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Approaches To Learning Revised

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Critical Thinking Skills

Analyzing and Evaluating Issues and Ideas
Recognize Bias Develop Arguments Analyze Use Models and Trouble Shoot Interpret Data

Using examples or Translating and making

To be neutral when Take a perspective or side Deconstructing knowledge or Able to solve problems. conclusions from organized
ideas. recreations to make
considering ideas. and communicate your data.

Evaluate Consider Perspectives Synthesize Identify Obstacles Evaluate Risks Draw and Test Conclusions

Deciding and assessing the To join together to form one Be aware of the things that Knowing what the risks are To summarize and check
To be open to all ideas and whole or something new by and what is involved to things to be true and
pros and cons of something. may prevent or stop you in
opinions creating. anticipate threats or danger. accurate.
achieving your goal.

Generating Novel Ideas and Considering New Perspectives
Create Original Works Use existing works in new Practice Flexible Thinking Problem Solve Connect Idea Asks what if’s and create
ways hypothesis

Reflect on ways to expand Seek solutions to overcome

Take other ideas and Bring ideas together to Keep exploring ways to form
Create work that is new and thinking and ideas.
creatively engage and blend challenges. deepen thinking and theories and question.
with new ideas. understanding.

Utilizing Skills and Knowledge in Multiple Contexts
Use Learning Strategies Inquire Use Concepts Across Combine Knowledge, Learn New Technologies Apply Skills & Knowledge
Disciplines Understanding and Skill in New Situations

Look into something on a Bring knowledge, skills and Bring previous thinking and
deeper level with effort and Use ideas and adapt them in understanding together to Be open to learn new ways of ideas and apply them to new
Empoy the best approach to using technology. learning situations.
stretch thinking. energy. different situations. strengthen connections.
Finding, Interpreting, Judging, and Creating Information
Collect, Record and Verify Access Information Make Connections Develop Long-term Collect, Use & Analyze Access, Process & Recall
Data Between Sources Memory Data Information

Being able to find out Being able to remember Organising the steps in Communicating and showing
Finding and gathering all the Know how to connect
necessary information. information and using it to order to do work. what you have been finding
information we need, information through
your advantage. out.
recording it and validating different sources to check
its accuracy​. accuracy.

Evaluate and Select Present Information in a Analyse & Interpret Media Understand & Implement Create References and Identify Primary and
Information Sources and Variety of Formats and Intellectual Property Citations Secondary Sources
Digital Tools Platforms Rights

Choose the right tool to Choosing the most effective

Making sense of different Being ethical in the way we Being ethical in the way we Knowing when to use
access information. way to present information.
ways information is use information. reference information. primary or secondary
communicated. sources to locate


Interacting with Media to use and Create Ideas and Information
Locate, Organize, Analyze, Be Aware of Media Choose Personal Viewing Seek Multiple Communicate Using a Connect (multi) Media
Evaluate, Synthesis Interpretations Wisely Perspectives Variety of Media and Resources
Information Format

The ability to effectively use Having the awareness to Knowing what material is Being able to consider Able to communicate using Able to access and connect
information to deepen ignore unwelcomed media appropriate to view in terms different perspectives different media platforms with different media
knowledge and connect techniques to distract you. of content and age. through dialectical thought. and formats. sources.
Managing Time and tasks Effectively
Plan Set Goals, Identify Manage Materials Organize Files & Complex Manage Time Select & Use Technology
Strategies and Take Action Information Effectively & Productivity

Make plans to take action. Work towards following a Able to use materials to be Develops manageable Able to manage time Able to use technology in
plan to achieve goals and organized and prepared. systems to organize files and effectively. order to achieve a learning
targets. information. engagement.

Managing State of Mind
Be Mindful Demonstrate Be self-motivated Manage Emotions Show Resilience Think Positively

Able to demonstrate high Understands the highs and Able to work through Maintain a positive outlook
Able to stick with challenges
Be mindful of self, others lows of emotions and being challenges and overcome to see the bright side of life.
and know that commitment levels of motivation to
and your environment. able to manage them. difficult situations.
is a learning attitude. inspire and empower.

(Re-) Considering the Process of Learning; Choosing and Using the ATL Skills
Develop New Skills, Identify Areas of Growth Be a Flexible Learner Try and Evaluate New ATL Consider Implications of Use Multiple Techniques
Techniques and Strategies and Areas for Skills Choices for Reflection

Able to adapt to different Seek opportunities to

Find innovative ways to do Know your strengths and learning situations and develop new skills and Know that choices and Seek different ways to
things. weaknesses. conditions. evaluate their importance to actions have consequences reflect and connect with
promote learning. ane being able to consider experiences to learn from.
all possibilities.
Exchange Thoughts, Messages and Information Effectively Through Interaction
Give and Receive Use a Variety of Media & Use Non-verbal Participate, Share, & Use Intercultural Recognize the Importance
Meaningful Feedback Speaking & Writing Techniques Collaborate Online & on Understanding to of Audience
Techniques Social Media Interpret Others

Able to provide constructive Able to effectively Be an active member online Demonstrating international Understanding who your
Recognizing the meaning of
feedback and feedforward. communicate in different and contribute in positive mindedness and audience is and adapt
visual and body
ways. ways. appreciating different accordingly.


Reading, Writing and Using Language to Gather and Communicate Information
Read Write Take Notes and Use Subject Specific Make Inferences & Draw Structure & Organize
Paraphrase Language Conclusions Information

Reading lots of different Able to make theories and

arrive at conclusions to Able to organize information
types of information. Writing to express or Collecting information, Able to use language unique for easy access and to
capture thoughts and ideas. taking notes and make sense of information.
to a specific topic or subject. effectively interpret for
summarizing information. understanding.


Working Effectively with Others
Be Responsible & Advocate Share Responsibility and Listen to Others Show Empathy, Respect, & Demonstrate Leadership Build Consensus & Resolve
for Yourself Roles with Others Support to Others Conflict

Accept responsibility for Know when to Lead and Be open to what others have Be fair, kind and help those Being able to compromise
Being able to bring people
your choices and actions and when to follow to achieve a to say. Listen with your eyes, around you. and find solutions together.
together to achieve a shared
stand up for what you common goal. ears, mind and heart. goal.
believe in.

Created by @ndbekah Inspired by @OrenjiButa Images from the Noun Project / Adapted by @cjw289 for Vientiane International School (Laos).

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