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Water and Its Treatment-7,8

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Unit-1b Water and its treatment

Ion –exchange method

Ion exchange is a process by which ions held on a porous, essentially insoluble solid
(resin) are exchanged for ions in solution that is brought in contact with it.
Ion exchange resins are insoluble, cross linked, high molecular weight organic polymers
having a porous structure. The functional groups attached to the chains are responsible
for the ion exchange properties.
The hard water is passed through a cation exchange column. All cations like Ca2+, Mg2+
etc are removed by the resin and equivalent amount of H + ions are released from the
column to the water.

2RCOO-H+ + Ca2+ (RCOO-)2 Ca2+ + 2H+

After passing through the cation exchange column, the hard water is passed through
anion exchange column, when all the anions like SO42-, Cl- etc present in hard water are
removed and taken up by the resin. An equivalent amount of OH- is released from this
column to the water.
[R-N+(CH3)]OH- + Cl- [R-N+(CH3)]Cl- + OH-
The H+ and OH- ions released from the cation exchange resin and the anion exchange
resin respectively combine to give water molecule.
H+ + OH- H2O
Such water produced is free from any ions; hence is known as demineralised water. Since
it is free from any ions, acidity or alkalinity, it is pure like distilled water.

Demineralization of water by ion exchange process


Unit-1b Water and its treatment


During process, both cation and anion exchange the resins get exhausted i.e capacity to
exchange H+ and OH- ions is lost.
The cationic resins can be generated by passing solution of dil. HCI or H2SO4 through
first the 1st column.
The regeneration reactions are:

Washing the column with deionized water releases the Ca 2+, Mg 2+ ions or Cl-, SO42-
ions into the sink.
Similarly the anion exchange resins can be regenerated by passing solution of dil. NaOH
through the second column and regeneration is represented as:

The column is washed with deionized water and ions like Na+, Cl-, SO42- are released
into the sink.

Advantages and disadvantages of ion exchange process are:

Advantages Disadvantages
The ion exchange process can be used to Very costly process as equipment and
soften highly acidic or alkaline waters chemicals are costly
The process produces water of very low Presence of turbidity reduces the
hardness (<2ppm). Very good for use in efficiency of the process
high pressure boilers

For water to be used for domestic purpose, water softening by ion exchange process will
include only cation exchange resin. This is because, only cations responsible for hardness
like Ca2+, Mg 2+ etc need to be removed. Regeneration is carried out by using inexpensive
brine or NaCl solution.


Unit-1b Water and its treatment

Reverse Osmosis (RO):

Reverse Osmosis is a process where water is demineralized using a semi permeable

membrane at high pressure. Reverse osmosis is osmosis in reverse.
A semi permeable membrane is a selective membrane which does not permit the passage
of dissolved solute particles.
Osmosis is the phenomenon by which water or any solvent starts to flow from a region of
low concentration to high concentration when the two solutions are separated by a semi
permeable membrane. The flow continues till the concentration is equal on both sides of
the membrane. This is most commonly observed in plants. If you don't water your plants
they wilt. A plant cell is a semi permeable (water flows through the membrane but salts
don't) membrane with the living stuff on the inside in a salt solution. Water is drawn into
the cell from the outside because pure water will move across a semi permeable
membrane to dilute the higher concentration of salt on the inside. This is how water is
drawn in from the ground when you water your plants. If you salt your plants (over
fertilize or spill some salt on the grass), the plant will wilt because the salt concentration
on the outside of the cell is higher than the inside and water then moves across the
membrane from the inside to the outside.
To reverse this process, you must overcome the osmotic pressure equilibrium across the
membrane because the flow is naturally from dilute to concentrate. We want more pure
water so we must increase the salt content in the cell (concentrate side of the membrane).
To do this we increase the pressure on the salty side of the membrane and force the water
across. The amount of pressure is determined by the salt concentration. As we force water
out, the salt concentration increases requiring even greater pressure to get more pure

Diagrammatic representation of Reverse Osmosis

1. It is simple and reliable process of water softening.
2. It is not expensive.
3. It is energy efficient
4. It operates at low temperature.
5. The life of semi permeable membrane is 2 years and can be replaced within


Unit-1b Water and its treatment

What is calgon conditioning of a boiler feed water?

Ans: It is addition of calgon i.e.: sodium hexa metaphosphate in boiler water to
prevent the formation of scale and sludge. Calgon removes scale forming Ca2+, Mg2+.


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