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AAPS PharmSciTech 2003; 4 (4) Article 62 (

Physical Properties and Compact Analysis of Commonly Used Direct

Compression Binders
Submitted: April 18, 2003; Accepted: October 9, 2003
Yeli Zhang,1 Yuet Law,1 and Sibu Chakrabarti1
Health Care Department, National Starch and Chemical Company, 10 Finderne Avenue, Bridgewater, NJ 08807

This study investigated the basic physico-chemical property Tablet manufacturing by direct compression (DC) has in-
and binding functionality of commonly used commercial creased steadily over the years. It offers advantages over
direct compression binders/fillers. The compressibility of other manufacturing processes, such as wet granulation, and
these materials was also analyzed using compression pa- provides high efficiency.
rameters derived from the Heckel, Kawakita, and Cooper- When formulating direct compression tablets, the choice of
Eaton equations. Five classes of excipients were evaluated, DC binder is extremely critical. It must fulfill certain re-
including microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), starch, lactose, quirements: good binding functionality and powder flow-
dicalcium phosphate (DCP), and sugar. In general, the ability are essential; a well-designed particle size distribu-
starch category exhibited the highest moisture content fol- tion provides favorable mixing conditions; compatibility
lowed by MCC, DCP, lactose, and finally sugar; DCP dis- with other excipients or drugs is also essential, as is the abil-
played the highest density, followed by sugar, lactose, ity to carry high amounts of active ingredient.1 Currently,
starch, and MCC; the material particle size is highly proc- only a few materials meet the criteria to allow their classifi-
essing dependent. The data also demonstrated that MCC had cation as DC binders.2-4 An understanding of the physico-
moderate flowability, excellent compressibility, and ex- chemical properties of these DC binders is critical for their
tremely good compact hardness; with some exceptions, proper use; therefore, one objective of this research was to
starch, lactose, and sugar generally exhibited moderate study the basic physico-chemical properties of the com-
flowability, compressibility, and hardness; DCP had excel- monly used DC binders.
lent flowability, but poor compressibility and hardness. This
research additionally confirmed the binding mechanism that The process of direct compression is a process of applying
had been well documented: MCC performs as binder be- pressure (via an upper and a lower punch) to materials held
cause of its plastic deformation under pressure; fragmenta- in a die cavity. The events that occur in the process of com-
tion is the predominant mechanism in the case of lactose and pression are (1) transitional repacking, (2) deformation at
DCP; starch and sugar perform by both mechanisms. point of contact, (3) fragmentation and/or deformation, (4)
bonding, (5) deformation of the solid body, (6) decompres-
sion, and (7) ejection.5 Therefore, another extremely impor-
KEYWORDS: direct compression, binder, tensile tant functionality of DC binders is their compressibility un-
strength, Heckel analysis, Kawakita analysis, Cooper- der pressure, which is predominantly determined by mate-
Eaton analysis rial properties such as surface energy and deformation. In
the pharmaceutical industry, the measurement of porosity
change as a function of compression pressure is widely used
in describing the above powder compression process. The
compressibility of a powder bed could be obtained from the
relationship between porosity and applied pressure.6 There-
Corresponding Author: Yeli Zhang, Health Care fore, another objective of this study was to evaluate the
Department, National Starch and Chemical Company, compressibility of commonly used binder-fillers by studying
10 Finderne Avenue, Bridgewater, NJ 08807; the porosity-pressure relationship in an attempt to under-
Tel: (908) 575-7234; Fax: (908) 707-3712; stand, characterize, and compare the binding functionality of
Email: these materials.

AAPS PharmSciTech 2003; 4 (4) Article 62 (
Table 1. Common Commercial DC binder-fillers*
Excipient Market/Trade Name Manufacturer Supplier
Microcrystalline cellulose Avicel PH101 FMC Corp
Avicel PH102 FMC Corp
SMCC 50 Penwest Pharmaceutical
SMCC 90 Penwest Pharmaceutical
Pregelatinized starch UNI-PURE DW National Starch & Chemical Co
UNI-PURE LD National Starch & Chemical Co
Starch 1500 Colorcon Inc
Spress B820 Grain Processing Corp
Lactose DC-Lactose Quest International Inc
Fast-Flo no. 316 Foremost Ingredients Group
Dibasic calcium phosphate DI-TAB Rhodia Inc
A-TAB Rhodia Inc
Emcompress Edward Mendell Co Inc
Sugar Di-Pac Domino Specialty Ingredients
Sorbitol-Instant-Pharma EM Industries
ParTeck M300 EM Industries
*DC indicates direct compression.

