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Improving the tablet characteristics and dissolution profile of ibuprofen by

using a novel coprocessed superdisintegrant: A technical note

Article in AAPS PharmSciTech · January 2007

DOI: 10.1208/pt0801013 · Source: PubMed


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Mukesh Gohel
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AAPS PharmSciTech 2007; 8 (1) Article 13 (

Improving the Tablet Characteristics and Dissolution Profile of Ibuprofen by

Using a Novel Coprocessed Superdisintegrant: A Technical Note
Submitted: June 6, 2006; Accepted: August 18, 2006; Published: February 16, 2007
Mukesh C. Gohel,1 Rajesh K. Parikh,1 Bansari K. Brahmbhatt,1 and Aarohi R. Shah1
Department of Pharmaceutics, LM College of Pharmacy, PO Box 4011, Navrangpura, Gujarat, Ahmedabad-380009, India

KEYWORDS: Croscarmellose sodium, crospovidone, co- lose sodium acts mainly by swelling action. Therefore, the
processing by dry granulation, dissolution enhancement, superdisintegrants complement each other, accelerating the
ibuprofen. disintegration process when used together. The water uptake
by the tablet is facilitated by the wicking action of cros-
povidone, while the tablet disintegration is facilitated by the
INTRODUCTION swelling force exhibited by croscarmellose sodium.
The gastrointestinal tract provides sufficient fluid to facili- The drug selected for this study needed to have a medium
tate disintegration of the dosage form and dissolution of the dose, low solubility, and high permeability (Class II). Based
drug. The large surface area of gastric mucosa favors the on these criteria, ibuprofen was selected as a model drug.
drug absorption. Therefore, the oral route has continued to The dose of ibuprofen is 200 to 600 mg.
be the most appealing route for drug delivery despite the ad-
vancements made in the new drug delivery systems. Banker
and Anderson stated that at least 90% of all drugs used to MATERIALS AND METHODS
produce systemic effect are administered orally.1 Rapidly Materials
disintegrating tablets have received much attention in recent
years, as they are preferred by pediatric and geriatric patients. Croscarmellose sodium, crospovidone, and hydroxypropyl
Moreover, the drug dissolution is facilitated by the tablets’ cellulose (HPC) were a gift from Intas Pharma (Ahmedabad,
quick disintegration. India). Directly compressible dicalcium phosphate anhydrous
(DCPA) and ibuprofen were a gift from Zydus Cadila Health
The simplest way to achieve quick disintegration is to use a Care Ltd (Ahmedabad, India). Magnesium stearate was pur-
superdisintegrant in concert with suitable diluents. Super- chased from Apex Chemicals (Ahmedabad, India). Cab-O-
disintegrants such as croscarmellose sodium, crospovidone, Sil was a gift from Cabot Sanmar Ltd (Channai, India).
and sodium starch glycolate are frequently used in tablet
formulations to improve the rate and extent of tablet disin-
tegration and thereby increase the rate of drug dissolution.2 Methods
It has been reported that the rate and extent of liquid uptake Evaluation of Croscarmellose Sodium, Crospovidone,
and the swelling capacity of crospovidone are not reduced and 1:1 Physical Blend of Crospovidone and
in 0.1N HCl when compared with aqueous medium.3 The Croscarmellose Sodium
tablets of crospovidone exhibit significantly higher hard-
ness than do those of croscarmellose sodium.4 Croscarmel- Measurement of angle of repose. A glass funnel was se-
lose sodium aids in the disintegration and dissolution of cured with its tip positioned at a fixed height (H) above a
pharmaceutical tablets, capsules, and granules.5 Coprocess- graph paper placed on a horizontal surface. The sample was
ing has been extensively examined for diluents. However, poured through the funnel until the apex of the conical pile
it has not been explored for the development of more func- touched the tip of the funnel. The angle of repose was cal-
tional disintegrants. culated using the formula tan α = H/R, where α is the angle
of repose and R is the radius of the conical pile.
The purpose of the present investigation was to explore
Measurement of particle size. The method of sieving was
the feasibility of preparing a coprocessed superdisintegrant
adopted. The powder was passed through 30# (500 µm)
and to evaluate its functionality. Croscarmellose sodium
and 100# (150 µm). The amount of sample retained on each
and crospovidone were selected in the present investigation
sieve was weighed. Microscopic pictures were taken using a
since crospovidone acts by wicking action and croscarmel-
scanning electron microscope (Quanta 200 3D, FEI, Eind-
hoven, The Netherlands).
Corresponding Author: Mukesh C. Gohel, LM College Preparation of tablets using direct compression. The tablets
of Pharmacy, PO Box 4011, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, of croscarmellose sodium, crospovidone, and the physical
Gujarat, India, 380 009. Tel: +91-079-26302746; Fax: blend (1:1) of both the superdisintegrants were prepared
+91-079-26304865; E-mail: on a single-punch tablet machine (Cadmach Machinery
AAPS PharmSciTech 2007; 8 (1) Article 13 (

