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Unit II-Class June 16-Much, Many, Some, Any, A Few, A Little, No Article

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Universidad Politécnica del Centro (UPC).

Modulo: Inglés III.

Docente: María de Lourdes Jiménez López.

Alumno: Benjamín Galmiche Gómez.

Grado y Grupo: A – 1.

Cuatrimestre: 3.

Carrera: Ingeniería en Mecánica Automotriz.

Matrícula: 004352.

Unit II: 2nd Class_ June 16: Much, many, some, any, a few, a little,
no article.
Fill in the correct word (some or any).
1. Sue went to the cinema with some of her friends!
2. J ane doesn't have any friends.
3. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
4. Here is some food for the cat.
5. I think you should put some flowers on the table.
6. Could you check if there are some calls on the answering machine?
7. I don't want any presents for my birthday.
8. Did they have any news for you?
9. I'm hungry - I'll have some sandwiches.
10. There aren't any apples left.
a little or a
Decide whether you have to use
1. Could I have a littlesugar for my tea, please?
2. If you want to make pancakes, you need a few eggs and a
little flour.
3. Have you got a fewminutes? I need to talk to you.
4. When I am on holiday, I always write a fewlines home.
5. I havea little headache.
6. Jane has invited a fewboys to her party.
7. There is still a little work to do.
8. Theysanga few songs.
9. Would you like a little more rice?
Decide whether you have to use much or many.
1. Jane hasn't got many time.
2. Do you know manywords in English?
3. He didn't eat much meat.
4. There isn’t muchbutter in the fridge.
5. How manyeggs did the hens lay?
6. Samantha has as muchmoney as Bruce.
7. How manylessons do you have on Mondays?
8. There was too muchnoise in the streets.
9. I cannot see manystars in the sky tonight.
10. Do you have manyfriends abroad?
The noun The sentence
o countable Some
nouns are in Examples:
plural form o I have got with affirmative
o uncountable some friends. statements
nouns are in o Mary does
singular some
form housework

The noun The sentence

o countable Any in questions and
nouns are in Examples:
plural form negative
o Did Larry buy
o uncountable any candles?
or in sentences
nouns are in o Kevin doesn’t
with one of these
singular eat any
words: without,
form cheese.
never, seldom,

Task Write the correct determiner Task Write the correct determiner
(some or any) into the sentences. (some or any) into the sentences.
1) There are some apples in my basket. 1) Grandpa gave some chocolate to the kids.
2) Do you buy any books? 2) Mike hasn’t got any mugs.
3) There isn’t any milk at home. 3) My friends never paint any pictures.
4) I eat some soup. 4) There’s some sand in my shoes.
5) These are some pens. 5) Steve did his homework without any help.
6) Have they got any money? 6) Paul is thinking of some good memories.
7) I am writing some tests today. 7) We often eat some ham for breakfast.
8) You can’t read any newspapers in this café. 8) Diane keeps some photos in her bag.
9) Do you collect any stickers? 9) There’s hardly any honey in the jar.
10) some children are sitting in the park. 10) I can rarely take any photos because I
11) My son has some homework. haven’t got a camera.
12) Does her daughter listen to any music? 11) Susan has some coffee and cake in the
13) Are there any films on TV? afternoons.
14) Sssh! There’s some noise outside. 12) Did you buy any butter yesterday?
15) There aren’t any cats in the garden. 13) They have some surprises for us.
14) We seldom pick any flowers.
15) I need some advice.

Underline the correct word.

1) I read some/any books on my holiday. 9) Sam always buys some / any bread.
2) Jim hasn’t got any money/moneys for the 10) I didn’t put some / any salt into the soup
ticket. yesterday.
3) Lisa wrote some letter/letters to her aunt. 11) Have your parents got any free time / times?
4) Is / Are there any bananas in your bag? 12) Can you see some / any clouds in the sky?
5) Did you eat some / any rice? 13) There is / are some cheese in the fridge.
6) There isn’t / aren’t any lemonade in the bottle. 14) Tina has got some box / boxes.
7) My father asked some information / 15) Does / Do any students leave their homework
informations about the new service. at home?
8) Some cats has / have got big ears.
Act.2 Some_Any


1.- Look! There is an elephant and a tiny mouse in the cage.

2.- There aren’t any Penguins in the zoo but there are some monkeys.

3.- I haven’t got any oil left. Can you lend me some?

4.-My father is reading a newspaper and you are playing a game.

5.-Celia isn’t wearing any sunglasses. She is wearing a pink dress.

6.-Are you waiting for a bus? No, I am waiting for a teacher.

7.-No, they aren’t watching any videos. They are doing some Homework.

8.-The policeman wears a blue uniform and some boots.

9.-Excuse me, is there a computer free?

10.-She’s got . an angry dog and a lovely cat.

11.-There wasn’t any money for me. My father gave some coins.

12.-She didn’t get any Letters from her friend.

13.-his boyfriend was an ugly person.

14.-I watched an extraordinary event at the circus.

15.-The monster has got some long legs and a big mouth.

16.-Did you get some information at the desk?

17.-We are eating some fish and drinking a glass of milk.

18.-Some short stories were really funny.

19.-I didn’t have an ice-cream. I had some crisps.

20.-She said it was an easy exercise.

21.- My mother didn’t give me any help with my homework.

22.- There is a mosquito in my bedroom.

23.- We were looking for some fingerprints.

24.- He ate some biscuits an apple and an orange.

