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Formulation and Characterization of Clarithromycin Floating Tablets by Using Various Polymers

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

9(10), 766-776

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Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/13609



Nitija Prakash Kawade and Vaibhav V. Changediya

Department of Pharmaceutics, Maharashtra State, India. Vedprakash Patil College of Pharmacy, Aurangabad.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History The present study outlines a systematic approach for designing and
Received: 29 August 2021 development of Clarithromycin floating tablets to enhance the
Final Accepted: 30 September 2021 bioavailability and therapeutic efficacy of the drug. Floating tablets of
Published: October 2021 Clarithromycin have shown sustained release there by proper duration
of action at a particular site and are designed to prolong the gastric
Key words:-
Clarithromycin, Chitosan, HPMC residence time after oral administration. Different formulations were
K4M, Ethyl Cellulose formulated by using direct compression technique. A floating drug
delivery system (FDDS) was developed by using sodium bicarbonate
as gas-forming agent and Chitosan, HPMC K4M and Ethyl cellulose as
polymers. The preformulation parameters like Organoleptic properties,
angle of repose, bulk density, tapped density, Hausner’s ratio, carr’s
index and compressibility index of pure drug was evaluated and
complied with the pharmacopoeial specifications. FTIR studies showed
there was no interaction between drug and polymer. The prepared
tablets were evaluated in terms of their physical characteristics, post
compression parameters; in vitro release and buoyancy lag time the
results of the in vitro release studies showed that the optimized
formulation (C7) could sustain drug release for 12 hrs by using Ethyl
cellulose in the concentration of 50 mg. The in vitro drug release
followed Kors Mayer peppas release. Results revealed that the floating
formulation of the Clarithromycin is the best formulation to obtain
better therapeutic effect and Ethyl cellulose at a concentration of 50mg
up to some extent it increases the Bioavailability of the drug to retain
the dosage form on the desired site for effective period of the time.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2021,. All rights reserved.

Gastric Floating Drug Delivery systems (GFDDS)
The various buoyant preparationsinclude tablets, pills, granules, powders, capsules, hollow, Microspheres (micro
balloons) and laminated filmsGFDDS1.

Non-Effervescent GFDDS2
The approach involved in the formulation of floating dosage forms is intimate mixing of drug with a gel forming
hydrocolloid, which swells in contact with gastric fluid after oral administration and maintains a relative integrity of
shape and a bulk density of less than one within the outer gelatinous barrier as shown in figure 1a.

Corresponding Author:- Nitija Prakash Kawade

Address:- Department of Pharmaceutics, Maharashtra State, India. Vedprakash Patil College of 766
Pharmacy, Aurangabad.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 766-776

Effervescent GFDDS:
The floating drug delivery systems utilize matrices prepared with swellable polymers such as methocel,
polysaccharides, effervescent components like sodium bicarbonate, citric acid and tartaric acid or chambers
containing a liquid that gasifies at body temperature. The optimal stoichiometric ratio of citric acid and sodium
bicarbonate for gas generation is reported to be 0.76:1 carbon dioxide is released, causing the beads to float in the
stomach3 The matrices are fabricated so that upon contact with gastric fluid, carbon dioxide is liberated by the
acidity of gastric contents and is entrapped in the gellyfied hydrocolloid.

Figure 1:- Mechanisms of a) Swelling system b) Non-Effervescent and c) Effervescent GFDDS.

Materials and Methods:-

Chemicals Used
ClarithromycinProcured From Maxwell Life Science, Mumbai (India). Chitosan, and HPMC K4M from Colorcon
Asia Pvt Ltd (Goa, India), Ethyl cellulose and talc from Chemdyes Corporation (Ahmedabad, India), NaHCO3 and
Citric acid from Poona Chemicals Laboratories (Pune, India) and Magnesium stearate from S.D. Fine Chemicals,
Mumbai, India.

Instruments Used
AnalyticalBalance (Shimadzu, Japan.), FTIRSpectrophotometer (Bruker FTIR Germany(AlphaT),
DissolutionApparatus (Electro labTDT-08L), UVSpectrophotometer (U.V 1700 Shimadzu, Japan.),X-
Raydiffractometer (Bruker-AXS- DHR-2 ).

