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IFA English 08062015

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Internal Formative Evaluation:

Theory and Practice

Class IX

Planning & Preparation

Expert Committee on School Education

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education

77/2, Park Street, Kolkata – 700 016

First edition : May, 2015

Published by
Nabanita Chatterjee
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
77/2, Park Street, Kolkata - 700016

Printed at
West Bengal Text Book Corporation Limited
(Government of West Bengal Enterprise)
Kolkata- 700 056


Internal Formative Evaluation: Guideline for Implementation 1

Tools for Internal Formative Evaluation: A Brief Note 1
Physical Science & Environment 5
Life Science & Environment 25
Geography & Environment 46
History & Environment 57

The WBBSE in consultation with the Expert Committee has issued a circular mentioning the framework for
evaluation procedure in respect of the revised curricula and syllabi being followed in all affiliated schools of
WBBSE from January 2015. On further recommendation of the Expert Committee, the WBBSE is now
issuing the following guidelines for smooth implementation of the Internal Formative Assessment programme
for Class-IX in the academic session in 2015:
In case of Internal Formative Evaluation, the following six modalities are to be followed:
1. Survey Report. 2. Nature Study. 3. Case Study. 4. Creative Writing. 5. Model Making.
6. Open Book Evaluation
Out of these six options noted above, any three are to be chosen If1 an academic year vis-a-
vis Internal Formative Evaluation In each of the seven subjects Therefore, each term will
have one modality in relation to a particular subject. Subject teacher(s) are expected to
correlate the modalities of Internal Formative Evaluation with the learning competencies of
the concerned subjects. It may be noted that for a particular class. one modality is to be
applied for one term. There should not be any repetition of a particular modality for a particular
class in an academic year.
1. This programme of Internal Formative Assessment (IFA) should be considered as an integral part of
teaching-learning process for enhancement oflearning.
2. The IFA programme should be carried out in the classroom scenario in a stress-free manner before
the respective surnmative evaluation for each term.
3. The assessment techniques should be integrated with the classroom processes and should focus on
enhancement of understanding and application of knowledge.
4. During implementation of the IFA, innovative teaching-learning processes are expected to emerge.
While planning for such processes, the diverse needs and capacities of students should be
taken care of and school should ensure that students are able to participate and derive benefit.
5. The teachers in respective subjects in each school will decide the nature and difficulty level of the
activities to be carried out under the banner of Survey, Nature Study, Case Study, Creative Writing,
Model Making and Open Textbook Evaluation in a student-friendly manner according to the
needs of the students of the school and accordingly design such IF A programme. However, some
exemplar activities for different subjects for IFAare provided herewith.
6. It will be expected that the assessment will be done on the basis of innovative approaches adopted by
the students and not necessarily on the accuracy of the end-results.
7. The written records of activities carried out in the classroom for IF A, duly endorsed and
assessed by the subject -teacher and signed by the guardian will be preserved by each student
until completion of Class- IX and will have to be produced at the school for any future
8. A student will be expected to demonstrate herlhis abilities in the following manner during the innovative
teaching-learning processes adopted for IFA:
 Describing a case/eventlphenomenon/situation/picture in herlhis own language.
 Exploring further- a case/event/phenomenon/situation/picture and produce new examples, alternative
explanations, new vocabulary in conformity with the respective discipline.
 Providing innovative opinions and suggestions in conformity with the discipline.
 Elaborating the clues, ideas, dialogues, conversations etc.
 Suggesting innovative approach for presentation of a concept and in problem-solving in conformity
with the discipline.
 Drawing conclusions, making inferences, and taking decisions in respect of a case/event/ phenomenon/
situation in conformity with the discipline.
 Creating something new on her/ his own.

1. Survey:
The tenn survey is often used to mean collect and interpret information to demonstrate the
achievement or otherwise of well-defined goal(s) or specified objective(s) (Devin
Kowalczyk,2013). As a part of the Internal Formative Evaluation, the goals or objectives are those
expected learning outcomes specified in each subject domain. A survey focuses on factual
information and helps surveyors, who are students in the present context, to reinforce their learning
under the able monitoring provided by teachers.
2. Case study:
Case studies are stories or contexts. They present realistic, complex, and contextually rich
situations and often involve a dilemma, conflict, or problem that students are expected to analyze/
solve by applying their acquired learning skills. It provides anindepthlook into a subject/context
of study (the case), as well as its related contextual conditions. A case study involves an intensive
study of a learning unit and inspires students to examine as condition, situation, or value ofthe
given context.
3. Nature study:
“NATURE-STUDY, as a process, is seeing the things that one looks at, and the drawing of proper
conclusions from what one sees” (Hyde Bailey, 1904 ).Nature study involves observation of plants,
animals, natural phenomena, and human activities as a mode oflearning. Nature study attempts to
reconcile scientific investigation with spiritual, personal experiences gained from interaction/
study with the world/contexts that students live in or are aware of.
4. Model making:
A model connotes a pattern, ideal, reproduction or draft of things (increased, reduced or
in actual size). “Apart from real things models can also be mental constructions” (Mueller Science,
1971). Model making is a logical next step in the thinking process for many ideas. It helps students
to concretize abstract and complex concepts/ideas through hands-on experience. A model may be
a two-dimensional or three-dimensional representation of concepts/ideas. Model making provides
scope for reinforcement of critical and creative thinking skills as well as the problem-solving and
decision making skills.
5. Creative writing:
Creative Writing involves written expression that draws on creative and critical thinking to convey
meaning. Creative writing focuses upon learning competencies in the subject domains, while
harnessing the CCT skills. It provides scope or students to apply multiple iearning strategies vis-
a-vis demonstrating clarity of concepts and their application underlined by aesthetic appreciation
a value judgements.
6. Open Text Book Evaluation:
OTBE implies an application of theory to real life situations. It is based upon the principle that the
whole objective ofleaming is not about constant delivery. There must be effective transaction
oflearning, not just content in the classroom. Therefore, OTBE not only reinforces learning
competencies, but also provides scope for transference learning skills. It inspires students to use
a range of strategies including accurate decoding to read for meaning, to describe, select or retrieve
information, events or ideas from texts and to deduce, infer or interpret information, events or
ideas from texts.
Methods and Tools for Internal Formative Evaluation
Curriculum Centred and Classroom Learning Based˚
Process- Example
About the Method
Name of
the Method Methodology Subject-specific
Learning Expected Learning
Objective Outcome Example
 Collection of information  Collection of information. Gaining ability  Learners would be
of known and unknown to analyse collected information and take provided with specific
component with specific proper decision. contexts. Learners will  Examples given in
context. collect information respective subject
 Determination of sequence section.
(individually/in groups).
of work and neccessary They will deposit the
follow-up activities. document, prepared after
 Unification of analysis and evaluation of

collected information. collected information, to
 Analysis of collected their respective teachers.
information and follow-up
 Documentation of
decision and evaluation.

 Observation of  Construction of observatory and critical  Learners would be  Examples given in

Nature Study surrounding environment attitude. provided with specific respective subject
/ incidences related to contexts. section.
plants, animals, birds and  They will observe

human activities. minute details of that

particular context and
 Data recording prepare a report
(individually/in groups).
 ˛ Understanding of Finally, they will hand over
recorded data. the report to their
respective teacher.
Curriculum Centred and Classroom Learning Based˚
Process- Example
About the Method
Name of
the Method Methodology Subject-specific
Learning Expected Learning
Objective Outcome Example
 Understanding of  Analysis of problem (individually/in  Learners would solve  Examples given in
problem or related matter groups) of related matter. a problem with respect to respective subject
with respect to a given situation / section.
particular incidence.  Finding solution
Case Study phenomenon / context /
 Determination of  Gaining of ability to exchange problem-
probable solutions. solving clues.
/ in groups)
 Selection of the most
effective solution by
judging the demand of the

 Learners will gain the ability to express  Learners will be able
 ˛Written expression of  Examples given in
Creative creatively of concept and ideas about any to construct imaginary
creative thoughts after respective subject
Writing particular incidence / subject.
editing and extending. conversation, paragraph section.
or narrative etc.
 ˛ Concretise any  Ability to express vividly a particular  ˛Learners will  Examples given in
abstract thought or
concept with the help of particular example perform different respective subject
Model Making concept in detail. activities like model-
 Explain a definite or instance. section.
subject area through making, chart, time-table
creative and (two-dimensional / three
experimental work. dimensional structures)
 ˛ Identification of  Examples given in
 ˛Gaining ability to understand and analyse  Learners will explore
relevant information in respective subject
Open Textbook context with particular any particular incidence from a specific answers for given
Evalution problems (application section.
incidence and its point of view. based and value based)
effective use.  ˛Gaining ability to take effective role in on a given text.
 ˛Perceiving meaning
a given context.
of an incidence and
working accordingly.
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 ¢,!T˛ü#ú Ó˚â˛òy SCreative WritingV

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The examples cited below will hold good for all second language subjects
Textbook : Bliss
Lesson no.11: A Shipwrecked Sailor

 Survey
(a) Topic: identifying simple, complex and compound sentences
(b) Learning outcome: ability to identify simple, complex and compound sentences and differentiate
among those sentences from a given topic included in the textbook
(c) Teacher’s role: dividing the class into groups and assigning specific tasks for each group
(d) Time: 1 (one) period
(e) Students’ role: engage in groups to identify different type of sentences as assigned to them and
to write five sentences of their own
(f) Assessment procedure: written records of the students will be assessed
(i) Group work:
Go through the lesson, ‘A Shipwrecked Sailor’ carefully. Now find out the number of simple
sentences,complex sentences and compound sentences in the text.Work in groups as suggested by the
teacher.Each group is given specific assignment:
Group A Group B Group C
Simple sentences Complex sentences Compound sentences

(ii) Individual work:

Now write five sentences of your own under each category.
 Nature Study
(a) Topic: studying nature through literary texts
(b) Learning outcome: ability to think critically about the effects of nature on man
(c) Teacher’s role: assigning a reading comprehension task extracted from the textbook
(Lesson 11) and setting questions on critical thinking

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(d) Time: 1 (one) period

(e) Students’ role: reading the passage to find the challenges of nature on man
(f) Assessment procedure: written records of the students will be assessed
Read the following passage:
The rain continued through the next day with gusts of wind.Only a wreck of my ship was to be seen at
low water. I swam to the wreck to rescue and secure for my survival some food and other provisions. I
was able to collect some wood, cable, string, a knife, nails and a gun. I also collected a hammock and
some canvas with which I made tent. I got some ink and paper. I also found some money,but they were
useless to me in this barren island.I was some hundred leagues out of the ordinary course of the trade of
mankind. I was convinced I had to spend the rest of my life alone in this wild,desolate island.
Answer the following questions:
(a) Why did he make a tent?
(b) Do you think that money is useless in a barren island?
(c) What character quality of the narrator do we come across when he says “I was convinced”?
(d) Would you like to spend your entire life in a very ordinary fashion or face adventures?
Give reasons.
(a) Topic: conversation between two shipwrecked sailors after they reached the island
(a) Learning outcome: critically think about nature and man
(b) Teachers’ role: arranging pair activity- a role play or an imaginary conversation
(c) Time:1 (one) period
(d) Student’s role:discussing with peers on the topic
(e) Assessment procedure: written records of the students will be assessed
Write an imaginary conversation between two-wrecked sailors after they reached the island.

