The RM6203 is a current mode PWM switching power ■ Built-in 700V high voltage power switching tube with
supply controller that specifically designed for AC/DC minimal external parts count
converter with high performance versus cost ratio. It provides ■ Latched PWM and pulse-by-pulse current limiting
continuous output power up to 12W in the broad voltage range inspection
of 85V – 265V.Its optimized and highly reasonable circuit ■ Reduced frequency at low output with standby power
design has made it possible to minimize the total cost of the consumption below 0.25W
product. This power supply controller could be used in typical ■ Built-in slope and feedback compensation function
flyback circuit topology to constitute simple AC/DC converter. ■ Separate upper limit current inspection controller to
The internal initiating circuit of RM6203 has been designed handle timely the over-current and overload of the controller
with a unique means of current sink to complete the startup ■ Turn off periodic bias output of the emitter to improve the
using the amplifying function of the power switching tube. This voltage resistance of the power tube
will significantly reduce the power consumption of the start-up ■ Built-in thermal protective circuit
resistor; and when the output power becomes smaller, ■ Complete start-up using amplification of the switching
RM6203 will automatically lower its operating frequency to power tube to reduce the power consumption of the start-up
enable very low standby power consumption. resistor more than ten times
When the power tube stops, the internal circuit will turn ■ Automatic VCC over-voltage limit
the power tube reverse bias to greatly raise the voltage ■ Broad voltage output power up to 5W and narrow voltage
resistant capacity of OC pin. This will ensure the safety of the output power up to 8W
power tube. The internal design of the RM6203 is also
provided with over-load and saturation preventive function
capable of preventing disorders such as overload, transformer ■ Power Adaptors(traveling chargers ,stand-alone power
saturation and output short-circuit, so as to increase the set)
reliability of the power supply. A voltage reference of 2.5V is ■ Internal power supply for Energy-Saving Appliances (such
also integrated in the RM6203 to provide accurate power as electromagnetic oven, microwave oven and etc.)
supply to the clock circuit, and the clock frequency may be set
by external timing capacitance. Presently, standard DIP8
package and environmental friendly lead-free package in
compliance with European standard can be supplied.
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Pin Symbol Function Description
1 OB Base Pin of the Power Tube.(Enabling current input and connect to initiating
2 VCC Power Supply Pin
3 GND Ground Pin
4 CT Oscillation Capacitance Pin.(Connect to timing capacitance)
5 FB Feedback Pin
6 IS Current Inspection Pin
7、8 OC Output Pin( Connect to switching transformer)
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The specifications are applied at T=25℃, VCC=5.5-7.5V, Ct=680PF, RS=1Ω, unless otherwise noted.(Note 2)
Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Output Section
Max. Withstanding Voltage of IOC=10mA 700 V
the Switching Tube
Saturation Voltage VSAT Ioc=250mA 1 V
Output Rise Time TR CL=1nF 75 ns
Output Fall Time TF CL=1nF 75 ns
Output Limiting Current Tj=0-100℃ 250 270 290 mA
Reference Section
Reference Output Voltage VREF Io=1.0mA 2.4 2.5 2.6 V
Line Regulation Vcc=5.5-9V 2 20 mV
Load Regulation Io=0.1-1.2mA 3 %
Temperature Stability 0.2 mV/℃
Output Noise Voltage F=10Hz-10KHz 50 uV
Long Term Stability 1000 hours@85℃ 5 mV
Oscillator Section
Oscillating Frequency FOSC Ct=680PF 59 66 73 KHz
Voltage Stability Vcc=5.5-9V 1 %
Temperature Stability Ta=0-85℃ 1 %
Oscillator Amplitude (Vp - p) 2.2 V
Feedback Section
Input Pull-up FB=2.5V, IS=0V 0.55 0.6 0.65 mA
Impedance Current
Pull-Down 30 KΩ
Power Supply Suppression Vcc=5.5-9V 60 70 dB
Current Sampling Section
Current Sampling Threshold VCS 0.55 0.60 0.65 V
Anti-Upper Limit Current IL 0.25 0.27 0.29 A
Power Supply Suppression 60 70 dB
PWM Section
Maximum Duty Ratio DMAX 53 57 61 %
Minimum Duty Ratio DMIN 3.5 %
Power Supply Current Section
Initiating Reception Current 1.6 2.4 3.2 mA
Initiating Static Current 55 80 uA
Static Current IQ Vcc=8V 2.8 mA
Start-up voltage 7.6 7.8 8.0 V
Oscillator Turn-off Voltage 4.2 4.4 4.6 V
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The specifications are applied at T=25℃, VCC=5.5-7.5V, Ct=680PF, RS=1Ω, unless otherwise noted.(Note 2)(continued)
Re-enabling voltage 3.8 V
Over-Voltage Limiting 9.5 10 10.5 V