Analytical method development

Construction ofStandard GraphofClarithromycinin0.1N HCLbufferbyusing theUVmethod 6
10mg Clarithromycin pure drug was dissolved in 10ml of methanol (stock solution1) from stock solution 1ml of
solution was taken and made up with10ml of 0.1N HCL (100μg/ml). From here 1ml was taken and composed with
10 ml of 0.1N HCL (10μg/ml). The above solution was further diluted with 0.1N HCL to obtain a series of dilutions
Containing 2, 4, 6, 8, 10g /ml of per ml of solution. The absorbance of the above dilutions was measured at210nm
by using UV-Spectrophotometer taking 0.1N HCL as blank. Then plotted agraph of concentration on the X-Axis and
Absorbance on Y-Axis which gives a straight line Linearity of standard curve is evaluated from the square of
correlation coefficient (R2)which determined by least-square linear regression analysis.

Precompression Studies
Angle of repose
The angle of repose is calculated using the following formula:
Tanθ = h / r Tanθ= Angle of repose
h = Height of the cone, r = Radius of the cone base

Bulk density
The bulk density is calculated using theformula:
Bulk Density = M / Vo
Where, M = weight of sample
Vo = apparent volume of powder

Tapped density
The exploited density is calculated, in gm perL, using the formula:

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 766-776

Tap= M / V
Where, Tap= Tapped Density
M = Weight of sample
V= Tapped volume of powder

Measures of powder compressibility

The Compressibility Index (Carr’s Index) is a measure of the tendency of apowdertobecompress.intheCompressibility
Indexwhichiscalculated using the following formula:
Carr’s Index = [(tap - b) / tap] × 100
Where, b = Bulk Density
Tap= Tapped Density

Formulation development of floating Tablets of Clarithromycin

Procedure for direct compression method:
1. Drug and all other ingredients were individually passed through sieve no  60.
2. All the ingredients were mixed thoroughly by triturating up to 15 min.
3. The powder mixture was lubricated with talc.
4. The tablets were prepared by using direct compression method by using 12 mm punch.

Table 1:- Formulation composition for Floating tablets.

(MG) C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9
Clarithromycin 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
Chitosan 50 100 150 - - - - - -
HPMC K4M - - - 50 100 150 - - -
Ethyl cellulose - - - - - - 50 100 150
NaHCO3 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Citric acid 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Magnesium stearate 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Talc 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Lactose 156 106 56 156 106 56 156 106 56
Total weight 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
All the quantities were in mg

Evaluation of post compression parameters for prepared Tablets

The designed compression tablets were studied for their physicochemical properties like weight variation, hardness,
thickness, friability and drug content.

Average Weight
The percent deviation is calculated using the following formula.
% Deviation = (Individual weight – Average weight / Average weight) × 100

Hardness of tabletwas determined using Monsanto hardness testerand the average is calculated and presented with

The mean thickness for core and coated tablets were calculated and presented with a deviation.

It is measured of mechanical strength of tablets. Roche friabilator was used to determine the friability by following
procedure. Preweighed tablets were placed in the friabilator. The tablets were rotated at 25 rpm for 4 minutes (100
rotations). At the end of the test, the tablets were reweighed andthe tablet weight loss was a measure of friability and
is expressed as a percentage as
% Friability = [( W1-W2) / W1] × 100

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 766-776

Where, W1 = Initial weight of tablets

W2 = Weight of the tablets after test

Determination of drug content

Bothsqueeze-coated tablets were tested for drug content. Ten tablets were finely powdered quantities of the powder
equivalent to one tablet weight of Clarithromycin were accurately weighed, transferred to a 100 ml volumetric flask
containing 50 ml water and were allowed to stand to ensure complete solubility of the drug. The mixture was made up
to volume with water. The solution was appropriately diluted and the absorbance was determined with a UV –Visible
spectrophotometer. Drug concentration was calculated from the calibration curve.

In vitro Buoyancy studies

In vitro buoyancy is determined from the fluctuation time and the total fluctuation time. (As per the method
described by Rosa et al) The tablets were placed in a 100ml beaker containing 0.1N HCL. The time required for the
tablet to rise to the surface and float was determined as floating lag time (FLT) and the length of time the tablet
fluctuated continuously based on the melting medium was recorded as Total Floating Time.