The bulk and tap density of the excipients was determined
The excipients evaluated in this study were purchased from according to the following method: a 50-mL glass cylinder
commercial suppliers and used as received. They are listed was weighed and filled with 30 mL of powder and re-
in Table 1. weighed. The opening was secured with parafilm. The cyl-
inder was gently reversed once, and the powder was care-
Powder Evaluation fully leveled without compacting. Bulk volume was deter-
mined after 1 mechanical tap on a tap density tester (model
Moisture Content SWM 22, Erweka, Heusenstamm, Germany). Tap volume
The moisture content of the excipients was determined gra- was measured after 2000 taps. Each analysis was repeated
vimetrically on a Sartorius MA-40 moisture balance (Sarto- twice.
rius, Goettingen, Germany). Approximately 5 g of sample The true density of each material was determined by a he-
was uniformly placed onto the sample pan, and then the lium pycnometer (AccuPyc 1330, Micrometitics Instrument
heating cycle was started. The percentage of moisture con- Inc., Norcross, GA). The accuracy of the pycnometer was
tent was calculated from the weight loss of the sample by checked using a standard steel sphere before measurements
heating. The instrument was allowed to cool between tests on a series of samples. The experimental sample was accu-
and a triplicate test was run for each sample. rately weighed and loaded into the sample cell. The sample
volume was computed by measurements of the pressure
observed by filling the sample chamber with ultra-high pure
Particle Size
helium gas followed by discharging the gas into a second
The particle size and its distribution for all samples were empty chamber. The measurements were repeated for 10
measured by Malvern Mastersizer 2000 (Malvern Instru- such cycles.
ments Ltd, Worcestershire, UK). Approximately 5 mL of
powder was used for each measurement. The air pressure
was set at 2.0 bar, and the feed rate was set at 50%. The Flow Property
mass median diameter (particle size at which 50% by vol- The flow behavior of each binder was measured using an
ume of the sample is smaller and 50% by volume is larger) automated powder flowability analyzer (API Aero-flow,
and particle size distribution were recorded. Each sample Amherst Process Instruments Inc, Hadley, MA . Powder (50
was measured 3 times. mL) was placed in a transparent rotating drum, and the re-
sultant avalanche was detected by the obscuration of photo-
cells located behind the drum. The drum rotation speed was
kept constant at 180 rpm, and the sampling rate was main-
tained at 5 Hz. The data were collected using the data acqui-

AAPS PharmSciTech 2003; 4 (4) Article 62 (
sition software, and the mean times for avalanche and scat- where σχ is the tensile strength (MPa); x is the force required
ter for 3 runs were recorded. to cause failure in tension (N); d is the diameter of the com-
pact (mm); and t is the thickness of the compact (mm).

Compact Preparation and Evaluation The use of tensile strength allows the dimensions of the
compact to be taken into account, which is in contrast to the
Compression use of crushing strength. Only the force that led to sample
Compact compression was performed on a single-station failure in tension was used for the calculation of tensile
manual tablet press (model MTCM-1, GlobePharma Inc, strength.
New Brunswick, NJ). Ten different compaction forces
(from 2.2 kN to 22 kN) were used for each material. For
each compact (n = 3), 600 mg of powder was weighed on an Heckel Analysis
analytical balance, and then manually filled into the die. A The Heckel equation is described as follows (Equation 5). It
flat-faced punch with a diameter of one-half inch was used. is based on the assumption that powder compression follows
Each compact was weighed accurately, and its dimensions first-order kinetics, with the interparticulate pores as the re-
(diameter and thickness) were measured with a digital slide actant and the densification of the powder bed as the prod-
caliper (Starett, The L. S. Starett Co, Athol, MA). This in- uct.9
formation was used for the calculation of relative density (5)
(Equation 1), porosity (Equation 2), and degree of volume ln = kP + A
reduction (Equation 3), which are essential parameters for 1− D
Heckel, Kawakita, and Cooper-Eaten analysis.
where D is the relative density of a powder compact at pres-
ρA (1) sure P. Constant k is a measure of the plasticity of a com-
D= pressed material. Constant A is related to the die filling and
ρT particle rearrangement before deformation and bonding of
the discrete particles.6 Thus, a Heckel plot allows for the
ε = 1− D (2) interpretation of the mechanism of bonding.

