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Rubric For Bloom Balls Part 3 and 4 2023

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Student’s Name:______________________________________________ Survey of American Lit, Q4

RUBRIC Bloom Ball for In Cold Blood

Outstanding- 5 Good- 4.5 Passable - 6 Improvement needed-5 Poorly Developed-4
The information provided is Information is accurate. Information is somewhat Information is not always The information is not
accurate & demonstrates good accurate. accurate and it does not accurate. Very little
Information comprehension. Project demonstrates Project does not demonstrate comprehension. comprehension seen or no
Student used multiple sources some comprehension of demonstrate much details.
for information. details. comprehension or details. Needed to provide more Needed to provide more
detailed information. detailed information.
Provided full information for Provided information for Provided information for Did not address all circles. Did not complete all circles.
each circle. each circle. some but not all circles.
Illustrations Illustrations were created with Illustrations were created Illustrations seemed to have Illustrations seemed to have Very few illustrations seen
effort (not hurried) and large with “some” effort and been created with little been created hastily. or
Images enough to see. They do a good had pictures to illustrate effort.
job illustrating the the information on the It appears that They do not clearly illustrate No illustrations or color.
information. circle. pictures/artwork do not the information or show grade
necessarily illustrate level effort.
Personal Personal opinion (choice) is Personal opinion Personal opinion (choice) Personal opinion (choice) Personal opinion (choice)
apparent in responses and (choice) indicates an indicates a partial indicates a very limited shows inaccurate, confused,
Response indicates a thorough understanding of the understanding of the text. understanding of the text; and/or irrelevant
understanding of the text. text. Information may somewhat response may exhibit some connections.
general or simplistic; comprehension flaws.
Student makes relevant Student makes relevant however, student makes
connections with material and connections and provides some connections and Some or no personal
provides personal experiences personal experiences. provides personal connections were provided.
with detail. experiences.
Appearance The project was neat, clear, The project is not as neat The project lacks neatness The project is sloppy and The project is extremely
and shows a lot of as it could be, but the and looks like more effort disorganized; it looks like it sloppy and disorganized or
brainstorming and effort went information is organized. was needed. The was hastily done. large sections are missing.
into it. All directions were information isn’t organized Several directions were not Several directions were not
All directions were followed followed. well on the circles. followed in the presentation of followed in the presentation
in an exceptional manner. Most directions were this project. of this project.
Conventions Exceptionally strong control Strong control of Control of most writing Limited control of Control of conventions not
of standard conventions of conventions; errors are conventions. Occasional conventions; frequent errors on grade level; frequent
writing. few and minor. errors seen in paper, but somewhat interfere with errors interfere with
writing is near grade level. understanding. understanding.

Points earned: _____ / of 30 part 3 / 4

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