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FCE Listening Practice Test 1-12 bản word

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FCE Listening Practice Test 1

PART 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best
answer (A, В or C).
1 You hear a customer talking to a shop assistant about a coat she bought. What does she want?
A a different kind of item B the same item but in a different size C her money back
2 You hear a weather forecast on the radio. Tomorrow, the weather in the east of the country will be
A stormy in the morning.. B sunny in the afternoon C foggy in the evening.
3 You hear an office worker talking about cycling to work. What does she enjoy most about it?
A getting some exercise each morning B avoiding the traffic into town
C thinking about the day ahead
4 You hear a radio announcer talking about a competition for writers of short stories. The man says that one
of the rules is that
A you have to be over sixteen to enter. B you can submit more than one entry.
C your entry must be emailed.
5 You hear a conversation about reading. The man enjoys reading books which
A have characters that remind him of people he knows.
B describe situations that he finds highly amusing.
C are set in places that he is unlikely ever to visit.
6 You hear two people talking about watching films on the Internet. What do they agree about?
A the advantages of buying films online
B the usefulness of reading film reviews
C the pleasure of watching films at home
7 You hear a woman at an airport talking on the phone. Why did she miss her flight?
A She was held up by traffic.
B There was a long queue at check-in.
C She went to the wrong terminal.
8 You hear a man talking about his new job. What attracted him to this job?
A the type of work B the opportunities for promotion C the salary offered

PART 2: You will hear an expert snowboarder called Brad Mitchell talking about the sport of extreme
snowboarding. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Extreme snowboarding
Brad says there are no 9 to warn extreme snowboarders of dangers.
Brad advises snowboarders always to follow the 10 when descending.
Brad always wears a 11 when he goes into the mountains.
According to Brad, you need a lot of 12 to set off down the mountain.
Brad particularly enjoys doing several 13 when he is going down a slope.
Brad says at first he found it difficult to do a good 14 on steep slopes.
Brad says you must never 15 if you feel you’re about to fall.
Brad advises against putting your weight on your 16 in a fall.
Brad always carries a 17 in case he is in difficulty following a fall.
In the future, Brad would most like to try 18 snowboarding.
PART 3: You will hear five short extracts in which people talk about habits they find difficult to control.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) the habit each person has. Use the letters only once. There
are three extra letters which you do not need to use.
A eating unhealthy food
В doing too much exercise
C buying unnecessary items
D watching too much television
E spending too much time online
F oversleeping
G working too hard
H arriving late for everything Speaker 1 19
Speaker 2 20
Speaker 3 21
Speaker 4 22
Speaker 5 23

PART 4: You will hear Leonie Steiner talking to an interviewer about her work as a music teacher in a
school. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, В or C).
24. Leonie first starting learning the piano
A with a relative. B at primary school. C with a private teacher.
25. Leonie started giving music lessons
A for the pleasure of seeing others learn.
B because she needed some extra money.
C to see if she was suited to teaching.
26. Leonie most likes to teach students who
A have great natural talent at an early age.
B need good teaching to develop their talent.
C have previously been taught badly.
27. Leonie thinks that schools should
A employ far more music teachers.
B buy good musical instruments.
C ensure that all their pupils pass music exams.
28. Leonie thinks the problem with singing in schools is that
A many students are too embarrassed to sing.
B few students want to learn how to sing.
C singing is not often taught in them nowadays.
29. Leonie believes her success as a music teacher is a result of
A choosing a particular age group of children to teach.
B the training she received as a student teacher.
C a natural ability to communicate with young people.
30. What decision did Leonie find difficult to make?
A to turn down the offer of a job abroad
B to refuse promotion in the school
C to continue teaching when she felt tired
FCE Listening Practice Test 2
Part 1:You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer
(A, В or C).
1 You hear part of a conversation in a watch repair shop. What is the man doing?
A refusing to accept the watch for repair
B encouraging the customer to buy a watch
C advising the customer to have the watch mended elsewhere
2 You are on a train and you hear a woman leaving a message on an answering machine. Why is she calling?
A to arrange a lift from the station
B to change the time of her evening meal
C to find out bus times from the station
3 You hear a talent show judge commenting on a performance she has just seen. What does she think of the
man’s performance?
A He lacks confidence.
B He chose the wrong song.
C He has a weak singing voice.
4 You hear the beginning of a talk in a community centre. What will the talk be about?
A local history
B transport problems
C modern agriculture
5 You hear a man talking about saving money. He wants to buy
A a motorcycle. B a bicycle. C a car.
6 You hear a woman talking about a concert being cancelled. What does she think about this?
A She is glad it will not take place.
B It should be re-arranged for a later date.
C She should have been told sooner.
7 You hear a man and woman talking about a flat they are considering renting. What do they both like about
A the size B the low rent C the furniture
8 You hear a woman talking about her tablet computer. How does she feel about it?
A She finds something about it annoying.
B She wants to get a more powerful model.
C She spends too much time using it.
Part 2: You will hear a man called Markus Fischer talking about mooncake, a traditional Asian bakery
product. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Markus was staying in 9 when he first tried mooncake.
Markus’s favourite kind of mooncake has a filling made of 10 .
Markus says that he likes to have 11 with mooncake.
Mooncake is popular during the Moon Festival, which last year was held in 12 .
The mooncake Marcus was given during the festival had the shape of a 13 on the top.
Markus was surprised to learn that mooncake is rarely made 14 in China.
The people Markus was staying with received mooncake from their 15 .
His host family gave Markus a mooncake that had a slightly 16 flavour.
Markus was told that, many years ago, people used mooncakes to send 17 to each other.
After people had read what was written on the mooncake, they 18 it.