ρ0 (3)
C = 1− Kawakita Analysis
The Kawakita equation is described as follows (Equation 6).
In each equation, D is the relative density of a powder com- This equation describes the relationship between the degree
pact at pressure P; ρA is the apparent density of a powder of volume reduction of the powder column and the applied
compact at pressure P; ρT is the true density of a powder; ε is pressure.10 The basis for the Kawakita equation for powder
the porosity; C is the degree of volume reduction of a pow- compression is that particles subjected to a compressive load
der compact at pressure P; and ρ0 is the bulk density of a in a confined space are viewed as a system in equilibrium at
powder. all stages of compression, so that the product of the pressure
term and the volume term is a constant.

Hardness P P 1 (6)
= +
Crushing strength of a compact was determined by com- C a ab
pressing a compact diametrically on a Pharmatron tablet
tester (model 6D, Dr Schleuniger Pharmatron Inc, Manches- where C is the degree of volume reduction of a powder
ter, NH). The radial tensile strength of the compacts was compact at pressure P. The constants (a and b) can be
calculated from the compact crushing strength and compact evaluated from a plot of P/C versus P. A value of a is in-
thickness in accordance with Fell and Newton's method,7,8 in dicative of the total volume reduction for the powder bed,
which the radial tensile strength σχ is given by and b is a constant that is inversely related to the yield
strength of the particles. The data from this study were mod-
2x (4) eled via the Kawakita equation in an attempt to evaluate the
σx = relationship between the volume reduction and applied pres-
sure for each studied DC binder.

AAPS PharmSciTech 2003; 4 (4) Article 62 (
Table 2. Particle Size, Moisture Content, and Density of Studied DC Binder-Fillers*
Density (g/mL)
Sample Particle Size (µm) Moisture Content (%)
Bulk Tap True
Avicel PH 101 56.3 ± 0.4 5.1 ± 0.2 0.34 ± 0.0 0.41 ± 0.00 1.64 ± 0.01
Avicel PH 102 113.8 ± 1.1 4.9 ± 0.3 0.36 ± 0.01 0.42 ± 0.01 1.62 ± 0.00
SMCC 50 59.8 ± 0.7 5.6 ± 0.4 0.32 ± 0.00 0.40 ± 0.00 1.62 ± 0.00
SMCC 90 126.4 ± 0.5 5.1 ± 0.2 0.47 ± 0.00 0.54 ± 0.01 1.64 ± 0.00
UNI-PURE DW 59.6 ± 0.8 7.3 ± 0.4 0.57 ± 0.00 0.67 ± 0.00 1.53 ± 0.00
UNI-PURE LD 32.9 ± 0.7 7.1 ± 0.3 0.14 ± 0.01 0.17 ± 0.01 1.41 ± 0.00
Starch 1500 78.2 ± 0.4 10.9 ± 0.2 0.61 ± 0.01 0.71 ± 0.01 1.52 ± 0.00
Spress B820 93.9 ± 0.1 9.8 ± 0.3 0.59 ± 0.01 0.70 ± 0.01 1.57 ± 0.01
DC-Lactose 136.0 ± 2.5 1.6 ± 0.2 0.53 ± 0.01 0.62 ± 0.00 1.60 ± 0.01
Fast-Flo no. 316 72.9 ± 0.7 4.9 ± 0.4 0.51 ± 0.01 0.60 ± 0.01 1.61 ± 0.01
DI TAB 196.1 ± 1.9 5.6 ± 0.2 0.87 ± 0.00 1.01 ± 0.00 2.32 ± 0.01
A-TAB 144.7 ± 1.2 1.3 ± 0.1 0.74 ± 0.00 0.85 ± 0.00 3.05 ± 0.02
Emcompress 189.1 ± 1.3 6.9 ± 0.4 0.94 ± 0.01 1.10 ± 0.01 2.35 ± 0.02
Di-Pac 255.4 ± 2.3 0.9 ± 0.1 0.67 ± 0.01 0.72 ± 0.01 1.64 ± 0.01
Sorbitol-Instant-Pharma 303.8 ± 1.2 0.7 ± 0.0 0.41 ± 0.00 0.50 ± 0.00 1.53 ± 0.00
ParTeck M300 112.3 ± 1.5 0.7 ± 0.1 0.43 ± 0.00 0.50 ± 0.00 1.52 ± 0.01
*DC indicates direct compression.