 Case Study
(a) Topic: Lost in the Woods
(b) Learning outcome: ability to analyse and evaluate the information through introspective study
(c) Teacher’s role: providing a case to the students and engaging them to solve the problem
(d) Time: 1(one) period
(e) Students’ role: discussing with peers on the topic for problem-solving
(f) Assessment procedure: written records of the students will be assessed

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Read the following case:

Arka was feeling nervous. It was getting dark, and the jungle seemed more dangerous than it had
appeared in the morning, when he had entered the jungle with Dipu, Priya and Alam. Everything seemed
perfect till noon. After having lunch, and in spite of repeated warnings from his friends,Arka had walked
down a path following the cry of a bird. Half an hour later, Arka wanted to return. But to his horror, he
found that he had lost his way. He blew his whistle again and again, but no response came. Now he
wished he had carried a piece of chalk, like his friends, to mark the trees. Arka realised that he was lost
in the woods. As evening deepened, Arka could hear the dull thud of hammer beats from far. He felt he
must follow the sound.
Answer the following question:
(a) Why was Arka feeling nervous?
(b) Arka made two major mistakes.What were those?
(c) What should Arka do to go out of the jungle?

 Creative Writing
(a) Topic: Story Writing
(b) Learning outcome: ability to develop a story from a given lead
(c) Teacher’s role: providing the cue of a story, engaging them into group discussion, facilitating
them to imagine situations and motivating them for creative writing
(d) Time: 1 (one) period
(e) Students’ role: discuss in groups and develop the lead into a story
(f) Assessment procedure: written records of the students will be assessed
Following is the beginning of an unfinished short story.Use your imagination to complete the story:
Ramlal was returning home from his fishing trip.He had been out in the deep waters for a week. He was
missing his family now. He remembered the face of his little daughter. Restless, he started...

 Model Making
(a) Topic: making a timeline
(b) Learning outcome: ability to understand the chronology of events
(c) Teacher’s role: providing a story (Lesson 11) and engaging them into the group-activity
(d) Time: 1 (one) period
(e) Student’s role: discussing with peers on the topic for making a timeline
(f) Assessment procedure: written records of the students will be assessed
Make a timeline of the incidents in the story ‘A Ship Wrecked Sailor’.

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 Open Textbook Evalution

(a) Topic: The Man of the Island: reading comprehension
(b) Learning outcome: ability to analyse, think logically,compare and contrast between two situ-
(c) Teacher’s role: providing a passage to the students and engaging them to analyse the situation
in reference to concept developed in the lesson (i.e. ‘A Shipwrecked Sailor’)
(d) Time: 1 (one) period
(e) Student’s role: applying the concept developed in the lesson in analysing the given situation
(f) Assessment procedure: written records of the students will be assessed

Read the following carefully:


From the side of the hill,stones fell rattling and hounding through the trees.
My eyes turned quickly in that direction and I saw a figure leap with great rapidity behind the trunk of
pine.What it was,whether bear or man or monkey, I could not tell.
I turned on my heels, and looking sharply over my shoulder,began to retrace my steps in the direction of
the boat.
Instantly the figure reppeared.From trunk to trunk it flitted like a deer,running manlike on two legs,but
unlike any man that I have ever seen,stooping almost double as it ran. Afraid I was, I gathered courage
when the recollection of my pistol flashed in my mind. I set my face resolutely for this man of the
island, and walked briskly towards him.
He was concealed by this time behind another tree trunk,but he must have been watching me closely. As
soon as I began to move in his direction he reappeared and took a step to meet me.Then he hesitated,drew
back,came forward again,and at last,to my wonder and confusion,threw himself on his knees and held
out his clasped hands.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“Ben Gunn,” he answered,and his voice sounded awkward,like a rusty lock. “I am poor Ben Gunn, I
am; and I haven’t spoken with a human being properly these three years.”
I could now see that he was a man like myself.His skin was burnt by the sun;even his lips were black;and
his fair eyes looked quite startling in so dark a face.He was clothed with tatters of old ship’s canvas and
old sea cloth;and this was all held together by various brass buttons and bits of sticks.
“Three years!” I cried. “Were you ship-wrecked?”
“Nay, Mate,” said he, “marooned.”
I had heard this word,and I knew it stood for a horrible kind of punishment common enough among the

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pirates,in which the offender is put ashore with a little powder and shot and left behind on some
desolate and distant island.
“Marooned three years ago,” he continued, “and lived on goats since then and berries and oysters.”

Adapted from R.L Stevenson’s Treasure Island

1) Give reasons for the following statements:

a) The narrator couldn’t decide whether it was a man or an animal.
Reason : ................................................................................................................................................
b) The narrator felt Ben to be ship-wrecked.
Reason : ...............................................................................................................................................
2) Answer the following questions :
a) There are some similarities as well as dissimilarities between a ship-wrecked person and a
person marooned. Mention these similarities and dissimilarities in the space provided below:
Similarities :
b) Do you think that the narrator went to the island willingly or he reached there by chance? Give
reasons for your answer.

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Mathematics: Class IX
Sample for Internal Formative Evaluation
Textbook: Ganit Prabha
1. Survey
Selected text: Factorization (Lesson-8)
Step I:
The teacher will instruct the students to read the lesson (Lesson-8) carefully. Every student will
have to set a question paper individually on the said lesson. Each paper should comprise of 10
questions along with the student’s name and roll number. A sample of the question paper is
given below:
(i) Factorise the number 12 into two factors.
(ii) Factorise the algebraic expression x2 + 3x into two factors.
(iii) What are the things that we have learnt to factorise?
(iv) Can the number 48 be factorised into prime factors? If so, factorise it.
(v) Can all the natural numbers (excluding 1 and prime numbers) be factorised into prime
(vi) Can the number 6 be factorised into two factors so that none of the factors is a natural
number? If so, factorise it.
(vii) Factorise a number into two factors of which one is the number itself. Give examples.
(viii) Factorise the polynomial expression x2 – 1.
(ix) Factorise the polynomial expression x2 – 8.
(x) Factorise the polynomial expression x2 + 12x +35.
Step II:
Following the instruction of the teacher, the students will exchange the question papers among
themselves and solve the peer’s question paper. Observing the answers of the respective
question papers, each paper setter will try to understand whether the concept of Factorization
and the skill of factorising a number have been developed in the peer.
Step III:
Each paper setter will have to write a report expressing his/her opinion in reference to his/her
observation of the answered script. He/she will have to submit the report to the teacher along
with his/her question paper and the answered script. On the basis of his/her report, marks will
be awarded to the student (paper setter) by the teacher.
Allotment of marks:
Paper setting- 4 marks; evaluating the answers correctly- 4 marks; written report- 2 marks
Time allotted: 2 periods
[This distribution and allotment of marks is applicable only for mathematics. Teacher of other
subjects will take decesions accordingly]

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2. Nature Study:
Selected text: Calculating the area and perimeter of a triangle and a quadrilateral (Lesson-15)
Step I:
The teacher will tell the students that each of them will draw a picture of
their environment using pen and paper. They will have to use triangles and
quadrilaterals in their respective images. The teacher will also tell them to
measure the approximate value of the area and perimeter of the various
geometrical figures (included in the syllabus) of their respective images.
Step II:
The teacher will collect their drawings that include their respective names and roll numbers.
Allotment of marks:
Geometrical figures- 2marks; beautiful organisation of geometrical figures- 2marks; concept of
area and perimeter of the geometrical figures- 3 marks; ability to understand nature using
geometrical figures-3 marks
Time allotted: 2 periods
3. Case Study
Selected text: Polynomial expression (Lesson-7)
Step I:
The teacher will write down some questions on the blackboard. A sample of the set of questions
is given below:
1. Find out the term, degree and the coefficient numbers in each of the polynomial expression
given below:

i) 3x2 + 2x + 7
1 4 2 3 7 2 9 3
iiV x + x + x + x+ 8
3 3 5 5
iii) – 3x3 – 5x2 – 9x – 1
iv) 2x5 + 11x4 + 7x + 3
v) 15x + 4
viV 15
viiV 0
viiiV 2x + 3y

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2. Give examples of algebraic expressions which are not polynomial expressions.

3. I had Rs. 225. I bought 4 books of same price and yet I have Rs.5 with me. Form an equation
of polynomial expression to find out the price of one book.
4. Let us create a problem like the one given above. Then form an equation of polynomial
expression of the problem and solve it.
Step II:
Every student will have to prepare his/her answer script and submit it after witting his/her
name and roll number.
Allotment of marks:
Concept regarding term, degree and the type of coefficient numbers of polynomial expressions-
4 marks; example of algebraic expression which are not polynomial expressions- 2 marks; able
to answer Question no. 3- 2marks; able to answer Question no. 4— 2 marks
Time allotted: 2 periods
4. Creative Writing
Selected text: factorization (Lesson 8)
Step I:
The teacher will write down on the blackboard some examples of factorisation as given below:
Example: Factoring 6 we get 2x3. Here 2 and 3 are natural numbers.
Again, factoring 6 we get (-2) x (-3). Here (-2) and (-3) are integers.
Again, factoring 6 we get 36/5 x5/6. Here 36/5 and 5/6 are rational numbers.
Again, factoring 6 we get 2 x 18. Here 2 and 18 are irrational numbers.
Step II:
On the basis of the examples stated above, the teacher will invite the students to write creative
essays on factorization of two polynomial expressions. Every student will make a comparative
study of factorization in respect of the examples stated above and write an essay on it.
Step III:
The teacher will evaluate the essays and award marks individually.
Allotment of marks:
Factorizing two polynomial expressions into two algebraic expressions-2 marks; factorizing a
polynomial expression which is not an algebraic expression-2; factorizing a polynomial expression
into various types of algebraic expression-2 marks; ability to make a comparative report on
factorization of polynomial expressions and algebraic expressions-4 marks
Time allotted: 2 periods
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4. Model making
Selected text: Factorization (lesson- 8)
Step I:
The teacher will write down the following text on the blackboard;
a and b are positive whole numbers and a>b.
In an event (a +b) persons donated Rs. (a-b) each and the total
subscription was Rs. x.
In another event ‘a’ persons donated Rs. ‘a‘ each as subscription and
from the total amount ‘b’ persons were given Rs. ‘b’ and thereby the
remaining amount became Rs. ‘y’. Is ‘x’ and ‘y’ are equal? Which
identity is to be adopted to understand whether x=y? Make geometric models of those identities.
Step II:
Every student will make an algebraic model and a geometric model of the algebraic expression
of the statement given above in his/her answer script and submit it to the teacher.
Step III:
The teacher will assess the models made by each student and award marks.
Allotment of marks:
For making an algebraic model of the statement i.e. x= (a+b)(a-b) and y= a2-b2- 3 marks;
For concept of geometric model of a2 and b2-3marks;
For making geometric model of the identity (a+b)(a-b)=a2 –b2 - 4marks
Time allotted: 2 periods
5. Open Textbook Evaluation (OTBE)
Selected text: Factorization (lesson- 8)
Step I:
The teacher will write down the following on the blackboard and ask them to prove them:
We know that-
I-c2= (I -c) ( I +c)
I -c2= (I -c) ( I +c+c2)
I -c2= ( I -c) ( I +c+c2+c3) and
I -c2= (I -c) ( I +c+c2+c3+c4)
(Let us prove the above identities)

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Step II:
The teacher will write down the following question on the blackboard:
Let us try to factorise I-c11 and I-c13 like those given above. Let us prove that our factorization is
Step III:
The teacher will award marks to each student assessing his/her answer or the process of his/
her answer
Allotment of marks:
For proving the first two identities- 2 marks;
For proving the third and fourth identities- 2 marks;
Understanding the nature of factorization of I-c11 and I-c13 -2 marks
For factorising I-c11 and I-c13 – 4 marks
(The students can take the help of their textbook while answering this question in the classroom)
Time allotted: 2 periods
Note: Some examples of Internal Formative Assessment on six different areas are given here
with reference to certain lessons of the Mathematics textbook for class IX. In this way the
teachers will assess the learners in reference to Ganit Prakash in a much better way.