Table 1. Results of Pure Croscarmellose Sodium, Crospovidone, and 1:1 Physical Blend and Agglomerated Blend of Both the
Angle of Flow Crushing Tablet
Disintegrant Repose (-) Type* Strength (N) Thickness (mm) Particle Size Range
Croscarmellose sodium 43 P 92 5.0 Below 100#
Crospovidone 40 F 184 3.5 74% below 100# and 26%
retained on 100#
Physical fine mixture of both 41 P 132 3.1 90% below 100# and 10%
disintegrants retained on 100#
Agglomerated blend of both 37 F 70 3.7 Below 30#
*As per USP29–NF24. P indicates passable; F, fair.

Ltd, Ahmedabad). The die cavity was kept the same for all strength, friability, water uptake rate) were evaluated (Table 4).
3 samples. To optimize the concentration of superdisintegrant, disso-
lution data were also generated for selected batches.
Measurement of crushing strength and thickness. Crushing
strength and thickness of the tablets were measured using a Measurement of friability.1 Friability was evaluated from the
Dr Schleuniger Pharmatron Tablet Tester 8M (Solothurn, percentage weight loss of 20 tablets tumbled in a friabilator
Switzerland). The results are shown in Table 1. (USP XXIII, Electrolab, model EF2, Mumbai) at 25 rpm for
4 minutes. The tablets were dedusted, and the loss in weight
caused by fracture or abrasion was recorded as the percentage
Preparation and Evaluation of weight loss. A friability below 1% is considered acceptable.
Coprocessed Superdisintegrants
Measurement of liquid uptake. The method of Gohel et al
A powder blend consisting of equal proportions of cros- was used.7 A glass petri dish was partially filled with water,
carmellose sodium and crospovidone was compressed on and a tablet was placed on the surface of a band of filter
the single-punch tablet machine to obtain slugs. The slugs paper supported on a glass slide. The uptake of water oc-
were lightly crushed in a mortar to obtain an agglomerated curred from the lower surface of the tablet. The time required
blend of the superdisintegrants. Finally, the agglomerates for water to reach the center of the upper surface of the tablet
were tapped on 30#. The granules and the tablets were char- was the wetting time.
acterized as described above.

