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Mystagogus: The Deck Book
Mystagogus: The Deck Book
Mystagogus: The Deck Book
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Mystagogus: The Deck Book

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Mystagogus - The Deck Book, is the companion book to the Mystagogus Deck by magical adept Josephine McCarthy. It is available as a hardback edition, paperback, and Ebook.

The 78 card deck is magically designed and painted to act as a guide, advisor, and source of divination to someone who is walki

Release dateDec 12, 2022
Mystagogus: The Deck Book

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    Mystagogus - Josephine McCarthy

    Card Index

    1 Progenitor

    2 Fate Creation

    3 Fate Weavers

    4 Harvester

    5 Awakening

    6 Student

    7 Path

    8 Daimon

    9 Purification

    10 Dreams

    11 Wheel

    12 Perception

    13 Magic

    14 Silence

    15 Service

    16 Healing

    17 Defence

    18 Stargazers

    19 Utterance

    20 Creating

    21 Loadsharer

    22 Dead End

    23 Four Creatures

    24 Chariot

    25 Leadership

    26 Hidden Knowledge

    27 Inner Desert

    28 Test

    29 Wisdom

    30 Phanos

    31 Akh

    32 Foundation Stone

    33 East Gate

    34 South Gate

    35 West Gate

    36 North Gate

    37 Profane Place

    38 Hearth

    39 Obscure Path

    40 Inner Library

    41 Sanctuary

    42 Nature

    43 Underworld

    44 Sacred Place

    45 Wind Spirits

    46 Firestorm

    47 Water of Life

    48 Balance

    49 Ancient One

    50 Companions

    51 Secret Commonwealth

    52 Threshold Guardians

    53 Light Bearer

    54 Divine Servants

    55 Oracle

    56 College

    57 Ghost

    58 Parasite

    59 Choppers

    60 Partnership

    61 Separation

    62 Limiter

    63 Endurance

    64 Voice of Truth

    65 Gift

    66 Lightning Strike

    67 Splendour

    68 True Justice

    69 Unraveller

    70 Defeat

    71 Voice of Untruth

    72 Binder

    73 Danger

    74 Fall

    75 Serpent of Chaos

    76 Destruction

    77 Magical Death

    78 Empty Vessel

    About Mystagogus: how to use this deck and book

    A contacted magical deck for the lone practitioner

    A Mystagogus was a priest in the classical world who prepared people for initiation into the Greater Mysteries. This deck is magically designed and created to act as a guide, advisor, and source of divination to someone who is walking their magical path alone. In a world that is increasingly difficult, we all need someone or something to turn to when we have exhausted our own intuitions, or don’t know which way to turn.

    This deck started to build up as an inner pattern just before the pandemic hit. It started towards the end of December of 2019, with one painting that I had an urge to do. By the end of January 2020 I was getting the idea that a deck was sat waiting for me to catch up with it. I had dreams, and inner contacts nudging me daily: something is coming, you need to lie low, here, paint this, make yourself useful. It took me a little while to figure out what was really being asked of me, but I got it eventually. I mapped it out, bought in some paints and canvases, and spent the following two years painting and learning.

    The deck is designed around an ancient magical pattern of inner self evolution. It has embedded within it the steps of development inherent to any magical path that seeks greater union with the deeper self, and with the hidden inner worlds that flow through and around the physical world. It can be used as a learning tool as well as a guide and divination tool for those who pay attention.

    Each of the cards, even the simplest ones, have layers of meaning that can either be taken at face value for mundane divination or can be explored for their deeper magical meaning. Each one is a power, dynamic, place, or action that the magician bumps up against on their magical journey through life.

    The majority of the cards have simple, common names that express the power or dynamics behind them. A few have names that are specific, due to the power that flows through them. Each image is a ‘contacted’ image in that the painting process was also a magical process that drew on certain power dynamics and ‘fixed’ it into the image. Each painting was also consecrated to ensure its inner magical focus and clarity.

    There are 78 cards in the deck, and it is not based on the tarot system: it is itself. A final contacted and consecrated painting was done for the card back of an angelic power that protects through catching and tangling. This ensures that the cards stay tuned and are not ‘infested’ by any being or magic that would seek to interfere with the relationship between the magician and the deck. It also acts as a ‘web’ that upholds the family of the deck as one whole. The deck is not designed in a colour-coded or stylistic way: each card is itself, just like us humans.

