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Elem 12C

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12C Grammar revision: question formation

 a Write questions for the answers.

1 What does your brother do? (do) He’s a doctor.

2 to class today? (get) I came by bus.

3 Shakira from ? (be) From Colombia, I think.

4 at the weekend? (get up) At 8.00. I like getting up

5 brothers and sisters ? One brother. I don’t
(have) have any sisters.
6 on holiday last year? (go) We went to Tenerife.

7 your grandparents ? (live) In a village about 50 km

8 anything good at the Yes, I’m reading a Terry
moment? (read) Pratchett book.
9 , Indian food or Chinese Chinese food. I don’t like
food? (prefer) Indian food very much.
10 the homework? (do) No, I’m going to do it
this evening.
11 on Friday night? (go out) Yes, we are. We have
tickets for a concert.
12 your brother? (be) He’s 22.

13 English classes? (have) Twice a week.

On Tuesdays and
14 Maria home early? (go) Because she didn’t feel
15 Shakespeare ? (be born) In 1564.

  b Test your memory. Cover the questions and look at the answers. Remember the questions.

English File 3rd edition Teacher’s Book Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012 197
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12C Communicative Revision questions

  Personal Information   The past (be)   Free time

What / name? Where / born? How much free time / have?
/ like your name? When / father born? What sports / play?
How / spell your surname? Where / you at 4.30 yesterday What kind / music / like?
/ have a big family? afternoon? How often / go to the cinema?
What / email address? Who / you with at this time What / like doing at weekends?
What / do? yesterday? What / do when you want to
Why / need English? What / your favourite game relax?
when you were eight?
/ you at home last night at  Future
Your flat / house
/ live in a house or flat? / home after this class?
Where / it? / use your computer this
Can you tell me about it?   Everyday activities evening?
What / your favourite room? What time / usually get up? When / do your homework?
Can you describe it? Where / usually have / come to the next class?
/ there a bus stop or an breakfast? Where / have lunch next
underground station near What / usually have? Saturday?
your house or flat? Who / have lunch with?
When / go to bed?   The past simple
 Preferences What / do at weekends? What / do last night?
Which do you prefer? Why? What / have for dinner?
tea / coffee?   How often…? What time / leave home this
summer / winter? / speak in English outside morning?
Saturday / Sunday? class? How many hours / sleep last
/ have dinner with friends? night?
Facebook / Twitter?
/ eat red meat? Who / lunch with yesterday?
swimming in the sea / in a pool?
/ sleep badly? How / come to class today?
watching sport / doing sport?
/ get to class late? When / start studying English
  Can you…? / go to the dentist?
/ draw or paint well?
/ run eight kilometres without   Describe a friend
stopping? What / his or her name?  Now
/ do sudokus and crosswords? Where / live? Why / study English?
/ play chess? What / do? What book / read at the
/ wear jeans at work / school? Where / meet for the first moment?
/ sit where you want in class? time? / it rain now?
/ park easily in your street? How often / see him or her? What / your teacher wear?
What / have in common? What / your best friend do at
the moment?
  Have you ever…?
  Time and dates (be) to Paris?
What / the time now? (send) an email to your
What time / the class finish? teacher?
When / birthday? (break) your arm or leg?
When / like getting up on (have) a problem on Facebook?
Sunday? (fall) in the street?
When / your next holiday? (be) to the cinema alone?
What / favourite month? Why?
What / the date yesterday?

English File 3rd edition Teacher’s Book Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012 243

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One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
From The Fellowship of the Ring by J R R Tolkien , British author

1 GRAMMAR revision 9 you ever a famous person? (meet)

10 Last night my husband dinner. (cook)
a Correct the mistakes in the second sentence. 11 I think it tonight. (rain)
Those are her children. They is very young. 12 What time you usually _____ to bed
TheJ' are very young at the weekend? (go)
2 Jim lives in the city centre. Your flat is very big. 13 My boyfriend _ _ _ _ football at the moment. (play)
14 We to work yesterday. (not walk)
3 I went shopping yesterday. I bought a shirt new. 15 What _ _ _ _ your daughter today? (do)
16 I never that book, but I'd like to.
4 That's Sophie. She's the girlfriend of Ryan. (read)

