................................................................................... 40
4.3.1. Gui Overview ......................................................................................................... 40
4.3.2. Decoding Status Panels ............................................................................................ 41
4.3.3. Configuration Panel ................................................................................................. 47
5. Setting up a configuration ............................................................................................................. 68
5.1. Overview ......................................................................................................................... 68
5.2. Input ............................................................................................................................... 69
5.2.1. ASI Input .............................................................................................................. 69
5.2.2. DVB-S/S2 Input ..................................................................................................... 69
5.2.3. IP Input ................................................................................................................. 71
5.2.4. ZIXI Input ............................................................................................................. 76
5.2.5. Ultra IP Input ......................................................................................................... 78
5.3. Service Selection ............................................................................................................... 80
5.3.1. Service Editor ........................................................................................................ 81
5.3.2. Video Output ......................................................................................................... 82
5.3.3. Audio Output ......................................................................................................... 82
5.4. Biss/CA ........................................................................................................................... 90 Page ii
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

5.4.1. BISS parameters ..................................................................................................... 91

5.4.2. CA parameters ....................................................................................................... 92
5.5. Data Output ...................................................................................................................... 93
5.5.1. Ancillary Data ........................................................................................................ 95
5.5.2. VBI Data ............................................................................................................... 98
5.5.3. Overlay ................................................................................................................. 99
5.6. SDI Output ..................................................................................................................... 100
5.6.1. SDI Connector Mapping ......................................................................................... 100
5.6.2. SDI Settings ......................................................................................................... 101
5.7. Stream Forwarding ........................................................................................................... 105
5.7.1. ASI Output .......................................................................................................... 105
5.7.2. IP Output ............................................................................................................. 106
5.7.3. Remux Output ...................................................................................................... 107
5.8. MPE .............................................................................................................................. 109
6. Specific Operations .................................................................................................................... 110
6.1. Installing License ............................................................................................................. 110
6.2. Recovery ........................................................................................................................ 111
A. MIB User Guide ....................................................................................................................... 112
A.1. SNMP Overview ............................................................................................................. 112
A.2. MIB Overview ............................................................................................................... 114
A.2.1. Main nodes ......................................................................................................... 115
A.3. MIB Use Cases .............................................................................................................. 118
A.3.1. Identification process ............................................................................................ 118
A.3.2. Configuration lock ................................................................................................ 118
A.3.3. Rebooting the system ............................................................................................ 118
A.3.4. Setting time ......................................................................................................... 119
A.3.5. Configuring communities and traps .......................................................................... 119
A.3.6. Configuring network interfaces ............................................................................... 120
A.3.7. Configuring routes ................................................................................................ 121
A.3.8. Saving and loading a preset .................................................................................... 122
A.3.9. ASI Input ............................................................................................................ 123
A.3.10. IP Input ............................................................................................................. 123
A.3.11. IP Input with FEC .............................................................................................. 124
A.3.12. IP Input with Failover .......................................................................................... 125
A.3.13. DVB-S/S2 Input ................................................................................................. 126
A.3.14. Automatic audio composition ................................................................................ 128
A.3.15. Manual composition ............................................................................................ 128
A.3.16. Configuring Biss-E .............................................................................................. 129
A.3.17. Clock synchronization .......................................................................................... 130
A.3.18. IP Forwarding .................................................................................................... 131
A.3.19. Forward remux ................................................................................................... 131
A.3.20. Checking composition results ................................................................................ 132
A.3.21. TS Descriptor ..................................................................................................... 133
B. Simple-RPC User Guide ............................................................................................................. 136
B.1. Overview ....................................................................................................................... 136
B.2. Command list ................................................................................................................. 136
B.2.1. System ................................................................................................................ 136
B.2.2. Channel .............................................................................................................. 136
C. Input Statistics .......................................................................................................................... 138
C.1. Input Statistics Overview .................................................................................................. 138
C.2. Input Statistics File Format ............................................................................................... 139
D. VPN Guide .............................................................................................................................. 144
D.1. Overview ....................................................................................................................... 144
D.2. Server Configuration ....................................................................................................... 144 Page iii

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

D.3. Client Configuration ........................................................................................................ 145

D.4. Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................. 145
E. 4K Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 147
E.1. Overview ....................................................................................................................... 147
E.2. Cabling requirements ....................................................................................................... 147
E.3. GUI Master Configuration ................................................................................................ 147
E.4. GUI Slave Configuration .................................................................................................. 148
E.5. Service Configuration ....................................................................................................... 149
E.6. Licenses ......................................................................................................................... 150
F. Appendix .................................................................................................................................. 152
F.1. Product's specification ...................................................................................................... 152
F.2. Warranty ........................................................................................................................ 161
F.3. Normative Reference ........................................................................................................ 162
F.4. Glossary ......................................................................................................................... 163
F.5. Support and Ressources .................................................................................................... 166 Page iv
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

List of Figures
1.1. Direct current symbol ................................................................................................................ 13
1.2. Alternating current symbol .......................................................................................................... 13
1.3. Ground symbol ......................................................................................................................... 13
1.4. Blocked trash ............................................................................................................................ 13
2.1. Front View Interface .................................................................................................................. 15
2.2. Rear View Interface example 1 .................................................................................................... 16
2.3. Rear View Interface example 2 .................................................................................................... 16
2.4. DVB-S/S2 Input/Output Interfaces ................................................................................................ 17
2.5. ASI Input/Output Interfaces ........................................................................................................ 18
2.6. SDI Output Interfaces ................................................................................................................ 18
2.7. Synchronization Interfaces .......................................................................................................... 19
2.8. Stream Ethernet Interfaces .......................................................................................................... 19
2.9. Management Ethernet Interface .................................................................................................... 20
2.10. Audio Output Interfaces ............................................................................................................ 20
2.11. Analog Output Interfaces .......................................................................................................... 21
2.12. Ultra IP Interfaces ................................................................................................................... 22
2.13. Cool air intakes on the front panel .............................................................................................. 23
2.14. Warm air outputs on the rear panel ............................................................................................. 23
3.1. Accessing the Web GUI ............................................................................................................. 26
4.1. Front Panel sub-elements' identification ......................................................................................... 28
4.2. Gui Overview ........................................................................................................................... 40
4.3. Decoding Status panels .............................................................................................................. 41
4.4. Active service overview ............................................................................................................. 42
4.5. Probed programs ....................................................................................................................... 44
4.6. Sat Input status example ............................................................................................................. 45
4.7. IP Input status example .............................................................................................................. 46
4.8. Status Panel .............................................................................................................................. 48
4.9. Service Panel View ................................................................................................................... 50
4.10. Network Panel ........................................................................................................................ 53
4.11. Time Panel ............................................................................................................................. 55
4.12. Alarms and Traps Panel View .................................................................................................... 56
4.13. System Descrambling Parameters view ........................................................................................ 61
4.14. Licenses view ......................................................................................................................... 62
4.15. Firmware and Troubleshooting view ........................................................................................... 63
5.1. Input Type Parameter ................................................................................................................. 69
5.2. DVB-S2 Settings View .............................................................................................................. 70
5.3. IP Settings View ....................................................................................................................... 72
5.4. ZIXI Settings View ................................................................................................................... 77
5.5. Ultra IP Settings View ............................................................................................................... 78
5.6. Service Selection View .............................................................................................................. 80
5.7. Descrambling Parameters view .................................................................................................... 90
5.8. Data Output View ..................................................................................................................... 94
5.9. Output parameters view ............................................................................................................ 100
5.10. Stream Forwarding View ......................................................................................................... 105
5.11. MPE Settings View ................................................................................................................ 109
E.1. Cabling diagram ...................................................................................................................... 147
E.2. 4K Master input configuration ................................................................................................... 148
E.3. 4K Master SDI Output configuration .......................................................................................... 148
E.4. 4K Master VPSC output ........................................................................................................... 148
E.5. 4K Slave input configuration ..................................................................................................... 149
E.6. 4K Slave SDI Output configuration ............................................................................................ 149 Page v
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E.7. 4K Slave VPSC output ............................................................................................................. 149

E.8. 4K Service configuration .......................................................................................................... 150
E.9. 4K Required Licenses .............................................................................................................. 151 Page vi
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

List of Tables
1.1. Document Identification ............................................................................................................... 9
2.1. Front View Interface .................................................................................................................. 15
2.2. Rear View Interface example 1 .................................................................................................... 16
2.3. Rear View Interface example 2 .................................................................................................... 17
2.4. DVB-S/S2 Input/Output Interfaces Description ............................................................................... 17
2.5. ASI Input/Output Interfaces Description ........................................................................................ 18
2.6. SDI Output Interfaces Description ................................................................................................ 18
2.7. Synchronization Interfaces Description .......................................................................................... 19
2.8. Stream Ethernet Interfaces Description .......................................................................................... 19
2.9. Analog audio extension board Sub-D25 connector mapping .............................................................. 21
3.1. Installation ............................................................................................................................... 24
4.1. Status LED .............................................................................................................................. 28
4.2. Front Panel Menu ...................................................................................................................... 29
4.3. Front Panel Configuration Menu .................................................................................................. 33
4.4. Front Panel Input Menu .............................................................................................................. 33
4.5. Front Panel Composition Menu .................................................................................................... 34
4.6. Front Panel Output Menu ........................................................................................................... 38
4.7. Front Panel Mpe Menu .............................................................................................................. 39
4.8. Gui Overview ........................................................................................................................... 40
4.9. Decoding Status panels .............................................................................................................. 41
4.10. Input status ............................................................................................................................. 45
4.11. Configuration Panel Description ................................................................................................. 47
4.12. Status Panel Description ........................................................................................................... 48
4.13. Service Panel Tabs Description .................................................................................................. 50
4.14. System Panel Description .......................................................................................................... 52
4.15. Input alarms ............................................................................................................................ 57
4.16. Stream alarms ......................................................................................................................... 58
4.17. Genlock alarms ....................................................................................................................... 58
4.18. System alarms ......................................................................................................................... 58
4.19. Decoding alarms ...................................................................................................................... 58
4.20. Configuration alarms ................................................................................................................ 59
4.21. Traps description ..................................................................................................................... 59
5.1. Input Type ............................................................................................................................... 69
5.2. ASI Input ................................................................................................................................. 69
5.3. DVB-S2 Settings ....................................................................................................................... 70
5.4. Basic IP Settings Description ...................................................................................................... 72
5.5. Failover IP Settings Description ................................................................................................... 73
5.6. SMPTE 2022-7 Settings Description ............................................................................................. 74
5.7. IP SSM Settings Description ....................................................................................................... 75
5.8. VBR Settings Description ........................................................................................................... 76
5.9. ZIXI Settings ............................................................................................................................ 77
5.10. Ultra IP Settings ...................................................................................................................... 78
5.11. Service Selection Parameters ..................................................................................................... 81
5.12. Video Output Parameters .......................................................................................................... 82
5.13. Audio Output Parameters .......................................................................................................... 83
5.14. Audio Mode Compliance .......................................................................................................... 84
5.15. DolbyE start line recommandations ............................................................................................. 85
5.16. Analog Audio Output Levels Description ..................................................................................... 86
5.17. Audio PID selection example 1 .................................................................................................. 87
5.18. Audio PID selection example 2 .................................................................................................. 88
5.19. Audio PID selection example 3 .................................................................................................. 88 Page vii

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5.20. BISS/CA Parameters Description ................................................................................................ 91

5.21. BISS parameters ...................................................................................................................... 91
5.22. Vertical Ancillary data default location ........................................................................................ 95
5.23. Switch lines ............................................................................................................................ 95
5.24. Overlay settings ....................................................................................................................... 99
5.25. SDI Mapping Parameters Description ........................................................................................ 101
5.26. SDI General Settings Description .............................................................................................. 101
5.27. Synchronization Settings Description ......................................................................................... 102
5.28. Resize Settings Description ...................................................................................................... 102
5.29. Emulation Settings Description ................................................................................................. 103
5.30. Asi Output Parameter Description ............................................................................................. 106
5.31. IP Output Parameters Description ............................................................................................. 106
5.32. Remux Output Parameter Description ........................................................................................ 108
5.33. MPE Settings Description ........................................................................................................ 109
C.1. ASI input statistics .................................................................................................................. 139
C.2. IP input statistics .................................................................................................................... 139
C.3. IP with Failover input statistics .................................................................................................. 139
C.4. IP with SMPTE 2022-7 input statistics ........................................................................................ 140
C.5. Sat input statistics ................................................................................................................... 141
C.6. Zixi input statistics .................................................................................................................. 141
C.7. DS3 input statistics .................................................................................................................. 142
C.8. Ultra IP input statistics ............................................................................................................. 142
D.1. Client configuration ................................................................................................................. 145
F.1. Specification - Reference .......................................................................................................... 152
F.2. Specification - Physical Interfaces .............................................................................................. 152
F.3. Specification - Configuration & management interfaces .................................................................. 152
F.4. Specification - Codec support .................................................................................................... 153
F.5. Specification - Video support .................................................................................................... 153
F.6. Specification - Audio support .................................................................................................... 153
F.7. Specification - Data support ...................................................................................................... 154
F.8. Specification - Descrambling ..................................................................................................... 155
F.9. Specification - Functions .......................................................................................................... 155
F.10. Specification - RF support ....................................................................................................... 156
F.11. Specification - Audio analog extension board .............................................................................. 156
F.12. Specification - Video analog extension board performance ............................................................ 157
F.13. Specification - Video analog extension board - Stereo analog output ................................................ 157
F.14. Specification - Ultra IP extension board performance ................................................................... 157
F.15. Specification - Licences .......................................................................................................... 157
F.16. Specification - Environmental Conditions ................................................................................... 158
F.17. Specification - Physical Parameters ........................................................................................... 158
F.18. Specification - Power Supply ................................................................................................... 158
F.19. Specification - Electromagnetic Emissions (by Council Directive 89/366/EEC) .................................. 158
F.20. Specification - Electromagnetic Immunity (by Council Directive 89/366/EEC) .................................. 159
F.21. Specification - Safety (by Council Directive 73/23/EEC) ............................................................... 159
F.22. Specification - Shock and vibration ........................................................................................... 159
F.23. Specification - CE Marking ..................................................................................................... 159
F.24. Specification - Material Declaration .......................................................................................... 159
F.25. Normative reference ............................................................................................................... 162
F.26. Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 163 Page viii

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

1. Document Overview
1.1. Document identification
Table 1.1. Document Identification
Title DR5000 - Modular Contribution Decoder - User Manual
Revision Number 1.0
Description Document for firmware release
Date of Issue 2017-02-13
Document Reference UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0 Page 9
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

1.2. Disclaimer
The material in this document is for information only and subject to change without notice. While reasonable efforts
have been made in the preparation of this document to assure its accuracy, ATEME assumes no liability resulting
from errors or omissions in this document, or from the use of the information contained herein. ATEME reserves
the right to make changes or revisions in the product design or the product manual without reservation and without
obligation to notify any person of such revisions and changes. Page 10
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

1.3. Copyrights

The DR5000 is not designed or intended to violate any other entity's copyright or other IP (Intellectual Property)
rights. Each DR5000 user may only use their DR5000 in conjunction with materials legally owned or licensed by
such user, and only to the extent that such ownership or license rights permit such use.

Copyright © 2011-2016 ATEME

These materials, ATEME products and all related documentation are protected by copyright and other laws, interna-
tional treaties and conventions. All rights, title and interest in the materials, ATEME products and related documen-
tation shall remain with ATEME and its licensors. All registered or unregistered trademarks in these materials are the
sole property of their respective owners. No part of this document or related ATEME products may be reproduced in
any form, or by any means without written authorization of ATEME Corporation.

These materials are provided "as-is." ATEME makes no warranties, stated or implied, as to, the information contained
herein. In addition, ATEME makes no stated or implied warranties of merchantability or working condition for a
particular purpose or use with respect the information contained in these materials.

In no event shall ATEME be liable for any indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages, including, but not
limited to, lost profits or loss or damage to data arising from the use of these materials, even if advised in advance
of the possibility of such damages.

The glossary of this document is partially extracted from the Wikipedia encyclopedia.

ATEME, the ATEME logo, Kyrion and the Kyrion logo are all trademarks or registered trademarks of ATEME
Corporation. The DR5000 clustering technology - as well as other technologies included in DR5000 - are protected by
patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks
are property of their respective owners. Page 11
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

1.4. Precautions
Only qualified persons are authorized to carry out maintenance on this device.

Read the Users' Manual carefully, and follow the correct procedure when setting up the device.

Do not open your DR5000 or attempt to disassemble or modify it, unless instructed by an ATEME representative. To
avoid any risk of electrical shock, fire, short-circuiting or dangerous emissions, never insert any metallic object into
the enclosure. Your DR5000 contains no user-serviceable parts. If it appears to be malfunctioning, have it inspected
by a qualified ATEME Technical Support representative.

Never expose your device to rain, use it near water, or in damp or wet conditions. Never place objects containing
liquids on the DR5000, as they may spill into its openings; doing so increases the risk of electrical shock, short-
circuiting, fire or personal injury.

Basic electrical safety precautions should be followed to protect you from harm and the system from damage:

• Be aware of where the On/Off power switch is situated on the chassis; as well as the rack's emergency power off-
switch. Check also where the disconnection switch or electrical outlet is located.

• Do not work alone when working with high voltage components.

• Power should always be disconnected from the system before opening it. When disconnecting the power, you
should first power down the system and unplug the power cords of the power supply.

• Ground pin shall be connected to earth for safe operation.

For the 220VAC version:

• Only the provided power supply cord must be use to power the DR5000. This power supply cord includes a ground-
ing plug and it must be plugged into a grounded electrical outlet. If you should use a different power supply cord,
make sure it is compatible with your locale electrical power supply.

• The mains plug (or the mains plugs for dual plug version) is used as the disconnect device and shall be easily

For the 48VDC version:

• The internal fuse of the DC filter board shall be replaced by a 5x20mm medium-acting 8A 250V fuse, like LittleFuse
234 series.

• The rear connector is used as the disconnect device and shall be easily accessible.


This product contains a lithium battery. The lithium battery may explode if it is incorrectly replaced.
This battery must be replaced only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer.
Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer's instructions. Page 12
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

1.5. Symbols
Figure 1.1. Direct current symbol

Figure 1.2. Alternating current symbol

Figure 1.3. Ground symbol

Figure 1.4. Blocked trash

The blocked trash can indicate that the product must be collected by a particular sector and, as such, must not be
thrown in a classic trash can. Page 13
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

2. Product Overview
2.1. Package Content
Before continuing, please check the content of the product package. This product package should contain the following

• One (1) Kyrion® DR5000,

• One (1) Power Cord,

• One (1) USB Key,

• Spare air filters kit with Allen key,

• Printed Quick Start Guide,

• This User's Manual.

If anything is missing, please contact your place of purchase. Page 14
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

2.2. Front View

Next picture describes the front interface of the Kyrion® DR5000.

Figure 2.1. Front View Interface

Table 2.1. Front View Interface

FP Front Panel
A Air Intakes

Front Panel Interfaces FP are described in Section 4.2, “ Front Panel ”

Ventilation using Air Intakes A is described in Section 2.4, “ Ventilation ”


Depending on your hardware options, a double slot CAM input may also be present. Page 15
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

2.3. Rear View

Next picture describes the generic rear interfaces of Kyrion® Decoders. The groups highlighted in the picture below
will be described in the next sections. Pictures below show possible configurations of the rear panel, that may vary
depending on your hardware options.

Figure 2.2. Rear View Interface example 1

Table 2.2. Rear View Interface example 1

DVB-S/S2 In/Out 75 Ohms, F-Type connector input/output.
The air output must never be obstructed to en-
Fan Out
sure proper temperature regulation of the decoder.
ASI In/Out BNC Connector for ASI input or ASI loopback output.
SDI Out BNC Connector for SD/HD/3G SDI output.
Sync In BNC Connector for Blackburst/TriLevel synchronization signal input.
Sync Out BNC Connector for Blackburst/TriLevel synchronization signal forwarding.
Ethernet MGT RJ-45 connector, dedicated to management.
Ethernet In/Out RJ-45 connector, IP stream input/output (can be used for management as well).
Audio Out BNC Connector for EBU/AES digital audio output.
AC Inlet Connect the provided cable to the inlet. The decoder auto-detects the input AC voltage.

Figure 2.3. Rear View Interface example 2 Page 16
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Table 2.3. Rear View Interface example 2

DVB-S/S2 In/Out 75 Ohms, F-Type connector input/output.
The air output must never be obstructed to en-
Fan Out
sure proper temperature regulation of the decoder.
ASI In/Out BNC Connector for ASI input or ASI loopback output.
SDI Out BNC Connector for SD/HD/3G SDI output.
Sync In BNC Connector for Blackburst/TriLevel synchronization signal input.
Sync Out BNC Connector for Blackburst/TriLevel synchronization signal forwarding.
Ethernet MGT RJ-45 connector, dedicated to management.
Ethernet In/Out RJ-45 connector, IP stream input/output (can be used for management as well).
Audio Out BNC Connector for EBU/AES digital audio output.
Analog Audio Out SUB D-25 connector for analog audio output.
Connect a +48V or -48V DC source to the inlet: Be care-
48V DC Inlet
ful to respect + and – polarity as indicated on the rear panel.


Earth pin shall also be correctly connected, or be shunt to either + / – DC input if already grounded, as
the + / - DC input is floating and fully isolated from ground.

The following sections details the previously highlighted blocks

2.3.1. DVB-S2 IO Interfaces

The Kyrion® DR5000 has four 75 Ohms F-Type input connectors, that are used to feed a single DVB-S/S2 tuner/
demodulator. This can typically be used for professional antennas that provide four output wire for all the polariza-
tion/band capabilitites. Besides, the DR5000 can drive a LNB through the active input connector.

Figure 2.4. DVB-S/S2 Input/Output Interfaces

Table 2.4. DVB-S/S2 Input/Output Interfaces Description

Use this 75 Ohms, type F connector to input DVB-S/S2 signal to receive a satel-
lite stream. These 4 connectors are internally mapped to a single tuner/de-
PUTS 1-4
modulator. The input connector is choosen through the decoder configuration.
RF Loop- This 75 Ohms, type F connector is a loopback of the choosen
back RF INPUT connector, without any signal processing. Page 17
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

2.3.2. ASI IO Interfaces

The Kyrion® DR5000 has two BNC connector used for ASI input, and two (duplicate) BNC connectors used for
ASI output.

Figure 2.5. ASI Input/Output Interfaces

Table 2.5. ASI Input/Output Interfaces Description

Use one of these BNC connectors to receive a transport stream.
ASI IN 1-2
The input connector is choosen through the decoder configuration.
This BNC connector is a loopback (which may be processed) of the input stream, whatever the con-
figured input is. In other words, these two (mirror) connectors will output a valid transport stream as
long as a valid stream is received through any of the input (IP, ASI or DVB-S/S2). The output stream
may be processed (biss descrambling, please refer to the appropriate section for further information).

2.3.3. SDI Output Interfaces

The Kyrion® DR5000 has three SDI output connectors, separated in two groups described below.

Figure 2.6. SDI Output Interfaces

Table 2.6. SDI Output Interfaces Description

SDI OUT 1 These are two mirror connectors (they will always output the same SDI signal).
This connector can be used either as a mirror of the SDI
OUT 1 connectors, or to output a different SDI signal. Page 18
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0


Version of the DR5000 will always output the same signal on both SDI connector groups.

2.3.4. Synchonization IO Interfaces

The Kyrion® DR5000 can be locked to an output synchronization source, through a Blacbkurst/TriLevel compliant

Figure 2.7. Synchronization Interfaces

Table 2.7. Synchronization Interfaces Description

Enter a Blackburst/TriLevel signal to lock the decoder to an external clock source.
The decoder configuration must be set appropriately to ensure proper behavior.
SYNC This connector is a loopback of SYNC IN, without any addition-
OUT al processing. It is typically used to chain genlocked equipments.

2.3.5. Ethernet IO Interfaces

The Kyrion® DR5000 has two Gigabit ethernet interfaces dedicated to TS reception/streaming. These two connectors
share the same capabilities.

Figure 2.8. Stream Ethernet Interfaces

Table 2.8. Stream Ethernet Interfaces Description

This RJ45 connector holds a gigabit ethernet link, that can
Stream 1-2
be used both for receiving and streaming Transport Stream. Page 19
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0


The "Management" port, described in Section 2.3.6, “ Ethernet Management Interface ”, is not suited to
receive/transmit Transport Stream, and shall be used only for management purposes (SNMP monitoring,
web GUI, etc.). Nevertheless, those streaming connectors can be used for management purposes.

2.3.6. Ethernet Management Interface

The Kyrion® DR5000 one ethernet management port. This 100 mb port is not suited to receive/transmit Transport
Stream, and shall be used only for management purposes (SNMP monitoring, web GUI, etc.).

Figure 2.9. Management Ethernet Interface

2.3.7. Audio Out Interfaces

The Kyrion® DR5000 has four independent digital unbalanced AES/EBU outputs, under the form of BNC connectors.
The user can configure which audio track is provided on each AES output.

