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The dialog is for questions number 1-3

Siti : Wow, your bedroom is very tidy, comfortable and large

Lisa : I think it is small
Siti : I don’t think so. It is big. It has any things. There are two pink wardrobes, a green
bookshelf, a pretty bed and a brown mirror.

1. What is Lisa’s bedroom like?

A. It is very small and tidy
B. It was very small and tidy
C. It is very large and comfortable
D. It was very large and comfortable

2. “Wow your bedroom is very tidy, comfortable and large. What is the closest meaning
of the underlined word?
A. Shady B. Clean
C. Nice D. Neat

3. How many colours are there in Lisa’s bedroom?

A. Four B. Three
C. Two D. One

The dialog is for questions number 4-6

Siti : Dayu, do you often go to the park near your house?
Dayu : Yes I do
Siti : What is it like?
Dayu : It is beautiful. There are so many colourful flowers and big trees
Siti : That’s great! We should go there together some time

4. What is the purpose of the dialog above?

A. Ask for and give information related to the qualities of things
B. Ask for and give information related to the qualities animal
C. Ask for and give information related to the qualities of people
D. Ask for and give information of physical appearance of people

5. What is the place near Dayu’s house?

A. Beautiful market
B. Beautiful park
C. Colorful zoo
D. Beautiful zoo

6. From the text, we know that...

A. The park does not have beautiful flowers
B. The parka does not have beautiful flowers
C. The park is near Dayu’s house
D. The park is near Siti’s house

7. Complete the following dialog

Dayu : Siti, your hamsters have very large cheeks.
Siti : ....... They eat a lot
A. Yes, they are
B. Yes, they do
C. Yes, it was
D. Yes it is

8. Dewi : Lina, your rabbit is wite like snow and she is very cute
Lina : Yes, she is What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Sweet B. Funny
C. Bad D. Big

The dialog is for questions number 9-10

Siti : look at the giraffes. They have curly eyelashes
Lina : yes, they do. Their eyelashes are adorable
Beni : and look at the zebras. They have black and white stripes on their bodies
Udin : guys, do you know that each zebra has different pattern?
Edo : they do? That’s very interesting!
Dayu : look at the ekephants. They are huge!
Udin : yes, they are. And look at the tigers. They have sharp teeth
Siti : and they have powerful legs

9. What animals have curly eyelashes?

A. Tigers B. Zebras
C. Giraffes D. Elephants

10. How many animals are there in the dialog above?

A. Four B. Five
C. Six D. Seven

Observe the dialogue below and answer the question 11 and 12

Father : Sin, can you help me, please?
Sinta : Yes, dad.
Father : Can you get me the newspaper?
Sinta : Where is it?
Father : Emm… May be it’s on the table.
Sinta : Yes, I got it.
Father : Thanks for helping me.
Sinta : It’s ok dad. Don’t worry, anytime.

11. In the text above Sinta is a …. girl. She is ready to help her father anytime.
A. Lazy C. Beautiful
B. Kind D. Smart

12. How many characters are there in the dialogue above?

A. Two C. Three
B. One D. Four

13. My father is a doctor. He examines … carefully.

A. Patients C. Students
B. Fashions D. Books

This text below is for the questions 14 to 16

Mr. Fahri, the Farmer

Mr. Fahri is very happy. The rainy season of this year makes the farm beautiful. It is
planting time. Rice fields become fresh and green during this season and by the end of
this season Mr. Fahri is ready to harvest his crops.
Mr. Fahri ploughs the land at the beginning of the rainy season. Then, he usually works
early and finishes at noon. Milking the cows, feeding the livestock, and cleaning the
barns are among Mr. Fahri’s duties before breakfast. He does most of the hard outdoor
work by himself.
14. What is a farm like during the rainy season?
A. Beautiful C. Cloudy
B. Happy D. Rain

15. When does Mr. Fahri’s workday end?

A. Morning C. Early morning
B. Night D. Noon

16. When does Mr. Fahri plough the land?

A. At the end of noon C. At the end of the rainy season
B. At the beginning of land D. At the beginning of the rainy season

This text below is for the questions 17 to 19

Rania is my sister. She is a … (17). She works in a …. (18) of Sukabumi city. She helps the
doctor and look after the patients. She gives the patients the …(19), and she often talks
to them and listen their problem.

17. A. Patient B. Doctor C. Nurse D. Dentist

18. A. Office B. Hospital C. School D. Market

19. A. Stove B. Medicine D. Blackboard D. School uniform

20. My father is a science teacher. He specialized in teaching living things. For example,
he explains parts of a flower to his students.
The meaning of the underlined word is ….
A. Menyanyikan C. Menyimpan
B. Menyebutkan D. Menjelaskan

This text below is for the questions 21 and 22

Mr. Bahri is giving some instructions to be done for his students. Observe his instruction
and answer the question that follows.