Evaluation of Dissolution Profile of Ibuprofen in

Preparation and Evaluation of DCPA Tablets Tablet Formulation
Directly compressible DCPA was mixed with either the pow- The drug dissolution study was performed in a USP XXIII
der blend of the superdisintegrants (4% wt/wt, batch A) or paddle apparatus (Electrolab, TDT-06T, Mumbai). The dis-
the agglomerated superdisintegrants (4% wt/wt, batch B). solution medium was phosphate buffer (900 mL, pH 7.2,
Magnesium stearate (1% wt/wt) was used as a lubricant. 37-C). A vacuum was used to deaerate the medium. The
The blending time of the lubricant was either 2 minutes or rate of agitation of the paddle was 50 rpm. Ibuprofen was
5 minutes. Tablets with an average weight of 260 mg were analyzed at 221 nm by UV spectrophotometry (UV-1700
prepared on the single-punch tablet machine. The results are
shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Results of Dicalcium Phosphate Anhydrous Tablet Using
The time required for disintegration of 6 tablets placed in Physical Blend or Granulated Disintegrant Blend
the tubes of a US Pharmacopeia (USP) disintegration test Batch Batch A Batch B
apparatus (Electrolab, model ED2, Mumbai, India) was mea-
Angle of repose (-) 35 33
sured at 37 ± 2-C using 900 mL of distilled water.6
Flow type* G G
Lubricant mixing time = 2 minutes
Crushing strength (N) 55 63
Preparation and Evaluation of Various Formulations of
Disintegration time (sec) 14.0 8.5
Ibuprofen Tablets
Lubricant mixing time = 5 minutes
Ibuprofen tablets were prepared by the direct compression Crushing strength (N) 72 68
method (Table 3). The angle of repose of the powder blend Disintegration time (sec) 17.0 9.0
and the tablet properties (eg, disintegration time, crushing *As per USP29–NF24. G indicates good.

AAPS PharmSciTech 2007; 8 (1) Article 13 (

Table 3. Formulations of Ibuprofen Tablets*

Batch 1 2 3 4 5A 5B 5C 6 7 8 9
Ibuprofen (mg) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
DCPA-DC (mg) — 200 50 100 — — — — — — —
Croscarmellose sodium (mg) — — 150 150 200 150 100 — 50 — —
Crospovidone (mg) — — — — — — — — — 50 —
Coprocessed superdisintegrant (mg) — — — — — — — 100 — — 50
Cab-O-Sil (%) — — — — 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
HPC (%) — — — — — — — 6 6 6
*DCPA-DC indicates dicalcium phosphate anhydrous-directly compressible; HPC, hydroxypropyl cellulose.

Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan) after suitable dilution tion about the flow characteristics of the powder mixture.
with the phosphate buffer. USP 29–NF24, effective from January 2006, is the first USP
edition to include chapter G11749 on powder flow. Grading
of powder flow was done as per USP. The lower accept-
Evaluation of Dissolution Profile of Drug able value of crushing strength was set at 40 N.9 Compress-
Without Excipients ibility is the ability of a powder bed to be compressed (be
Ibuprofen (200 mg) was filled in empty hard-gelatin-capsule reduced in volume) as a result of the application of a given
shells without any excipients. A USP XXIII basket appara- stress.10 Coprocessing resulted in improvement in flow from
tus (Electrolab, model TDT-06T, Mumbai) was used for the “passable” to “fair” because of size enlargement. The lowest
dissolution study. The dissolution conditions and evaluation angle of repose was exhibited by the coprocessed super-
methods are described above. disintegrant, which justifies the need for coprocessing. The
results of crushing strength and thickness reveal that cros-
povidone exhibited higher crushing strength and better com-
pressibility compared with croscarmellose sodium. The
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION tablets prepared using the agglomerated blend of both the
The most common method for preparing coprocessed dil- superdisintegrants exhibited acceptable crushing strength
uents is spray-drying. This method is unsuitable for preparing (9 40 N). In the granular superdisintegrant, particle-particle
coprocessed superdisintegrants since wetting and subsequent bond formation may not be as intense as that in powdered
drying of superdisintegrant can change the characteristics disintegrant because of decreased surface area. This may be
of croscarmellose sodium.8 Therefore, the slugging method one reason why the granular mixture had a lower crushing
was adopted in the present study. Table 1 displays the angle strength than the fine physical mixture did.
of repose, crushing strength, and thickness of the pure super-
disintegrant tablets. The 2 most important attributes for the Directly compressible DCPA was selected as a diluent over
direct compression formula are good flow and good com- microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), as MCC works as an aux-
pressibility. The angle of repose gives important informa- iliary tablet disintegrant because of its high water-absorbing