Part 3: You will hear five short extracts in which people talk about deciding to take up new interests.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) the reason each speaker gives for deciding to take up their
new interest. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.
Best viewed in landscape mode
A to help other people
В to make some money
C to pass the time
D to meet new people
E to try to win a prize
F to overcome a fear
G to get fit
H to make a change from their work Speaker 1 19
Speaker 2 20
Speaker 3 21
Speaker 4 22
Speaker 5 23
Part 4: You will hear an interview with a woman called Adriana Moretti, who works as a wildlife
photographer. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, В or C).
24. Why did Adriana want to become a wildlife photographer?
A She enjoyed travelling to remote locations.
B She was very good at taking photos.
C She was interested in animal behaviour.
25. Why, according to Adriana, is it easier nowadays to learn how to photograph animals?
A The necessary equipment is cheaper than it used to be.
B It is possible to learn wildlife photography online.
C Cheap international travel means more species can be photographed.
26. Why did Adriana feel uncomfortable while she was trying to take photos of birds?
A She was not able to sit down. B Her feet were getting wet. C She was being bitten by insects.
27. How did Adriana feel when she was trying to photograph the crocodile?
A afraid that it might try to attack her
B worried she may not get the photo she wanted
C increasingly bored with waiting to take the picture
28. Adriana has still never taken photos of
A a tiger in India. B a snow leopard in China. C a polar bear in Russia.
29. What disadvantage does Adriana say her work has?
A She sometimes feels lonely when she is working abroad.
B She doesn’t see her family as often as she would like to.
C She always has to go where the agency tells her.
30. Adriana believes it is becoming harder to get work as a wildlife photographer because
A so many photos of wildlife are available on the Internet.
B there is a lot of competition for jobs in wildlife photography.
C people are becoming less interested in wildlife.

FCE Listening Practice Test 3

Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer
(A, В or C).
1 You hear a film review on the radio. What criticism does the reviewer make?
A the acting is poor
B the music is unsuitable
C the story is difficult to follow
2 You hear two students talking about a holiday abroad. What do they agree about?
A Foreign travel is harmful to the environment.
B It is becoming more expensive to travel abroad.
C Holidays are more enjoyable if you go abroad.
3 You hear a woman talking on the radio about a place called Dolphin Bay. Where did she first hear about
Dolphin Bay?
A on the Internet
B on the radio
C on television
4 You overhear a woman talking outside the post office. Why had she gone to the post office?
A to collect a parcel
B to buy stamps
C to send a parcel
5 You hear part of a discussion on local radio. What is the programme about?
A building new housing
B protecting wildlife
C improving road safety
6 You hear a man talking about motorcycling. What does he regret?
A riding his motorcycle too fast
B doing a particular journey by motorcycle
C buying a motorcycle
7 You overhear a student talking about her new college. How does she feel about the college?
A She is finding some of the lessons difficult.
B Some of her new classmates are unfriendly.
C It is too far away from her home.
8 You overhear a driving instructor talking to a learner after the lesson has ended. What mistake did the
learner make?
A He ignored a road sign.
B He was driving too fast.
C He failed to look in the mirror.
Part 2: You will hear a student called Fiona Doyle talking about living in the countryside after growing up in
a city. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Moving to the countryside
Fiona says the lack of 9 in the countryside created a contrast at night.
Some rooms in the house can be rather 10 in winter.
At first, the 11 made it difficult for Fiona to sleep in the house.
Fiona finds she tends to 12 later in the day than when she was in the city.
In the countryside, Fiona sees 13 from her bedroom window.
Fiona sometimes finds the slowness of the 14 where she lives rather irritating.
Out in the countryside, Fiona sometimes can’t get 15 from friends.
The nearest 16 is almost two kilometres away from where Fiona lives.
Fiona says you need to have a 17 in the country, but not in the city.
Fiona won’t have to travel as far to the 18 as she would from her old home.

Part 3: You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about difficult situations they have been
in. For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker says they did in each situation. Use
the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.
A I contacted the emergency services.
В I found it impossible to remain calm.
С I did what I had been trained to do.
D I followed someone else’s advice.
E I made a decision I later regretted.
F I helped people reach safety.
G I was tempted to ignore what had happened.
H I had an argument with someone. Speaker 1 19
Speaker 2 20
Speaker 3 21
Speaker 4 22
Speaker 5 23

Part 4: You will hear an interview with travel writer Amy McCarthy about her first experience of travelling
abroad. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, В or C).
24. Why did Amy want to go abroad?
A She wanted to find a job in another country.
B Her friends had invited her to go with them.
C She felt she was good at learning languages.
25. Amy and her friends decided to go to Ibiza because
A it was cheaper than similar destinations.
B there were lots of things to do there.
C none of them had been there before.
26. When she was at the airport, Amy felt
A glad she had taken sandwiches with her.
B worried that she might miss her plane.
C annoyed that she had spent so much.
27. Amy’s friend Carla annoyed Amy because Carla
A sometimes left dirty dishes in the living room.
B often forgot her keys when she went out.
C wouldn’t do any food shopping.
28. Why didn’t Amy phone her family?
A She didn’t have enough credit left on her phone.
B She forgot that she had promised to call them.
C She didn’t want them to hear her sounding unhappy.
29. What did Amy regret doing?
A booking three weeks at the apartment
B taking the wrong items on holiday with her
C agreeing to take it in turns to cook meals 30
30. What were Amy’s feelings when she got home?
A She never wanted to go on holiday with friends again.
B The holiday had been a useful learning experience.
C Next summer she would look for work abroad.

FCE Listening Practice Test 4

Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer
(A, В or C).
1 You hear someone talking about football referees. What is the speaker’s attitude towards referees?
A They make too many mistakes.
B They deserve sympathy.
C Some are better than others.
2 You hear a famous chef talking about his week. What does he say about what happened during the week?
A He had a problem that was not his fault.
B He didn’t want to appear on so many programmes.
C He had his first experience of live TV.
3 You hear someone talking about her career in dancing. What does she emphasize?
A the contribution made by her parents
B how much hard work she did
C her desire to be a dancer
4 You hear someone talking on the phone at work. Who is she talking to?
A a colleague
B her boss
C a client
5 You hear a radio presenter talking about a book. What feeling does the presenter express about the book?
A doubt that it does exactly what it says it does
B amazement at how up to date its information is
C curiosity about how it was written
6 You hear part of an interview with a famous comedian. What does he say about his school days?
A The teachers never criticized him.
B He was only good at one subject.
C Other people found him amusing.
7 You hear someone talking about a person he knows. What is the speaker doing?
A complaining
B apologizing
C arguing
8 You hear a tour guide talking to a group of visitors to a museum. What does he tell them about the
A Its easy to get lost in it.
B Big groups aren’t allowed in some parts of it.
C It’s better only to visit a small part of it.

