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American-English-File-3e-Level-2 - Test Unit 1 and 2

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1A GRAMMAR  word order in questions

a Put the words in order to make the questions.

Personal information
1 name / your / ’s / what  What’s your name? Luca.
2 year / what / you / born / were
? 1983.
3 how / you / are / today
? Fine, thank you.

4 have / and / do / brothers / you / sisters / how / many
? Two brothers and one sister.
5 with / your / do / family / you / live
? No, I live alone.
6 your / what / do / parents / do
? My mom’s an engineer and my
dad’s a teacher.

7 English / why / are / learning / you
? Because I need it for my job.
8 learning / English / did / when / start / you
? When I was 12 years old.
9 speak / your / anyone / in / English / can / family
? Yes, my brother speaks English
really well.

Free time
10 do / of / what / kind / like / movies / you
? I love action movies.
11 do / out / go / how / dinner / you / often / for
? Once or twice a month.
12 a / book / reading / are / now / right / you
? Yes, I’m reading some short stories
in English.

Past time
13 your / go / vacation / did / last / where / you / for
? I went to Thailand.
14 play / did / you / any / yesterday / sports
? Yes, I played soccer.
15 last / you / were / where / night / ten o’clock / at
? I was at my friend’s house.

b Cover the questions and look at the answers. Can you remember the questions?


Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions.

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Oxford University PressGuide Level 2  Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2021
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1B GRAMMAR  simple present
Complete the conversations with the simple present form of the verbs in parentheses.

1 A Your dog is a bit overweight. (be)

B Yes, he eats too much food! (eat)

2 A How often your grandparents? (you / see)

B I usually them twice a year. (visit)

3 A here in winter? (it / snow)

B No, but it a lot. (rain)

4 A What ? (Sam’s new girlfriend / look like)

B She long blonde hair and big dark brown eyes. (have)

5 A How often to the gym? (you / go)

B Hardly ever! I exercising. (not like)

6 A your husband a vegetarian? (be)

B No, but he much meat. (not eat)

7 A What time ? (your Italian class / finish)

B It at seven o’clock. (finish)

8 A Your daughter very shy. (look)

B Yes, she much. (not talk)

9 A What ? (your English teacher / be like)

B She really kind and funny. (be)

10 A your English homework? (you / always do)

No, I sometimes ! (forget)

11 A We very well with our neighbors. (not get along)

Why not? a lot of noise? (they / make)

12 A What time ? (the grocery store / open)

I . Look online. (not know)


Write three sentences about what you do on the weekend, and three sentences about
what a person in your family does. Use adverbs or expressions of frequency.
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Oxford University PressGuide Level 2  Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2021
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1C GRAMMAR  simple present or present continuous?
Complete the conversations with the simple present or
present continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.

1 A W
 hy 1are you taking (take) a photo of
your guitar?
B I 2 (want) to sell it on eBay.
A Why? I 3 (not understand).
You 4 (play) your guitar every day!
You 5 (love) it!
B I 6 (sell) my old one because
I 7 (want) to buy a new one.
A Oh, OK.

2 A Hi. 8 you (need)

any help?
B No, thanks. I 9 (just look).
A 10 you (look) for
anything in particular?
 es, I 11 (think) of getting a
A This is one of our best-sellers. It’s real
leather. I 12 (have) it, and
I 13
(wear) it all the time.
B Yes, it’s great. Where can I try it on?

3 A You 14 (read) a book about

modern art! I 15 (not believe) it!
You 16 (hate) modern art!
B I know. But now I 17 (need) to
learn about it.
A Why?
B Because my girlfriend 18 (study)
it in college this year, and she loves it.
A What’s that picture on the left? Can I see it?
B It’s a woman, and I think she 19
(walk) in a garden…I don’t really know.
A Let me see…No, she 20 (not walk).
She 21 (fly).
B Oh, yes!


Practice the conversations with a partner.

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2A GRAMMAR  simple past: regular and irregular verbs
Complete the conversations with the simple past form of the verbs in parentheses.

1 A Is this your first time in the US, Anna?

B No, I 1had (have) a vacation in Maine last year.
A Really? I love Maine! Where 2 you
B We 3
(stay) in Bar Harbor. We 4 (book)
a hotel online, but unfortunately when we 5 (arrive)
we 6
(not like) it. So we 7
(leave) that
hotel and 8
(rent) an apartment. It was great! What
about you? When 9
(be) you in Maine?
A Oh, a long time ago. I 10 (start) a college degree
there. I 11
(not finish) the degree, but I
(love) Maine!

2 A Hi, Oliver. Welcome home! How 13 (be) your flight?

B Hi, Mom. It 14 (not be) bad. I 15 (not sleep)
much, but I 16
(watch) some good movies.
A And 17
you (like) New Zealand?
B Yes! It 18
(be) fantastic. I 19 (have) a great
time. It’s a really beautiful country and I 20 (meet)
some amazing people. I 21
(not want) to come home!
you (take) many photos?
B Yes, I 23
(take) a lot. I can show you when we
get home.