Table 4. Results of Ibuprofen Formulations

Batch 1 2 3 4 5A 5B 5C 6 7 8 9 Formulation
Angle of repose (-) 46 42 42 40 40 39 39 36 42 39 42 —
Flow type* P P P F F F F F P F P —
Crushing strength (N) Tablet 47 53 76 65 50 45 60 104 100 84 65
Friability (%) 2.20 1.20 0.70 0.76 0.80 0.88 0.96 0.63 0.83 0.62 †
Disintegration time (min.sec) ‡ 1.45 1.50 4.00 2.35 2.24 0.45 6.00 2.00 2.30 3.30
Time required for complete — — — 6 6 6 6 10 10 6 40
drug release (min)
Water uptake time (min.sec) — — — — — — — 4.32 2.19 1.34 —
*As per USP29-NF24. P indicates poor; F, fair.
†The friability of the coated tablet was G0.10%.
‡The disintegration time was 92 hours.

AAPS PharmSciTech 2007; 8 (1) Article 13 (

capacity.11 The purpose of the present study was to evaluate The hypothesis was tested by separately exposing DCPA to
the superdisintegrant, and hence DCPA was selected rath- 2 minutes and 5 minutes of tumbling. Microscopic analysis
er than MCC. Moreover, MCC is more lubricant-sensitive (Figure 1) revealed that the average particle size of DCPA
as it undergoes plastic deformation on compression, while was initially 147 µm, and this reduced to 102 µm and 78 µm
DCPA has a low fragmentation propensity, dicalcium phos- on 2 minutes and 5 minutes of mixing, respectively. Better
phate dihydrate also exhibited low lubricant sensitivity due particle-particle bond formation may have resulted in the
to fragmentation on compression.12 Table 2 displays the char- formation of stronger tablets during extended tumbling times.
acteristics of batch A (4% powdered blend of the super- Another possible reason for the higher crushing strength is
disintegrants) and batch B (4% agglomerated blend of the the disruption of the magnesium stearate layer on prolonged
superdisintegrants). Both the batches exhibited “good” flow tumbling.
(angle of repose ≤ 35-). The good flow is mainly attributed
Ibuprofen powder (Table 4, batch 1) showed poor flow and
to the presence of a higher concentration of free-flowing
tableting characteristics (capping and lamination). The result
directly compressible DCPA. The tablets of batches A and
justifies the need for incorporation of other excipients to pre-
B showed acceptable crushing strength (940 N) after 2 or
pare an acceptable tablet. To reduce capping and improve the
5 minutes of mixing with magnesium stearate. The margin-
flow property, a mixture containing an equal proportion of
ally lower crushing strength of the tablets of batch A (55 N)
ibuprofen and directly compressible DCPA was tableted
may be attributed to higher surface coverage of DCPA ag-
(batch 2). The blend showed passable flow, and the tablets
glomerates by the finer superdisintegrant particles as com-
exhibited acceptable crushing strength. However, the tablet
pared with the granular disintegrant used in batch B. The
failed to disintegrate in 2 hours. The friability of the tablets
results shown in Table 2 reveal that coprocessing resulted
was unacceptable (91%). The problem of disintegration was
in the formation of quickly disintegrating tablets. The prob-
resolved when croscarmellose sodium was used as the super-
able reason for the faster disintegration could be the devel-
disintegrant (batch 3). However, the tablets of batch 3 failed
opment of a higher disintegration force. Marshall et al13
in the friability test. The problem was rectified by increasing
stated that the force generated by disintegrant particles is
the amount of DCPA (batch 4). In another combination, DCPA
more critical than the actual swelling because this force is
was omitted and Cab-O-Sil was used to enhance the flow
responsible for the breaking up of the tablet.
property (batch 5A). This batch also showed acceptable tablet
characteristics. Batch 5A was selected for further evaluation,
Longer blending time with magnesium stearate resulted in
as DCPA is water-insoluble and may retard drug release.
the formation of stronger tablets in both batch A and batch B.
The probable reason for this unexpected result could be the The dissolution study was performed in phosphate buffer
breakage of DCPA agglomerates on mixing for 5 minutes. (pH 7.2) since this approach is recommended in the USP. The