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Life Science and Environment


1. Topic : Over-utilization of water

Theme 5 : Environment and its resources (Sub-theme : Natural resources and its sustainable use)
Required time : One period
Desired learning outcome
i) Students will learn about daily approximate requirement of water at home and also the activities
where water is used in excess.
ii) After this survey they will be able to convince their family members to stop over-utilization of water,
if needed.
Instruction for the students
Make a survey on the over-utilization of water at home of five of your classmates. Try to find out the
following aspects from this survey – name of the activities in the house where water is needed, approximate
amount of water needed daily for each activity, name of the activities where water is used in excess, name of
the activities where the use of water can be reduced, the steps to be taken to save water etc.
Teacher’s activities
i) To split the students in groups of six members and to explain to them what to do.
ii) Explain to them about the questions that they are to ask one another.
iii) After the end of the class to collect students' copy and assess the work done by the students.
Students’ activities
Part-I (Group activity)
 Collecting data, exchange of ideas and forming views about over-utilization of water.
Part-II (Individual activity)
To write about collected data, ideas, analysis or conclusion in their respective copies and deposit the
same to the teacher.
Criteria for assessment
To assess how one has achieved desired learning competency and to what level.
2. Topic : Energy Usage
Theme 5 : Environment and its Resources (Sub-theme : Natural resources and its sustainable use)
Required time : One period
Desired Learning outcome
i) Students will become aware about the ways energy can be wasted by preparing a questionnaire for
making a survey on the use of energy.

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ii) Once the students become aware about how energy wastage can be reduced, the students will
refrain from wasting energy in their own life.
Instruction for the students
Prepare a questionnaire to make a survey on energy usage in different household work of your class-
mates' house. Try to find out the following with the help of a questionnaire – what is the main source of energy
that is used at home, which activities are energy-instensive, activities where energy is misused, how misuse of
energy can be minimised etc.
Teacher’s activities
i) To explain the relevant aspects on which the questions are to be set while preparing the
questionnaire on energy usage.
ii) To frame one or two questions for the purpose of illustration, if needed.
iii) To divide the students in groups.
iv) To assess the questionnaires prepared by the students at the end of the class.
Students’ activities
 Collecting relevant data, exchange of ideas and forming views about energy usage.
Criteria for Assessment
To assess how one has achieved desired learning competency and to what level.
3. Topic : Infectious diseases and their propagation
Theme 4 : Biology and Human Welfare (Sub-theme : Immunity and Human Diseases )
Required time : One period
Desired Learning outcome
 To discern the infectious diseases from other common diseases.
 To demarcate the symptoms of the infectious diseases and identify those diseases on the basis of
 To identify the ways through which the germs of infectious diseases can enter the body.
 To find out the time of the year when the germs of some particular infectious disease can enter the body.
 To identify the age group which is the most affected by infectious diseases.
 To identify when infectious diseases can turn into epidemics.
 To know how to avoid infectious diseases or how to save yourself from it and apply the same.
Instruction for the students
Discuss about the outbreak of infectious disease in your locality in recent time. Try to find out how many
people have fallen victim to the disease, how the disease has spread in the locality, what are the problems of the
diseased people, how the infectious diseases can be avoided or what precautions can be taken and the
programmes undertaken for locality-wise public awareness.

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Teacher’s activities
 To divide the students in small groups and provide necessary help to each group.
 To familiarize the students with the steps to be undertaken in the course of survey.
 To help in analysing the obtained data.
 To help in coming to appropriate conclusions from the obtained data.
 To assess work done by the students.
Students’ activities
Part-I (Group work)
Collect data about infectious disease, exchange of ideas and forming views.
Part-II (Individual work)
 Collecting relevant data, exchange of ideas and forming views about infectious diseases.
Criteria for Assessment
To assess how one has achieved desired learning competency and to what level.
4. Discuss about the various food chains of your locality with your classmates. Prepare a list of those food
chains. Try to find out how those food chains are associated with each other.
5. Perform a survey among your classmates on the methods and necessity of wash. Try to know how
WASH is related with healthy and disease-free lifestyle. Also try to find out the awareness among people
about this relationship between WASH and healthy, disease-free lifestyle.
Nature Study
1. Topic : Making a list of animals observed on the way from house to school and classifying them
Theme 1 : Life and its diversity (Sub-theme : Classification of Kingdom animalia)
Required time : One Period
Desired learning outcome
i) Developing observation power by thinking and writing about animals seen on the way from house to
ii) Acquring hands-on experience of classifying animals by arranging animals in various phyla and classes.
As a result, gaining practical knowledge about the characteristics of different phyla and classes.
Instruction for the students
Make a list of the animals seen today on the way from house to school. Classify them. Mention the class
of animals belonging to phylum chordata.
Teacher’s activities
i) Explain the activity to the students.
ii) Classify some of the animals he/she has seen on the way from home to school, if needed.
iii) Assessing the work of students at the end of the class.

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Students’ activities
Part-I (Group Activity)
 To make a list of the animals seen on the way from house to school.
 To classify them in appropriate phylum or class.
Part-II (Individual Activity)
Collected data, opinion and analysis or inference should be recorded in the student’s copy and submitted
to the teacher.
Criteria for Assessment
To assess how one has achieved desired learning competency and to what level.
2) Topic : Making a list of animals of an ecosystem.
Chapter 5 : Environment and its resources (Ecology and ecological organization)
Required time : One Period
Desired learning outcome
i) By making a list of the animals of an ecosystem, concept would be cleared about the animals that are
part of the ecosystem.
ii) To understand which animals are producers and which animals are consumers.
iii) To understand the organization of food chain by placing the organisms of the ecosystem in food
Instruction for the students
Make a list of the animals of an ecosystem observed by you. Try to ascribe places to them on the basis of
primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary consumers in different food chains.
Teacher’s activities
i) To explain the activity to the students.
ii) If required, explain by placing the organisms of an ecosystem in food chains.
iii) To assess the work of students at the end of the class.
Students’ activities
Part-I (Group Activity)
 To make a list of the animals of an ecosystem.
 To allot places to the organisms of an ecosystem in different food chains.
Part-II (Individual Activity)
 Collecting relevant data, exchange of ideas and forming views about infectious diseases.
Criteria for Assessment
To assess how one has achieved desired learning competency and to what level.

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3. Topic : Identifing the process of excretion of local plants.

Theme 3 : Physiological processes of life (Sub-theme : Excretion)
Time required : One Period
Desired learning outcome
 To explain necessity of excretion in plants.
 To identify excretory processes in plants.
 To identify which plant excretes in what way.
 To identify whether excretion occurs in a particular season of the year or occurs throughout the year.
Instruction for the students
Make a list of local plants. Mention their excretory processes.
Teacher’s activities
 To explain the characteristics of plant excretion.
 To divide students in small groups, engage them in observation and write questions (for them) on the
 To help record received information or answer.
 To assess the work of the students.
 Do plants have specific excretory organs?
 What kind of materials are excreted by plants?
 How are the excretory products are stored in the plant body?
 By what process do plants excrete?
 Which plants uses which method? Do the same plant use various processes of excretion?
 In which other plants are these processes seen?
Students’ activities
Part-I (Group Activity)
 Collecting information, exchange of opinions, form opinions.
 To find answers to the teacher’s question through nature study.
Part-II (Individual Activity)
 To submit answers gathered during nature study to the teacher.
Criteria for assessment
To assess how one has achieved desired learning competency and to what level.

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Case Study
1. Topic : Role of plant excretory products in daily life
Theme 3 : Physiological processes of life (Sub-theme : Excretion)
Required time : Two Periods
Desired Learning outcome
i) To make the students understand how we use of different kinds of plant excretory products in our
daily life.
ii) To make students understand the benefical role of plants in our daily life.
Instruction for the students
Read the passage given below and solve the problem.
Iman, Suman’s brother, started crying from the very morning. Somehow the cover of his story book has
been torned. Suman promptly pasted the cover with gum. His brother was relieved and stopped crying. In the
meantime their mother appeared with a ladle in her hand. Iman then was intently listening to Suman reading a
story from the book. His mother asked “Will you like to have pumpkin curry with ‘asafoetida’. The two
brothers jumped up with joy. They exclaimed. “Hurrah!”
So you have read about the story of Suman and Iman. Do you know the above story contains the names
of some plant excretory products. Try to identify them. Try to write names of other plant excretory products
from which we benefit in our daily life. Also write how do we use these excretory products in our daily life.
Teacher’s activities
i) Select a subject/issue which has some relation with the curriculum.
ii) Then identify a problem related with the subject which can be given to the students to solve.
iii) Divide the students into groups and make them understand what activities they are supposed to do.
Students’ activities
Part-I (Group Activity)
i) To read the selected subject matter intently.
ii) To discuss the problems with the other members of his/her group.
iii) To find a solution to the given problem by discussing among themselves. They should also write
down the solution.
Part-II (Individual Activity)
 To submit answers gathered during nature study to the teacher.
Criteria for Assessment :
To assess how one has achieved desired learning competency and to what level.

