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GRADES 1 to 12 School Makapuyat NHS Grade Level 11

DAILY LESSON Teacher Rosalynn M. Mata Learning Area Bread and Pastry
PLAN Production
Teaching Date September 6, 2022 Quarter 1st
and Time 1:31 – 2:30 pm

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic concept and
underlying theories in preparing and producing bakery products.

B. Performance Standard The learners independently demonstrate core competencies in preparing

and producing bakery products.

C. Objectives/ LO 1. Prepare bakery products

Learning Competencies 1.1 Select, measure and weigh required ingredients according to recipe or
production requirements

Code TLE_HEBP9-12PB-Ia-f-1
II. CONTENT Shortening, Liquid Ingredients, Minor Ingredients


A. References
1. Curriculum Guide page/s 5
2. Teacher’s Guide pages Note: No teacher’s guide issued
3. Learner’s Materials pages 12 – 14
4. Other Learning Resources Different types of sugar, egg, leavening agent
A. Reviewing previous Give the role of the following ingredients in baking:
lesson or presenting 1. Sugar
the new lesson 2. Eggs
3. Leavening agent

B. Establishing a The teacher will present objective/s of the day’s lesson.

purpose for the  Recognize the role of shortening, liquid ingredients and minor
lesson ingredients in baking
 Enumerate the uses of shortening, liquid ingredients and minor
 Value the importance of shortening, liquid ingredients and minor
ingredients in baking
C. Presenting examples Picture Parades of Baking Ingredients
Can you identify the ingredients shown on the picture?

D. Discussing new Read Information Sheet 1.1.2 on page 13 – 16.

concept and Major Ingredients in Baking
practicing skills #1 A. Shortening: Its Type and Uses
B. Liquid Ingredients: Its Type and Uses
Minor Ingredients

E. Developing mastery Activity: Major or Minor (Video clip presentation – Banana Cookies)
(lead to formative Directions: Watch the video on how to make banana cookies. List down
assessment #3) the ingredients used in the video. Then, identify if the ingredient is major
or minor.
F. Finding practical Why is it necessary to know the different ingredients in baking? How can it
application of be of great help to you as future bakers?
concept and skills in
daily living
G. Making What are the uses of shortening in baking?
generalization and What is the particular role of liquid ingredients in baking?
abstraction What are the nutrients we can get from shortening? (Health)

H. Evaluating learning Give the ingredient being describe

1. Another term for shortening.
2. Made from pork fat.
3. Makes the bread tender.
4. The cheapest liquid used in baking.
5. Used in small quantities.

I. Additional activities Bring materials to be measured:

for application or 1. White and brown sugar
remediation 2. Bread flour
3. Baking powder
4. Oil
5. Butter
6. Milk



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Inspected/Checked by:

Principal II

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