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Kaiju Fighting Lite - ALPHA 0.31

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Kaiju are colossal monsters that can devastate entire landscapes. To defeat them, adventurers must target specific vulnerable areas and exploit weaknesses until the kaiju enters its death throes.

Adventurers must target a kaiju's vulnerable areas, which each have their own hit points. Exploiting all three areas will cause the kaiju to enter its death throes. Effects like spells can specifically target vulnerable areas.

Bakuryo has fins, an upturned scale, and a water form as vulnerable areas. The fins' immunity can be overcome when charged. Its scale is not targetable when in water form. Its water form can only be damaged by certain damage types and freezing it allows other damage.

Kaiju Fighting Exploiting Vulnerable Areas.

While a kaiju’s vulnerable

area is at 0 hit points, it’s considered exploited. A kaiju’s
vulnerable areas regain all hit points when the kaiju finishes
Lite a long rest, and can’t regain hit points by any other means
unless explicitly stated in the kaiju’s stat block.

“Kaiju are like natural disasters; they aren’t

something one can simply conquer. You ‘win’ if
GM Tip - Tracking Damage
you’re still alive when the earth stops shaking.” Instead of a regular pool of hit points, every kaiju
has a Chaos Threshold (see page 2) and three
vulnerable areas, which each have their own pool
Overview of hit points. Before a kaiju battle begins, check the
Kaiju are colossal, apex monsters of the Material Plane. kaiju’s vulnerable area table and write down the hit
Manifestations of primal magic, their mere presence can
points of each vulnerable area, as well as the kaiju’s
shatter the ecological balance of an entire continent. Snow-
capped mountains are decapitated with the swipe of a claw, Chaos Threshold.You will need to track damage to
a valley is drowned as a slumbering behemoth dams a river, these four locations separately.
and a civilisation is decimated by a rampaging colossus.

Vulnerable Areas & Defeat Targeting

Vulnerable areas are special weaknesses that cunning adven- Attacks. When a creature attacks a kaiju, it can choose
turers must exploit to defeat a kaiju. Each vulnerable area is where on the kaiju it strikes. Effects that specifically target
listed in the kaiju’s stat block. Unless otherwise stated, vul- creatures, like eldritch blast or magic missile, can target vul-
Ognjen Sporin

nerable areas share their kaiju’s AC, saving throw modifiers, nerable areas on a kaiju. For example, a sorcerer might cast
damage resistances, and damage immunities, and each has fire bolt, targeting Bakuryo’s fins, tail, or snout, as long as
its own pool of hit points. the target is within the spell’s range. In Bakuryo’s case, the
1 Fins are also a vulnerable area.
Area of Effects. When an area of effect contains a kaiju, Additional Rules
the effect’s area might include one or more vulnerable areas.
An area of effect’s damage can only be applied to a single Calamitous Damage. Available in the final version of
vulnerable area or, if no vulnerable area is chosen, to the ka- Ryoko’s Guide to the Yokai Realms.
iju’s Chaos Threshold. The creature that created the area of Death Rattle. Available in the final version of Ryoko’s
effect chooses which part of the kaiju to affect with it. For Guide to the Yokai Realms.
example, if the radius of a fireball hits Bakuryo’s Fins and
Upturned Scale, the spellcaster can choose whether the fire-
ball damages either vulnerable area, or damages Bakuryo’s “Kaiju are incredible, magical creatures, but they
Chaos Threshold.
are of this world. In a sense, they are this world;
Rule Zero. The GM has the final say on whether a its power, indifference, and fury in flesh.
vulnerable area is targetable by any creature. Effects that can
travel around corners can damage vulnerable areas if they Their deaths are significant events. When a kaiju
are within the area of effect, even if it is not currently visible dies, the world changes.”
to the creature.