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2. Topic : Role of Natural Resource and their Crisis

Theme 5 : Environment and its Resources (Sub-theme : Ecology and ecological organization)
Time Required : Two Periods
Desired Learning Outcome
i) The students should come to understand how different natural resources are utilized in our daily life.
ii) They should also understand how to use different natural resourses effectively in our daily life without
depleting them.
Instruction for the students
Read the passege given below and solve the problem :
Afsana while trying to fetch some water found to her dismay that the tubewell is dry. What will happen?
Nothing can be done without water. Water is indispensable for drinking, cooking, washing clothes, bathing,
cleaning utensils. Afsana’s brother, Salim suggested, “There is a tubewell in front of uncle Karim’s house.
Sister, let”s go and fetch some water from that tubewell’’ Afsana objected, “That is far away”. Her brother
assured : Don’t worry! we’ll manage it together’’.
What have you understood after reading the story? Water is absolutely necessary in our daily life. Water
is a natural resource. We cannot survive without natural resources. Water is absolutely indispensable for
drinking, agricultural and industrial use. Other natural resources (forest, food,
energy) like water have definite impacts on our lives. Again indiscriminate use of these natural
resources may lead to their scarcity in the environment. Write on the uses of different natural resoures in your
daily life. You should also write on the ways of solving the problem of the crisis of these natural resources.
Teacher’s activities
i) Select a subject/issue which has some relation with the syllabus.
ii) Then identify a problem related with the subject which can be given to the students to solve.
iii) Divide the students into groups and make them understand what activities they are supposed to do.
Students’ activities
Part-I (Group Activity)
i) To read the selected subject matter intently.
ii) To discuss the problems with the other members of his/her group.
iii) To find a solution to the given problem by discussing among themselves. They should also write
down the solution.
Part-II (Individual Activity)
 To submit answers gathered during nature study to the teacher.
Criteria of Assessement
To assess how one has achieved desired learning competency and to what level.

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3. Topic : Malaria and its propagation

Theme 4 : Biology and human welfare (Sub-theme : Immunity and human diseases)
Time required : Two Periods
Desired Learning Outcome
 To mention how does the parasite that causes malaria enters the human body.
 To identify the mosquito that causes malaria.
 To identify the common breeding grounds of mosquitoes.
 To locate the problems regarding the spread of malaria in our locality.
 To identify the possible solutions to eradicate malaria
 To understand and implement the programme for prevention of malaria.
Students’ activities
Read the passage given below, identify the problem and answer the questions. Submit your answer to your
teacher :
Malaria is s fatal disease caused by mosquitoes. A Protozoa named ‘Plasmodium’ causes malaria.
Malaria is spread by the bite of a female anopheles mosquito when it transfers the parasite from the infected
person to that of a healthy person’s body. The female anopheles mosquito needs to suck blood in order to
mature their eggs.
Today above 40% people living in the poorest countries of the world stand the chance of getting infected
with malaria. Although malaria was eradicated in many quarters in the 20th Century in the world, it has returned
as a menace in today’s world.
Anopheles mosquitoes lay eggs in transparent water. Nowadays it is noticed that in both urban and rural
areas water gets clogged here and there due to different human activities. Female Anopheles mosquitoes lay
eggs there. Malaria infections are on a steady rise. The steady rise in temparture has added to the problem. So,
nowadays we get to hear people getting affected with malaria ever in colder regions.
Now discuss the questions in your group and write down the answers.
Questions pertaining Survey :
 State if there are incidences of malaria infection in your locality.
 In which cities have you noticed water logging? What are the causes of water logging?
 In what kinds of places in the rural areas do you find water logging? What are the causes?
 Locate the places in your house where mosquitos can breed and lay eggs in collected water.
 What problem is caused when the trunks are left after felling the tress?
 What problems arise from the excess use of plastic bottle, jar and cup?
 What problems arise from the irregular clearance of water hyacinth in ponds and drains?
 How can we use the rain water by not allowing it to collect in any particular place?
 How can you restrict the mosquitoes from laying eggs?
 What are the human activities responsible for the rise of global temperature?
 What steps do you need to adopt to check the rise in global temperature? How will this have an effect on

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restricting the spread of malaria?

Teacher’s activities
 The teacher will frame relevant questions related to the topic and note it down in small pieces of
paper and hand them over to the students. He/she will help the students for registering their personal
opinion in their own copies.
 The teachers may supply some write up, paper cutting, report bearing conformity with the topic of
the case study to the students.
 To assess the students’ work.
Criteria of Assessement
To assess how one has achieved desired learning competency and to what level.
Creative Writing
1) Topic : Importance of blood donation
Theme 3 : Physiological process of life (Sub-theme : Circulation)
Required time : One period
Desired learning outcome
1. To understand the importance of blood donation.
2. To inspire others to donate blood in future.
3. Express ability for presenting organized thoughts about something through skillful writing.
Instruction for the students
“Importance of blood donation in our society” — express your thought on the subject by writing.
Teacher’s activities
i) To tell the students how much to write.
ii) To mention the subjects to be included in the write-up, if needed.
iii) To assess the students’ work.
Students’ activities
i) To make an initial scheme of the various aspects to be included in the write-up before starting to write.
ii) Accordingly present his/her thoughts in an organized manner.
Criteria of Assessement
To assess how one has achieved desired learning competency and to what level.
2) Topic : Interaction between organisms in nature.
Theme 5 : Environment and wealh (Sub-theme : Ecology and ecological organization )
Required time : one period
Desired learning outcome
1. Understand the importance of various kinds of interactions between organisms in nature.
2. Understand how these interactions help in the maintenance of balance in the environment.

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3. Express ability for presenting organized thoughts about something through skillful writing.
Instruction for the students
You have already learnt about the various kinds of interactions in nature (competition, prey-predator relation-
ship, parasitism, cooperation)
Teacher's activities
i) To mention how much to write.
ii) To mention the aspects to be included in the write-up if needed.
iii) To evaluate the work of students.
Students’ activities
i) To make an initial scheme before starting to write.
ii) Accordingly present her/his thoughts in an organized manner.
Criteria of Assessement
To assess how one has achieved desired learning competency and to what level.
3) Topic : Human food, required energy and related problem
Theme 3 : Physiological processes of life (Sub-theme : Nutrition)
Required time : One period.
Instruction for the students
An incomplete description of an observation is given below. Use your imagination to complete the writing.
Amal's mother usually gives him various vegetables to eat. Sometimes he takes them reluctantly, but
mostly he would not eat. He likes butter, ghee and eggs. Nowadays his weight has increased a lot.
Desired learning outcome
 To understand need and importance of various food components in human body.
 To identify health problems from prolonged consumption of food that are rich in only one or two
food components.
 To adopt correct lifestyle through analysis of collected data.
Teacher's activities
 To supply incomplete description to the students.
 To give various hints for creative writing.
 To assess students’ write-up.
Students’ activities
Part-I (Group Activity)
 To collect material for creative writing.

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Part-II (Personal activity)

 To do alternate thinking, analytical thinking and submit it in writing to the teacher.
Criteria for Assessment
To assess how one has achieved desired learning competency and to what level.
4. ‘Chemical fertilizer vs bio-fertilizers’ – write a paragraph on this topic.
5. ‘Food problem and alternative food sources’ – write your thoughts on this subject.
6. 'An endangered animal and endangered plant seen by you' – write your thoughts on the subject. Mention
where you have seen them and how they look like and behave.
Model Making
1 Topic : Blood circulation through the heart
Theme 3 : Physiological processes of life (Sub-theme : Circulation)
Time required : Two periods
Desired learning outcome
i) The student will be able to express his / her idea of blood circulation through heart.
ii) To exhibit skills regarding drawing pictures and line diagrams.
Instruction for the Students
Explain blood circulation through the heart with the help of picture and flow diagram.
Teacher's activities
i) Explain how to represent blood circulation though heart.
ii) Evaluate the drawings and line diagrams in the students’ copies .
Students’ activities
i) To organize the steps of blood circulation through heart and write them down in the copy.
ii) Draw a diagram of heart to explain blood circulation through heart.
Criteria for Assessneant
To assess how one has achieved desired learning competency and to what level.
2) Topic : The process of inhalation and exhalation in human
Theme 3 : Physiological processes of life (Sub-theme : Respiration)
Desired Learning outcome
i) To express his/her idea about the processes of inhalation and exhalation.
ii) To exhibit skills regarding drawing pictures and line diagrams.
Instruction for the students
Represent the underlying physiological processes behind inhalation and exhalation with the help of flow diagram.

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Teacher's activities
i) To explain how to represent the process of human breathing in the students' copy.
ii) To assess the flow diagrams in the students' copy.
Students’ activities
i) Organize the steps of breathing in orderly manner in the students' copy.
ii) To explain the process of inhalation and exhalation through flow diagram.
Criteria for Assessment
To assess how one has achieved learning competency and to what level.
3) Topic : Construction of human body
Theme 2 : Levels of Organization of life (Sub-theme : Biomolecules and their behaviour)
Time required : Two periods
Instruction for the students
Represent the intermediate steps of formation of the complete body of an organism through a model.
You can start like this -
Element Inorganic compound

(Example : ) (Example : )
Desired learning outcome
 To know the constituents of the body of an organism.
 To represent through a model the various changes in organization that an organism has undergone
from the primitive to the present state.
 To identity the correlation between different levels of organization.
 To represent the steps in the levels of organization through which human body is formed with the help
of a model.
Teacher's activities
 To explain how to represent the level of organization of the body of an organism through a model.
 To assess the works of students.
Students’ activities
 To identify the organizational levels of the body of an organism.
 To represent through models how previous level of organization is changed to the next level.
Criteria for Assessment
To assess how one has achieved desired learning competency and to what level.
4) Explain through a flow diagram how urine is produced in our kidney.

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Open Book Evaluation

1) Topic : Pacemaker
Theme 3 : Physiological processes of life (Sub-theme : Circulation)
Time required : Two period
Desired learning outcome
i) To find application of functioning of the pacemaker in real life .
ii) To understand importance of implanting and artificial pacemaker in human body.
Instruction for the student
Read the passage below and answer the questions :
A few days ago Amalbabu suddenly fell unconscious while talking. Coming to his senses, he said that this
had happened twice in the last one month. His daughter took him to the doctor. Amalbabu told the doctor that
recently he had been feeling weak and did not get any energy for work. He was also having breathing troubles,
while doing any work hastily. The doctor examined him thoroughly. He prescribed blood tests and halter
monitoring and told him to come after a few days.When the reports came the doctor said that the rate of
Amalbabu's heartbeat had decreased and is the cause behind his problems.An operation had to be done to
implant an artificial pacemaker in his body.
i) Do our body possess a natural pacemaker ? What is its function?
ii) Which part of the heart generate heartbeat? Do any other part of the heart also generate heartbeat?
Teacher's activities
i) To bring up a real incident related to SA node or pacemaker.
ii) To frame questions whereby the student can apply his / her knowledge of SA node or pacemaker.
Students’ activities
i) To read attentively the paragraph on pacemaker.
ii) To find relation between the pacemaker related content and the concerned area of the syllabus.
iii) To write answers in the student’s copy.
Criteria for Assessment
To assess how one has achieved desired learning competency and to what level.
2) Topic : Polio Vaccination
Theme 4 : Biology and human welfare (Sub-theme : Immunity and human diseases)
Time required : One period
Desired learning outcome
i) To understand the importance of vaccination in preventing diseases.
ii) To apply the acquired knowledge about various types of vaccines.
Instruction for the student

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Read the passage below and answer the questions:

It has been a year since the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared India to be a polio - free
country. Our state had a fair share of contribution in the country's success. To stop polio attacks for four years
the State Health Department and the Administration has kept sharp vigil. Even if India was declared polio -
free, there was cause to worry about West Bengal. In a Howrah village a polio victim was discovered four year
ago. The scenario has changed since then. But the Health Department assumes that there is no cause for
complacency. Vigil continues from border areas to distant villages. Health Director Biswaranjan Satpathi says,
'The State Government is carrying on the vigil actively in every area. Special attention is being given to the
children of border areas.' He says that vaccination programme have been stepped up in places where anti-
polio campaign were far from satisfactory. — From a newspaper report.
i) What role do you think vaccination has in making India polio-free?
ii) You have learnt about various categories of vaccines. Can you tell the category of vaccines under
which polio vaccine falls?
Teacher's activities
i) Collect a passage on polio vaccination. If necessary, he / she should frame such a passage. The
paragraph should be in comformity with the relevant topic in the syllabus.
ii) Questions are to be framed in conformity with the syllabus to instil inquisitiveness in the students.
iii) To assess the answers given by the students.
Students’ activities
i) To read the paragraph on polio vaccination attentively.
ii) Write the answers in students' copies.
Criteria for Assessment
To assess how one has achieved desired learning competency and to what level.

