Conditionals 0,1,2,3
Conditionals 0,1,2,3
Conditionals 0,1,2,3
Standard &
If-clause Main clause Example
0 standard present simple present simple If I am tired, I go to bed early.
variation present continuous present simple When they are talking, everybody puts earplugs in their ears.
past simple past simple When he still had a job, he always went to the pub.
past simple used to + bare When they went on a holiday, they used to go to France.
1 standard present simple future simple If you don’t tell me what you know, I will never trust you again.
variation present simple to be going to + bare If the plane doesn’t arrive, we are going to cancel our meeting.
present continuous future simple If you are planning a trip, I will help you.
present perfect future simple When you have worked here for a year, you will get a raise.
present perfect future simple When you have been waiting for several hours, you will get angry.
2 standard past simple would + bare infinitive If you knew the answer, would you tell me ?
variation past continuous would + bare infinitive If he was laughing, you would feel embarrassed.
past simple would be + present If I went to the party, I would just be walking around aimlessly.
past continuous would be + present If I was going to India, I would be packing right now.
3 standard past perfect would have + past If the technician had not been around to help, they would never have
participle fixed the problem so quickly.
variation past perfect would have been + If you had said that to him, I would have been crying all night.
present participle
Mixed conditionals
2+3 standard past simple would have + past If you were me, what would you have done ?
variation past continuous would have + past If my colleague weren’t coming over tonight, I would have visited
participle my mother-in-law.
3+2 standard past perfect would + bare infinitive If I had listened to you, I would be head of this company.
variation past perfect would be + present If she had known about our plans, she would be driving up here,
participle right now.