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Selvi Sejal
Roll No. BD/20/4897
The Design
Brainstorm and

definiton of
the problem Design problems as underdetermined problems
You can’t find a solution
until you have a clear
This process of reasoning is non-deductive:
idea of what the problem
There is no closed pattern of reasoning to connect
the needs, requirements and intentions with a form
of an artifact and a mode of use.
This ‘openness’ of a design problem is called the
underdetermination of design problems.

Collect sketches, take The second step in many design processes is to
photographs and
gather data to start research, collect information, and to more deeply
giving you inspiration.
understand the internal product/system to be
In education, that information can come in the form
of achievement data, community surveys,
classroom observations, anecdotal evidence and
from meetings designed to try to organize
information that relates to the problem being

and Analyze Brainstorm Analyze
Begin to sketch, make,
and study so you can ▹ Ask the right questions and ▹ Capturing and organizing requirements
start to understand innovate. from clients.
how all the data and
▹ Step beyond the obvious ▹ Identifying the gaps between current
information you’ve thins and a desired state.
collected may impact solutions and therefore increase
your design. the innovation potential of your ▹ Establishing design objectives and
solution. figuring out how succes and failure will
be measured.
▹ Bring together perspectives and
strengths of team members. ▹ Discovering information in the support of
a design process.
▹ Uncover unexpected areas of
▹ Developing a basic concept , designing
and conducting experiments to validate
▹ Create volume and variety in ideas.
your innovation options.
▹ Get obvious solutions out of your
heads, and drive your team
beyond them.

Take your preliminary
ideas and form multiple
1. Start with 2. Test, improve and 3. Achieving the best
small-scale design amazing team repeat result
solutions. Testing is the most important Building high-quality
The combination of
way to see if your concept software begins with a
these soft skills and has merit and really works! talented team of designers
technical skills is what Provide each user with a list and engineers. Supporting
exceptional designers of tasks to complete and
them with all the tools they
are made of. listen as they tell you what
will need to succeed is
they think. Find out what is
Understanding how confusing or unclear. Analyze huge. And when all is said
people process the testing and check off if and done, the
information, each goal was met. If any low implementation of a
scores show up, pull the reliable design solution
empathizing with
brainstorming group back process made it all
users, and identifying a together to review test results possible.
process with clarity and come up with a new
define heroes of the solution for each low-scoring
design world.

Within the Design Thinking Process, feedback is something
feedback that should permeate the experience throughout its entire
Present your ideas to
as many people as existence. The process itself is a journey, discovering and
possible: friends,
uncovering opportunities to build solutions that are more
professionals, and any rewarding for users and clients. However, in order to fully
others you trust to give capture these journeys, research has to be conducted in order to
insightful comments.
fully understand the context in which users/clients operate a
certain product solution, alongside a variety of factors
(demographics, economics, politics, internal organizational
processes, teams), which inform why their decisions take the
paths that they take. In essence, understanding clients/users can
be a herculean task, something that takes time, resources and a
considerable amount of effort.

Types of
feedbacks 3. Toxic feedback
1. Productive 2 .Agreeble
feedback feedback This is the type of feedback that
is a sheer demonstration of bias
Productive in the sense that In parallel with Productive against solutions being brought
whatever is captured, provides Feedback, there are other types forth, resistance against the
insight into how users/clients that can and do permeate the process itself, resistance against
will potentially use the process. the deliverables, among many
tool/feature/product, and does its others, and invariably it
This is the type of feedback that manifests itself in feedback that
principle fulfill their
has to be tempered and analyzed is overly prescriptive.
with some care, since it may
This is the type of feedback that come from very different The goal of this type of
is instrumental since it is focused sources, while ultimately their feedback is less about the
on getting a response on why a goal being the same: task at hand or what is
task gets done using that agreeable.
product/feature. being tested.
The best way to identify this type
Everything about that essential of feedback is always to which requires additional
problem should be captured, and recognize the inevitable “but I attention, and much more of an
therefore this Feedback is know this took a lot of work to effort from the Designer and
primordial for Designers and get here”. Researcher, in order to educate,
their peers on the DTP (acronym contextualize, and really position
for Design Thinking Process) this phase to the testers, in the
overall strategy of what the DTP
is all about.

Reflect on all of your
feedback and decide if or Understanding the project
to what extent it should
be incorporated. It is
often helpful to take 2. Communicate your idea right
solutions back through
the Design Process to Think about the framework
refine and clarify them.
4. Keep finding work exciting
5. Work on individual pixels
6. Self editing hinders possibilities
7. Experiment and failure evolve your ideas.

Thank you

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