Physical Science and Environment
Survey :
Subunit : 4.6.5 Water pollution
(i) Name of the task :
Survey on different sources of water, water pollution and the harmful effects of such pollution.
(ii) Time : 40 minute
(iii) Desired learning outcome :
(a) To become aware of the different sources of water, and the uses of water from such sources.
(b) To be able to identify the causes of water pollution.
(c) To become aware of the harmful effects of water pollution and be able to form opinion about it.
(iv) Task :
Drawing examples from their everyday experience, the learners will discuss the following topics among
themselves.They will write the information on those topics in their notebook and analyze the accumulated data.
a) Names of the water sources
around your home or school
b) What are the uses of water from such sources?
Source of water Use of water from it

c) Which source is polluted by what pollutant?

Source of water Polluted by

Pesticides, fertilizers

d) Pollution of which source of water leaves what harmful effect on the environment and biodiversity?
Pollution of Harmful effect
Eutrophication, algal bloom

(v) Role of teacher :
The teacher will
a) divide the learners in small groups and explain to them how the task should be perfomed;
b) instruct the learners to write the informations in their notebooks; assess each individual learner on the
basis of his/her analysis as recorded in his/her notebook.
(vi) Assessment :

The assessment will be based upon the extent to which an individual learner has acquired the desired
learning competencies.
Nature Study :
Subtheme : 4.4.8 Simple presentation of pH
(i) Title of the task :
Estimation of pH of different natural and familiar substances and classification of such subs- tances in
acidic / basic / neutral categories on the basis of the result of such experiments.
(ii) Time : 30 minute
(iii) Desired learning outcome :
(a) Estimation of the pH of different substances through hands-on activities.
(b) To be able to classify substances into acidic / basic /neutral on the basis of pH.
(iv) Role of the teacher :
The teacher will :
(a) ask the students to bring samples of various natural and familiar substances.
(b) provide the students with pH paper and test tubes.
(c) explain the experimental procedure to his/her students.
(d) divide the learners in to small groups and help them perform the experiment and discuss the topic within
the group; if neccessary he/she will participate in the discussion.
(e) ask each individual learner to record his/her findings in his/her own notebook.
(v) Activity for the learner :
`(a) The learners, working as a group, will bring different substances . e.g. lemon juice, vinegar, lime water,
cucumber juice, tea extract, drinking water, soda water, milk of magnesia etc. from their home/environment.
(b) They will measure the approximate pH of each substance, and discuss within the group and with the
teacher, and record the result in their notebook.

Sample Estimated pH Nature of sample
(acidic / basic / neutral)

(vi) Assessment :
The assessment will be based upon the ability of the students to perform hands-on experiments, their
ability to observe, to collect data and to present the data in the proper way.
Case Study :
Subtheme : 4.6 water, key concept: 4.6.2 Quality parameters of drinking water and 4.6.6 Arsenic
compounds and fluoride in ground water.
(i) Title of the task: Investigating the cause of arsenic toxicity in different regions of West Bengal.
(ii) Time : 40 minute
(iii) Desired learning outcome:
Through this activity the learners will be :
a) able to make connections between conventionally adopted means of harvesting water in village and
urban areas and arsenic toxicity.
b) able to invent solutions to this problem.
(iv) Activity for the learner :
Analysis of samples of water from different regions of West Bengal has revealed the presence of dis-
solved arsenic compounds in alarming level. Studies have identified the following to be two important reasons
for this :
(a) use of deep tubewells in almost all multistoried housing complexes in city areas.
(b) use of deep tubewells for irrigation in agricultural areas.
Discuss about this topic in your group, express your opinion in written form and suggest possible remedial
measures to combat the problem.

Problem of which area Cause of the problem Possible remedial measure

Water scarcity in multistoried
complexes in city
Irrigation of agricultural land
in village areas

(v) Role of the teacher :
The teacher will
(a) divide the class into small groups ;
(b) inform them about the nature of the task;
(c) encourage the learners in group discussion, and give inputs to enrich it.
(vi) Assessment :
Assessment will be based upon the extent to which an individual learner has acquired the desired
Creative Writing
Example 1 : Time: 40 minute
(i) Theme : 4. Matter : atomic structure; physical and chemical properties of matter. Subtheme 4.6 Water
Key concept : 4.6.1. Physical properties of water that influenced proliferation and maintenance of life.
(ii) Activity of the learner :
If water were not transparent to visible light, how could it prevent proliferation of life on earth ? Partici-
pate in a group discussion on this topic. If necessary, take help from your teacher or your textbook and
prepare a write-up.
(iii) Role of the teacher :
The teacher will divide the class into small groups comprising of 4 - 5 students. He/she will give the
groups ample time for discussion, and encourage each individual learner to present the consensus reached by
the group in a written form. When the writing session is over, he/she will explain the main concept (role of
photosynthesis in proliferation of life) to the students.
(iv) Assessment :
The assessment should be based upon the novelty in presentation, analytical skill and scientific reasoning
as apparent in the write-up.
Example 2 :
Theme 4 Matter : atomic structure; physical and chemical properties of matter Subtheme : 4.6 water
Key concept : 4.6.1. Physical properties of water that influenced proliferation and maintenance of life.
(i) Title of the task : Write a short article on the necessity of conservation of water.
(ii) Time : 40 minute
(iii) Desired learning outcome :
a) To be able to identify the importance of water in everyday life.
b) To be able to investigate the reason for wastage of water.
c) To be able to invent innovative ways to reduce wastage of water.

d) To take measures for proper utilization of ground water.
e) To be able to present a topic in one’s own language and strike a balance between information,
theory and style of one’s writing.
(iv) Role of the teacher :
a)The teacher will divide the class into small groups of different sizes.
b)Encourage group discussion and express his/her opinions.
c)If the activity involves several stages of discussion, the teacher will issue instruction to the learners to
guide them in the right direction.
(v) Activity for the learner :
a) Through discussion among themselves and with the teacher, the learners will try to appreciate
the gravity of the topic.
b) The learners will try to understand how to address the topic and from which angle.
c) Each individual learner will write about his/her view on the topic in his/her own notebook.
(vi) Assessment :
The assessment should be based upon (a) understanding of the topic, (b) writing style, (c) presentation
(d) compatibility of the presentation with the topic and (d) the extent to which each individual learner has
acquired the desired learning competency.
Example 3 :
(i) Theme : 5 Energy in action, work, power and energy
(ii) Learning outcome :
Through this activity the learners will be able to identify transformation of energy from one form to another
and will be able to cite examples of such conversions.
(iii) Role of the teacher :
The teacher will divide the learners into small groups and define the task to be performed by each group.
He/she will show the learners some chart like the one given below :

energy Sound
 energy
 Electric Electric 
energy heater   bell
 
Electric Electric Light

fan bulb energy
 
Mechanical Thermal
energy energy

The teacher will help in group discussion and ask each of the learners to write an article on the knowledge
acquired through group discussion. He/she will assess these articles and record the observations.
(iv) Activity for the leaners :
Write an article on the following topic “conversion of energy is extremely important”. The learners will
write articles on this topic and when the writing session is over, one member from each group will read his/her
article aloud and the rest of the class will listen to it.
(v) Assessment :
Assessment will be based upon the extent to which an individual learner has acquired the desired learning
Example 4 : Time : 40 minute
(i) Theme : 4. Matter : atomic structure, physical and chemical properties of matter. Subtheme : 4.4
Acids, bases and salts. Key concept : 4.4.3 Industrial use of NaOH, H2SO4, HCl and HNO3.
(ii) Desired learning outcome :
One of the major produce of the chemical industry is sulfuric acid. Through this activity, the learners will
be able to understand the fact that the production of many chemicals used in daily life is either directly or
indirectly dependent upon the production of sulfuric acid.
(iii) Activity for the learner :
“ How much sulfuric acid do we see in our avarage daily life? Let us imagine that from tomorrow
onwards, no sulfuric acid will be produced by the world’s chemical industry. What long term effect could it
have upon your daily life? Discuss about it in your group. It necessary take help from your teacher or your
textbook and prepare a write-up.”
(iv) Role of the teacher :
The teacher will divide the class into small groups comprising of 4 - 5 students. He/she will give the
groups ample time for discussion, and encourage each individual learner to present the consensus reached by
the group in a writter form. When the writing session is over, he/she will explain the central concept (signifi-
cance of sulfuric acid in chemical industry) to the students. In order to give the learners a perspective, the
instructor for may use current global production data on sulfuric acid.
(v) Assessment :
The assessment will be based upon the novelty in presentation, analytical skill and scientific reasoning as
apparent in the write-up.
Model Making
Example 1 :
Subtheme 4.6. water Key concept : 4.6.1
Physical properties of water that influenced proliferation and maintenance of life.

(i) Title of the task :
Making a chart or poster on the topic ‘Water is life’
(ii) Time : 40 minute to 1 hour (2 period)
(iii) Desired learning outcome :
Through this activity the students will (a) be able to identify the various roles that water plays in our life ;
(b) be able to summerize a large set of information in a meaningful way ;
(iv) Role of the teacher :
The teacher will
(a) ask the learners to bring necessary materials;
(b) divide the learners in to small groups of different sizes;
(c) encourage the learners to discuss about the topic within the group and give his/her inputs;
(d) inform the learners about the way in which the work is to be performed.
(v) Activity for the students :
(a) The learners will build the necessary concept through discussions among themselves and with the
(b) They will make meaningful charts using the information gathered through discussion;
(c) They will record the draft chart/poster in their own notebooks.
(vi) Assessment :
Assessment will be based upon the extent to which each individual learner has acquired the learning
competencies as described above.
Example 2 :
Subtheme : 4.5 Separation of components of mixtures Key concept : 4.5.1 Distillation and fractional
(i) Title of the task :
Drawing a diagram of the set up for fractional diatillation in computer notepad (applicable to schools
where computer facility is available) and obtaining a print out of the work.
(ii) Time : 1-2 Period
(iii) Desired learning outcome :
Through this activity, the learners will be able to (a) identify the difference between distillation and fractional
distillation ; (b) identify the area of application of fractional distillation (c) Utilize available technology in the
learning process and develop the skill in using such technologies.

