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Regole Veloci

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Basic Moves Rely on Your Skills & Training Guide and Comfort

When you rely on your skills and training When you try to honestly guide and comfort
Assess a Situation to overcome an obstacle, gain new insight, another person, roll with Harmony. On a hit,
or perform a familiar custom, roll with they choose one:
When you assess a situation, roll with Focus . On a hit, you do it. On a 7–9, you • They embrace your guidance and
Creativity. On a 7–9, ask one question. On a do it imperfectly— the GM tells you how comfort. They may clear a condition
10+, ask two. Take +1 ongoing when acting on your approach might lead to unexpected or 2-fatigue, and you may ask one
the answers. consequences; accept those consequences or question; they must answer honestly.
• What here can I use to _________? mark 1-fatigue. • They shut you down. They inflict
• Who or what is the biggest threat? a condition on you, and you shift
• What should I be on the lookout for? their balance in response.
• What’s my best way out/in/through?
Push Your Luck On a 10+, if they embrace your guidance and
• Who or what is in the greatest danger? comfort, you may also shift their balance.
When you push your luck in a risky situation,
say what you want to do and roll with
Plead Passion . On a hit, you do it, but it costs you Trick
to scrape by; the GM tells you what it costs
When you plead with an NPC who cares you. On a 10+, your boldness pays off despite
what you think for help, support, or action, When you trick an NPC, roll with
the cost; the GM tells you what other lucky
roll with Harmony. On a 7–9, they need Creativity. On a hit, they fall for it and do
opportunity falls in your lap.
something more—evidence that this is the what you want for the moment. On a 7–9,
right course, guidance in making the right pick one. On a 10+, pick two.
choices, or resources to aid them—before • They stumble; take +1 forward
they act; the GM tells you what they need. Intimidate to acting against them.
On a 10+, they act now and do their best until • They act foolishly; the GM tells you what
the situation changes. When you intimidate an NPC into backing additional opportunity they give you.
off or giving in, roll with Passion . On a hit, • They overcommit; they are
they choose one. On a 10+, first, you pick one deceived for some time.
Help they cannot choose.
• They run to escape or get backup.
• They back down but keep watch.
Growth Questions
When you take appropriate action to help a
companion, mark 1-fatigue to give them a +1 • They give in with a few stipulations.
to their roll (after the roll). You cannot help in • They attack you, but off-balance; the
At the end of each session, each player answers the
a combat exchange in this way. GM marks a condition on them.
following questions:
• Did you learn something challenging,
exciting, or complicated about the world?
• Did you stop a dangerous threat or

Balance Moves Resist Shifting Your Balance solve a community problem?

• Did you guide a companion towards balance
When you resist an NPC shifting your balance, roll. or end the session at your center?
On a hit, you maintain your current balance in spite
Live Up to Your Principle of their words or deeds. On a 10+, choose two. On a
Each player also answers their playbook’s unique
personal growth question. For each yes, mark
When you take action in accordance with the 7–9, choose one.
growth. When you have marked four growth, you
values of a principle, mark 1-fatigue to roll with • Clear a condition or mark growth by immediately take a growth advancement.
that principle instead of whatever stat you would acting to prove them wrong
normally roll. • Shift your balance towards the opposite principle
• Learn what their principle is (if they have one); if Clearing Conditions
Call Someone Out you already know, take +1 forward against them
When you openly call on someone to live up to On a miss, they know just what to say to throw you • Afraid: run from danger or difficulty.
their principle, shift your balance away from center, off balance. Mark a condition, and the GM shifts your • Angry: break something important
then name and roll with their principle. On a hit, they balance twice. or lash out at a friend.
are called to act as you say; they must either do it or • Guilty: make a personal sacrifice
mark a condition. On a 7–9, they challenge your view Lose Your Balance to absolve your guilt.
of the world in turn; mark 1-fatigue or they shift your If your balance shifts past the end of the track, you • Insecure: take foolhardy action without
balance as they choose. On a miss, they can demand lose your balance. You obsess over that principle to talking to your companions.
you act in accordance with one of your principles a degree that’s not healthy for you or anyone around • Troubled: seek guidance from a
instead; mark a condition or act as they request. you. Choose one of the following: mentor or powerful figure.
• Give in or submit to your opposition
Deny a Callout • Lose control of yourself in a
When you deny an NPC calling on you to live up destructive and harmful way
to your principle, roll with that principle. On a hit, • Take an extreme action in line
act as they say or mark 1-fatigue. On a 10+, their with the principle, then flee
words hit hard; you must also shift your balance Afterward, when you’ve had some time to recover
towards the called-on principle. On a miss, you stand and recenter yourself, shift your center one step
strong; clear a condition, clear 1-fatigue, or shift your towards the principle you exceeded and clear all your
balance, your choice. conditions and fatigue. Reset your balance to your
new center.
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
Combat exchanges Basic Techniques
Exchange Steps Stance Move Defend & maneuver
The GM chooses an approach for
Roll with Focus
each NPC or group of NPCs in FOR PCs
the exchange; the GM keeps their When you resolve your approach, roll with
choice secret. the appropriate stat: Ready

• Defend and maneuver rolls with Focus Mark 1-fatigue to ready yourself or your environment, assigning
Each player of a PC in the ex-
• Advance and attack rolls with Passion or clearing a fictionally appropriate status of nearby characters or
change chooses an approach for
• Evade and observe rolls with Creativity yourself.
their character. If multiple play-
ers have PCs in the exchange, they or Harmony, the PC’s choice
can talk and coordinate. Their choices On a 7–9, use one basic or mastered
can be public, but if the PCs oppose technique. On a 10+, choose one from this
each other, they keep their choices list instead: Steel yourself for their blows. Each time a foe inflicts fatigue, a
secret and reveal in the next step. condition, or shifts your balance in this exchange, inflict 1-fatigue
• Mark 1-fatigue to use a learned technique
on that foe.

