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7e LP - Conduction

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(7E Lesson Plan on Conduction)

Quarter 3

Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of how heat is transferred.

Performance Standard:
Recognize heat transfer at different temperatures that are brought in contact with each

A. Most Essential Learning Competencies
Infer the conditions necessary for heat transfer to occur. (S7LT-IIIh-i-12)
B. Instructional Objective:
1. Describe the the method of heat transfer by Conduction


Topic: Conduction
Value Integration: Cooperation, teamwork, critical thinking


A. Materials: Audiovisual set (laptop and speakers), picture of sorts, illustrations.
B. References: Grade 7 Science Learner’s Materials pages 187-198
Grade 7 Science Teacher’s Guide pages 151-162


Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

1. Preliminary Activity

May we all stand for the prayer. Who A student leads the prayer
can lead the prayer?

Good morning class

Good Morning, Ma’am

You may now take your seat.

Thank you, Ma’am.
Let me check the attendance first.
Make sure that you are in your proper
seats so that you will not be marked

Very Good! Everybody is present

2. Developmental Activity
A. Elicit
In your previous lesson, you were able to
describe the condition necessary for heat
transfer to take place and trace the direction
in which heat is transferred. To refresh your
understanding, answer this simple review.

Direction: Put a (⭐) if the statement

is TRUE and (🧡) if the statement is

1. _______Heat always flows from a

warmer object to a cooler object.
2. _______Heat always flows from a
colder object to a hotter object. Possible answer:

3. ________Thermal energy is the

energy possessed within the object or 1. ⭐
within the system due to the
movement of particles. 2. 🧡

4. ________Heat is energy " in transit" 3. ⭐

5. ________Heat transfer from an object 4. ⭐

of higher temperature to an object of 5. ⭐
lower temperature.
B. Engage
Yes, so I have some pictures here and
I want you to observe it.

So, what have you observed in the

Drinking coffee, Ma'am

While drinking coffee, have you tried

heating your palms by holding the Yes, Ma'am

While cooking, have you experienced

getting burned by accidentally
touching the stove/casserole?

Yes, Ma'am
What do you think is the reason why
you feel a certain hotness in those

Because of the presence of Heat, Ma'am

Very Good!
Our topic for today is all about
Method of Heat Transfer: Heat
transfer by Conduction

So class, before we start our lesson

for today let us first know what are
we achieving for today’s lesson. So
please read our Lesson Objectives.

Students are reading the instructional

Instructional Objective:
● Describe the the method of heat
transfer by Conduction
It is the energy possessed within the
object or within the system due to the
movement of particles. The faster the
particles move, the more thermal
energy it possesses and the higher the
temperature that is measured.

It refers to the relative hotness or
coldness of an object. It is measured
in degree Celsius (⁰C), degree
Fahrenheit (⁰F) or Kelvin (K).
It is an instrument for measuring
temperature. A laboratory
thermometer is different from the
clinical thermometer that is used to
determine body’s temperature.

HEAT It is a form of energy that is

transferred between two objects at
different temperatures or simply
“energy in transit.”

Heat transfer by conduction takes
place within a certain object or from
one object to another when in contact.
It involves transfer of energy from
particle to particle.

Materials that allow thermal energy to
readily flow through them.

Materials that transfer heat poorly
C. Explore
To further understand

Let us do an activity first;

Activity 2
Which feels colder?

● In this activity, you should be able to
describe heat transfer by conduction
and compare the heat conductivities
of materials based on their relative

Students are starting to do their group


Situation 1. Students possible answer

Touch a piece of metal and a piece of wood
in your immediate vicinity. Which one
feels colder? Which is colder? If the materials are in the same vicinity, they
should have the same temperature. Thus,
neither is colder. Yet, the metal feels colder
because it is a conductor; heat easily transfers
from your warmer hand into the cooler metal.
Wood, on the other hand, is a poor conductor.
Little heat transfers from your hand into the
Situation 2. Both have the same temperature, but the tile
floor feels cold to the bare foot while the
Feel the temperature of the tile floor with
doormat feels warm. This means that tile is a
one bare foot and feel the temperature of
better conductor than doormat.
the doormat with the other bare foot.
Which one has a higher temperature?
lower temperature?

Situation 3.
Cold does not flow from the ice to your hand.
If you hold one end of the metal bar Heat flows from your hand to the ice. The
against a piece of ice, the end of your hand metal is cold to you because you are
will soon become cold. Does cold flow from transferring heat to the metal.
the ice to your hand?

Situation 4. You can stick your hand into a

Air is a poor conductor, so the rate of flow
hot pizza oven for several seconds without
from the hot air to your relatively cool hand is
harm, whereas you’d never touch the
low. But metal conducts heat very well, and a
metal inside surfaces for even a second.
lot of heat in a short time is conducted into
your hand when contact is made.
D. Explain

The activity demonstrates heat transfer

by Conduction, one of the methods by
which energy is transferred.Conduction
takes place between objects that are direct
contact with each other

Heat is directly transferred through a

material. This method of heat transferred
is most effective in SOLID.

You have learned in your TLE that

cooking pans are made up of steel, silver,
aluminum and copper.

What do you think is the reason why

cooking pans are made of metals?
These metals are good conductors They are good conductors of heat, Ma’am
because they allow thermal energy to
readily flow through them.

Anyone who can give me a good

conductor of heat?

Very good!

Silver, Copper, Steel and Aluminum, Ma’am

While INSULATORS, materials that
transfer heat poorly.

That is the reason why most cooking

utensils or pans have handles made up of
plastic, rubber or wood, because this is to
prevent heat flowing to the handle which
prevents us from being burned.

E. Elaborate Students possible answer

Can you give examples of heat a. An ice cube will soon melt if you hold it in
transfer by conduction? your hand. The heat is being conducted from
your hand into the ice cube.
b. When ironing a skirt, the iron is hot and the
heat is transferred to the skirt.

c. Sand can conduct heat. Walking on the

beach on a hot summer day will warm your

d. A metal spoon becomes hot from the

boiling water inside the pot. e. If you are cold
and someone holds you to warm you, the heat
is being conducted from their body to yours.

Heat transfer by conduction is important to us

because it is a fundamental process that occurs
in many everyday situations
As a whole, why is heat transfer by
Conduction important to us?
When cooking, Ma’am.

When the bottom of the pan is placed under

the fire, the heat energy from the fire will be
transferred to the pan, that is why it becomes
hot. As the pan becomes hotter the heat energy
Give me some examples of the will be transferred to the food that is placed on
importance of conduction in our daily it. This is the reason why the food gets too
life? cooked and also becomes hot.

None, Ma’am
Yes, so do you have any questions or
F. Evaluate
Since there are no questions, let's
have a quiz. Get ¼ sheet of paper and
answer the following.

Multiple Choice
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct

1.Which is a form of energy that can move

from a hot to a cooler place or that transfers
energy from one body to another? Possible Answer:

A) Wave
B) Fahrenheit 1. D

C) Sound 2. A

D) Heat 3. D

2. The transfer of thermal energy between 4. D

one substance by the collision of particles is 5. B

A) Conduction
B) Thermal conductor
C) Convention
D) Radiation
3.Which of the following is an example of
Extendby conduction?

Write it on 1/2 whole sheet of paper.

At home, list all of the conductor and

insulator of heat

That’s all for today.

Goodbye, class.



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