Part 2: You will hear someone talking about the sport of elephant polo. For questions 9-18, complete the
Elephant Polo
Elephants are 9 animals and so they enjoy elephant polo tournaments.
The 10 of a goal in elephant polo is the same as in football.
A player and an elephant 11 both sit on each elephant.
It is against the rules for the elephants to use their trunks to 12 the ball.
A total of 13 elephants are required for a game to take place.
The participants are in action for a total of 14 during each game.
The stick used in the game is both 15 .
The elephants sometimes want to 16 in front of a goal.
An elephant with a bad 17 will be taken out of a game.
African elephants are not used because 18 cause a problem.

Part 3:You will hear five different people talking about cities they have visited. For questions 19-23, choose
from the list (A – H) the opinion each person gives about the city. Use the letters only once. There are three
extra letters which you do not need to use.
A It was exactly as I had imagined.
В It is not as good as it used to be.
C It is hard to find your way around it.
D It is overrated.
E It can get too crowded.
F It takes time to get used to.
G It is too expensive.
H It was even better than I expected. Speaker 1 19
Speaker 2 20
Speaker 3 21
Speaker 4 22
Speaker 5 23

Part 4:You will hear Leonie Steiner talking to an interviewer about her work as a music teacher in a school.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, В or C).
24. What does James say about the radio station he started?
A Its name was very appropriate.
B It was more popular than he had expected.
C It was not very expensive to run.
25. What does James say about people’s attitudes towards his age?
A They were nicer to him when he was 12 than when he was 16.
B They were more jealous of him when he was 12 than when he was 16.
C They expected more of him when he was 16 than when he was 12.
26. James says that his career in music has included
A taking over a local radio station.
B making advertisements.
C setting up new festivals.
27. What do we learn about advertising on James’ TV channel?
A There isn’t any of it.
B It always includes music.
C It doesn’t interrupt the programmes.
28. What does James say about the people interviewed on the channel?
A They have to say something interesting.
B They enjoy being interviewed.
C They often say unexpected things.
29. What does James say about his ideas?
A Some of them are not very realistic.
B He expects to have good ones all the time.
C He makes sure that he doesn’t forget them.
30. James’s advice to listeners who might want to go into business is to
A forget about past problems.
B learn from past mistakes.
C take big risks.

FCE Listening Practice Test 5

Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer
(A, В or C).
1 You hear part of an interview with a sportsman. What does he say about playing for the national team?
A He doesn’t think it will happen soon.
B It isn’t his main concern at the moment.
C The possibility of it happening has put him under pressure.
2 You hear the introduction to a radio programme. What is the speaker doing?
A contrasting weather forecasting in the past and the present
B explaining why weather forecasting has become more accurate
C joking about how people used to forecast the weather
3 You hear a man talking about reading aloud to children. What opinion does he express?
A Short stories are better than longer books.
B The choice of book may not be important.
C It’s hard to know what will make children laugh.
4 You hear someone talking about work. What is his situation?
A He has just left a job.
B He is thinking of leaving his job.
C He has just started a new job.
5 You hear someone talking about his childhood. What does he mention?
A a habit he regards as strange
B regret about some of his behaviour
C how much he has changed
6 You hear someone talking about something that happened at a party. How did the speaker feel?
A upset
B amused
C frightened
7 You hear part of a talk about blues music. What is the speaker talking about?
A why it originated in a certain area
B how popular it was in the past compared with today
C its importance in the history of popular music
8 You hear someone on the radio talking about a website for consumers. What is the speaker’s purpose?
A to encourage consumers to make complaints
B to inform consumers about a source of information
C to describe common problems for consumers

Part 2: You will hear a radio interview about indoor skydiving. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences.
The fans in the tunnel are normally used for putting air into 9 .
It has been said that the machine looks like a huge 10 .
The walls in the tunnel are made of 11 .
The only parts of the body that can get hurt in the tunnel are the 12 .
You have to be 13 years old to use the tunnel.
You have to wear 14 when you use the tunnel.
Beginners have two 15 lessons in the tunnel with an instructor.
During lessons, you get into a position as if you have a 16 in your hands.
The person who created the wind tunnel refers to it as a 17 ‘ ‘.
Indoor skydiving has become a sport called 18 .

Part 3:You will hear five different people talking about the reasons why they became very successful. For
questions 19-23, choose from the list (A – H) the reason each person gives for their success. Use the letters
only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.
A natural ability
В encouragement from others
C careful planning
D peer pressure
E determination to improve
F lack of competition
G constant good luck
H courage Speaker 1 19
Speaker 2 20
Speaker 3 21
Speaker 4 22
Speaker 5 23

Part 4:You will hear someone giving a talk about taking up running as an activity. For questions 24-30,
choose the best answer (A, В or C).
24. The speaker says that when she was younger,
A she envied people who did a lot of physical activity.
B she knew that she ought to take up some kind of physical activity.
C she hated the idea of doing any kind of physical activity.
25. The speaker says that if people take up running,
A she can guarantee that there will be certain benefits.
B they will wonder why they didn’t do it before.
C it will become a long-term interest for them.
26. The speaker says that, in comparison with other activities and sports, running is
A more enjoyable.
B more convenient.
C more beneficial.
27. What does the speaker say about people who feel that they can’t take up running?
A They should talk to people who do run.
B They may be right.
C They know that their attitude Is wrong.
28. The speaker warns people who take up running not to
A be competitive.
B give up as soon as there is a problem.
C ignore pain.
29. What advice does the speaker give about running technique?
A Change the position of your arms from time to time.
B Think of your arms as if they were parts of an engine.
C Pay more attention to your arms than any other part of your body.
30. What does the speaker say about breathing while running?
A Some bad advice is sometimes given about it.
B It takes some time to develop the best technique for it.
C There isn’t a correct or incorrect way of doing it.

