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Character Classes - Rogue Specializations

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Mages (as well as Bards) choose Communication or
Intelligence to be their Casting Ability.
If your character is using Communication this reflects their
magic abilities being gifted, cursed, inherited, or otherwise
not very well learned, and so they do not rely on traditional
schooling or Intelligence to cast spells but instead rely on
oral instruction, instinct, or luck, however you still need the
related Communication (Arcana Talent Focus) to get the
spellcast/spellpower bonus.
If youre a Mage and choose Communication as your
Casting Ability it sub-plants Intelligence as one of your 4
Primary Abilities and Intelligence becomes one of your
Secondary Abilities. This is important especially when you
level up.
Bard (Rogue Specialization) ---- Requirement: (Novice)
or higher in either Music or Oratory Talent.
Bard Talent: You are a master of inspiring others, whether
its admiration, admonishment, distraction, anger, tranquility, or otherwise all depends on the tune you
sing. Whenever you play an instrument, sing, or orate during combat you actually incur a small amount
of unique magical energy.
Note: You choose Intelligence or Communication to be your Casting Ability.
Novice: You gain (Novice) degree in Affliction, Fate, Healing, Heroic, Manipulate or Power Arcana.
You have MP = 10 + Willpower + 1d3. You can only restore MP with a full rest. Your MP goes up by
Willpower every time you level up. You reduce armor strain penalties by 2 to a minimum of 1.
Journeymen: You become a (Novice) in an Arcana Talent available to you or gain a degree in one you
already have. You reduce armor strain penalties by 4 to a minimum of 1.
Master: You become a (Novice) in an Arcana Talent available to you or gain a degree in one you
already have. You reduce armor strain penalties by 6 to a minimum of 1. Additionally you have the
Stunt Inspire. Cost 5 SP. This Stunt can only be used on an ally. You inspire your target with a unique
song. When doing their next attack or test they roll 4d6, 1 Stunt Die and 3 common dice. They drop one
Common die from the result.

Thieves are born to steal and are master of stealth
Primary Abilities: Accuracy, Communication, Dexterity, and Perception
Starting Health: 25+CON+1D6
Weapon Groups: Brawling, Light Blades, Staves, and one more of choice
LEVEL 1: Thievery and one of choice (Novice)
No more changes are necessary

Rangers are hunters by trade and survivors by birth.
They live off the land and are master archers
Primary Abilities: Accuracy, Dexterity, Perception, and
Starting Health: 25+CON+1D6
Weapon Groups: Brawling, Light Blades, Bows, and one
more of choice
LEVEL 1: DEADLY SHOT: You can inflict extra
damage with a ranged attack if you take your time and
strike an opponent from an unexpected direction. You
must use an aim action and win an opposed test of your
Dexterity (Stealth) vs. your targets Perception (Seeing).
If you win the test, you can use your major action this
round to make a deadly shot. This is a ranged attack that
inflicts +1d6 extra damage. You cannot use deadly shot
against an enemy that you are adjacent to.
Scouting and Archery Style (Novice)
Level 4: TRIPLE SHOT: You make two additional attacks against the same enemy or a different one
within range and sight. You must have a loaded weapon to make a ranged attack. If you roll doubles on
these attack rolls, you do not get any more stunt points.
Level 6: PINING SHOT: You can use a missile weapon to momentarily pin an opponent in place. To
use pin in place, you must first hit with a ranged attack. If successful, you inflict no damage, but your
target is pinned in place and unable to move until it uses an activate action to free itself. While pinned
in place, all ranged attacks against the target from rogue characters are considered deadly shots. Stunts
are possible on your initial attack roll, so you could pin your opponent and then use a lightning attack
for an immediate deadly shot, for example.
Level 8: QUICK SHOT: You can make a ranged attack vs. a visible target within range as a Minor
Action. The attack roll and damage will receive a -2 penalty for the Quick Shot
Level 10: DEADLY SALVO: You can use the Deadly Salvo stunt for 2 SP when you hit a target with a
Deadly Shot. This stunt allows you to make a second Deadly Shot attack against the same or another
target. The second attack does not generate stunt points.

Every light casts a shadow
Umbra Agents are master spies and espionage experts., With their
mastery of shadow arcana and natural talent, they are hard to pin
down, and even harder to keep out of where they are not wanted. One
should always keep an eye on the shadows, who knows if the
shadows are watching back.
Requirments Dexterity (Stealth) and Willpower 3 or higher
You have an obsidian jewel that acts as your implement. You must
have it somewhere on your person to use your Shadow Arcana. If it is
lost or destroyed you can spend three days crafting a new one.
You have MP equal to 10+ Willpower. You add your willpower to
your MP every level.
Novice You have the novice degree in Shadow Arcana
Journeymen You have the journeymen degree in Shadow Arcana. Additionally you learn the
Dexterity (Acrobatics) focus if you do not have it already.
Master You have the master degree in Shadow Arcana. If you attack an enemy from stealth, you deal
an additional 1D6 damage.