Cooper-Eaton Analysis
The Cooper-Eaton equation is described as follows (Equa-
tion 7). This equation considers that powder compaction Powder Properties
occurs in 2 stages. The first stage is the filling of the voids in Moisture Content
the powder-by-powder rearrangement. The second stage The moisture contents for the excipients are listed in Table
proceeds via elastic deformation, plastic flow, and/or frag- 2. All excipients were within United States Pharmacopeia
mentation of the compressed particles.6 moisture content specifications. In general, the starch cate-
gory exhibited the highest moisture content followed by
 1 1 (7)
 −  MCC, DCP, lactose, and finally sugar.
 0 D  = a exp − k1  + a exp − k 2 
1   2  
 1   P  P
 − 1 Particle Size
 D0 
The mass mean diameters for all samples are listed in Table
where D0 is the relative density at zero pressure, and D is the 2 and their particle size distribution curves are shown in
relative density at pressure P. Cooper-Eaton constants a1 Figure 1. UNI-PURE LD (National Starch & Chemical Co,
and a2 describe the theoretical maximum densification that Bridgewater, NJ) showed a bimodal particle size distribution
could be achieved by filling voids of the same size (a1) and curve because UNI-PURE LD is a coprocessed starch that
of a smaller size (a2) than the actual particles. The most contains 2 components. The particle size distribution curves
probable pressures at which the respective densification for all other samples are unimodal. However, some unimo-
processes would occur are described by k1 and k2. The data dal distribution curves do have shoulders or are skewed. The
from this study were modeled via the Cooper-Eaton equa- difference in particle size and its distribution would affect
tion in an attempt to evaluate the stages of volume reduc- the performance of the material as a DC binder.1

The bulk, tap, and true densities for the excipients are listed
in Table 2. DCP has the highest bulk and tap densities, fol-
lowed by sugar, lactose, starch, and MCC. The exception is

AAPS PharmSciTech 2003; 4 (4) Article 62 (

Figure 1. Particle size distributions of studied DC binder-fillers.

UNI-PURE LD in starch category, which is purposely de- Flow Property

signed to have very low density. Comparing true density to Dynamic powder flow characteristics were evaluated by
bulk and tap densities, the true density of these commercial powder avalanche and scatter in a rotating drum. Results
binder-fillers is quite close to each other with the exception from avalanching measurements are described as “strange
of DCP. attractor plots,” and numerical values are sought to quantify
the avalanching process. A strange attractor plot is con-
structed by joining points defined by the time between a set

AAPS PharmSciTech 2003; 4 (4) Article 62 (

Figure 2. Flow behavior of studied DC binder-fillers.

of avalanches (tn, tn+1) and similar subsequent events (tn+2, The flowability is typically determined by powder proper-
tn+3). The centroid of this plot is called the mean time to ava- ties such as density, surface area, moisture content, particle
lanche (MTA). The expansion of the strange attractor plot in shape, particle size, and size distribution.11 In general, DCP
the X- and Y-directions reflects the time scatter of the ava- exhibited the best flow property (ie, the smallest MTA)
lanching process. MTA is the measure of the flowability of among the studied excipients, followed by sugar, lactose,
the powder, and the scatter value defines the regularity of MCC, and starch.
the flow behavior. A powder with good flow properties will Avicel PH 102 (FMC Corp, Newark, DE) showed better
have an MTA close to zero and a low scatter value. The rep- flow than Avicel PH 101(FMC Corp) because Avicel PH
resentative strange attractor plots for all studied materials 102 has bigger particle size, and the particle shape is more
are shown in Figure 2. The mean time for avalanche and spherical than Avicel PH 101 (rod-like particle).1,12,13 Silici-
scatter from 3 runs is summarized in Table 3. fied microcrystalline cellulose (SMCC 50 and 90) (Penwest
Pharmaceutical, Patterson, NY) improved the flow property