Figure 1. Scanning electron microscopy photomicrographs of dicalcium phosphate anhydrous samples: (A) before mixing—bar length
500 µm; (B) 2-minute mixing—bar length 200 µm; and (C) 5-minute mixing—bar length 500 µm.

AAPS PharmSciTech 2007; 8 (1) Article 13 (

dissolution study of the market formulation of ibuprofen tab- as the major mechanism of disintegration for crospovidone
lets (200 mg) showed complete drug release within 40 min- is wicking. The tablet prepared using coprocessed superdis-
utes. Gordon et al14 reported that croscarmellose sodium integrant showed the quickest water uptake (Table 4). Mishra
produce faster drug dissolution than sodium starch glycolate et al15 reported that tablets with the shortest wetting time
or crospovidone. The basic purpose of preparing batches 5B also had the shortest disintegration time, showing a strong
and 5C was to minimize the concentration of croscarmel- correlation between disintegration time and wetting time
lose with maximum improvement in dissolution while main- (r2 = 0.9773). The results of our study show the superiority
taining the tablet characteristics in terms of crushing strength of coprocessed material in enhancing the disintegration and
and friability. Batches 5A, 5B, and 5C showed complete dissolution of ibuprofen tablets. The probable reason for the
drug release in 6 minutes. When the concentration of cros- quick disintegration of batch 9 tablets appears to be faster
carmellose sodium was further reduced to 80 mg per tablet, water uptake (Table 4).
the tablet failed in friability and hardness tests. Therefore,
Coprocessed superdisintegrants offer new avenues and op-
batch 5C was considered to be the optimum batch among
portunities for formulation scientists as an additional option
batches 1 to 5.
for improving the solubility of sparingly soluble drugs. The
Batch 6, prepared using coprocessed superdisintegrant, superdisintegrants in this study were kept away from aque-
showed a noticeable improvement in crushing strength and ous fluid, which might have changed their characteristics.
disintegration time compared with batch 5C while maintain-
ing a similar dissolution profile. The results show the benefits SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
of using coprocessed superdisintegrant rather than croscar- The coprocessed superdisintegrant proved to be superior to
mellose sodium. In batch 6, the coprocessed superdisinte- the physical blend in terms of flow due to size enlargement.
grant was used at 50% of ibuprofen concentration. The use Furthermore, the coprocessed superdisintegrant displayed
of dry binder was explored to further reduce the amount of superiority in terms of crushing strength, disintegration time,
coprocessed superdisintegrant. and drug dissolution. The advantages of the proposed meth-
od are easy adaptability in industry and the possibility of
To prove the superiority of coprocessed superdisintegrant,
bypassing the existing patents in the areas of quick disin-
3 batches of ibuprofen tablets, batches 7 (croscarmellose
tegration and dissolution.
sodium), 8 (crospovidone), and 9 (coprocessed superdisinte-
grant), were prepared along with HPC as a dry binder. The
tablets were evaluated for in vitro drug dissolution in the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
USP XXIII paddle apparatus. The formulation and disso- Generous support from Intas Pharma, Zydus Cadila Health
lution data are shown in Table 3 and Figure 2, respective- Care Ltd, Cabot Sanmar Ltd, and Sun Pharma Advanced Re-
ly. Batch 9, prepared using coprocessed superdisintegrant, search Center (for the scanning electron microscopy images)
showed the fastest drug dissolution while maintaining the is gratefully acknowledged.
other tablet characteristics. The tablet containing croscarmel-
lose sodium showed the longest time for wetting, as the major
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