FCE Listening Practice Test 6

Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer
(A, В or C).
1 You hear part of an interview with a pop singer. How does she feel about what happened?
A embarrassed by her mistake
B angry with her tour manager
C confused about what happened
2 You hear part of a radio programme for young people. What advice does the speaker give?
A Try to discuss the matter with your friends.
B Pay no attention to the people who laugh at you.
C Encourage other people to be like you.
3 You hear a radio presenter talking about a book. What does the presenter say about the book?
A Some of the writers have already had their work published.
B It contains work that was entered for a competition.
C It is very well organised.
4 You hear someone talking on the phone. What is the speaker’s purpose?
A to resolve a disagreement
B to make a threat
C to apologise for previous behaviour
5 You hear someone talking to an assistant at a box office. What is the situation?
A The man has lost his tickets.
B The man was sent the wrong tickets.
C The man wants to return the tickets.
6 You hear someone talking about her personality. What is the speaker doing?
A admitting something
B explaining something
C promising something
7 You hear two people talking. What is the relationship between them?
A They are members of the same club.
B They live in the same building.
C They are studying on the same course.
8 You hear a local radio presenter talking about a competition. Which of the following is true of the
A The first part does not involve any cooking.
B The second part involves ten people cooking on their own.
C The final part takes place at a different restaurant.

Part 2: You will hear an interview with a representative of a wildlife park called Paradise Wildlife Park. For
questions 9-18, complete the sentences.
Paradise Wildlife Park
Project Life Lion is connected with diseases spread by 9 .
The Park has created its own 10 system, and other organisations use it.
A wide variety of 11 events (e.g. barbecues) are held at the Park.
For charity events, the Park will provide cheap tickets and 12 .
The Park’s sister company gives people a chance to be a 13 .
People paying to adopt an animal get a 14 , a photograph, information about the animal and a free ticket for
two people.
People who visit the Park 15 in a year benefit from having a season ticket.
When the weather is cold, visitors can still enjoy using the 16 .
One of the Experience Days involves being an 17 for a day.
The Park is looking for people to do customer service and 18 work.

Part 3:You will hear five different people talking about what they discovered when they read
autobiographies by famous people. For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A – H) what each person says
that they discovered. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.
A He had a terrible life before becoming famous.
В He is a nicer person than he appears to be.
C He is exactly the same in private as he is in public.
D He would have preferred a different career.
E He has a sad personal life.
F He feels that he is a very important person.
G He believes family to be the most important thing
H He was very unkind to other people after he became famous. Speaker 1 19
Speaker 2 20
Speaker 3 21
Speaker 4 22
Speaker 5 23

Part 4:You will hear an interview with someone whose daughters are appearing in a show in London. For
questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, В or C).
24. What does Jackie say about Olivia’s role in Annie?
A Olivia had difficulty learning such a big role.
B Olivia had always wanted to have such a big role.
C Olivia hadn’t expected to get such a big role.
25. Jackie says that Olivia’s performance in Annie
A did not surprise other members of her family.
B was helped by advice from an agent.
C contrasted with her normal personality.
26. When Olivia tried to get a part in Mary Poppins, she
A did not really expect to get the part.
B was extremely upset not to get the part.
C was immediately rejected for the part.
27. What happened at the first auditions for The Sound of Music?
A Jackie’s children were told they would have to come back the next day.
B The family arrived later than they had been told to arrive.
C There were so many people that the family considered leaving.
28. For the second audition, both girls
A decided to wear similar clothes.
B were required to sing two songs.
C felt they had to improve.
29. At the final audition,
A neither of the girls appeared to be nervous.
B Jackie told them they looked right for the parts.
C both girls made jokes about the event.
30. How have the girls reacted to getting the parts?
A They are a bit concerned that their lives will change.
B The achievement has made them more self-confident.
C Their behaviour has remained the same as it was before.
FCE Listening Practice Test 7

Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer
(A, В or C).
1 You hear someone talking on a radio programme. What is the speaker doing?
A recommending that listeners make a certain drink
B explaining why a drink is becoming more popular
C telling listeners about a drink they may not know about
2 You hear someone talking about people who travel a lot when they’re young. What is his attitude towards
these people?
A He is envious of them for having the opportunity.
B He feels that they are simply wasting their time.
C He can’t understand why they do it.
3 You hear an advertisement for a course. What does the speaker say about the course?
A You need to take a lest before being accepted for it.
B It starts with theory and moves on to practical work.
C It focuses on your effect on the people you will instruct.
4 You hear part of a radio interview. Who is being interviewed?
A a film director
B an actor
C a screenwriter
5 You hear part of a radio report about car drivers. What did the survey discover about a lot of drivers?
A They pay no attention to warning lights.
B They don’t know what various symbols in a car relate to.
C They think there are ton many warning lights and symbols in cars.
6 You turn on the radio and hear part of a programme. What type of programme is it?
A a review programme
B a chat show
C a phone-in
7 You hear part of a radio play. Where is the scene taking place?
A in a restaurant
B in a car
C in a house
8 You hear a woman talking about running. What aspect of running is she talking about?
A her involvement in running over a period of time
B why she finds running so enjoyable
C the importance of running and training with others

Part 2: You will hear an announcement about a competition. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences.
The Ideas Competition
The money given to the winner is not a 9 .
The winner might be 10 with a plan for improving a water supply.
The winner might have an idea about how to help the 11 in the world.
If you enter the competition by phone you must explain your idea in a maximum of 12 .
One of the categories is for people who want to start a business that provides a 13 that currently doesn’t
One of the categories is for people who want to take part in a project that is 14 .
One of the rules is that 15 for the competition are not allowed.
Before you phone, it may be a good idea to prepare a 16 .
To win, you must show that you have a lot of 17 for your idea.
Judges will listen to the ideas presented by 18 people.

