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An Eleven-Level Switched-Capacitor Inverter With Boosting Capability

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An Eleven-Level Switched-Capacitor Inverter with
Boosting Capability
Md Reyaz Hussan 1 , Adil Sarwar 1, * , Irfan Khan 2, * , Mohd Tariq 1, * , Mohammad Tayyab 1
and Waleed Alhosaini 3,4

1 Department of Electrical Engineering, ZHCET, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, India; (M.R.H.); (M.T.)
2 Clean and Resilient Energy Systems (CARES) Lab., Texas A&M University at Galveston,
Galveston, TX 77553, USA
3 Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Jouf University,
Sakaka 72388, Saudi Arabia;
4 Engineering and Applied Sciences Research Unit, Jouf University, Sakaka 72388, Saudi Arabia
* Correspondence: (A.S.); (I.K.); (M.T.)

Abstract: An 11-level switched-capacitor multilevel inverter (SCMLI) with 2.5 times boosting feature
is presented in this paper. It can produce an 11-level output voltage waveform by utilizing 14 switches,
3 capacitors, 2 diodes, and 1 DC source. Only nine driver circuits are needed as the topology has
three pairs of complementary switches and two bidirectional switches. It has inherent capacitor
self-balancing property as the capacitors are connected across the DC voltage source during several
states within a fundamental cycle to charge the capacitors to the input voltage. A detailed comparison
shows the effectiveness of the proposed topology in terms of the number of switches, number of

 capacitors, number of sources, total standing voltage (TSV), efficiency, and boosting ability with the
state-of-art recently proposed circuits. Subsequently, the performance of the proposed SCMLI is
Citation: Hussan, M.R.; Sarwar, A.;
validated experimentally utilizing the nearest level control (NLC), a fundamental frequency-based
Khan, I.; Tariq, M.; Tayyab, M.;
switching technique.
Alhosaini, W. An Eleven-Level
Switched-Capacitor Inverter with
Boosting Capability. Electronics 2021,
Keywords: multilevel inverter; nearest level control; switched-capacitor circuits; voltage boosting
10, 2262.

Academic Editor: Jung-Hun Seo 1. Introduction

Inverters play a vital part in various industrial applications such as renewable energy
Received: 10 August 2021 generation systems (REGS), grid integration of photovoltaic systems, electric vehicles,
Accepted: 9 September 2021 flexible AC transmission systems, and motor drives. The major advantages of multilevel
Published: 15 September 2021
inverters (MLIs) are low total harmonic distortion (THD), high voltage operation, more
sinusoidal-like output, low voltage and dv/dt stresses on switches, reduced power loss,
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral low electromagnetic interference in output waveforms, etc. [1,2]. In general, MLI topologies
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
are classified into three conventional types: diode clamped, cascaded H-bridge, and flying
published maps and institutional affil-
capacitor [3]. These conventional MLIs suffer from various demerits, such as the need
for a higher number of components as the output levels are increased, capacitor voltage
balancing problem, and absence of self-voltage-boosting feature [4,5].
Considering the above issues, different novel MLI structures with reduced component
count have been proposed in the literature [6]. Specifically, switched-capacitor (SC)-based
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. MLIs are being proposed to reduce the number of DC power sources. However, most of
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. them require supplementary circuits for voltage boosting [7]. The need for the external
This article is an open access article
circuits for boosting is then eliminated by using switched capacitors in series/parallel
distributed under the terms and
with the input voltage supply [4,8,9]. Thus, switched-capacitor MLIs (SCMLIs) with self-
conditions of the Creative Commons
balancing and voltage-boosting capability, using a lesser number of device components
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
and reduced control complexity, have come up in recent times [10–14]. Many new SCMLI
structures have been proposed by different researchers for different output voltage levels.

Electronics 2021, 10, 2262.