Figure 2.10. Audio Output Interfaces

2.3.8. Analog Audio Out Interfaces

The Kyrion® DR5000 may have an optional analog audio extension board. This provides four independent analog
balanced audio outputs, under the form of Sub-D25 connector. The user can configure which audio track is provided
on each analog output. Page 20
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Figure 2.11. Analog Output Interfaces

Table 2.9. Analog audio extension board Sub-D25 connector mapping

Pin Index Function

11 GND
13 NC
16 GND
19 GND
22 GND
25 GND Page 21
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

2.3.9. Ultra IP Input Interface

The Kyrion® DR5000 may have an optional ultra ip extension board. This provides an ultra-low latency IP input,
independent from the management and streaming interfaces. The user can configure the received stream, and has to
externaly connect the ASI output from the Ultra IP extension board to the ASI B input of the DR5000.

Figure 2.12. Ultra IP Interfaces Page 22
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

2.4. Ventilation
Air ventilation prevents abnormal temperature rises inside the unit. Next figures show cool air intakes and warm air

Figure 2.13. Cool air intakes on the front panel

Figure 2.14. Warm air outputs on the rear panel

Place the Kyrion® in a well-ventilated space, and allow ideally up to 10cm of free space on all sides of the Kyrion®
so increasing air circulation and cooling.


Never obstruct air intakes and outtakes. Beware of 19'' bays doors, if any.


Rear fans are indexed 1 and 2. Internal blower is indexed 3. Page 23
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

3. Installation
3.1. Setting Up Your Device
Unpack your DR5000 unit, and carefully slide it into a shelf space in the rack. Use your equipment rack's screw to
secure the device in place. You should then plug in the following order:

Table 3.1. Installation

# Installation Step
Connect the MPEG-2/4 feed you wish to decode on the
ASI input (refer to Section 2.3.2, “ ASI IO Interfaces ”)
2 Connect the SDI output to a monitor (refer to Section 2.3.3, “ SDI Output Interfaces ”)
Connect the management ethernet interface to your supervision net-
work (refer to Section 2.3.6, “ Ethernet Management Interface ”)
Power up the decoder by connecting the power cable, and placing the power switch on 1. Both the
4 LCD and the TXT front panel should instantaneously display welcome messages. After a few sec-
onds, the decoded service found on the ASI input transport stream will be displayed on your monitor. Page 24
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

3.2. Quick start

Once the steps described in Section 3.1, “ Setting Up Your Device ” have been followed, the decoder will decode the
first program found in the incoming ASI stream. Its configuration is fully automatic, which means that the DR5000
will automatically select the program, and the way the PIDs will be mapped on output. Please follow the next steps
to connect to the decoder Web GUI.

3.2.1. Setting up the Management IP Address

In order to access the Web GUI, you first need to configure the Management interface so that it can be accessed
through your supervision network. These steps can be performed through the front panel.


Factory address for the Management ethernet is

• Use the arrows of the front panel to enter "System -> Network -> Management" menu.

• Check that the interface is enabled by entering the "Mode" sub-menu.

• Enter the appropriate IP address and netmask ("Address" and "Netmask" sub-menus) so that the decoder can be
reached through your network.

• Configure the gateway, if required.

Your DR5000 is now connected to your supervision network.

3.2.2. Accessing the Web GUI

Once the steps described in Section 3.2.1, “ Setting up the Management IP Address ” have been performed, you can
access the Web GUI by launching your favorite web browser, and entering the configured IP address in the browser
address bar. The DR5000 GUI should be launched.


The DR5000 requires Adobe Flash Player, version 10 or above. Page 25
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Figure 3.1. Accessing the Web GUI Page 26
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

4. User Interfaces
4.1. Three configuration tools
There are 3 different ways to configure your DR5000:

• Front Panel access (see Section 4.2, “ Front Panel ”),

• Web interface (see Section 4.3, “ Web GUI ”),


The web interface provides access to all the parameters but need a network connection to be used. The Front Panel
interface provides access to all the operational parameters and most of the system ones. Choose the most appropriate
way depending on your overall system’s design. Page 27
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

4.2. Front Panel

The Kyrion® has a local LCD and keypad interface allowing a simple management of the unit.

The control buttons and LCD provide an easy method of setting the network interface addresses and default gateway
parameters directly from the front of the Kyrion® System without using a management computer.

No IT knowledge is required and the Kyrion® can be up and running in minutes.

Next figure describes the front panel sub-elements' identification.

Figure 4.1. Front Panel sub-elements' identification

4.2.1. Status LED

The Kyrion® comes with a complete range of LEDs that report the device status.

Table 4.1. Status LED

Solid Red: No input signal
Solid Green: Valid input signal
Solid Red: No output signal
Solid Green: Valid output signal
Off: No Status
Solid Red: Decoder alarm


The events that will switch the "ALARM" LED to "Solid RED" can be configured in the Web GUI.

4.2.2. LCD
The LCD [FP4] displays some status information and configuration menus. Page 28
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

4.2.3. TFT
The TFT [FP5] displays the currenlty decoded service, as well as its name and format.

4.2.4. Keypad
The Keypad is used for configuration when navigating the local setup menu of the Kyrion®.

Use the directional keys, [FP8] to [FP11] , to navigate through the different menus.

Use the 'OK' key [FP6] to validate changes and the 'Cancel' key [FP7] to cancel any action.

Depending on the context, use the extended keys [FP12] to enter characters, numbers or as a shortcut to some menus.

4.2.5. USB
USB connector, depicted as F13 in Figure 4.1, “Front Panel sub-elements' identification”, can be used with a USB
mass storage device for operations such as configuration import/export, or, troubleshooting the unit (refer to Sec-
tion, “ Troubleshooting ” for more information on that topic).


The USB key must be formatted as "FAT32". Only the first partition will be used by the DR5000.

4.2.6. Menus
The following tables describe the menu tree of the Front Panel. For information about how to use these parameters,
please refer to Section 5.1, “ Overview ”

Table 4.2. Front Panel Menu

Bitrate - -
Service Name/Id - -
Packet Size -
FEC Rows -
FEC Columns -
1D/2D FEC -
Processed Packets -
IP Status
Missing Packets -
Reordered Packets -
Corrected Packets -
Uncorrected Packets -
Duplicate Packets -
Input Error Rate - Page 29
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Output Error Rate -

Jitter (us) -
Primary Source
Secondary Source
Pr. Activity
Sec. Activity
SMPTE 2022-7 Time Off.
Pr. Picked
Sec. Picked
Locked/Unlocked -
Standard -
Modulation -
FEC Rate -
Roll Off -
Int. Frequency -
SAT Status
Symbol Rate -
Power -
C/N -
C/N Margin -
Pilots -
IP Address
Network Netmask
MAC Address
Ultra IP Status TS per IP

Stats Jitter
Jitter tolerance
Delay Page 30
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Counters pack-
Format -
Manufacturer -
Serial Number -
Identifier -
Carrier ID
Telephone Number -
Longitude -
Latitude -
User Information -
Color Space
GrX/PrY Active/Inactive
Aes #X
ASI Forward
IP Forward Page 31
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Genlock Signal / Format

Service List Select -
TS Information Service Id -
Pid List -
=> Table 4.3, “Front Pan-
Configuration - -
el Configuration Menu”
Alarms Clear - -
Alarm List - -
Management Mode
Default Gateway -
Reset Routes -
Version -
Software Backup -
Factory -
Serial Number -
Hardware Temp -
Uptime -
ID1 -
ID2 -
Reboot - -
Force Toggle - -
Force Primary -
Licenses License List
Extension Boards -
Reset Gui Password -
TFT Switch Off - Page 32
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Table 4.3. Front Panel Configuration Menu

Input (=> Table 4.4, “Front Panel Input Menu”)
Composition (=> Table 4.5, “Front Panel Composition Menu”)
Output (=> Table 4.6, “Front Panel Output Menu”)
Mpe (=> Table 4.7, “Front Panel Mpe Menu”)

Table 4.4. Front Panel Input Menu

Type - -
Address -
Port -
Interface -
Fec -
Buffer Size [ms] -
Ssm Mode
Failover Auto Join
Trig. Period [ms]
Enable VLAN -
Enable VLAN
VBR Support Enabled
Asi Interface
Interface -
Mode -
Sym. Rate [kBd] -
Search Rng [kHz] - Page 33
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

DownLnk Fr. [kHz] -

L.O. Freq. [kHz] -
Lnb 22kHz Tone
DVB-S2 Gold Code -
Input Stream ID
Port -
Interface -
Enable VLAN -
FEC Overhead
IP Address
Ultra IP
Stream Address
Stream Port
Pro-MPEG FEC enable
Input buffer size

Table 4.5. Front Panel Composition Menu

Primary Serv. Id - - -
Scndry Serv. Id - - -
Video Pid - - -
Mode - -
Silence Emulation - -
Audio EmbeddedAes[1-8] Monitor Pid -
Automatic Pid -
Pcm Channel1 Pid Page 34
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Channel2 Channel
Pid -
Aes Pair Sel. -
Pid -
Aes Pair Sel. -
Override Location -
Line Location -
Audio Delay - -
Mode - -
Silence Emulation - -
Monitor Pid -
Automatic Pid -
Channel1 Channel
ExternalAes[1-4] Channel2 Channel
Pid -
Aes Pair Sel. -
Pid -
Aes Pair Sel. -
Override Location -
Line Location -
Audio Delay - -
Mode - -
Silence Emulation - -
Monitor Pid -
Automatic Pid -
Analog[1-4] Channel1 Channel
Gain - Page 35
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Audio Delay - -
Descrambling Mode - - -
Mode - -
Biss Biss-1 Key - -
Biss-E Key - -
Descrambling Force 3V3 - -
CAM Service limiting - -
BR limit [mbps] - -
Descr. Services - - -
Service[1-8] Service Id - -
SMPTE 12M Selected -
Selected -
Source -
SMPTE 2010 Pid -
Override Location -
Line Location -
Selected -
Source -
SMPTE 2016 Pid -
Override Location -
Line Location -
Selected -
SMPTE 2038 Source -
Pid -
Data Ancillary Override Location -
Line Location -
SMPTE 334-1 Selected -
Source -
Pid -
Override Location -
Line Location -
SMPTE 334-2 Selected -
Source -
Pid -
Teletext Source
SMPTE 2031 Pid
CC 608
Source Page 36
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

WSS Source
VPS Source
AMOL 48 Source
AMOL 96 Source
Override Location -
Line Location -
Selected -
Teletext Source -
Pid -
Selected -
CC 608 Source -
Pid -
Selected -
WSS Source -
Pid -
Selected -
VBI VPS Source -
Pid -
Selected -
AMOL 48 Source -
Pid -
Selected -
AMOL 96 Source -
Pid -
Selected -
Video Index Source -
Pid -
Mode - -
Overlay Source - -
Pid - - Page 37
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Teletext Page - -
DVBS Serv. Index - -
CC608 service - -

Table 4.6. Front Panel Output Menu

Full Pixel Range - - - -

PsF Output - - - -
Connector1 - - -
Connector2 - - -
Downscale Type
- - -
Emulation -
Enabled - - -
Genlock Pixel Offset - - -
LineOffset - - -
Descrambled - -
Remuxed - -
Descrambled - -
Enabled -
Interface -
Dst. Address -
Dst. Port -
TS Pk-
ts/IP frame
Time To Live -
Specify ToS -
Type of Service -

Forward Enable VLAN -

Ip VLAN Id -
Streams[1-3] Enabled
Spoofing Src Ad-
SSRC fined
Step Page 38
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Remuxed - -
Asi2 VPSC Enabled -
Descrambled - - -
Remux Bit. Modify - - -
Bitrate - - -
VPSC Enabled - - -
Confidence Monitor Disable - - -
Upscale Type - - -

Table 4.7. Front Panel Mpe Menu

Mpe Enabled -
Interface -
Enable VLAN -
VLAN Id - Page 39
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

4.3. Web GUI

The DR5000 Web interface is a flexible and user-friendly way to use the decoder. It has been designed to fit a
resolution of at least 1024x768. The following sections will give you an overview of the features of the web GUI.

4.3.1. Gui Overview

The Web GUI is divided in two parts that can be seen as independent.

Figure 4.2. Gui Overview

Table 4.8. Gui Overview

These three, vertically stacked panels give an in-depth view of the decoding/dis-
Decoding Sta-
A covered program. These panels are read-only, and are used to monitor the DR5000
tus Panels
activity. Refer to Section 4.3.2, “ Decoding Status Panels ” for more information.
This panel is used to configure the DR5000, both from a system (IP
Configura- address, SNMP management, Alarms reporting, etc.) and from a
tion Panel configuration (input type, decoded service, etc.) point of view. re-
fer to Section 4.3.3, “ Configuration Panel ” for more information. Page 40
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0


The "Decoding Status" panel can be hidden by double-clicking on the separator between the "Decoding
Status" and "Configuration" panels.

4.3.2. Decoding Status Panels

Those panels are dedicated to monitor the decoder activity.

Figure 4.3. Decoding Status panels

Table 4.9. Decoding Status panels

Rear panel.depicts the currently active con-
nectors so that the overall decoding status
can be monitored at a glance. Each connec-
A tor can have four colors: grey stands for
unused, green stands for used without er-
rors, orange stands for used, active warnings
while red means that th connector is in error.
This shows what is currently input, decoded and output
by the DR5000. This panel is dynamic, which means
B Active service overview that the lines reported in that panel will vary depend-
ing on the configuration. Miscellaneous examples are
shown on Section, “ Active service overview ”
This panel reports the content of the trans-
C Probed programs
port stream that has been discovered on Page 41
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

the input interface. All the services are dis-

played along with their names (when present).
D Input status This reports the input advanced status. Active service overview

This panel is both a reminder of the user configuration, and the report of what is decoded and output by the DR5000.

Figure 4.4. Active service overview Active Service Output Description

At a glance, one can see:

• The input type (IP, ASI, DVB-S/S2, Ultra IP) and an overview of its associated parameters

• The output connector mapping

• The current stream forwarding selection

• The genlock parameters (signal presence / signal format)

• The selected service and the number of decoded PIDs

• The video elementary streams characteristics, such as codec, profile, level, chroma format, bit depth, resolution,
frame rate, bitrate, etc.

• The audio elementary streams characteristics, and the way they are mapped on output. This is listed by audio output
pair, both for embedded SDI (denoted GrX/pY for Group X, Pair Y) and for External AES (going from 1 to 4).


The video bitrate is computed at elementary stream level. It may differ from the one reported in the
elementary stream if this one is wrongly reported. Page 42
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0


Errors may be reported by highlighting the associated lines in red. This will typically be the case when
a selected PID has not been found in the incoming stream.


More information is reported through tooltips that will be displayed when the mouse cursor is left above
a given line for a short amount of time. Active Service Thumbnail

This panel can also be used to monitor the audio/video output of the DR5000, by clicking on the "tv" icon depicted
by label A in Section, “ Active service overview ”.

• The video thumbnail depicts what is currently output by the DR5000, including overlays; the same video can be
seen on the front panel "confidence monitor".

• Audio vu-meters are meant to give an overview of the DR5000 audio outputs, for embedded (SDI) AES, external
AES, or analog audio (when applicable). The same information can be retrieved on the front panel "confidence
monitor". A given audio output will be greyed out when disabled, and non-pcm data will be detected and displayed
in the associated vu-meter. Probed programs

This panel reports the discovered streams on the configured input interface, as well as a more detailed view of the
service/PIDs characteristics. It is also the place where Carrier ID information may be reported, and where DVB-SSU
packages can be monitored and downloaded. Probed program list

The name of the service will be displayed with the service ID when it is present. Page 43
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Figure 4.5. Probed programs

• Services reported in bold represent the currently decoded service.

• A clock icon will be present next to the PID carrying a PCR; otherwise (when the PCR is carried by a separate
PID), the PCR pid will be displayed with the service name.

• Scrambled services will be reported with a "lock" next to the service name.


A service will be considered as scrambled as long as at least one of its PID is scrambled.


Scrambling detection relies on the TS packets header rather than on the content of scrambling tables (that
may not be present). That detection is only performed when a service has been choosen for decoding.


Programs (resp. streams) may be either sorted by ascending Service ID (resp. PID), or follow PAT (resp.
PMT) order, depending on active configuration. Please see Section, “ PSI Order configuration
” for more information. DVB-SSU packages

This panel will list the probed DVB-SSU packages found in the incoming Transport Stream. Depending on the
"update_descriptor", the package may be automatically downloaded. One may also choose which package to down- Page 44
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

load whan several packages have ben found. Please refer to Section, “ System actions ” for more infor-
mation on managing DVB-SSU packages. Input status

This panel reports information about the input "physical" layer. Its content will thus vary, depending on the input
type. The first tab will always represent the input bitrate history, while the other tabs will dynamically be updated
depending on the input configuration.

Table 4.10. Input status

ASI No other tabs

The Counters tab will report information about the UDP/RTP layer, such as the pack-
et size, the number of received packets, etc. When using RTP, some more informa-
tion will be provided, such as missing packets, out of order packets. When FEC is
configured (and detected), FEC matrix dimensions as well as the corrected pack-
et count will be reported. Depending on the input configuration, failover or SMPTE
2022-7 status may also be displayed. Furthermore, IP input jitter (RMS) is reported.
An Advanced tab will be displayed, reporting the DVB-S/S2 signal characteris-
DVB-S/S2 tics: C/N, C/N Margin, modulation type, FEC, roll-off, DVB-S2 pilots, BER and
power. An additional graph displays evolution of C/N Margin over the last minute.
The Network tab will report characteristics of the network (IP address,
Ultra IP netmask, gateway and MAC address). Advanced tab will displayed
stream characteristics. Furthermore, IP input jitter (RMS) is reported.

Figure 4.6. Sat Input status example Page 45
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Figure 4.7. IP Input status example

IP input status will be split in several tabs, depending both on the user-configuration and on the stream content.


Please refer to Section 5.2.3, “ IP Input ” for information on IP configuration.

Counters tab

This tab will report static stream properties (UDP/RTP, detected FEC matrix) as well as internal counters, meant to
monitor the IP input. All these counters pertain to media packets only (by opposition to FEC packets) and may be
resetted either by user operation ("Reset" button), or by external stream events (UDP/RTP switch, SSRC change,
SN discontinuity, etc).

• RTP, UDP: Packet counter reports the total number of packets.

• RTP, UDP: Missing packet counter reports the amount of packets that have been lost in input. The missing packets
may be corrected when FEC is in use. Missing packet detection relies on RTP sequence number, or on PCRs gaps
for UDP.

• RTP: Duplicate Packet counter reports the number of IP frames that have been duplicated, based on RTP sequence
number, for media packets only.

• RTP: Out of order counter reports the number of IP frames that have been received, but not in the same order as
they were sent. Page 46
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

• RTP: Corrected Packet counter reports the number of IP frames that have been found missing, but recovered thanks
to FEC.

• RTP, UDP: Uncorrected Packet counter reports the number of IP frames that have been found missing, and not
recovered by FEC. In UDP, that counter is always equal to the "Missing packet" counter.


ST2022-7 is a preprocessing stage for RTP input. As such, all the counters refer to the output of
ST2022-7 processing. In other words, if a packet is declared missing with ST2022-7 activated, it means
that ST2022-7 failed to recover that packet.

ST2022-7 tab

This tab reports information about ST2022-7, when configured.

• The upper part gives an overview of the status protection. Input is considered as "protected" when both sources are
active (see below), and when the delay between sources is less than the configured network skew (please refer to
Section, “ SMPTE 2022-7 Settings ” for information on ST2022-7 configuration).

• The center part reports sources activity. A source is considered active as long as some packets are received.

• The bottom part reports the amount of packets taken from primary and secondary sources, as well as the offset
between sources. Positive offset values mean that the secondary source is late, negative values mean that the primary
source is late.

Failover tab

This tab reports information about failover, when configured. Sources activity are monitored, and a "toggle" button
will appear when configured in manual/toggle mode, to enforce source switch.


Bitrate, Jitter and Pre/Post-FEC error rates graphs are plotted for monitoring the IP input at a glance.

4.3.3. Configuration Panel

This view is the entry point to configure your DR5000. It is made of three main sub-sections, that are hereinafter

Table 4.11. Configuration Panel Description

Indicates which inputs/outputs are currently in use, and reports potential er-
Rear Panel
rors (in such case, the associated input/output will be filled with solid red).
Status Gives an overview of the DR5000 status, from a system point of view. Events will also be
Panel logged in that window (please refer to Section, “ Message Log ” for more information) Page 47
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

That's where one can configure the parameters that pertain to the decoding
process itself, i.e. input type, service selection, output mapping, etc. Chang-
ing a parameter in that panel will typically impact the decoder outputs.
System System configuration can be performed in that tab,
Panel such as setting time, IP address, BISS injected IDs, etc. Status Panel

This is the panel that is shown when connecting to the web GUI. It is further split into three sub-tabs that are explained
in the table below.

Figure 4.8. Status Panel

Table 4.12. Status Panel Description

A System Info Display high-level system information.
Editable field that can be used as a 'sticky
B System Notes
note' to remind that the unit is currently in use. Page 48
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

C Message Log Reports all events of the DR5000. System Information

• 'Serial number' is a unique DR5000 identifier. One can find this number on a sticker on the side of the unit; that
number is used to identify your unit when contacting the support. This field is read-only.

• 'System name' is a user-configurable name that one can use to identify a unit when configuring multiple DR5000
with one computer.

• 'System version' identifies the firwmare that is currently running on the unit.

• 'System time' reports the current system date/time. Please refer to Section, “ System Panel ”

• 'Temperature' reports the maximum temperature of all the sensors inside the unit.

• 'Locked/Unlocked' allows to lock the system. The configuration cannot be changed when the system is locked. System Notes

This field can be used as a sticky note, when the unit is shared among multiple operators. The content of that field is
stored in the DR5000 rather than on the computer used to access the GUI. That means that its content will be shared
among all the computers that may concurrently access the DR5000 Web GUI. Message Log

This panel is intended to log all the events that occurred in the DR5000. The events have a user-configurable severity
level, a 'begin' time, and, when applicable, a 'end' time. An alarm is said to be "opened" when it has started (it has a
'begin' time), but not ended (it does not have a 'end' time).

The list of the possible events and there associated severity levels can be configured; please refer to Section,
“ Setting Alarms And Traps ” for more information.


Logs can be exported to an external file, for technical support analysis. However, the information con-
tained in such logs is not intended for advanced unit troubleshooting. Please refer to Section,
“ Firmware And Troubleshooting ” for more information.


Clearing the logs will not clear the opened alarms.


When clearing the logs, the latter will be deleted from the DR5000, not only from the Web GUI. This
operation can not be canceled. Page 49
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0
2017-02-13 Service Panel

That section has several sub-panels that pertain to the decoding configuration itself. An in-depth description of the
sub-panels embedded in that view is given in Section 5.1, “ Overview ”, while this section will focus on configuration
(so-called "preset") management.

Figure 4.9. Service Panel View

Table 4.13. Service Panel Tabs Description

Input Selects the input type (IP, ASI, DVB-S/S2, Ultra IP) and its associated parameters.
Audio/Video Selects the service/PIDs to be decoded inside the received transport stream.
Biss/CA Selects the descrambling algorithm to use, and the services to descramble.
Data Selects the additional data to be decoded and output in the SDI frame (ANC/VBI)
SDI Output Defines the parameters associated to the SDI output, such as genlock, connector mapping, etc.
Forward Selects how and where the input stream will be forwarded to the output stream interfaces. Page 50
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Configurations can be managed through that tab. The latter offers a summa-
rized view both of the active configuration and of the 64 configuration slots. Managing Multiple Configurations

Multiple configuration management is meant to ease operating the decoder when one has to frequently switch between
different decoding use-cases.


It is important to understand that the active configuration on the DR5000 can be different from the configuration
being edited on the web GUI.

• The configuration being edited on the GUI can be sent to the DR5000 (in which case it will become the 'active'
configuration if it is valid). This is done through the 'set' button (Label 'B' in Figure 4.9, “Service Panel View”).

• The active configuration can be retrieved, in which case the settings on the web GUI will be replaced by the settings
pertaining to the active configuration. This is done through the 'get' button. (Label 'A' in Figure 4.9, “Service Panel

• The configuration being edited is denoted as 'Scratch Parameters' in the web GUI.

• The DR5000 can store up to 64 configuration slots, which can be individually named. The slot selection is made
through the combo box labeled 'C' in Figure 4.9, “Service Panel View”.

• The 'open' (Label 'D' in Figure 4.9, “Service Panel View”) button will replace the edited configuration by the
content of a given configuration slot (selected through the combo box). The name of the configuration slot is not
copied. That operation will not modify the active configuration.

• The 'save' (Label 'E' in Figure 4.9, “Service Panel View”) button will replace the content of a given configuration
slot (selected through the combo box) by the edited configuration. The name of the configuration slot remains

• The edited configuration can be exported/imported to/from disk (Labels 'F' and 'G' in Figure 4.9, “Service Panel
View”). This operation does not modify the active configuration, as only the content of the edited configuration
is modified.

• The 64 configuration slots can be exported and imported through the 'export all' and 'import all' buttons (Labels 'H'
and 'I' in Figure 4.9, “Service Panel View”). This operation does not modify the active configuration.


