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Annexure 6 - Storage and Preservation Procedure

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River Water Treatment Plant 61-PK-5001A STORAGE AND PRESERVATION

(Title 6150), Integrated Treatment Facilities

68-PK-0001A (Title 6800), Concentrate
Evaporation Unit 68-PK-1601A (Title 6816) Common for Title 6150, 6800, 6816 & 6819
& Storm Water Treatment Facilities 68-PK- PROPOSAL NUMBER SHEET.
1901A (Title 6819) for the construction of
the Amur Gas Chemical Complex 10V1914 - 10V1917 1 of 9

The aim of this document is to define the technical general conditions foreseen for the storage
and preservation. As the transportation and storage at site is in NIPIGAS’ scope, Wabag shall provide the
procedures involving storage and preservation criteria as per manufacturer’s recommendations in detail
during detail engineering stage. Here are some general guidelines for storage and preservation of
equipment. The preservation for the main equipment stored outside shall be 24 months and equipment
stored inside will be 48 months as per recommendations from equipment manufacturer.

The supplier will provide details of initial preservation and confirm that it has been executed by
making a preservation dossier. Preservation dossier will contain the following data:

- Initial preservation certificate

- Check-list of operations during preservation
- List of all preservation materials, oils and grease, including toxicology data sheets, OHS data
sheets, and material safety data sheets (MSDS).


The Equipment list in the bid proposal provides details of all electro-mechanical items for the
chemical complex with their respective approximate weight and country of origin. Fabricated items
like mechanism and skids shall be at site by sub-contractor under supervision of WABAG.

The major equipment which needs storage are listed below:

 Pumps
 Filters
 Air Blowers
 EOT Cranes
 Sludge Dewatering Units
 Chemical Tanks


The equipment shall be stored in closed and secured areas, fenced and guarded (24hrs x 7 days
per week), which will be of three types according to each equipment manufacturers’ storage

CONFIDENTIAL – Not to disclose without authorization

River Water Treatment Plant 61-PK-5001A STORAGE AND PRESERVATION
(Title 6150), Integrated Treatment Facilities
68-PK-0001A (Title 6800), Concentrate
Evaporation Unit 68-PK-1601A (Title 6816) Common for Title 6150, 6800, 6816 & 6819
& Storm Water Treatment Facilities 68-PK- PROPOSAL NUMBER SHEET.
1901A (Title 6819) for the construction of
the Amur Gas Chemical Complex 10V1914 - 10V1917 2 of 9

 Open air storage (storing yard) : for non-sensitive items
 Covered and ventilated warehouse (Electromechanical equipment’s, MCC, etc.).
 Temperature controlled building storage (Membranes, Process Chemicals, etc.)

The storage areas will be specified prior to delivery of any electrical and mechanical equipment, or
other materials which are not suited to be stocked elsewhere.

A simple storage code will be used to mark every equipment type.

The type of storage code to be printed on the two opposite sides and top of each package is
specified as follows (in case of absence of marking, refer to manufacturer’s instructions or if any
doubt appears, information shall be requested to the Contractor’s representative).

X To be stored outside
XX To be stored under cover such as tarpaulin or open shed
XXX To be stored in covered or closed premises and ventilated
XXXX To be stored in the temperature controlled building

In the storage area, equipment shall be stored horizontal wherever possible. The sensitive
equipment will be protected from dust/contaminants if present on construction sites. Equipment of
different materials shall be separated adequately to avoid any type of contamination or possible
mixing and further misuse of materials. In the storing area, equipment shall be placed for easy
access by mean of truck, relevant lifting device such as crane or forklift. The temperature controlled
building shall have temperature of 5 - 40 degree C to accommodate the most sensitive items such as
membranes, process liquids, lubrications etc.

2.1 Pumps/drives’ Storage

Below are some precautions for pumps’ storage that should be implemented:
 Drives for pumps, blowers and cranes shall be stored in a closed premises with easy access to
trucks and lifting devices such as crane or forklift.
 Pump flanges shall be covered, whenever necessary, in order to avoid alien materials to get
inside. The oil levels, greasers and other accessories which, due to their size and/or nature, are
CONFIDENTIAL – Not to disclose without authorization
River Water Treatment Plant 61-PK-5001A STORAGE AND PRESERVATION
(Title 6150), Integrated Treatment Facilities
68-PK-0001A (Title 6800), Concentrate
Evaporation Unit 68-PK-1601A (Title 6816) Common for Title 6150, 6800, 6816 & 6819
& Storm Water Treatment Facilities 68-PK- PROPOSAL NUMBER SHEET.
1901A (Title 6819) for the construction of
the Amur Gas Chemical Complex 10V1914 - 10V1917 3 of 9

easy to get lost or broken will be removed; they will be kept in a bag or box, correctly identified in
the warehouse.
 The bearings will be protected with appropriate greases. The shaft will be covered by grease and
will be protected with tarpaulin or other equivalent means. The shaft will be rotated by hand once
a month or according to manufacture requirements, at this time, a superficial visual inspection
shall be carried out, in order to detect any anomaly, which will be reported to the Site Supervisor.