Kaiju Behaviour & Chaos

Inaccessible Vulnerable Threshold
Areas Although kaiju can’t be defeated by brute force alone, at-
Some of a kaiju’s vulnerable areas are always exposed tacking a kaiju can provoke changes in its behaviour. Some
kaiju transform to battle adventurers in new ways, or gain
and targetable, while others must be revealed by
mighty abilities as they take damage. Heroes must always be
provoking certain behaviours from the kaiju, as de- ready to adapt their tactics and think on their feet to survive
scribed in the Behaviours table beside the kaiju’s stat a kaiju’s evolving onslaught.
block. Thus, combats evolve, and adventurers must
Chaos Threshold. Instead of a regular hit point pool, a
adapt to the ever-changing threats and opportunities kaiju has a Chaos Threshold, a pool of hit points separate
that present themselves as they engage a kaiju. from those of its vulnerable areas. Whenever a kaiju takes
damage to a location other than a vulnerable area, this dam-
age is dealt to the kaiju’s Chaos Threshold. When the Chaos
Threshold reaches 0, the kaiju is not defeated, but begins to
Defeat Rampage instead, adopting a new behaviour described in its
Death Throes. When a kaiju’s third vulnerable area is ex- Behaviour table.
ploited, it enters its death throes, desperately fighting with
Behaviour Table. A kaiju’s stat block is accompanied
no sense of self-preservation. In addition to unique effects
by a table that details the new behaviour it adopts when a
included in each kaiju’s Behaviour table (see Kaiju Behav-
triggering event occurs, such as the party exhausting one of
iour & Chaos Threshold below), the kaiju has advantage on
the kaiju’s vulnerable areas. The behaviours aren’t listed in
all weapon attacks, and the value an attacker must roll on a
any particular order; how players approach a fight will dic-
d20 to score a critical hit against the kaiju is reduced by 2.
tate how a kaiju’s behaviour evolves. When a kaiju finishes a
For example, a creature that normally needs to roll a 19 or
long rest, it loses any behaviours it has gained.
20 to score a critical hit would instead score a critical hit on
a roll of 17-20.
Moving on Kaiju
Finishing Blow. While in its death throes, a kaiju can
be defeated with a Finishing Blow. To deliver a Finishing As Gargantuan creatures, kaiju are battlefields unto them-
Blow, the kaiju must take sufficient damage on a single selves. Scaling a kaiju allows creatures to reach vulnerable
turn, as shown in its stat block. When this occurs, the kaiju areas, take cover from attacks, and move with the kaiju as it
is defeated. tears across the landscape.
Mounting a Kaiju. Before a creature can move across a
kaiju, the creature needs to mount it, using the normal rules
Combo Attacks for mounted combat. If the creature flies, drops, or teleports
Looking for a way to involve all the player char- onto a kaiju on their turn, the creature can use movement
equal to half its speed to catch itself and become mounted
acters in delivering a finishing blow? The Combo
on the kaiju. A creature that is on a kaiju but isn’t mounted
Attacks rule expansion will appear in Ryoko’s Guide on it immediately falls prone in the nearest unoccupied
to the Yokai Realms. Make sure you follow the
Kickstarter so you can catch it on launch!
space to the kaiju. Some items and prosthetics like the on the kaiju’s body makes it harder for the kaiju to reach it,
grappling hook and climbing claws (see Ryoko’s Guide when or because the kaiju doesn’t want to damage itself with its
released) allow creatures to mount and move across kaiju own strikes, creatures mounted on a kaiju have half cover
more easily. (+2 to AC) against the kaiju’s melee weapon attacks. Like
other obstacles, the GM might also rule that certain parts of
the kaiju’s body also provide cover against effects originating
Rules Reminder: Mounts outside the kaiju.

Once during your move, you can mount a creature

that is within 5 feet of you or dismount. Doing so Optional Rule:
costs an amount of movement equal to half your Total Kaiju Cover
speed. For example, if your speed is 30 feet, you
must spend 15 feet of movement to mount a horse. Creatures might be able to position themselves
Therefore, you can’t mount it if you don’t have 15 on a kaiju as to be untargetable by some of its
feet of movement left or if your speed is 0 feet. attacks. For example, a player character clinging to
Bakuryo’s head may be safe from her Bite attack.
If an effect moves your mount against its will Ultimately, it is at the discretion of the GM whether
while you’re on it, you must succeed on a DC 10 a character is positioned in a manner to grant full
Dexterity saving throw or fall off the mount, cover against some of the kaiju’s attacks.
landing prone in a space within 5 feet of it. If you’re
knocked prone while mounted, you must make the Bracing
same saving throw.
A gnome grips a ship’s rigging as the vessel plunges down
If your mount is knocked prone, you can use your the face of an enormous wave; a dragon rider presses her
knees into the flank of her scaled mount a moment before
reaction to dismount it as it falls and land on your
it executes a barrel roll; and a titan-slaying hero plants his
feet. Otherwise, you are dismounted and fall prone feet wide, hefting his axe for a killing blow. Whatever the
in a space within 5 feet of it. situation, bracing yourself can improve your odds of not
plunging a thousand feet to an untimely demise.
Scaling and Falling. Reaching a kaiju’s vulnerable areas
may require an adventurer to scale the creature. To repel
Unwilling Mounts unwanted passengers, all kaiju have a special bonus action:
Shake Off. The DC of this action’s saving throw is listed in
Ryoko’s Guide introduces a new type of mount, in the kaiju’s stat block.
addition to the standard ‘controlled’ and ‘inde-
Shake Off. The kaiju twists and shakes its body violent-
pendent’ mounts in 5e: unwilling. A creature on an ly. Each creature mounted on it must succeed on a
unwilling mount doesn’t gain any benefits it would Strength or Dexterity saving throw (creature’s choice)
normally gain from being mounted, and an unwilling or be thrown off, landing prone in an unoccupied
mount doesn’t gain any beneficial effects a rider space within 5 feet of the kaiju.
might impart to a mount. Brace. To Brace, you must spend movement equal to
half your speed to brace yourself using surfaces or objects
in your immediate vicinity (no action required). When you
Movement. Players can use the kaiju schematic pre- do so, you are braced until the start of your next turn: your
sented in each kaiju’s appendix entry to see how far their speed is 0 feet and you have advantage on ability checks
characters must climb to reach various parts on the kaiju’s and saving throws to avoid being moved against your will.
body (see page 7). After a creature has mounted a kaiju, This condition ends when you move away from the surface
the creature moves with the kaiju as it moves. If a kaiju is or object you used to brace yourself, or when you become
conscious, any part of its body is treated as difficult terrain incapacitated. You can’t brace yourself on a creature unless
for a creature mounted on it. Creatures with a climbing that creature is Gargantuan sized. If you are braced on a
speed ignore this difficult terrain. creature, the first attack roll you make against that creature
Opposite: Ognjen Sporin