In vitro drug release studies

900ml 0f 0.1 HCL was placed on board and USP II equipment (Paddle Method) assembled. The medium was
allowed to equilibrate to temp of 37°c + 0.5°c. Tablet was placed in the vessel and the vessel was covered the
apparatus was operated for 12 hours and then the medium 0.1 N HCL was taken and process was continued from 0.5
to 12hrs at 50 rpm. At the specified time interval 5ml of the receptors fluid is withdrawn, filtered and back 5ml of
receptor fluid is replaced. Suitable dilutions were done with media and analyzedby spectrophotometrically at 210nm
using UV-spectrophotometer.

Application of release rate kinetics to dissolution data11

Various models have been tested to explain drug relase kinetics. To analyze the mechanism of the drug release rate
kinetics of the dosage form, the obtained data were fitted into zero-order, first order, Higuchi, and Korsmeyer-Peppas
release model.

Compatibility between pure drug and excipient was detected by the FTIR spectrum obtained on the german Bruker
FTIR (Alpha T).The solid powder sample is placed directly on the yellow crystal that is made up of ZnSe. The
spectra were recorded over the wave number of 4000cm-1 to 550cm-1.

Powder X-ray diffraction

X-Ray diffraction pattern of pure drug, and Polymers were examined by using X-Raydiffractometer (Bruker-AXS-
DHR-2 ) using Cr filtered (a) radiations,a voltage of 40kv, current of 25mA and receiving slit of 0.2 In.
Theinstruments were operated over 2? Scale. The angular range was 5 to50o(2?) and counts were accumulated for
0.8 second at each step.

Results and Discussion:-

Preparation of Calibration curve for Clarithromycin
Table 2:- CalibrationcurveofClarithromycin.
Conc [µg/mL] Abs
0 0
2 0.137
4 0.261
6 0.378
8 0.497
10 0.613

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 766-776

Figure 2:- Calibration curve of Clarithromycin.

The standard graph of Clarithromycin showed good linearity with R2 of 0.999, which indicates that it obeys “Beer-
Lamberts” law.

Preformulation parameters of powder blend

Table 3:- Pre-Formulation Parameters of Blend.
Formulation Angle of Bulk density Tapped density Carr’s index Hausner’s
Code Repose (gm/mL) (gm/mL) (%) Ratio
F1 22.44±0.2 0.58±0.01 0.66±0.01 11.81±2.2 1.13±0.02
F2 22.83±0.4 0.43±0.03 0.50±0.02 13.2±2.0 1.15±0.02
F3 23.31±0.3 0.47±0.02 0.55±0.03 14.23±2.0 1.16±0.23
F4 23.44±0.4 0.50±0.01 0.58±0.01 14.96±2.2 1.17±0.03
F5 22.16±0.2 0.48±0.02 0.55±0.01 12.14±4.9 0.65±0.23
F6 23.37±0.4 0.53±0.03 0.58±0.04 8.62±2.2 1.09±0.03
F7 23.53±0.5 0.55±0.02 0.61±0.03 9.84±2.0 1.11±0.03
F8 23.77±0.4 0.55±0.01 0.59±0.02 6.78±2.0 1.07±0.03
F9 23.04±0.3 0.54±0.01 0.57±0.01 5.26±2.0 1.06±0.02

The tablet powder mixture was subjected to various pre-formulation parameters. The residual angle value indicates
that the powder mixture has good flow property. The angle of repose values indicates that the powder blend has good
flow properties. The bulk density of all the formulations was found to be in the range of0.43±0.03to 0.58±0.01
(gm/ml) showing that the powder has good flow properties. The tapped density of all the formulations was found to
be in the range of 0.50±0.02to 0.66±0.01showing the powder has good flow properties. The compressibility index of
all the formulations was found to be below 14.96which show that the powder has good flow properties.All the
formulations has shown the hausners ratio ranging between 0.65to 1.17indicating the powder has good flow

Quality Control Parameters For tablets

Tablet quality control tests such as weight variation, hardness, and friability, thickness, Drug content and drug release
studies were performed for floating tablets.

Table 4:- In vitro quality control parameters.

