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Signature Edition

Storybook 1

Siegfried Engelmann
Elaine C. Bruner

Columbus, OH

i-iv_SB1_1_612458.indd i 1/28/07 11:31:52 PM

Copyright © 2008 by SRA/McGraw-Hill.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means,
or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the
prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies,
Inc., including, but not limited to, network storage or
transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.

Printed in the United States of America.

Send all inquiries to this address:

4400 Easton Commons
Columbus, OH 43219

ISBN: 978-0-07-612458-9
MHID: 0-07-612458-4

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RRC 13 12 11 10 09 08 07

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Arf the Shark 17 Arf Can Help 19
The Cow boy and the Cow 22 The Cow boys Have a Jumping
Meet 25 The Cow boys Try 28 The Happy Jumping Cow 31
Jill and Her Sister 36 Jill Tried and Tried 39
Jon Bakes a Fish Cake 42 Jon Hates Fish Cake 45
Spot 48 Spot and the Cop 51 Spot Helps the Cop 60 Spot
Takes a Trip 72
(There are more Spot stories in Storybook 2.)
The Boy Asked Why 54 Don Painted and Painted 57
The Farmer and His Buttons 66 The Farmer Sold His Buttons 69
The Dog Likes to Talk, Talk, Talk 77 The Dog Loves to Read, Read,
Read 101 The Tall Man Gets a Scare 173
The Small Bug Went to Live in a Ball 80 The Bug in the Ball Meets
a Girl 83 The Bug Wants to Stay in the Ball 86 The Tall Girl
Bets Her Brother 89 The Tall Girl Wins the Bet 93

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Walter Wanted to Play Football 104 Walter Goes to the Big
Game 107 Walter Goes in the Game 110 Walter’s Team Must
Kick 113 Walter Kicks the Ball 115 Walter’s Team Wins 117
Carmen the Cow 120 Carmen Calls for Help 123
The Magic Pouch 1 128 The Magic Pouch 2 131 The Magic
Pouch 3 134 The Magic Pouch 4 137 The Magic Pouch 5
139 The Magic Pouch 6 141 The Magic Pouch 7 144 The
Magic Pouch 8 147
The Pet Goat 153 The Goat Stops the Robber 156
Jane Wanted to Fly, Fly, Fly 159 Jane Goes Up, Up, Up 161
The Little Cloud 164 The Small Cloud Must Help 167 The
Small Cloud is Happy 170
Sandy Counted Everything 176 A Train Car Was Missing 179
Sandy Finds the Train Car 182 A Crook Stops Sandy 185
Sandy Tells What She Found 188 Sandy and Big Bill 191
Back to the Shed 194 Thank You, Sandy 197
Sam Gets a Kite Kit 200 Sam Makes a Funny Kite 204 Can
Sam’s Kite Really Fly 207
The Fox Wants a Cone 213 The Con Fox 216
Don Was Sad 219 Don Meets a Woman 222
(The Super Don stories are continued in Storybook 2.)

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the cow on the road

lots o f men went down the
r5ad in a I i t h car.
a cow was sitti@ on the
r5ad. s5 the men ran To the cow.
"we will Iif't this cow," they said.
bat the men did not lift the
cow. "this cow is so f a t w5 can
not lift it."
the cow said, "I am not so
f aT. I can liTT me." then the cow
got in the car.
the men said, "now we can
not get in the car." s5 the men
sat on the road and the cow
went h5me in the car.
the end
pBinT that nose
a -Pat dog met a little dog.
the f a t dog had a red nose. the
little dog had a red nose.
the f a t dog said, "I have a
red nS~e."
the little dog said, "1 wish I
did not have a red n5se."
the f a t dog got a can o f
paint. he said, "paint that n5se.
so the little dog did paint her
nose. sli5 said, "now this nose is
not red." she kissed the faT dog
on the e a r . now the f a t dog has

the end

read the Items

1. when the Teach* says
stand up.
2. vftien the Teacher says

*Y the
that she
them of
there fSr
&ere dSnt
&en didnl
then h5re
5Te her

rEad the Items

1. *en the Teacher says "now,"
2. vhen the t e a c h e r says "now,"
stand up.

did are
clap farm
do yard
of her
for here
dBnt at
didnT ate

very hE
every she
even the
r5ad the I t e m
when the Teacher says "do it,"
stand up.

the Talking cat

the girl was g5i@ fSr a
walk. sh5 met a f a t cat. "can
cats talk?" the girl said.
the cat said, "I can talk, but
Z do not Talk To girls. Z Talk To
the girl did not like that cat.
"I do not like cats that will not
Talk to me."
the cat said, "I will not Talk
To girls."
the girl said,"I do not like
that cat. and I do not give fish
cSke To cats Z do not like."
the caT said, "X like fish
cake, so I will talk to this girl."
s5 the girl and the cat 5 t e
the fish cake.
the end

Had the I t e m
When the Teach* says "do it,"

digging in the yard

a little man had a big dog.
the big dog lived in the yard. he
dug a h51e in the yard. the little
man got mad. hi! said, "dogs can
not dig in this yard. I will gO
f 5 r a cop."
but the dog dug and dug.
the man got a cop. the man
said, "that dog dug a big hole in
the yard."
the cop said, "dogs can not
dig in this yard."
the dog said, "I will stop.
can Z be a cop dog?"
the cop said, "yes. Z need a
cop dog."
the end

rEad the Item

*en the teacher says "go, clap.

will the Old car start?

a man had an 51d car. the 51d
car did not start. s5 h5 went
down the road. soon he came to
a big man.
he said, "can you start an
51d car?"
the big man said, "yes, I can
but I will not. I am sitting. and
I never start cars When I am

the man said, "you can sit in

the car if you can sTarT IT."
s5 the big man got in the
car and made the car start. he
said, "I l i k e this Bid car. sB
I will k55p s i t t i e in it." and h5
the end

r&d the Items

1. When the Teacher says "now"
h51d up your hand.
2 *en the t e a c h e r says
hold up your hands.

start here them

barn there then
shark of &en
cant f5r &ere
can end *Y
this live how
that I 1ked didn't
the lived dsn't
he she did
her they do

read the Items

1. *en the t e a c h e r says "do it"
hold up your hands.
2. *en the teacher stands up,

hard f5r
farm of
are he
do the
did that
dBnT this
didn't there
how here
v*i7 her

the dog and the bath

w5 had a big dog. her name
was sal. this dog liked to r a n
and play. this dog did not like to
Take a bath.
w5 said, "come in, sal. it is
time to Take a bath." w5 ran
after her.
w5 said, "sal, if you come
back and take a bath, you can
have some corn." but she did not
like c5rm
w5 said, "if you come back
and fake a bath, you can have
some meat." but she did not like
w5 said, "if you come back
and Take a bath, you can Mad a
the big dog c5me back and
Took a bath. MAY did sal lake a
bath? sti5 liked to *ad books.
this is the end.

art" the shark

arf' was a barking shark. arT
was a little shark, but she had a
big bark that made the other fish
swim away.
a shark swam up to a r t and
said, "you are a shark, let's play."
a r f was happy. "arf', arf,"
she said. and the other shark
swam far, f a r away. a r t was
not happy now.
another shark swam up To
a r f . "you are a shark," h6 said.
let's p ISy."
a r f was happy. "arf, art,"
sh5 said. and the other shark
swam far, f a r away. arf was
not happy now.
then a big, big fish that liked
To eat sharks swam up To the
other sharks.
"help, help," they yelled.
but the big fish was
swimming after them very fast.
a r f can help
art was a barking shark, the
other sharks did not l i k e her big
bark. uden arf' went "arf, art,"
the other sharks swam away.
but now a r f had To help the
other sharks, a big fish that
liked To Eat sharks was gBfffg
amer the other sharks. a r f
swam up to the big fish and
said, "arf, arf." the big fish
swam far, f a r away.
the other sharks liked a r f
"WE like a r f now," they said.
and now a r t plays with the
other sharks. and if a big fish
that likes To 5at sharks swims
up To them, arT says "arP, arf."
and the big fish swims far, far
the end
read the Items
1. *en the TBacher stands
2 A e n the T e a c h e r claps,
hBId up your hand.