Electronics 2021, 10, 2262 2 of 13

Topologies having a single DC source are more attractive because of their lower cost.
A nine-level inverter is proposed in [1], which utilizes 10 switches and 3 capacitors for
producing output voltage with no voltage boosting. A nine-level output voltage with a
voltage boosting of two has been developed in [3], using two capacitors, one bidirectional
switch, and nine unidirectional switches. The authors of [4,15] reduced the number of
switches to eight to obtain a nine-level output voltage with a boosting of 2 times. Even
though the device components are reduced, the total standing voltage (TSV) is high for
the circuit. An 11-level inverter was proposed in [16] using twelve switches and a total
of five capacitors using an auxiliary circuit for the complex control logic. For the same
number of levels, the authors of [17] reduced the number of switches to 10, but it requires
a large number of capacitors and diodes (nine capacitors and nine diodes). Eleven-level
inverters having three DC sources are proposed in [18,19], which have eight and three
switches, respectively. Switches have been reduced, but the TSV is high, and there is no
voltage boosting. In this paper, an 11-level SCMLI topology is proposed to have 2.5 times
voltage boosting with reduced component count and reduced TSV. The maximum voltage
stress on the switches is restricted to twice the input voltage. In the proposed circuit,
10 unidirectional switches and 2 bidirectional switches are used. Three pairs of switches
are complementary in nature, as a result of which a simplified control logic is used. A
simple NLC-based algorithm is used to obtain the switching pulses for IGBTs employed in
the proposed circuit. All three capacitors have self-voltage-balancing property. Negative
voltage levels are obtained without using H-bridge.
The circuit of the proposed topology, its operating principle with NLC, and the
fundamental frequency-based switching scheme are given in detail. Hardware results
are provided to verify the performance of the proposed SCMLI. A detailed comparison
is carried out to justify the merits of the proposed topology against the other recently
published topologies.

2. Proposed Switched-Capacitor Topology

The topology and output voltage waveform for the proposed 11-level SCMLI are
shown in Figure 1. An elaborate discussion on the proposed SCMLI is presented in the
following subsections.

Figure 1. Proposed topology: (a) circuit diagram; (b) 11-level output voltage.

2.1. Circuit Analysis

The proposed SCMLI topology is shown in Figure 1a. It comprises 10 unidirectional
switches (S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 , S5 , S6 , S9 , S10 , S11 , S12 ), 2 bidirectional switches (S7 , S8 ), 3 capacitors
(C1 , C2 , C3 ), 2 diodes (D1 , D2 ), and 1 DC source (Vdc ). Figure 1b shows the 11-level output
voltage waveform having a voltage boosting of 2.5. Here unidirectional and bidirectional
are in terms of voltage. Current can flow in both directions for unidirectional switches also
Electronics 2021, 10, 2262 3 of 13

through reverse body diode. The capacitors are connected in the circuit in such a way that
they are self-balanced and are charged to the extent that desired output voltage levels are
obtained. The capacitors C1 and C2 are charged to Vdc /2, and the capacitor C3 is charged
to Vdc to obtain the 11 output voltage levels as 0, ±Vdc /2, ±Vdc , ±3 Vdc /2, ±2 Vdc , and
±5 Vdc /2.

2.2. Working of the Topology for Different Voltage Levels

All the switching states and their respective conduction diagrams are shown in Table 1
and Figure 2, respectively. For better comprehension, the effect of different switching
states has been marked. Red lines represent the conduction path, black lines represent the
nonconducting path, and green lines depict the capacitor charging path. The entries “Y”
and “N” indicate the on and off states of the respective switch in the table. “C”, “D”, and
“NC” represent charging, discharging, and no change of the respective capacitors. The
different positive output voltages can be obtained as follows:
• Zero level: Zero voltage at the load is obtained by turning the switches S1 , S5 , S8 , and
S12 on, as depicted in Figure 2a.
• 0.5 Vdc level: The required energy is supplied to the load terminals by the energy
stored in C1 by turning S2 , S6 , S9 , and S11 on, as shown in Figure 2b.
• 1 Vdc level: The energy stored in capacitors C1 and C2 is used to generate this level by
turning S1 , S3 , S8 , and S12 on. At the same time, all the capacitors are charged in this
mode by turning S4 and S7 on, as shown in Figure 2c.
• 1.5 Vdc level: The required energy to generate this level at the output is obtained by
the supply voltage of 1 Vdc and the energy stored in C1 by turning S1 , S6 , S9 , and S11
on, as shown in Figure 2d.
• 2 Vdc level: The energy stored in capacitors C1 and C2 and the input supply of 1 Vdc
are used to generate this level by turning S1 , S6 , S8 , and S12 on, as shown in Figure 2e.
• 2.5 Vdc level: The energy stored in capacitors C1 and C3 and the input supply of
1 Vdc are used to generate this level by turning S1 , S6 , S9 , and S12 on, as depicted in
Figure 2f.
Likewise, in the negative half cycle, all possible levels are shown in Figure 2g–k.