2.2 Storage & Preservation of UF and RO Membranes

2.2.1 UF Membranes:
Below is the general UF membrane storage and preservation write-up. Detailed storage document
and preservation procedure shall be provided after vendor finalization during detail engineering
a) New Module
 Prior to shipment, the modules are tested for permeability and integrity. They are then
stored in a preservative solution consisting of sodium bisulfite, glycerin, and water.
 The modules must be kept wet. New modules should be kept in its original packaging
until installation.
 The modules should be stored in a horizontal position and should be kept indoors, out of
direct sunlight, at 5 – 40°C (41 - 104°F).
 The modules should be kept at the appropriate temperatures to prevent freezing of the

b) Used Module
The storage guidelines for new modules are also suitable for used modules; however, additional
steps are recommended:
 Rinse the module out prior to storage. After the module has been completely rinsed,
add the preservative solution to the module.
 Update the preservative regularly.
 Always keep the module wet.
 Rinse out the preservative before using the modules again.
c) Module Preservation
If the system is shut down for less than seven days, the modules can be preserved by flushing

CONFIDENTIAL – Not to disclose without authorization

River Water Treatment Plant 61-PK-5001A STORAGE AND PRESERVATION
(Title 6150), Integrated Treatment Facilities
68-PK-0001A (Title 6800), Concentrate
Evaporation Unit 68-PK-1601A (Title 6816) Common for Title 6150, 6800, 6816 & 6819
& Storm Water Treatment Facilities 68-PK- PROPOSAL NUMBER SHEET.
1901A (Title 6819) for the construction of
the Amur Gas Chemical Complex 10V1914 - 10V1917 4 of 9

the system for 10 – 30 minutes every day.

When the system is shut down for longer periods of time, perform a CIP and sterilization, and
then seal all of the outlets to keep the modules wet and to prevent bacteria and algae growth.
The preservative solution is a ratio of water and sodium bisulfite (99:1). Check the pH of the
preservative every three months and replace the solution if the pH is less than 4. The modules
will irreversibly lose flux if the modules dry out; the modules must be kept wet.

d) Module Shipping
Each module is packed in a special cardboard box and shipped on a wooden / plastic pallet.
Avoid collision, direct exposure to sun, rain, and mechanical damage. Avoid freezing conditions.

2.2.2 RO Membranes:
When RO membranes are not in use i.e. when the plant is in shutdown mode or before installation
of plant, microbial growth occurs on the membrane and performance of the membrane deteriorate.
To prevent the microbial growth and to maintain the performance of the membrane, the membranes
are stored under clean condition.

a) General Conditions for Preservation:

Please note the below general conditions before beginning the preservation procedure.
 RO skid has to be leak free to avoid chemical loss during preservation.
 Make-up water for preservation solution must be chlorine free RO permeate water (or
equivalent source).
 Allowable temperature range for preservation solution is 50C to 350C.
 Allowable pH range during preservation in the pressure vessel is 3 to 5.5.
 The preservative use for preservation of RO membrane is generally sodium bisulfite
(SBS) with or without propylene glycol.

b) Preservation Procedure:
The general preservation procedures are as follow.
i) Before Installation:
When RO elements are stored before installation, care should be taken that the RO membrane

CONFIDENTIAL – Not to disclose without authorization

River Water Treatment Plant 61-PK-5001A STORAGE AND PRESERVATION
(Title 6150), Integrated Treatment Facilities
68-PK-0001A (Title 6800), Concentrate
Evaporation Unit 68-PK-1601A (Title 6816) Common for Title 6150, 6800, 6816 & 6819
& Storm Water Treatment Facilities 68-PK- PROPOSAL NUMBER SHEET.
1901A (Title 6819) for the construction of
the Amur Gas Chemical Complex 10V1914 - 10V1917 5 of 9

should not come in direct contact with sunlight and should be stored in cool environment/dry
place with an ambient temperature range of 4.4 0 to 350 C. During the period of transit
between the factory and the plant site, the elements should not be exposed to
temperatures below freezing i.e. 00 C or above 450C. New Elements are enclosed in a
sealed polyethylene bag containing a storage solution, and then packaged in a
manufacturer’s recommended storage boxes.