5 We love the summer. We go on holiday on August. 2 VOCABULARY revision: word groups

6 Tanya is going to lose her job. She always is late. a ~irc"@ the word that is different.
1 Hungary <::EpaneSV Turkey China
7 I don't like karaoke. I can't to sing. 2 Egypt Switzerland Asia Mexico
3 tall expensive dark slim
8 My boyfriend is late. I'm waiting for he.
4 builder hairdresser cooker waiter
9 We're doing the housework. We don't mind clean. 5 aunt daughter niece brother
6 spring cloudy snowy windy
10 Our garden is small. There aren't some plants. 7 fireplace cupboard sofa kitchen
8 mushroom strawberries onion peas
11 The hotel was fu II. There was a lot of guests. 9 chemist's department store bridge shopping mali

12 They're quite healthy. They don't eat many sugar.

b Continue the series.
1 one, two, three, four
13 T'm 21. I'm more older than you. 2 ten, twenty,
3 Monday, Tuesday,
14 I don't like crocodiles. They're the more dangerous animals. 4 first, second ,
5 morning, afternoon,
15 Hannah likes languages. She speaks German good.
6 once, twice,
7 summer, autumn,
16 My sister has a good job. She's engineer.
8 June, July,
9 second, minute, _ _ _ _ _ __
b Look at the time expressions and complete the sentences
10 day, week, _ _ _ _ _ __
with the correct form of the verbs. Use the present simple,
present continuous, past simple, present perfect, or c Complete the phrases with verbs.
be BoinB to. 1 Ii-He11 to music 6 photos
1 We never have pizza for dinner. (have) 2 d exercise 7 h a noise
2 Caitlin _ _ _ _ the dog for a walk twice a day. (take) 3 s hello 8 g dressed
3 ____ you _ _ _ _ your friends last weekend? (see) 4 h a shower 9 h two children
4 They tomorrow because Jack is ill. (not come) 5 g shopping 10 u a computer
5 you ever to South America? (be)
6 your son drive next year? (learn)
7 We _____ meat every day. (not eat)
8 We a fUm next Saturday. (see)
sounds Read the article and answer the questions.
a ~the word with a different sound .

I 1 rich dirty big

I •

\- 1: 2 bread peas meat


HE FILMS in The Lord of the Rings trilogy have had a big impact on
re 3 safe black f at
New Zealand. The country has become 'Middle Earth' to many of the
people who have seen the films. This comes as no surprise to the
cat film director Peter Jackson, who is in fact a New Zealander. He chose his
home country because he knew that the variety of different landscapes
4 dark day far made New Zealand the best place to shoot the films.

I car Jackson and his team looked over the whole country for the most beautiful
and most appropriate areas. The rolling hills of Matamata became Hobbiton,
the village where Bilbo Baggins lives, and the volcanic region of Mount
0 5 money model doctor Ruapehu transformed into the fiery Mount Doom, where Sauron first
clock made the Ring. In total, the team used 150 different locations all over
New Zealand and they spent 274 days filming .
~~ 6 fou nd short bought Thirty of the locations Jackson used are National Parks or conservation
sites so he needed to get special permission to film here. In some cases,
a special team dug up the protected plants, and took them to special
U nurseries, where they lived until filming finished . Then the team took them
7 coo k food good back to the park and replanted them again. In Queenstown, Jackson used
bull enormous red carpets to protect the plants in the battle scenes because
there were up to 1,100 people on set every day.
, j
8 who do go The Lord of the Rings films have been so popular that the tourist industry
in New Zealand has grown dramatically. Today, tour companies offer
a wide range of tours to different locations of the film,
a: 9 tired thirsty nurse
including Hobbiton, Mount Doom, and Edoras.

1 Who directed The Lord of the Rings films?
e 2 Where is the director from?
10 eat healthy breakfast
3 Why did he choose New Zealand?
egg 4 Which area did they use to create Mount Doom?
5 How many different locations did they use in total?
eI 11 paid steak said
6 What was the problem with some of the locations?
train 7 How did they solve the problem?

aT 12 buy nice ring

8 Which locations from the films can tourists visit today?

Listen and check. Listen to an advert for a day trip and complete the notes.
Lnderline the stressed syllable.
ho pi tal 7 I tal ian Lord of the t<in95 6doras Tour
_ expensive 8 August D~partur~ tim~: Christchurch I 9 a.m. Lunch: luxury 7_ __
magazine 9 diffijcuIt fZ~turn tim~: Chnstchurch l _ __ Pric~:

~ head phones 10 mu si cian Transport: by 3_ _ Adults: ~ $_ _

- ad min is tra tor 11 ga rage D~stination: Mount 4_ _ _ _ (6doras) Childrm 1 $_ _
engineer 12 bananas

Li ten and check. FILE 12

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