I 1ked barking
swim that there
Â¥re here other
get she funny
got they
and how give
at *Y Trying
ate dCnt rIdjBSEl
Sat didn't hard
read the Item
wdien the t e a c h e r says "stand up,"
say a! --

the cow boy and the cow

a cow boy was sad. he did
not have a h5rse. the other cow
boys said, "hS, he, that fanny
cow boy has nC horse."
a cow came up to the cow
boy. the cow said, "if you. are a
cow boy, you a cow. I am
a cow?
the cow boy said, "do not V6
funny. cow boys do not ride on
the cow said, "bat I can run
as fast as a h5rse. and I can
jump better than a hSrse."
the cow boy said, "I will
give you a Try. but Z will fSSI
very Tunny riding on a cow." s5
the cow boy got on the cow.
then the other cow boys
&me up the r5ad. "hi5, h5," they
said. "look aT thaT funny cow
boy. hE is ~ r y i @To ride a cow."
read the I t e m
when the Sacher says "now,,"
pick up your book.

the cow boys have

a Jurnpie m55f
the cow boy got on a cow.
the other cow boys said, "h5, ha.
thaT is funny.'
the cow boy got mad. he
said, "this cow can gif as fast as
a hBrse. and she can Jump better
than a hSrse."

the other cow boys said, W5

cow can jump beTter than my
hI5rse." s8 the cow boys rade to
a crmk.
the cow boy on the cow said,
uleT's SEE if' a h&se can jump
MIwill try," a cow boy said.
his h 5 r ~ ewent up To the c r s k
bW then his hi5rse stoppd and
the cow b y fell in the crEEk.
the cow boy on the cow
said, uh?!i,ha. that hers= didn't
Eventry To jump the cr15GkH
the next cow boy said, umv
hw~e will Try. and my ht5rse
will f w 5 v w that strzam.
he will not Even touch the strgarn.''
m b to come

*en the fEt~&er says %and up,*

hGId up your hand.

the cow boys try

some cow boys mSd= f b n of'
a cow boy that d e a cow. they
said, =nG cow can jump bener
than a hGr~e.= sB they r W = To a
c r s k to sS5 if' a cow could
jump better than a hGr=
a cow boy fell in the w€
now the next cow boy was gaifi
To makg his hGre jump Ever the
c r s k his h5rse went very PasT.
the hZks cgme to the bank of
the crgsk then the h5rs j~mped.
did ha gi5 to the other sXda? n5,
hG wenT splash in the crWk the
cow boy was mad.
the next cow boy said, MI
will try to jump 5vcr that w E Z k
and I have the best h 5 r e in the
but that cow buys h5rs
wenT splash and the cow boy fell
in the c-k the cow boys said,
%E did not jump that crZZk, but
that f a t cow can not mmp as
f a r as a hi5rs2
u l e r ~sag? said the cow boy
with the cow. the cow started to
run Pasta- and faster and

f'asTer. the cow ran up To the

bank of the c r E B k and then the
cow ~ u m p d o
read the I t e m
&en the teacher says "clap,"
Touch your f5ST.

the happy jumpiw cow

the cow boy on the cow was
Trying To jump over the creek.
the cow ran To the bank and
~umpedwith a big Jump.
the cow ~umped5ver the
creek. the cow did not touch the
str8~m.the other cow boys
looked at the cow. they said,
"we are wet and c51d." but the
cow boy on the cow was not
wet. and he was not 6
he gave the cow a kiss. and
he said, "now I feel Ilka a r e a l
cow boy. those other cow boys
can have a hms*. I will slay with
this jumping cow." and US did.
h5 r5de the cow. he ~ u m p e d
ever rocks with the cow. h5 had
that cow f B r ySars and yBars.
and no other cow boy ever
made f a n at his cow after the
cow jumped Bver the c-k.
the end
Had the Items
1. &en the T e a c h e r stands up,
say "gB?
2 wftien the Teacher says "do IT"
hold up your hands.
3. *en the TSacher says "stand
up," hold up your hand.

of circle
rer farmer
and start
how where
other Men
stream them
this then
here &at
there that
*Y th5se
read the Items
1. when the T e a c h e r says "do it,"
touch your feet.
2. *en the Teacher stands up,
h51d up your hands.

jiII and her sister

this is the story of a girl
named jill and her sister. jill
Tried To do things, but her sister
did not try.
JJII said, "I can not ride a
bike, but I will Try."
vÇia did jill sSy?
her sister said, "I can not
ride, but I do not l i k e To Try.
soon jill rode a bike, bat her
sister did not. her sister started
to cry. jili said, "if you try, you
will not have TO cry.

"I can not

then jill said,
jump mpe, buT I will Try."
what did jill sZy?
her sister said, "I can not
jump r5pe, but I do not like To
soon jill ~umpedrope, but
her sister did not. her sister
said, "I can not jump rape, s5 I
will cry."
jill said, "if you try, you will
not have To cry."
m5re To come
read the Items
1. when the Teacher claps, touch
YOW head.
2 *en the Teacher says "clap,"
touch your feet.

ill Tried and Tried

did jill try To do things?
did her sister try to do
what did jill do when she
"I can not read a
jill said,
book, but I will try."
*at did jiII say?
her sister said, "I can not
read a book, but I will not Try."
*at did her sisTer sSy?
so jill T r i e d To read and her
sister did not fry.
now jill is good at rEadiSg.
but her sister can not r5ad
books. her sister can not ride a
bike. her sister can not jump
r5pe. and her sister can no1
read books, but her sister can
do some thing better than jilt.
her sister can really cry.
this is the end
read the Items
1. *en the Teacher stands up,
pick up your book.
2. when the TSaCher stands up,
touch your head.

Jon bakes a fish cake

a boy named Jon was going
To bake the besT cake he ever
made. he said, "I will try to
bake a fish cake."
he asked his brother, "will
you help me bake a fish cake?''
did h5 ask?
his brother said, "ick. a fish
cake? I hate Fish cake." he ran
into the yard To play.
Jon asked his sister, "will
you help me bake a fish cake?"
&at did Jon ask?
his sister said, "ick. a fish
cake? I really do not l i k e fish
cake." then his sister ran into
the yard to play.
jon Sven asked his mother,
"will you help mi5 bake a fish
*at did Jon ask?
but his mother said, "ick.
fish cake? ick?
sG Jon made the fish &Ñ
him self.
more To come
read the Items
1. *en the T e a c h e r says "clap,"
Touch your nose.
2. when the Teacher says "go,"
SZY "five."

Jon haTe~fish cake

kind of cake did jon
did his sister help him?
did his mother help him?
jon made the fish cake by
him self.
when he sat down to Eat the
cake, his brother came in. his
brother asked, "can I T r y some
of that fisti cake?"
what did li5 ask?
Jon said, "you didn'T help me
bake the cake, so you. don't have
to help me Eat it."
jonYsmother and jon's
sister came in. they asked, "can
WE try some of that fish cSke?"
wJhaT did they ask?
jon said, "you did not help
me bake the cake. s5 you d5nT
have To help me eat the cake."
so Jon a t e the fish cake by
him self. then he got very sick.
now he hales fish cake. if you
ask him To help you bake fish
cake, he will say, "ick. I hate
fish cake."
&at will h5 say?
the end
read the Items
1. d e n the teacher stands up,
say "you. standing up."

2 when the Teacher claps, pick

up your book.

this is a story of a dog
named spot. spoT did not hear
well. the other day she went to
a store to get some bones. the
man in the st5re said, "it is a
f i n e day.*
%at did you ay?" spot
Tell spot *at the man said.
the man got some bones for
spot. he said, "pay m5 a dime
fSr these b5n.s."
SPOT asked, %a1 did you
Tell spot *at the man said.
spof did not h5ar the man
and the man was getTIfig mad at
spot. the man said, "give me a
dime f a r these b5nes."
spot asked, %at did you.
Tell spot *at the man said.
spot said, "it is Time ¥TSme
To ISavh si5 I will pSy you a
dime far the Wnas and I will
go home.w
s5 spot give the man a dim%
then sh5 took the b5n~shBme
and had a f i n e m&l of UOnes.
the end
read the Item
when the Teacher h51ds up a
hand, Touch the fIBBr.

spot and the cop

this is another story of spot
the dog.
did spoT hear well?
one day spot went f5r a
walk to the other side of town.
when sh6 got there, she said, "I
can not -Find my way back
*at did sh5 sSy?
sh5 walked and walked. but
sh5 did not f i n d the street
that led To her hGme. she
started to cry.
then a big cop c5me up To
her. spot said, "I Tried and
~ r i e d ,but I can not f i n d my
way back U5mÈ 99

the cop said, do you

spot said, "rihat did you
say?" Tell spot -1 the cop said.
spot still did not hear Mat
the cop said. so the cop got a
pad and mad* a n5te -f5r spot.
the not. said, "v*ere do you
spoT read the n5Te and said,
I live on broom str^T."

the cop said, "I will Take you

to broom sTrEST." and he did.
spot kissed the cop and said,
"some day Z will pBy you back.
you, me a good cop."
the end
read the Items
1. when the T e a c h e r stands up,
pick up your book.
2. when the Teacher says "Touch
your f ~ ~ ttouch
; your feet.

the boy asked wfr>y

a boy named don liked To ask
v*iy. his mother told him To sT3y
in the yard. he asked, "why?" so
she told him -7. she said, "we
will Eat soon." what did 6 5 s5y?
don dug a big hole in the
yard. his brother said, "you must
not dig h51es in the yard."

don asked, "v^y?" so his

brother told him. his brother
said, "holes m5ke the yard look
bad." what did his brother say?
don got a can of w h i t e paint.
"X will paint my b l k ~M T e , " he
said. s5 he got the paint brush
and started To pain7 his bike.
his sister asked, %at are
you doing?"
don answered, "painting my
bike wftiIte."
*at did the boy say?
m5re to come
*en the T e a c h e r stands up, say
"stand up."

don painted and painted

Mhat did don l i k e to ask?
what did he do in the yard?
What did h5 start to paint?
vdho asked him *at he was
doing with his bike?
his sister said, "that looks
like fun." so she got a paint
brush and started To painT don's
don and his sister painted
the bike. then don said, "why
don't WE paint the side walk?"
&at did he say?
so they painted the side walk.
*at did they do?
then they painted the steps
to don's home.
then they painted a rock.
and then they p5inted e a c h
then don's mom went info the
yard. sh5 was mad. sh6 said, "you
painted the bike, the steps, the
rock, and e a c h other."
*at did sh5 say?
viftiaT do you think sti5 did To
don and his sister?
the end
read the Items
1. *en the Teacher says "Â¥TeaT,
Touch your m.
2. widen the Teacher says "stand
up," h51d up your hands.