Table 1. Switching table and capacitor states for the proposed 11-level inverter.

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 C1 C2 C3 Output Voltage

N Y N N N Y N N Y N Y N D NC NC Vdc /2
Y N Y Y N N Y Y N N N Y C C C Vdc
Y N N N N Y N N Y N Y N D NC NC 3 Vdc /2
Y N N N N Y N Y N N N Y D D NC 2 Vdc
Y N N N N Y N N Y N N Y D NC D 5 Vdc /2
Y N N N Y N N N N Y N Y NC D NC −Vdc /2
N Y Y Y N N Y Y N N Y N C C C −Vdc
N Y N N Y N N N N Y N Y NC D NC −3 Vdc /2
N Y N N Y N Y N N N Y N D D NC −2 Vdc
N Y N N Y N N N N Y Y N NC D D −5 Vdc /2
Y, switch on; N, switch off; C, charging; D, discharging; NC, no change.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2262 4 of 13

Figure 2. All the conduction states of the proposed topology: (a) zero output voltage; (b–f) positive half-cycle; (g–k) negative
Electronics 2021, 10, 2262 5 of 13

2.3. Capacitor Voltage Balance and Capacitance Calculation

All the three capacitors are self-balanced to their desired voltage levels through the
parallel connection of the capacitors to the source and in series with the load at different
instants. The capacitors C1 , C2 , and C3 are being charged during the voltage levels of +Vdc
and −Vdc to 0.5 Vdc , 0.5 Vdc , and Vdc , respectively. All the charging and discharging time
intervals are shown in Figure 3. Load parameters do not affect the capacitors’ charging
interval as the charging circuit of the topology has only diodes, switches, and capacitors [20].
Hence, the charging and discharging intervals for the capacitors are equal in a cycle.
Therefore, the self-voltage balance of all the capacitors is maintained irrespective of the
loading condition. The largest discharging period (LDP), nominal frequency, least voltage
ripple, and maximum fundamental load current are used to calculate the optimum value
of the capacitors. Using LDP for capacitor C1 , which is the same as that of capacitor C2 ,
i.e., [t3 , T/2 − t3 ], the maximum discharging amount during this time interval is expressed
in (1).
Z T − t3
1 2
∆QC1 = ∆QC2 = i L (t) dt (1)
2π f t3
where f is the output voltage frequency and iL is the load current.

Figure 3. Staircase output with capacitor voltage pattern.

The largest discharging period for C3 is [t5 , T/2 − t5 ]. Hence, the maximum discharg-
ing amount during this interval can be expressed as
T −t
Z 5
∆QC3 = i L (t) dt (2)
2π f t5

From Equations (1) and (2), the values of C1 , C2 , and C3 can be calculated as

∆QC1,2 1
Z T −t
2 3
C1 = C2 = = i L (t) dt (3)
∆VC1,2 2π f × ∆VC1,2 t3

T −t
Z 5
C3 = = i L (t) dt (4)
∆VC3 2π f × ∆VC3 t5
Electronics 2021, 10, 2262 6 of 13

Thus, by taking maximum allowable ripple voltage (∆V c ) equal to 10% of the corre-
sponding capacitor voltage, the solution of Equations (3) and (4) give the optimum value
of all the capacitors.

2.4. Power Loss Analysis

Three types of losses are considered for the proposed SCMLI topology, including
charging or ripple loss, conduction loss, and switching loss occurring in the system.