    This book that accompanies the deck is not only an ‘about each card’ book: it also teaches about the magical aspects of the powers, beings, places and dynamics expressed in the paintings. I have also included ‘extras’ for some cards: analogies from science, history, religion, philosophy, etc. I originally did this for each card, but the book got too long, and on reflection such extras were not always necessary. But the analogies where I have used them are there to not only say, ‘it is like this’ or ‘it comes from here’, but also to show how magical learning often includes looking and learning from non-magical subjects and sources.

    The book is freely available to download on the Quareia website ( You don’t need to buy a deck to access the book: it is a free download for anyone who is interested in it. The book can be used as a learning tool by itself, and also as an oracle book: you can use dice to select a page, or just open the book at random, once a specific question has formed in your mind. There is a section on book divination in the layouts chapter of this book.

    As you work with the deck, over time you will find that some of the images form a meaning that is unique to you. This is where, at a deep level, you start to form your own inner dialogue with the power that flows through a card, and it adapts to you. Always trust your instinct, but never let your ‘wants’ rule such a dialogue: some images are difficult and challenging, and it is easy to try and soften their meaning, but that would be an injustice both to them and to you. Rather, if you have such reactions to some of the images, it is better to learn what their power feels like. That way, you will develop an early warning instinct when such a power creeps around you in your everyday life, threatening and unseen. You will pick up on it, know it, and learn how to dodge, dissipate, or reject its power.

    The Core Fate Powers

    1 Progenitor

    An intelligible unknown, a unique being who has no equal, something sought but not comprehended.

    — Secundus the Silent¹


    The Progenitor is the conscious Divine power at the root of all things here on our Earth. This card has many layers of meaning to it, and the deeper into mysticism or magic a person goes, the more the layers of this consciousness reveal themselves. It is a depiction of the land, the sky/sun, and the serpent power that flows between the two.

    This card’s layers of meaning flow though our concepts of the Divine, and what that means to each individual reader is different depending on their beliefs and experiences. It can mean ‘God’, it can mean the Divine that all deities flow from, it can mean the consciousness of the planet and the sun that gives us life, and the conscious inner energy that runs through everything that exists in our world…it is the ‘inner glue’ that holds everything together.

    The deeper into inner experiences the magician goes, the more our ideas and perceptions change. We often start out with a very clear idea that ‘god is up there’ or ‘the gods are out there’, and we give names, attributes, and powers to this idea. But as we journey deeper beyond the mundane world, over time our certainties and dogmatic structures slowly fall away as we develop. We start to get glimpses of something that is hard to grasp, hard to define, and this fluidity seeps around our rigid thinking until it starts to crack it open.

    What we are left with are moments of recognition: the face of a person, the side of a mountain, a raindrop, the billions of stars all around us, an insect, a tree…all of these things shine with a light we recognize but cannot name. And slowly, slowly, we come to see it within ourselves.

    The Progenitor is the power that awakens the potential of a goddess in a tree, or a god in a storm. It is the power that flows through fate, through substance, through destruction and creation, and through life and death: I am within you and all around you.

    Magicians, mystics, artists and ‘inspired ones’ have the potential to ‘awaken’ that power within something, be it music, statues, magical patterns, or some other art, and that ‘something’ can then become an interface through which we can commune and interact with the deities, nature, etc.

    The Progenitor is our collective universal starting point from which everything flows. It is not ‘this god’ or ‘that god’: it is the source from which they all flow, and the source that flows through our conception, our lives, and our deaths. The ancient cultures depicted this power as a goddess because we all come from a mother, but in truth it is a power that has all genders and none. Sometimes this power expresses itself in a very male way on certain lands when we tap into that land magically, and sometimes it expresses as a female power, but these are its superficial filters or ‘skins’. Once we dig deeper into that power, we find that it is itself—undefinable.


    This is the most complex card to read when it falls in a reading, and for each person the meaning or intent will be slightly different. The more you work with the deck, the more your unique understanding of this card will grow through direct experience.

    But overall, the position where the Progenitor card falls in a layout (e.g. dreams, home, relationships) indicates an aspect of the situation being read for where this Divine power is potentially active.

    For example, suppose you are planning a round of magical work, and you do a reading to check if your magical plan is balanced properly and has the potential to do its job. Say that the Progenitor falls in a position that indicates inner magical work, but the cards around it are difficult, and the outcome looks obscure or hidden. If the Progenitor had not appeared anywhere in the layout, then the difficult cards and obscure outcome would indicate that you are missing something, or it is the wrong timing, or the work is unbalanced, and you need to rethink.

    But when the Progenitor card appears somewhere in the reading, and particularly in a magical position, then it is saying, ‘however difficult this work will be, however unbalanced it may appear, Divine power will flow through it’. Either for you, or for whatever/whoever is connected to the magical working, the Progenitor will become a bridge that Divine power can actively flow through in order to achieve something that may be way beyond your initial understanding.

