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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science For Grade 7 - Animal and Plant

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Kresha M. Lluisma


The learner demonstrates understanding of: the difference between animal and
plant cells according to presence or absence of certain organelles.
The learners shall be able to: construct a Venn Diagram to show parts that are
common to both and parts that are only found in either plant or animal cells.
The learner differentiates plant and animal cells according to presence or absence of
certain organelles.



Science Link 7, Science 7.
1. Teacher’ Guide Pages
Page 38-45
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
Page 34-40
3. Textbook Pages
Page 64-72
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal

Video Presentation, PPT

A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Presenting Motivation (guessing game and pass the
the New Lesson box)
”pick-a- pic”
You learned that organisms have organ
systems composed of organs. These organs
are made up of even smaller parts namely,
tissues and the smallest of which are the cells.

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson “Picture Smart”

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the
All organisms, big or small consist of cells.
What is cell, again? Cell is the basic unit of life.
Some organisms are single-celled,
Composed of only one cell. Others are
multicellular, possessing many cells that work
together to form an organism.
The moss plant for example, may be made up
of hundreds or thousands cells. Your body has
billions of cells while very large animals like
elephants have trillions.
Most cells are so small that they can only be
seen using the microscope.

(Plant cells can be larger than animal cells.

The normal range for an animal cell varies
from 10 to 30 micrometers while that for a
plant cell stretches from 10 to 100
micrometers. Beyond size, the main structural
differences between plant and animal cells lie
in a few additional structures found in plant

Two types of cells are:

Plant cell and animal cell
READ ALOUD parts of cell
(row1 and row2)

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing

New Skills #1

For today’s ACTIVITY:

Study closely Figure 1 (Parts of a plant

cell)and 2 (Parts of an animal cell). These are
diagrammaticpresentations of plant and
animal cells and theirparts. (page107)

Using the information, you have gathered

From Figures 1 &2, Construct a Venn diagram
of plant and animal cell. Label the
Overlapping and Non overlapping areas.
Let’s divide the class into four groups.
Group 1 go to table 1 and group to
table 2….. Counting 1-5

(Provide each group with the prepared

Before that, in your group you choose your
leader, reporter, and secretary

Let’s be reminded that we work in group.

So cooperation is expected from each
other. Make sure to observe cleanliness
and minimize noise so that we will not be
disturbing other classes.

You can start now.(Teacher supervision) Students performing the activity.

E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing

New Skills #2

You can now post your output and report it to Students posting their output and
the class. reporting it to the class.

The Venn Diagram that learners made may

look like the one below:

(Come up with a system of correcting

learner’s work. An example would be for a
completely correct output like the figure
above, score it 16. For any wrongly placed
part subtract 1 point. Take note that cell parts
present only in plant or animal cells may be
written either on the left or right side of the
overlapping area).

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative

Assessment 3)

Compare the shape of a plant cell with that of Plant cells are rectangular or angular or
an animal cell as shown in Figures 1 and 2. rigid in shape, while animal cells are
rounded and somewhat irregular or
Very good answer. spherical or cylindrical.

Which cell parts are found in both cells? The nucleus, plasma membrane,
cytoplasm, mitochondrion, rough and
smooth ER, Golgi body, vacuole/vesicle,
ribosome/s and lysosomes are common
to both plant and animal cells.
Which cell parts are present only in animal The centrioles are present in animal
cells? cells only.

Why centrioles are present in animal cells Centrioles are only found in animal
only? cells because these have a role in cell

Which cell parts are present only in plant The cell wall and chloroplast are
cells? present in plant cells only

Very Good answer.

Why do you think that plant cells have cell We have seen that plant cells have cell
walls that are not found in animal cells? walls and chloroplasts that are not
found in animal cells. The cell wall is
made of stiff material that forms the
outermost part of plant cells. This gives
shape and protection to them

Why are there several chloroplasts in the The chloroplast in cells of plants is
plant cell? where food is made through the
process of photosynthesis. The greater
the number of chloroplast in them
makes them efficient in making more
food for the plant.,

G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts

and Skills in Daily Living

Cells are the basic building blocks of all living

things. The human body is composed of
billion/trillion of cells. They provide structure
for the body, take in nutrients from food,
covert those nutrients into energy and carry
out specialized functions.

Cells have many parts, each with a different

function. Some of these parts, called
organelles, are specialized structures that
perform certain tasks within the cell.
H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions
about the lesson.

Specifically, the activity showed you the

similarities and differences in parts of plant
and animal cells. The nucleus, plasma
membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondrion, rough
and smooth ER, Golgi body, vacuole, vesicle,
ribosomes and lysosome are common to
them. In fact, these are also present on fungi
and protists which you will study in the next

You have observed in the illustrations that

plant cell have a cell wall and chloroplast
which are not found in the animal cell. These
have something to so with the nature of
plants having tough stems and their being
able to produce their own food.
On the other hand, animal cells have
centrioles which are not found in plant cells.

I. Evaluating Learning

The table below enumerates the parts that ANSWER:

are present or absent in two kinds of cells 2pts- B is a plant cell because it has a
cell wall and chloroplast
Structure Cell A Cell B 1pt- B is a plant cell but no explanation
Cellwall X / 0 pt- Wrong answer or no answer at all
Plasma / /
membrane 2 pts- A is an animal cell because it has
Chloroplast X / no cell wall and no chloroplast
Centriole / X 1 pt- A is an animal cell but no
Nucleus / / explanation
0 pt- Wrong answer or no answer at all.
1. Which is a plant cell? Explain your answer.

2. Which is an animal cell? Explain your


J. Additional Activities for Applications or


Prepared by: Checked by:


Science Teacher School Principal

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