The configuration slots are stored permanently on the DR5000, they are of course persistent over system


The edited configurations can be loaded in any of the DR5000 user interfaces (SNMP and Front Panel).


Save the active configuration

If one wants to save the active configuration, the following steps need to be performed: Page 51
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

• Click the 'get' button to copy the active configuration into the scratch parameters.

• Select an appropriate configuration slot in the combo box (right panel)

• Click the 'save' button

• Additionaly, a name can be given to that slot.

Change the active configuration by loading a configuration slot


The DR5000 output will be modified.

• Select an appropriate configuration slot in the combo box (right panel)

• Click the 'load' button

• Click the 'set' button to send the scratch parameters to the DR5000.

Edit configuration without modifying the DR5000 output

It is possible to use the Web GUI as a configuration editor, without modifying the decoder output.

• If required, click the 'load' button to fill the edited configuration with a set of pre-defined parameters.

• Use the service tabs to edit the scratch parameters to fit your needs.

• Go back to the 'config tabs', and select an appropriate configuration slot in the combo box

• Click the 'save' button

• Additionaly, a name can be given to that slot. System Panel

That panel is used to configure the DR5000 system configuration.

Table 4.14. System Panel Description

Network/Time Used to configure ethernet settings, and change DR5000 date/time.
Define the events severity level, and the actions taken
when the events occur. Also defines the SNMP trap targets.
Allows to specify BISS injected IDs. Also provides access to
DVB-CI MMI menus, if CAM extension board is available.
Licenses Shows the currently install licenses. Also lists the installed extensions boards status.
Firmware/Trou- Use this page for upgrading your device to a new firmware, or when
bleshooting required by the ATEME support, for troubleshooting your unit. Setting Network And Time

Use this tab to modify the IP settings for both streaming and management interfaces, and for setting the system time. Page 52
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0


Ultra IP does not allow in-band management and is therefore not configured here. IP settings

Figure 4.10. Network Panel

• Management, Stream 1 or Stream 2 (respectively labeled 'A', 'B' and 'C' in Figure 4.10, “Network Panel” are
independent and can be individually enabled/disabled/configured. Page 53
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

• DHCP is available for convenience and lab testing, but is deprecated as interface IP address is not guaranteed to
be the same when rebooting the unit.

• Clicking the 'Apply' button (label 'G' in Figure 4.10, “Network Panel”) will change the configuration for all the
interfaces. Nevertheless, no action will be taken when parameters of a given interface have not been changed.


Management interface can not be used to receive/emit transport stream, and shall be used for manage-
ment purposes only


Even though both streaming interfaces may be used for management purposes, this usage is deprecated
(Management tasks such as SNMP polling may otherwise interfere with stream reception)


Modifying the IP address of an interface being currently used for decoding purposes will disturb the
DR5000 output!

Configuring VLANs (label 'D' in Figure 4.10, “Network Panel”)

VLAN (Virtual LAN) are used to create virtual sub-networks on a physical infrastructure, without additional equip-
ment. Up to 12 virtual interface can be created. Virtual interfaces can then be used exactly like the physical interfaces
for receiving or sending IP transport stream (please refer to Section 5.2.3, “ IP Input ” and Section 5.7.2, “ IP Output
” for informations on how to use virtual interfaces in the DR5000 configuration)

• The VLAN ID is a 12-bit field specifying the VLAN to which the frame belongs.

• The VLAN priority indicates the frame priority level. Values are from 0 (best effort) to 7 (highest). These values
can be used to prioritize different classes of traffic.


VLAN IDs 4090 and 4091 can not be used in the DR5000.


VLAN IDs are shared among stream1 ans stream2 interfaces. A given VLAN ID can thus only be used
once, either for stream1 or stream2, but not for both interfaces.

Configuring Routes (label 'E' in Figure 4.10, “Network Panel”)

The DR5000 provides a way to control the network routes to be used to reach hosts or networks. These routes can
be configured on a interface basis, or be common to all interfaces.

• Route "type" defines which kind of destination the route is intended to reach. It can be "host" to specify a route to
a given equipment (in such case, the netmask is not used), "net" to specify a route to a network through a gateway,
or "default" to specify a default route that will be used by all the outgoing packet whose destination address is
outside the interface sub-network. Page 54
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

• Route "interface" defines to which interface the route will apply; it should be noted that a route can pertain to all
interfaces ("any"), and that "interface" refers to physical or virtual interfaces.


Misconfiguring the routes can make the DR5000 unreachable through the web GUI. In such case, the
only option is use the "Reset Routes" functionality on the front panel.

Configuring VPN (Label 'F' in Figure 4.10, “Network Panel”)

The DR5000 provides an access through VPN. Server parameters (Protocol, IP, port) and certificates must be con-
figured. Use the 'Apply' (Label 'F') button to apply VPN configuration. Please see VPN guide in annexes for more
details about its configuration. Date/Time

Figure 4.11. Time Panel

Time can be managed either through a NTP server (label E of Figure 4.11, “Time Panel”), or by entering the date/
time. The modification is performed when clicking on the 'apply' button (label F of Figure 4.11, “Time Panel”)


The time entered here will be used for event logging and troubleshooting. Having a valid system date/
time is essential for technical support purposes. Setting Alarms And Traps

This panel configures the behavior of the DR5000, when specified events occur on the unit. This panel is also used
to configure SNMP trap targets and community password.


Any modification of one of the four SNMP targets or of the SNMP community password will require
a system reboot to be taken into account.


The default SNMP passwords are "public" for the "read" community, and "private" for the "write"
community. Page 55
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Figure 4.12. Alarms and Traps Panel View

An event will trigger up to three events:

• A message will be displayed in the Message Log Section, “ Message Log ” panel.

• The 'Alarm LED' Section 4.2.1, “ Status LED ” of the front panel can be switched to solid red.

• A SNMP trap can be sent to up to four targets. Those targets are specified through panel 'G' in Figure 4.12, “Alarms
and Traps Panel View”.


All the events can not be associated to all the actions. For instance, transitory events (such as 'Service
Started') will display a log, but can not be assigned to the 'Alarm' LED in the front panel.

Alarms and traps are grouped by theme :

• Table 4.15, “Input alarms” includes all events concerning raw input module (ASI, IP, Sat and Zixi) low-level errors.

• Table 4.16, “Stream alarms” includes all events concerning TS level. Page 56
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

• Table 4.17, “Genlock alarms” includes all genlock-related events.

• Table 4.18, “System alarms” includes all base system alarms.

• Table 4.19, “Decoding alarms” includes all decoding alarms.

• Table 4.20, “Configuration alarms” includes all decoding configuration alarms.


Some of these alarms can be configured. To avoid multiples trigger when value oscillates around the
limit, a fully-configurable hysteresis has been added. If only one value is configured, the other one will
be automatically set the same value, thus deactivating this hysteresis protection.

The tables below give a description of the actions associated to an event.

Table 4.15. Input alarms

Alarm name Description Reference
No input activity No TS input stream detected Section 5.2, “ Input ”
IP input failure IP input interface could not be opened Section 5.2.3, “ IP Input ”
Excessive IP/Zixi
Input IP/Zixi jitter has reached the configured limit Section 5.2.3, “ IP Input ”
input jitter [ms]
Excessive SMPTE SMPTE 2022-7 network skew Section, “ SMPTE
2022-7 Skew has reached the configured limit 2022-7 Settings ”
SMPTE2022-7 Section, “ SMPTE
SMPTE 2022-7 is not protected
is unprotected 2022-7 Settings ”
Missing pre-FEC Pre-FEC RTP input missing packets
Section 5.2.3, “ IP Input ”
RTP IP packets [%] rate has reached the configured limit
Missing post-FEC Post-FEC RTP input missing packets
Section 5.2.3, “ IP Input ”
RTP IP packets [%] rate has reached the configured limit
Section 5.2.2, “
Sat Input unlocked SAT input is not locked
DVB-S/S2 Input ”
Sat Input minimum Sat input C/N Margin has Section 5.2.2, “
C/N Margin[dB] reached the configured limit DVB-S/S2 Input ”
Sat Input mini- Section 5.2.2, “
Sat input Power has reached the configured limit
mum power [dBm] DVB-S/S2 Input ”
Section 5.2.2, “
Sat Input minimum BER Sat input BER has reached the configured limit
DVB-S/S2 Input ”
Zixi input unconnected Zixi input is not connected Section 5.2.4, “ ZIXI Input ”
Zixi input error rate [%] Zixi input error rate has reached the configured limit Section 5.2.4, “ ZIXI Input ”
Zixi input is scrambled, and either no
Zixi input decryption error Section 5.2.4, “ ZIXI Input ”
decryption or bad key is configured
Section, “
Failover switch -
Failover IP Settings ”
Input bitrate is Higher than 72 Mbps Table F.8, “Specifica-
Excessive CAM bitrate
and cannot be forwarded to CAM. tion - Descrambling” Page 57
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Table 4.16. Stream alarms

Alarm name Description Reference
TS discontinuity on audio PID TS discontinuity found on audio PID -
TS discontinuity on video PID TS discontinuity found on video PID -
TS discontinuity on data PID TS discontinuity found no data PID -
TS discontinuity found on other
TS discontinuity on other PID -
PID (neither video, audio nor data)
Section 5.4.1,
Program is scrambled Selected service is scrambled “ BISS pa-
rameters ”

Table 4.17. Genlock alarms

Alarm name Description Reference
Section, “ Syn-
Genlock signal missing Genlock configured, but no genlock signal detected
chronization Settings ”
Section, “ Syn-
Genlock unlocked Genlock signal cannot lock
chronization Settings ”
Section, “ Syn-
New genlock format Genlock format has changed
chronization Settings ”
Video output/Gen- Section, “ Syn-
Genlock format does not match video format
lock format mismatch chronization Settings ”

Table 4.18. System alarms

Alarm name Description Reference
Engine service started Engine service started -
Section 2.4, “
Fan failure A fan is misfunctionning
Ventilation ”
PSU failure A Power Supply Unit is misfunctionning -
Section 2.4, “
Critical temperature Critical temperature level reached
Ventilation ”
Network input link down IP Input interface link down
“ IP settings ”
Network output link down IP Output interface link down
“ IP settings ”
Section, “
IGMP version changed IGMP version changed
IP SSM Settings ”
Section, “
SSM not available No IGMP SSM available on current IGMP version
IP SSM Settings ”
Invalid extension board Hardware problem detected with extension board -

Table 4.19. Decoding alarms

Alarm name Description Reference Page 58
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

No video output (either due to de- Section 5.3.2, “

Output activity missing
coding error or missing input) Video Output ”
Missing license A missing licence is required for current configuration
“ License handling ”

Table 4.20. Configuration alarms

Alarm name Description Reference
Section 5.3.3, “
Missing Audio PID Selected audio PID missing from input stream
Audio Output ”
Audio decoders Section 5.3.3, “
Maximum number of audio decoders reached
limit exceeded Audio Output ”
AC3/DD decoders Maximum number of AC3 / Dol- Section 5.3.3, “
limit exceeded byDigital audio decoders reached Audio Output ”
EAC3/DD+ de- Maximum number of EAC3 / Dol- Section 5.3.3, “
coders limit exceeded byDigital+ audio decoders reached Audio Output ”
Audio pass thru Section 5.3.3, “
Maximum audio pass-thru limit reached
limit exceeded Audio Output ”
Either no video in selected service, Section 5.3, “ Ser-
Configuration error
or no service with selected video PID vice Selection ”
Remux bitrate configuration isn't Section 5.7.3, “
Too low Remux bitrate
sufficient for current input stream Remux Output ”
Dolby-E selected, but no Dol- Section, “ Dol-
Dolby E missing
by-E present in S302 stream byE Pass-Through mode ”
Section, “ Dol-
Dolby E moving Dolby-E is moving
byE Pass-Through mode ”
Section, “ Dol-
Selected pair doesn't exist Selected Dolby-E pair does not exist in input stream
byE Pass-Through mode ”
Invalid decoded PID Selected audio PID is not decodable
“ PCM mode ”
Section, “
Invalid pass-through PID Pass-through is not possible for selected audio PID
Pass-Through mode ”
Anc wrong user line Wrong user line selected for ANC module Section 5.5, “ Data Output ”
Anc line conflict Conflict on ANC line configuration Section 5.5, “ Data Output ”

Table 4.21. Traps description

Missing Audio PID (Refer to associated alarm description)
Audio decoders limit exceeded (Refer to associated alarm description)
Audio pass thru limit exceeded (Refer to associated alarm description)
output activity missing (Refer to associated alarm description)
IP input failure (Refer to associated alarm description)
No input activity (Refer to associated alarm description)
Configuration error (Refer to associated alarm description)
Engine service started (Refer to associated alarm description) Page 59
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

TS discontinuity on audio PID (Refer to associated alarm description)

TS discontinuity on video PID (Refer to associated alarm description)
TS discontinuity on data PID (Refer to associated alarm description)
TS discontinuity on other PID (Refer to associated alarm description)
Program is scrambled (Refer to associated alarm description)
Fan failure (Refer to associated alarm description)
Critical temperature (Refer to associated alarm description)
Network input link down (Refer to associated alarm description)
Network output link down (Refer to associated alarm description)
Dolby E missing (Refer to associated alarm description)
Dolby E moving (Refer to associated alarm description)
Selected pair doesn't exist (Refer to associated alarm description)


That table is saved on the DR5000, and persistent over system reboots.


It is not possible to restore factory settings for that page once modified (unless performing a 'Restore
Factory' operation.


Alarm levels are only used when they open. Changing the level of an already opened alarm will not
alter its level. BISS/CA System Parameter

This panel is meant to manage parameters that pertain to the descrambling, from a system point of view. It is used to
manage BISS injected IDs, and to communicate with CAM modules through MMI mechanism. Page 60
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Figure 4.13. System Descrambling Parameters view

BISS injected IDs

The DR5000 can hold two injected IDs. Those injected IDs can be entered through the fields 'A' and 'B' of Figure 4.13,
“System Descrambling Parameters view”. Selecting which key to use is then done through the decoder configuration.


Injected IDs are used to perform BISS-E descrambling; they are used to descramble the Encrypted
Session Word (ESW) to form a Session Word (SW).

CAM Man Machine Interface

The DR5000 offers the ability to communicate with both CAM modules through MMI, with panels 'C' and 'D' of
Figure 4.13, “System Descrambling Parameters view”. It should be noted that the CAM modules are responsible for
the content of these panels.


The "System" and "Biss Id/CA" menus will blink when a module requests an action from the end user. Page 61
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0
2017-02-13 License management

This panel is meant to manage and monitor software licenses and extension boards.

Figure 4.14. Licenses view License handling

The panel labeled 'A' of Figure 4.14, “Licenses view” is dedicated to license management. License state is reported in
the panel labeled 'B', and license update can be performed through this page (license files must be provided exclusively
by the support team) Page 62
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0
2017-02-13 Extension boards

The panel labeled 'C' of Figure 4.14, “Licenses view” details the extension boards (when present) and their status.
Please contact the support team in case of board failure. Firmware And Troubleshooting

Figure 4.15. Firmware and Troubleshooting view System actions

The panel labeled 'A' of Figure 4.15, “Firmware and Troubleshooting view” is dedicated to firmware management.
From here, you can, install a new firmware version, make a backup of your current version or restore your backup

Firmware update

Click Update. A popup should appear asking for the update package file. Click on the Browse button to point to it
and click Ok to proceed with the update, or Cancel to abort. Page 63
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

After a few seconds, a popup should appear, asking you to wait while the update process is running. Wait until this
popup disappears.


You can check that the upgrade process went well by checking that the displayed Current Version
number is the expected one.


Update package are specific files provided by ATEME support. They should bear the extension '.pkg'.
Other files will be rejected.

Firmware backup

Click Backup, and press Yes in the popup asking you to confirm that you really want to save your current system
version. The Backup button is disabled until the backup is done.


You can check that the backup process went well by checking that the Current Backup version number
matches the Current Version's one.

Firmware restore

Click Restore, and press Yes in the popup asking you to confirm you really want to restore the last saved system

After a few seconds, a popup should appear, asking you to wait while the restore process is running. Wait until this
popup disappears.


You can check that the restore process did well by checking that the System Version number matches
the Current Backup's one.


It is always a good idea to make a backup of a known good functioning system version. It can be useful
to recover from situations requiring a Factory Reset per example or coming back from an update not
fully fulfilling your needs.

Over The Air Firmware Update (DVB-SSU)

The DR5000 can retrieve and apply update packages through the incoming Transport Stream, regardless of the phys-
ical transport link. It means that firmware updates can be retrieved when receiving ASI, IP, or DVB-S/S2 transport
stream. The DR5000 achieve reception of the update package through ETSI TS 102006 recommandation: "Specifi-
cation for System Software Update in DVB Systems". Page 64
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Firmware download can be managed through the "probed programs" panel, located on the left side of the web GUI
(please refer to Section, “ Probed programs ”).

• "Install SSU" button will install the downloaded update package (if any). There is no difference between installing
a update through the mechanism described in Section, “ System actions ” and installing a DVB-SSU

• "Drop SSU" button will remove the downloaded package from the unit. It is useful to enforce a new download of
a firmware package through the incoming Transport Stream. This will only erase the downloaded file, and will not
perform any package update/restore actions.


This feature is meant for IRD management in a global system. As such, it is highly recommended to
contact the ATEME support team if using that feature is envisioned.


Depending on the "update_descriptor" located in the UNT, the DR5000 may automatically download
and even install the update, which will of course interrupt the decoding process. This can be overriden
through "DVB-SSU options". DVB-SSU options

The DR5000 provides a way to ensure that DVB-SSU operations will never interfere with the decoding process.
Although ETSI TS 102006 recommandation defines an "update_descriptor" which can request automatic update of
the unit (and thus interruption of the decoding processs), the checkbox depicted in label 'B' of Figure 4.15, “Firmware
and Troubleshooting view” will always assume that the "update_descriptor" requests a "manual update" (following
TSI 102006 semantic). It means that installing the update will always require a user action. GUI options

The panel labeled 'C' of Figure 4.15, “Firmware and Troubleshooting view” is dedicated to GUI options.

Tab switching

If this option is enabled, a pop-up will appear when leaving a configuration tab with unapplied changes.

Change warning

If this option is enabled, a pop-up will appear when configuration has configuration changed by external means (Front
Panel, SNMP, or another Web GUI).

GUI Password

If this option is enabled, a password will be required to access the Web GUI.


You can remove password either by disabling this checkbox, unselect it from the front panel 'system'
menu, or performing a factory reset. Page 65
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0


If the option is selected but password field is left empty, the password is unchanged. This allows you
to modify other GUI options without re-typing password.


When asked for the password, your web browser will also ask for a login. The default value is "admin"
and is not configurable. Remote Syslog

The DR5000 provides a syslog functionnality. This allows system logs to be sent to the remote syslog server specified
in the panel labeled 'D' or Figure 4.15, “Firmware and Troubleshooting view”.


The logs can be sent either by UDP or TCP. Troubleshooting


Upon request, you may be asked to retrieve 'debug package' that will be further analyzed by the ATEME technical
support. This will be achieved by clicking the appropriate buttons (label 'E' of Figure 4.15, “Firmware and Trou-
bleshooting view”).

• Debug package contains all the logs, plus some internal DR5000 information that can be helpful.

• On-Demand logs will only contain a subset of the last lines of logs.

• Input statistics will contain a log file describing the evolution of the input stream. Please refer to Section C.2, “
Input Statistics File Format ” for more informations about this file.

Stream recording

The DR5000 can record the incoming stream on an external USB mass storage device, inserted on the front panel
USB connector (please refer to Section 4.2, “ Front Panel ”). This feature should be used exclusively upon support
team request, and may interfere with the DR5000 decoding process.

• A click on the "Record" button will immediately starts the recording

• A record duration (in seconds) and/or a maximal file size (in MB) can be specified to trigger the end of the recording,
otherwise a click on the "Stop" button will stop the recording.

• A popup will always be displayed at the end of the recording to summarize the troubleshooting operation.

• Once captured, a file can be downloaded or deleted through the buttons "Download" and "Delete".


To ease file downloading, the "Browse" button lists all files preset on the USB key. It may be used to
select a previously recorded file. Page 66
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0


The recording bandwidth is limited by the inserted USB key capabilities, which can be checked by
clicking the "Test" button.


The recorded data may or may not be descrambled, depending on the IP forwarding output mode (refer
to Section 5.7, “ Stream Forwarding ”) Page 67
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

5. Setting up a configuration
5.1. Overview
This chapter will describe all the steps and all the parameters required to build a decoding configuration with the


Although the Web GUI will be used as a basis to describe the configuration parameters, the meaning of
those parameters are the same among all user interfaces. One can use the following chapters to build a
configuration through the front panel or through SNMP.


The settings edited in the Web GUI are not sent to the DR5000 until the 'Apply' button has been clicked.
If an edited parameter does the match the active parameter, it will be highlighted. Please refer to Sec-
tion, “ Managing Multiple Configurations ” for more information on that topic. Page 68
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

5.2. Input
The very first parameter to set when setting up a configuration is the input type, i.e. by which physical mean the
Transport Stream will be carried to the DR5000.

The DR5000 has five input types: ASI (which requires no additional parameter), DVB-S/S2, IP, ZIXI and Ultra IP.

Figure 5.1. Input Type Parameter

Table 5.1. Input Type

Parameter Possible values Description GUI location

ASI, DVB-S/S2, Determines the Label 'A' of Figure 5.1,
Input Type
IP, ZIXI, Ultra IP DR5000 input “Input Type Parameter”

5.2.1. ASI Input

Selecting ASI input only requires to select the appropriate ASI input connector. Please refer to Section 2.3.2, “ ASI
IO Interfaces ” for a description of those connectors.

Table 5.2. ASI Input

Parameter Description GUI location
Determines the DR5000 Label 'B' of Figure 5.1,
ASI Connector 1, 2
ASI input connector “Input Type Parameter”

5.2.2. DVB-S/S2 Input

DVB-S/S2 input requires to set up a few parameters before receiving a transport stream. Page 69
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Figure 5.2. DVB-S2 Settings View

Table 5.3. DVB-S2 Settings

Parameter Description GUI location
Label 'A' of Fig-
LNB Control On, Off Determines if signals will be sent to control the LNB ure 5.2, “DVB-
S2 Settings View”
Label 'B' of Fig-
Vertical, When LNB Control is enabled, determines the desired po-
Polarization ure 5.2, “DVB-
Horizontal larization type (and the associated DC 13V 18V signal)
S2 Settings View”
Label 'C' of Fig-
When LNB Control is enabled, determines band selection
Tone 22kHz Off, On ure 5.2, “DVB-
to switch the antenna Local Oscillator (Dual Band LNB)
S2 Settings View”
Label 'D' of Fig-
RF1, RF2, Determines which RF connector
Interface ure 5.2, “DVB-
RF3, RF4 will be used to receive the stream
S2 Settings View”
Label 'E' of Fig-
Auto, DVB- Determines the modulation standard.
Mode ure 5.2, “DVB-
S, DVB-S2 'Auto' usually gives the best result
S2 Settings View” Page 70
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Downlink frequency of the desired signal. The DR5000 Label 'F' of Fig-
MHz will automatically derive the intermediate frequency by ure 5.2, “DVB-
comparing this value to the Local Oscillator Frequency S2 Settings View”
Local oscillator Frequency. The DR5000 will au- Label 'G' of Fig-
Local Oscilla-
MHz tomatically derive the intermediate frequency by ure 5.2, “DVB-
tor Frequency
comparing this value to the Downlink Frequency S2 Settings View”
Label 'H' of Fig-
The DR5000 will try to lock on a signal with-
Search Range MHz ure 5.2, “DVB-
in this range around the center frequency
S2 Settings View”
Label 'I' of Fig-
Target symbol rate of the carri-
Symbol Rate MSym/s ure 5.2, “DVB-
er to lock on. This field is mandatory
S2 Settings View”
Supported only in DVB-S2 mode, this parame- Label 'J' of Fig-
0 .. 262143 ter allows randomizing the PLHEADER for en- ure 5.2, “DVB-
Gold Code
ergy dispersal. It should be left to 0 if unused S2 Settings View”
Supported only in DVB-S2/S2X mode, Label 'K' and 'L' of
Multistream 0..255 these parameters allows the reception Figure 5.2, “DVB-
of multi-streams signal (aka ISI/ISSY). S2 Settings View”


LNB Control can damage your installation when enabled with improper infrastructure. Please contact
ATEME support for more information.


Multi-stream feature requires specific hardware to be used. Please context ATEME support for more
information. Intermediate Frequency Derivation

The DR5000 will automatically derive the intermediate frequency, based on both the Local Oscillator Frequency and
the Downlink Frequency.

• If Downlink Frequency is above Local Oscillator Frequency, then the DR5000 assumes to be in "Ku Band", and
will set Intermediate Frequency = Downlink Frequency - Local Oscillator Frequency.