spot helps the cop

spot was walking n b r a
STST=. robbers c S m ~f r o m the
st5re with bags of money, a big
cop ran To sTop the robbers, he
yelled, "drop that mon5y." but
the robbers did not drop the
mon5y. the robbers had a big
horn and they sTarTed To blow it.
"toot, Toot." the hCrn went.
T can not stand the Tool,
TmT' of the horn-e cop said.
I T makes my airs s5reBW
the cop held his hands over
his Ears. then the robbers ran
b7 him. the hSrn was still g5iQ
"Toot, TOOT.'
the horn did not m5ke spot's
Bars ~ 5 r e .spot did not Even
h 5 a r the h5rn s5 spot ran up
To the robbers. spot bit them on
the legs. they dropped the big
horn. they dropped the money.
then the cop stopped them.
he said To spot, "you helped
stop the robbers." WaT did he
the big cop was very happy.
the end
read the Item
*en the T e a c h e r picks up a book,
say "hands."

fly@ is f u n
a lime bird had six sisters.
his sisters said, "come and -Ply
with us." but the little bird did
not fly. so ti5 started to cry.
his sisters said, "wB did not
s5y to cry with us. w5 said to
fly with us. stop crying and start
f wing."
bat the little bird did not
stop crying.
his sisters said, "why are
you crying?" *at did they say?
"I am
the l i t t l e bird said,
crying because I cannot f 17."
Mfcy was he crying?
his sisters said, "we will
TSa& YOU TO ¥fl i-P YOU stop
so the IiHIe bird stopped
cvi@,then his sisTers grabbed
him and Took him up, up, up into
the sky.
then they said, "you are a
bird, s5 you. can f 17."
they leT g5 of him. he yelled,
"I can fly."
now When the sisters say
"let's fly," the l i n l e bird jumps
up and down. he says, "yes, flying
is m5re f u n than crying."
then the little bird and his
sisters fly and f17.
&at do they do?
the end


the Farmer and his buttons

a f a r m w IXkd buttons. he
had md bunons and g5ld
bulTuns, he had lots of big
buttons and tots of' little
buttons. he had buttons on his
hat and bunons on his socks.
he Even had butluns on some
of' his bunons. bul he had his
besl buttons on his pants. he
had ten big bultons on his
one dSy a man to the
farm. the man said, have
come to buy buttons." he h k e d
at the buttons on the f'armw's
pants. "1 will buy thaT big m d
button," he said.
so the farma- took ofY the
big md bunon and s5ld iT. now
he had nXne big buftons on his
then the man said, anow I
will buy that big @Id buttonH
so the Farmer took o f f the
gGld button and s5id i t now the
Farmer did not have nine b u ~ ~ o n s
on his pants. do you think the
r&d the I t e m
*en the t&cker says ugo,"
Touch y w head.

€ farm* said his buttons

*aT did the farmer Eke?
*ere did he have his best
*at did the man want to buy
f r o m the farm-?
the man kepT buyic butlons
and the farmer kep7 sellif@ them*
the man said, %ow you have fZve
buttons. 1 want to buy that pink
buTTonmm so the farmer t w k ofT
his pink bunon and s5ld iT to
the man.

then the man wanTed to buy

the f'armer's yellGw button. so
the Farmer s5ld the yelt5w
button to the man.
the man said, &you still have
thrgg buTtons. I will buy them?
so the farmer t w k the
thrEE buttons. but *en his
pants had no mGre buttons, his
panls fell down. *at did they
the farmer said, &my pants
Fell down Mcause X s8ld the
butTons that held up my pants?
&at did he B y ?
so now the farmer has
monEy, but he has no buttons to

kESp his panTs up. how will he

keep his pants up?
this is the end.

r9ad the Item

Wen the teacher says "clap,"
touch your m.

spot T5kes a trip

one day spot said, "I wanT to
go on a Trip in my car." so she
she got in her car and went
down the road. soon she stopped.
she asked a man, W h e r e can I
get gas?"
the man said, "on best
spot said, %ere did you

tell spot *at the man said.

so spot went To best strSSt
and got gas. then she wen1 down
the Mad some mSre. soon she
stopped. she asked a lady, W e r e
is the Town of dim?"
the lady said, "dim is f i v e
miles down the rBad."
spot asked, W e r e did you
Tell spot vhat the IFfly said.
and spot went To the Town
of dim. then spot stopped and
asked a man, W e r e is a sTSre
that sells b5nes?"
the man said, "go down To
main street."
"wAiere did you ssy?" spot
tell spot wftiat the man said.
so spot went to the store
and got a bag of bones. she
had a good trip.
the end

rSad the Items

1. v^n the TSaoher says M a t "
Touch YOU nose.
2. *en the TSacker stands up,
say "sit down."
3. &en the TSaCher says "do it,"
h51d up your hands.

park here calling

are *V ha1l
shark IZ kes of
barn wanted for
farm stopped those
*at very these
want Even that
were all them
*ere fall they
there call *en

read the I t e m
when the Teacher says "now,"

the dog likes to Talk, talk, Talk

a Tall man had a dog that
liked to talk and liked To Had.
one day the dog was reading
a book. the Tall man was in the
hall. he called the dog. he yelled,
"dog, come here and play ball
with me."
the dog yelled back at the
man, "I hear you call, call, call,
but I don? like To play ball,
ball, ball."

the man was gettie mad. he

yelled, "dog, stop reading that
book and start playing ball."
she yelled, "I will not go
into the hall, hall, hall, and I will
not play ball, ball, ball."
the man was very mad now.
he came into the room and got
his ~ 5 a t .he said, "well, Z am
goif@ f o r a walk. do you. want To
come with me?"
the dog said, "I will not do
that, that, that, when I can sit
h6re and get fat, fat, fat."
so the Tall man left and the
dog went back To her book.
she said, "I hate to walk, walk,

walk, but I like To talk, Talk,

the end

r h d the I t e m
when the teacher says "do it,"
hold up your hand.

the small buq went to

live in a ball
there was a small bug that
did not have a home. he went To
live in a Tall TrW. but a big
Sadie said, "this is my Tall TrEE
go look for another home.M
then the bug lived in a hBIe.
buT a mBIe said, "that's my
hole. go look f o r another horn&"
then the small bog lived on a
f a r m in a box of* salt. but a cow
said, "that's my salt. go away or
I'll Sat you up &en I lick my
then the small bug lived in a
stall on the farm. buT a horse
said, %at me you doing in my
stall? go f i n d another home."
at last the bug went To a
home n&r the farm. he spotted a
ball on the floor. the ball had a
small h51e in it. the bug said, "at
last X SEE a h h e f a r me." he
went into the ball and sat down.
he said, "I h5pe that I can stay
in this ball. I like it h b . "
more To come

r5ad the I t e m
when the TBacher says "go," i

"stand up."

the bug in the ball mEeTs a girl

a small bug had a h6me in a
ball. he said, "I Mpe I can stay
in this ball. I like IT h5re."
he went To sleep in the ball.
he was having a good dream. he
was drSamim of a f i n e party.
then he sat up. the ball was
r511irifl. %hat is going on?" he
he looked f r o m the little
h51e in the ball and saw a Tall
girl. she was rolling the ball on
the fIS5r.
%at are you doi@?" he
asked. "this is my hame. stop
rolling it on the floor."
the girl picked up the ball
and looked at the small bug. then
she dropped the ball. "5h," she
cried, "there is a bug in my
ball. I hate bugs."
the ball hit the floor. IT went
up. then iT went down. then it
went up. the bug was getting
"stop that," he called. "I
d5nt l i k e a hame that g&s up
and down."
the tall girl bent down and
lookid at the bug. she said,
"this is my ball. so go awSy."
the small bug looked up at
the girl and started to cry.
m5re to come

read the I t e m
*en the teacher stands up, say
a n
"you are standing up."

the bug wants To stSy

in the ball
a small bug wanted to live
inside a ball. but a tall girl tBId
him that he must IBave the ball
and f i n d another 'LS-me. the small
bug started To cry. he said,
%era willI go? I cannot live in
a Tall tr5& I cannot live in a box
of salt. I cannot live In a hBrse
stall. and now I cannot stay in
this ball."

"stop crying," the girl said.

"Z cant stand to s55 small bugs
the bug said, "if you. let me
s a y in this ball, I will play with
"no," the girl said. d5n't
play with bugs. 1 h a t e bugs."
the bug said, "I can sin3 f o r
you. I will Sven let you. come To
the party that I am g5i@ To
have in my ball."
she said, "dBn'l be silly. I
can*! fit in that ball. look at
how Tall I am?
the bug called, "let me stay."
the girl saT down on the

floor and looked at the small

bug. "I must think," she said.
what was she gBiG to think

M a d the I t e m
&en the teacher says "go,"
Touch your arm.

the Tall girl bets her

a tall girl wanted the bug to
leavethe ball and f i n d another
hame. the bug cried and T51d
her all the things he would do if
she let him stay in the ball. he
said that he would sing f o r her.
he said that he would let her
come to his party in the ball.
the girl was sifting on the
f W G r thinkiG of the bug.

then her brother came info

the room. he said, M a t are you
she said, "go away. I am
he said, "do you think that
the ball will start r511ic if you
look aT it very hard?" her
brother did not see the bug
inside the ball.
the girl said, "if Z want this
ball to start r511iTs it will
start rBIliTg. and I d5nt &en
have To Touch it."
her brother said, "I'll bet
you can? make thaT ball roll
if you don7 T o u c h it."

