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Name: Lisa Litalia Miranda Class: BING 5A / 171220054 Questions !

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Name : Lisa Litalia Miranda

Class : BING 5A / 171220054

Questions !

1. Describe the ASSURE model!

Answer : ASSURE it is intended to assure effective intruction. The six steps are : analyze learners,
State standars and objectives, Select strategies and resources, Uti;ize resources, Require
learner participation and Evaluate and revise. The ASSURE model incorporates all these
event of intruction, beginning with the analysis of learners.

2. State the three primary types of information used to analyze learners and describe the role of the
information in the systematic planning process for learning!

Answer : The first step in planning a lesson is to indetify and analyze learner characteristics show
to be associted with learning outcomes. The key areas to consider during learner analyze

1. general characteristics of learners

2. specific entry competencies (knowledge, skill, and attitudes about the topic)

3. learning differences and needs

The next step is to state the standars and learning objectives as specifically as possible.
Begin with curriulum and technology standards adopted by your district, as these are
based on state and national student performance criteria.

Well stated objective name the learners for whom the objective is intended, the action
(behavior) to be demonstrated, the condition under which the behavio or perfomance will
be observed, and the degree to which the new knowledge or skill must be mastered.

3. Demonstrate how to go from national standards to learning objectives that include the audience,
behavior, conditions, and degree of mastery!

Answer : The mark of a good set of learning objectives is conformity to the ABCD of well stated
learning objectives. They are as follows:

Audience – for whom is the objective intended? Focus on what learnes will know and be
able to do after the lesson.
Behavior – what is the behavior or performance to be demonstrated? The verb describing
the new capability that learners will have after intruction.

Conditions – what are the conditions under which the behavior or performance will be
observed? Should include the conditions under which the performance is to be assesed.

Degree – to what degree will the knowledge or skill be mastered? The degree of
accuracyor proficiency by which minimally acceptable performance will be judged.

4. Outline the procedures for selecting, modifying, and designing instructional strategies and

Answer : Ready to select the materials to support lesson implementation. This step involves three
general options:

1. selecting available materials

The majority of intructional materials used by teacher, ready made and available from
school, district, or other easily accessible sorces.

2. modifying existing materials

Learning objectives.

3. designing new materials

Design your own lesson materials, which can range from hand printinga flip chart to
using your lapyopto create handouts and an online blog.

5. Create examples of the five basic steps in utilizing resources (e.g., technology, media, and

Answer : Preview the Technology, Media, and Materials

This means that it’s important to plan ahead of time just how you’re going to use them.
It’s good to do a dry run of your lesson before you actually teach it. Make sure that the
whole lesson will go smoothly and seamlessly.

Prepare the Technology, Media, and Materials

You need to gather together all of the things that you will need to teach your lesson.
They must be working properly. For example, if you are making a power-point
presentation, then you’ll need to create the text and graphics for each screen.
Prepare the Environment

There is some minimal preparation required to set up the learning environment. Simple
things like making sure that you have enough desks are important. Also, if you have
control over the situation, you should make sure that there are no sources of noise that
will disturb the students.

Prepare the Learners

First, you need to clearly inform the learners as to what the learning objectives are. This
will help the learners create a mental map of what they need to absorb. Next, it’s
important to tell the students how they will be assessed. You need to tell them what
their assignments will be, how they will be graded, if there are tests, etc. Also, you
should explain to the students what the benefits of learning the material are.

Provide the Learning Experience

You then actually carry out the lesson. This is where all of your planning takes effect.
You should be prepared to carry out the lesson with every prior step of the process in
mind. This will insure your success as a teacher.

6. Describe and justify methods for eliciting student participation when using technology and media
during instruction!

Answer : student to have experience rather than just knowing and comprehending information.
This follows constructivist views that learning is an active mental process built from
relevant authentic experiences or practice for which students receive informative
feedback, a respone that lest them know the degree to which they have achieved the
objective and how to improve their performance.

7. Compare and contrast the techniques for evaluating student achievement, strategies, and
resources and for making databased revisions.

Answer : - both are the same for evaluating and assesing the intructional strategies.

- but evaluating student achievement, strategies, and resoursesmore focused on the

effectiveness of learning strategies and their satisfication with the material

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