    It does not mean that you will not possibly get blowback from doing unbalanced magical work; rather it means the working and the outcome will achieve something that cannot happen without this power being active within it, and it will not become active if you don’t do the work. It may, for instance, be a situation whereby, through the messy magical work, you have a deep experience that awakens you to this Divine power within everything which totally changes your view of the world, your work and your life. Sometimes those experiences come quickly and sometimes they come much later, but the catalyst for that later experience is the work you are doing now. Such experiences can often take decades to understand, but they change us to our core.

    And sometimes it is not about us, but what we do acts as trigger to catalyse that power to awaken in something or someone else, or triggers a series of events that Divine power and fate can flow through to achieve something.

    The bottom line with the appearance of this card is that for good or bad, the event needs to happen unless it appears in a restricted position. If this card falls in a layout position of restriction or negation, then it is saying, there is nothing Divine in this. For example if you have an experience with a deity in a church or temple and you decide to do a reading about it, and if this card appears in the negative position, then it is telling you that there is nothing actively ‘Divine’ in that situation. The deity is not actually a deity; it is something else.

    Another meaning this card can have for you, depending upon what the reading is about, is: ‘you are not alone in this’. If you are in a situation of despair or have found yourself in the bottom of a dark hole, or have reached the limit of your endurance in something, and you are doing a reading to get insight into how to step forward or cope with it, remember: I am within you and all around you. You are not alone in this: the Divine Presence is active and is with you. You will get through this as the Divine Presence is all around you, willing you to step forward: take a deep breath, and know that you can get through this.

    Formulate your meaning for this card in a way that works for your understanding of Universal Divine, and bear in mind that over time and practice, that understanding will change, deepen and become even more inexpressible. You will understand it deeply in your bones rather than through your intellect, but you will find it hard to explain it to someone else.


    Idea forming, Divine presence, preconception, before dawn.


    The Tao that can be trodden is not the enduring and unchanging Tao. The name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name. Conceived of as having no name, it is the Originator of heaven and earth; conceived of as having a name, it is the Mother of all things.

    — Lao-Tzu, The Tao Te Ching²

    2 Fate Creation


    In magic, all power, all energy, and all being starts with a complete single that subdivides into two. This creates a polarization of positive and negative that in turn allows that power to be worked with. That polarization, depending on whether it is power, a consciousness, a being, and so forth, creates a tension that triggers formation, because where there is polarization and tension, boundaries and patterns start to form. This is the basic foundational principle in magic.

    What is interesting to observe in magic is that the creative principle also holds the ‘coding’, for want of a better word, of destruction within it. The destructive aspect is dormant, and the creative aspect is dominant. The reverse is also true: an active destructive power also has the dormant potential for creative power. The seeds of regeneration are always found in destruction, and the seeds of destruction are always found in creation.

    The power of Fate Creation is the very beginning of something new. It is the fertilized egg, not the animal or person it will become. It is the idea that eventually becomes a finished project. It is the light that awakens in the depths of darkness. Its meaning is very close to the tarot trump card The Star: the new beginning that starts to emerge out of the darkness.

    When walking a magical path, there are times when we fall into despair after a long struggle against a destructive force, be it through our magical work or just through the rigours of life. If we allow that despair to overtake us for more than a brief period, then magically we start to shut down. However, if we remember that the seeds of creation, of regeneration and awakening, nestle silently within that destruction, then it not only gives us a rope of hope to cling to, but it can also awaken that first shaft of light that becomes creative and eventually manifests into a new path. It is a creative force, and a light that illuminates our way ahead.

    This is why doing something creative (like art, dance, singing, acting, making something, or redecorating) helps to begin the lifting process of that heavy burden of destruction. When we have our ‘dark night of the soul’ as magicians we understand that it is the midnight before the dawn. Midnight is the start of the new day, and yet it is the time of deepest darkness. The measurement of the new day starting at midnight can be traced back to at least New Kingdom Ancient Egypt with their use of sundials and shadow clocks. But deeper than that, they also understood this profound magical dynamic of the new starting in the depths of the darkness. This can be seen illustrated in the funerary texts where the Benu Bird, the herald of new creation and new life, appears in the deepest, darkest point of the Underworld/Duat.

    Fate Creation is a trigger, a catalyst that allows a fate path to form, unfold and become active. While we each have an overall fate pattern, like everything else that is alive, we also have ‘cycles’ of fate within that pattern. These cycles can be long or short, and are highly adaptive: they are constantly shifting, developing and changing according to our actions, choices, and interactions with the fate paths of others.