AAPS PharmSciTech 2003; 4 (4) Article 62 (
Table 3. Flow Behavior of Studied DC Binder-Fillers*
Mean Time for Avalanche Mean Time for Scatter (Sec-
(Seconds) onds)
Avicel PH 101 8.60 ± 0.33 2.73 ± 0.20
Avicel PH 102 5.74 ± 0.12 2.35 ± 0.11
SMCC 50 5.42 ± 0.07 2.67 ± 0.07
SMCC 90 3.88 ± 0.27 1.79 ± 0.04
UNI PURE DW 7.84 ± 0.10 3.41 ± 0.22
UNI PURE LD 19.00 ± 1.29 8.76 ± 1.34
Starch 1500 10.27 ± 0.25 3.76 ± 0.43
Spress B820 4.73 ± 0.17 2.52 ± 0.09
DC-Lactose 7.21 ± 0.28 3.08 ± 0.27
Fast-Flo no. 316 5.88 ± 0.14 2.32 ± 0.14
DI-TAB 3.51 ± 0.04 0.81 ± 0.15
A-TAB 3.19 ± 0.08 0.75 ± 0.09
Emcompress 3.91 ± 0.25 1.47 ± 0.19
Di-Pac 4.62 ± 0.04 0.58 ± 0.05
Sorbitol-Instant-Pharma 4.14 ± 0.18 0.70 ± 0.03
ParTeck M300 4.35 ± 0.18 0.75 ± 0.08
*DC indicates direct compression. Data are given as mean ± SD (n = 3).

of regular microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel PH 101 and tensile strength of starch, lactose, and sugar compact fell in
102). SMCC 90 showed better flow than SMCC 50 because between. The exceptions were compacts made of UNI-
of bigger particle size and higher density. Although the bulk PURE LD and Sorbitol-Instant-Pharma (EM Industries,
density of starch is generally higher than that of MCC, the Darmstadt, Germany), which exhibited similar tensile
poor flowability of these excipients when compared with strength to MCC.
MCC may be attributed to the high moisture content, which All studied MCC materials showed excellent compact hard-
resulted in strong cohesion between particles. The very poor ness. According to Bolhuis,1 Lee et al,12 and Tsai et al,13
flowability of UNI-PURE LD comes from its extremely low hydrogen bonding played a big role in compact hardness.
bulk density and small particle size. The spherical particle Hydrogen bonding is important because MCC undergoes
shape of spray-dried DC-Lactose (Quest International Inc, significant plastic deformation during compression bringing
Norwich, NY) and Fast-Flo no. 316 (Foremost Farms, an extremely large surface area into close contact and facili-
Baraboo, WI) gave them moderate flow.1,14 The sugar cate- tating hydrogen bond formation between the plastically de-
gory generally showed good flow behavior. This may come formed, adjacent cellulose particles. In addition, the exis-
from their large particle size, spherical particle shape, and tence of moisture within the porous structure of MCC acts
low moisture content. The large particle size and high den- as an internal lubricant. This facilitates slippage and flow
sity of DCP are important factors for their excellent flow within the individual microcrystals during plastic deforma-
property. tion, which enforces the formation of hydrogen bond
bridges and gives MCC a very good hardness.
Compact Properties Except for UNI-PURE LD, studied starch compacts gener-
Hardness ally have low hardness. It was reported that in comparison
with other plastically deforming materials, such as MCC,
The radial tensile strength results are shown in Figure 3. the plastic deformation of starch during compression is too
The crushing strength values for compacts made of UNI- slow to produce adequate interparticle binding during rapid
PURE LD, Sorbitol-Instant-Pharma, and all MCC exceeded compression.1 The slight difference of tensile strength
the instrument high limit, and hence only partial values have among UNI-PURE DW (National Starch & Chemical Co,
been reported. A linear relation between tensile strength and Bridgewater, NJ), Starch 1500 (Colorcon Inc, Indianapolis,
compression pressure was observed for all excipients under IN), and Spress B820 (Grain Processing Corp, Muscatine,
the condition of the test. Results demonstrated that as the IA) may be attributed to their different degree of gelatiniza-
compression force increases, tensile strength also increases. tion, moisture content, particle size and distribution, and
At the same compression force, MCC produced the hardest particle shape (data not shown). UNI-PURE LD powder
compacts, whereas DCP produced the softest compacts. The

