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Professional Growth Plan

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Professional Growth Plan Kelly Spoering (PSIII)

Goal no. 1

Action Plan

What will you accomplish?

Practice for each days class well in advance, make use of

friends as students to get used to playing while paying
attention to other people.

Become better at piano accompaniment of

elementary-level music students

What does it look like when youve

accomplished your goal?
I.e., How will you know you have achieved
your goal?
What are the indicators of success or
progress? (Assessment)
Why is it important?

I will be able to play the piano

accompaniment for elementary
music lessons while paying
attention to my students.

What assets and/or liabilities currently exist?
How can you take advantage of your assets
and minimize your liabilities?
Who or what can help?



1. Piano background
2. Used to playing in percussion
ensembles which require a lot of
outside focus.

1. lack of experience

Action plan:
How will you accomplish your goal?
What will you do?
By when?

Actions/steps to be taken
(What will you do?):
1. Practice each weeks songs at
least a week in advance
2. Ask friends to talk to
me/interact with me while I

(By when?)
1. September 1
2. Mid-September

Goal no. 2

Action Plan

What will you accomplish?

(Goal statement)

Take careful notes and observations of my students, how

fast they pick up new concepts, what areas generally
cause difficulty/are too easy, etc.

Develop a better understanding of what

elementary students are generally capable of
at different levels as far as
singing/instrumental music goes.

(By when?)
Ideally by October,
but it may take

This is very important as an elementary music educator,

because some kind of melodic accompaniment is
necessary for lessons and I must be able to play while still
paying attention to and assessing my students.

What does it look like when youve

accomplished your goal?
I.e., How will you know you have achieved
your goal?
What are the indicators of success or
progress? (Assessment)
Why is it important?

What assets and/or liabilities currently exist?
How can you take advantage of your assets
and minimize your liabilities?
Who or what can help?

I will be able to confidently plan

for elementary music lessons at a
variety of levels.

(By when?)

Because I havent taken the Elementary Music Methods

courses, I need to really observe carefully and make sure
that Im not moving too fast or too slow for my students
to follow. I am hoping that continued reflection and
observation will help me adapt my lesson plans as I learn
more about elementary music.
1. Ive taught at the elementary
level before
2. I have friends who are
elementary music specialists
3. I know the instruments for
elementary school very well.

1 No formal
elementary music

Action plan:
How will you accomplish your goal?
What will you do?
By when?

Actions/steps to be taken
(What will you do?):
1. Go through elementary music
plans/books, and take careful
2. Observe and reflect on all my
classes carefully
3. Consult with TM and friends
regularly to make sure Im on
the right track

(By when?)
1. October
2. November
3. Ongoing
throughout semester

Goal no. 3

Action Plan

What will you accomplish?

(Goal statement)
I will properly wrap up and transition all
lesson plans.
What does it look like when youve
accomplished your goal?
I.e., How will you know you have achieved
your goal?
What are the indicators of success or
progress? (Assessment)
Why is it important?

All of my lessons will have a

proper closure and transition into
the next subject.

(By when?)

Wrapping up and transitioning lessons properly allow me

to check in on student learning and also allow the school
day to move more smoothly. I got much better at this last
semester, but I still have some work to do in making sure
my closures and transitions happen in a timely manner.

What assets and/or liabilities currently exist?
How can you take advantage of your assets
and minimize your liabilities?
Who or what can help?



1. PSI and II experience

2. Sample timelines from
elementary music resource

1. Struggle to guess
how long students
will take to clean up.
2. Lack of experience
with some of the
younger grades
(By when?)
1. Immediately
2. First week of
3. October

Action plan:
How will you accomplish your goal?
What will you do?
By when?

Actions/steps to be taken
(What will you do?):
1. Plan closures into my lessons
2. Time lessons when Im doing
them, paying attention to student
response times.
3. Re-plan closures taking #2
into account.

Goal no. 4

Action Plan

What will you accomplish?

(Goal statement)

Continue my strategies from last semester, including

multiple alarms and night-before organization. Last
semester I achieved being consistently slightly early
instead of barely on time; this semester I intend to
achieve consistently comfortably early.

I will consistently be at least 5 minutes early

for scheduled events (classes, etc.)

What does it look like when youve

accomplished your goal?
I.e., How will you know you have achieved
your goal?
What are the indicators of success or
progress? (Assessment)
Why is it important?

I will be present and prepared

for everything at least 5 minutes
before I need to be.

What assets and/or liabilities currently exist?
How can you take advantage of your assets
and minimize your liabilities?
Who or what can help?



1. Strategies from last semester

and the summer are already in

1. Long habit of
slight tardiness.

Actions/steps to be taken
(What will you do?):
1. Set alarms for when I need to
get ready for things
2. Consistently prepare
everything the night before
3. Be consistently 5 minutes

(By when?)
1. Immediately
2. Immediately
3. Mid-September

Action plan:
How will you accomplish your goal?
What will you do?
By when?

(By when?)
September 2

It is vitally important for teachers to be on time and

prepared, in order to retain student attention and respect
and good working relationships with colleagues and

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