Formulation Average Hardness Friability Thickness Drug Floating Total
codes Weight (kg/cm2) (%loss) (mm) content lag floating
(mg) (%) time(Sec) time(Hrs)

F1 498.31 5.2 0.51 5.98 98.12 61 10

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 766-776

F2 497.68 5.9 0.46 5.31 96.35 50 11

F3 499.20 5.1 0.35 5.29 99.80 38 12
F4 498.18 5.0 0.72 5.73 98.14 42 9
F5 500.03 5.9 0.69 5.18 98.58 31 10
F6 499.10 6.3 0.31 5.27 97.21 25 12
F7 498.71 5.2 0.53 5.90 99.30 20 12
F8 496.38 5.7 0.42 5.14 98.14 31 12
F9 498.64 6.1 0.38 5.65 98.05 35 12

Figure 2:- Floating lag time (Sec).

Figure 3:- Total floating time(Hrs).

All the parameters such as weight variation, friability, hardness, thickness, drug content were found to be within

Buoyancy and total Flotation test

From the results, it was observed that as the buoyancy lag time and the total floating time was studied for all the
formulations.F1 to F9 total floating time were found to be respectively as shown in Table.Theformulations with
Chitosan polymer (F1, F2 and F3)showed high buoyancy lag time when compared toformulations with HPMC K4M
polymer (F4, F5 and F6). For all the F5, F6, F7, F8 and F9 formulations showed more total floating time when
compared to F1, F2, and F4.Results revealed that as the concentration of theChitosan and HPMC K4Mpolymer
increases, the buoyancy laggingtime decreases. The increase in the concentration ofthe Ethyl cellulose polymer
resulted in the increase ofthe buoyancy lag time.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 766-776

In vitro drug release studies

Table 5:- Dissolution data of floating tablets.
TIME % Cumulative drug release
(HR) F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 18.92 14.29 11.65 20.82 13.12 10.05 18.78 13.96 08.42
2 26.56 19.10 16.35 26.91 19.30 18.96 29.98 18.81 15.39
3 31.80 24.09 20.12 35.36 28.28 23.19 37.31 24.75 21.58
4 37.12 28.68 26.49 42.52 36.17 29.53 45.94 30.29 28.34
5 42.27 35.75 31.26 58.81 43.52 36.31 50.42 36.81 43.23
6 48.93 42.81 37.16 65.99 58.78 41.79 56.79 45.34 48.06
7 55.10 49.59 42.90 75.28 63.80 46.52 61.28 50.78 56.14
8 60.47 56.15 48.21 77.29 78.43 53.47 68.41 56.99 60.27
9 67.34 62.79 51.86 79.80 87.47 59.59 75.60 62.15 67.39
10 72.81 67.99 56.06 83.23 89.59 66.76 80.15 67.72 72.95
11 86.85 72.38 65.16 86.75 91.08 80.11 91.72 83.63 78.38
12 96.59 89.42 79.73 98.43 97.14 86.49 99.70 90.82 85.12

Fig: 4:- Dissolution data of Clarithromycin Floating tablets containing all formulations (Chitosan(F1-F3), HPMC
K4M(F4-F6) and Ethyl cellulose(F7-F9)).

The cumulative percent of drug release from various formulations andrelease coefficients values of the various
models for respective formulation wererepresented in tables 8.4 respectively.

Formulation F7 showed good drug releaseand buoyancy time than all other formulations.

The formulation F7 showed aconstant release in a controlled manner with 99.70%. Hence F7 was chosen forkinetics

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 766-776

Application of Release Rate Kinetics to Dissolution Data for optimised formulation