• If Downlink Frequency is above Local Oscillator Frequency, then the DR5000 assumes to be in "C Band", and will
set Intermediate Frequency = Local Oscillator Frequency - Downlink Frequency

5.2.3. IP Input
IP input requires to set up a few parameters before receiving a transport stream. Page 71
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Figure 5.3. IP Settings View Basic IP settings

Decoding a transport stream carried over IP is quite straightforward (it requires not more than a reception interface and
a multicast group address). Once the parameters described in Table 5.4, “Basic IP Settings Description” are correctly
set, stream reception will start.

Table 5.4. Basic IP Settings Description

Parameter Possible values Description GUI location
Determines the buffer duration of the IP in-
put. This buffer is responsible for IP dejitter-
Input Label 'A' of Figure 5.3,
Milliseconds ing and for FEC reconstruction. Large values
Buffer Size “IP Settings View”
implies more latency, but may enhance out-
put signal stability and FEC reconstruction Page 72
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Stream 1, Stream
2, or a VLAN
(Please refer to
Primary Section,
Label 'B' of Figure 5.3,
source In- “ Setting Network Selects the ethernet input interface.
“IP Settings View”
terface And Time ” for
information on
virtual interface
Determines the reception mode. When mul-
ticast is chosen, the DR5000 will broad-
Primary cast an IGMP join message to register to the Label 'C' of Figure 5.3,
Multicast, Unicast
source Type specified multicast address. When unicast “IP Settings View”
is chosen, the DR5000 will listen to incom-
ing stream on the selected input interface
Primary Address of the multicast group to Label 'D' of Figure 5.3,
IP Address
source IP join. Disabled when in unicast mode “IP Settings View”
Primary Input port on which the DR5000 Label 'E' of Figure 5.3,
Port Number
source Port will listen to incoming stream “IP Settings View”
When enabled, the DR5000 will try to lock
Pro- Label 'F' of Figure 5.3,
Enabled, Disabled on one several FEC streams, and will au-
MPEG FEC “IP Settings View”
tomatically performs correction if required Failover IP Settings

The DR5000 has failover capability. It means that it is able to automatically switch to another IP source, following
user-configurable conditions. Failover basically has three operating modes:

• In 'automatic' mode, the secondary source will be used after a user-configurable amount of inactivity time on the
primary source. The DR5000 will switch back to primary source as soon as activity is detected on it.

• In 'toggle' mode, when the active source (primary or secondary) becomes inactive for a user-configurable amount
of time, the DR5000 will switch to the other one.

• In 'manual' mode, the secondary source will be used after a user-configurable amount of inactivity time on the
primary source. The DR5000 will never switch back to the primary input.

Table 5.5. Failover IP Settings Description

Parameter Possible values Description GUI location
None, Failover, Label 'G' of Figure 5.3,
Redundancy Enables redundancy feature
SMPTE2022-7 “IP Settings View”
Automatic, Tog- Failover behavior, as described in Sec- Label 'H' of Figure 5.3,
gle, Manual tion, “ Failover IP Settings ” “IP Settings View”
If enabled, the DR5000 will try to sub-
scribe to the failover source as soon
Label 'I' of Figure 5.3,
Auto-join Enabled, Disabled as possible. It can reduce switching
“IP Settings View”
time, but the DR5000 will receive both
streams (increases the required bandwidth)
Duration of inactivity after which a Label 'J' of Figure 5.3,
Trigger Period milliseconds
source will be considered as 'down' “IP Settings View” Page 73
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Stream 1, Stream
2, or a VLAN
(Please refer to Sec-
Secondary Selects the ethernet input interface.
tion, “ Set- Label 'L' of Figure 5.3,
source In- A warning icon will appear when
ting Network And “IP Settings View”
terface trying to use a disabled interface
Time ” for informa-
tion on virtual inter-
face configuration)
Secondary Determines the reception Label 'M' of Figure 5.3,
Multicast, Unicast
source Type mode of the secondary source. “IP Settings View”
Secondary Address of the multicast group to Label 'N' of Figure 5.3,
IP Address
source IP join. Disabled when in unicast mode “IP Settings View”
Input port on which the
Secondary Label 'O' of Figure 5.3,
Port Number DR5000 will listen to incom-
source Port “IP Settings View”
ing stream for secondary source

In 'toggle' and 'manual' mode, two special actions can force the switch behavior:

• 'Force toggle', available only in 'toggle' mode, will switch to the other interface (primary if currently using secondary
interface, and reciprocally).

• 'Force primary', available only in 'manual' mode, will switch to primary interface (regardless of which interface
is currently active). SMPTE 2022-7 Settings

The DR5000 supports SMPTE 2022-7, which purpose is to provide seamless switching between two or more streams.
The underlying assumption is that the IRD receives a duplicate of the stream, from a RTP point of view (all the fields
of the RTP header shall be identical for every received packet).


The DR5000 supports "Class SBR" (Slower Bit Rate, i.e. bitrates lower than 270 mbps) streams, and
is compatible with High-Skew links (i.e. "combination of switching-induced jitter and differential path
delay in such a link can be greater than 50ms", according to SMPTE 2022-7).

Table 5.6. SMPTE 2022-7 Settings Description

Parameter Possible values Description GUI location
None, Failover, Label 'G' of Figure 5.3,
Redundancy Enables redundancy feature
SMPTE2022-7 “IP Settings View”
Selects the skew tolerance. This
Label 'K' of Figure 5.3,
Network Skew Low, Moderate, High has to be chosen accordingly to
“IP Settings View”
the physical link characteristics
Stream 1, Stream 2, or a
VLAN (Please refer to
Secondary Selects the ethernet input interface.
Section, “ Set- Label 'L' of Figure 5.3,
source In- A warning icon will appear when
ting Network And Time ” “IP Settings View”
terface trying to use a disabled interface
for information on virtual
interface configuration) Page 74
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Secondary Determines the reception Label 'M' of Figure 5.3,

Multicast, Unicast
source Type mode of the secondary source. “IP Settings View”
Secondary Address of the multicast group to Label 'N' of Figure 5.3,
IP Address
source IP join. Disabled when in unicast mode “IP Settings View”
Input port on which the
Secondary Label 'O' of Figure 5.3,
Port Number DR5000 will listen to incom-
source Port “IP Settings View”
ing stream for secondary source


The "Network skew" settings defines the amount of buffer that will be kept in the DR5000. That buffer-
ing is meant to ensure that the two SMPTE 2022-7 sources will overlap and that the DR5000 will be able
to pick packets from one or another source, in a seamless way. This "skew" buffer comes in addition of
the "dejittering" buffer defined in Section, “ Basic IP settings ”.


SMPTE 2022-7 latency is twice the skew tolerance. For instance, when using "High skew" tolerance,
the specific SMPTE 2022-7 latency will be 900ms. IP SSM Settings

SSM is the acronym for Source Specific Multicast. It is a feature brought by IGMP V3, that allows to subscribe not
only to a multicast group, but to specific sources inside that multicast group. For instance, one can choose between
two streams which share the same multicast address, but emitted by different encoders.


This feature requires IGMP V3 network infrastructure. Otherwise, the DR5000 will fallback to IGMP
V2 which does not offer SSM.

SSM has two operating modes:

• In 'exclude' mode, the DR5000 will subscribe to a multicast group, and request sources that are not part of the
provided list.

• In 'include' mode, the DR5000 will subscribe to a multicast group, and request only sources that are part of the
provided list.


'Excluding' no source is equivalent to including all the sources: it is the standard IGMP V2 behavior.

Table 5.7. IP SSM Settings Description

Parameter Description GUI location
values Page 75
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Source Enabled, Label 'P' of Figure 5.3,

Enables Source Specific Multicast
Filtering Disabled “IP Settings View”
Exclude, Filter mode, as described in Sec- Label 'Q' of Figure 5.3,
Filter mode
Include tion, “ IP SSM Settings ” “IP Settings View”
List of addresses to include or exclude, Label 'R' of Figure 5.3,
Sources List IP Addresses
depending on the specified filtering mode “IP Settings View”


Source filtering is applied for both primary and secondary sources. IP VBR Settings

VBR support refers to stream where the PCR rate varies in time. It is typically the case when some PIDs have been
removed from a TS CBR stream, without paying attention to PCR accuracy aspects. A common application is NULL
packets removal, where TS layer stuffing is removed to decrease the bandwidth. The DR5000 supports such streams.

This option shall only be activated on VBR streams.


VBR does not refer here to SMPTE 2022-3/4 standards.

Table 5.8. VBR Settings Description

Para- Possible
Description GUI location
meter values
When enabled, the DR5000 will internally padd the incom-
Label 'S' of Fig-
VBR Enabled, ing stream with NULL packets to re-generate a PCR-ac-
ure 5.3, “IP Set-
Support Disabled curate stream. When enabled, the buffer duration is forced
tings View”
to 500 ms (refer to Section, “ Basic IP settings ”).


VBR is only supported on UDP streams in version, with a maximum bitrate of 50 mbps.

5.2.4. ZIXI Input

ZIXI input uses the IP interface. It can be configured on two different modes, through the 'B' drop-down of Figure 5.4,
“ZIXI Settings View”:

• Push Mode: In this mode, the server initiates the connection.

• Pull Mode: In this mode, the DR5000 initiates the connection. Page 76
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0


In order to use "Push Mode", the appropriate ZIXI license must be installed on your system for this
option to appear in the web GUI. Please contact the ATEME support team for more information.

Figure 5.4. ZIXI Settings View

Table 5.9. ZIXI Settings

Label 'B' of Figure 5.4,
Mode 'Pull' or 'Push' mode Selects the mode of operation.
“ZIXI Settings View”.
Stream 1, Stream
2, or a VLAN
(Please refer to Sec-
tion, “ Set- Label 'C' of Figure 5.4,
Interface Selects the ethernet input interface.
ting Network And “ZIXI Settings View”
Time ” for informa-
tion on virtual inter-
face configuration)
Address of Zixi broadcast- Label 'D' of Figure 5.4,
Address IP address
er server (only in Pull mode) “ZIXI Settings View”
Push mode: Input port on which the DR5000
Label 'E' of Figure 5.4,
Port Port Number will listen to incoming ZIXI streams. Pull
“ZIXI Settings View”
mode: Output port of Zixi Broadcaster server.
FEC Only in 'Pull mode'. Defines the percentage Label 'F' of Figure 5.4,
Overhead of FEC overhead sent beside data stream. “ZIXI Settings View”
Name of the channel, as configured in Zixi Label 'G' of Figure 5.4,
Channel String
Broadcaster server (only in Pull mode) “ZIXI Settings View” Page 77
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Password protecting the channel, as configured Label 'H' of Figure 5.4,

Password String
in Zixi Broadcaster server (only in Pull mode) “ZIXI Settings View”
Latency du- Latency of the transmis- Label 'I' of Figure 5.4,
ration [ms] sion link (only in Pull mode) “ZIXI Settings View”
Configuration the AES Type and the
Encryp- AES Key used to encrypt the stream. Label 'J' of Figure 5.4,
Type + String
tion Use the 'Generate' button to gener- “ZIXI Settings View”
ate a random key of the right length.

5.2.5. Ultra IP Input

Ultra IP input extends the IP capabilities of the DR5000. With the addition of the Ultra IP extension board, the DR5000
operator can now receive IP input stream with an ultra-low latency.

Figure 5.5. Ultra IP Settings View

Table 5.10. Ultra IP Settings

Parameter Effect Label
Network/DHCP Addressing policy. It can be either Static or DHCP. Label 'A'
Network/IP IP address of the network interface Label 'B'
Network/Subnet IP Subnet of the network interface Label 'C'
Network/Gateway Gateway of the network interface Label 'D'
Input/IP IP address of the stream carrying the TS Label 'E'
Input/Port UDP Port of the stream carrying the TS Label 'F' Page 78
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Enable the Pro-MPEG FEC. A sufficient buffer must

Input/Pro-MPEG FEC Label 'G'
be provided in order for the FEC to be computed.
Input/Input buffer size Size of the de-jittering and FEC buffer. Label 'H' Page 79
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

5.3. Service Selection

Once the input has been configured, the DR5000 should be receiving transport stream (this can be checked by looking
at Section, “ Input status ” and Section, “ Probed programs ”, to figure out if the DR5000 succeeded
to lock to the input stream)

This panel lets you choose which service (or which PIDs inside a service) you want to decode, and how the audio
PIDs will be mapped on the available audio output pairs.

Figure 5.6. Service Selection View

That view is made of three panels that will be hereinafter described: Service Editor, Video Output, Audio Output. Page 80
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

5.3.1. Service Editor

The DR5000 has three service selection modes:

• Auto mode will automatically select the first program (either in PAT appearance order or by ascending
program_number, depending on PSI Order configuration. Please see Section, “ PSI Order configuration
” for more information) to decode in the incoming transport stream. Unless you only work with Single Program
Transport Stream (SPTS), this mode is deprecated as it is very likely that the decoder will not select the program
you wish to decode. Nevertheless, this mode can be useful to get a fast and reliable check that the input settings
are correct. In that mode, the audio and video PIDs are automatically chosen (please refer to Section 5.3.3, “ Audio
Output ” for more information of how audio is mapped).


"Auto" program selection is made regardless of the program scrambling; In other words, this mode
selects the first program, not the first unscrambled program.

• Auto-Service mode. This mode can be seen as an advanced version of the 'Auto' mode. In auto-service, one can
set two 'preferred' service IDs which the DR5000 will try to find in the incoming transport stream. Once found, the
audio and video PIDs are automatically chosen (please refer to Section 5.3.3, “ Audio Output ” for more information
of how audio is mapped).


"Auto-Service" program selection is made regardless of the program scrambling; the DR5000 will not
automatically switch to the secondary service when the primary service is scrambled.

• Pid-Locked mode. This is the preferred operational mode. Everything is specified by the operator, the DR5000
will not perform any automatic PID selection (it may still perform automatic PID mapping for audio, refer to
Section 5.3.3, “ Audio Output ” for more information).

Table 5.11. Service Selection Parameters

Para- Possible
Description GUI location
meter values
Auto, Au-
Service selection mode, as described Label 'A' of Figure 5.6,
Mode to Service,
in Section 5.3.1, “ Service Editor ” “Service Selection View”
Pid Locked
First 'preferred' service Id that the DR5000 will
Prima- try to find, when in 'auto-service' mode. A val-
Label 'C' of Figure 5.6,
ry Ser- Service Id ue of 0 means 'any' (fallback to 'auto' mode). If
“Service Selection View”
vice Id the service is not found, the DR5000 will try to
find a service matching the secondary service Id
Se- Secondary 'preferred' service Id that the DR5000
condary will try to find, when in 'auto-service' mode, Label 'D' of Figure 5.6,
Service Id
Ser- if the Primary service Id was not found A val- “Service Selection View”
vice Id ue of 0 means 'any' (fallback to 'auto' mode). Page 81
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0


If the DR5000 fails to find any service/PID that match the user selection in the incoming stream, a
configuration error alarm will be raised.


Whatever the selection mode, it is not possible to output PIDs that are not part of the same service. PSI Order configuration

The DR5000 can re-order streams and services in two ways (see label 'B' of Figure 5.6, “Service Selection View”):

• Follow PSI Order. In this mode, the services will be in the same order than they are in the PAT, and the streams
(within each service) will be in the same order they are in the respective PMT.

• Ascending PID Order. In this mode, the services will be re-ordered by ascending program_number (as described
in the PAT and in the PMT). The stream (within each service) will be re-ordered in ascending PID order.

This configuration has two effects :

• It modify the displayed probed program list (see Section, “ Probed program list ”),

• It also modifies the automatic audio PID mapping (see Section, “ Audio PID selection ”).

5.3.2. Video Output

This panel is only used in "pid-locked" mode. Otherwise, the DR5000 automatically selects the video PID.

Table 5.12. Video Output Parameters

Possible values Description GUI location
Video PID to decode and output. It shall Label 'E' of Figure 5.6,
Pid a Pid
be the PID of a MPEG2/MPEG4 stream “Service Selection View”

To decode a radio service (a service with no video pid), select either 'Radio', or custom-pid '0' as the selected Video
Pid. In that case, selected program (for PCR and CA_Descriptors) will not be based on the Video Pid, but on the
first configured Audio pid.

5.3.3. Audio Output

There are sixteen output pairs on the DR5000: eight pairs can be embedded in the SDI signal, four discrete pairs can
be output through AES connectors (refer to Section 2.3.7, “ Audio Out Interfaces ”), and four pairs can be output
through analog audio extension board.

Audio output is very flexible on the DR5000. Basically, any audio input PID (more precisely, any channel of any
audio input PID) can be mapped to any output channel.

The complete mapping can be envisioned in two steps: Page 82
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

• Selecting the output mode of a given output. That step must always be performed, whatever the service selection

• Selecting the PID(s) associated to a given output. That step is automatic in 'auto' or 'auto-service' modes, and user-
specified in 'pid-locked' mode.

Table 5.13. Audio Output Parameters

Parameter Description GUI location
Auto, PCM,
Pass-Through, Selects the audio output mode, as described Label 'F' of Figure 5.6,
Output Mode
DolbyE Pass- in Section, “ Audio Output Modes ” “Service Selection View”
Pid (Auto,
Selects the PID that will be output of
Pass-through, Label 'G' of Figure 5.6,
a Pid the associated stereo pair. Only present
DolbyE Pass- “Service Selection View”
in 'pid-locked' service selection mode
First Chan- Selects the PID that will be output on the first
Label 'H' of Figure 5.6,
nel PID a Pid channel of the associated stereo pair. Only
“Service Selection View”
(PCM mode) present in 'pid-locked' service selection mode
Second Chan- Selects the PID that will be output on the sec-
Label 'I' of Figure 5.6,
nel PID a Pid ond channel of the associated stereo pair. On-
“Service Selection View”
(PCM mode) ly present in 'pid-locked' service selection mode
First Channel Selects the channel of a given PID that will be out-
a channel Label 'J' of Figure 5.6,
PID channel put on the first channel of the associated stereo pair.
index (1-6) “Service Selection View”
(PCM mode) Only present in 'pid-locked' service selection mode
Selects the channel of a given PID that will be output
Channel a channel Label 'K' of Figure 5.6,
on the second channel of the associated stereo pair.
PID channel index (1-6) “Service Selection View”
Only present in 'pid-locked' service selection mode
(PCM mode)
Selects the AES pair that will be extract-
A pair in- ed from the S302M input PID (a S302M pid Label 'L' of Figure 5.6,
AES pair
dex (1-4) can hold up to 4 AES pairs). Not taken in- “Service Selection View”
to account if the input PID is not S302M
Enabled, Override the default line location of Label 'M' of Figure 5.6,
User line
Disabled the DolbyE data inside the SDI frame “Service Selection View”
When User line is enabled, specifies
Label 'N' of Figure 5.6,
Line Number A line number the location (first line inside the out-
“Service Selection View”
put SDI frame) of the DolbyE data.
Delay the audio output. Positive values
Label 'P' of Figure 5.6,
Audio delay [ms] will postpone the audio in the future, while
“Service Selection View”
negative value will advance the output.
Analog out- Specifies the analog output level. Please refer to Label 'Q' of Figure 5.6,
Output Level
put level Section, “ Analog audio output level ” “Service Selection View” Page 83
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0


Using negative audio delays will increase latency.


To display "Advanced settings" panel, click on button labeled 'O' of Figure 5.6, “Service Selection
View”. Audio Output Modes

There are five possible operating modes for each of those sixteen outputs. Those modes are described in the sections


When selecting "Disabled" mode, no audio will be output on that pair.


Selecting a mode which is not compatible with a given PID will raise a configuration alarm, and no
audio will be output on the associated pair. Auto mode

The DR5000 will automatically selects the appropriate processing and output of a given input PID, depending on
its codec.

The possible combinations of audio codec/modes are described in the following table:

Table 5.14. Audio Mode Compliance

codec auto behavior pass-through pcm/monitor

mpeg audio pcm N/A X
PCM (PID-Locked) or Pass-
Through (Auto and Auto Service)
PCM (PID-Locked) or Pass-
Through (Auto and Auto Service)
S302M Dolby-E Pass-Through X N/A
Dolby-E Pass-Through X N/A
(over S302M) Page 84
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0
2017-02-13 Monitor mode

The DR5000 will try to decode, whenever possible, the selected PID, and will output a stereo version of the decoded
signal on the output pair. PCM mode

The user can choose which pair of PIDs will be used to form the output stereo pair (in that mode, different PIDs can
be selected for left and right channels). This mode can typically be used to output a 5.1 PID over 3 stereo pairs, or
to output two dual-mono streams into a stereo pair. Pass-Through mode

The DR5000 will carry the selected PID 'as-is' to the stereo output pair. Depending on the input codec, the DR5000
will build the output AES layer (AC3/AC3+ use-case) or use the one provided by the stream itself (S302M). When
receiving a S302M stream, the DR5000 will not perform any processing on the AES stream contained in the S302M
pid. Please refer to Section, “ DolbyE Pass-Through mode ” for advanced processing.


A S302M stream can contain up to 4 AES pairs. The DR5000 configuration allows to select which pair
to extract from the incoming S302M PID. DolbyE Pass-Through mode

This mode can be seen as a specialized "Pass-Through" mode, intended to ease operations when transmitting DolbyE
streams. That mode will only accept S302M streams as input, and will try to make the audio output as compliant as
possible for equipments in the video chain that follow the DR5000:

• The AES layer will be re-written to contain an accurate information. More precisely, the AES "Channel Status"
will be correctly formatted.

• The DolbyE data will be moved so that the bitstream starts within the Dolby line recommandations, depending
on the output format. This is intended to correct misaligned DolbyE frames, by constantly tracking and correcting
every incoming DolbyE frame. The default line (reported in Table 5.15, “DolbyE start line recommandations”) can
be overriden to place the DolbyE data to any location in the SDI frame.

Table 5.15. DolbyE start line recommandations

Video Format Total number of lines
Dolby position
625/50/i 625 12
525/59.94/i 525 14
1920x1080/60/i 1125 24
1920x1080/59.94/i 1125 24
1920x1080/50/i 1125 21
1920x1080/60/p 1125 47 Page 85
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

1920x1080/59.94/p 1125 47
1920x1080/50/p 1125 42
1920x1080/30/p 1125 24
1920x1080/29.97/p 1125 24
1920x1080/25/p 1125 21
1920x1080/24/p 1125 27
1920x1080/23.98/p 1125 27
1280x720/60/p 750 32
1280x720/59.94/p 750 32
1280x720/50/p 750 28
1280x720/30/p 750 16
1280x720/29.97/p 750 16
1280x720/25/p 750 14
1280x720/24/p 750 18
1280x720/23.98/p 750 18


That mode of operation is only intended for S302M streams that contain DolbyE data. All other input
types will fallback to Pass-Through. Because this is the desired behavior when automatically composing
a non-Dolby-E S302M stream, no alarm will be raised. Analog audio output level

When available, analog audio output level can take four values

Table 5.16. Analog Audio Output Levels Description

Output Level Description
24 dBu @ 0 dBFS USA standard, Dolby recommandations
22 dBu @ 0 dBFS France and Japan standards
18 dBu @ 0 dBFS EBU R68, most European countries
-10 dbV @ -20 dbFS Domestic recording, consumer line level. Audio delay

Each audio output can be delayed or advanced:

• Use negative values to advance the audio. It should be used when, in the source TS, the audio is late on the video.

• Use positive values to delay the audio. it should be used when, in the source TS, the audio is ahead of the video. Page 86
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0


Delays are specified for an output pair.


Using negatives values will actually delay the video, which will increase overall latency. Audio PID selection

Auto or Auto-Service modes

When not in 'pid-locked' mode (refer to Section 5.3.1, “ Service Editor ”), the DR5000 is responsible for selecting
the audio PIDs that will be output. In such case, the DR5000 will map the incoming PIDs according to their orders
(depending on PSI order configuration. See Section, “ PSI Order configuration ”) on the audio outputs: the
first PID will be mapped on Group1/Pair1, the second PID on Group1/Pair2, and so on. The following rules apply:

• If a given audio output is disabled, the corresponding PID will not be mapped.

• If the audio output mode is not compatible with the PID codec (for instance, 'pass-through' mode is configured for
Group1/Pair1, but the first PID is AAC, which can't be output in pass-through), then the corresponding PID will
not be mapped: silence will be output and an alarm is raised.

• If the audio output mode is set to "auto", then the DR5000 will automatically select the appropriate output mode
('pass-through' or 'pcm'). If a PID can be output both as pass-through and PCM, pass-through will always be pre-


PID mapping is independant on Embedded AES, External AES or Analog outputs.


Pass-through PIDs are discarded in the analog output list.