(iv) Role of teacher :
The teacher will
(a) divide the learners into small groups of different sizes;
(b) give the learners the necessary idea about the work and make the computer facility available to the
(c) encourage the learners to discuss about the topic among themselves and give his/her inputs, and
supervise the work.
(v) Activity for the learners :
Similar to those described in the task mentioned above (i.e chart or poster making).
(vi) Assessment :
Assessment will be based upon the extent to which each individual learner has acquired the learning
competencies as described above.
Example 3 :
Time : 40 minute
(i) Observing the effectiveness of different antacids
(ii) Theme : 4. Matter : atomic structure ; physical and chemical properties of matter. Subtheme : 4.4
Acids, bases and salts. Key concept : 4.4.13 Antacid
(iii) Desired learning outcome :
Major constituents of commercially available antacids are aluminium hydroxide and magnesium hydrox-
ide. These are sparingly soluble in water, and are used either as tablets or aqueous suspensions. The activity
described below invites the learners to observe the reaction between different antacids and hydrochloric acid
solution as a ‘model’ for the reaction between gastric acid and antacids, and asks them to find a correlation
between surface area of solids and rate of chemical reaction.
(iv) Activity for the learners :
(a) Procure two samples of different antacid tablets that are commercialy available. In one test tube place
one tablet and pour some dilute HCl it. In another test tube place a powered tablet and pour the same volume
of HCl on it. Observe and record your findings.
(b) Repeat this experiment for each brand of antacid tablet that you have procured.
(c) From the results of your experiments, can you find any relationship between the surface area of solid and
the rate of a chemical reaction that the solid participates in ?
(d) From the result of your experiments, is it possible to predict which one of the following - an antacid tablet
or an antacid suspension - is likely to reduce gastric acidity quickly ?
(e) Major constituents of commonly used antacids are Al(OH)3 and Mg(OH)2. Write the balanced equa-

tions for the reaction between these chemicals and aqueous HCl.
(v) Role of the teacher :
The teacher will divide the class into small groups of 5-6 students. He/she will provide each group with
the necessary apparatus and chemical (test tube , test tube rack, water and dilute HCl) and allow them to
perform the experiment cautiously. If necessary, he/she will perform the test before the learners. When the
activity is over, the teacher will explain the central concept. Considering the age of the learners and other
aspects, the teacher may use models/diagram/calculations to illustrate the notion of increase of surface area of
a solid upon its division into finer particles.
(vi) Assessment :
Assessment will be based upon the extent to which each individual learner has acquired the learning
Open Text Book Evaluation
Example 1 :
(i) Atomic weight : A relative notion
(ii) Desired learning outcome :
The learners will be able to understand the notion of atomic weight is a relative one.
(iii) Role of teacher:
The teacher will divide the class into small groups comprising of 4-5 students. He/she will ask them to
read the given text and will give them ample time for group discussion. The teacher will answer the pertinent
questions from the groups, listen to the group discussions and encourage them to reach a consensus.
(iv) Text : Theme : 4. Matter : atomic structure; physical and chemical properties of matter Subtheme : 4.2
Mole concept. Key concept : 4.2.3 Atomic mass unit.
At present the masses of atoms of different elements are determined with respect to that of an atom of
C. The mass of a 12C atom is defined as 12.0000 unit, and the mass of an isotope of an element is deter-
6 6
mined with respect to the former. In this scale, the relative isotopic mass of an element is defined like the
following: Actual mass of an atom of that isotope
Relative isotopic mass = 1
/12(actual mass of an atom of 12C)
In this scale, O has a relative mass of 15.9949.

If different isotopes of an element occur in nature, the average atomic mass of the element is determined
by taking into account the relative isotopic masses and the natural abundance of the isotopes. For example,
two more isotopes 13C and 14C of carbon occur naturally, albeit in low abundance. When these isotope are
6 6
taken into account,the relative atomic mass or atomic weight of carbon turns out to be 12.011. In a similar way,
16 17
calculations that take into account the three naturally occurring isotopes of oxygen ( O, O, 1 8 O), show the
8 8 8
atomic weight of oxygen to be 15.9994.

(v) Questions :
12 12
1. If the reference of the present atomic weight scale is changed from 6 C  12.0000 units to 6 C  24.0000
units, would it affect the magnitudes of the different relative isotopic masses and the atomic weight of different
elements? If your answer is ‘yes’, explain your position.
2. Do you think that a change in atomic weight scale involves a change in the magnitude of the atomic mass
unit? Explain.
12 12
3. Does the change in atomic weight scale ( 6 C  12.0000 unit to 6C  24.0000 unit) necessarily change
the magnitude of Avogadro’s number? Justify your answer.
4. If we change our reference of the present atomic weight scale in the way indicated above, what will be the
molar volume of an ideal gas at STP? Will it still remain 22.4 L or will it change? Explain.
(vi) Activity for the learners:
The learners will read the given text and engage themselves in group discussion. If essential, they may
ask the instructor for a clarification of the central concept. Each participant will have to record the conclusion
reached by the group in his/her own note book.
(vii) Assessment :
The teacher can assess the learners by observing the extent to which each individual learner has acquired
the desired analytical skill.
Example 2 :
Time : 40 minute
(i) Subtheme: 4.4 Acids, bases and salts. Key concept : 4.4.10 Acidic, basic and amphoteric oxides.
(ii) Title of the task :
Building concepts regarding acidic, basic and amphoteric oxides.
(iii) Desired Learning outcome :
a) To be able to understand the formation of acidic, basic and amphoteric oxides from elements (metals
and non-metals).
b) To be able to identify the properties of acids, bases, salts and different oxides.
c) To be able to build clear concepts about (1) reactions of acidic and basic oxides with water; (2)
reactions of of acidic and basic oxides with basic and acidic solutions respectively, (3) direct reaction
between acidic and basic oxides.
(iv) Role of teacher :
The teacher will provide the learners with an incomplete concept map. He/she will ask them to discuss
among themselves about the relevant concepts and will facilitate the group discussion if required. (The concept
map is attached with this document).
(v) Activity for the learners:
(a) The learners will complete the concept map by writing relevant informations. They may discuss with
the teacher if necessary, and may take help of their textbooks.
(b) The learners will write the balanced equations for the chemical reactions referred to in the concept
(vi) Assessment :
The teacher can assess the learners by observing the extent to which each individual learner has acquired
the desired analytical skill.

Concept Map
metal non-metal

 
Reaction with O2 Reaction with O2
 
May give May give

* * * *
Basic oxide Amphoteric Acidic oxide Neutral oxide

e.g. e.g. 3 e.g. e.g.

1 2 4 5

reaction reaction reaction reaction

with water with acid with base

with water
reaction reaction
with acid with base * Note that all basic / acidic / amphoteric
9 oxides are not soluble in water
hydroxide 6
base Acid  Cite examples one each for a basic oxide,
an acidic oxide and an amphoteric oxide
8 that are insoluble in water.
pH of the reaction
solution ........ with base 10
pH of
Reaction aqueous
with acid solution .........

7 Salt + water Given this concept map, you will have to

furnish information / formula / equations
relevant for boxes 1 - 10
Example 3 : Time : 40 minute
(i) Title of task :
Experiment on the pressure exerted by liquids and gases.
(ii) Desired learning outcome :
Building concept about pressure exerted by air.
(iii) Role of the teacher :
The teacher will divide the learners into small groups and define the work to be carried out by each group.
He/she will ask them to read the given text. If necessary, he/she will draw relevant diagrams on the board and
evaluate the written answers.
(iv) Activity for the learners :
The learners will read the texts thoroughly and discuss about it in their respective groups. They will write
the answers to the questions in their notebook. When the each group will read aloud a written record to the
whole class.
(v) Text :
A body remains at equilibrium when two equal and opposite forces operate on it. Air exerts pressure in all
direction. If a force is applied on an enclosed, static fluid, it is transmitted through the fluid in all directions with
equal magnitude. A vessel is filled partly with mercury. A 1m long glass tube, open at one end, is filled to the
brim with mercury. The tube with its open end closed with a finger, is then carefully inverted into the mercury -
filled vessel and the finger is removed. It is seen that the mercury level within the tube drops somewhat and
reaches an equilibrium state. This indicates that there are two equal forces acting simultaneously in opposite
directions. In this case, the force exerted by the mercury column perpendicularly on unit surface area equals the
pressure exerted by air.
Question :
1. Draw a diagram and explain how air pressure supports the mercury column.

A, B and C are the different positions of the same tube.

use colour to fill in the vacant portion of the tubes in positions B and C above to
indicate the length of the mercury column within the tubes.

Experiment : A glass bottle with a narrow neck was taken. A funnel was placed on the open mouth of the
bottle in such a way that it rested snugly on the mouth of the bottle. A substantial volume of water was poured
into the funnel. It was observed that at first water flows into the bottle easily. Then a point was reached when
the downward flow of water stopped. When the funnel was lifted from the mouth of the bottle and then placed
over it once again, water began to flow for some time.



1. water is 2. flow of water 3. The funnel is 4. Flow of water

flowing has stopped lifted a little : has stopped once
water starts again.
Question :
1. Explain why this happens.
2. It there is some space between the mouth of the bottle and the funnel what will happen and why?
3. What will happen if we perform the same expriment with oil instead of water?
(vi) Assessment
The assessment will be based upon the extent to which an individual learner has acquired the desired
learning competency.

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History and Environment

1. Take two maps of seventeenth century and twentieth century Europe. Compare the maps in regards to
territory, names of the different states and countries, and other aspects. What are the similarities and dissimilarities
do you find in these two maps? Make a record of them.
 Comparative study of two maps (Chapter: Foreword); time: 1 period
 At the outset, the teacher will motivate the learners to understand the importance of the activity by
discussing with them individually and in groups. The teacher will act as mentor in such group
discussions. It is necessary to make the learners realize the importance of Survey as a method of
studying History and also the significance of map-study.
Desired competency:
 The objective of the activity is to assess the understanding level of the learners in regards to the
changes of geographical locations, territory etc. with reference to maps. It is necessary to give
emphasis on the causes and ways of the territorial changes in the maps. Such an activity will facilitate
the learners to develop their concept of time and place in history. The activity will also emphasize the
changes in the maps caused due to politico-economic change.
 The teacher will assess the learners on the basis of the above said parameters of understanding.
2. Take two maps: one, of the period prior to World War I and another immediately after World War II.
Compare the maps in regards to territory, names of the kings and countries and other aspects. What are the
similarities and dissimilarities do you find in the two maps? Make a record of them.
 Comparative study of the two maps (Chapters: 5 & 6); time: 1 period
 At the outset, the teacher will motivate the learners to understand the importance of such activity by
discussing with them both individually and in groups. The teacher will act as mentor in such group
discussions. It is necessary to make the learners realize the importance of Survey as a method of
studying History and also the significance of map-study.
Desired competency:
 The objective of the activity is to assess the level of understanding of the learners in regards to
changes of geographical locations, territory etc. with reference to maps. It is necessary to give
emphasis on the causes and ways of the territorial changes in the maps. Such an activity will facilitate
the learners to develop their concept of time and place in history. The activity will also emphasize the
changes in the maps caused due to politico-economic change.
 The teacher will assess the learners on the basis of the above said parameters of understanding.
1. What impact had the Industrial Revolution of Europe on its environment? Suggest some means by which
industrialization can be attained without causing destruction to nature.