"how much will you bet?" the

girl asked. she looked at the
bug and smiled.
her brother said, "I will bet
you one football and ten toy
the girl said, "I will Take
that be^."
m5re To come

r5ad the I t e m
when the tbcher says "stop,"
Touch the fl55r.

the Tall girl wins the bet

the tall girl made a bet with
her brother. she bet him that She
could make the ball start rBlliG.
she said, "I dent Even have To
Touch it."
her brother did not set5 the
bug in the ball. so he bet one
football and ten toy cars.
the girl looked at the ball and
said, %Tart rolling, ball." the

bug started running inside the

ball. he ran and ran. he ran so
fast that the ball started To roll.
the girl's brother looked at
the ball. he said, "wow. that ball
is r5lliiQ and you are not 6ven
~ouchifi it."
the girl said, "I T51d you I
could make the ball rSII?
so the girl got one football
and ten toy cars.
then she said to the small
bug, "you helped me win the bet,
so I will let you stay in my ball.
this ball is your hBme now."
the bug was so happy that
he ran From the ball and kissed

the girl on her hand. "thank you,

thank you," he said.
and near the end of the
week, he had a fine party inside
his ball. every bug on the street
cSme to the party, and they all
said that it was the very best
party they ever had.
the end

r&d the I t e m
when the T e a c h e r says "go," kold
up your hands.

the elephant gets glasses

a small elephant was not
happy because he always Fell
one day he went f o r a walk.
he could not SEE the Tall Tree. so
he hit his head on the tall Tr5B
and Fell down.
he said, "why do I always
fall down? I wish I would not
fall. I hate to fall."

he walked some more. he

could not see a big red ball. so
he fell 5ver the big red ball.
the small elephant said, "vAy
do I always fall down? I hate To
f a1I."
he walked some mBre. but he
could not sG5 all the boys and
girls Sating hot dogs. he could
not see the pile of hot dogs. so
he fell into the hot dogs.
the boys and girls got mad.
"how could you Fall into those
hot dogs?" they said. "do you
n55d glasses?"
the elephant said, "I have
never seen glasses."
S T W 39

so a tall girl took her glasses

and gave them to the elephant.
the elephant Tried on the glasses.
"my, my," the elephant said.
"now I can see all kinds of'
things. I can s55 Tall TrS5s, balls,
and hot dogs."
now the small elephant is
happy because he has glasses.
and he never falls down.
this is the end.

the dog loves To read,

read, read
a dog that could Talk lived
with a Tall man. the dog Took a
book f r o m the Table. the dog
said, "this book is &at I n55d,
need, need. I love to read, read,
the tall man came in and said,
"I look, look, look, but I cannot
see my book, book, book."
then the man said, "my book
was on the Table."
the dog said, "the book was
on the fable, but I Took it f r o m
the TSble."
the Tall man yelled at the dog.

he said, "you must not take my

book from the Table."
she said, "do you want to
play ball, ball, ball in the hall,
hall, hall?"
"yes, yes," the man said.
the dog kicked the ball far,
far, Far down the hall. *en the
man r a n after the ball, the dog
Took the book and hid it.
then she said, "let the man
look, look, look. he will never
f i n d his book, book, book."
the end

waiter wanted to play football

waiter loved to play football. bat
walTer could not play well. he was
small. and he did not run well. when
he Tried To run with the ball, he
fell down. "don't fall d o w n m e
other boys yelled. but waiter kept
f a l l i e and falling.
Wen waiter ran to get a pass, he
dropped the football. don'^ drop
the ball," the other boys yelled. bur
waiter kept droppim balls.
dSy after d i y waiter Tried To
play football, but d5y after day he
fell down and dropped the ball.
then one day, the other boys
said, "waiter, you can't play ball
with us any mSre. you are Too small.
you. alw5ys fall. and you always
drop the football."
waiter went h5me and sat in his
yard. he was mad he said To himself,
"I am small and I canno1 run well."
waiter wanted To c q , but he
didn't cry. he sat in his yard
and Pert very sad. When his mom
called him f o r dinner, he said, "I
d5n'~wan1 to Sat. I mast sit hSre
and think/
mare To come

walter g&s To the big game

walter was sad because the other
boys would not let him play football
with them. waiter was sTill sad on
the day o f the big football game.
the boys that Iived nSar walter were
pISyiG boys From the other side o f
walter wenT down To the lot
where the boys pl9y football, he said,
cant play in the game because 1
always fall. but I will look at the
big game."
there were lots o f boys and girls
at the football lot. some o f them
were odeEr-im f o r the boys that
Iived nBar walter. other boys and
girls were ohEBrim for the Ifam that
~ 5 m efrom the other side o f Town.

the game started, there was a Tall

boy on the other team. that tall boy
got the football and ran all the way
down the lot. he scored. the boys
and girls from the other side of
town ch56red.
waiter's team got the ball. bat
they could not go far. they went
five yards.
when the other learn got the ball,
the Tall boy kicked the ball. it went
to the end o-P the lot -For another
scare. waiter said To himself, "that
other 15am is going To win. I wish
I could help my Team."
m5re To come
waiter g5as in the game
waiter was looking aT the big
football game. waiter's Team was not
do= well. the other Team had 2
sc5res. bat walter's Earn did not
have any scores. as the game went
on, waiter's t&rn started to play well.
waiter's Team stopped the Tall boy
*en he goT the ball. then walTer9s
Sam s ~ r e d waiter
. cheered, he
yelled, "geT thaT ball and sc5re some
but then the best player on
waiter's Team CUT his arm. he lefV the
game. waiter said to himself, "now
we cannot win the game. the best
player is not playing."
how could waiter's team win if
the best player was not playing?
S T W 43

then all the boys on waiter's Team

started to call. "waiter, waiter," they
called. "come heram
waller ran to his Team. one o f
the boys said, "waller, we need one
m5re player. so we called you. try to
play well. we need 2 scams to win
this game."
m5re To come


waiter's Team mast kick

waiter's Team called him To play
in the big @me.
one of the boys on waiter's
Team said, "we cannot run with the
ball, because the best runner is
no1 in the game. so let's try To
sc5m by kicking the ball."
"yes, yes," the other boys said.
then the boys looked at Each
other, "one o f us most kick the ball."
all the other boys said, "not me. I
can7 kick the ball that far."
but waiter didnt say "no." he
said, "1 will tfl. I think I could kick
the ball that far."
one of the boys said, "I will
h51d the ball for him."
so waiter got ready To kick the
ball. some boys and girts called
side of the 101, "dEnV leT
f r o m the
waiter do that he can9 play football.
he will fall down."
b u waiter
~ said To himself, "1will
not fall. I will kick thaT ball." and
waiter -Tell that he would kick the
mOre To come

walter kicks the ball

waiter was ready To kick the ball.
the boys and girls on the side o f the
lot were sSyiTs "d5n't I ~ waiter
but waiter did kick. another
boy held the ball. a Tall boy from
the other Team almost got to the ball,
but walter kicked the ball JUST in
Time. the ball went l i k e a shot. iT
went past the end of the lot. it went
5ver a tall wall that was next to the
lot. it alm5sT hi1 a car that was on
the street.
the boys on waiter's team looked
aT waiter. the boys on the other Team
looked at waiter. one boy f r o m the
other Team said, "that ball went all
the way Over the wall. I did not think

that a small boy could kick a ball

so far."
the boys and girls on the side
of the lot cheered. "thal's the way
to kick, waiter,Vhey called.
now waiter's T6am n5Sded one
mOre sc5re to win the g 5 m
m5re To come

waiter's t5am wins

the other fern did not score. so
waiter's T5am got the ball.
one boy on waiter's team said,
"we must go all the wSy down the lot
To sc5re. buT we d5n'T have Time and
we can7 kick the ball that far."
waiter said, "I think I can kick
the ball all the way." so the boys on
waiter's t&m goT ready.
the ball went into play. a boy
f r o m waiter's Team held the ball, and
waiter kicked it. it went all the way
to the end o f the lot. if alm5st hit
the wall that was next To the 101.
the boys on waiter's Team picked
him up and yelled, "waiter kicked for
a score." the boys f r o m the other