Attention please!

Ø Please work in groups of four or five.

Ø Observe the environment around you.
Ø Two groups observe the same objects.
Ø Here are the things to observe.

1. The number of family members in your own home.

2. Their characters (in your opinion), I mean wether they are nice, helpful, etc.
3. Name animal(s) around you.
4. The school personals I mean How many teachers, school guards, security, etc.

All right well done. Have a nice work with your partner and I am waiting for the result in
three days.

21. In the text above Mr. Bahri ask the students to observe some objects.
What are meant by objects?
A. Benda-benda C. Sasaran
B. Tujuan D. Masalah

22. Are the school staff among the objects need to observe?
A. Yes, they are C. No, they aren’t
B. Yes, they do D. No, they don’t

Observe the dialogue below and answer the question 23 to 25

Jihan : Good morning, Ms. Yuli.
Ms. Yuli : Good morning, Jihan.
Jihan : I’m sorry, I’m late.
Ms. Yuli : That’s OK. Come in, please.
Jihan : Thank you.
Ms. Yuli : Right. Now, Look at the picture. What’s this in English, Jesica?
Jesica : It’s a ruler.
Ms. Yuli : Good. Now open your book on page ten and study the dialogue.

23. Who is late?

A. Ms. Yuli C. Jesica
B. Jihan D. Mr. Yuli

24. What does Jihan say to Ms. Yuli?

A. I’m sorry, to hear that C. I’m sorry, I don’t understand
B. I’m sorry, I’m late D. I’m sorry, come in.
25. The sentences below are the instruction, except…
A. Come in, please.! C. Open your book!
B. Look at the picture! D. What is your name?

This text below is for the questions 26 and 27

26. The caution above warns us to ….
A. Make the flower wet
B. Walk on the slippery floor
C. Be careful to walk on the wet floor
D. Clean the wet floor so it won’t be slippery

27. Where do you usually find the notice above?

A. On the street C. In the market
B. In the garden D. In the hospital


28. What does the notice mean?

A. The machine is out
B. The machine is broken
C. The machine is not in order
D. The machine is out of order

29. Lisna : Give me the chili sauce, please.

Zul : ….

A. Here you are C. No, thanks

B. Never mind D. It is so nice

30. Saskya : Don’t play the music too loud, Dila. It disturbs me.
Dila : Sorry, I don’t mean it.
Saskya : ….
Dila : O.K, no problem.

A. Turn it down. C. Please put it here.

B. Don’t play outside. D. Come in, please.

For number 31 below read the notice

Line – cross – don’t – police – the

1 2 3 4 5

31. Arrange these words above into a good notice.

A. 4-5-3-2-1 C. 3-2-5-4-1
B. 4-3-5-2-1 D. 3-2-1-4-5

This picture below for number 32.

32. The right sentence for warning sign above is ….
A. Do not feed the cow. C. Do not take the cow.
B. Do not play in the pond. D. Stay away from the fence.

Line cross don’t police the

33. According to the picture above, the correct sentence is….

A. Turn on mobile phone.
B. Turn off mobile phone.
C. Don’t put mobile phone.
D. Don’t give mobile phone.

34. What does the teacher probably say to the student?

A. Open the door.
B. Close the window.
C. Sit down.
D. Clean the board.

off – your – before – computer – turn – leaving

1 2 3 4 5 6

35. Arrange these words above into a good instruction.

A. 5-1-2-4-3-6 C. 5-1-6-3-4-2
B. 5-1-3-6-2-4 D. 5-1-3-4-2-6
This text below is for the questions 36 to 40
Ms. Nuri

Ms. Nuri is my aunt. She is an English teacher at SMPN 3 Sukabumi. She is 35 years old.
She is tall and beautiful. She has round eyes, and pointed nose. She has straight hair.
Her hair is fairly black. She has white skin. She is very smart. She is also very diligent and
patient. She never angry to her student. She is a kind teacher and we love her very

36. What is Ms. Nuri?

A. Mechanic B. doctor C. Nurse D. Teacher

37. How old is she?

A. Thirty B. Thirty five C. Twenty D. Twenty five

38. Arrange these words into correct sentence based on the text above

nose Dina flat doesn’t a have

1 2 3 4 5 6

A. 1-2-3-4-5-6 C. 2-4-3-5-1-6
B. 2-4-6-5-3-1 D. 2-4-5-6-1-3

39. Is she beautiful?

A. Yes, she is C. Yes, she does
B. No, she isn’t D. No, she doesn’t

40. What is the color of her skin?
A. White
B. Fairly white
C. Black
D. Fairly

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