Example 1

Let's consider a service containing four audio PIDs: PID 120 (AC3), PID 121 (S302M), PID 122 (AAC), PID 123

Table 5.17. Audio PID selection example 1

Output Selected PID Output Mode
Output mode
Group 1/Pair 1 auto 120 (AC3) pass-through
Group 1/Pair 2 auto 121 (S302M) Dolby-E Pass-Through Page 87
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Group 2/Pair 1 auto 122 (AAC) pcm

Group 2/Pair 2 auto 123 (AAC) pcm
Group 3/Pair 1 auto none disabled
Group 3/Pair 2 auto none disabled
Group 4/Pair 1 auto none disabled
Group 4/Pair 2 auto none disabled
AES1 auto 120 (AC3) pass-through
AES2 auto 121 (S302M) Dolby-E Pass-Through
AES3 auto 122 (AAC) pcm
AES4 auto 123 (AAC) pcm

Example 2

Let's consider a service containing four audio PIDs: PID 120 (AC3), PID 121 (S302M), PID 122 (AAC), PID 123

Table 5.18. Audio PID selection example 2

Output Selected PID Output Mode Comment
Output mode
Group 1/Pair 1 PCM 120 (AC3) pcm
Group 1/Pair 2 auto 121 (S302M) Dolby-E Pass-Through
AAC incom-
Group 2/Pair 1 pass-through 122 (AAC) disabled patible with
Group 2/Pair 2 auto 123 (AAC) pcm
Group 3/Pair 1 auto none disabled
Group 3/Pair 2 auto none disabled
Group 4/Pair 1 auto none disabled
Group 4/Pair 2 auto none disabled
AES1 auto 120 (AC3) pass-through
AES2 auto 121 (S302M) Dolby-E Pass-Through
AES3 auto 122 (AAC) pcm
AES4 auto 123 (AAC) pcm

Example 3

Let's consider a service containing four audio PIDs: PID 120 (AC3), PID 121 (S302M), PID 122 (AAC), PID 123

Table 5.19. Audio PID selection example 3

Output Selected PID Output Mode Comment
Output mode Page 88
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

PID 120 will

Group 1/Pair 1 disabled N/A disabled
be skipped
Group 1/Pair 2 auto 121 (S302M) Dolby-E Pass-Through
PID 122 will
Group 2/Pair 1 disabled N/A disabled
be skipped
Group 2/Pair 2 auto 123 (AAC) pcm
Group 3/Pair 1 auto none disabled
Group 3/Pair 2 auto none disabled
Group 4/Pair 1 auto none disabled
Group 4/Pair 2 auto none disabled
PID 120 will
AES1 disabled N/A disabled
be skipped
AES2 auto 121 (S302M) Dolby-E Pass-Through
AES3 auto 122 (AAC) pcm
AES4 auto 123 (AAC) pcm

Pid-locked mode

In Pid-Locked mode, the user is responsible for selecting the exact audio mapping. Page 89
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

5.4. Biss/CA
The DR5000 can descramble the incoming stream using either BISS or using a DVB-CI compatible Conditional
Access Module module plugged into one of the available slots. Those modes of operation are exclusive: CAM and
BISS can not be configured simultaneously.

Figure 5.7. Descrambling Parameters view

The list of services that are to be descrambled is independant from the descrambling itself (BISS or CAM), and can
be built in various ways:

• No programs will be descrambled.

• All the programs will be descrambled. Selecting this mode can corrupt the forwarded stream if the input stream
contains multiple programs scrambled with different keys.

• Only the decoded program will be descrambled (the choice of the program being decoded is made in Section 5.3,
“ Service Selection ”). Page 90
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

• "User-Defined" mode allows to specify which programs to descramble, independantly from the program being
decoded. This is the preferred mode when using the DR5000 to forward one or more descrambled program to a
downstream equipment, either through ASI (Section 5.7.1, “ ASI Output ”) or IP (Section 5.7.2, “ IP Output ”).


The descrambling is only made on packets that are marked as scrambled in their TS header

Table 5.20. BISS/CA Parameters Description

Parameter Description GUI location
Descram- None, label 'A' of Figure 5.7, “De-
Descrambling mode of operation.
bling Mode Biss, CAM scrambling Parameters view”
Service All, Decoded, Defines how the descram- label 'B' of Figure 5.7, “De-
selection User-Defined bled services list will be built. scrambling Parameters view”
When in User-Defined service se-
lection mode, this list allows to
label 'C' of Figure 5.7, “De-
Service list N/A specify all the programs that are to
scrambling Parameters view”
be descrambled. Additionally, the
CAM slot to use can be specified.

5.4.1. BISS parameters

BISS descrambling has two modes of operation:

• BISS 1: In such case, a Session Word (SW) of 12 hexadecimal digits is entered to descramble the stream. That SW
is meant to be private and shall never be shared as it is self-sufficient to perform descrambling.

• BISS E: In such case, an Encrypted Session Word (ESW) of 16 hexadecimal digits is entered to descramble the
stream. That encrypted session word may be public, as it has to be decrypted thanks to the unit Injected ID (refer
to Figure 4.13, “System Descrambling Parameters view”) to be usable as a SW.


The DR5000 can hold two injected IDs. The selection of which injected ID to use is made through the
BISS-E operating mode, which is split in Biss E1 (which uses Injected ID #1) and Biss E2 (which uses
Injected ID #2) to perform descrambling.

Table 5.21. BISS parameters

Parameter Possible values Description GUI location

Biss-1, Biss- Biss Mode, as described in Sec- Label 'D' of Figure 5.7, “De-
Biss Mode
E #1, Biss-E #2 tion 5.4.1, “ BISS parameters ” scrambling Parameters view”
12 (Biss 1) or 16 (Biss- SW or ESW key to be Label 'E' of Figure 5.7, “De-
E1/2) hexa digits used for descrambling scrambling Parameters view” Page 91
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

5.4.2. CA parameters
The CAM slot selection follows the following rules:

• In "Decoded" or "All" service selection modes, only the top CAM slot will be used for descrambling operations.
The bottom slot will not descramble the stream in those operating modes.

• In "User-Defined" service selection mode, one of the two slots holding CA modules can be specified for the de-
scrambling of a given program. Up to 8 programs can be selected. That selection is made on the GUI using the
dropdown depicted in label 'C' of Figure 5.7, “Descrambling Parameters view”. An icon will appear on the GUI
when one selects a CAM slot which does not currently hold a CA module.


The number of programs that the DR5000 will descramble will depend on the module capabilities. One
should not try to descramble more programs than what is officially supported by the module vendor,
otherwise unexpected behavior can occur.


Parameters "Force3V3" and "Service limiting" have no effect in version of the DR5000. Page 92
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

5.5. Data Output

Once the input has been configured, the DR5000 should be receiving transport stream (this can be checked by looking
at Section, “ Input status ” and Section, “ Probed programs ”, to figure out if the DR5000 succeeded
to lock to the input stream)

This panel lets you choose which data (under the form of ANC/VBI) will be processed and output by the DR5000.
Some data may also be "burnt" onto the video itself, for monitoring purposes. Page 93
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Figure 5.8. Data Output View Page 94
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0


DR5000 version will not insert any ANC/VBI data on a downscaled version of an HD input
signal. VBI/ANC data will be inserted in a SD-SDI signal when the input signal is a SD stream, except
if HD resize is activated.

5.5.1. Ancillary Data

Ancillary data are inserted either in the Horizontal or Vertical ancillary space. All the configurable ANC data in the
DR5000 follow the same philosophy:

• ANC data insertion can be enabled/disabled (label 'A' of Figure 5.8, “Data Output View”)

• ANC data source can be configured, either explicitely (from a PID) or implicitely (by specifying the data type);
label 'B' of Figure 5.8, “Data Output View”

• ANC data line location can either be automatic, or user-defined, through labels 'C' and 'D' of Figure 5.8, “Data
Output View”. Default line location are shown in Table 5.22, “Vertical Ancillary data default location”.


Audio Control Packet is always inserted in HD video formats. It is not inserted for SD video formats.


S352M packets are always inserted.

Table 5.22. Vertical Ancillary data default location

ANC Type Default Line (offset from the switch line)
SMPTE 12 +2 (SD), N/A (HD)
SMPTE 2010 +2
SMPTE 2016 +1
SMPTE 2031 +2
SMPTE 334-1 +2
SMPTE 334-2 +2
SMPTE 2038 N/A

Table 5.23. Switch lines

Video Format SMPTE RP168 Switch lines
625/50/i 6,319
525/59.94/i 10,273
1920x1080/X/i 7,569
1920x1080/X/p 7
1280x720/X/p 7 Page 95
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0


In case of line location conflicts in the ANC space, user-defined locations are always satisfied first,
while the DR5000 will try to place the other ANC data in the remaining ANC space. The appropriate
alarm will be raised if the conflict can not be automatically solved. SMPTE 12
SMPTE 12 defines the transmission of time code in the Horizontal Ancillary Data Space (for HD) or Vertical Ancillary
Data Space (for SD). The DR5000 supports insertion of Vertical Intervale Time Code in the ancillary space.

VITC source is always a video PID, the time code being extracted from the "user data" of the video elementary stream.
When missing, the time code will be interpolated from its last value in the incoming stream. SMPTE 2010

SMPTE 2010 defines the carriage of ANSI/SCTE 104 messages in the Vertical Ancillary Data space, both is SD or
HD video formats. Those ANSI/SCTE 104 messages, in the DR5000, come from SCTE 35 messages that are carried
through a dedicated PID.


Only the "splice_insert" and "splice_null" command are supported in SCTE 35 to SCTE 104 translation. SMPTE 2016

SMPTE 2016 allows to carry Active Format Description (AFD), Bar Data and Pan-Scan information into the SDI
frame, so that an equipment receiving that SDI frame can extract the Region Of Interest inside that frame that carry
the active video, that may not match with the entire frame because of 4:3 to 16:9 conversions.


Pan-Scan information is not supported in version of the DR5000.

SMPTE 2016 source can be:

• A video PID: the message payload will be extracted from the video elementary stream, as a combination of the
signalled aspect ratio and of the "afd_data" structure carried in the elementary stream user data (as defined in ETSI
EN 101 154). This is the preferred way of carrying AFD/Bar Data information.

• A VBI PID: the message payload will be extracted from the "wss" data field of the VBI PID (as defined in ETSI
EN 301 775). SMPTE 2038

SMPTE 2038 defines the carriage of arbitrary Ancillary Data Packets in an MPEG-2 Transport Stream. In the scope of
the DR5000, SMPTE 2038 refers to the insertion of SMPTE 2038 messages directly into the SDI frame. As SMPTE Page 96
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

2038 messages precisely define on which line to place the ANC packet payload, there is no "default" or "user-defined"
line in SMPTE 2038 decoder configuration.


SMPTE 2038 may contain ANC messages which location conflicts with other ANC data insertion.
Those conflicts will be reported through the appropriate alarm.


The DR5000 will only place SMPTE 2038 data into the VANC area. SMPTE 334-1

SMPTE 334-1 defines the mapping of caption data into the VANC space.

In the scope of the DR5000, SMPTE 334-1 will be used to carry CEA-608 data (thanks to SMPTE 334-1, Annex A
format), that may come either from:

• A video PID: The message payload will be extracted from the "user data" of the video elementary stream. This is
the preferred way of carrying closed captioning data.

• A VBI PID: The message payload will be extracted from the "closed_captioning" data field of the VBI PID (as
defined in ETSI EN 301 775).


CEA-708 data messages can be carried thanks to SMPTE 334-2, refer to Section, “ SMPTE
334-2 ”. SMPTE 334-2

SMPTE 334-2 is an extension of SMPTE 334-1, which allows to carry CEA-608 and/or CEA-708 data using Caption
Distribution Packet (CDP) payload, that may come either from:

• A video PID: The message payload will be extracted from the "user data" of the video elementary stream. This is
the preferred way of carrying closed captioning data.

• A VBI PID: The message payload will be extracted from the "closed_captioning" data field of the VBI PID (as
defined in ETSI EN 301 775). SMPTE 2031

SMPTE 2031 defines the carriage of DVB/SCTE VBI Data in the VANC space. It was originally designed to carry
VBI data in HD, where VBI data do not exist "as-is". SMPTE 2031 can be seen as way of carrying, in the ancillary
space, data that would have been modulated in the VBI space in SD format. Page 97
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

SMPTE 2031 can carry many "data fields" that are formed of the fields that are modulated in the VBI space. The
appropriate source can be selected for each of these data fields, although the preferred source is a VBI PID (as defined
in ETSI EN 301 775).

• Teletext: the source can be a VBI PID (ETSI EN 301 775) or a teletext PID (ETSI EN 300 472)

• ClosedCaption: the source can be a VBI PID (ETSI EN 301 775) or a video pid (through user data of the video
elementary stream)

• Wss: the source can be a VBI PID (ETSI EN 301 775) or a video pid (through afd_data, carried in the user data
of the video elementary stream)

• Vps: the only possible source is a VBI PID (ETSI EN 301 775)

• VITC: the only possible source is a video pid (through user data of the video elementary stream). When missing,
the time code will be interpolated from its last value in the incoming stream.

• AMOL48: the only possible source is a VBI PID (ETSI EN 301 775)

• AMOL96: the only possible source is a VBI PID (ETSI EN 301 775)


SMPTE 2031 will be enabled as soon as one of its data fields is enabled.

5.5.2. VBI Data

VBI is only present in SD. Selected data will be modulated in the VBI space. Selectable data, by construction, are
the same as in SMPTE 2031.

• Teletext: the source can be a VBI PID (ETSI EN 301 775) or a teletext PID (ETSI EN 300 472)

• ClosedCaption: the source can be a VBI PID (ETSI EN 301 775) or a video pid (through user data of the video
elementary stream)

• Wss: the source can be a VBI PID (ETSI EN 301 775) or a video pid (through afd_data, carried in the user data
of the video elementary stream)

• Vps: the only possible source is a VBI PID (ETSI EN 301 775)

• VITC: the only possible source is a video pid (through user data of the video elementary stream). When missing,
the time code will be interpolated from its last value in the incoming stream.

• AMOL48: the only possible source is a VBI PID (ETSI EN 301 775)

• AMOL96: the only possible source is a VBI PID (ETSI EN 301 775)

• Video Index (RP186): legacy way to carry Aspect Ratio and AFD BarData. The source can be a VBI PID (ETSI
EN 301 775) or a video pid (through afd_data, carried in the user data of the video elementary stream) Page 98
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

5.5.3. Overlay
DR5000 can be used to monitor some datas. In addition of embedding datas in the ANC/VBI space of the SDI signal,
it can also burn subtitles, closed captioning or teletext directly in the active portion of the video.


This feature is meant for monitoring purposes. It should always be disabled when using the DR5000
to feed other equipments downstream.

Table 5.24. Overlay settings

Parameter Possible values Description GUI location
Disabled, DVB-Subtitle, Label 'E' of Figure 5.8,
Mode Selects the type of overlay
Teletext, Closed Caption “Data Output View”
Auto, VBI PID, Label 'F' of Figure 5.8,
Source Selects the overlay source
Video PID, User PID “Data Output View”
When in Teletext mode, se- Label 'G' of Figure 5.8,
Teletext page A page number
lects the page to be displayed “Data Output View”
DVB Subti- Selects the DVB-Sub Label 'H' of Figure 5.8,
A service number
tle Service service to be displayed “Data Output View”
Selects the CC service Label 'I' of Figure 5.8,
CC service A service number
(1-4) to be displayed “Data Output View”


Version can only be used to burn CC608. CC708 overlay is not supported. Page 99
DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

5.6. SDI Output

Once the input is has been configured, and once the service to be decoded have been selected (refer to Section 5.3, “
Service Selection ”), the DR5000 should now output a valid SDI stream on output. This can be checked by looking
at the active service overview (refer to Section, “ Active service overview ”)

This panel lets you adjust the SDI output parameters.

Figure 5.9. Output parameters view

5.6.1. SDI Connector Mapping

SDI connectors are organized in two groups:

• SDI #1 and #2 are mirror and always share the same output

• SDI #3 can be independently mapped. Page 100

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

A SDI connector has three operating modes:

• In Auto-SDI, the output SDI format follows the video source. This is the most common use-case.

• In SD-SDI, the output SDI format will always be SD-SDI, even if the input source is HD. Selection between 625i
(PAL) and 525i (NTSC) is made according to the source framerate.

• In HD-SDI, the output SDI format will always be HD-SDI. If the source is HD (720p, 1080i or 1080p), the output
SDI will be in native video format. However, if the source is SD, selection between 1080i25 and 1080i29.97 is
made according to the source framerate.

Table 5.25. SDI Mapping Parameters Description

Parameter Description GUI location
Selects the output standard
Connector Auto Label 'A' of Figure 5.9,
on SDI connectors 1 and 2
#1/2 mapping SDI,SD-SDI “Output parameters view”
(which are mirror connectors)
Connector Auto Selects the output stan- Label 'B' of Figure 5.9,
#3 mapping SDI,SD-SDI dard on SDI connector 3 “Output parameters view”

5.6.2. SDI Settings SDI General Settings

Table 5.26. SDI General Settings Description

Para- Possible
Description GUI location
meter values
Controls the output pixel range. When set to 'off', out-
put pixels will be clipped to SMPTE standards range, i.e. Label 'C' of Fig-
Full Pixel
On, Off [16-235] for luma and [16-240] for chroma (when ex- ure 5.9, “Output
pressed in 8 bits samples). When set to 'on', output pix- parameters view”
els will only be clipped to the SDI limits (i.e. [1-254])
Controls the video output format. When set to 'on', pro-
Enable Label 'D' of Fig-
gressive-signaled video will be output as PsF (1080p25 as
PsF On, Off ure 5.9, “Output
1080psf25, 1080p29.97 as 1080psf29.97 and 1080p30 as
output parameters view”
1080psf30). Interlaced formats will not be converted to PsF Synchronization Settings

The DR5000 can be synchronized with an external clock reference. Once properly locked, both the "Auto-SDI", "SD-
SDI" and "HD-SDI" outputs will be locked to the external reference. The external reference can be:

• A bi/tri-level signal, commonly called "genlock", entered through the "SYNC IN" connector.

• A "VPSC" signal, coming from another DR5000, entered through the "ASI IN 2" connector. VPSC is typically
used for synchronizing IRDs without requiring additional genlock signal, for instance when using 4x DR5000 to
perform UHD decoding. Page 101

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Table 5.27. Synchronization Settings Description

Para- Possible
Description GUI location
meter values
Controls the synchronization source of the DR5000. When set
to 'Follow TS Input', the DR5000 will lock its output clock to
Follow TS the incoming stream (PCRs). When set to 'Genlock', the syn- Label 'E' of Fig-
Input, Gen- chronization signal entered on the SYNC IN connector will ure 5.9, “Output
lock, VPSC be used as a source for the DR5000 output clock. When set to parameters view”
tion type
'VPSC', the synchronization signal entered on the ASI IN 2 con-
nector will be used as a source for the DR5000 output clock
Defines the amount of lines by which the SDI Top
Gen- Label 'F' of Fig-
signed in- Of Frame will be shifted when compared to the in-
lock lines ure 5.9, “Output
teger value put synchronization signal Top Of Frame. This off-
Offset parameters view”
set is expressed in lines of the current output format
Defines the amount of pixels by which the SDI Top
Genlock Label 'G' of Fig-
signed in- Of Frame will be shifted when compared to the in-
pixels ure 5.9, “Output
teger value put synchronization signal Top Of Frame. This off-
Offset parameters view”
set is expressed in pixels of the current output format


When using genlock signal, always ensure that a proper synchronization signal is entered in the DR5000.
Providing an invalid genlock signal might result in invalid SDI output, or to picture loss/duplication.
An alarm is raised in such a situation (refer to Table 4.17, “Genlock alarms”).


Version of the DR5000 requires that the synchronization signal and the video output format
frame rates are multiple of each other to ensure phase locking. An alarm is raised if that condition is
not satisfied (refer to Table 4.17, “Genlock alarms”).


An alarm is raised if the synchronization signal and the video output format are different (refer to Ta-
ble 4.17, “Genlock alarms”). Resize Settings

Resize types can be specified to control how the source signal will be processed to make the resized version of the
decoded video.

Table 5.28. Resize Settings Description

Parameter Description GUI location
values Page 102

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Label 'H' of Fig-

Fits full input picture to full out-
Anamorphic ure 5.9, “Output
put picture. Aspect ratio is altered.
parameters view”
Fits full input picture into partial out-
scale type Letterbox
put height. Aspect ratio is preserved.
Fits partial input width into full out-
Center cut-out
put picture. Aspect ratio is preserved.
Label 'I' of Fig-
Fits full input picture to full out-
Anamorphic ure 5.9, “Output
put picture. Aspect ratio is altered.
parameters view”
Upscale type Fits full input picture into partial out-
put width. Aspect ratio is preserved.
Fits partial input height into full out-
Center cut-out
put picture. Aspect ratio is preserved. Emulation Settings

Emulation pattern will be used as soon as the DR5000 fails to output a decoded picture. This is typically the case
when the input signal is missing, or when a significant amount of errors prevent the video decoding process from
decoding a valid picture.

Emulation consists of repeating the last valid picture (for a user-configurable amount of time), displaying a solid-color
picture, or disabling the SDI output.

Table 5.29. Emulation Settings Description

Parameter Description GUI location
Label 'J' of Fig-
Default Emu- Defines the video format that
A video format ure 5.9, “Output
lation Format will be output on DR5000 boot.
parameters view”.
Defines the amount of time during which the last
Label 'L' of Fig-
Freeze valid picture will be repeated before switching to the
A duration ure 5.9, “Output
duration solid-color emulation pattern, or disabling the SDI
parameters view”.
output (depending on the selected emulation pattern)
A color or Label 'M' of Fig-
Emula- Defines the behavior after the 'Freeze duration' has
'Disabled ure 5.9, “Output
tion pattern elapsed: display a solid-color or disable SDI output
output' parameters view”.


It is highly recommended to set the "Freeze duration" parameter to a non-zero value, otherwise the
solid-color pattern will we displayed as soon as a the DR5000 fails to decode a picture, which is very
likely to happen in error prone environment. Page 103

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0


The "Default emulation format" parameters is only used at boot time. It will be overriden by the decoded
stream video format as soon as a program is decoded. Confidence Monitor

"Confidence Monitor" is the front panel monitor. It can be disabled on a configuration basis, through checkbox "N"
of Figure 5.9, “Output parameters view”. Page 104

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

5.7. Stream Forwarding

The DR5000 can perform stream forwarding on its ASI or IP interfaces. It is not only stream mirroring (as it is done
on the RF loopback, for instance) as descrambling and remuxing may be performed on the stream before being output.

Figure 5.10. Stream Forwarding View

5.7.1. ASI Output

ASI forwarding is performed through two (mirrored) ASI output connectors (refer Section 2.3.2, “ ASI IO Interfaces
”). Page 105

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Table 5.30. Asi Output Parameter Description

Parameter Description GUI location
Raw input
stream, De- Controls either the forwarded ASI stream will Label 'A' of Fig-
ASI Out-
scrambled be a perfect copy of the input stream, a de- ure 5.10, “Stream
put Source
stream, Re- scrambled copy of it, or a remuxed version of it Forwarding View”
muxed stream
Controls what will be output on ASI 2 output con-
nector. When enabled, VPSC signal will be output. Label 'B' of Fig-
ASI 2 VPSC Enabled,
This signal is meant to synchronize other IRD with ure 5.10, “Stream
Output Disabled
the clock of that IRD. When disabled, ASI 2 con- Forwarding View”
nector will be a mirror of ASI 1 output connector


Descrambling is performed according to the user configuration defined in Section 5.4, “ Biss/CA ”, and
may or may not descramble all the PIDs depending on it.


Remux configuration is performed for both ASI and IP output streams. Please refer to Section 5.7.3, “
Remux Output ” for configuring it


VPSC output will only be present when the appropriate license is installed on your system. Please
contact the ATEME support team for more information on that topic. When VPSC license is missing,
ASI2 output connector will be a mirror of ASI1 output connector.

5.7.2. IP Output
Up to 3 IP outputs can be configured in the DR5000. Those outputs use the Ethernet 'Stream' connectors described
in Section 2.3.5, “ Ethernet IO Interfaces ”. It is possible to output the raw, descrambled or remuxed version version
of the input stream, but this parameter is common to all the IP outputs.