Team said, "you a h some football

and the boys and girls on the
side of the lot called, "waiter is the
star of the gains." waiter was very
and now waiter can play football
with the other boys any time he
the end

rgad the Items

1. *en the Teacher says "one," hold
up one hand.
2. *en the teacher says "go," stand

mad waiter other

made wall another
h5pe play* there

hop picked *at

fin dropped that
f Xne cannot want
all can't went
alm5sT do were
also d5n't where
always didn'T *V

carmen the cow

this is a sT5ry about a cow
named carmen.
*en the other cows said "moo,"
the children always came to pet
them. but wen carmen said "moo,"
all the children always ran away.
the children ran away because
carmen had a loud moo. she tried To
say a little moo, but her moo was
always a big, load moo.
the other cows made -Tun o f her.
they said, "we do not like you
because your moo is so loud."
carmen tried and tried, but her
moo was too loud.
one dSy some children came To
the f a r m with a Teacher. they came
to peT the cows. they petted all the

other cows, but they did not pet

carmen because they did noT like
her loud moo.
one o f the children started to
run up a hill, but she fell in a
deep, dSSp h51e. she shouted f o r
help. bat the teach- did noT hear
her calls. the other cows tried To
help her. they called "moo, moo,"
but the moos were not very loud, and
the teacher did not hear them.
more To come

carmen calls f o r help

wftio came to the f a r m To pet
Mh7 didn't the children peT
Hho fell into a dwp, dSSp h51e?
how did the other cows tfl to
help (he girl?
çtfi didn't the teacher hear the
cows mooing?
then carmen saw the girl. carmen
called "moo" very loud. she called
"moo" so loud that the teacher could
hSar her. the TBacker said, "that
sounds like a call for help." the
Teacher ran To the IiTTIe girl.
the teach- helped the IiTTIe girl
gel out of the hole. the TBooher went
Ever To carmen and said, "we are so

glad that you have a load moo. you.

said 'moo' so loud that you saved the
little girl."
and what do you think the little
girl did? the IitTIe girl kissed
carmen and said, "thank you f o r
rnooim so loud."
now carmen has lots o f children
pet her. carmen is happy that she
has a big, loud moo.
this is the end.
jill's mouse
jill had a pet mouse, her mouse
was link and pink. jill goT a
little box for her little moue. then
she wen1 TO her mother and said.
"look *at I have. I have a peT
moose in this box."
her mother ~umpedup. her
mother said, "get that mouse OUT of*
this ~ous~."
jill said, "but I want TO keep
this m o m 9 *
her mother said, "you can't keep
that mouse in this house. 1 d6n'T
like that mouse.''
jiII asked, "would you let me
keep this mouse in the yard? then
the mouse would no1 be around you."

"yes," her mother said, "but k R p

that moose OUT o f this house."
so jill Took the box and went To
the yard. she said, "I will make a
house -for this mouse." SO she piled
some grass around the box.
now jiII is happy and her mother
is happy, and the mouse is happy.
v*i7 was jill happy?
v*>7 was her mother happy?
v*>y was the m o u e happy?
the end

the magic pouch
there was a little girl who lived
nSar a tall mountain. the mountain
was so Tall that the Top was always
in the clouds. the girl wanted to
go To the Top o f the mountain, but
her mother tBld her, "no." she said,
"that mountain is sT5Sp. you would
f i n d IT very hard To geT To the top."
but one day the linle girl was
siTTi@ and looking at the mountain.
she said To herself, "Iwould like To
see *at Is in thBse clouds at the
Top of the moanlain. I think I
will go up and see."
so the girl took her pet hound
and starred up the fall mountain.
they went up and up. the side o f

the mountain was very sleep. up

they went. the girl said To her
hound, "do not fall. it is very f a r
down To the ground."
soon the little girl and her
hound ~ 9 m eTo the clouds near the
Top o f the mounTain. she said To her
hound, "now we will see wkaT is on
the other s i d e of th5se clouds."
*at do you. think they will see
on the other side of the clouds?
m5re to come
the magic pouch
Where did the liffle girt live?
What did the girl want to do?
Who Told her not To go up the
wftio did she Tike with her?
where did the girl go with her
the IiTTIe girt and her hound
went into the clouds. she said, &I
cannot see Too well. these clouds
m5ke a fog." but the girl and her
hound kept gBiQ up and up.
all at once they came oat of the
clouds. they could no1 see the
ground any more. they could only
see clouds under them. they were in
the son. the sun was In the girl's

eyes, so she could not see well. she

sat down and said To her hound, "we
must siT and rest."
all at once the little girl looked
up and saw a ¥funn little house.
she said, "I didn't see that house
bSfBr-e. let's go see v4io lives there."
so the girl and her hound walked
5ver to the fanny IitTle house.
all at once a loud sound came
from the house.
m5re to come
the magic pouch
where did the little girl and her
hound go?
*at did they see *en they came
OUT of the clouds?
what did they hear comic f r o m
the house?
When the loud sound cSme from
the house, the link girl stopped. she
looked all around, buT she did not
see anyone. the sound came f r o m
the house once more. the girl and
her hound walked up To the house.
she called, "is anyone inside that
all at once the dGGr of the
house opened. the girl looked
Inside the h a m , but she did not

see anyone. slowly she walked inside.

sl5wly her hound walked inside, then
the door slammed behind them. the
hound ~umped.the girl jumped. sde
said, "leT9s gel OUT o f here" she
grabbed the dSSr, but it would not
5pen. the girl said, "I d5nT like
all at once the girl looked aT a
funny pouch hangm on (he wall.
and a loud sound came OUT o f the
poucd. it said, "Bpen this pouch and
let me OUT."
more To come
the magic pouch
*at did the link girl and her
hound see on Top of the mountain?
rih7 didn't they leave the funny
what was hanging on the wall?
the girl walked Over To the pouch.
she said, "is there some thfia in that
"yes. I am a magic elf. I have
lived in this pouch f o r a thousand
years, plbse, would you open the
pouch and let me out?"
the little girl asked, "how many
ygÈr have you, lived in that pouch?"
the elf said, "a thousand yeÈrs.
the girl started to open the
pouch, then she stopped. she said,

"elf, I dent I should let you

out. this is not m9 house. I should
no1 be hare."
the elf said, "this Is m9 house.
so p l b open the pouch and let me
out. if you leT me OUT, Z will give
you the pouch. iT is magic."
the girl touched the pouch. she
asked herself, "should I Upen this
pouch and IeT him OUT?"
mare to come
the magic pouch
*at was inside the pouch?
how many years had the elf lived
in the pouch?
the little girl said to herself,
"should I 5pen this pouch?" she
looked at the pouch, then slowly she
Spoiled it. OUT jumped a lime elf,
no bigger than your Foot. the girl's
hound went, "owwwww." then the elf
,jumped all around the room. he
~umpedon the Table and on the
fIBBr. then he ran up one wall and
down the other wall. he even ran
around the hound. "owwwww," the
hound yelled.
"I'm OUT. I ' m OUT," the elf
shouted. "I lived in that pouch a

thousand ySars and now I ' m out*

aT lasT the girl's hound stopped
"owwwww." the elf sat on the
labk and said, "E thank you very
much. pl5asà tSIc the magic pouch.
but be carrfiil. &en you am good,
the pouch will be good to you. but
rihen you. are bad, the pouch will be
bad To you.
more to come
the magic pouch
the elf T51d the IiTTIe girl, "When
you are bad, the pouch will be bad
the girl picked up the pouch.
she said To the elf, "I have been
good to you. let's see if this
magic pouch will be good to me."
she reached inside the pouch and
found ten round rocks that shine.
"th6se round rocks are gold," she
shouted. ^ I ' m rich."
so the girl thanked the elf f o r
the pouch.
then the girl and her hound
started down the Tall mounTain.
they went down and down. they went
into the clouds. widen they left the
STOW 5 6

clouds, the girl could see the

ground. down and down they went.
&en they reached the botlom o f
the mountain, the sun was setti@
IT was g e n i e late. the girl was
Tired. but she ran to her house.
her mother met her at the d55r.
she said, "where were you? your
Father and I have looked all around
f o r you."
the little girl did not fell her
mother where she went. she said, "I
went To sleep in the grass. I JUST
woke up." she Told a lie, and that was
more To come

the magic pouch

did the little girl tell her mother
she was?
*at did she tell her mother?
*at does the pouch do When you
are bad?
the girl's mother looked at the
poach. she said, %ere did you get
thaT pouch?"
"1 found it on the ground," the
little girl said. she TBId another lie.
"bat mother, there are Ten rocks of
gold in this pouch. we are rich."
she r e a c h e d In the pouch and took
something OUT. b u Wen
~ she looked,
she saw that she was not hBIdim
@Id rocks, she was h51ding yellBw
mud. her mother said, "you are no1
funny. we are not rich. but you are
dirty, go clean your hands."
the linle girl got a rag and ~ried
To rub the yellow mud f r o m her
hands. but it would noT come f r o m
her hands. she robbed and rubbed,
bat the yell5w mud stiyed on her
hands. her mother Tried to get the
mud f r o m her hands, but she could
no1 do it.
then the girl started To cry.
m5re To come

the magic pouch
&a1 did the linle girl take f r o m
the pouch?
could she gel the yellow mud
f r o m her hands?
could her mother get the yellow
mud f r o m her hands?
the girl cried and cried, then she
said, "mother, I TBId you some lies. I
did not sleep in the grass. I wen1 To
the Top o f the Tall mountain. and I
did not f i n d the pouch on the
ground. a funny elf' gave iT To me."
the girl TSId her mother all about the
funny house and the elf.
and when she looked at her
hands, she saw that they were clean.
her mother said, "Where did the mud
I d5nT see it any *ere," the
girl said. she looked To see if there
was more mud inside the pouch, and
wdaT do you. think was inside the
pouch? there w e r e a thousand rocks
of gold. her mother said, "we are
rick. we are very rich."
and the link girl said to herself',
"that pouch is g d TO me because I
was good. 1 will keep on doing good
things." and she did. and every Time
she was good, she reached in the
pouch and found something good.
no more To come

