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Work Sheets Domain 5 and Domain 6 (Repaired)

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La Consolacion University Philippines

Valenzuela St., Capitol View Park Subdivision, Bulihan, City of Malolos, Bulacan

Name:Jayson DR. Palisoc School: Guiguinto National Vocational High school

Subject of Instruction: Electrical Installation and Maintenance Grade Level: ALS-SHS Grade 11/12


Strand 5.1 Design, selection, organization and utilization of assessment strategies.
BTI 5.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the design, selection, organization and use of diagnostic,
formative and summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements
Reflect on your current practice. How do you design, select, organize and use diagnostic,
formative and summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements?

WORKSHEET 1: Types of Assessment

Using the table below, write your idea about the three types of assessment. Refer to the guide

Pre - Assessment Formative Summative

Assessment Assessment

What is it? Assestment that is Assestment that Assestment that

used to collect gathers information shows what students
information about about student have learned.
students. learning.

When it is used? Before a lesson or new During a lesson or unit At the end of a lesson
unit of study. of study. or unit of study.

Why it is used? To determine the To track student’s To provide evidence

readiness level of progress and to make of what students
students and to inform changes to learned.
instruction instruction.
What strategies can be Short quiz before or at Guides lecture Providing feedback
applied the start of a class content, informs that moves student’s
students of forward.
weaknesses and

WORKSHEET 2: Choosing Appropriate Assessment Strategies

Choose one lesson that you developed. What strategies will you utilize on diagnostic
assessment, formative assessment and summative assessment? Write the details of the
strategies used

Lesson/ Topic Types of Assessment

Pre-assessment Formative Summative

Select the wiring Interpret plan for the Identify the correct Select tools and
devices used for and selection of wiring quantity of wiring equipment to be used
ground fault current devices based on the material devices to based on job
interrupter. job requirement. be used based on job requirement.

Strand 5.2 Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement

BTI 5.2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and
achievement using learner attainment data.

Reflect on your current practice. How do you monitor and evaluate
learner progress and achievement using learner attainment data?

WORKSHEET 3: Item Analysis

Prepare an item analysis for the summative test(s) conducted.
Find out which of the items were least learned through item analysis.
Reflect on the findings of item analysis focusing on the least learned items.

What are the factors that contributed to low What can you do to improve the achievement
scores? of your learners?

1. Lack of preparation Set clear learning objectives

2. Test anxiety Use different teaching methods
3. Distractions Provide feedback
4. Misunderstanding of instructions Encourage active learning
5. Limited time Build a positive learning environment

WORKSHEET 4: Portfolio Analysis

Accomplish the tracking sheet using your existing data on portfolio

Localized Journalistic Reflection of Movie Others
Materials Writings Activities Analysis

Learner 1 √ √ √ √ √
Learner 2 X √ x x √
Learner 3 √ √ √ x √

What is the data telling you?

However, if you provide me with data, I can analyze it and provide insights and interpretations
based on patterns and trends in the data. It's important to note that any analysis or interpretation I
provide is solely based on the data provided to me and may not necessarily be accurate or
complete without further context and understanding.
What steps will you take so that all learners will be able to improve their performance?
Feedback is an essential component of improving student performance. Offering regular
feedback, both positive and constructive, can help students understand their progress, identify
areas for improvement, and develop strategies for overcoming challenges. Opportunities for
reflection, such as journaling or self-assessment, can also help students monitor their own
learning and take ownership of their progress.
What factors contributed to the learner’s high performance?
Overall, high performance is the result of a complex interplay between many factors, including
effective teaching, prior knowledge and experience, motivation and engagement, a supportive
learning environment, and personal factors.
What other options will you use to help learners improve their performance?
There are many options that can be used to help learners improve their performance, including
individualized instruction, peer tutoring, formative feedback, metacognitive strategies, remediation
and support services, and gamification. The key is to use a combination of strategies that are tailored
to the specific needs and abilities of each learner.

Strand 5.3 Feedback to improve learning

BTI 5.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of providing timely, accurate and constructive feedback to
improve learner performance.