Part 3:You will hear five different people talking about how they felt when they received an award. For
questions 19-23, choose from the list (A -H) how each person felt. Use the letters only once. There are three
extra letters which you do not need to use.
A relieved.
В surprised.
C proud.
D exhausted.
E grateful.
F confused.
G worried.
H indifferent. Speaker 1 19
Speaker 2 20
Speaker 3 21
Speaker 4 22
Speaker 5 23

Part 4: You will hear an interview with someone who has started a magazine for children. For questions 24-
30, choose the best answer (A, В or C).
24. When talking about her job as a primary school teacher, Kate emphasizes
A how much effort the job required.
B how good she was as a teacher.
C how difficult the children could be.
25. Kate decided to start her own magazine for children
A because both children and parents suggested the idea.
B when she was working in publishing for children.
C after considering what was available for children.
26. What does Kate say about enthusiasm?
A Children respond positively to it.
B Children cannot maintain it for long.
C Children experience it more than adults.
27. Kate says that she learnt from her research that children
A don’t want to feel that they are being considered inferior.
B don’t like texts that have too much serious content.
C don’t know some words that she had expected them to know.
28. Kate says that the age range for the magazine
A may change to some extent in the future.
B may not be exactly what it is stated to be.
C has been decided after asking parents.
29. Kate says that the magazine makes use of the Internet because
A some children prefer using it to learn about subjects.
B some subjects cannot be covered fully in the magazine.
C it is used a great deal in connection with some school work.
30. Kate says that one of her aims for the magazine is to
A include subjects that children dun’l normally read about.
B create an interest in subjects some children consider boring.
C encourage children to choose what they want as a career.

FCE Listening Practice Test 8

Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer
(A, В or C).
1 You hear a message on a telephone answering machine. Why is the speaker calling?
A to confirm some arrangements
B to issue an invitation
C to persuade someone to do something
2 You hear two people talking about a water-sports centre. The man says the centre should
A pay more attention to safety.
B offer activities for small children.
C provide all the equipment needed.
3 You hear a professional tennis player talking about her career. What annoys her most about interviewers?
A their belief that she leads a glamorous life
B their assumption that she’s motivated by money
C their tendency to disturb her while she’s travelling
4 You hear a poet talking about his work. What is he doing?
A giving his reasons for starting to visit schools
B justifying the childlike nature of some of his recent poems
C explaining that his poems appeal to people of different ages
5 You hear two people talking about a programme they saw on TV. The woman thinks the programme was
A irritating.
B sad.
C uninformative.
6 You hear two people talking about an ice-hockey game they’ve just seen. How does the girl feel about it?
A pleased to have had the experience
B relieved that she’d dressed appropriately
C impressed by the performance of the team
7 You overhear two friends talking about a restaurant. What do they both like about it?
A the presentation of the food
B the atmosphere of the place
C the originality of the cooking
8 You hear a man talking on the radio. What type of information is he giving?
A a travel announcement
B a weather forecast
C an accident report

Part 2: You will hear a woman called Angela Thomas, who works for a wildlife organisation, talking about
the spectacled bear. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences.
Spectacled Bears
Angela says that it was the 9 of the spectacled bear that first interested her.
Angela mentions that the bear’s markings can be found on its 10 as well as its eyes and cheeks.
Angela is pleased by evidence that spectacled bears have been seen in 11 areas of Argentina.
Angela says the bears usually live in 12 , though they can also be found in other places.
Spectacled bears behave differently from other types of bear during 13 , which Angela finds surprising.
Angela is upset that 14 are the biggest danger to spectacled bears.
Angela says that spectacled bears usually eat 15 and tree bark.
Bears climb trees and make a 16 , which fascinated Angela.
When bears eat meat, they much prefer 17 although they do eat other creatures.
One man has produced an amusing 18 about the time he spent studying the bears.

Part 3: You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about their visit to a city. For questions
19 – 23, choose from the list (A – H) what each speaker liked most about the city they visited. Use the letters
only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.
A the efficiency of the public transport system
B the natural beauty of the scenery
C the variety of goods in the markets
D the style of the architecture
E the well-designed plan of the city
F the helpfulness of the people
G the range of leisure opportunities
H the standard of the accommodation Speaker 1 19
Speaker 2 20
Speaker 3 21
Speaker 4 22
Speaker 5 23

Part 4: You will hear an interview with Rachel Reed, an art gallery employee. For questions 24-30, choose
the best answer (A, В or C).
24. What does Rachel say about her job title?
A It makes her feel more important than she is.
B It gives people the wrong idea about her work.
C It is appropriate for most of the work she does.
25. What is the most common reason for the gallery not exhibiting an artist’s work?
A The subject matter is unsuitable.
B It is not of a high enough quality.
C The gallery manager doesn’t like it.
26. When can phone calls from artists be difficult for Rachel?
A when their work doesn’t sell
B when they don’t receive payments
C when their work is not accepted
27. Why does Rachel include a commentary in the catalogue?
A It gives background information about the artist.
B It encourages people to buy paintings over the phone.
C It tells people what experts think of the work.
28. What does Rachel say about administrative work?
A She is able to leave a lot of it to others.
B She would like to have an assistant to help with it.
C She finds it hard to get it all organised.
29. What is Rachel’s role in the service the gallery offers to large companies?
A making initial contacts
B responding to enquiries
C promoting a certain type of art
30. What does Rachel find most enjoyable about her job?
A meeting interesting people
B the fact that it’s unpredictable
C being close to works of art

FCE Listening Practice Test 9

Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer
(A, В or C).
1 You hear a young man talking about his hobby of rock climbing. How does he feel about it?
A satisfied with his level of expertise
B concerned about doing a dangerous sport
C proud when he copes with difficult conditions
2 You hear a public announcement at a family theme park. What does the announcement contain?
A a change to a timetable
B details of a new attraction
C instructions about a location
3 You hear two people talking about a course they have attended. What was the topic of the course?
A book illustration
B journalism
C publishing
4 You hear two people talking about a film they have both seen. What do they agree about?
A The story wasn’t very original.
B Reviews of the film weren’t accurate.
C The message wasn’t very positive.
5 You hear a man being interviewed about a new project he has set up in his home town. What is the purpose
of the project?
A to reduce the amount of litter on a town’s streets
B to increase the inhabitants’ awareness of recycling
C to stop shopkeepers using plastic bags for customers’ purchases
6 You hear a man talking on the radio about salespeople. What does he say about them?
A They take pride in forming good relationships with buyers.
B They keep one objective in mind at all times.
C They prefer people they think are easy to sell to.
7 You hear two friends talking about a student website. What do they agree about it?
A It is visually attractive.
B It has a lot of useful advertisements.
C It is easy to navigate round.
8 You hear a chef talking about taking part in a cookery competition. What did he find surprising?
A how nervous he felt
B how rushed he felt
C how tired he felt