AAPS PharmSciTech 2003; 4 (4) Article 62 (

Figure 3. Radial tensile strength of studied DC binder-fillers.

consists of hollow spherical particles (scanning electron mi- fragmentation. Fragmentation creates a large number of
croscope data not shown), which contributed to its very low small particles, thus the number of contact points that sup-
density. These unique characteristics of UNI-PURE LD give port the applied load is large, so that the stress on each con-
it excellent compressibility, binding functionality, and hard- tact point is relatively small. The strength of bonds formed
ness. in compacts will therefore be relatively low.
Lactose produced soft compacts as shown in Figure 3. Ac- DCP exhibited poor binding properties. Because of the brit-
cording to van der Voort Maarschalk and Bolhuis15,16 and tle nature of DCP, it undergoes considerable fragmentation
Cole et al,17 lactose compacts are consolidated by both plas- during compression. Fracture creates a large number of in-
tic deformation and fragmentation, but to a larger extent by terparticulate contact points, which imply that a compara-

AAPS PharmSciTech 2003; 4 (4) Article 62 (
Table 4. Heckel Plot Constants of Studied DC Binder-Fillers*
Excipient k (1/MPa) A r2
Avicel PH101 3.54 × 10–2 0.726 0.96
Avicel PH102 3.77 × 10–2 0.638 0.97
SMCC 50 3.74 × 10–2 0.596 0.98
SMCC 90 3.27 × 10–2 0.702 0.96
UNI-PURE DW 2.48 × 10–2 0.640 0.99
UNI-PURE LD 4.10 × 10–2 0.597 0.97
Starch 1500 2.93 × 10–2 0.851 0.97
Spress B820 2.64 × 10–2 0.758 0.98
DC-Lactose 2.23 × 10–2 0.980 0.99
Fast-Flo no. 316 2.36 × 10–2 0.932 0.96
DI-TAB 1.93 × 10–2 0.958 0.89
A-TAB 0.87 × 10–2 0.554 0.89
Emcompress 1.70 × 10–2 1.011 0.94
Di-Pac 2.46 × 10–2 1.017 0.96
Sorbitol-Instant-Pharma 4.60 × 10–2 1.038 0.94
ParTeck M300 2.32 × 10–2 0.918 0.97
*DC indicates direct compression.

tively weak type of bonding is involved.1,15,16,18 Thus, the eral, showed the lowest compressibility. The compressibility
compact strength is low. of starch, lactose, and sugar fell in between. In terms of b
Di-Pac (Domino Specialty Ingredients, Baltimore, MD) be- parameter, generally, UNI-PURE LD showed the lowest
haved as an intermediate between plastic deformation and yield strength, followed by MCC and the lactose category.
complete fragmentation, in which, particle fracture played a The class of DCP and starch showed the highest yield
more dominant role than plastic deformation. Di-Pac com- strength. In the sugar category, Sorbitol-Instant-Pharma and
pacts correspond to an intermediate hardness among the ParTeck M300 demonstrated a lower yield strength,
studied excipients.1 Chemically, Sorbitol-Instant-Pharma is whereas Di-Pac exhibited a higher yield strength.
an isomer of ParTeck (EM Industries,Hawthorne, NY)
M300. However, studies showed that their compact strength Cooper-Eaton Equation
was strongly dependent on particle structure, particle size
distribution, and density. Therefore, a different level of The Cooper-Eaton constants for the excipients, profiled by
compact hardness was observed.1,19 the Cooper-Eaton equation, are listed in Table 6. If the sum
a1 + a2 is greater than unity, a nonporous compact can be
obtained at lower pressures.6 For most of the studied bind-
Heckel Plots ers, the sum a1 + a2 was closer or greater than unity, which
The constants for the Heckel plots of the excipients evalu- indicated that a nonporous compact could be obtained with
ated in this study are displayed in Table 4. The slope of the these binders at studied pressure.
Heckel plot (k) is indicative of the plastic behavior of the It is worth mentioning that the compact hardness and com-
material.6,9 A larger value for the slope is related to a greater pressibility results in this study were based on a manual tab-
amount of plasticity in the material. Generally, the plasticity let press. Because of its inherent problems, some of these
decreases in the following order: MCC > lactose, sugar, results may not be consistent with values obtained from a
starch > DCP. The exceptions are UNI-PURE LD and Sor- compaction simulator.1,10 However, the results from this
bitol-Instant-Pharma, which exhibited a high plasticity simi- study are a valuable complement to that from a compaction
lar to MCC. simulator.