Reflect on your current practice. How do you use strategies for providing timely, accurate and
constructive feedback to improve learner performance?

WORKSHEET 5: Processing

Read the given situation and answer the questions below :

1. What specific challenge in teaching does practice does teacher carol meet?
Answer: Teacher Carol assessing student learningneed to be able to accurately assess their
students' understanding of the material and provide feedback that helps students improve.
This can involve creating assessments that measure a range of skills and knowledge, as well
as providing individualized feedback to each student.
2. What could have led to the unsastisfactory performance of her students?
Answer: It is important to assess the situation and determine the specific factors that may be
contributing to the unsatisfactory performance of Teacher Carol's students, and then work
to address those factors through targeted interventions and support.
3. How could teacher carol have monitored the performance of the students?
Answer: Performance in these ways, Teacher Carol can identify areas where students are
struggling and provide targeted interventions and support to help them improve.
Additionally, monitoring performance can also help Teacher Carol assess the effectiveness of
her teaching methods and adjust them as needed to better meet the needs of her students.
4. How importantant is providing timely,accurate constructive feedback to our students?
Answer: Overall, providing timely, accurate, and constructive feedback is crucial for
supporting student learning and development. It helps students understand their own
progress and areas of improvement, and it creates a positive and supportive learning
WORKSHEET 6: Observation Sheet

Conduct a classroom observation to a teacher teaching the same field of specialization with you and
answer the following:






1. What are the strategies used by the teacher in providing feedback?

Rubrics: Teachers may use rubrics to provide feedback on specific criteria, such as
content, organization, and grammar. Rubrics can provide clear expectations for students
and can help teachers to provide more objective feedback.
2. What are the skills you observed that will help the learner performance?
Collaboration: Being able to work effectively with others, including through group
projects or discussions, can help learners to develop teamwork and leadership skills.
3. If you were the teacher, what strategies are you going to use in providing feedback
to help the learners improve their performance?
that is specific, timely, and constructive, and that helps students to understand their
strengths and areas for improvement. By using a variety of strategies, I would aim to
create a learning environment that is supportive, engaging, and effective.

Work sheet No 7: Communication of the Performance of the Student

Reflect on your current practice. How do you communicate promptly

and clearly the learners’ needs, progress and achievement to key stakeholders, including

Effective communication with key stakeholders is an important aspect of supporting learners'

needs, progress, and achievement, and can help to build strong partnerships between teachers,
parents/guardians, and learners.
La Consolacion University Philippines
Valenzuela St., Capitol View Park Subdivision, Bulihan, City of Malolos, Bulacan

Name: Jayson DR Palisoc School: Guiguinto National Vocational High School

Subject of Instruction: Electrical Installation and Maintenance Grade Level: ALS-SHS Grade 11/12


Strand 6.2 Engagement of parents and the wider school community in the educative process

BTI 6.2.1 Seek advice concerning strategies that build relationships with parents/guardians and the wider


Reflect on your current practice. How do you build relationships with parents/guardians and the wider school
community to facilitate involvement in the educative process?

Worksheet No 1
Suggest some strategies that build relationships with parents/guardians and the wider community which would
lead to the success of the given activity below.Write your suggestions in the Strategy polygon.

Holding a meeting for

parents/guardians and
community members to discuss
the benefits of the school garden
can help to build support and
interest in the project.

Involving students in Partnering with local

planning and implementing businesses such as nurseries,
the school garden can help to garden centers, or
make it more engaging and restaurants can provide
relevant to them. resources and support for the
school garden.
Parent-Teacher Conference
this is done after the
quarterly examination in
order to convey the
performance of the students
both curricular and co
curricular activities.
Evaluating the success of Hosting events such as
the school garden project garden tours, cooking
and celebrating its demonstrations, or
achievements can help to community meals can help to
build momentum for future showcase the benefits of the
projects and increase school garden and build
community involvement. Providing regular updates relationships with
about the progress of the parents/guardians and the
school garden through wider community.
newsletters, social media, or
other communication channels
can help to maintain interest
and engagement from
parents/guardians and the
wider community.

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