Part 2: You will hear a man called Chris Graham talking to a group of students about a vacation job he had
in Australia. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences.
My Vacation Job in Australia
Chris thinks the best place to find a job like he had is the 9 .
Chris is studying 10 at university.
For most of the time he was working for the travel company, Chris lived in a 11 outside of the town.
Chris was often asked to go to a 12 at the weekend.
In the mornings, Chris had to drive tourists to see the 13 in the desert.
Many of the tourists were unaware of the need to keep their 14 covered up when they were in the sun.
The tourists particularly wanted to know how to tell the difference between the 15 of the wild animals.
In the afternoons, the tourists were able to see some 16 that had more than one use.
Chris says that the local government would like to have a larger 17 to attract tourists.
Chris advises other students to send off their job application forms in the month of 18 at the latest.
Part 3: You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about happiness. For questions 19 – 23,
choose from the list (A – H) what each person says happiness means to them. Use the letters only once.
There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.
A. Having a happy personality allows you to cope effectively with problems.
B. Happiness comes from having someone special to share your thoughts with.
C. Happiness is all about the experience of overcoming problems.
D. Happiness is a short escape from everyday routine.
E. True happiness lies in making others happy.
F. Older people are less happy than younger ones.
G. Happiness is being thankful for what you have.
H. Happiness comes from achieving your goals. Speaker 1 19
Speaker 2 20
Speaker 3 21
Speaker 4 22
Speaker 5 23

Part 4: You will hear part of a radio interview with an author called Mickey Smith, who is talking about
becoming excellent at sport. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, В or C).
24. When asked about his theory on talent, Mickey says that
A he is doing further research with other people.
B he realises some people disagree with him.
C he has not yet fully proved his ideas.
25. Mickey believes that outstanding football players
A have better levels of concentration than other players.
B are aware of the positions of other players on the pitch.
C are faster runners than other players.
26. How did Mickey feel when he first became successful at gymnastics?
A convinced he had a natural aptitude for the sport
B conscious that others in his area didn’t have the same chances
C lucky to have had one of the best training routines
27. Mickey says that the motivation to continue training for long periods of time
A develops at an early age in people who become experts.
B depends on your personal attitude towards success.
C does not come naturally to most people.
28. Mickey says that coaches working with young people need to understand that
A children and adults have different thought processes.
B young people have a built-in drive to succeed in areas like sport.
C it is important to focus on mental rather than physical techniques.
29. Mickey says that many people who play sport don’t bother to try hard because
A they feel incapable of reaching the same levels as sports stars.
B they don’t have time to put in the necessary effort.
C they are not confident in their ability to deal with success.
30. According to Mickey, what can cause some sports people to fail at important events?
A They haven’t trained enough.
B They are inexperienced at dealing with pressure.
C They can become too aware of their actions.

FCE Listening Practice Test 10

Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer
(A, В or C).
1 You hear two friends talking about attending a motor-racing event. They agree that the best thing about it
A the race.
B the facilities.
C the atmosphere.
2 You hear a football coach talking about a match. He thinks that the team lost because
A they lacked concentration.
B they hadn’t practised enough.
C they weren’t very fit.
3 You hear two people talking about a computer game. Why does the boy dislike it?
A It’s boring.
B It’s expensive.
C It’s complicated.
4 You hear a woman talking about judging a poetry competition. What surprised her?
A how nature was seen in the poems
B how many poems some people wrote
C how humorous the poems were
5 You hear a young man talking about travelling alone for the first time. How did his parents react to the
A They were helpful.
B They were worried.
C They were angry.
6 You hear part of a talk by a nurse. What is she doing?
A giving instructions to a new colleague
B explaining how patients should be treated
C outlining the good and bad points of the job
7 You hear a man talking about a long-distance journey he made. How did he travel?
A by bus
B by motorbike
C by car
8 You hear two friends talking about listening to the radio. What did the girl like about the programme she
A It was amusing.
B She learned something.
C The presenter was good.

Part 2: You will hear a singer called Tim Tanner, who sings with his twin brother Sam Tanner, talking about
their lives and career. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences.
Singing twins: Tim and Sam Tanner
The name of the talent competition which the twins won is 9 .
Tim is exactly 10 older than Sam.
The twins were born in the month of 11 .
The main physical difference between Tim and Sam is their 12 .
Tim has a less 13 personality than Sam.
At school, both Tim and Sam were good at 14 .
Sam started taking 15 lessons when he was thirteen.
The fact that the twins share the same 16 sometimes leads to arguments.
Tim says a key part of the twins’ image is the 17 they wear.
The title of the twins’ next album is 18 .

Part 3: You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about classical music. For questions 19-
23, choose from the list (A-H) the reason each person gives for starting to play classical music. Use the
letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.
A. following a family tradition
В. being introduced to a range of good music
C. the experience of attending a concert
D. the encouragement of a teacher
E. hearing it in an everyday situation
F. realising the importance of starting young
G. the influence of someone famous
H. finding other types of music unexciting Speaker 1 19
Speaker 2 20
Speaker 3 21
Speaker 4 22
Speaker 5 23

Part 4: You will hear an interview with a professional athlete called Ann Brown. For questions 24-30,
choose the best answer (A, В or C).
24. What does Ann say about her performance in the world championships?
A She was disappointed not to win.
B She wishes she’d been more prepared.
C She did better than she’d been expecting to.
25. How does Ann feel about the place where she trains?
A She finds it quite boring.
B She enjoys looking at the scenery.
C She pays little attention to where she is.
26. What does Ann think of the idea of taking a ‘day off’ from training?
A She thinks all athletes need one sometimes.
B She would like to have more of them.
C She doesn’t find them necessary.
27. What is Ann’s attitude towards the other competitors in races?
A She avoids close social contact with them.
B She’s made a few good friends amongst them.
C She finds it easy to talk to them when she has to.
28. In her free time, Ann enjoys
A kite flying.
B skiing.
C reading.
29. How does Ann feel about being recognised in public?
A She’s relaxed about it.
B She finds the attention exciting.
C She dislikes signing autographs.
30. When thinking about the future, Ann
A plans around five years in advance.
B admits to worrying about getting injured.
C remains focused on winning important races.