25.-My father cooked a strawberry cake.

26.-The strong man won a sumo competition.

27.- A Scottish girl played the pipes.

28.-This is a special method to freeze food.

29.- Open a window, please. It’s too hot in here.

30.- We write a postcard and put it in an envelope.

31.-Matilda milked some cows and fed some rabbits.

32.-There wasn’t any time to finish the project.

33.-We always wanted to have some freedom.

34.-Paolo is a boy who studies English with me at school.

35.- Bobby and his sister gave the poor man some clothes and shoes.

36.-Is there any hospital near here, please?

37.-We didn’t get any tickets for the rock concert.

38.-The kite didn’t fly because it didn’t blow any air.

Act.3_How much? / How many?
Quantifiers: much / many / a lot of / lots of / plenty of / a little / a few / some


1. I need some tea. _________ do you need? 1) much luck

( ) How much ( ) How many 2) many/much fish
3) many forests
2. I need some eggs. _________ do you need? 4) much advice
( ) How much ( ) How many 5) much homework
6) many pens
3. I need some paper. _________ do you need?
( ) How much ( ) How many 7) many opportunities
8) much wood
4. I need some money. _________ do you need? 9) many ideas
( ) How much ( ) How many 10) much butter
11) many bags
5. _________ cigarettes do you smoke a day? 12) many lemons
( ) How much ( ) How many 13) much money
14) many cars
6. _________ work do you have to do? 15) many questions
( ) How much ( ) How many
16) much food
7. _________ sleep did you get last night? 17) many pancakes
( ) How much ( ) How many 18) much cheese
19) much news
8. _________ children do you have? 20) much blood
( ) How much ( ) How many 21) many cigarettes
22) much/many time
9. _________ real friends do you have? 23) much work
( ) How much ( ) How many 24) many people
25) many children
10. _________ times must I tell you?
26) much juice
( ) How much ( ) How many
27) much energy
11. _________ opportunities did you have? 28) much information
( ) How much ( ) How many 29) much hair
30) many rooms

9. How much energy do you need?

(+) BIG AMOUNT / ( - ) SMALL AMOUNT I don’t need a little energy ( - )
10. How much work do you need?
0. How much milk do you need? I need a lot of worj ( + )
I need A LOT OF milk (+) 11. How much information do you need?
1. How much fish do you need? I don’t need a little information ( - )
I don’t need a little fish ( - ) 12. How many questions do you need?
2. How many rooms do you have? I don’t need a few questions ( - )
I need a lot of rooms ( + ) 13. How much homework do you have?
3. How much juice do you need? I have much homework ( + )
I need a lot of juice ( + ) 14. How much coffee do you need?
4. How many children do you have? I don’t need dice cups coffe ( - )
I don’t have few childreni ( - ) 15. How many tables do you need?
5. How many cars do you have? I don’t need eleven tables ( - )
I don’t need a few cars ( - ) 16. How much money do you need?
6. How many bags do you need? I only need three dollars ( + )
I need a lot of bags ( + ) 17. How much advice do you need?
7. How much tea do you need? I don’t need any advice( + )
I don’t need a little tea ( - ) 18. How many people do you need?
8. How much time do you need? I need one hundre people ( + )
I need a lot of time ( + ) 19. How many ideas do you have?
I don’t have a lot of ideas ( - )
Act. 4 Working with QUANTIFIERS

1) Complete the sentences. Use some and 2) Underline a little or a few.

1. We’ve got a little/ a few luggage.
1.I’d like ________
Some apples, please.
Any coffee left. 2. Tom has got a little / a few friends here.
2. There isn’t _______
Any 3. I’m not very hungry. I want only a few/a little
3. Are there _______ parks near their
Some 4. Nick bought a few/ a little CDs for his cousin.
4 I’m going to the cinema with _______
friends tomorrow. 5. There are only a few/ a little museums in our
Any juice in the fridge? I’m
5. Is there _____
thirsty. 6. Eggs taste better with a little/ a few salt.
6. Have you got ______ money in your 7. Let’s have a coffee. I’ve got a little/a few
wallet? minutes.
7. Look? There are ______ puppies playing
in the yard.
4) Underline the correct words.
1.Jane’s going to the shops. There isn’t many / some /
any bread for breakfast.
3) Replace a lot of with much or many.
2. Any/ A little / A few students are coming to Mr.
1. There aren’t a lot of many shops in the Brown’s lecture this evening.
town centre.
3. Mary can speak a few / many / a little Chinese.
2. My elder brother doesn’t like a lot of
few of classical music. 4. There are much / a lot of / a little cars in the streets
this morning.
3. Jill doesn’t spend a lot of much time
with her friends on weekdays. 5. Sarah learned a little / a few / many German when
she was on holiday.
4. Have you got a lot of much homework
today? 6. I haven’t read much / many / a few books this
month. Have you?
5. Have you got a lot of many friends at

5) Write affirmative (+) or negative (-) sentences or questions (?) with the correct form of there is / there
1. (+) a lot of houses / in Spring street There are a lot of houses in Spring street
2. (?) much traffic / in the city centre Is there much traffic in the city centre?
3. (-) a lot of foreign students / at my school There aren´t many (a lot of) students at my school.
4. (?) much noise/ from the bus station Is there much noise from the bus station?
5. (-) some butter / in the fridge There isn´t any butter in the fridge
6. (+) a lot of parks / in Greenfield There are a lot of darks in Greenfield

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