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This Is America Poster RUBRIC

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Student’s Name:______________________________________________ Date____/____/____ Period:_____

This is America Poster RUBRIC

Written text is specific Written text has some Text does not accurately or Text does not relate to the content. Text does not relate to
with people, places and specifics and is relevant to only partially relate to the There may be little to no proper the content. There are
Descriptions/ dates and relevant to assignment. There may be a content. There are many grammar/punctuation and enough many spelling,
Captions assignment. There are no few errors in spelling and errors in spelling and mistakes that the caption is hard to grammar and structure
errors in spelling and grammar, but they do not grammar, but they do not understand. errors so the text is
grammar. interfere with understanding interfere with understanding. difficult to understand.
the text.
3-5 Illustrations were 3 Illustrations were created 3 or less Illustrations were 3 or less Illustrations were created No illustration.
created with effort, large with good effort; pictures created with some effort; hastily; does not clearly illustrate
Illustrations enough to see; does an illustrate the text/ideas. pictures do not necessarily the content/text.
excellent job illustrating illustrate the ideas/text.
the specific text/ideas.
Writing, illustrations, Writing, illustrations, Writing, illustrations, Writing, illustrations, organization Writing, illustrations,
organization of poster organization of poster organization of poster of poster demonstrates a very organization of poster
Connections demonstrates an accurate demonstrates an accurate demonstrates a partial limited connection and is confusing and or
connection and connection and connection and understanding understanding of the vocabulary, irrelevant. It does not
a deep understanding of an understanding of the of the vocabulary, events, events, dates, and essential ideas make connections or
the vocabulary, events, vocabulary, events, dates, and dates, and essential ideas about the United States. reflect on the United
dates, and essential ideas essential ideas about the about the United States. States.
about the United States. United States.
The project is neat, The project is neat, shows The project lacks neatness and The project is difficult to read and The project is
Appearance colorful and is easy to effort but is not colorful or is not clear to follow, the follow, and is disorganized extremely difficult to
follow. Excellent use of highly actualized, but the information isn’t organized read and follow, and is
the poster format to information is organized. well on the paper. disorganized or large
convey required sections are missing.
Response indicates a Response indicates an Response indicates a Response indicates a very Response is
thorough understanding of the partial understanding of limited and flawed missing or
understanding of the history of the United the history of the United understanding of the United confused and/or
Personal history of the United States States. States irrelevant
Response States
Student’s Name:______________________________________________ Date____/____/____ Period:_____

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