Em 21-22
Em 21-22
Em 21-22
Electronic calculators may be used, provided that they cannot store text.
The numbers are given as a guide to the relative weights of the different parts of
each question.
Formula Sheet
For vector V,
∇2 V = ∇(∇ · V) − ∇ × ∇ × V.
The Lorenz gauge condition, relating vector potential, A, and scalar potential, φ, is given
1 ∂φ
∇·A=− 2 ,
c ∂t
and when time-independent this defines the Coulomb gauge,
∇ · A = 0.
2 of 6 P.T.O
c) Express the electric field in terms of the vector potential, A, and scalar potential,
φ. If A satisfies the Coulomb gauge show that φ satisfies Poisson’s equation.
[3 marks]
d) Write down an expression for the potential energy of a magnetic dipole, formed by
a current I flowing in a circular loop of radius a, if the loop is placed with its axis
at an angle θ to a uniform magnetic field B.
[3 marks]
3 of 6 P.T.O
2. a) Explain, why Ampère, exploring magnetic effects using electrically conductive ma-
terials, could not experimentally detect the correction to his work later applied by
[4 marks]
c) Assuming an exact equality, show that plane wave solutions to the equation in part
b), of the form
E = E0 ei(kz−ωt) ,
where E0 is a constant vector, have a complex wave number k that may be written
k = a(1 + i),
and evaluate the term a.
[5 marks]
[8 marks]
4 of 6 P.T.O
3. a) Show, using the appropriate Maxwell equations, that charge is conserved in electro-
[5 marks]
b) i) In a region of space where the current density vector j = 0 and µr = 1 show that
magnetic field, B, satisfies
1 ∂ 2B
∇2 B = 2 2 .
c ∂t
[3 marks]
∂ 2 Bθ 1 ∂Bθ Bθ 1 ∂ 2 Bθ
+ − 2 = 2 ,
∂r2 r ∂r r c ∂t2
where Bθ is the θ-component of the magnetic field.
[6 marks]
µ0 f r
B= θ̂,
where f and s are independent of position, show that the rate of change of the
magnetic field in the region r ≤ s is constant.
[4 marks]
iv) Using Ampère’s law, provide a physical interpretation of f and s and write down
an expression for the electric field in the region r ≤ s in terms of f and s.
[7 marks]
5 of 6 P.T.O
4. a) Define the magnetic vector potential, A, and state its units. Show, that in static
situations, where the Coulomb gauge applies, that this vector satisfies Poisson’s
∇2 A = −µ0 j,
where j is the current density vector.
[6 marks]
b) (i) What are the boundary conditions that the magnetic field, B, and magnetic
intensity, H, must satisfy at the interface between two magnetic materials?
[4 marks]
(ii) Two materials form an interface at z=0. The relative permeability is µr = 1.5
for z > 0 and µr = 4.0 for z < 0. The magnetic field vector is given by
in the region z < 0. What is the magnetic field vector in the region z > 0?
[6 marks]
c) A long iron rod, with a uniform magnetisation of 5000 Am−1 along its symmetry
axis, is formed into a ring of radius 10 cm. A section of width 1 mm is removed
from the ring as shown in the figure (leaving parallel faces). Calculate the values
of the magnetic energy density in the gap and in the iron. [Ignore any edge effects
and assume that the ring is in vacuum.]
[9 marks]
10 cm
1 mm
6 of 6