ii) Short Term Shutdown:

Short term shutdown is the period when RO plant remains shutdown for more than 5 days and
less than 30 days with RO elements in place. Procedure for the preservation of RO membrane
during short term shutdown is as follow.
 RO membrane to be flushed with chlorine free RO permeate water (or equivalent
source). Vent valve to be kept open while flushing of RO membrane to ensure the
venting of any gas which may be present in the system.
 After flushing operation, close the vent valve and fill the pressure tube with 1% of SMBS
 Repeat the steps as described above at 5-days intervals.

iii) Long Term Shutdown:

Long term shutdown is the period when RO plant remains shutdown for more than 30 days with
RO elements in place. Procedure for the preservation of RO membrane during short term
shutdown is as follow.
 Cleaning in place procedure to be done for RO membrane elements.
 RO membrane to be flushed with chlorine free RO permeate water (or equivalent
 After flushing operation, close the vent valve and fill the pressure tube with 1% to 1.5%
of SMBS solution. Make sure that the pressure tube should be completely filled.
 Repeat the above two steps with fresh solution every thirty days if the temperature is
below 270 C or every fifteen days if the temperature is above 270 C.
 Check the pH once a week. When the pH becomes 3 or lower, change the preservation
solution with the fresh one.

After shutdown, when the RO system is ready to be returned to service, flush the system

CONFIDENTIAL – Not to disclose without authorization

River Water Treatment Plant 61-PK-5001A STORAGE AND PRESERVATION
(Title 6150), Integrated Treatment Facilities
68-PK-0001A (Title 6800), Concentrate
Evaporation Unit 68-PK-1601A (Title 6816) Common for Title 6150, 6800, 6816 & 6819
& Storm Water Treatment Facilities 68-PK- PROPOSAL NUMBER SHEET.
1901A (Title 6819) for the construction of
the Amur Gas Chemical Complex 10V1914 - 10V1917 6 of 9

for approximately one hour using low-pressure pretreated feed water with the permeate line
dump valve open to drain; then flush it at high pressure using the same source of water with the
product dump valve open to drain. The RO permeate should be diverted to drain until it meets
the quality requirements of the process (e.g. conductivity, pH, etc.).

2.3 Dewatering unit

The general guidelines for the packaging of dewatering units are as follows:
 Plastic sheeting for prevention against dirt only.
 Vacuum packaging using aluminum foil A30 with drying agent method in accordance with DIN
55474 storable from 12 to 24 months
 VCI – (Volatile Corrosion Inhibition) Method - Wrapped in VCI Foil (Volatile Corrosion Inhibition)
with chemical Inhibitor for surface Protection
In order to optimize the packaging and transport during the planning stage in future, a matrix with
standard packing measurements for normal dispatch through road transport or container as a
standard to be developed.

Packing types for distribution

 Packing type I - Transport crate with plastic sheeting against dirt
 Packing type II - Transport crate with vacuum packaging 12 months storage and seaworthy.
 Packing type III - Transport crate with vacuum packaging 24 months storage and seaworthy.
 Packing type IV - Container with vacuum packaging12 months storage and seaworthy.
 Packing type V - Container with vacuum packaging 24 months storage and seaworthy.

2.4 Chemical Tanks

For export jobs, sea worthy packing capable of performing all necessary functions like prevention of
damage to the contents, sufficient to support frequent handling and lengthy period of outdoor storage
in adverse weather conditions are required. Workmanship and materials used shall be of high
standard meeting the technical requirements and in accordance with best commercial export packing
practices however it shall meet the minimum requirements specified herein. The scope this
specification is to define

 Packing for sea and road transportation.

 Chemical Treatment/Fumigation before packing to prevent fungus, damage due to termite,
borer, rats, etc.

CONFIDENTIAL – Not to disclose without authorization

River Water Treatment Plant 61-PK-5001A STORAGE AND PRESERVATION
(Title 6150), Integrated Treatment Facilities
68-PK-0001A (Title 6800), Concentrate
Evaporation Unit 68-PK-1601A (Title 6816) Common for Title 6150, 6800, 6816 & 6819
& Storm Water Treatment Facilities 68-PK- PROPOSAL NUMBER SHEET.
1901A (Title 6819) for the construction of
the Amur Gas Chemical Complex 10V1914 - 10V1917 7 of 9

 Marking of cases/crates.
 Other required services as per manufacturer’s recommendations.

2.5 Instrumentation
If some instruments need to be stored in ventilated warehouse, it shall be done according to
manufacturer’s documentation. Non sensitive instruments will be stored in covered warehouse.