Table 5.31. IP Output Parameters Description

Para- Possible
Description GUI location
meter values
Raw input
Controls either the forwarded stream will be
stream, De-
a perfect copy of the input stream, a descram- Label 'C' of Figure 5.10,
Source scrambled
bled copy of it, or a remuxed version of it. “Stream Forwarding View”
stream, Re-
This parameter pertains to all the IP outputs
muxed stream Page 106

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

IP Output Label 'D' of Figure 5.10,

On, Off Enable or disable a given IP output
Enable “Stream Forwarding View”
Stream 1, Controls the output interface. A warning icon Label 'E' of Figure 5.10,
Stream 2 will appear if a disabled interface is used “Stream Forwarding View”
Controls the source IP address that will be in-
Labels 'F' and 'G' of
Src Ad- Auto, dicated in the ethernet packet header. When
Figure 5.10, “Stream
dress Not Auto set to 'auto', the interface address will be used.
Forwarding View”
Otherwise, the provided user address is used
Dst Ad- Label 'H' of Figure 5.10,
IP Address This can be either a Multicast or a Unicast address
dress “Stream Forwarding View”
Label 'I' of Figure 5.10,
Dst Port Port Number Streaming Port
“Stream Forwarding View”
Defines if RTP headers will Label 'J' of Figure 5.10,
be added to the output stream “Stream Forwarding View”
Defines the number of TS packets that will be car-
TS Label 'K' of Figure 5.10,
1-256 ried by one ethernet frame. 7 is a very common
Packets “Stream Forwarding View”
value as it fits into the standard 1500 bytes MTU
Defines the network 'Time To Live' of mul-
ticast datagrams, to allow packet forwarding Label 'L' of Figure 5.10,
TTL 0-255
through all the network equipments. This field “Stream Forwarding View”
has no effect when streaming to a unicast address
When enabled, the ToS field (also known
Label 'M' of Figure 5.10,
ToS 0-255 as DS field and ECN from RFC 2474)
“Stream Forwarding View”
of the IPv4 header can be specified
Defines if the SSRC written in the RTP header is Labels 'N' and 'O' of
SSRC automatic or user-defined. This field is typically Figure 5.10, “Stream
Not Auto
used to determine the source of the RTP packets Forwarding View”
When Enabled, additional SMPTE 2022 FEC streams
Enabled, Label 'P' of Figure 5.10,
FEC will be output (on Dst Port + 2, Dst Port + 4) to
Disabled “Stream Forwarding View”
allow error correction on error-prone networks
Defines the FEC Matrix length Label 'Q' of Figure 5.10,
Columns 1-20
(parameter 'L' in SMPTE 2022) “Stream Forwarding View”
Defines the FEC Matrix depth Label 'R' of Figure 5.10,
Rows 4-20
(parameter 'D' in SMPTE 2022) “Stream Forwarding View”
Controls how the FEC packets are applied to me-
Label 'S' of Figure 5.10,
Step 0-19 dia packets (i.e. the matrix shape). Setting this
“Stream Forwarding View”
parameter to '0' will lead to a square FEC matrix

5.7.3. Remux Output

Stream remuxing allows to remove services payloads from the stream.


The DR5000 leaves the SI/PSI tables unmodified. Precisely, PMT of removed services are not included
in the stream, but are still referenced in the PAT. Page 107

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Remuxed stream can be based either on raw input stream, or on descrambled stream (as configured in Section 5.4,
“ Biss/CA ”).

Remuxing can be performed in two ways:

• PID Decimator: in this mode, TS packets with PIDs marked as 'to be removed' will be replaced by null TS packets.
This garanty the bitrate to be strictly unmodified.

• Temporal Remux: in this mode, a bitrate must be specified. For the remuxed stream to match the desired bitrate,
two actions are performed: null TS packets are added and/or removed, and PCR (of TS packets carrying them) will
be corrected to match their new position in the stream.


Even if the PCR is modified, it is based on the same clock, so PTS and DTS can be left unmodified and
still be referenced by any user-defined process.

There is three possibilities to select the remuxed services:

• In 'Follow decoded' mode, only the decoded program will be left in the remuxed stream. All other programs will
be removed.

• In 'User-defined Include List' mode, a service list must be filled: each service in this list will be present in the
remuxed stream, but all services out of this list will be removed: the services are 'included' in the remuxed stream.

• In 'User-defined Exclude List' mode, a service list must be filled: each service in this list will be removed from the
remuxed stream, and all service out of this list will be included: the services are 'excluded' from the remuxed stream.

Table 5.32. Remux Output Parameter Description

Parameter Description GUI location
Enabled, Controls if the remuxed stream is based Label 'T' of Figure 5.10,
Disabled on the raw or descrambled stream “Stream Forwarding View”
When enabled, the remuxed stream will match
Bitrate Enabled, Label 'U' of Figure 5.10,
the entered bitrate. When disabled, the out-
adaptation Disabled “Stream Forwarding View”
put bitrate is the same as the input bitrate
Controls the remuxed bitrate, Label 'V' of Figure 5.10,
Bitrate A bitrate
when bitrate adaptation is enabled “Stream Forwarding View”
Follow Decod-
ed, User-De-
Service Defines how the remuxed label 'W' of Figure 5.10,
fined include,
selection services list will be built. “Stream Forwarding View”
fined exclude
When in User-Defined service selection mode,
Label 'X' of Figure 5.10,
Service list N/A this list allows to specify all the programs
“Stream Forwarding View”
that are to be included/excluded from remux. Page 108

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

5.8. MPE
MPE stands for MultiProtocol Encapsulation, which is defined by ETSI 301192. The DR5000 can be used to output
IP traffic, encapsulated in the incoming Transport Stream (whatever the underlying physical transport layer).


MPE data consists of IP datagrams (including source and destination IP). The DR5000 is only respon-
sible for Layer2 (Ethernet) formatting.


Version does only implements a sub-set of the standard. IP/MAC Notification Table are not


Management interface can not be used to output MPE IP traffic.

Figure 5.11. MPE Settings View

Table 5.33. MPE Settings Description

Possible values Description GUI location
Enabled, When enabled, the DR5000 will output IP pack- Label 'A' of Figure 5.11,
Disabled ets embedded in a ETSI 301192 compliant PID. “MPE Settings View”
A PID containing IP datagrams. IP data Label 'B' of Figure 5.11,
PID a pid
shall be embedded following ETSI 301192. “MPE Settings View”
Stream 1, Ethernet interface that will be used Label 'C' of Figure 5.11,
Stream 2 to output MPE-based datagrams “MPE Settings View” Page 109

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

6. Specific Operations
6.1. Installing License
In the web GUI, go to the System tab and click License.

The upper section is used to update the license settings.

To do so, click the Update button. A pop-up should appear asking for a license file. Click on the Browse button to
point to it and click Ok to proceed with the update, or Cancel to abort.

After a few seconds, a pop-up should appear, asking you to wait while the update process is running. Wait until this
pop-up disappears.


License files are specific files provided by ATEME support. They should bear the extension ".lic" and
are bound to a specific unit Serial Number. If the file does not meet these requirements, it will be rejected.

The lower section is a summary of the licensed features with their status:

• 'Yes': A valid license file has been provided and the feature is available for use.

• 'No': The feature is disabled.

• 'Value': The feature is enabled and its limit is set to 'Value' Page 110

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

6.2. Recovery
If the web GUI becomes unreachable (and you are sure this is not a network problem) or the decoder keeps rebooting
by itself without allowing you to do anything, it may be due to a corrupted file or settings incompatibility between
2 versions preventing the system to boot normally.

To recover from such situation, the decoder has a maintenance menu, accessible early on boot by the front panel FP ,
and allowing cleaning some parts of the system.

Follow the steps below to access the maintenance menu:

Step 1
Turn on your decoder or restart it if it's already on.

Step 2
Watch for a Maintenance message displayed on FP4 after a few seconds.

Step 3
Quickly press the 'OK' button (FP6 see Section 4.2, “ Front Panel ”) to enter the Maintenance menu. Available options

• Continue: Exit the maintenance menu and continue booting normally.

• Reset Config: Erase all service configuration parameters. The "Reset Config" function is useful when a newly
installed version is unstable on boot because of an incompatibility with the previous settings. Only the service
configuration parameters will be lost. The firmware version and system parameters will stay the same.

This is the first thing to try.

• Restore System: Restores a previously saved system version. If the current system version gets corrupted for some
reason, restoring an older version can make the system usable again allowing you to take control of the web interface

• Restore Factory: Restores the system to its factory version. It will reset everything including: services configuration
settings, firmware version and system parameters.

• This menu also displays one IP address configured on the system and current system version. Page 111

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Appendix A. MIB User Guide

A.1. SNMP Overview
This section applies to the DR5000 version It is a guide for interfacing the DR5000 via a NMS, or through
simple SNMP commands. The MIB of the DR5000 can be used to control, configure, and monitor the unit. Everything
that can be done through the web GUI can also be done through SNMP.


All the examples provided in this section are using command-line applications snmpget and snmpset,
part of the Open Source Net-SNMP software package which is available for all major Operating Sys-
tems. Graphical MIB browser software can also be used alternatively. This guide is not intented to cover
the usage of these softwares that are only used to illustrate our MIB implementation. For more details
about these softwares, please refer to their respective documentations. In all examples here below the
keyword "host" represents the IP address of the DR5000 interface through which SNMP commands are
performed. To reproduce the example, one shall replace this keyword by the effective IP address of the
DR5000 to be controlled.


All the MIB variables are commented in the MIB itself.

Ethernet interface
All the ethernet interfaces of the DR5000 can be used to drive the unit through SNMP. Nevertheless, it is highly
recommended to use the "Management" interface as using Stream1/2 may interfere with the decoding process.

SNMP version V2.C is supported.

The DR5000 listens to incoming SNMP requests on the standard SNMP port 161 (not configurable). GET, GET-
NEXT, GET-BULK and SET requests are supported.

Traps can be sent to notify transitions between variable states, such as alarms. Traps can be sent simultaneously to up
to 4 targets, on a user-specified port (although standard SNMP port 162 is recommended). All enabled traps are sent
to all targets: enabled traps are configurable at the system level, not on a per-target basis. Traps are further detailed
in Section A.3.5, “ Configuring communities and traps ”. Page 112

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Request rate
The DR5000 will process up to 50 requests per second. Walking through the entire MIB may thus take dozens of

Community string provide a basic right access mechanism. Two community strings are defined: "public" is associated
to Read-Only variables, "private" is associated to Read-Write variables. Those strings can be overriden. Please refer
to Section, “ Setting Alarms And Traps ” and to Section A.3.5, “ Configuring communities and traps ” for
more information. Page 113

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

A.2. MIB Overview

Parameters application is equivalent to Front Panel : they are instantly applied, there is no need to send a validation
request. There is no possibility to prepare several parameters that should be applied at the same time.

Every node and leaf follow the same naming convention : it is the concatenation of its parent node name with the
current parameter name. For example, dr5000StatusInputBitrate leaf is located in dr5000StatusInput node, which is
itself located in the dr5000Status node. Thanks to this naming convention, equivalences between Front Panel para-
meters and SNMP nodes are easily found. Page 114

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

A.2.1. Main nodes

DR5000 MIB is organized in thirteen nodes which description is hereinafter given.

|-- dr5000Conformance (OID
|-- dr5000Unit (OID
|-- dr5000Channel (OID
|-- dr5000Command (OID
|-- dr5000Status (OID
| |-- dr5000StatusTsDescriptor (OID
| |-- dr5000StatusDecode (OID
| `-- dr5000StatusInput (OID
|-- dr5000Software (OID
|-- dr5000Hardware (OID
|-- dr5000Network (OID
|-- dr5000Biss (OID
|-- dr5000Time (OID
|-- dr5000Snmp (OID
|-- dr5000Preset (OID
`-- dr5000Licenses (OID

dr5000Conformance (OID

The DR5000 only exports full compliance group. Please refer to RFC 2580 for more information on that topic.

dr5000Unit (OID

This node contains information pertaining to the physical unit, such as unit Serial Number (RO), Name (RW) and
Model (RO).


The "model" node can be used to identify a unit in a decoder farm, by following the process described
in Section A.3.1, “ Identification process ”.

dr5000Channel (OID

This node is targeted at preset management, and is organized in two sub-nodes:

• dr5000ChannelCommand (OID allows to load/save a preset from one of the configuration
slot. This equivalent to the Web GUI tab "Service/Presets" described inSection, “ Service Panel ”. For more
information about its use, please refer to Section A.3.8, “ Saving and loading a preset ”.

• dr5000ChannelConfiguration (OID is used to modify the running configuration. For in-
stance, this is the appropriate node for setting the input type, the decoded PIDs or the audio mapping. Page 115

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

dr5000Command (OID

From here, one can take "action" on the system. An "action" is not stored in the configuration itself as it identifies a
transition from one state to another. An "action" can be rebooting the unit, resetting the input counters, etc.


Actions act as triggers, and as such do not require their nodes to be cleared: writing the same value
several times in a row will perform the action several times.

dr5000Status (OID

This node is used to retrieve information on the decoding itself (by opposition to system-wide information such as
network, time, etc.). It is organized in three sub nodes:

• dr5000StatusTsDescriptor (OID allows to retrieve TS level information that have been
probed, such as the number of programs, program names, stream types, pid, etc. This sub-node correspond to the
information listed in the "probed programs" panel in the GUI (Section, “ Probed programs ”). Please refer
to Section A.3.21, “ TS Descriptor ” for more information about this node.

• dr5000StatusDecode (OID reports advanced information about the program being current-
ly decoded, such as video format, audio codecs, samplerates, scrambling information, etc. This sub-node corre-
sponds to the information listed in the "active service overview" panel in the GUI (Section, “ Active service
overview ”). Please refer to Section A.3.20, “ Checking composition results ” for more information about this node.

• dr5000StatusInput (OID reports information on the input layer, such as DVB-S/S2 signal
characteristics (C/N, modulation, etc) or IP input counters. This sub-node corresponds to the information listed in
the "Input status" of the GUI (Section, “ Input status ”)

dr5000Software (OID

Contains information pertaining to the firmwares installed as "current", "backup" or "factory" on the unit.

dr5000Hardware (OID

Contains hardware related information, such as temperature, fan status, Power Supply status, or ethernet interfaces
connection status.

dr5000Network (OID

Allows to configure / retrieve information about ethernet connection and routes. Sub-node dr5000NetworkConnection
(OID is used to configure network connections (including VLANs), while sub-node
dr5000NetworkRoute (OID is used to manage routes (specify a gateway for a given interface,
for instance. This node is equivalent to Figure 4.10, “Network Panel” in the web GUI. Please refer to Section A.3.6,
“ Configuring network interfaces ” and Section A.3.7, “ Configuring routes ” for more information. Page 116

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

dr5000Biss (OID

Used to specify injected IDs. Please note that these fields are Write-Only, but belong to the Read-Write community.
The DR5000 can hold two injected IDs. This node is equivalent to Section, “ BISS/CA System Parameter
” in the web GUI.

dr5000Time (OID

Used to set or get the current date. Please refer to Section A.3.4, “ Setting time ” for more information.

dr5000Snmp (OID

Used to control community passwords, trap targets, and MIB variables associated to trap sending. Equivalent to Sec-
tion, “ Setting Alarms And Traps ” in the web GUI. Please refer to Section A.3.5, “ Configuring communities
and traps ” for more information.

dr5000Preset (OID

This node is related to preset management. It lists all the configuration slots stored in the unit, and can also be used to
edit the slot name. Please note that this node can neither be used to view nor edit configuration slot content, but only
its name. Viewing/editing the content can be performed through node dr5000Channel (OID,
as explained in Section A.3.8, “ Saving and loading a preset ”.

dr5000Licenses (OID

List all the possible licenses and their state (present or not) on the unit. Page 117

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

A.3. MIB Use Cases

A.3.1. Identification process

A DR5000 can be probed as the current system through the use of the node sysObjectID from RFC1213. This node
must points to another one, which describes the current model. For a DR5000, this last node is dr5000UnitModel
and has the value "DR5000".

When the model is identified, its name and serial number can be retrieved through the nodes dr5000UnitName and

The following example shows the identification process of a DR5000.

$ snmpget -v2c -c public host SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0

SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.27338.5.2.2

$ snmpget -v2c -c public host SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.27338.

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.27338. = STRING: "DR5000"

$ snmpget -v2c -c public host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000UnitName.0

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000UnitName.0 = STRING: Host

$ snmpget -v2c -c public host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000UnitSerialNumber.0

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000UnitSerialNumber.0 = STRING: 1250-00013

A.3.2. Configuration lock

The lock feature, described in Section, “ System Information ”, is accessible through the node


Writing a protected node when the system is locked does not raise any warning: the effect is just not
taken into account.

The following example locks and unlocks the system.

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000CommandSystemAction.0 i 2

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000CommandSystemAction.0 = INTEGER: lock(2)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000CommandSystemAction.0 i 3

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000CommandSystemAction.0 = INTEGER: unlock(3)

A.3.3. Rebooting the system

The system may have to be restarted, either on support request or for some specific operations to be applied. To
perform this, the value reboot(1) must be written into dr5000CommandSystemAction. Page 118

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

The following example performs a reboot.

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000CommandSystemAction.0 i 1

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000CommandSystemAction.0 = INTEGER: reboot(1)

A.3.4. Setting time

The time on the DR5000 can be set in two ways:

• Thanks to dr5000TimeDate. In such case, the value to set is the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970.

• By configuring a NTP server in dr5000TimeNtpAddress.

The following example forces the date to March 19, 1994, and then uses the NTP server

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000TimeDate.0 i 764035200

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000TimeDate.0 = INTEGER: 764035200

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000TimeNtpAddress.0 d

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000TimeNtpAddress.0 = Hex-STRING: AC 10 00 01

A.3.5. Configuring communities and traps

SNMP community strings can be changed through the nodes dr5000SnmpCommunityReadOnly and


The DR5000 must be rebooted (see Section A.3.3, “ Rebooting the system ”) for new communities to
be taken into account.

The DR5000 can send SNMP traps on pre-defined events up to four targets. The trap target are defined in the list


This list is automatically reorganized so that enabled targets are located on the lowest indexes. Perform-
ing several changes in a single SNMP commands has thus an undefined behaviour.

The following example replaces both read-only and read-write communities. Page 119

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000SnmpCommunityReadOnly.0 s "read-only"
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000SnmpCommunityReadOnly.0 = STRING: read-only

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000SnmpCommunityReadWrite.0 s "read/write"
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000SnmpCommunityReadWrite.0 = STRING: read/write

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000CommandSystemAction.0 i 1

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000CommandSystemAction.0 = INTEGER: reboot(1)

The following example empties the list of trap target, and adds as a new target.

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000SnmpManagerIsEnabled.1 i 2

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000SnmpManagerIsEnabled.1 = INTEGER: false(2)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000SnmpManagerIsEnabled.1 i 2

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000SnmpManagerIsEnabled.1 = INTEGER: false(2)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000SnmpManagerIsEnabled.1 i 2

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000SnmpManagerIsEnabled.1 = INTEGER: false(2)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000SnmpManagerIsEnabled.1 i 1

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000SnmpManagerIsEnabled.1 = INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000SnmpManagerAddress.1 d
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000SnmpManagerAddress.1 = Hex-STRING: AC 10 01 16

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000SnmpManagerPort.1 u 1256

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000SnmpManagerPort.1 = Gauge32: 1256

A.3.6. Configuring network interfaces

Configuring the network interfaces (for both LAN and VLAN) is performed through dr5000NetworkConnection. The
first three rows of this table (Management, Stream1 and Stream2) correspond to physical interfaces, while the other
entries correspond to VLAN. For more information about network management in DR5000, see Section,
“ IP settings ”.


This list is automatically reorganized so that the enabled VLAN are located on the lowest indexes.
Performing several changes in a single SNMP command has thus an undefined behaviour.


The application of the network configuration does not require a reboot. Modifying the interface used
for SNMP configuration can thus lead to SNMP connection loss.

The following example seeks for Stream 2 physical interface and configures it to be Page 120

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkConnectionName.1

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkConnectionName.1 = STRING: Management

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkConnectionName.2

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkConnectionName.2 = STRING: Stream 1

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkConnectionName.3

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkConnectionName.3 = STRING: Stream 2

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkConnectionCard.3

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkConnectionCard.3 = INTEGER: 2

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkConnectionIsEnabled.3 i 1
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkConnectionIsEnabled.3 = INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkConnectionIsDhcp.3 i 2

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkConnectionIsDhcp.3 = INTEGER: false(2)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkConnectionAddress.3 d
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkConnectionAddress.3 = Hex-STRING: 0A 10 7F DD

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkConnectionNetmask.3 d
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkConnectionNetmask.3 = Hex-STRING: FF FF 00 00

A.3.7. Configuring routes

Configuring IP routes is performed through dr5000NetworkRoute. For more information about routes management
in DR5000, see Section, “ IP settings ”.


This list is automatically reorganized so that the enabled routes are located on the lowest indexes. Per-
forming several changes in a single SNMP command has thus an undefined behaviour.

The following example configures streams targeting on any interfaces to be routed to Page 121

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkRouteIsEnabled.1 i 1

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkRouteIsEnabled.1 = INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkRouteAddress.1 d
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkRouteAddress.1 = Hex-STRING: AC 10 7F DB

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkRouteNetmask.1 d
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkRouteNetmask.1 = Hex-STRING: 00 00 00 00

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkRouteGateway.1 d
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkRouteGateway.1 = Hex-STRING: AC 10 7F F8

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkRouteInterfaceRuleIsEnabled.1 i 2
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000NetworkRouteInterfaceRuleIsEnabled.1 = INTEGER: false(2)

A.3.8. Saving and loading a preset

As described in Section, “ Managing Multiple Configurations ”, the full DR5000 configuration can be saved
as a "preset". Only the presets that are saved on the DR5000 can be managed through SNMP. Because loading a
preset also applies it, the node dr5000ChannelConfigurationName will always show "Active configuration". It is not
meant to be used through SNMP. To read or write a preset name, dr5000PresetPresetName must be used.


The presets cannot be previewed through SNMP. To know what it contains, the preset must be loaded,
which means it is applied.

Presets are stored in indexed "slots". A preset saved as "Preset #N" will have to be loaded as "Preset #N". The same
configuration can be saved in several slots. These slots must be seen as copies at a given instant of the configuration.
Modifying the current configuration (by any other way than "saving the preset") will not modify the content of the
preset. Thus, the action of loading a preset does only perform a copy of the preset into the active configuration, and
the action of saving a preset does only perform a copy of the active configuration into a preset.


Presets are 0-indexed in SNMP, and 1-indexed in Web GUI.

To load a preset, the node dr5000ChannelCommandLoadPreset must be written the index of the preset to be loaded.
Once it is done, the action load(2) must be written in dr5000ChannelCommandAction.

Saving a preset follows the same logic: the preset index must be written in dr5000ChannelCommandSavePreset, then
the action save(3) must be written in dr5000ChannelCommandAction.

The following example reads the name of preset #42, loads it, and stores it in preset #51. Page 122

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

$ snmpget -v2c -c public host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000PresetPresetName.42

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000PresetPresetName.42 = STRING: MyConfiguration

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelCommandLoadPreset.0 i 42
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelCommandLoadPreset.0 = INTEGER: 42

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelCommandAction.0 i 2

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelCommandAction.0 = INTEGER: load(2)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelCommandSavePreset.0 i 51
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelCommandSavePreset.0 = INTEGER: 51

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelCommandAction.0 i 3

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelCommandAction.0 = INTEGER: save(3)

A.3.9. ASI Input

To configure ASI input, the node dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputType must be configured as asi(2). Then the node
dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputAsiInterface allows to select ASI 1 or ASI 2.

The following example configures the DR5000 to receives its input on ASI 2.

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputType.0 i 2
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputType.0 = INTEGER: asi(2)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputAsiInterface.0 i 2
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputAsiInterface.0 = INTEGER: asi2(2)

A.3.10. IP Input
The basic IP input requires three parameters: dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpAddress,
dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpPort and dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpInterface.


If the DR5000 must decode a unicast stream, the address must be configured.

Once the input is configured, its status can be retrieved with the nodes dr5000StatusInputIpIsRtp,
dr5000StatusInputIpPacketSize, dr5000StatusInputIpPacketCounter, dr5000StatusInputIpMissingPacketCounter,
dr5000StatusInputIpInputErrorRate and dr5000StatusInputIpJitter.

To reset the IP statistics, the value resetStats(1) must be written in dr5000CommandInputAction.

This is equivalent to Section, “ Basic IP settings ” in the Web GUI.

The following example configures the DR5000 to listen on stream1,, and checks the IP status after
checking the input is locked and reseting the IP statistics. Page 123

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputType.0 i 1
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramStreamType.2.5 = INTEGER: data(4)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpAddress.0 d
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpAddress.0 = \
Hex-STRING: E1 11 1D 07

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpPort.0 u 1234
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpPort.0 = Gauge32: 1234

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpInterface.0 i 1
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpInterface.0 = INTEGER: stream1(1)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputTsLocked.0

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputTsLocked.0 = INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000CommandInputAction.0 i 1

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000CommandInputAction.0 = INTEGER: resetStats(1)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpIsRtp.0

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpIsRtp.0 = INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpPacketSize.0

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpPacketSize.0 = INTEGER: 1328

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpPacketCounter.0

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpPacketCounter.0 = INTEGER: 13453

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpMissingPacketCounter.0 = INTEGER: 0

A.3.11. IP Input with FEC

Once the IP input without FEC is configured (see Section 5.2.3, “ IP Input ”), configuring the FEC requires only one
node: dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpIsFecEnabled, which must be set to true(1).

The FEC caracteristics (FEC 4x5-2D, etc.) and statistics (amount of cor-
rected and uncorrected packets) can be retrieved in dr5000StatusInputIpFecRows,
dr5000StatusInputIpFecColumns, dr5000StatusInputIpIs2dFec, dr5000StatusInputIpCorrectedPacketCounter,
dr5000StatusInputIpUncorrectedPacketCounter and dr5000StatusInputIpOutputErrorRate.