    When Fate Creation appears in a reading, it heralds the very beginning of a new phase. It indicates a new ‘something’ that will not be apparent to you at present, but is a hidden seed that is starting to wake up. Where it falls in a layout should be a big hint of what the new beginning is all about. For instance, if the card falls in a ‘home/hearth’ position, then it could indicate a new home or something new coming into the home, or potentially a child. It is a ‘newness’ that changes the overall pattern of the home and family in some way.

    If it falls in a position of magical/inner work, then it can indicate a new long-term phase of learning, a new project, or new magical work. If it falls in the position of self, then it can indicate that a whole new cycle of fate is forming itself. Throughout our lives we have various cycles of fate that come and go and at times overlap; however, when this card indicates a new fate pattern, it will be a longer-term one, not a short or limited fate event.

    This card is one of new beginnings, and whatever the new beginning is when it dawns, it will either directly or indirectly take you on a longer-term path of fate: years or decades, as opposed to months or a couple of years. (Shorter term fate changes are indicated by the Wheel card.) This power often catalyses through actions and events, and while the event may be short but meaningful, the way it changes a fate path is longer term.

    The fate will often (but not always) be gestated through a series of polarisations, and occasionally some reductive division, before the new path is complete and ready for you to walk. These are the ‘dark hours of the night between midnight and dawn’. When we realize this while we are in the darkness and struggle, we can look around and start to see the reductive division. People, things, jobs, or firmly-held beliefs can fall away from us and leave us floundering. But once we understand what is happening we can take those divisions in our stride, knowing that they are parts of the process of creation before the dawn and rebirth.

    This card can also indicate a ‘dawning of the mind’ and an awakening of the soul. This is the deeper aspect of this card, and when it appears in a reading about the long-term fate of a magician, it can indicate the ‘Great Awakening’, where everything we thought we knew about the world, about magic, and about the powers of the Divine, begins to crumble and fall away, leaving us standing alone in the rubble.

    The key word at that point is trust. Trust in yourself and have faith in yourself and in the process of fate creation: the drop of water that awakens the seed. As that seed starts to grow, you will start to see yourself and the world around you in a very different and more powerful way.

    In a mundane reading, this card always indicates a new and important beginning.


    New beginning, major changes ahead, creative power, birth and rebirth, a new path, a new life.

    3 Fate Weavers

    Know that celestial forces do not affect preternatural events without the bringing together of passive receptive elemental forces with earthly psychic forces, and this is the talisman.

    — Rāzī, Sharḥ al-Ishārāt³


    The nine figures are the planetary spirits of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and the Sun. The planetary spirits are the inner consciousness of the physical planet, just as we magicians see Gaia⁴ as the goddess or inner spirit of our planet. They weave threads of creation and destruction in loops through which runs a thread of time, and all of those threads are drawn from within the body of each planetary spirit. Brought together, those ‘chains of fate’ set out on a pathway of influence, upheld by the deeper and more powerful web of fate, depicted in the painting as a faint blue net behind and around the figures: this net upholds the planetary spirits.

    The image is a way of depicting the complexity of how the inner consciousness and inner qualities of each planet, including our own, affect life, fate, and tides. The qualities and energy of each planetary spirit intermingle to form a ‘soup’ of inner influence that affects everything on our planet (and probably on all the other planets around our sun). As an aside, it is an interesting magical question to ask what inner consciousness and qualities our planet mediates outwards as an influence. The influences are constantly moving, interacting and affecting each other and everything in their path, and that process affects us as individuals on an inner level, not only at our conception and birth, but throughout our lives.

    Their influence adds to the bigger and more complex web of fate that everything flows through and is connected to. It is a mistake to think of fate and influences as fixed and immovable; there is rather a constantly evolving process of creative and destructive energies weaving themselves as influences into the pattern of time.

    When we (everything that is living) are conceived and born, the moment of our birth is a key point where those planetary influences ‘lock in’ to our fate pattern, and the timing of that moment is a crucial element of that. That ‘locking in’ creates a unique pattern of influence that becomes a response mechanism for our fate and life. How we approach and deal with the various challenges and joys our life and fate throws at us is up to us, but the planetary influences are gifts we can choose to draw upon, or deficits we can choose to overcome. They are tools that are at our disposal as we navigate life and death. The web of fate is a deeper and more profound complex dynamic that weaves time with vast fate patterns, and it is a dynamic that functions in layers. One layer is the overall pattern for the planet, another is a layer that operates across landmasses and all the living beings that dwell on them, and other layers are individual to each living being. The influences of the planets ‘soaks’ into those layers and influences them.