FCE Listening Practice Test 11

Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer
(A, В or C).
1 You hear two friends talking about a book. What does the boy like about it?
A It’s short.
B It’s educational.
C It’s amusing.
2 You hear a man talking about family holidays as a teenager. What part did he find most enjoyable about
A the journey
B being outdoors
C watching films
3 You hear two friends talking about a hotel they stayed in. What do they agree about it?
A The location was convenient.
B The staff were friendly.
C The room was comfortable.
4 You hear a woman talking about a new film. How did she feel after seeing it?
A confused
B frustrated
C sad
5 You hear a woman telling a friend about her job in a supermarket. What was she doing there this morning?
A working on the checkout
B filling the shelves
C serving at the fish counter
6 You hear a man talking about a band he saw at a concert. What is he critical of?
A the image of the band
B the quality of the music
C the length of the show
7 You hear a sports instructor giving advice. What is he doing?
A giving feedback on a technique they’ve tried
B describing a technique they might find useful
C explaining why a technique might be inappropriate
8 You hear a woman talking about being at university. What surprised her about it?
A how quickly time passed
B how much money she spent
C how many friends she made

Part 2: You will hear a woman called Grace Connolly talking about her travel experiences in New Zealand.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences.
New Zealand journey
Grace travelled around South Island on something called 9 .
The first part of Grace’s journey took her along the 10 coast of the island.
When Grace took a day trip to a place called Kaikoura, she particularly wanted to see 11 .
Grace has kept in touch with a friend from 12 since she returned home.
Grace took her own 13 to New Zealand, so didn’t need to hire one.
The best part of the trip for Grace was jet-boating on the Buller River with a company called 14 .
Grace had to visit a hospital because she injured her 15 .
At a market, Grace bought a 16 to take home.
The name of the hostel that Grace particularly recommends is the 17 .
Grace plans to go 18 with friends when she next visits North Island.

Part 3: You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about a radio station. For questions 19-
23, choose from the list (A-H) what each person says about it. Use the letters only once. There are three
extra letters which you do not need to use.
A. I appreciate the lack of commercials.
В. There are suitable programmes for children.
C. One of the presenters is very funny.
D. There should be more coverage of sport.
E. It broadcasts high-quality news programmes.
F. I approve of what it does for the local area.
G. The comedy shows are disappointing.
H. It should give more attention to international issues. Speaker 1 19
Speaker 2 20
Speaker 3 21
Speaker 4 22
Speaker 5 23

Part 4: You will hear an interview with a woman called Penny Greer, who works as a photographer. For
questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, В or C).
24. How did a college course in photography most affect Penny?
A She realised the importance of light.
B She learnt a more commercial style.
C She developed certain artistic skills.
25. Penny decided to specialise in wedding photography because she
A had always been interested in weddings.
B hoped to photograph weddings in a new way.
C was influenced by other wedding photographers.
26. Penny currently gets most of her customers through
A her website.
B magazine advertising.
C a mailing list.
27. What takes up most of Penny’s time?
A talking to clients
B taking the shots
C editing her work
28. Penny says she gets the photographs she wants when people
A relax fully.
B dress in an original way.
C express their feelings strongly.
29. What does Penny love most about her job?
A having the chance to work with different types of people
B seeing the work go through a number of stages
C organising the work in her own way
30. Penny advises young photographers to
A develop a personal style.
B take as many photos as they can.
C start their own business as soon as possible.

FCE Listening Practice Test 12

Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer
(A, В or C).
1 You hear a hotel manager talking about the staff who work for her. What does she say about them?
A They get to do a range of tasks.
B They often suggest new ideas.
C They sometimes arrive late.
2 You overhear a student talking on the phone. What does he say about life at college?
A He’s made a lot of new friends.
B His teachers are pleased with his progress.
C He finds his accommodation is very convenient.
3 You hear a caller on a radio phone-in programme. Why has she phoned?
A to disagree with a previous caller
B to warn other listeners about something
C to explain how she feels about something
4 You hear a man talking about a wildlife documentary. What aspect of it disappointed him?
A the animals which were featured
B the quality of the photography
C the style of the commentary
5 You overhear two people talking in a cafe. The man has just come from
A his workplace.
B a shopping centre.
C the house of a friend.
6 You hear a man talking about how he designs light shows for music concerts. He usually gets his ideas by
A watching films of previous shows with similar music.
B listening to the music for the show several times.
C asking the performers to describe the audience.
7 You hear two friends talking about a new ‘free bike-hire’ scheme. What do they agree about?
A the effect it might have on levels of bike crime
B who should be responsible for paying for it
C how much it would improve their city
8 You hear a woman talking about her favourite movie. Why does she like it?
A It’s very romantic.
B It’s very funny.
C It’s very exciting.
Part 2: You will hear a museum director called Carl Halford talking about the museum where he works. For
questions 9-18, complete the sentences.
Museum director
Carl says that the museum was last renovated in the year 9 .
Carl says that improvements in the 10 in museums often goes unnoticed.
There are now a total of 11 exhibits which visitors can see in the museum.
The exhibits are now arranged according to their 12 .
One of Carl’s favourite pieces is a 4,500-year-old cup with a design of a 13 on the bottom.
Carl describes a strange farm model in the museum that features 14 and a farmer.
Some visitors to the museum are frightened by the 15 of one large statue.
Carl also describes a vase which shows a man fighting with a 16 .
Carl finds it surprising that one of the coins in the museum has such 17 decoration.
One simple exhibit that Carl likes is a plain stone with a picture of a 18 on it.