Based on the basic IP configuration, the following example configures FEC and gets its caracteristics and statistics. Page 124

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpIsFecEnabled.0 i 1
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpIsFecEnabled.0 = INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpFecRows.0

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpFecRows.0 = INTEGER: 4

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpFecColumns.0

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpFecColumns.0 = INTEGER: 3

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpIs2dFec.0

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpIs2dFec.0 = INTEGER: false(2)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpOutputErrorRate.0 = INTEGER: 0

A.3.12. IP Input with Failover

Configuring the IP with Failover starts by configuring basic IP input (see Section 5.2.3, “ IP In-
put ”). The feature is then activated with dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpFailoverAddress, and config-
ured with dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpFailoverAddress, dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpFailoverPort,
dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpFailoverInterface, dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpFailoverMode,

When configured, status can be retrieved with dr5000StatusInputIpFailoverActiveInterfaceId,

dr5000StatusInputIpFailoverPrimary and dr5000StatusInputIpFailoverSecondary.

Some actions may have to be taken on the Failover Input. It is done by accessing dr5000CommandFailoverAction.
This node acts as a pulse: writing it triggers an action, but there is no need to clear it.

See Section, “ Failover IP Settings ” for more information about failover.

Based on the basic IP configuration, the following example configures failover on stream2/, in
force toggle mode, then checks the failover status, and force a toggle. Page 125

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpFailoverIsEnabled.0 i 1
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpFailoverIsEnabled.0 = \
INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpFailoverAddress.0 \
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpFailoverAddress.0 = \
Hex-STRING: E1 7F 51 01

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpFailoverPort.0 u 1248
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpFailoverPort.0 = Gauge32: 1248

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpFailoverInterface.0 i 2
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpFailoverInterface.0 = \
INTEGER: stream2(2)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpFailoverMode.0 i 2
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputIpFailoverMode.0 = \
INTEGER: toggle(2)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpFailoverActiveInterfaceId.0 = INTEGER: 0

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpFailoverPrimary.0

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpFailoverPrimary.0 = INTEGER: active(1)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputIpFailoverSecondary.0 = INTEGER: inactive(2)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000CommandFailoverAction.0 i 2

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000CommandFailoverAction.0 = INTEGER: forceToggle(2)

A.3.13. DVB-S/S2 Input

To configure DVB-S/S2 input, one must first set the dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputType to sat(3). Then, the node
dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSat must be used to configure DVB-S/S2 specific parameters (frequency, etc.), and
the node dr5000StatusInputSat can be used to monitor DVB-S/S2 signal characteristics. Please refer to Section 5.2.2,
“ DVB-S/S2 Input ” for more information on DVB-S/S2 configuration.

The following example will lock on Astra 19,2E, 12,266 MHz, 27,5 MSym/s, horizontal polarization Page 126

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

# Set Input to sat (3)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputType.0 i 3
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputType.0 = INTEGER: sat(3)

# Set the input physical interface to rf3 (3)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatInterface.0 i 3
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatInterface.0 = INTEGER: rf3(3)

# Set the mode to automatic (1) and the symbol rate to 27500 kbps
$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatMode.0 i 1
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatMode.0 = INTEGER: automatic(1)

# Set the symbol rate to 27500 kbps

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatSymbolRate.0 i 27500
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatSymbolRate.0 = INTEGER: 27500

# Set the Local Oscillator frequency to 10600000 kHz, as we are

# in High Band (Downlink Frequency > 11700 MHz)
$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatOscillatorFrequency.0 \
i 10600000
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatOscillatorFrequency.0 = \
INTEGER: 10600000

# Set the Downlink frequency to 12266000 kHz, as we are in

# High Band (Downlink Frequency > 11700 MHz)
$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatDownlinkFrequency.0 \
i 12266000
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatDownlinkFrequency.0 = \
INTEGER: 12266000

# Set the search range to 5 MHz around the downlink frequency

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatSearchRange.0 i 5000
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatSearchRange.0 = INTEGER: 5000

# Do not pilot the LNB at all

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatLnbIsPowered.0 i 2
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatLnbIsPowered.0 = \
INTEGER: false(2)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatLnbSend22kTone.0 i 2
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatLnbSend22kTone.0 = \
INTEGER: false(2)

# Do not use any gold code (set it to 0)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatGoldCode.0 i 0
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationInputSatGoldCode.0 = INTEGER: 0

The following example will check the lock status, and retrieve C/N margin and exact lock frequency Page 127

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

# Check the lock flag, and get the exact lock frequency and the C/N Margin ...
$ snmpget -v2c -c public host \
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputSatLocked.0 = INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpget -v2c -c public host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputSatFrequency.0 = INTEGER: 1667498

$ snmpget -v2c -c public host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputSatSnrMargin.0 = INTEGER: 121

A.3.14. Automatic audio composition

When automatic composition mode is selected in dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionMode, on-
ly the audio types have to be selected, PID mapping being automatically performed, as described
in Section, “ Auto mode ”. This mode must be selected for each embedded AES, ex-
ternal AES and analog audio, through dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionAudioEmbeddedAesMode,
dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionAudioExternalAesMode and

The following examples selects automatic composition for a TS carrying three services : 1281, 1282 and 1283. The
service 1281 (which will be automatically selected) carries three audio pids : 130, 131 and 132. The first pid will
be monitored on external AES, while the third one will be pass-throughed on SDI. The composition results can be
checked in Section A.3.20, “ Checking composition results ”.

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionMode.0 i 1
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionMode.0 = INTEGER: automatic(1)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionAudioEmbeddedAesMode.3 i 3
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionAudioEmbeddedAesMode.3 = \
INTEGER: passthrough(3)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionAudioExternalAesMode.2 i 5
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionAudioExternalAesMode.2 = \
INTEGER: monitor(5)

A.3.15. Manual composition

When pidlocked(3) mode has been chosen in dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionMode, the video pid must be
specified in dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionVideoPid. The audio configuration must be done in a similar
way than Section A.3.14, “ Automatic audio composition ”, except that the pids (and components when available)
must be configured.

The following example performs manually the very same composition than Section A.3.14, “ Automatic audio com-
position ”. Even if the composition results are foreseeable, they can be checked with the method described in Sec-
tion A.3.20, “ Checking composition results ”. Page 128

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host\

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionMode.0 i 3
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionMode.0 = INTEGER: pidlocked(3)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host\

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionVideoPid.0 i 120
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionVideoPid.0 = INTEGER: 120

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host\

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionAudioEmbeddedAesMode.3 i 3
INTEGER: passthrough(3)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::\

dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionAudioEmbeddedAesMonitorPid.3 i 132

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host\

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionAudioExternalAesMode.2 i 5
INTEGER: monitor(5)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::\

dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionAudioExternalAesMonitorPid.1 i 130

A.3.16. Configuring Biss-E

Configuring BISS is performed by setting dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionDescramblingMode to biss(2)
and using dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionDescramblingBiss. It is equivalent to Section 5.4.1, “ BISS pa-
rameters ” in Web GUI.

BISS-E injected ID are system configuration, and thus defined in dr5000BissKeyInjectedId. They are not impacted
by saving or loading presets (See Section A.3.8, “ Saving and loading a preset ”).


The node dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionBiss is deprecated and shall not be used.

The following example descrambles the input stream with a BISS-E key of 1234567890ABCDEF and an injected
ID of AABBCCDDEEFF00. Page 129

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionDescramblingMode.0 i 2
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionDescramblingMode.0 = \
INTEGER: biss(2)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionDescramblingBissMode.0 i 2
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionDescramblingBissMode.0 = \
INTEGER: bisse1(2)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

s 1234567890abcdef
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationCompositionDescramblingBissBissEKey.0 = \
STRING: 1234567890abcdef

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000BissKeyInjectedId.1 s aabbccddeeff00
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000BissKeyInjectedId.1 = STRING: aabbccddeeff00


The scrambling state of the current program can be found in


A.3.17. Clock synchronization

To configure clock synchronization, the genlock must be activated in dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputGenlock.
The status of this feature can be found in dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramGenlock. It is equivalent to Sec-
tion, “ Synchronization Settings ” in Web GUI.

The following example configure the genlock to be used, with a PAL input clock.

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputGenlockIsEnabled.0 i 1
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputGenlockIsEnabled.0 = \
INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramGenlockIsSignal.0 = \
INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramGenlockIsGenlocked.0 = \
INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramGenlockFormat.0 = \
INTEGER: sdpal720x576i25(2) Page 130

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

A.3.18. IP Forwarding
Enabling IP forwarding is performed through the node dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputIpForward. For more in-
formation, please refer to Section 5.7.2, “ IP Output ”.

The following example activates descrambled IP forwarding to stream1/

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardIpIsDescrambled.0 i 2
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardIpIsDescrambled.0 = \
INTEGER: false(2)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardIpIsRemuxed.0 i 2
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardIpIsRemuxed.0 = \
INTEGER: false(2)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardIpStreamsIsEnabled.1 i 1
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardIpStreamsIsEnabled.1 = \
INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardIpStreamsInterface.1 i 1
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardIpStreamsInterface.1 = \
INTEGER: stream1(1)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardIpStreamsDstAddress.1 \
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardIpStreamsDstAddress.1 = \
Hex-STRING: E1 7F DD 01

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardIpStreamsDstPort.1 u 1234
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardIpStreamsDstPort.1 = \
Gauge32: 1234

A.3.19. Forward remux

Remuxing the forwarded stream is configured separately for ASI and IP. The remux configuration itself is per-
formed in dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardRemuxIsDescrambled. For more information, please refer to
Section 5.7.3, “ Remux Output ”.

The following example includes service 42 and 51, remuxed at 13 Mbps, on ASI Output. Page 131

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardAsiIsRemuxed.0 i 1
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardAsiIsRemuxed.0 = \
INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardRemuxIsBitrate.0 i 1
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardRemuxIsBitrate.0 = \
INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardRemuxBitrate.0 i 13000000
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardRemuxBitrate.0 = \
INTEGER: 13000000

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardRemuxServiceMode.0 i 2
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardRemuxServiceMode.0 = \
INTEGER: include(2)

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::\

dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardRemuxServiceIdServiceId.1 i 42
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardRemuxServiceIdServiceId.1 =\

$ snmpset -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::\

dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardRemuxServiceIdServiceId.2 i 51
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000ChannelConfigurationOutputForwardRemuxServiceIdServiceId.2 =\

A.3.20. Checking composition results

The node dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgram is the equivalent of Section, “ Active service overview ”:
information about what is currently being decoded is found there.

The currently decoded service can be identified with dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramId, it is especially useful
in automatic composition modes, where it depends on the input stream.

Information about video, like its frame-rate or codec, can be found in the sub-nodes of
dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramVideoDecoded. The information of the video being decoded or not can be found
in dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramVideoHasActivity.

The audio composition results can be found in dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramAudio. Depending on

dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramAudioConfigurationMode, one of the three sub-nodes (Decoded, PassThru or
DolbyE-PassThru) must be checked.

The following example displays the composition results from the configuration in Section A.3.14, “ Automatic audio
composition ”. Page 132

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramId.0

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramId.0 = INTEGER: 1281

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramVideoConfigurationPid.0 =\

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramAudioConfigurationMode.9 =\
INTEGER: decode(2)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramAudioConfigurationDecodedPid.9.1 =\

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramAudioConfigurationDecodedPid.9.2 =\

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramAudioConfigurationMode.3 =\
INTEGER: passThru(3)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusDecodeCurrentProgramAudioConfigurationPassThruPid.3 =\

A.3.21. TS Descriptor
Once the DR5000 input is configured, it may be locked on a TS. It is reported in dr5000StatusInputTsLocked. If the
DR5000 is locked, then the TS bitrate is non-null and can be retrieved in DR5000StatusInputBitrate.

Being locked on the TS also fills the dr5000StatusTsDescriptor. The presence of Network Information is described in
dr5000StatusTsDescriptorNitHasNit. When a NIT is available, all the others nodes of dr5000StatusTsDescriptorNit
are filled in, eventually with an empty string if the stream does not carry the information.

TS Desriptor content is split into programs, streams, and DVB-Subtitle services :

• The number of programs carried in the TS can be found in dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramCount.

Each of these programs are described in dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgram. For example, the N-th pro-
gram PMT Pid can be found in dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramPid.N. If the program has a Service
Descriptor (dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramHasSdt), its name, provider and type are filled, respective-
ly in dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramServiceName, dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramServiceProvider and

• The only node in dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgram that is dependent on the user configuration is

dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramSelected.N: it will be true if the service is currently being decoded (depending
on service selection). Page 133

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

• The amount of streams carried by the N-th program can be read in the node
dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramStreamCount.N. Information about the M-th stream of the N-th program can be
found in the list dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramStream*.N.M.

• If the stream carries DVB-Subtitle services, their number will be known in

dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramStreamNDvbSubService, and their content will be located in

The following example performs the discovery of a TS carrying three programs (TF1 HD, France 2 HD and M6HD),
and lists the first streams of the currently selected program (France 2 HD).

# Check if the IRD is locked on a TS

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputTsLocked.0
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputTsLocked.0 = INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputBitrate.0

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusInputBitrate.0 = INTEGER: 24882

# Retrieves TS information (Note: there is no applicable NIT here)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusTsDescriptorNitHasNit.0
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusTsDescriptorNitHasNit.0 = INTEGER: false(2)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusTsDescriptorTransportStreamId.0 = INTEGER: 5

# Iterate over every program, get its name, and check if it is being decoded
$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramCount.0 = INTEGER: 3

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramHasSdt.1 = INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramServiceName.1 = STRING: TF1 HD

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramSelected.1 = INTEGER: false(2)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramHasSdt.2 = INTEGER: true(1)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramServiceName.2 = STRING: France 2 HD

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramSelected.2 = INTEGER: true(1) Page 134

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

# List the stream of the decoded service

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \
ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramStreamCount.2 = INTEGER: 9

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramStreamPid.2.1 = INTEGER: 220

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramStreamType.2.1 = INTEGER: video(3)

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramStreamPid.2.2 = INTEGER: 230

$ snmpget -v2c -c private host \

ATEME-DR5000-MIB::dr5000StatusTsDescriptorProgramStreamType.2.2 = INTEGER: audio(2)


Because these different table are statically allocated, accessing every node (either with snmpwalk or by
performing more than the program/stream count GET accesses) will take a very long time and should
be avoided. Page 135

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Appendix B. Simple-RPC User Guide

B.1. Overview
This section is a guide for interfacing the DR5000 via simple HTTP requests (GET or POST) in addition to SNMP
when a file upload or download is needed.


All the examples provided in this section are using the command-line application wget, which is avail-
able for all major Operating Systems. The keyword "$HOST" represents the IP address of the DR5000
interface through which commands are performed, "$INDEX" represents an index starting at 0 and
"$FILE" represents a file name. To reproduce the example, one shall replace those keywords by the
effective values.

B.2. Command list

B.2.1. System

B.2.1.1. Firmware update

Update the firmware using the update package file $FILE:

wget --post-file=$FILE \
--header 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=update.pkg' \

B.2.1.2. License update

Update the license using the license file $FILE:

wget --post-file=$FILE \
--header 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=license.lic' \

B.2.2. Channel

B.2.2.1. Active configuration

Import the file $FILE into the active configuration of the channel indexed by $INDEX (0 based): Page 136

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

wget --post-file=$FILE http://$HOST/simple-rpc/channels/$INDEX/setPreset

Export the active configuration of the channel indexed by $INDEX (0 based) to the file $FILE:

wget -O $FILE http://$HOST/simple-rpc/channels/$INDEX/getPreset

B.2.2.2. Preset
Export the slot preset indexed by $INDEX (0 based) to the file $FILE:

wget -O $FILE http://$HOST/simple-rpc/presets/channel/getSlot/$INDEX

Export the factory preset to the file $FILE:

wget -O $FILE http://$HOST/simple-rpc/presets/channel/getFactory

Import the file $FILE into the slot preset indexed by $INDEX (0 based):

wget --post-file=$FILE http://$HOST/simple-rpc/presets/channel/setSlot/$INDEX

Export all the preset into the file $FILE:

wget -O $FILE http://$HOST/simple-rpc/presets/get

Import all the preset from the file $FILE:

wget --post-file=$FILE http://$HOST/simple-rpc/presets/set Page 137

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Appendix C. Input Statistics

C.1. Input Statistics Overview
Web GUI allows to retrieve an input statistics file from two places :

• Input status tab of Decodig Status Panel (See Section, “ Input status ”).

• Firmware/Troubleshooting tab of System Panel (See Section, “ Troubleshooting ”).

This file is a CSV file with semi-colon separated values. One line corresponds to one measure point. Page 138

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

C.2. Input Statistics File Format

The meaning of each value depends on the input type.

Table C.1. ASI input statistics

1-based field index Meaning
1-A Time and Date (expressed as DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS)
2-B Input Type: ASI
3-C Bitrate [kbps]

Table C.2. IP input statistics

field index
1-A Time and Date (expressed as DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS)
2-B Input Type: IP
3-C Bitrate [kbps]
4-D Protocol (UDP/RTP)
5-E FEC rows
6-F FEC columns
7-G Number of detected FEC streams
8-H Number of packet received since the last reset
9-I Number of missing packets since the last reset
10-J Number of reordered packets since the last reset
11-K Number of correct packets since the last reset
12-L Number of uncorrect packets received since the last reset
13-M Number of duplicated packets received since the last reset
14-N Error rate before FEC correction [%]
15-O Error rate after FEC correction [%]
16-P Jitter [ms]
17-Q Inter-Arrival Time [ns]
18-R Maximum Inter-Arrival Time [ns]
19-S Reset uptime [ns]

Table C.3. IP with Failover input statistics

field index
1-A Time and Date (expressed as DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS)
2-B Input Type: IP-Failover
3-C Bitrate [kbps]
4-D Protocol (UDP/RTP) Page 139

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

5-E FEC rows

6-F FEC columns
7-G Number of detected FEC streams
8-H Number of packet received since the last reset
9-I Number of missing packets since the last reset
10-J Number of reordered packets since the last reset
11-K Number of correct packets since the last reset
12-L Number of uncorrect packets received since the last reset
13-M Number of duplicated packets received since the last reset
14-N Error rate before FEC correction [%]
15-O Error rate after FEC correction [%]
16-P Jitter [ms]
17-Q Failover mode (Automatic/Toggle/Manual)
18-R Interface currently used (Primary/Secondary)
19-S Primary source status (active/inactive/unknown)
20-T Secondary source status (active/inactive/unknown)
21-U Inter-Arrival Time, primary interface [ns]
22-V Maximum Inter-Arrival Time, primary interface [ns]
23-W Reset uptime [ns]
24-X Inter-Arrival Time, secondary interface [ns]
25-Y Maximum Inter-Arrival Time, secondary interface [ns]

Table C.4. IP with SMPTE 2022-7 input statistics

field index
1-A Time and Date (expressed as DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS)
2-B Input Type: IP-2022_7
3-C Bitrate [kbps]
4-D Protocol (UDP/RTP)
5-E FEC rows
6-F FEC columns
7-G Number of detected FEC streams
8-H Number of packet received since the last reset
9-I Number of missing packets since the last reset
10-J Number of reordered packets since the last reset
11-K Number of correct packets since the last reset
12-L Number of uncorrect packets received since the last reset
13-M Number of duplicated packets received since the last reset
14-N Error rate before FEC correction [%] Page 140

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

15-O Error rate after FEC correction [%]

16-P Jitter [ms]
17-Q Primary source activity (true/false)
18-R Secondary source activity (true/false)
19-S Offset of the secondar source compared to the primary source [ms]
20-T Number of packets taken from the primary source
21-U Number of packets taken from the secondary source
22-V Inter-Arrival Time, primary interface [ns]
23-W Maximum Inter-Arrival Time, primary interface [ns]
24-X Reset uptime [ns]
25-Y Inter-Arrival Time, secondary interface [ns]
26-Z Maximum Inter-Arrival Time, secondary interface [ns]

Table C.5. Sat input statistics

1-based field index Meaning
1-A Time and Date (expressed as DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS)
2-B Input Type: SAT
3-C Bitrate [kbps]
4-D Lock status (Locked/Unlocked)
5-E Standard (DVBS / DVB-S2)
6-F Modulation (QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK, 32APSK)
7-G Symbol Rate [Sym/s]
8-H Fec rate
9-I Roll-Off
10-J Carrier frequency [kHz]
11-K C/N [dB]
12-L C/N Margin [dB]
13-M BER
14-N Power [dBm]

Table C.6. Zixi input statistics

1-based field index Meaning
1-A Time and Date (expressed as DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS)
2-B Input Type: Zixi
3-C Bitrate [kbps]
4-D Connection status (Connected/Not connected)
5-E Processed packet counter
6-F Bytes counter
7-G Out of Order packet counter Page 141

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

8-H Dropped packet counter

9-I Duplicate packet counter
10-J Overflow packet counter
11-K Round Trip Time [ms]
12-L Network jitter [ms]
13-M Network latency [ms]
14-N ARQ responses counter
15-O FEC packets counter
16-P ARQ-Recovered packet counter
17-Q FEC-Recovered packet counter
18-R Unrecovered packet counter
19-S FEC bitrate [bps]
20-T Network bitrate [bps]
21-U Reconnections
22-V Uptime [s]
23-W Host IP

Table C.7. DS3 input statistics

1-based field index Meaning
1-A Time and Date (expressed as DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS)
2-B Input Type: DS3
3-C Bitrate [kbps]
4-D Alarm (true/false)
5-E TS Alarm (true/false)
6-F Random (true/false)

Table C.8. Ultra IP input statistics

1-based field index Meaning
1-A Time and Date (expressed as DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS)
2-B Input Type: Ultra IP
3-C Bitrate [kbps]
4-D Addressing policy (Static or DHCP)
5-E IP Address
6-F Subnet
7-G Gateway
8-H Mac Address
9-I Protocol (RTP/UDP)
10-J PCR
11-K TS Per IP Page 142

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

12-L Bitrate [bps]

13-M Jitter [ms]
14-N Jitter_tolerance [ms]
15-O FEC Columns
16-P FEC Rows
17-Q FEC Delay
18-R Dropped packets
19-S Recovery packets
20-T Jitter errors
21-U Lock errors Page 143

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Appendix D. VPN Guide

D.1. Overview
The DR5000 embeds a Virtual Private Network (VPN) client. It allows the DR5000 to connect to a private network
across another one (e.g Internet) and behaving like it is directly connected to the private network. The client is based
on the OpenVPN® technology ( OpenVPN® is an open source project which implements various
methods to create a secure VPN.


This section will describe server and client configurations. It will not describe how to install OpenVPN®
server on a machine, how to generate or revoke the certificates and keys and how to manage them.
For an in-depth view of the administration of an OpenVPN® server please refer to


© 2002-2014 OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. OpenVPN is a registered trademark of OpenVPN Tech-

nologies, Inc.

D.2. Server Configuration

This section describes a server configuration example file on Linux. It is based on OpenVpn 2.3.4-5 for debian jessie.
It is located in /etc/openvpn/server.conf

Here we highlight the mandatory parameters the server has to configure in order to communicate with the DR5000. Page 144

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

port 1194 # The port the server will open to listen

# to the clients.
proto udp # May be 'proto tcp'
dev tun # MUST be dev tun, dev tap not supported
ca /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/ca.crt # Path to the certification authority
# certificate, will be given to the client
cert /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/server.crt # Path to the server certificate
key /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/server.key # Path to the server secret key
dh /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/dh1024.pem # MUST be a 1024bit Diffie Hellman
# parameters file
server # Subnet address range, will be
# the server address in the VPN.
ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt # Keep the same IP address for a client
# if possible.
keepalive 10 60 # Connections keep alive timeouts.
auth SHA256 # MUST be this auth
cipher AES-256-CBC # MUST be this cipher
comp-lzo # MUST be enabled
persist-key # Persists options
status /var/log/openvpn-status.log # Short status file path
log-append /var/log/openvpn.log # Complete logs path
verb 3 # Log verbosity

D.3. Client Configuration

The VPN client can be fully configured with the web GUI.

Table D.1. Client configuration

Enabled - Enable/Disable the VPN client.
Udp Must be the same as the one defined on
Tcp the proto line of the server configuration.
Server address IP address The server address must be reachable by the DR5000
Must be the same as the one defined on
Server port -
the port line of the server configuration
Certificate/keys - -
Must be the same as the one described
Root CA certificate crt file
in the ca line of the server configuration.
Client certificate crt file Certificate file generated by the VPN admin.
Client key key file Client secret key file generated by the VPN admin.

D.4. Troubleshooting

Checking connections
To check client/server connections, on the server side, check the log file designated by the status line of the server.conf
(e.g. /var/log/openvpn-status.log) Page 145

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0


Updated,Tue Jan 26 10:42:18 2016
Common Name,Real Address,Bytes Received,Bytes Sent,Connected Since
kyrion.cert,,23229,23495,Tue Jan 26 10:03:03 2016
Virtual Address,Common Name,Real Address,Last Ref,kyrion.cert,,Tue Jan 26 10:03:03 2016
Max bcast/mcast queue length,0

You can see that a client using kyrion.cert has connected and was assigned as an IP address. Page 146

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Appendix E. 4K Configuration
E.1. Overview
The DR5000 can decode 4K videos, but it requires a very specific configuration. This annex explains how to convert
a 4x 1080p 4K MPTS into a 4x 3G-SDI 4K signal.