2.4.1. Ripple or Charging Loss (PR )

The ripple or charging loss is the loss associated with the charging of the capacitor.
The magnitude of the charging current flowing through the capacitor during this period
depends upon the voltage difference between the present value of the capacitor voltage
and the desired value of the capacitor voltage. The ripple loss of the capacitors during a
fundamental cycle can be expressed as

PR = ∑ 2
(∆VCn )2 ×f (5)
n =1

where n is the number of capacitors present in the circuit, f is the fundamental frequency,
and ∆VCn is the capacitor voltage ripple of the nth capacitor. ∆VCn can also be obtained
from the following equation:
Z t
∆VCn = iCn (t)dt (6)
Cn 0

where duration [0, t] is the largest discharging period and iC is the capacitor charging current.

2.4.2. Ohmic Loss (PO )

The ohmic loss is caused due to the internal resistances of the devices entering the
conduction path. PO for different levels can be calculated by the equivalent circuit diagram
for that level. Thus, the total ohmic loss of the topology can be obtained by considering all
the voltage levels. Ohmic loss can be expressed as

PO = IO 2 (nRs + mRd + pRc ) (7)

where IO is the load current; Rs is the on-state switch resistance; Rd is the diode resistance;
Rc is the internal resistance of the capacitor; and n, m, and p are the numbers of switches,
diodes, and capacitors present in the conduction path of the corresponding level.

2.4.3. Switching Loss (PS )

Switching losses occur during the switching activity of the switches. Assuming the
switch voltage and current to be linear at the time of switching, the switching power loss
during the turn-on process can be expressed as
Z ton Z ton   
VS I 1
PS,on = f v(t)i (t)dt= f t − k (t − ton ) dt = f VS Iton . (8)
0 0 ton ton 6

Loss of power during switching off process can be expressed as

! !
Z t Z t
of f of f VS  1
PS,o f f = f v(t)i (t)dt = f t − t − to f f dt = f VS I 0 to f f , (9)
0 0 to f f to f f 6

where I is the current flowing through the switch during the turn-on time, I 0 is the current
flowing through the switch during the turn-off time, ‘f ’ is the switching frequency, and
VS is the withstanding voltage of the switch. Total switching loss of the topology can be
Electronics 2021, 10, 2262 7 of 13

calculated by multiplying the number of the on (Non ) switching states and number of the
off switching states (No f f ) in one complete cycle with (8) and (9), resulting in (10):
 
14 Non No f f
PS = ∑ ∑ PS,on,km + ∑ PS,o f f ,km  (10)
k =1 m =1 m =1

2.5. Nearest Level Control (NLC)

Numerous modulation schemes have been tested and used for multilevel inverters.
The nearest level control is a low-switching-frequency PWM technique for which the
complexity in implementation is lesser for a higher number of levels [21]. NLC is used here
for the proposed topology to control the switches so that the desired output waveform is
obtained. In NLC, the reference sinusoidal waveform is compared with the desired output
waveform to obtain a sampled waveform. The waveform generated is then rounded off to
the nearest level and compared according to the switching logic given in Table 1 to produce
switching signals for the corresponding IGBTs. The working principle of the NLC is shown
in Figure 4a,b. The symbol “A” in the figure corresponds to 5 for this 11-level topology.
The amplitude of the reference signal (sine wave) is also 5, and its frequency is taken to be
50 Hz.

Figure 4. Nearest level control: (a) level generation method; (b) working of NLC.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2262 8 of 13