the bugs and the elephant

five elephants wen1 f o r a walk.
one elephant was very Tall. that
elephanl said, "I must sit and rest.
I will look f o r a spot o f ground
*ere I can sit."
so she looked f o r a good site To
sit on the ground. at last she came To
a fine site thaT was in the sun. she
said, "this spot is fine." bat a f l y
was sittim in that spot. the f l y said,
"go away, elephant. this is my spot."
the elephant said, "ha, h5. you.
cannot stop me i f I want To siT in
the sun."
so the elephanl sat down. thaT
fly got out o f her way. then the
elephant said, "this is a Pine site.
iT is -Pun here."
the fly said, "you Took my spot.
so I will f i x you."
the fly went away and the
elephant went To sl55p.
When the elephant woke up, she
saw that there were many bugs on
the ground. those bugs were all
around her.
the elephant said, "how did these
bags gel here?"
the little fly said, "these bugs are
with me. they are here To Take you
and they did. they picked up the
elephant and Took her To the lake.
then they dropped her in the lake.
now the fly is siltie in the sun
and the elephanl is si~liwin the lake.
the fly thinks it is fun To sit in the
sun. and the elephant thinks if is
more fan to sit in the lake.
this is the end.
the pel g&T
a girl got a pet g5at. she liked To
go running with her pet g5at. she
played with her g5at in her house.
she played with the g5aT in her yard.
but the g5at did some things that
made the girl's dad mad. the g5at ate
things. he ate cans and he ate canes.
he ate pans and he ate panes, he
Even ale capes and caps.
one day her dad said, "that @at

must go. he 6aTs Too many things."

the girl said, -dad, if you let the
g5aT Cay with us, I will see thaT he
Hops Sating all those thiqs."
her dad said, "we will Tfl if."
so the g5aT stayed and the girl
made him stop G a t i G cans and canes
and caps and capes.

but one day a car robber came

To the girl's house, he saw a big
red car n&r the house and said, "I
will stSal that car."
he ran To the car and started to
5pen the d55r.
the girl and the gSat were playing
in the back yard. they did not see
the car robber.
more To come

the @at stops the robber

a girl had a pet g5at. her dad
had a red car.
a car robber was g5iQ To st6al
her dad's car. the girl and her g6aT
were playfig in the back yard.
JUST then the gSat slopped
pISyiFg. he saw the robber. he bent
his head down and started To r a n
f o r the robber. the robber was
bending 5ver the seal of the car. the
g5aT hiT him with his sharp h5rns. the
car robber went Wing.
the girl's dad ran OUT of the
house. he grabbed the robber. "you
were tryim To $Teal my car," he
the girl said, "bat my g5aT
stopped him."

"yes," her dad said. "that @at

saved my car."
the car robber said, "somethi2
hit me Wen I was trying to sT8al
that car."
the girl said, "my g5aT hi1 you."
the girl hogged the @at. her dad
said, "that gSat can s a y with us.
and he can Eat all the cans and canes
and caps and capes he wants."
the girl smiled. her g5aT smiled.
her dad smiled. buT the car robber
did not smile, he said, ¥'
am sore."
the end

jane wanted to -Fly, -fly, fly

a girl named jane said, "1 want
To fQ,fiy, fiy in the shy, sky, shy."
her father said, "but iP you fall on
your head, head, head, you'll end up
in bed, bed, bed."
but the girl did not stop Talking
about fTOfiaa one day she went To
her dad and said, "If you help me
make a big kite, Z can fly in the sky
like the birds."
her dad said, "I will help you
make a kite, b u T I dBn'T think you
should T r y To fly."
jane said, "that is good, good,
good. let's make a kite o f wood,
wood, wood."
her dad said, "we'll need paper
and strifia to make this thifiS."

jane and her dad go^ p # p r and

s~rifiaand wood. they made a kite
that was very, very big.
jane said, W e n the wind starts
to blow, blow, blow, JUST see me go,
go, goam
her f'ather said, "no. no. no.*
jane goes up, up, up
a girl named jane wanted to fly,
but her dad didn't want her to fv.
he helped her make a big kite. b u T he
TBId her that she could not fw with
thaT kiTe.
then one day, the wind started to
bl5w. jane gof her big kite. she said,
"I dBn't kn5w Why, çJh7MJk7 dad
wBn'T let me fly, fly, fly."
as she was hSldia the kite, a big
wind started to blow the kite away.
jane said, "I must h51d on TO that
kiTe or if will go f a r awly."
so she held on To the kite. bat
when the wind started To blow very
hard, It limed the kite into the s w .
she looked down and yelled, "I want

my dad, dad, dad, because this is

bad, bad, bad."
the kite went up and up. soon it
was n5ar the clouds. jane yelled,
"now I'm over the Town, town, Town,
but I wanT to go down, down, down."
at last the kite came down. IT
landed in a farm five miles f r o m
town. jane left the kite them and
walked back to her home. then she
~5Idher dad, "now I know why, Why,
ÇçI should not f iy, fQ,fQ."
jane never tried flying again.
the end
the IiTTIe cloud
there was a little cloud. the little
cloud lived in the sky with a mother
cloud and a father cloud.
the father cloud was very big
and very dark. every now and then
the father cloud would say, "it is
Time to make some rain." the father
cloud would shake and make loud
thunder sounds-"boom, boom." then
the r3in would fall f r o m the cloud.
the father cloud was very proud. he
was the besT rSin maker in the sky.
b u the
~ mother cloud was preTTy
good at making rain too every now
and then she would say, "I think I'll
make some rain." she would make
some loud thunder sounds, and OUT
would come the rain.

but the little cloud could not

make rain. he would say, "I think
I'll make some rain." he would shake
and shake. he would Try as hard as
he could, but no rain came f'rorn
that small cloud.
the mother cloud said, "don't
f551 bad. when you. are bigger, you
will make rSin. you are Too small now,
but you will grBw."
and that small cloud did grow.
every day he go1 a little bigger and
a IiTTIe darker. and every day he
fried To make rain. but he couJdnT
5ven make loud sounds. and not one
drop o f rain came from that cloud.
he felt very sad.
then one day something happened.
the wind was bIBwiG very hard.

that wind began To blow the liWe

cloud Par aw3y f r o m his mother and
father. he called To them. bat they
war* m5kiiE load sounds, so they
couldn't h&r him.
more next time

the small cloud must help

the wind was bl5wic the small
cloud away from his father and
mother. the small cloud couldn't
Even see them any more. "I am so
sad that I will cry," the cloud said.
buT wftiaT do you think happened?
when the cloud tried To cry, no Tears
came out. that made the cloud even
he said, "Iam so small that I
can'T Sven make mars."
JUST then someone called, "help,
the linle cloud looked down. there
was a small dSSr and a mother d6Sr.
and n5ar them was a big forest fire.
that small dSSr and the mother deer
were ~rapped."help, help," they called.
the linie cloud said to himself,
I must get help." then he called,
"mom and dad, come over here and
make some rain on the forest." but
the mother cloud and the father
cloud w e e Too f a r awSy. they
couldn't h & r the little cloud.
W a t willI do?" the IiTTle cloud
asked himself. "if' I could make rain,
I could help those deer. but I am
Too small?
the fire was getting bigger all
the time. now it was all around the
two d m mthe small cloud said, "I
musT gel my mother and father."
buT every Time the small cloud
started to f IGat one way, the wind
took him back. the small cloud looked
down at the Two dSSr. then the cloud

said, "I am the 5nly one who can

help those deer. so X will do *at I
more To come

the small cloud is happy

the little cloud was the only one
u*io could help the two deer. the
small cloud said, "I will tv TO

rain. I will TV as hard as I can."

the cloud bEgan to shake. he
shook and shook and shook. and Sack
Time he shook, he became a little
bigger and a little darker. he shook
some more. and he became Even
bigger and darker.
then he began To make loud
sounds, "boom, b o o m 3 e said. the
sounds he made were almt5st as
loud as his Father's sounds. "boom,
and all aT once rain started to
fall f r o m the little cloud. Two or

thr55 drops fell. then more drops

Bgan to fall. again the cloud made a
loud sound, "boom." the rain was
falling faster and faster. IT starfed
To fall so fast thaT IT soaked the
foresT. IT s&kd the TrSes that were
on Tire. and it ~5akedthe two deer.
"thank you, thank you," they called To
the cloud, the cloud kept making rain.
When that cloud stopped, the forest
looked like a lake. all of the Fires
were out, and the deer were standm2
in the water.
all at once the mother cloud and
the Father cloud floated up To
the linle cloud, the father cloud said,
"we see WaT you did. you are a
good cloud."
the mother cloud said, "I am so
proud. Today my linle cloud became

- a r5al rain cloud."

this is the end.