E.2. Cabling requirements

Figure E.1. Cabling diagram

• The first decoder (called Master) receives source TS stream on its ASI input. This signal is drawn as red arrow
on Figure E.1, “Cabling diagram”.

• Each decoder forwards TS stream to the next decoder, going out of ASI#1, and entering ASI#1. These signals are
drawn as blue arrows on Figure E.1, “Cabling diagram”.

• Master decoder uses source TS clock to generate SDI signal. It also generates a synchronization signal, called
"VPSC". VPSC is re-used by all decoders, and insures perfect phase alignment between the four decoders. Each
decoder transmits this VPSC signal to the next decoder, going out of ASI#2 and entering ASI#2. These signals are
drawn as green arrows on Figure E.1, “Cabling diagram”.

E.3. GUI Master Configuration

In "Service / Input", input must be configurated as ASI Input #1. Page 147

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Figure E.2. 4K Master input configuration

In "Service / SDI Output", "Clock Synchronization" must be configured to "Follow TS input", and "SDI #1/2" must
be configured as "Auto SDI".

Figure E.3. 4K Master SDI Output configuration

In "Service / Forward", ASI 2 must be configured to output VPSC signal.

Figure E.4. 4K Master VPSC output

E.4. GUI Slave Configuration

In "Service / Input", input must be configurated as ASI Input #1. Page 148

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Figure E.5. 4K Slave input configuration

In "Service / SDI Output", "Clock Synchronization" must be configured to "VPSC", and "SDI #1/2" must be config-
ured as "Auto SDI".

Figure E.6. 4K Slave SDI Output configuration

In "Service / Forward", ASI 2 must be configured to output VPSC signal.

Figure E.7. 4K Slave VPSC output

E.5. Service Configuration

Each decoder shall be configured to decode one of the four HD quadrants. Page 149

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Figure E.8. 4K Service configuration

E.6. Licenses
4K cabling requires the four DR5000 to have - at least - the following licenses :

• 1080p decoding support,

• HD decoding support,

• VPSC support. Page 150

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Figure E.9. 4K Required Licenses Page 151

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Appendix F. Appendix
F.1. Product's specification
Table F.1. Specification - Reference
Product name Version

Table F.2. Specification - Physical Interfaces

Function Type Comment Number
Independant AES Output BNC connector - 4
ASI input BNC connector - 2
ASI output BNC connector - 2
SDI output BNC connector - 3
Limited to 200Mbps (In +
IP input/output RJ45 connector 2
Out is limited to 240Mbps)
IP management RJ45 connector - 1
RF input Type -F 4 independant Tuners 4
RF output Type -F Loopback 1
Genlock input BNC connector Blackburst or Tri-level 1
Genlock output BNC connector Loopback 1
Conditional Access Interface CAM Slot To insert CAM module 2
Sub-D25 4 pairs 1
Audio Analog output 24 / 22 / 18 dBu @ 0 dBFS ./
Sub-D25 1
-10 dbV @ -20 dBFS

Table F.3. Specification - Configuration & management interfaces

Function Type Present
SNMP (MIB v2c) with remote SNMP supervisor - X
Embedded web-server configuration - X
Front panel with LCD/alphanumerical keypad/Direct access keys - X
ETSI 102006
USB for firmware update and configuration import/export - X
USB for stream recording - X
Stream record download on Web Gui - X
Http commands for file transfer - X Page 152

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Video monitoring on Front panel video display and on Web GUI - X

Audio monitoring on Front panel video display and on Web GUI - X
Input statistics dumped in a csv file - X
Remote Syslog - X

Table F.4. Specification - Codec support

Function Comment Limit Value
MPEG2 Decoding MP@ML, MP@HL, 422P@ML, 422P@HL - 80
H.264 Decoding MP, HiP, Hi10P, Hi422P Max bitrate 80
AVC-I Decoding H10IntraP & H422IntraP Max bitrate 60/80
Main, Main 10, Main 12,
HEVC Decoding Max bitrate 60
Main 422 10, Main 422 12
CAVLC Only with H.264 - 80
CABAC - - 60

Table F.5. Specification - Video support

Function Input standard Comment Present
SD 576i and 480i - X
HD 1080i25 and 1080i29,97 - X
Input 8/10/12 bits 4:2:0/4:2:2 SD/HD
HD 720p50 and 720p59,94 - X
HD 1080p50 and 1080p59,94 - X
Genlock support SD/HD - X
For 4K UHD
Inter-IRD synchronization - X
SD/HD Freeze X
Emulation pattern SD/HD Solid-color X
SD/HD No output X
Output SD Input SD/HD Downscale X
Output HD Input SD/HD Upscale X
Output SD/HD Input SD/HD - X
Not support-
Telecine decoding - X
ed with HEVC

Table F.6. Specification - Audio support

Function Comment Present
MPEG1-LII Decoded pairs 12
AAC-LC decoding Decoded pairs 12
HE-AAC V1 and V2 decoding Decoded pairs 4
AC3/AC3+ Decoded pairs 2
AES pass-thru (sdi/aes) SMPTE302M 12 Page 153

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Advanced Dolby-E pass-thru (sdi/aes) SMPTE302M X

AES pair extraction from S302M stream - X
5.1 decoding to stereo pair - X
Audio/Video delay configurable - X

Table F.7. Specification - Data support

Function Type Standard Present

Teletext PID ETSI 300472 X
Teletext transported in VBI PID ETSI 301775 X
CC transported in VBI PID ETSI 301775 X
VPS transported in a VBI PID ETSI 301775 X
VBI Input
WSS transported un a VBI PID ETSI 301775 X
Amol48 transported in VBI PID SCTE127 -
Amol96 transported in VBI PID SCTE127 -
TVG2x transported in VBI PID SCTE127 -
SMPTE2038 - X
SCTE35 - X
CC as user data (MPEG2) ETSI 101154
or SEI (H.264) of the ES or ATSC A53
Data Input Ancillary Time Code as user data
- X
(MPEG2) or SEI (H.264) of the ES
WSS extract from ES, through
ETSI 101154
interpretation of sample as- X
or ATSC A53
pect ratio and afd information
Teletext ETSI-300706 X
WSS ETSI-300294 X
VPS ETSI-300231 X
Data Output - SMPTE2031
Amol48 CEA-2020 -
Amol96 CEA-2020 -
Closed Caption CEA-608 X
Teletext ETSI-300706 X
WSS ETSI-300294 X
VPS ETSI-300231 X
Amol48 CEA-2020 -
Data Output - VBI
Amol96 CEA-2020 -
Closed Caption CEA-608 X
Video Index RP 186 X
Data Output
Close Caption CEA-608 SMPTE334-1 X Page 154

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Close Caption CEA-708 SMPTE334-2 X

OP-47 OP-47 X
DVB-Sub ETSI-300743 X
Data Overlay Close Caption CEA-608 Close Caption CEA-608 X
Teletext ETSI-300706 X

Table F.8. Specification - Descrambling

Function Comment Limit Value

Biss 1, Biss-E With 2 Injected Ids - X
DVB-CI 2 slots 75 Mbps X
MPTS forward with user de-
- 8 programs X
fined descrambled programs

Table F.9. Specification - Functions

Function Comment Limit Value

VBR Decoding Forward made in CBR 50 Mbps X
FEC ProMPEG CoP3r2 SMPTE 2022 - X
SPTS / MPTS Input - - X
Multi-Protocol Encapsulation Selection made by PID number - X
3 modes (Auto,
Failover IP - X
Manual, Toggle)
SMPTE 2022-7 Hitless Redundancy - X
ARQ-based Max bitrate 20
Pull mode - X
IP source filtering - - X
IP forwarding - Max bitrate 200
PID/Service filtering - - X
TS Descriptor order is configurable PMT order / PID number order - -
VLAN support 16 Interfaces can be configured - X
Multiple Gateway support - - X
TOS support - - X
Gratuitous ARP reply - - X
ASI forwarding - - X
Carrier ID monitoring - - X
VPN Support - - X Page 155

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Table F.10. Specification - RF support

Function Limit Value
DVB-S - QPSK ModCod: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 Symbol Rate: 45 MSps
ModCod: 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2,
DVB-S2 - QPSK Symbol Rate: 45 MSps
3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10
DVB-S2x - QPSK ModCod: 13/45, 9/20, 11/20 Symbol Rate: 45 MSps
DVB-S2 - 8PSK ModCod: 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10 Symbol Rate: 45 MSps
DVB-S2x - 8PSK ModCod: 23/36, 25/36, 13/18 Symbol Rate: 45 MSps
DVB-S2x - 8PSK-L ModCod: 5/9, 26/45 Symbol Rate: 45 MSps
DVB-S2 - 16APSK ModCod: 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10 Symbol Rate: 45 MSps
ModCod: 26/45, 3/5, 28/45,
DVB-S2x - 16APSK Symbol Rate: 45 MSps
23/36, 25/36, 13/18, 7/9, 77/90
DVB-S2x - 16APSK-L ModCod: 5/9, 8/15, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3 Symbol Rate: 45 MSps
DVB-S2 - 32APSK ModCod: 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10 Symbol Rate: 40 MSps
DVB-S2x - 32APSK ModCod: 32/45, 11/15, 7/9 Symbol Rate: 40 MSps
DVB-S2x - 32APSK-L ModCod: 2/3 Symbol Rate: 40 MSps
Frequency Range:
- X
950-2150 MHz (L-Band)
RF input level: -65 dBm to -25 dBm - X
Roll-Off 5/10/15/20/25/35 % X
Gold Code - X
DVB-S2/S2X Multistream support - X
Tuning Step Size - 1kHz
Image Rejection - > 40 dB
Input Return Loss - > 9.5 dB
Noise Figure - < 12 dB
AFC Tuning Range - 1kHz
IF Filter Bandwidth - 4MHz to 40MHz, auto-adjusted
LNB Polarization Control - 13V/18V and 0-22KHz
LNB Power Supply 1A short current protection 500mA

Table F.11. Specification - Audio analog extension board

Caracteristic Value
Output drive capacity 600 ohm balanced
Number of outputs 4 stereo, or 8 mono
Output connector type XLR
Peak output level 24 dBm into 600 ohm balanced
Clipping level From -10 dBv @ -20 dBFS to 24 dBu @ 0 dBFS
Sampling rate 48 kHz
Frequency response < +/- 0.1 dB on [20 Hz - 20 kHz] Page 156

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

THD+N 0.01 % at 1 kHz

Dynamic range > 90 dB
Cross-talk at 1 kHz > 100 dB
SNR > 80 dB unweighted

Table F.12. Specification - Video analog extension board performance

Caracteristic Value Present Comment
Frequency response Within +/- 1 dB X Within 2b at 5 MHz
Chroma - Luna delay +/- 30 ns, maximum X -
Differential Gain <4% X -
Differential Phase < 2° X -
Signal to Noise Ratio > 55 dB Luminance weighted X -

Table F.13. Specification - Video analog extension board - Stereo analog output
Caracteristic Value
Connectors Single ended outputs on RCA connectors
Output impedance 470 ohms (match 10k to 100k single ended line inputs)
Frequency response 20 Hz - 20 kHz within 3 dB
Output level 2V RMS (line level)
THD > - 80 dB
SNR > 90 dB
Level Adjustment 55 dB at 0 dBm

Table F.14. Specification - Ultra IP extension board performance

Caracteristic Value
Data rate 100/1000 auto detect
IGMP support v2
TS bitrate 1-214 Mbps
TSoIP encapsulation UDP/RTP
Input jitter buffer 1-120 ms

Table F.15. Specification - Licences

Description Limit Present
1080p50/59,94 decoding - X
HD Video decoding - X
MPEG4 Video decoding - X
HEVC/H.265 Video decoding support - X
HEVC/H.265 Video 10-bit decoding support - X Page 157

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

HEVC/H.265 Video 12-bit decoding support - X

HEVC/H.265 Video 4:2:2 decoding support - X
Downscale SD - X
Upscale HD - X
Audio PID decoding count 12 X
AC3 decoding count 4 X
AC3+ decoding count 4 X
MPEG4 10b Video decoding - X
MPEG4 422 Video decoding - X
DVBS2 16 & 32 APSK - X
DVB-S2X support - X
DVB-S2/S2X Multi-stream support - X
DVB-CI Multi-service descrambling 8 X
Video Phase Shift Control support (4K UHD) - X
MPE support - X
VBR Decoding - X
ZIXI Input - X

Table F.16. Specification - Environmental Conditions

Caracteristic Range Comment
Ambient air tempera-
Operating temperature 5 to 55 °C / +41 ° to +131 °F
ture with free airflow
Storage temperature -20 to 70 °C / -4° to +158 °F -
Operating humidity 5 to 90% (non condensing) -
Cooling air flow from front side to rear side. - -

Table F.17. Specification - Physical Parameters

Caracteristic Value
Mass storage uSD disk
Weight 3.4 kg / 7.5 lbs
Dimensions 19” 1-RU / 482x445x 310 mm / 19x17.5x 12.2 in

Table F.18. Specification - Power Supply

Caracteristic Value
Input voltage range 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption 34 W

Table F.19. Specification - Electromagnetic Emissions (by Council Directive 89/366/EEC)

Standard Description Page 158

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

(including Amendments
EN 55013: 2001
A1: 2003 and A2: 2006)
EN 55022: 2010 -
EN 61000-3-2: 2006 + A1: 2009 + A2: 2009 -
EN 61000-3-3: 2008 -
FCC Part 15 Class B: 2009 -
ANSI C63.4: 2003 Publication CFR 47
IECS-003 Class B: 2012 -

Table F.20. Specification - Electromagnetic Immunity (by Council Directive 89/366/EEC)

Standard Description
EN 55020: 2007 -
EN 55024: 2010 CISPR 24 ed2.0 (2010-08)

Table F.21. Specification - Safety (by Council Directive 73/23/EEC)

Standard Description
US standard UL
60950-1 (2nd Ed): 2011
IEC 60950-1: 2005 (2nd Ed) + A1: 2009, including request responding to : Canadian Standard
60950-1 (2nd Ed): 2011
CB Scheme test procedure for: AR, AT, AU, BE, CA, CH, CN,
CZ, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IL, IN, IT, JP, KE, KR, -
MY, NL, NO, PL, SE, SG, SI, SK, US Supersedes CB n°638184A

Table F.22. Specification - Shock and vibration

Standard Description
Random vibrations, me-
ETS 300-019-2-2: 1994 (sample packed)
chanical bumpsand free falls
ETS 300-019-2-5: 2002 (sample operational) Random vibrations
IEC 60068-2-27: 2008 (sample operational) Mechanical shocks

Table F.23. Specification - CE Marking

Directive 2006/95/EC: 12 December 2006
Directive 2004/108/EC :15 December 2004
1999/5/EC: 9 March 1999

Table F.24. Specification - Material Declaration

Directive Description
RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU (in accor-
EU RoHS2 Directive
dance with ISO/IEC 17050-1 and -2: 2004) Page 159

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

WEEE Directive - Page 160

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

F.2. Warranty
ATEME warranties your DR5000 against any defect in material and workmanship, under normal use, for the period
designated on your warranty certificate. In the event this product is found to be defective within the warranty period,
ATEME may, at its will, repair or replace the defective DR5000.

This warranty is void if:

• The DR5000 was operated/stored in abnormal use or maintenance conditions;

• The DR5000 is repaired, modified or altered, unless such repair, modification or alteration is expressly authorized
in writing by ATEME;

• The DR5000 was subjected to abuse, neglect, lightning strike, electrical fault, improper packaging or accident;

• The DR5000 was installed improperly;

• The Serial Number of the DR5000 is defaced or missing;

• The broken part is a non ATEME approved replacement part;

• The tamper seal on the DR5000 casing is broken.

ATEME and its suppliers accept no liability for any loss of service during the use of this device, or for any of the
problems caused as a result.

ATEME will not, under any circumstances, be liable to direct, uncommon or consequential damages such as, but not
limited to, damage or loss of property or equipment, loss of profits or revenues, cost of replacement goods, or expense
or inconvenience caused by service interruptions.

Any loss, corruption or destruction of data while using an ATEME DR5000 is the sole responsibility of the user, and
under no circumstances will ATEME be held liable for the recovery or restoration of this data.

Under no circumstances will any person be entitled to any sum greater than the purchase price paid for the DR5000.

To obtain warranty service, call ATEME Technical Support. You will be asked to provide your ATEME product's
Serial Number, and you may be asked to furnish proof of purchase to confirm that the DR5000 is still under warranty.

All DR5000 returned to ATEME must be securely packaged in their original box and shipped with postage prepaid. Page 161

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

F.3. Normative Reference

Table F.25. Normative reference
Subject Reference
Ancillary AFDBarData SMPTE 2016M-1/3
Ancillary ATC SMPTE 12M-2
Ancillary Audio HD SMPTE 299M
Ancillary Audio SD SMPTE 272M
Ancillary cc608 SMPTE 334-2
Ancillary cc708 SMPTE 334-1
Ancillary DvbScte SMPTE 2031M
Ancillary SCTE-104 SMPTE 2010
Ancillary Video Payload Identification SMPTE 352M
Audio Embedded in SD-SDI SMPTE 272M
Audio Embedded in HD-SDI SMPTE 299
BISS Tech 3290 (EBU)
MPEG-2 TS ISO/IEC 13818-1
ETSI EN 300 472 (DVB, ISDB, SBTVD) -
MPEG-2 TS PID Teletext
Specifications for embedding teletext into TS
MPEG-2 Video ISO/IEC 13818-2
MPEG-2 Video time code User Data SMPTE 328M
MPEG-2 Video/MPEG-4 AVC AFD ETSI TS 101 154 (Annex B) / A/53 part 4
MPEG-2 Video/MPEG-4 AVC CC ETSI TS 101 154 (Annex B) / A/53 part 4
MPEG-4 AVC ISO/IEC 14496-10
HEVC ISO/IEC 23008-2
- Specifications of the teletext syntax
VBI cc608 CEA/EIA-608-D (625i/525i)
VBI VITC IEC-60461 (625i/525i)
VBI VPS ETS 300 231-1998 (625i)
ITU-R BT.1119-2 and ETSI EN 300 294
(625i) / IEC 61880 Ed. 1.0 b:1998 (525i)
VBI WST ITU-R BT.653-3 (625i) Page 162

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

F.4. Glossary
Table F.26. Glossary
3:2 pull-
Process of converting 24 frame/s material to 29.97 frame/s.
Sampling method. In 420 sampling, chrominance components have half the horizontal and vertical
422/420 resolution of luminance component. In 422 sampling, chrominance components have half the hori-
zontal resolution of luminance component
ASI Asynchronous Serial Interface
AVC Adavanced Video Coding
BISS Basic Interoperable Scrambling System. Non-proprietary encryption from EBU (Tech3290).
CABAC Context-based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding
CAVLC Context Adaptive Variable Length Coding
Color difference component
EBU European Broadcasting Union
Forward Error Correction. System of error control for data transmission where the sender adds redun-
FEC dant data (error-correcting code) to its messages. The receiver can check the accuracy of the trans-
mission and eventually correct errors.
FTP File Transfer Protocol. Protocol used to transfer files over a TCP/IP network.
Group Of Pictures. In MPEG video encoding, a group of pictures, or GOP, specifies the order in
which intra-frames and inter-frames are arranged.
The GOP is a group of successive pictures within a MPEG-coded film and/or video stream. Each
MPEG-coded film and/or video stream consists of successive GOPs. From the MPEG pictures con-
tained in it the visible frames are generated.
A GOP can contain the following picture types:
I-picture and/or I-Frame (English intra coded picture) reference picture, corresponds to a fixed image
GOP and is independent of other picture types. Each GOP begins with this type of picture.
P-picture and/or P-Frame (English predictive coded picture) contains difference information from the
preceding I or P-Frame.
B-picture and/or B-Frame (English bidirectional predictive coded pictures) contain difference infor-
mation from the preceding and/or following I or P-Frame.
D-picture and/or D-Frame (English DC direct coded picture) serves the fast advance.
A GOP always begins with an I-Frame. Afterwards several P-Frames follow, in each case with some
frames distance. In the remaining gaps are B-Frames. With the next I-Frame a new GOP begins.
GUI Graphical User Interface.
HDTV High Definition Television
HEVC High Efficiency Video Coding (H.265)
IEC International Electrotechnical Committee
IP Internet Protocol
ISO International Standards Organisation
ITU-R International Telecommunications Union - Radiocommunications Study Groups
ITU-T International Telecommunications Union - Telecommunications Standardisation Sector
MGT Management Page 163

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

Management information base stems from the OSI/ISO Network management model and is a type of
database used to manage the devices in a communications network. It comprises a collection of ob-
jects in a (virtual) database used to manage entities (such as routers and switches) in a network.
Objects in the MIB are defined using a subset of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) called Struc-
ture of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2) RFC 2578.The software that performs the pars-
MIB ing is an MIB compiler.
The database is hierarchical (tree structured) and entries are addressed through object identifiers. In-
ternet documentation RFCs discuss MIBs, notably RFC 1155, Structure and Identification of Man-
agement Information for TCP/IP based internets, and its two companions, RFC 1213, Management
Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets, and RFC 1157, A Simple
Network Management Protocol.
MPTS Multiple Program Transport Stream. A transport stream that offers several programs.
Some transmission schemes, such as those in ATSC and DVB, impose strict constant bitrate require-
Null pack- ments on the transport stream. In order to ensure that the stream maintains a constant bitrate, a Multi-
ets plexer may need to insert some additional packets. The PID 0x1FFF is reserved for this purpose. The
payload of null packets may contain any data at all, and the receiver is expected to ignore its contents
A packet is the basic unit of data in a transport stream. It consists of a sync byte, whose value is 0x47,
followed by three one-bit flags and a 13-bit PID. This is followed by a 4-bit continuity counter. Ad-
ditional optional transport fields, as signaled in the optional adaptation field, may follow. The rest of
the packet consists of payload. Packets are most often 188 bytes in length, but some transport streams
consist of 204-byte packets which end in 16 bytes of Reed-Solomon error correction data. The 188-
byte packet size was originally chosen for compatibility with ATM systems.
PAT stands for Program Association Table. The PAT lists PIDs for all PMTs in the stream. Packets
containing PAT information always have PID 0x0.
To assist the decoder in presenting programs on time, at the right speed, and with synchronization,
PCR programs usually periodically provide a Program Clock Reference, or PCR, on one of the PIDs in the
Each table or elementary stream in a transport stream is identified by a 13-bit PID. A demultiplexer
extracts elementary streams from the transport stream in part by looking for packets identified by the
same PID. In most applications, Time-division multiplexing will be used to decide how often a par-
ticular PID appears in the transport stream.
PIP Picture in Picture. Low resolution stream proceeded from a main resolution input.
Program Map Tables, or PMTs, contain information about programs. For each program, there is a
PMT, with the PMT for each program appearing on its own PID. The PMTs describe which PIDs
contain data relevant to the program. PMTs also provide metadata about the streams in their con-
PMT stituent PIDs. For example, if a program contains an MPEG-2 video stream, the PMT will list
this PID, describe it as a video stream, and provide the type of video that it contains (in this case,
MPEG-2). The PMT may also contain additional descriptors providing data about its constituent
Transport stream has a concept of programs, which are groups of one or more PIDs that are related to
each other. For instance, a transport stream used in digital television might contain three programs,
to represent three television channels. Suppose each channel consists of one video stream, one or two
audio streams, and any necessary metadata. A receiver wishing to tune to a particular channel mere-
ly has to decode the payload of the PIDs associated with its program. It can discard the contents of all
other PIDs.
RTP Real Time Protocol, a transport protocol for real-time data
SDI Serial Digital I/O
SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Page 164

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

SNMP, a communication protocol between management stations (consoles, for example) and man-
aged objects, (such as routers, gateways, and switches) makes use of MIBs. Components controlled
by the management console need a so-called SNMP agent -- a software module that can communi-
SNMP cate with the SNMP manager.
SNMP uses a specified set of commands and queries. An MIB should contain information on these
commands and on the target objects (controllable entities or potential sources of status information)
with a view to tuning the network transport to the current needs.
SPTS Single Program Transport Stream. A transport stream that offers only one program.
TS Transport Stream Page 165

DR5000 User Manual UM-DR5000-FW2.2.0.0-REV1.0

F.5. Support and Ressources

Contact Technical Support

Before You Contact Technical Support:

• Read the manuals.

• Try to isolate the problem or to reproduce it many times.

• Make sure that all of the cables are correctly and firmly attached.

If you have asked yourself all of the pertinent questions in the troubleshooting checklist, and you still can't get your
DR5000 to work properly, contact us via the provided link.

ATEME Technical Support -

Before contacting us, make sure that you have a physical access to your DR5000 and that you have the following
information on hand:

• Your DR5000's Serial Number

• Names of any other devices installed in your system (Router's brands, specific equipments, etc.)

Online Resources
Visit this link for more information and documentation about ATEME and ATEME products.

Customer Service
ATEME Customer Service provides assistance with product information, sales, registration, and other non-technical

To find out how to contact ATEME Customer Service, please visit for your region or country
and click Contact Us. Page 166

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