3. Comparative Analysis
Comparison of the proposed 11-level inverter with recently published 11-level topolo-
gies was carried out in order to show its advantages over these topologies. The detailed
comparison is shown in Table 2 on the basis of the number of switches (Nsw ), number of
diodes (Nd ), number of DC sources (Ndc ), number of capacitors (Nc ), the voltage gain of
the converter, TSVpu , and efficiency (η). Total standing voltage (TSV) is the sum of all the
maximum voltage stresses across all the switches. It is the deciding factor for the voltage
rating of the switches to be used in the topology. TSVpu is the ratio of TSV to the peak
value of AC output voltage. The proposed topology and the one presented in [16] have the
minimum TSVpu . The proposed topology needs 14 IGBTs, but as it has two bidirectional
switches and six unidirectional switches, the number of drivers required is reduced to nine.
Among single DC source topologies, that presented in [16] has fewer switches than the
proposed one, but it uses five capacitors as compared to three in the proposed topology.
Further, it has no voltage-boosting ability. Only the proposed topology has the boosting
feature with a gain of 2.5. Topologies presented in [18,21] use three DC sources, while
the topology presented in [22] uses two DC sources. In terms of efficiency, the proposed
topology stands better than these topologies except that of [16]. The efficiency of the
proposed topology is quite high at 96.75%.

Table 2. Comparison of the proposed MLI with recent 11-level topologies.

11-Level MLI Nsw Ndr Nd Ndc Nc Gain TSVp.u Efficiency (%)

[16] 12 6 0 1 5 1 3.0 97.32
[18] 8 7 0 3 1 1 4.4 -
[21] 9 9 1 3 1 1 4.2 96
[22] 10 10 4 2 2 1 5.2 93.85
[23] 17 17 1 1 5 1 3.33 96.5
Proposed 14 9 2 1 3 2.5 3.0 96.75

4. Results and Discussion

In this section, simulation results and hardware results of the proposed 11-level
inverter topology are presented for different loading conditions.

4.1. Simulation Results

The proposed topology was simulated using MATLAB/Simulink. Figure 5 shows
various simulation results obtained for the topology. Output voltage and current wave-
forms of the proposed 11-level inverter for the purely resistive load (R = 50 Ω) are shown
in Figure 5a. Figure 5b shows the voltage and current waveform for RL load (R = 50 Ω,
L = 120 mH). The voltage and current plot for dynamic load change from R = 50 Ω to
R = 100 Ω and L = 120 mH is shown in Figure 5c. Figure 5d shows the effect of change
in modulation values (M = 1.0, 0.8, 0.6). The smooth results showing a sudden change
in load and modulation index verify the performance of the proposed inverter. Different
parameters taken for the simulation are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Simulation parameters.

DC voltage sources 150 V

Capacitors 4700 µF, 200 V, 2200 µF, 200 V
Load resistance 50 Ω, 100 Ω
Load inductance 120 mH
Output frequency 50 Hz
Switching frequency 50 Hz
Electronics 2021, 10, 2262 9 of 13

Figure 5. Output voltage and current waveforms of the proposed 11-level inverter for (a) resistive
load of 50 Ω, (b) RL load (R = 50 Ω, L = 120 mH), (c) dynamic load change from R = 50 Ω to R = 100 Ω
and L = 120 mH, and (d) change in modulation from M = 1.0 to M = 0.8 to M = 0.6.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2262 10 of 13

4.2. Hardware Results

A hardware prototype, shown in Figure 6, was developed to test the viability of the
proposed 11-level inverter. An insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) (FGA25N120) was
used to build the circuit. TLP-250H-based gate driver circuit was used for generating gate
signals to individual IGBTs. Fundamental switching nearest level control (NLC) scheme
was used to produce gate signals. The NLC scheme was implemented with the help of a
digital signal processor (TMS320F28379D) for the proposed inverter. A FLUKE 435 series
II power quality and energy analyzer was used for measuring experimental THD and
efficiency percentages of the proposed MLI. Experimental parameters are shown in Table 4.
Figure 7a shows the 11-level output voltage with a peak voltage of around 62 volts and a
current peak of 1.2 A for a resistive load of 50 Ω, which validates the voltage gain of 2.5 for
an input voltage of 25 V. As the load is suddenly changed from no load to 60 Ω to 30 Ω, the
magnitude of load current changes from 0 A to 1 A to 2 A as shown in Figure 7b. Figure 7c
represents a dynamic change in the power factor. The load current is steady even after
this sudden load change, and the output voltage is also unaffected. The proposed inverter
was also tested for different modulation indices that are shown in Figure 7d. It is seen
that as the modulation index is changed from 1 to 0.8 to 0.6, the number of output levels
is accordingly reduced from 11 to 9 to 7. The output voltage THD is shown in Figure 7e.
Output voltage THD was found to be 8.6% when a load of 50 Ω and 100 mH was taken.
The efficiency curve of the proposed circuit was obtained by plotting the efficiency at
different loads versus the output power using the power quality and energy analyzer, as
represented in Figure 7f. The maximum efficiency achieved is 96.75% at an output power
of 1500 watts, which decreases as the output power is increased [24,25]. Figure 8 shows
the effect of modulation change on the THD of the proposed inverter. Simulation of the
inverter was completed at different modulation indices and the THD was obtained. As the
modulation index is decreased, THD increases and the number of levels is also affected.
Eleven levels are obtained at the output for modulation index of 0.92–1, which decreases to
nine for modulation index of 0.72–9 and then to seven for modulation index of 0.6–0.7.