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 Comparative study about the evolution of history and the integration of nature and man (Chapter 4);
time: 1 period
 At the outset, the teacher will motivate the learners to understand the importance of the activity by
discussing with them individually and in groups. The teacher will act as mentor in such group
discussions. It is necessary to make the learners realize the importance of studying environment and
geography and also environmental history along with the study of history.
Desired competency:
 It is expected that in group discussions various exemplifiers of the interdependence of environment
and man or society in respect to history would be cited. It is necessary to give emphasis on the
impact of man on environment in the various periods of history and the analysis of how the crisis in
history was caused due to the crisis in environment. The activity will facilitate the learners in developing
their concept of environment with reference to time and place in history. The teacher will assess the
learners on the basis of the above said parameters of understanding.
2. Various anti-war movements have been initiated following World War II on restraining nuclear weapons.
Write a report on the harmful effects of nuclear weapons on environment and man. Write two slogans on anti-
war movement.
 Comparative study about the evolution of history and the integration of nature and man (Chapter 4);
time: 1 period
 At the outset, the teacher will motivate the learners to understand the importance of the activity by
discussing with them individually and in groups. The teacher will act as mentor in such group
discussions. It is necessary to make the learners realize the importance of studying environment and
geography and also environmental history along with the study of history.
Desired competency:
 It is expected that in group discussions various exemplifiers of the interdependence of environment
and man or society in respect to history would be cited. It is necessary to give emphasis on the
impact of man on environment in the various periods of history and the analysis of how the crisis in
history was caused due to the crisis in environment. The activity will facilitate the learners in developing
their concept of environment with reference to time and place in history.
 The teacher will assess the learners on the basis of the above said parameters of understanding.
1. A survey was conducted by the UNO on issues of socio-economic, cultural-educational and masshealth.
Prepare a questionnaire for making surveys on education and masshealth.
 Comparative study of the functions of international institutions and its impact on environment and
man (Chapter 7); time-1 period
 At the outset, the teacher will motivate the learners to understand the importance of the activity by
discussing with them individually and in groups. The teacher will act as mentor in such group
discussions. It is necessary to make the learners realize the importance of Case Study for studying

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Desired competency:
 It is expected that in group discussions various exemplifiers of the interdependence of environment
and man or society in respect to history would be cited. Emphasis given should be on the critical
thinking for the betterment human livelihood and the holistic and mutual liability for the same. In this
respect, importance should be given on understanding the role and significance of the UNO. The
activity will help the learners to understand their respective society and livelihood. Besides, emphasis
will also be given on the skill of setting suitable questions for conducting the Case study.
 The teacher will assess the learners on the basis of the above said parameters of understanding.
2. Make a linear-diagram of the social structure of France before the revolution of 1789. What kind of
social system is applicable for this linear-diagram? Make another linear-diagram of the social structure of
France in the aftermath of the revolution. Identify the main differences in the two linear-diagrams.
 Comparative study about the evolution of history and the integration of nature and human life
(Chapter 4); time: 1 period
 At the outset, the teacher will motivate the learners to understand the importance of the activity by
discussing with them both individually and in groups. The teacher will act as mentor in such group
discussions. . It is necessary to make the learners realize the importance of Case Study and the use
of linear-diagrams, statistical data base for studying History.
Desired competency:
 It is expected that in group discussions various instances of politico-economic societies, different
social life and the gradual changes in human livelihood are elicited. Emphasis should be given on the
critical understanding of how a socio-economic system can be displayed though different geometrical
figures. In this respect, importance should be on understanding the relation of a triangular figure with
feudal system of governance. The activity will help them to evaluate their own concept of different
social systems and also of their own society and its development. Besides, their cognitive skill will be
enhanced by their ability to think critically using geometrical figures.
 The teacher will assess the learners on the basis of the above said parameters of understanding.
1. Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled in the isle of St. Helena. Prepare a questionnaire to interview him. Select
suitable questions which can elicit the thoughts and contributions of Napoleon.
 Comparative study of the works of historical persona and the influence of the contemporary period
on them effecting original creative writings. (Chapter 2) time-1 period
 At the outset, the teacher will motivate the learners to understand the importance of the activity by
discussing with them both individually and in groups. The teacher will act as mentor in such group
discussions. It is necessary to make the learners realize the importance of objective evaluation of
different creative writings of various authors and also other means of creativity (like interview, report
etc) that are sources of history which help them in their multidimensional observations of the study of

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Desired competency:
 It is expected that in the group discussions there will be objective evaluation of the contributions of
different personae coming from different economic-political and social systems. It is necessary to
give emphasis to the objective analysis of how history, geography, society, economy, culture, life
experience etc. have their impact on the contributions of an individual. In this context importance
should be given on understanding the criteria of the questionnaire for interviewing Napoleon. The
activity will facilitate the learners in developing their concept of history as a paradigm shift from idol
worshipping to the comprehensive development of the society and individual development in a period
of time. Besides, the activity will also help in the cognitive development of the learners to understand
what type of questions are to be selected for other persona (like, an ordinary soldier taking part in
World War I, a serf in Czar of Russia or Count Cavour)
 The teacher will assess the learners on the basis of the above said parameters of understanding.
2. Suppose a man had come from his native village in England to work in a factory during the time of
Industrial Revolution. He wrote his experience in a diary. Write an account in the form of a diary about his
personal experience of a week in the factory.
 Comparative study of the comprehensive effect in different historical eras and composing original
creative writing (time:1 period)
 At the outset, the teacher will motivate the learners to understand the importance of the activity by
discussing with them both individually and in groups. The teacher will act as mentor in such group
discussions. It is necessary to make the learners realize the importance of objective evaluation of
different creative writings of various authors and also other means of creativity (like diary, letter,
autobiography, family lineage etc) which are sources of history and they help the learners in their
multidimensional observations of the study of History.
Desired competency:
 It is expected that in the group discussions there will be objective evaluation of the contributions of
different personae coming from different politico-economic social systems. It is necessary to give
emphasis to the objective analysis of how history, geography, society, economy, culture, life experience
etc. have their impact on the contributions of an individual. In this context, importance should be
given on the understanding of the nature of the interview. Besides, the activity will also help in the
cognitive development of the learners to understand the nature of questionnaire for other persona
(like, an ordinary French and a German soldier having the experience of World War I, the views of
Count Cavour and Garibaldi regarding the ways of Italian unification, two women labourers during
Industrial revolution etc.)
 The teacher will assess the learners on the basis of the above said parameters of understanding.
3. There are some cartoons on World War I and II in your History textbook. Write about the attitude or
outlook expressed through the cartoons that you have observed.
 Comparative study of the comprehensive effect in different historical eras and composing original
creative writing (time:1 period)

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 At the outset, the teacher will motivate the learners to understand the importance of the activity by
discussing with them both individually and in groups. The teacher will act as mentor in such group
discussions. It is necessary to make the learners realize the importance of objective evaluation of
different creative writings of various authors and also other means of creativity (like pictures, cartoon,
illustrations, poster, cinema, stamps etc) which are sources of history and they help the learners in
their multidimensional observations of the study of History.
Desired Competency
 It is expected that in the group discussions there will be objective evaluation of different politico-
economic social systems. It is necessary to give emphasis to the objective analysis of how history,
geography, politics, society, economics, culture, life experience etc. have their impression on art like
cartoons. In this context, importance should be given on the understanding of how opinions are
manifested through the cartoons.
 The teacher will assess the learners on the basis of the above said parameters of understanding.
Arrange the various incidents in respect of time regarding Unification of Germany and Italy. Write a short note
on them and make a timeline.
 Comparative study of the time-line (Chapter-3); time: 1 period
 At the outset, the teacher will motivate the learners to understand the importance of the activity by
discussing with them both individually and in groups. The teacher will act as mentor in such group
discussions. It is necessary to make the learners realize the importance of time-line in studying History
and also the ways of analyzing a time-line.
Desired competency:
 The objective of this activity is to assess the learner’s’ understanding the practical use of maps for
geographical location, gradual changes in territory etc. emphasis should be given on the reason for
changes in territory, ways of presenting data through maps and the logic behind the inferences. The
activity will help the learners develop their concept of time and place in history. Emphasis should be
given on the understanding how the map changes due to the influence of society, politics and economics.
 The teacher will assess the learners on the basis of the above said parameters of understanding.
There was a time when the merchants possessed only commodities. Now man has become their commodity.
In this respect let us try to understand the difference between the past and the present system. In that era, the
king reigned where his kingdom was: that is, savings and expenses came from one account.
But now, there has been incessant flow of the sovereignty day and night alike the import-export of the commercial
domain. And so, a novel thing happened in world history: it is the reign of one nation over another. Incidentally,
these two nations are located on the either sides of the sea.
Such colossal supremacy never existed in the world. And Asia and Africa became the domain of Europe’s

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Now Germany is in trouble. He woke up late. He reached the banquet at the fag-end, completely out of
breath. He is quite famished. He could smell the fish but has nothing to devour, save the bones. So he is purple
in anger. He said, if no arrangements are there for me, I will not wait for invitation. Rather I will use my might
and devour the food of others.
[Translated version of ‘ Laraier Mul’, Kalantar, Rabindranath Tagore]

Read the passage above and answer the questions that follow:
1. What is the relation between the spread of European industrialization and imperialism in Asia and
2. What do you understand by the expression that Germany woke up late? What was the reason for
the delay?
3. What happened when Germany tried to use power to devour other’s food? Who were responsible
for that conflict?
 Comparative study of the concepts and ideas included in the textbook and the relevant lessons
(Chapter 4); time- 1 period
 At the outset, the teacher will motivate the learners to understand the importance of the activity by
discussing with them both individually and in groups. The teacher will act as mentor in such group
discussions. It is necessary to make the learners realize the importance of analyzing such a with
reference to the ideas included in the textbook. However, while selecting a text it has to borne in
mind that the passage should be free from caste, creed,, gender, class and regional/economical/
cultural inequalities. Care should be taken so that no biased ideas or opinions are developed in the
learners through the selected text. It is better to select the text from an article, story, poem, picture,
cinema, a current newspaper report, database, some contemporary text material, research based
historical document etc. that have relevance to the concept developed in the textbook.
Desired competency:
 The objective of this activity is to observe whether the learners can relate the concept developed in
the textbook with that of the given text material. The activity will facilitate them in the reinforcement
of the concepts and ideas that they have developed. Besides, it will also help them in critical thinking
and critical analysing of the text material.
 The teacher will assess the learners on the basis of the above said parameters of understanding.