• Use one practiced technique
The GM reveals what they chose
• Use two different basic or
for each NPC, and PCs opposing
mastered techniques
each other reveal Seize a Position
their previously secret approaches. On a miss, you stumble, but you can shift
Move to a new location. Engage/disengage with a foe, overcome

your balance away from center to use one
All combatants who chose a negative status or danger, establish an advantageous position, or
basic technique.
defend and maneuver escape the scene. Any foe engaged with you can mark 1-fatigue to
resolve their approach. block this technique.

NPCs always use a number of techniques
All combatants who chose
equal to 1 + their balance rating, chosen by
advance and attack
resolve their approach.
the GM.
Advance & Attack

All combatants who chose Roll with Passion
evade and observe
resolve their approach.
Statuses Strike

All characters who lost Strike a foe in reach, forcing them to mark 2-fatigue, mark a
their balance or were taken Some techniques within a combat exchange assign condition, or shift their balance away from center, their choice.
out now resolve those results. statuses to characters based on the fiction, such as a Mark 1-fatigue to instead choose to hammer them with your blows,
character getting Trapped by ice or metal. Techniques forcing them to mark 2-fatigue, or strike where they are weak,
may assign the following: inflicting a condition.
After the Exchange
• The full effects of a character being Negative Statuses
taken out or losing their balance • Doomed: You’re in grave danger—mark Pressure
resolve outside of fight exchanges. 1-fatigue every few seconds (or each
• When a PC is taken out, they Impress or intimidate a foe. Choose an approach—your foe cannot
exchange) until you free yourself.
are unable to act any more. The choose to use that approach in the next exchange.
• Impaired: You’re slowed or off-balance—mark
exact details of how they are 1-fatigue or take a -2 to all physical actions
taken out can be set up outside (PCs) / choose one fewer technique (NPCs).
of fight exchanges—but almost • Trapped: You’re completely helpless—
always, a PC being taken out you must mark a combination of three Mark 1-fatigue to destroy or destabilize something in the
is a golden opportunity for the conditions or fatigue to escape. environment—possibly inflicting or overcoming a fictionally
GM to make another move. • Stunned: You’re caught off-guard—you can’t act or appropriate positive or negative status.
• After an exchange ends, there respond for a few seconds until you steady yourself.
is no requirement to go right
Positive Statuses
Evade & Observe
into another exchange.
• If multiple combatants want • Empowered: Your abilities are naturally
to keep fighting, then another stronger in this moment—clear 1-fatigue Clear 1-Fatigue & Roll with Creativity or Harmony
exchange ensues. This also covers at the end of each exchange.
situations in which one side • Favored: You’re buoyed by circumstance—
Test Balance
wants to only defend or evade. choose an additional basic or mastered technique
• If only one combatant (or one side in the next exchange, even on a miss. Mark 1-fatigue to challenge an engaged foe’s balance. Ask what
of combatants) wants to keep • Inspired: You’re ready to stand for their principle is; they must answer honestly. If you already know
fighting—to the extent that their something—clear Inspired to shift your their principle, instead shift their balance away from center by
targets won’t even resist incoming balance toward a principle of your choice. questioning or challenging their beliefs or perspective.
blows—then no exchange is needed; • Prepared: You’re ready for what’s coming—
the attackers simply inflict fatigue clear Prepared to take +1 to an appropriate roll
or conditions on their targets. (after the roll) or avoid marking a condition. Bolster or Hinder
• If no combatants are engaging Aid or impede a nearby character, inflicting an appropriate status.
each other, then there’s no
need for an exchange at all!
• If all combatants on one side of Commit
the conflict are defeated, unable to Recenter yourself amidst the fray. Shift your balance toward one of
continue fighting in any way, then your principles; the next time you live up to that principle, do not
no more exchanges are needed! mark fatigue.

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
Campaign Creation Worksheet
Choose an Era: Custom Era: __________________________
„ Choose a Scope:

Kyoshi Era
„ Roku Era
„ Hundred
„ Aang Era
„ Korra Era
Year War

Choose a Group Focus: group focus details:

To defeat [dangerous foe]
To protect [place, idea, culture, person, thing]
To change [culture, society, place, person]
To deliver [person, thing] to [place, culture, person]
To rescue [person, thing]
To learn [idea, culture, training, history]

Detail your Inciting Incident: LOCATION: _________________________________

act 1:
Act 1:
We befriended [ally] who gave us access
to [valuable item].
We discovered a secret hidden by [powerful figure].
We did something fun, but drew the ire of [powerful
figure] in the process.
We learned the frightening plans of [powerful foe].

act 2:
Act 2:
We stole [valuable item] from [powerful foe].
We discovered a terrible truth about
[location or powerful figure].
We defended [ally or place] from [powerful foe].
We destroyed [valuable item] and drew the ire of
its owner, [powerful foe].

act 3:
Act 3:
We fought and barely defeated [powerful foe].
We narrowly escaped capture by [powerful foe].
We saved or rescued [ally] from [powerful figure].
We were saved from [powerful foe] by [ally], to
their own detriment.

Allies & Enemies

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)

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