before the start of your next turn has advantage.

Kaiju Cover. A kaiju can feel creatures on its body. Even
if a creature is in a position on a kaiju that the kaiju can’t
see, the kaiju can attack that creature without suffering
disadvantage. However, be it because a creature’s location

Preparing For Battle
A Gargantuan Adventure
Understanding a kaiju’s behaviour, physiology, and history
is crucial in discovering its vulnerabilities. The Clues section Looking to run a kaiju battle for your table? The
of each adventure details how the GM can convey this free sample adventure coming soon from Ryoko’s
knowledge to the players. In addition, a creature can use a Guide to the Yokai Realms includes puzzles, craftable
bonus action to make a Wisdom (Perception or Survival) loot, NPCs, maps, clues to teach players a kaiju’s
check (DC equal to the kaiju’s CR, maximum 20) while it
vulnerabilities, and one super-sized kaiju battle!
is within 90 feet of a kaiju and can see it, identifying one
visible vulnerable area on a success.
Artist Name
Sample Kaiju Stat Block: Bakuryo, The Heavenly Torrent

Bakuryo, The Heavenly Actions

Torrent Multiattack. Bakuryo uses her Rapture. She then discharges
Gargantuan Dragon, Lawful Good
her Breath Weapon if charged, or makes one Bite attack and
one Claw attack.
Armour Class 20 (natural armour) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Chaos Threshold 150 Finishing Blow 50 Hit: 20 (2d12 + 7) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) radiant
Speed 50 ft., fly 60 ft., swim 90 ft. damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) slashing damage.
25 (+7) 18 (+4) 26 (+8) 19 (+4) 22 (+6) 25 (+7)
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 30 ft., one target.
Saving Throws Con +15, Wis +13, Cha +14 Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a crea-
Skills Insight +13, Intimidation +14, Perception +13, Religion +11 ture, it must succeed on a DC 22 Strength saving throw
Damage Resistances fire, radiant, thunder or be knocked prone.
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing from Breath Weapon. Bakuryo discharges a devastating burst of
nonmagical attacks energy in a 200-foot cone and its fins stop glowing. Each
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened creature in that area must make a DC 22 Constitution
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 23 saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 54 (12d8)
Languages all, telepathy 300 ft. damage of the type of energy Bakuryo charged. On a success-
Challenge 21 (33,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7 ful save, a creature takes half as much damage.
Kaiju Force. Bakuryo can use an action to move through any Rapture (Recharge 5-6). In a dazzling burst of white light,
object or magical barrier as though it were difficult terrain, Bakuryo attempts to seize command of the spirits of each crea-
destroying it in the process. In addition, Bakuryo deals double ture within 120 feet of herself. Each creature in that area must
damage to objects and structures. Bludgeoning, piercing, and succeed on a DC 22 Charisma saving throw or have its
slashing damage Bakuryo deals is magical for the purposes of body overwhelmed with divine magic, causing it to be blinded,
overcoming resistance and immunity. deafened, restrained, and lifted 30 feet in the air where it
hovers in place. This effect lasts until the end of this turn. Once
Kaiju Fortitude. Bakuryo is immune to any spell or effect
a creature succeeds on a saving throw against this effect, it is
that would alter her form, move her against her will, or move
immune to Bakuryo’s Rapture for the next 24 hours.
her to another plane of existence against her will.
Legendary Resistance (4/Day). If Bakuryo fails a saving Bonus Actions
throw, she can choose to succeed instead. Breath Weapon Charge. Bakuryo begins charging her fins,
Water Form choosing either radiant or thunder. Her fins glow orange if
charging thunder, and yellow if charging radiant. If Bakuryo
While in her Water Form, Bakuryo gains the following traits. doesn’t use her Breath Weapon action by the end of her next
Fluid Form. Bakuryo has immunity to all damage types turn or use this bonus action again on her next turn, her Fins