Note1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Note2: TheRM6203 is guaranteed to meet performance
Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. specifications from 0℃ to 70℃. Specifications over the -40℃
Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for to 85℃ operating temperature range are assured by design,
extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. characterization and correlation with statistical process
In the enabling stage, when power is on, VR is closed; the and 1.8V), the oscillator period will then be increased, the
pull-up current source FB is closed; OE inputs enabling current smaller the FB is, the wider the oscillator period will be, until
from power tube to VCC; OB controls the base current of the the stop of the oscillator (this feature will lower the stand-by
power tube, limits the collector current of the power tube (i.e. power consumption of the switch power source); if the external
RM6203 initiates the reception current), so as to ensure the feedback intends to make VCC higher than 10V, the internal
safety of the power tube; when VCC voltage raises up to 7.8 V, circuit feedback to FB will stabilize VCC at 9.8V (with this
the enabling stage ends and it goes into the normal stage. feature, the internal circuit rather than the external feedback
In the normal stage, VCC voltage should be maintained at circuit will be used to stabilize the output voltage, but the
4.8V to 9.0V, VR outputs 2.5V reference; FB pull-up current stabilizing accuracy may be low); in the open period, OB
source is opened; the oscillator output OSC1 decides the supplies base current to power tube, OE pulls down the emitter
maximum duty ratio, output OSC2 tries to trigger the power of the power tube to IS, and the OB uses the slope current
into open period, and the screened power tube turns on the driving (i.e. the OB open current is the function of IS, when IS
current peak; if FB is below 1.8V (approximately between 1.2V = 0V, OB open current is approximately 40mA, then the OB
4 www.reactor-micro.com
open current will increase along with IS linearly, when IS raises beginning of next close period edge or if FB is below 1.8V, the
to 0.6V, the OB open current is approximately 100mA, this upper limit flip-flop will reset. Besides, the built-in heat
feature will effectively utilize the output current of OB and lower protection of RM6203 will widen the oscillator period when the
the power consumption of RM6203), if IS detects the specified internal temperature is above 125 ℃ to ensure the
current of FB, it goes into close period; in the close period, OB temperature of RM6203 will not exceed 135℃; the built-in
pulls down, the power tube may not be turned off immediately, slope compensation will stabilize the open/close period when
but OE clamps on 2.0V (after the power tube turns off, the RM6203 is at high duty ratio or in continuous current mode.
base will be reverse bias and the voltage withstanding When VCC lowers to about 4.4V, the oscillator will be
capacity is increased); in the open or close period, if it detects closed, OSC1 and OSC2 will be at low level, and the power
the current exceeding upper limit of the power tube, then the source will be maintained at close period; when VCC goes on
upper limit flip-flop will be put at the preferential position, lowering to about 3.8V, RM6203 will enter the enabling stage
forcing FB to decrease and the duty ratio will turn smaller, so again.
that the power tube and transformer will be protected; at the
Global Oscillogram
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(VAC) (W) (V) (A) (V) (mVp-p) (W) (%) (A) (A) η(%) Standerd
0.1 12.1 0 5.36 0
3.2 12.1 0.2 6.64 2.4 75.0
90Vac 7.6 12.1 0.5 6.64 6.1 80.3 1.07 1.36 79.05
12.0 12.1 0.8 6.64 9.7 80.8
15.1 12.1 1.0 6.64 12.1 80.1
0.1 12.1 0 5.28 0
3.1 12.1 0.2 6.70 2.4 77.4
100Vac 7.5 12.1 0.5 6.70 6.1 81.3 1.13 1.45 80.35
11.9 12.1 0.8 6.70 9.7 81.5
14.9 12.1 1.0 6.70 12.1 81.2
0.1 12.1 0 4.96 0
3.0 12.1 0.2 6.96 2.4 80.0
240Vac 7.3 12.1 0.5 6.96 6.1 83.5 1.69 2.13 82.95
11.5 12.1 0.8 6.96 9.7 84.3
14.4 12.1 1.0 6.96 12.1 84.0
0.1 12.1 0 4.88 0
3.0 12.1 0.2 7.04 2.4 80.0
256Vac 7.4 12.1 0.5 7.04 6.1 82.4 1.72 2.17 82.35
11.6 12.1 0.8 7.04 9.7 83.6
14.5 12.1 1.0 7.04 12.1 83.4
6 www.reactor-micro.com
Symbol Millimeter Inch
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
A 5.334 0.210
A1 0.381 0.015
A2 3.175 3.302 3.429 0.125 0.130 0.135
b 1.524 0.060
b1 0.457 0.018
D 9.017 9.271 10.160 0.355 0.365 0.400
E 7.620 0.300
E1 6.223 6.350 6.477 0.245 0.250 0.255
E 2.540 0.100
L 2.921 3.302 3.810 0.115 0.130 0.150
eB 8.509 9.017 9.525 0.335 0.355 0.375
θ° 0° 7° 15° 0° 7° 15°
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