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ADHD Conners Self-Report Teen

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The ADHD-RS-IV with Adolescent Prompts is an 18-item scale based on the DSM-IV-TR®criteria for ADHD that provides a rating of the severity of
symptoms. The adolescent prompts serve as a guide to explore more fully the extent and severity of ADHD symptoms and create a framework to ascertain
The first 9 items assess inattentive symptoms and the last 9 items assess hyperactive/impulsive symptoms. Scoring is based on a 4-point Likert-type severity
scale: 0 = none, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 =severe. Clinicians should score the highest score that is generated for the prompts for each item.
Example: If one prompt generates a "2" and all others are a" l ," by convention, the rating for that item is still a "2."
Significant symptoms in clinical trials are generally considered at least a "2" - moderate.

None Mild Moderate Severe

None Mild Moderate Severe
1. Carelessness 0 1 2 3
5. Can't organize 0 1 2 3
Do you make a lot of mistakes in school or work?
Do you have trouble organizing tasks into
Is this because you're careless? ordered steps?
Do you rush through work or activities? Is it hard primilizing work and chores?
Do you have trouble with detailed work? Do you need others to plan for you?
Do you not check your work? Do you have trouble with time management?
Do people complain that you're careless? Does it cause problems?
Are you messy or sloppy? Do you have trouble planning long-term projects
Is your desk, locker at school, or workspace at school, like term papers or large lab reports?
so messy that you have difficulty finding things? Do your parents have to help you plan?
Do your parents have to repetitively ask you Does difficulty in planning lead to procrastination
to clean your room? and putting off tasks until the last moment possible?

2. DifficuJty sustaining attention in activities 6. Avoids/dislikes tasks requiring sustained 0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3
Do you have trouble paying attention when mental effort
watching movies, reading, or attending lectures? Do you avoid tasks (work, chores, reading, board
Or on fun activities such as sports or board games) that are challenging or lengthy because it's
games? hard tostay focused on these things for a long time?
Is it hard for you to keep your mind on school Do you have to force yourself to do these tasks?
or work? How hard is (was) it?
Do you have trouble paying attention when instant Do you procrastinate and put off tasks until the
messaging? last moment possible?
Do you have unusual trouble staying focused on Do your parents have to remind you to do things
boring or repetitive tasks, like doing chores around you don't want to do?
the house? Is it harder for you to do things you are not
Does it take a lot longer than it should tocomplete interested in than it is for your friends?
tasks because you can't keep your mind on the task?
Is it even harder for you than some others you know? 7. Loses important items 0 1 2 3
Do you have trouble remembe1ing what you read and Do you lose things (eg, important work papers,
do you need to reread the same passage several homework, your school planner, keys, wallet, coats, etc.)?
3. Doesn't listen 0 1 2 3 Do you need to w1ite down instructions, otherwise you
Do people (your boss, colleagues, friends) will forget them?
complain that you don't seem to listen or respond
(or daydream) when spoken to or when asked to
do tasks? A lot?
Do people (your friends or parents) have to repeat
Do you have trouble remembering
driving directions unless you write them
down? 0 1 2 3
Do you find that you miss the key parts of
conversations because of drifting off in your
own thoughts? Does it cause problems?

4. No follow through
Do you have trouble finishing things (such as 0 1 2 3
work or chores)?
Do your parents have to remind you to complete
things? Is this a problem?
When working on a group project at school, do
your peers have to remind you to finish your part
of the project?
Do you often leave things half done and start another
Do you need consequences (such as deadlines)
to finish?
Do you have trouble following instructions?
(especially complex, multistep instructions that
have to be done in a certain order with different
Is it a problem when you are putting on your make-
up or putting together a model?
Have you misplaced things such as your cell
phone or school planner? A lot? More than
Are you constantly looking for important
items? Do you get into trouble for this
(work, school, home)?
Do you need to put items (eg, glasses,
wallet, keys) in the same place each
time, otherwise you will lose them?