except cold, force, and lightning, she can enter a hostile stop glowing and the Breath Weapon ceases to be charged.
creature’s space and stop there, and she can move through a Bakuryo can’t take this bonus action if she has discharged
space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. Her Fins her Breath Weapon this turn.
and Upturned Scale vulnerable areas aren’t targetable, she
Shake Off. Bakuryo twists and shakes her body violently.
can’t be scaled, and she can’t use her Breath Weapon action.
Each creature mounted on her must succeed on a DC 15
Freezable. When Bakuryo takes 15 or more cold damage Strength or Dexterity saving throw (creature’s choice)
in a single turn, she freezes. Until the end of her next turn, or be thrown off, landing prone in an unoccupied space
she is restrained, and she loses the immunity to nonmagical within 5 feet of Bakuryo.
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage granted by her
Hollow Roar (Only When Water Form Exploited). Each
Fluid Form.
creature other than Bakuryo within 60 feet of Bakuryo must
Whelming Force. The first time on her turn that Bakuryo succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take
enters a Large or smaller creature’s space, that creature must 18 (4d8) thunder damage.
succeed on a DC 22 Strength saving throw or become
grappled by her (escape DC 15). While grappled in this Legendary Actions
way, that creature has full cover from attacks and effects Bakuryo can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
that originate outside of Bakuryo, is restrained, is unable to options below. Only one legendary action option can be
breathe unless it can breathe water, and takes 21 (6d6) force used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
damage at the start of each of its turns. Bakuryo can have no
Opposite: Ognjen Sporin

Bakuryo regains spent legendary actions at the start of her

more than five Large creatures or ten Medium or smaller turn.
creatures grappled in this way at one time.
Attack. Bakuryo makes one Claw or Tail attack.
Hurricane Spiral. Bakuryo uses Shake Off, and then moves
up to half her speed without provoking opportunity attacks.

Behaviours & Vulnerable Areas
Bakuryo has three vulnerable areas: her Fins, Upturned Scale, and Water Form.

Bakuryo Vulnerable Areas

Vulnerable Area Special Traits AC HP
This vulnerable area is immune to all damage. When the fins are glowing (see
Charge bonus action), they lose immunity to the damage type Bakuryo is charg-
Fins ing (gold if radiant, orange if thunder). Once exploited, Bakuryo loses her Breath 18 25
Weapon action and gains a new bonus action: Hollow Roar.
This vulnerable area is not targetable when Bakuryo is in her Water Form.
Upturned Scale This vulnerable area is not targetable when Bakuryo is in her Water Form. 20 45
This vulnerable area is only targetable while Bakuryo is in her Water Form. In this
form, Bakuryo can’t be scaled, and can only be damaged by cold, force, and light-
Water Form 20 80
ning damage. Cold damage can freeze her (see Freezable trait) allowing creatures
to also damage her with bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage.

Bakuryo Behaviours
Behaviour Trigger Effect
Bakuryo’s Chaos Threshold is
Rampage Bakuryo enters her Water Form.
reduced to 0 hit points
Bakuryo exits her Water Form with an echoing roar, and a
torrential downpour begins in a 10-mile radius of the kaiju,
Bakuryo’s Water Form vulnerable
Heavenly Cascade lightly obscuring anything beyond 30 feet and heavily obscuring
area is exploited
anything beyond 60 feet. The ground becomes difficult terrain
for creatures without a swim speed.
Bakuryo can no longer use her Breath Weapon (and it discharges
Bakuryo’s Fins vulnerable area is
Hollow Roar harmlessly if charged). She gains the Hollow Roar bonus action
until she finishes a long rest.

Bakuryo loses her flying and swimming speed and falls prone.
Bakuryo has three exploited vul-
Death Throes She is killed when she takes damage equal to her Finish Blow in
nerable areas
a single turn.
Bakuryo Schematic

Ryan McCowan & Mohammed Bellafquih

Art: Ognjen Sporin © Ryoko’s Guide to the Yokai Realms

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