2.6 Dangerous Goods & Chemicals

Dangerous goods and chemicals packages shall be marked on all sides with appropriate labels in
conformity with regulations.

Specific attention shall be paid to storage conditions for dangerous goods and chemicals.

2.7 Pipes Storage

A storage area will be provided for pipe stacking.

Pipes will be stacked at the pipe storage using one or all of the following methods:
 Square stacking for small diameter pipes
 Parallel stacking using wooden roller boards
 Pyramidal stacking
 A maximum stacking height allowable will be defined for each type and each nominal diameter
of pipe.


The handling of equipment should be made carefully, in compliance with the manufacturer’s rules (if
any) and, in general, with the following points:

 Load will be properly secured,

 The area between the loading and the offloading shall be cleared and secured,
 Instructions given by both the lifting and the lifted equipment’s manufacturers concerning the
handling conditions shall be complied.
 Holding shall be done in a way that the effort is not transmitted to the machinery. The shaft
shall not be used as gripping point.
CONFIDENTIAL – Not to disclose without authorization
River Water Treatment Plant 61-PK-5001A STORAGE AND PRESERVATION
(Title 6150), Integrated Treatment Facilities
68-PK-0001A (Title 6800), Concentrate
Evaporation Unit 68-PK-1601A (Title 6816) Common for Title 6150, 6800, 6816 & 6819
& Storm Water Treatment Facilities 68-PK- PROPOSAL NUMBER SHEET.
1901A (Title 6819) for the construction of
the Amur Gas Chemical Complex 10V1914 - 10V1917 8 of 9

 Eyes, located in the motor carcass, shall not be used in order to support the whole
equipment; these eyes are planned for the individual parts lifting only.

Transportation of equipment, both on and off the installation site premises, shall be conducted in a
safe manner. The supplied equipment shall be loaded at works in a way to minimize transportation,
but ensuring the safety and stability of the load in transit. This may involve, for an oversize load, to
disassemble an element in order to enable safe transportation.

Any delivery organized with the use of vehicle mounted crane, will be organized with an approved
contractor whose vehicle driver/operator is trained in the use of the associated lifting equipment.

Prior to offloading, the load should be re-checked for stability to ensure that no good or component
has become detached, unstable, or liable to slide or drop on offloading. Appropriate action should
be taken to re-secure the load prior to off-loading if any movement has occurred in transit.

The same basic safety measures equally apply to dispatches made for export shipment in
packaging boxes, cases or containers:

Lifting accessories shall be checked and in good shape.

All cases, packages, etc., shall be clearly marked on the outside to indicate the load weight, to
show where the weight is bearing and to indicate the correct position for slings and are to bear an
identification mark relating them to the appropriate shipping documents.

If chains are used for handling purposes, the unit should be protected with cloth sacking or similar

Hooks won’t be used unless eye bolts are specifically fitted to the frame for handling purposes. Eye
bolts or lifting brackets fitted to the motor won’t be used, under any circumstance, to lift the entire

The safety and the stability of the load of any supplied equipment required to be subsequently
transported at the installation site shall be ensured by transporting palletized/horizontally and by
observing basic safety precautions.

CONFIDENTIAL – Not to disclose without authorization

River Water Treatment Plant 61-PK-5001A STORAGE AND PRESERVATION
(Title 6150), Integrated Treatment Facilities
68-PK-0001A (Title 6800), Concentrate
Evaporation Unit 68-PK-1601A (Title 6816) Common for Title 6150, 6800, 6816 & 6819
& Storm Water Treatment Facilities 68-PK- PROPOSAL NUMBER SHEET.
1901A (Title 6819) for the construction of
the Amur Gas Chemical Complex 10V1914 - 10V1917 9 of 9


Binding, Transport and Hoisting of Equipment shall comply with the related specifications and
previsions of handling.

All lifting works shall be completed by a lifting operator with a valid license for lifting operation.

No auto-crane hoisting work will be performed during rain or important wind power.

Before hoisting Equipment in place, the space length of equipment’s between ground bolt and
foundation bolt shall be checked whether congruous or not.

When hoisting equipment’s off the ground, equipment’s, crane and slings shall be checked whether
having abnormal phenomenon or not; if normal conditions are applying, then the hoisting work shall
be done.

Whenever it is possible, the lifting shall be performed only with lifting equipment.

During any heavy component maneuver, it is important that the strengths transmitted to the sling
are at the same level as the lifting lugs.

When the preparation, previous to the parts lifting, has been carried out, the following points will be
checked before starting the operation:

 Weights,
 Type of fetters and bolts, Type and state of the cables,
 Lifting lugs and revision of calculations.

CONFIDENTIAL – Not to disclose without authorization

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