Part 3: You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about what makes a good teacher. For
questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker says a good teacher should do. Use the letters
only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.
A. set an example of hard work
В. keep up-to-date with the latest ideas
C. give information on individual progress
D. be available outside class time
E. give a lot of encouragement
F. have an entertaining approach
G. set a realistic amount of homework
H. have good qualifications Speaker 1 19
Speaker 2 20
Speaker 3 21
Speaker 4 22
Speaker 5 23

Part 4: You will hear an interview with a singing teacher called Rosie Carnes, who is talking about her work.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, В or C).
24. What difficulty for singers does Rosie mention?
A not hearing how they sound to others
B not fulfilling childhood expectations
C not knowing how to breathe properly
25. According to Rosie, which part of the body should singers warm up first?
A the spine
B the mouth
C the throat
26. Rosie says that a singer’s knees should
A remain tense.
B be bent slightly.
C be kept close together.
27. To maintain a good voice, Rosie mostly recommends that singers
A drink water.
B suck sweets.
C breathe in steam.
28. When learning the words of songs, Rosie often
A imagines they have different meanings.
B gets a friend to help her practise them.
C repeats them while doing other things.
29. Rosie advises people hoping to become singers to
A consider how strong their ambition is.
B be careful not to damage their voice.
C take advantage of opportunities to perform.
30. Rosie tells us about a friend who
A avoids singing on recordings.
B prepares in her car before performing.
C suffers very badly from nerves on stage.
Answer Keys
Part 1
1. B 2. В З. А 4. В
5. С 6. А 7. В 8. А Part 2: 9. Signs 10. Guide 11. Helmet 12. Confidence 13. Jumps
14. Landing 15. Panic 16. wrist(s) 17. (small) device 18. parachute
Part 3 19. C 20. E 21. В 22. D 23. H Part 4 24. C 25. A 26. В 27. В
28. A 29. C 30. В


PART 1: 1B 2A 3C 4A 5C 6C 7B 8A
PART 2: 9. Japan 10. Nuts 11.tea 12. Septeber 13. Rabit 14. at home/ in homes
15. Employer/employers 16. Salty 17. Secrcet messages 18. ate
Part 3: 19.D 20. B 21.F 22.H 23.A
Part 4: 24.C 25.A 26.C 27.B 28.C 29.B 30.B
Part 1
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. C Part 2
9. street lights
10. damp
11. (total) silence
12. get up
13. rabbits
14. Internet (connection)
15. (mobile) (phone) calls
16. bus stop
17. car
18. university
Part 3
19. F
20. E
21. G
22. D
23. C Part 4
24. B
25. B
26. C
27. A
28. C
29. A
30. В


Part 1
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. C Part 2
9. social
10. width
11. handler
12. pick up
13. nine/9
14. ten/10 minutes
15. long and heavy
16. lie down
17. attitude
18. their ears
Part 3
19. A
20. E
21. H
22. C
23. D Part 4
24. В
25. A
26. В
27. C
28. A
29. C
30. A


Part 1
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. B Part 2
9. underground systems
10. hairdryer
11. glass
12. elbows; knees
13. over/more than four/4
14. ear plugs
15. two-minute/2-minute
16. ball of air
17. smile machine
18. body flying
Part 3
19. G
20. F
21. A
22. C
23. E Part 4
24. C
25. A
26. В
27. B
28. A
29. B
30. C


Part 1
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. A Part 2
9. domestic dogs
10. environmental management
11. corporate
12. competition prizes
13. radio presenter
14. certificate
15. more than five/5 times
16. (heated) indoor play area
17. animal keeper
18. voluntary
Part 3
19. F
20. B
21. H
22. C
23. A Part 4
24. C
25. C
26. В
27. A
28. B
29. A
30. C


Part 1
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. A Part 2
9. loan
10. an engineer
11. poorest people
12. 1/one minute
13. product, service
14. socially responsible
15. multiple entries
16. script
17. passion
18. 10/ten
Part 3
19. E
20. C
21. A
22. G
23. D Part 4
24. A
25. C
26. A
27. A
28. B
29. B
30. C


Part 1
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. A Part 2
9. (great) name
10. chest
11. northern
12. forests
13. (the) winter
14. (the/some) human(s)
15. berries
16. (a) platform
17. (small/little) mice
18. (funny) diary
Part 3
19. G
20. B
21. A
22. H
23. F Part 4
24. C
25. B
26. C
27. A
28. A
29. A
30. B


Part 1
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. C Part 2
9. internet
10. history
11. caravan
12. party
13. sun(-)rise
14. shoulders
15. tracks
16. plants
17. airport
18. January
Part 3
19. D
20. H
21. A
22. G
23. C Part 4
24. B
25. B
26. A
27. B
28. C
29. A
30. C


Part 1
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. B Part 2
9. Funtime
10. 10/ten minutes
11. October
12. voice
13. confident
14. football/sports
15. singing
16. shoes
17. glasses
18. Time Dance
Part 3
19. F
20. G
21. B
22. E
23. D Part 4
24. C
25. B
26. C
27. A
28. B
29. C
30. A


Part 1
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. B
8. A Part 2
9. (the) green bus
10. west
11. (the) dolphins
12. Japan
13. bike/bicycle
14. Adventure Tours
15. foot
16. (wooden) mask
17. Lakeside
18. walking
Part 3
19. B
20. H
21. A
22. C
23. F Part 4
24. A
25. B
26. C
27. C
28. A
29. C
30. B


Part 1
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. B Part 2
9. 1973/nineteen seventy-three
10. lighting/lights
11. 429
12. age
13. leaf
14. (two) cows
15. eyes
16. monster
17. detailed
18. fish
Part 3
19. E
20. D
21. F
22. A
23. C Part 4
24. A
25. A
26. B
27. A
28. C
29. C
30. B

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