3 A Ruth! You’re back! 24 you (have)

a good vacation?
B No. It 25 (be) awful.
A Why? What happened?
B We 26 (stay) in a horrible apartment, and Tom
(think) the city was dangerous at night, so
we 28
(not go) out much in the evening.
A What 29
you (do) during the day?
you (go) sightseeing?
B Yes, we 31 (visit) all the famous places. But we
(argue) a lot. Tom 33 (buy) very
expensive souvenirs for all his family! I 34
(not buy)


Test your memory. Cover the conversations and look at the pictures.
Try to remember what happened to Anna, Oliver, and Ruth and Tom.
American English File©third 2020 edition Teacher’s
Oxford University PressGuide Level 2  Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2021
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2B GRAMMAR  past continuous
a Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the
simple past and past continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.
1 2 3

4 5 6

1 I was sleeping when you sent me the 4 They for the bus when they
message. (sleep, send) the accident. (wait, see)
2 Susan around Italy when she 5 It to rain when they
her boyfriend. (travel, meet) to school. (start, cycle)
3 We some old photos when 6 A dog into the road when I
we the house. (find, clean) home. (run, drive)

b Complete the story with the simple past or past continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.

Last summer, I 1was living (live) in Hawaii. One Saturday

morning, I 2 (wake up) early, and it
(be) a beautiful day. The sun
(shine), and I 5
(feel) really happy. I 6 (not need) to
go to work that day, so I 7 (decide)
to go surfing. Most of my friends 8

(work) and my girlfriend 9 (visit) her

parents, so I 10
(go) to the beach
alone. When I 11 (arrive), the beach
(be) already crowded. A lot of people
(sunbathe), children
(play) games, and people 15
(swim) in the ocean. Everyone
(enjoy) the lovely summer day. I 17
(put) my things
down on the beach, and then I 18 (begin) walking to the ocean with my surfboard.
Suddenly, a man 19 (shout), “Shark! Shark! Get out of the water!” At first, I
(not can) see anything, but then I 21 (see) a big shark.
Luckily, it 22
(not attack) anyone and 23
(swim) away quickly.
I 24 (not stay) at the beach after that, and I 25 (go) home
without going surfing!


Test your memory. Cover the sentences in a and look at the pictures. Try to remember the sentences.
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2C GRAMMAR  time sequencers and connectors
a Match the sentence halves and circle the correct word: so, but, because, or although.
1 The weather was awful, g a so / but I invited her to dinner.
2 I didn’t give him my phone number b because / although it had a happy ending.
3 Paul came to work c but / so we couldn’t find the house.
4 It was her birthday, d because / although I didn’t want him to call me.
5 Jake is an intelligent student, e although / because he was sick.
6 I ran to the store f so / but we had a wonderful evening.
7 They didn’t want to dance, g but / so we didn’t go out.
8 We didn’t go anywhere special, h although / because I was in a hurry.
9 It was a sad story i because / but he’s very lazy.
10 We drove along the street very slowly, j so / because they left the club early.

b Complete the story with the time sequencers and connectors from the list.

although (x2) ​because (x3) ​but (x2) ​the next day ​one evening  so (x3) ​suddenly ​two minutes later ​when

Don’t always listen

to the GPS...
Oscar Peters never wanted a GPS 1because he didn’t
like technology. And 2 his brother
gave him one as a birthday present, it directed him
into a difficult situation.
“My brother Jez loves gadgets and technology. river on the left. I could see that there was a road
Last year, he gave me a GPS for my birthday, which went through the water to the other side of
he knew I didn’t really want one. the river. The GPS said “Turn left!”, 10
Jez uses his GPS all the time 4 he I followed the instruction and turned left into the
likes listening to instructions, 5
I water. The GPS said “Go straight!”, but
prefer using a map. 11
my car was completely stuck in the
, a friend of a friend called. mud. I had my phone with me, 12 I
She needed my help, 7
I agreed to called my friend and she came to the river to help. I
drive to her house. 8
I had a map in felt terrible 13 she got very cold and
the car, I decided to use the GPS to find her town. wet in the water.
It was dark, and I wanted to get there as quickly as 14
a tractor pulled my car out of
possible. the river, 15
it was completely ruined
Everything was going fine. I was almost there, by the water. I can’t believe I made such a stupid –
but then 9
I saw there was a small and expensive – mistake!’


Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

Although Jack was very good looking,… We decided to eat out because…
The party was really boring, so… Louisa met her husband when…
I enjoyed the movie, but… I was watching TV when suddenly…
American English File©third 2020 edition Teacher’s
Oxford University PressGuide Level 2  Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2021
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