The Tall man gels a scare

one day the tall man and his dog
went for a walk To the lake. The dog
said, "1 hate To walk, walk, walk,
but I love to Talk, Talk, talk."
The Tall man said, "go jump in
the lake."
The dog sat down. then she said,
"you can swim around, around,
around. I ' l l stay on The ground,
ground, ground."
The Tall man became very mad. he
said, "dogs love to swim. so let's go
f o r a swim,"
The dog said, "you can swim i f
you wish, wish, wish. but I dBnt
like to be with fish, fish, fish."
so the Tall man wen1 swimming
and The dog stayed on the ground.

soon The Tall man came OUT o f the

lake. he said, "now let's have
something to eat. look around f o r
some f i r e wood."
The dog said, "I love To EaT
Things That are good, good, good.
but I hale To go hunTi@ f o r wood,
wood, wood"
The Tall man said, "if you don't
gel wood, you can't have anything
TO Cat."

so The dog looked f o r wood. when

she found a big pile of wood, she
called The Tall man. The Tall man Took
The wood and made a big Fire. then
The Tall man bSgan To cook beans
and meat. The dog sat and looked at
The Food.
Then all at once, The dog yelled,
"Sver There, There, There. I see a
bear, bear. bear."
The tall man ~umpedinfo The lake.
the dog ate all o f The b&ns and
the dog said, "1 gave the fall
man a scare, scare, scare. There
was no bear over There, There, There.
h8. hS."
The end

sandy counted e v e r y ~ h i c
sandy was a girl who liked to
count, she counted Things all The
Time. on her way To school, she
would count Trws and dogs and
cats. she would count boys and girls.
she Even counted the steps she
sandy liked school. The part she
liked best was *en The teacher said,
"now we will work on counting,M
sandy was The best counter in The
one day sandy was walking To
school and she was counting Things.
she was walking nBar The rail rBad
Tracks. and a Train went by. so sandy
counted The Tr5in cars. There were
one hundred cars in That Train.

There were fif7y red cars and fi-fty

yellBw cars.
amer school was over, sandy
began To walk home. she walked near
The rail rGad tracks. and There was
The same Train she had seen before.
The train was s ~ a n d i aon The Track.
There were two men and one woman
in f r o n l of' The Train.
one o f The men was sayings
"where are the tv sets? They should
be on This Train. but they are
The woman said, "how could
They be missing? this Train has been
standm here all day. The tv sets
wwe on this Train before, so They
must be on this Train now."
more To come
a Train car was missiG
v^aT did sandy like to do?
how many cars were in The Train?
how many red cars were in The
sandy was standing near the
woman and the men. they were
Talking about the Train and the
missing tv sets.
one man said, "how many cars
are in This Train?"
the oflier man said, "There are
ninety-nine cars in this Train."
sandy said, "no, There are one
hundred cars in This train."
the woman said, "get out of
here, little girl. can'T you see That
we are ~alkini?"
sandy said, "but I counted The
cars in this train &en Z went to

school. There are one hundred cars

in %is Train."
"go home, little girl," the woman
said. "There are ninety-nine cars in
this Train."
so sandy left. she began To
count the cars in the Trainmshe
found out that there were not one
hundred cars. There were Bnly
ninety-nine cars.
sandy said to herself, "I am The
best counter there is. and I counted
one hundred cars. so now X must
f i n d OUT Where one of* The cars
more to come

sandy f i n d s the train car

&en sandy counted The cars on
her way to school, There were one
hundred cars in The Train. when ske
counted The cars afVer school, There
were ninety-nine cars. one car was
sandy said, "I must think about
This. There w e r e fif'ty red cars and
f if'ty yellBw cars. but now there
are not f i f t y red cars. one red car
is missing.w
sandy walked next to the rail
rBad Track.
soon she came to a shed. there
w e e rail Mad tracks That led t o
The shed. sandy said To herself, "I
will f i n d out whaT is in That shed*"

so sandy folltiwed The tracks to

The shed.
she looked inside the shed and
saw a red Train car standing on the
Tracks. the car d55r was 5pen. sandy
looked around. no one was around.
so sandy ran Bver To the door o f
The red car and looked inside. The
car was -Tilled with Tv sets.
She said to herself, "I ¥roun
The car with the Tv sets.*
sandy was all set To run back to
tell someone That she had found The
missin+ car. but JUST Then There was
a sound near her. it was The sound
of fwT steps.
more To come
a crook stops sandy
sandy had found the missing
Train car. but now There was a sound
behind her. it was The sound of
foot steps.
"I must hide," sandy said.
then she ~umpedinto the red
Train car and hid behind a big Tv
set. Then she looked out. a big man
came into The shed Then another
man came in.
one man said, "back your Truck
up To The end o f The shed. we will
load The Tv sets into The Truck. buT
we must Isad them fast."
The other man said, "yes." Then
the men left The shed. sandy said To
herself, "These men are crooks. They
are s ~ g a l i cthe tv sets."

sandy ~ S i ~ e d . could hBar The

men Talking outside. Then she could
h@arThe sound of The Truck.
she said To herself, "I must gel
out of here." she jumped f rum The
Train car and began To run as f a s t
as she could go. she ran OUT o f The
shed. and then she stopped. The big
man was standing in front o f her.
he said, %at are you. doing
sandy looked at The man. she
wanted to run, but she didn't think
That she could r a n faster Than The
man. she had to Think of somethi@
to say. but she couldn't sSSm to Talk.
she looked a1 The big man and The
big man looked at her.
more To come
sandy Tells v*aT she found
sandy ~ried
To run -From the
shed but the big man s~oppedher.
he asked her, %at are you doing
sandy wanted to say someThiTo.
but she couldn't Think of a ThiG To
The big man said, "can't you hear
me? I asked you what you are doing
sandy said, "my hound dog."
%a1 abouT your hound dog?"
the man asked.
sandy said, "I can't f i n d him.
he ran away and I was looking -Tor
sandy had Wid a big lie. buT she

didn't want To Tell The big man Why

she had come to the shed.
the man said, "well, get OUT o f
here, and dBn't come back. i f I
f i n d you playin3 around this shed
any more, you'll be sorry."
sandy said, "CkSy. I w5n't come
back." she ran away f r o m The big
man as Fast as she could go. she
said, "I must tell someone what I
found OUT."
sandy ran back To the train that
had a car missing. The men and the
woman wee still standing near The
Train. a cop was with Them now.
sandy ran up To The cop. she yelled,
"I found The car wilh The Tv sets."
more to come

sandy and big bill

sandy ran up To the cop. she
Told him ThaT she had found The
missing Train car.
one man said, "will you. get out
of here, linle girl? can't you see
That we are ~alkim?"
sandy said, "but I found The
train car That is missing.99
the woman said, "there is no
missing Trfiin car."
sandy said, "bat t h e r e is a car
missing and I Found it." then sandy
T51d Them all about The missing
after she 151d *at had happened,
The cop said, 'I Think There were
one hundred cars in that Train. how
can we check it?"

one man said, "That's Easy. I'll

get big bill. he counts The cars on
every train That comes in here."
That man lef't. soon he came back
with another man. as he walked back
with the oTher man he shouted, "big
bill counted The cars. he says That
There ate ninety-nine cars."
sandy looked at big bill, and big
bill looked at sandy. big bill was the
man who had stopped her outside The
more To come

back To The shed

sandy saw thaT big bill was The
big man çfi had stopped her outside
The shed. she shouted, "That's one o f
The men who was sl&diQThe Tv sets.
That's him." she TBId The cop ThaT big
bill had sToppad her outside the shed.
big bill looked very mean. he said,
%alps ThaT girl lalkim about? I
think she's nuts."
sandy said, "no, I'm not nuTs.
that is one o f The men."
big bill said, "I dBn'T kn5w wJkaT
she is talkie about. I never saw her
before. and I don't know anything
abouT a shed with a red Train car
in it."
"yes, you do," sandy said.

The cop said, "well, w*>y dBn't we

all take a walk down the tracks and
f i n d out Mho is lyifig?"
so They all walked down the
Tracks To The shed. *en They came
near the shed, sandy could see a big
Mhite truck at one end of the shed.
she said, "That most be their truck.
the crooks must be inside The shed,
IBadiRg The truck."
big bill gave sandy a mean look.
more To come

Thank you, sandy

sandy and The others were n 5 ~ r
the shed. the cop said, "the rest of
you. w3it here. Z'll go inside that
shed and see W a f s gain? on."
so They waited as The cop went
inlo The shed. as soon as the cop

was in the shed, big bill said, "I've
go1 work To do. I ' m ISavmg.99
"you bener sTSy here." one o f
The men said. big bill didn't answer.
bill JUST gave sandy a m&n look.
sandy looked at the shed and
waited* Then she saw some men start
To come f r o m The shed. They all
had Their hands up. The cop was
walking behind them.

The cop shouted, "That girl found

The Tv sets. I Think big bill is one o f
The crooks."
one of the men said To sandy,
"Thank you f o r finding The missing
car." The woman also Thanked sandy.
so did The cop.
Then one of The men said, "This
M i l r5ad would like TO give you a
g i n -Tor finding the crooks." so the
man gave her a very fine gWT. what
do you Think That gift was?
it was a Tv set.
This is The end.