    What does all of this mean for the magician? The Weavers of Fate not only contribute to the overall life fate of the individual (hence the development of astrology) but their power also contributes to the various cycles of fate within the lifespan of the person (or creature). The various cycles within a person’s life are a mixture of their own actions and choices, planetary influences, the overall pattern of time, and important junction points of different fates coming together and influencing each other. The planetary spirits are an influence on the qualities we will have at our disposal to deal with fate events in our lives, and how/when those fate events will trigger and unfold.

    Whether we make use of these qualities, both good and difficult, depends on us and our choices, and especially how we choose to navigate the important junction points in our fate patterns. We are given ‘tools’ to use and develop through our lives, but we must take up those tools and use them.

    Overall, this card indicates an ongoing fate pattern. It is up to the individual to decide how much they are going to engage with the fate pattern to harvest the most experience and resources from it. An ongoing fate pattern that is not engaged with is a wasted resource and a lost opportunity.

    Knowing about the complexity of the weaves and patterns of fate, and the influences of the planets, helps us as magicians to look at the long-term patterns that are playing out not only in our own lives but in the fates of nations, events, and upon the land itself. This in turn informs our magic. If we know the dynamics playing out in a situation, from individual ones to the situations of nations and communities, then we can focus our magical work in a more informed way.


    The message of this card is to use the potentials of the planetary spirits’ influences to navigate your own story. Your fate pattern is a weave of power and influence, and the planetary spirits play a major part in how that pattern is constructed. Learning how to understand that influence and engage with it is the beginning of learning how fate works, and how you can work with fate as opposed to being at its mercy.

    For magicians, this means being able to grasp the basics of astrology. Even a rudimentary understanding of the planets’ influences in one’s own chart is invaluable in magical practice. If you think of the dynamics that each planet brings to a chart, and then understand that each planet also has a planetary spirit that we are energetically connected to, and then reflect upon those dynamics in terms of your own personality and life, then you will begin to see how these powers can be engaged with.

    When this card appears in a reading, pay close attention to where it has landed and what is around it. The place where it lands in a layout indicates where the anchor potentially is for the fate pattern you are currently living in. For example, if this card falls in the position of hearth, which is home/family/community, then, even if your question is a magical one, the current fate ‘weather’ you are experiencing is influenced by the dynamics of your home and/or community. If you then look at your fourth house in your astrological chart and see what is going on there, then it might give you a wider insight into your current question/situation.

    If this card falls in a layout position of ‘current fate pattern’, the position and the card strengthen each other. This indicates that whatever your question is about, it is a very fateful situation or time. Decisions you make and actions you take at this time with regards to your question/situation can have long-reaching effects for you/the situation. Even if the situation you are reading about is a bad one, it is also a very fateful one, and is likely one of those situations where good things, regeneration, or even greatness can spring from a difficult period.

    If the question is about a choice of action in life or magic and this card appears, then it indicates that the choice is an important one and that it is a time of catalysts, opportunities, and development. What you might presume is a small decision could end up changing your life, and if this card is well positioned in the layout, then that change will be good.

    If the card lands in a negative or withheld position, then whatever the question is about, it is saying that this path holds no fate for you, and that if you carry on down this path, you are likely to be pushing against the natural flow of your fate and future. It is saying, ‘this option is not for you’. If the question is about if something is going to happen and this card is in the negative/withheld position, then there is no power in event and it will likely not come to much in terms of long-term influence.

    When the reading is about someone who is being magically attacked and this card falls in a withheld position, then the attack is being successful and it is blocking the person’s future fate and also the helpful influence of the planets. However, if in the same situation the card is in a positive or future position, then whatever the attack is, the person has planetary spirits helping them, and they will not only survive the attack, but it will strengthen them.

    In positive positions, this card shows help from the spirits, and the good energy that comes when you have clicked into the right path at the right time. In negative positions, the subject of the reading is fighting against a force that cannot be vanquished. It is like trying to turn a raging storm back with a puff of wind. In such cases, a change in approach or changing one’s circumstances or intentions can be enough to release the block on the useful connections that flow from these powers.

    When this card appears in the near or distant future positions then it tells of fate development, of an expansion of life, and a coming-together of forces to help you along your path. The influence of these planetary powers will flow around you in a helpful way.

    In mundane readings it can also indicate any group of powerful people who hold the power to change lives, such as decision-making committees, helpful organizations, and governments.


    Helpful influence, gifts of fate, upholders of your fate, protection, fateful event, long term influence.


    The following is an extract from Al-Sirr al-Maktūm (The Hidden Secret), written by the

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