8. Easily distractible
Are you ever very easily distracted by
events around yousuch as noise
(conversation, tv, radio), movement, or
When you are in the classroom and there
is interruption, is it hard to get your
mind back on the work at hand?
Do you need relative isolation to get work done?
Can almost anything get your mind off of
what you are (were) doing (like work,
chores, or if you're talking to someone)?
Is it hard to get back to a task, like doing
homework, once you stop?

None Mild Moderate Severe None Mild Moderate Severe

9. Forgetful in daily activities 0 1 2 3 14. On the go, "driven by a motor" 0 1 2 3
Do you forget a lot of things in your daily Is it hard for you to slow down and do one
routine? Like what? Attending a class? Chores? thing for a long period of time?
Work? Appointments or obligations? Meetings Do you feel like you (often) have a lot of
with friends?
energy and that you always have to be moving,
Do you forget to bring things to school or are always "on the go"?
work, such as school or work matetials or Do you feel like you're driven by a motor?
assignments due that day?
Do you feel unable to relax? Does it interfere
Do you need to write regular reminders to
yourself to do most activities or tasks, otherwise with your ability to fall asleep at night?
you will forget? 15. Talks excessively 0 1 2 3
If you don't write something in your school Do you talk a lot? All the time? More than
planner are you likely to forget to do it?
other people?
10. Squirms or fidgets 0 1 2 3 Do you talk out of turn in class?
Can you sit still or are you always moving your Do people (parents, teachers, friends) complain
hands or feet, or fidgeting in your chair? about your talking? Is it a problem?
Do you tap your pencil or your feet? A lot? Do Are you often louder than the people you are
people notice? talking to?
Do you regularly play with your hair or clothing? 16. Blurts out answers 0 1 2 3
Do you consciously resist fidgeting or squirming? Do you give answers to questions before
Do the teachers comment on your fidgeting someone finishes asking?
or squirming at school? Do your teachers complain about answering
Do your parents comment on your fidgeting their questions prematurely?
or squirming at the dinner table? Do you say things before it is your turn?
Is it difficult for you when you cannot be Do you say things that don't fit into the
physically active?
conversation? With your parents? Friends?
11. Can't stay seated 0 1 2 3
Do you do things without thinking? A lot?
Do you have trouble staying in your seat? At work?
In class? At home (eg, watching tv, eating dinner)? 17. Can't wait for turn 0 1 2 3
In church or temple? When playing videogames?
Is it hard for you to wait your turn in
Do you choose to walk around rather than sit? conversation, when playing games, in
Do you have to force yourself to remain seated? lines (like the lunchroom), or while driving?
Is it difficult for you to sit through a long meeting, Are you frequently frustrated with delays?
class, or lecture? Do teachers ever comment on your Do your parents comment on your trouble
inability to remain seated?
waiting? Does it cause problems?
Do you try to avoid going to functions that Do you put a great deal of effort into
require you to sit still for long periods of time?
to not be in situations where you might have
planning to wait?
12. Runs/climbs excessively 0 1 2 3
Are you physically restless? 18. Intrudes or interrupts others
Do you feel restless inside? A lot? Do you talk when others are talking without 0 1 2 3
Do you feel more agitated when you cannot waiting until you are acknowledged?
exercise on an almost daily basis? Do you butt into others'(your parents', friends',
Do you have trouble staying seated at the or siblings') conversations before being invited?
table through an entire meal? Do you interrupt others' activities when they
are busy? Do you have trouble waiting for
13. Can't play/work quietly 0 1 2 3 your parents to finish something they are
Do you have a hard time playing quietly? doing before asking them a question?
Is it hard for you to wait to get your point
During leisure activity (nonstructured times or
across in conversations or at meetings?
on your own, such as reading a book, surfing the
Internet, listening to music, playing a board
game) are you agitated or unhappy?
Do you always need to be busy after school,
work, or when your family goes on vacation?

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