Requirments: Intelligence 3 and Intelligence (Natural Lore) Focus.
Novice: You know two recipes from the novice list and are able to craft poisons from the novice poison
list. Additionally you are resistant to poison, only taking half damage from poison
Journeyman: You are able to craft poisons from the journeyman poison list. You are able to make
youre poisons more effective. Targets hit with youre poisons suffer a -2 to attack and damage rolls
until they succeed on a Constitution (stamina) check. TN = 10 + Intelligence
Master: You are able to craft poisons from the master poison list. With youre knowledge of toxins you
have learned to craft them into grenades. You can make a grenade which disperses a toxic cloud of one
of the poisons from the novice or journeyman
The Art of Poisons
To learn a new recipe a poisoner must find a teacher, which is generally either a poisoner of greater
talent or a written record such as a book or scroll. Most high level poisoners guard their knowledge
jealously, paranoid that it will be used against them or will undermine a monopoly they enjoy in their
homeland. Books are hard to find. Those not destroyed by the zealous are often held under lock and
Crow Poison: Damage 1d6 20 sp / 1 gp
Deathroot Extract: Hallucinations 5 sp / 25 sp

Hales Dust: 2 Strength 10 sp / 50 sp

Spider Venom: 2 Dexterity 10 sp / 50 sp
Adders Kiss: Damage 2d6+4 1 gp / 5 gp
Concentrated Crow Poison: 2d6 Damage, Delayed initiative, stunt restriction 70 sp / 350 sp
Concentrated Spider Venom: 4 Dexterity 60 sp / 3 gp
Fleshrot: 1d6 Damage Actions lost to pain 80 sp / 4 gp
Magebane: Lose 2d6 mana points 80 sp / 4 gp
Concentrated Magebane: Lose 4d6 mana points 130 sp / 650 sp
Marrow Lock: Major actions diffiult and damaging 150 sp / 750 sp
Quiet Death: 2d6 Damage, Fall to 0 Health 2 gp / 10 gp
Poison Rules []

Graceful as the wind, deadly as the storm
A dervish is a whirling menace of steel in battle. Their dance is as
elegant as it is deadly, steal flashing with every twirl. The dervish is an
agile fighter, leaping and twirling around with grace and precision in
combat. The most skilled of dervish can hypnotize those who watch
them dance.
Requirements Communication (Performance) and Dexterity 3 or
Novice Whenever you generate stunt points you can use the skirmish
stunt once for free, but only to move yourself. You get Dexterity
Journeymen Your twirling movements are able to ward off attacks from all sides.. You can use the
Defensive Stance stunt for 1SP
Master You can twirl and dance around the battlefield with beautiful movements to entrance
onlookers. You can make a Communication (Performance) check vs Constitution (Self-Discipline)
against all enemys within 10 yards that can see you. If they fail they take -2 to their defense and attack
until the beginning of your next turn.

Requirements Intelligence (research) and Intelligence
Novice: Tinkerer A gadgeteer can make a number of
devices equal to their intelligence per day that can
mimic the effects of one novice level mage spell. It
takes one hour per device, requires materials, and a
gadgeteer must pick the spell when crafting the device.
With an hour of searching and a successful TN 13
Intelligence (research) check you are able to scrounge
up sufficient parts to craft one gadget. A gadgeteer can
not carry more then their intelligence in gadgets at any
given time. The spell functions as normal but uses the
gadeteers Intelligence in place of willpower when
determining spellpower. Once used the gadget is
Journeyman: Sharp Mind You get the Intelligence (engineering) focus if you do not already have
it. You can apply your engineering focus to your gadgets from the novice level.
Master: Turret The gadgeteer creates a device that can automatically load, aim, and fire. It takes one
day and appropriate materials to craft a turret. This device is small sized and swivels on a tripod,
weighs 30 lbs, and has a magazine attachment capable of holding 15 rounds of ammunition. It can be
fitted to any bow or black powder group of weapon with an hours work. It takes a full round action to
deploy the turret into a space adjacent to the gadgeteer. This space must be flat solid ground with no
obstructions. Once deployed it immediately begins firing at its designated target, chosen when the
turret is deployed, as often as possible, taking all relevant penalties for doing so. The turret uses the
gadgeteers intelligence and any magical bonus to attack, dealing damage normally for the fitted
weapon. A max of two turrets can be carried at any given time, and turrets cannot generate stunt points.
It loads and fires at the same speed as it normally takes to fire the weapon and continues to fire until its
magazine is empty or one minute passes. If the target is out of the turrets line of sight it ceases firing
until the target is within sight again. A gadgeteer can command a turret to change targets as a minor
action.. The turret can remain activated for one minute before it must be recharged. A turret is
recharged by operating the hand crank as a major action to reset the mechanisms. Turrets may be
attacked or disarmed; they have and armor of 5 and 15 hit points. Disarming a gadeteers turret requires
a Dexterity (crafting) or Intelligence (engineering ) vs the gadgeteers Intelligence (engineering ),
which triggers a free attack against the person attempting to disable it.

Scroll Training
Requirements: Rogue or Warrior; Intelligence 2 or Higher; Focus Intelligence (Arcane Lore)
Novice: The character can read and cast spells from scrolls of Novice Level Arcana. They must
succeed at a TN equal to the spells TN in order to cast the spell. This uses the scroll up instantly
rendering it unreadable afterwards.
Journeyman: The character can read and cast spells from scrolls of Journeyman level Arcana.
They must succeed at a TN equal to the spells TN in order to cast the spell. This uses up the scroll
instantly rendering it unreadable afterwards. They may now learn a single Arcana Focus of their
Master: The character can now read and cast spells from scrolls of Master Level Arcana. They
must succeed at a TN equal to the spells TN in order to cast the spell. This uses up the scroll
instantly rendering it unreadable afterwards. They may now use a Novice level scroll twice before
it will be rendered useless.

Compiled by Kelly Neal from Fantasy AGE G+, Wiki and Facebook pages.

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