Table 6:- Application kinetics for optimised formulation.
CUMU TI LOG( %) 1/CU PEP % Q0 Qt Q0
E (%) E( OT (T) G SE REL log Rem 3 -
RELEA T) (T) (%) RATE EAS Q/1 ainin Qt
SE Q RE (CUMU E 00 g 1/3
N E%
SE / t)
0 0 0 2.00 100 4.6 4. 0.0
0 42 64 00
18.78 1 1.0 1.274 0.000 1.91 18.780 0.053 - 81.22 4.6 4. 0.3
00 0 2 0.72 42 33 11
6 1
29.98 2 1.4 1.477 0.301 1.84 14.990 0.033 - 70.02 4.6 4. 0.5
14 5 4 0.52 42 12 20
3 2
37.31 3 1.7 1.572 0.477 1.79 12.437 0.026 - 62.69 4.6 3. 0.6
32 7 8 0.42 42 97 69
8 3
45.94 4 2.0 1.662 0.602 1.73 11.485 0.021 - 54.06 4.6 3. 0.8
00 3 8 0.33 42 78 60
8 1
50.42 5 2.2 1.703 0.699 1.69 10.084 0.019 - 49.58 4.6 3. 0.9
36 5 8 0.29 42 67 68
7 4
56.79 6 2.4 1.754 0.778 1.63 9.465 0.017 - 43.21 4.6 3. 1.1
49 6 6 0.24 42 50 32
6 9
61.28 7 2.6 1.787 0.845 1.58 8.754 0.016 - 38.72 4.6 3. 1.2
46 8 3 0.21 42 38 59
3 3
68.41 8 2.8 1.835 0.903 1.50 8.551 0.014 - 31.59 4.6 3. 1.4
28 0 6 0.16 42 16 80
5 1
75.6 9 3.0 1.879 0.954 1.38 8.400 0.013 - 24.4 4.6 2. 1.7
00 7 2 0.12 42 90 41
1 0
80.15 10 3.1 1.904 1.000 1.29 8.015 0.012 - 19.85 4.6 2. 1.9
62 8 5 0.09 42 70 34
6 8
91.72 11 3.3 1.962 1.041 0.91 8.338 0.010 - 8.28 4.6 2. 2.6
17 8 9 0.03 42 02 19
8 3
99.7 12 3.4 1.999 1.079 - 8.308 0.010 - 0.3 4.6 0. 3.9
64 0.52 0 0.00 42 66 72
3 1 9

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 766-776

Fig 5:- Zero order release kinetics. Fig 6:- Higuchi release kinetics.

Fig 7:- Kors mayer peppas release kinetics Fig 8:- First order release kinetics.

Optimised formulation F7 was kept for release kinetic studies. From the above graphs it was evident that the
formulation F7 was followed Korsmayer peppas release mechanism.

Drug – Excipient compatibility studies

Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy

Fig 9:- FTIR Spectrum of pure drug.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 766-776

Fig 10:- FTIR Spectrum of optimised formulation.

There was no disappearance of any characteristics peak in the FTIR spectrum of drug and the polymers used. This
shows that there is no chemical interaction between the drug and the polymers used. The presence of peaks at the
expected range confirms that the materials taken for the study are genuine and there were no possible interactions.

Clarithromycin are also present in the physical mixture, which indicates that there is no interaction between drug and
the polymers, which confirms the stability of the drug.

XRD Studies

Fig 11:- The X-ray diffraction analysis of pure drug.

Fig 12:- The X-ray diffraction analysis of Formulation.

Red colour: Pure drug, Blue:Chitosan, Pink:HPMC K4M, Green:Ethyl cellulose

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 766-776

The preformulation parameters like angle of repose,bulk density, tapped density, Hausner’s ratio; Carr’s index of
pure drug was evaluated and complied with thepharmacopoeial specifications. The analysis of XRD study shows
that clarithromycin (pure drug) and polymer existed in crystalline in nature. FTIR study shows that there is no
pharmaco-polymer interaction. Gastro retentive floating matrix tablets of Clarithromycin weresuccessfully prepared
with various polymers like Chitosan, HPMC K4Mand Ethyl cellulose.The formulated batch was evaluated for
physio-chemical parameters, floating properties and dissolution profile. From the evaluation results, itwas observed
that the tablets contain the higher viscosity Ethyl cellulose showedlong floating lag time when compared to tablets
prepared with other polymers. The physical properties such as hardness, weight change andfriability mostof the
batches met the pharmacopoeialspecifications. The drug content of all tablets is in the range of 96.35 – 99.80%.In
vitro dissolution studies of all the formulations were carried out in 0.1 N HCL. The tablets containing Ethyl
cellulose (F7) showed satisfactory results with short floating lag time (20 sec) total buoyancy time more than 12 h,
cumulative % drug release (99.70%) and controlled drug release up to 12 h. So F7 was taken for kinetic studies.The
kinetic studies were carried for formulation F7 showed high regressionvalue of 0.992 for Korsmayer peppasrelease
mechanism. Hence it was concluded that formulation C7 chosen as optimumformulation.

The authors are thankful to Vedprakash Patil College of Pharamcy, Aurangabad (Maharashtra) for the valuable
support and providing facilities to carry out this research work.

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