Figure 6. Experimental Setup.

Table 4. Parameters for experimental validation.

DC Voltage Sources 25 V (Vdc )

Capacitors 4700 µF, 100 V, 2200 µF, 100 V
Load Resistance 30 Ω, 50 Ω, 60 Ω
Load Inductance 50 mH
Output frequency 50 Hz
Switching frequency 50 Hz
Electronics 2021, 10, 2262 11 of 13

Figure 7. Output voltage and current waveform of the proposed 11-level inverter for (a) resistive load of 50 Ω, (b) dynamic
load change from no load to 60 Ω to 30 Ω, (c) dynamic load change from 60 Ω–50 mH to 50 Ω–50 mH, (d) change in modu-
lation from M = 1.0 to M = 0.8 to M = 0.6, (e) THD of the output voltage, and (f) efficiency in different loading conditions.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2262 12 of 13

Figure 8. Effect of modulation change on THD of the inverter.

5. Conclusions
A switched-capacitor MLI topology with the detailed operating principle and circuit
analysis is proposed. It has 2.5 times voltage boosting, and the maximum voltage stress
across the switches is restricted to twice the input voltage, which results in reduced TSV
of the proposed inverter. All the capacitors are self-balanced, which simplifies the control
complexity. A simple fundamental modulation technique, i.e., NLC, is implemented to
generate the gating pulses for IGBTs. Hardware results validate the performance of the
proposed topology under different dynamic loading conditions. A thorough comparison
reflects the efficacy of the proposed topology over the recently published 11-level topologies.
The output voltage THD of the proposed inverter is 8.6%. The maximum efficiency achieved
for the converter is 96.75%.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.R.H., A.S., M.T. (Mohd Tariq), and M.T. (Mohammad
Tayyab); formal analysis, M.R.H., A.S., I.K., M.T. (Mohd Tariq), and M.T. (Mohammad Tayyab);
funding acquisition, M.T. (Mohd Tariq) and W.A.; investigation, M.R.H., A.S., I.K., M.T. (Mohd Tariq),
M.T. (Mohammad Tayyab), and W.A.; methodology, M.R.H., A.S., I.K., M.T. (Mohd Tariq), M.T.
(Mohammad Tayyab) and W.A.; project administration, M.T. (Mohd Tariq) and W.A.; supervision:
A.S. and M.T. (Mohd Tariq); writing—original draft, M.R.H. and A.S.; writing—review and editing,
I.K., M.T. (Mohd Tariq), M.T. (Mohammad Tayyab), and W.A. All authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The authors extend their appreciation to the Deputyship for Research Innovation, Ministry
of Education in Saudi Arabia, for funding this work through the project number “375213500”.
The authors acknowledge the financial support provided from the Collaborative Research Grant
Scheme (CRGS) Project CRGS/MOHD TARIQ/01 and CRGS/MOHD TARIQ/02 sponsored by the
Capability Systems Centre, UNSW, Canberra, to the Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) Lab, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, India, and the technical support provided by
the Non-Conventional Energy (NCE) Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering, Aligarh Muslim
University, India.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2262 13 of 13

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