Sam gels a kite kit

sam liked t o make Things. he
liked To make toy cars. so he went
to The store and got a Toy car kit.
his mom said, "that kit has The parts
o f a car. you have To r&d and f i n d
OUT how To fit The parts so That They
make a car."
Sam said, "I will do ThaT."
so Sam began To rSad The paper
That came with The car kiT. Then he
began to fit the parts To make a car.
soon he had a Toy car.
his mom said, %at is a fine car.
you are good at reading and aT
making Things."
Sam did no1 like To make the
same thing again. he said, "I will
not make other cars. I will make
something else."
so he went to The store and got
a kite kit. when he got home, he
showed his mom The kite kit. his mom
said, "That kit has a lo1 o f parts in
it. you will have To mad The paper
ThaT comes with The kit To f i n d
OUT how To make the kite."
sam looked inside the kit. then he
said, "What paper? There is no paper
in This kit."
sam's mom said, "that is too bad.
how will you make The kite if there
is no paper in The kit?"
sam said, "I will go back To The
store and gel a paper That Tells how
To make a kite From These parTs."
when sam got to The store, the
man in The store said, "I d5n'T have
other pSpers that tell how to make
sam asked, "how can Z make a
kite if I dBnf have The paper?"
The man said, "you will have to
do The best you. can."
sam was not happy. he went
home and looked at all the parts in
The kite kiT.
more To come
Sam makes a funny kite
Sam liked To make Things. he
had made a Toy car f r o m a kit. he
did a good job. now Sam had a kite
kit. but There was no paper in the
kit To Tell how To make a kiTe f r o m
The parts.
Sam was not very happy. he
looked at ¤ac of the parts. then he
began To T f l to make a kite f r o m
The parts in The kit. he worked and
*en his mom saw the kite, she
said, "h5, k5. That is a funny-
looking kite."
it was f unny-looking. it looked
like a small Tent made OUT of paper
and wood. the Top of the kite was
very sharp.

sam's mom said, T m sorry f o r

making -Tun o f your kite, but it looks
vary ¥funny.
sam said, "I d5n'T care how
funny it looks. I Think IT will -fW."
his mom said, "no, I don't think
it will. if does noT look like a kiTe
That will fly."
"we will see," Sam said.
so sam and his mom went to The
park. There were 101s of boys and
girls in the park. some o f them
were flying kites. and some o f The
kites were way up in the sky.
Sam said, "I Think my kite will
pass up all Those kites."
sam's mom said, "I dBn't think
your kite will go Three f EEt f r o m
The ground."

do you Think sam's kite will Ply?

more nexT Time

can sam's kite really fly?

when Sam made his kite, his mom
said That it looked funny. so did The
boys and girls in The park. They looked
at The kite and said, "h6, hB, That
Thing looks like a TenT. IT wont fQ."
Sam said, "we will see."
sam's kite began To go up.
up, up it went. it was going up very
fast. sam's mom said, "well, would
you look at that kite go up."
The boys and girls said, "wow,
ThaT kite can rBally fly."
soon sam's kite passed up all The
oTher kiTes. IT wen1 up so f a r iT
looked like a IiTTIe spot.
some o f The boys and girls asked
Sam, "where did you gel ThaT kite?"
Sam said, "you can get a kit f o r

This kite at The Toy sTore. but I will

have To Tell you how To fit the parts
so that they make a Tent kite."
more and more boys and girls
asked sam about his kite. at last Sam
said, "Iwill make a paper that Tells
how to make a tent kite f r o m The kit."
and h e did. when he got home, he
saT down wiTh his morn. his mom
helped him with The paper. *en They
w e r e done, his mom said, "this paper
reads very well. you did a good job."
Sam said, "That's good. now let's
make a lot of These papers so we can
give one To everybody Mho wants one."
The next day sam gave each boy
and girl a paper. he T51d Them to
r5ad The paper and do *at it said.
now There are many tent kites
flying aver The park. and no one
says, "ha, h5." The Ten1 kites fly
better than any other kite.
the end

Tim and his hat

Tim had a hat. it was red and
Wkite. Tim said, "I hale This haT."
but his mother said, "iT is c51d
outside, so you must have a hat."
Wen Tim was outside, he said,
"1 will take this hat and hide IT."
so he did. he -Pound an old tr55
with a hole in it. he stuck the hat
in The hole. then he said, M e n I
come back f r o m school, I will get
my hat f r o m The Ti-ۉ
Tim got To school on time. he
began reading his book. then he
looked OUT The window. what do you
Think was falling From the sky?
sn5w was falling, when Tim saw The
sn5w, he said, "wow, it is geTTing
c51d out There." and it was. it was
getting c51der and cBlder.
M e n school was over, The snow
was very dBBp. Tim walked outside.
Then he said, "my Bars are getting
c51d. I had better run home." so
Tim began To ran. he ran as fast as
he could go, but The snow was very
d55p and if was hard to run in That
snCw. The other boys and girls were
playing in The sn5w, bat tim did not
have Time To play. he said, "I musT
get home before m9 Bars get T o o
at last, Tim came To the old Tree.
he grabbed his red and white hat.
he slipped The ha7 Ever his B a r s
then he said, "I dBn't hate this hat.
I like This hat now."
Tim did not hate his hat a f h r
that day. and he did not hide his hat
in TrSBs. now Tim has time to play
with The other boys and girls vhen
The snBw gets d m
this smry Is Bver.

the Fox wants a cone

a linle girl was sitTing in the
woods, she had an ice cream cone.
she was siWing on a log, Eating her
ice cr5am cone.
a sly f o x was looking a1 her. That
f o x was Thinking. "I will con That
girl. I will con her into giving me
her cone."
so the sw f o x ran up To the girl.
Then he fell Over and began to
shout, "help me, help me. rn7
mouth is on fire. give me something
cool f o r my mouth."
"close your eyes and Open your
rnoalh," The girl said.
The sv fox was thinking, "he, h5,
I conned that girl OUT of her cone."
&en The f o x closed his eyes, he
did no1 geT a cone in his moulh. he
got a drink of cBId water.
"There," the girl said. "ThaT
should make your mouTh cool."
"no, no," The f o x shouted. "my
mouth nSSds something colder than
That water."
The girl said, "close your eyes
and Bpen your mouth."
the f o x said To himself, "This
time I will con her OUT of her
but he did not con her OUT of a
cone. he conned her OUT o f a bit of
ice. she dropped The ice inTo his
moulh. Then she said, "now your
mouTh mast f*@51 cool."
"no, no," The f o x yelled. "I need
a cone."
The girl said, "you can have The
cone, but Z ate all the ice crSam."
but the fox did not take The
cone. she had made him so mad That
he ran back into the woods, he
never ~rLdTo con her again.
more To come
r5ad The I t e m
say "what** &en the Teacher says "ThaT."

The con Pox

the sty f o x wanted an ice cream cone.
he couldn't con the girl out of her cone,
but he had a plan. he said, "Iwill go To
The Ice cream stand. &en I get There. I
will con somebody OUT of a cone."
so That f o x went To Town. &en he
came To The ice c a m stand, he said,
"hand me a cone."
The man aT the stand made up a big
cone. then the man said, "that will be one
the fox said, "but X gave you a dime."
The man said, "no, you did not give me
a dime. I Think you are Trying To con me."
"Idon7 con men," The f o x said. "I

came here f o r a cone. and X gave you a

dime -for that cone."
The man looked at That sly fox. Then
The man said, "if This is not a Trick, 1 will
give you the cone."
The f o x said, "1 am not lying. I am
not Trying To con you."
JUT then a liftle girl came up To The
ice c r h m stand, if was the girl That the
f o x had meT in The woods. The girl said To
The Pox, "you. are The fox That tried to
con me OUT of my cone. I am glad To
see That you are buying a cone."
The man at the stand said, "so you
are a con Pox."
The fox was so mad that he ran back
To The woods. he never Triad To con The
man at The cone stand again.
This is The end.
r&d The I t e m
s5y "spot*"if The Teacher says "stop.**

don was sad

don had a job That he did not like. he
worked in a hat store, he mopped up in
That store aT The end o f each day. every
d5y he mopped and mopped, Aten he
mopped, he Talked To himself. he would
hate to work in This hat store. I
say, **I
hate To mop."
Then he would think of Things That he
would like To do. he said, "I wish I was
b i I~ wish I could fly. I would like To
be a super man. but Z am JUST a mopper.
I am not big. I cannot fly."
when The store was mopped, don would
siT and mope. he would Think of The
Things he would do if he was a super

"1 would f i n d crooks," he said. "They

would shooT aT me, but 1 would nor fW1
a Thing."
every day was The same. don would
mop and mop. Then he would mope and
mope. when he mopped, he would Think
abouT being a super man. *en he would
mope, he would Think about that Too.
then one day something happened.
don was mopping in The back of the
store, all aT once, he stopped mopping.
"I Think I hSar something," he said.
The sound came from The dear that
led down The stairs. somebody was sgying,
"come down The sTSirs." don opened The
d55r and went down The stairs.
To be continued
r5ad the I t e m
when The Teacher says What," say "ThaT."

don rn55is a woman

where did don work?
why did don mope?
somebody TBId don to come down The
sTSirs. so don dropped his mop and went
down the stairs. it was very dim down
%ere. but don could see a woman in Hie
dark. the woman had a cap and a cape.
she said, "don, do you. want To be a
super man?"
"yes, I do," don said.
The woman said, "I will help you be a
super man if you Tell me that you will do
"I will do good," don said.
Then the woman handed don a dime.
That dime looked dim in The dark.

The woman said, "k68p ThaT dime.

when you wanT To be a super man, Tap
the dime Three Times."
don looked at the dime, but when he
looked up, he did HOT see The woman.
"where are you?" don asked.
There was no answer, don called again,
buT There was no answer. Then don Took
the dime and went up The dim sTSirs. he
said to himself, "I must be having a
dream.* b u then
~ he looked aT The dime
and said, "if I am dreaming, how did I
get This dime?"
don picked up his mop and began to
mop again. Then he said, "X think I will
tap that dime three times and see what
happens. I hope IT works.^
so don dropped his mop and Tapped
his dime one time, Two times, Three Times.
To be continued

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