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Geography and Environment

(A) Survey
1. Activity - Survey of drinking water in your school
Time – 40 min. [group discussion- 5/10 min, group/ individual work 20/25 min, exchange of
opinion 5/10 min.]
Teacher’s role- The students are to be divided into groups. A list of points/issues on which the
group-discussions will be conducted has to be written on the blackboard. Time has to be provided
for writing the report (individual/group). The students are to be encouraged for presentation of the
report (individual/group).
Student’s activity –Participate in group discussion on the points given on the blackboard. The
exchanged ideas are to written individually/in groups (depending on the number of students present
in the class) and give opinions on them. Individual/group report (within 80 words) has to be
Topic- Water resources of West Bengal
Sub topic- Ground water.
In school :
* Source of drinking water
* Sufficient availability of drinking water
* Depth of tube well (if necessary, teacher’s help may be taken)
* Taste of Drinking Water
* Purity
* Maintenance
* Wastage and its reason
* Measures to be taken for preventing wastage
Desired competency: - Awareness development on prevention of wastage of drinking water
2. Activity- Survey on relief and drainage map of West Bengal
Time- 40 mins. [Group/individual map observation- 5/10 mins., Group/individual collection of
information -5/10 mins, Group discussion- 5mins, Report making and exchange of opinion- 10/
15 mins.]
Teacher’s role: The students are to be divided into groups. They are told to observe the relief and
drainage map of West Bengal. Points are to be written on the black board on which observations
have to be made. Later, the reports are to be submitted to the teacher on the basis of the collected
information, enlisting, exchange of opinion etc.

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Students’ activity : Relief and drainage map of West Bengal has to be observed on the basis of the
given points and individual notes are to be made. Inferences are to be drawn on the basis of the
exchange of opinion. Individual report is to be submitted.
Topic- Physical Environment of West Bengal
Sub-topic : Relation between relief and drainage of West Bengal
The following points to be noted after minute observation of the relief and drainage map of West
Bengal :
* A river has to be selected each from the northern, western and southern part of West Bengal.
* The flow direction of three rivers have to be observed.
* Confluence of the river has to be observed.
* The districts through which the rivers are flowing are to be observed.
* Different types of physiographic region through which the rivers are flowing are to be observed.
* Length of the rivers is to be measured with thread and the respective lengths are to be compared.
* A report has to presented on the slopes indicated, based on the direction of flow of the rivers.
Desired competency -Understanding the relation between slope and drainage of different regions
of West Bengal.
Rubric of evaluation-
1. Collection of primary data and assimilation- 2
2. Analysis and explanation- 2
3. Inference and Evaluation -2
4. Correlating textual objective with acquired competence- 4
(B) Nature Study
1. Activity- Water logging due to flood and sewage system
Time- 40 mins [Group discussion 5/10 mins, registering information, drawing inference and
writing-20/25mins, exchange of opinion- 5/10mins]
Teacher’s work - It is natural to the students to observe nature. Students should be allowed to
make a report individually on nature related topic (written on the black board) on the basis of their
personal experience. Individual reports are to be collected.
Students’ activity: Collected information is to be written on the basis of group discussion.
Individual reports (within 80 words) are to be submitted after exchange of opinion.
Topic: Hazards and disaster
Sub-topic: Flood
Most of the regions of West Bengal are prone to flood. Almost all the students have heard/seen
flood or water logging in an area for a period of time.

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* Possible reasons of water logging caused due to heavy rain/opening of flood gates are to be
written down.
* Brief discussion should be made on human interference causing flood/water logging.
* The sewage systems of the students’ locality are to be explained.
* Students’ individual opinions are to be collected.
Desired competency- To increase awareness of sewage system of his/her locality and understanding
the measures to be taken
Rubric for Evaluation:
1. Observation and exchange of experience-2
2. Registration/ enlisting-2
3. Realisation and critical presentation-2
4. Correlating textual objective with acquired competence-4
(C) Case Study :
1. Activity- Aruna’s dream.
Time- 40 mins [Individual/ group reading of the given story- 5/10mins., Understanding the problem
and suggesting solutions through group discussion- 20 mins., writing of answers individually/
group -5/10 mins.]
Teacher’s role- Students are to be divided into groups. The matter (or case) is to be written on a
paper and supplied to each group. The questions are to be written on the black board.
Students’ activity: Questions (written on the black board) are to be discussed in groups and to be
written individually. (within 80 words)
Topic- Major economic activities of West Bengal
Sub topic- Causes of development, problems and solutions of tourism industry in West Bengal.
The place is five minutes walking distance from Aruna’s house. While going to her uncle’s house
with her mother, Aruna stands under the shaggy-headed sisoo tree for two minutes. A wide spread
lake called Ayanamoti lies in front. Migratory birds visit here during winter. There is a hillock
behind the sisoo tree. A little effort can take one to the top of the hillock. River Monbhasi can be
seen from the top of the hillock. Sunlight gleams on the river. To the north of the hillock a stone
quarry can be seen. A faint sound of cutting of rocks comes from the quarry. An asphalt road has
passed by the quarry towards the large town. Aruna feels that this place could have been a tourist
spot. But she is very hopeful. She wants to see, in future, this little known place in the tourist map
of West Bengal.
* Why does Aruna feel the place mentioned may become a tourist spot?
* What are the other facilities to be available in the place to develop it as a tourist spot?
* What are the steps to be taken to preserve the sanctity of the place from human interference?

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Desired competency- Understanding the problems related to the development of tourism industry
and the solutions thereof. Causes of development, problems and solutions of tourism industry in
West Bengal
Rubric for Evaluation.
1. Problem and realisation of given topic-2
2. Finding probable solution-2
3. Identifying the best solution-2
4. Correlating textual objective with acquired competence-4
(D) Creative Writing
1. Activity - Imaginary conversation on setting up a new factory at sudipta’s house.
Time- 40 mins. [Group discussion- 5/10 mins, writing dialogue individually/group-20/25 mins,
exchange of opinion 5/10 mins.]
Teacher’s role: Directing students to write a dialogue on a specific subject.
Topic may be read out/ written on black board.
Student’s work- After the group discussion, imaginary dialogue would be written.
Topic - Major economic activities of West Bengal
Sub-topic- Importance of small scale industry in West Bengal
Various juicy fruits are cultivated in and around Sudipta’s place. Many people in the locality have
small units for manufacturing jam, jelly from fruit juice, pickles etc. Sudipta’s parents want to set
up a similar small factory in the unused rooms of their ground floor. Now write an imaginary
dialogue between you and Sudipta on the measures to be taken to accomplish their dream (within
80 words).
Desired competency- Understanding self- sufficiency through small scale industry.
Rubric for Evaluation.
1. Ability of expression-2
2. Originality of expression-22
3. Logicality -2
4. Correlating textual objective with acquired competence-4
(E) Model Making
1. Activity - Prepare a chart on fold mountain formation
Time- (40 + 40) = 80 mins. (Two periods) [group discussion and planning - 10/15 mins.,work to
be done through mutual cooperation- 65/70mins).

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Teacher’s role: Students are to be divided into groups. They are helped to collect subject related
materials. They should told to prepare model/chart on the subject.
Students’ activity- Prepare a model/ chart with the help of necessary material.
Topic- Landform processes and different types of landforms
Sub-topic-Origin of Fold Mountains
* Draw a chart of the stages of fold mountain formation on the basis of plate tectonic theory.
Desired competency - Understanding the role of plate movement for the formation of Fold
2) Activity - Make a chart on the physiographic division of West Bengal.
Time : (40+40)=80 mins. (2 periods)
[Group discussion and planning- 10/15 mins., the work to be done through mutual co-operation
65/70 mins.]
Teacher’s role - Divide students into groups. Cooperate with them to collect materials.
Students’ activity- Prepare a chart/ model with the help of required materials. (one from each
Topic- Physical Environment of West Bengal
Sub-topic - Relief of West Bengal
* Prepare a three dimensional physiographic map of West Bengal on a chart paper. Students
may use papers, colour, adhesive etc.
Desired competency: Understanding the regional physiographic variation in West Bengal.
Rubric for Evaluation.
1. Conversion of abstract thought to concrete-2
2. Eagerness for creative and experimental work-2
3. Explanation and presentation-2
4. Correlating textual objective with acquired competence-4
(F) Open Text Book Evaluation
1. Activity- Positive and Negative aspects of natural hazards and disaster
Time- 40mins. [group discussion- 5/10 mins, complete the work individually/ in group-20/25
mins., exchange of opinion- 5/10mts]
Teacher’s role: to supply study material to each group.
Student’s activity- Answer the given questions (within 80 words) on the basis of study material.

xhs˛Ó≈ì≈˛# ≤Ãhfl$˛!ì˛Ñ˛yú#ò õ)úƒyÎ˚ò ı ì˛_¥ Á ì˛yÓ˚ ≤ÈÏÎ˚yÜ

Topic - Hazards and disaster.

Sub-topic- River bank erosion
Flood brings destruction of embankments. People settled on the banks are not scared of flood.
They know that after the water recedes new silt would give large production. But destruction of
embankments is very dangerous. It takes away lands, houses, markets, schools, mosques and temples.
174 km course of the river Ganges, from Bhutnidiyara to Shikarpur (Murshidabad-Nadia border)
through Farakka, is under great threat from the river bank erosion. In the last few decades
approximately 200 area covering three blocks in Malda district were eroded. Sand bars
amounting to equal area have risen on the opposite bank (near Jharkhand border) of the river.
Extensive areas of Dhalkuliyan, Suti, Lalgola, Bhagobangola, Raninagar and Jalangi in Murshidabad
are under the threat. The number of land losers is increasing every year. Socio-economic structure
is breaking down alarmingly [Source- ‘Banglar Nadikatha- Kalyan Rudra page- 98, 2nd paragraph]
* Cite examples of another normal physical phenomena which causes threat to human society.
* The normal physical phenomena sometimes affect negatively on human lives. State the positive
impact of these physical phenomena.
Desired competency Understanding the positive and negative aspect of physical phenomena.
Rubric for Evaluation:
1. Identification of data and analysis-2
2. Understanding of data-2
3. Use of data -2
4. Correlating textual objective with acquired competence-4
Note: Samples of evaluation for formative assessment and its methodologies for class IX
are given above. The teachers may change the subject or topic according to the cognitive
level of his/her students.

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Á ì˛yÓ˚ ≤ÈÏÎ˚yÜ

(Full marks for each item is 10. Distribution of marks is given below.)
1) Survey
Collection of primary data Analysis and Decision making and Application of acquired
and sequential compilation interpretation demonstration of competencies in a
evaluation subject-specific domain

2 2 2 4
2) Nature Study
Understanding and Application of acquired
Observation Documentation demonstration with competencies in a
critical perception subject-specific domain

2 2 2 4
3) Case Study
Understanding of Determining probable Selection of best Application of acquired
problem solutions possible solution in a competencies in a
particular situation subject-specific domain

2 2 2 4
4) Creative Writing
Expression of ideas Editing and extending Application of acquired
relevant points Originality in writing competencies in a
subject-specific domain
2 2 2 4
5) Model Making
Quality to convert Interest in creative Interpretation Application of acquired
abstract into concrete and and competencies in a
experimental work demonstration subject-specific domain

2 2 2 4
6) Open Text Book Evaluation
Identification Comprehension of Proper utilization Application of acquired
and analysis of given data of data and competencies in a
relevant data demonstration of subject-specific domain
critical perception
2 2 2 4


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