Kawakita Equation CONCLUSION

The Kawakita constants a and b for each of the excipients This study confirmed the binding mechanism that already
evaluated are listed in Table 5. In terms of a parameter, had been reported by others. For instance, MCC performs as
UNI-PURE LD exhibited the highest compressibility, fol- binder because of its plastic deformation under pressure,
lowed by MCC and Sorbitol-Instant-Pharma. DCP, in gen- whereas fragmentation is the predominant mechanism in

AAPS PharmSciTech 2003; 4 (4) Article 62 (
Table 5. Kawakita Constants of Studied DC Binder-Fillers*
Excipient a b r2
Avicel PH101 0.7839 0.1561 0.9999
Avicel PH102 0.7823 0.1197 0.9999
SMCC 50 0.8028 0.1297 0.9999
SMCC 90 0.7072 0.0834 0.9999
UNI-PURE DW 0.6112 0.0366 0.9953
UNI-PURE LD 0.9098 0.3415 0.9999
Starch 1500 0.5825 0.0573 0.9996
Spress B820 0.5975 0.0504 0.9994
DC-Lactose 0.6300 0.1266 0.9991
Fast-Flo no. 316 0.6435 0.1222 0.9994
DI-TAB 0.5628 0.0967 0.9988
A-TAB 0.6120 0.0980 0.9998
Emcompress 0.5298 0.0996 0.9996
Di-Pac 0.5530 0.0845 0.9995
Sorbitol-Instant-Pharma 0.7332 0.1973 0.9999
ParTeck M300 0.6804 0.1491 0.9997
*DC indicates direct compression.

Table 6. Cooper-Eaton Constants of Studied DC Binder-Fillers*

Excipient a1 a2 k1 k2 r2 a1+a2
Avicel PH101 0.5535 0.4418 0.2185 14.8818 0.9999 0.9953
Avicel PH102 0.7797 0.2227 4.0461 23.1731 0.9998 1.0024
SMCC 50 0.5519 0.4518 0.3268 17.5327 0.9990 1.0037
SMCC 90 0.3892 0.6026 0.0000 19.2785 0.9998 0.9918
UNI-PURE DW 0.5178 0.5432 2.2523 80.8271 0.9979 1.0610
UNI-PURE LD 0.9733 0.0409 1.6171 100.7765 0.9938 1.0142
Starch 1500 0.6887 0.3103 5.3200 60.4232 0.9992 0.9990
Spress B820 0.4599 0.5236 0.7261 42.3111 0.9992 0.9835
DC-Lactose 0.7968 0.2028 1.5997 98.1531 0.9933 0.9996
Fast-Flo no. 316 0.8954 0.2859 4.8115 342.0391 0.9966 1.1813
DI-TAB 0.5900 0.3489 0.0000 44.9345 0.9795 0.9389
A-TAB 0.4722 0.3490 0.0000 30.1026 0.9939 0.8212
Emcompress 0.8022 0.1420 5.2044 152.5689 0.9991 0.9442
Di-Pac 0.8232 0.1532 5.7795 106.0182 0.9973 0.9764
Sorbitol-Instant-Pharma 0.5842 0.4218 0.0000 13.3857 0.9975 1.0060
ParTeck M300 0.8340 0.1453 2.2077 75.3577 0.9983 0.9793
*DC indicates direct compression.

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