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A Study On Influence of Yoga On Student

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A study on influence of yoga on student's life

Article · July 2020

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4 authors:

Mohd Akhter Ali M. Kamraju

Osmania University Osmania University


Sanja Devi P. Manisha

Osmania University Osmania University


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International Journal of Health, Physical Education and
Computer Science in Sports
ISSN 2231-3265
Volume 37; Issue 1
Journal Impact Factor 6.997
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Research Journal

Research Article

A study on influence of yoga on student’s life

Mohd Akhter Ali1, M. Kamraju2, Sanja Devi2, P. Manisha2

Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, 2Student, Department of

Geography, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Yoga is widely practiced as a way to plug physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being, while kind of studies has documented the
efficacy of yoga for functioning in healthy individuals and people experiencing illness or pain. We propose an analog between the physical,
psychological, and spiritual effects of the practice of yoga in students behavior. Physical systems activated through yoga practice include
musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, autonomic system nervosum, and endocrine functioning. Psychological benefits include enhanced coping,
self-efficacy, and positive mood. Spiritual mechanisms which may be understood within a Western medical model include acceptance and
mindful awareness. We present empirical evidence that supports the involvement of those domains. However, additional well-conducted
research is required to further establish the efficacy of yoga for health states and to know how posture, breath, and meditative activity affect
the body, mind, and spirit. In this study, we are mainly concerned with secondary data for the evaluation of yoga’s influence on students.
Keywords: Cardiopulmonary, Musculoskeletal, Nervosum, Psychological, Spiritual


Teenage is that the period of time of scholars once they are For this study, we mostly went for secondary data from a review of
stucked between sort of workload and pressures. They need to the literature from various articles and research papers published.
perfectly accomplish their school or college task, steel oneself
against sort of examinations or test, got to score excellent REVIEW OF LITERATURE
marks, work better in their workplace and improve their
performance, and many other tension.
Joshi et al. (1992) reported that pranayama leads to an increase
in breath-holding time and decrease respiration rate. It is also
In several schools, colleges, and universities round, the world
believed that practice of kumbhaka (breath retention) in the
several programs and courses are made compulsory for the
most of pranayama enhances concentration and reduces anxiety.
scholars to hitch. Yoga is one of the among them. Students from
all round the world have gained benefits by doing yoga. It helps
Khumar et al. (1993) examined the effectiveness of Shavasana
your body to relax and soothes your mind. Furthermore, it helps
(a type of yoga exercise) as a therapeutic technique to alleviate
to form your body flexible and improves your concentration
depression. Fifty female university students were diagnosed with
power. Furthermore, students can gain various other benefits
severe depression; 25 were subjected to 30 sessions of Shavasana,
from yoga which will help them in completing their work
and 25 served as controls. Results revealed that (1) Shavasana
perfectly and make them high scorer within the class.
was an effective technique for alleviating depression and (2)
Objective continuation of the treatment for a longer period resulted in a
The main objective of this paper is to find the impact of yoga significantly increases positive change in the Ss.
in school going students.
Address for correspondence:
Mohd Akhter Ali/M. Kamraju, There is a broad variety of yoga schools, practices, and goals
E-mail: in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. The term “Yoga” in the

Ali, et al.: A study on influence of yoga on student’s life

Western world often denotes a modern form of hatha yoga Health benefits
and yoga as exercise, consisting largely of the postures called Medically proved yoga has various medical benefits. A lot of
asanas. diseases are often improved by doing yoga daily. It helps to
scale back excellent hypertension among students.
The origins of yoga have been speculated to date back to
pre-Vedic Indian traditions, possibly in the Indus valley Weight management and flexibility
civilization around 3000 BCE. It is mentioned in the Rig-Veda, Flexibility of the body is another advantage of doing yoga
but yoga most likely developed as a systematic study around the daily. Practicing yoga asana, your muscles also are stretched,
5th and 6th centuries BCE, in ancient India ascetic and śramaṇa thereby increasing the pliability of your body. Uneasiness in
breathing and obesity is a number of the issues associated with
movements The chronology of earliest texts describing
weight which is extremely common among the scholars. Due
yoga-practices is unclear, varyingly credited to Upanishads.
to high calories drinks and food intake, students need to face
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali go back to the 2nd century BCE
such sorts of problems. With practicing yoga regularly, they
and gained prominence within the west within the 20th century
will help their weight management.
after being first introduced by Swami Vivekananda. Hatha yoga
texts emerged sometimes between the 9th and 11th centuries Advancement of educational brain
with origins in tantra. Doing yoga regularly helps you in advancing your brain
muscles and helps students to attain the very best grades.
Yoga gurus from India later introduced yoga to the West, Hence, yoga helps learners to remain relaxed and stress-free
following the success of Swami Vivekananda within the late from all the depress and academic tensions which are useful
19th and early 20th century together with his adaptation of yoga in your academic advancement.
tradition, excluding asanas. Outside India, it is developed into
a posture-based fitness, stress-relief, and relaxation technique. Enhances your power and memory
Yoga in Indian traditions, however, is a quite physical exercise; Yoga is that the power for all the scholars that help in
it is a meditative and spiritual core. One of the six major enhancing their memory and provides them more energy and
orthodox schools of Hinduism is additionally called yoga, power.
which has its own epistemology, ontology, and metaphysics
and is closely associated with Hindu Samkhya philosophy. Increases focus
Students can enhance their focus and concentration with the
Impact of Yoga in the Life of Students assistance of yoga. A student can receive multiples benefits
Meditation and yoga bring positive vibes among the students with the assistance of yoga.
and if they are doing it regularly, it will help in bringing positive
outcomes which are advantageous for the scholars. There are CONCLUSION
a sort of positive outcomes of yoga for learners and various
other peoples. Some of the advantages of yoga to students. There are multiple benefits of yoga for the students.
Whether its kids, school going children or college students
Destress students anyone can avail benefits from yoga. Yoga has proved to be
Students face tons of depression and stress thanks to a spread of great benefit in reducing mental health disorders among
of reasons such as family pressure, financial pressure, or the students. Students can leave these stress management-
other depression. Yoga is one among the simplest thanks to based activities with the help of online assignments
service provider helper. It is the important time for the
eliminate all of your pressure. Yoga keeps all of your depression
development of the mental health of the students. With
away and keeps your mind fresh. leave, all the difficult work
for your assignment help experts to do and improve your
Concentration and sharpness
strength, stamina, concentration power, and relaxation of
Yoga helps in increasing the sharpness of your brain and your mind by practicing yoga regularly.
concentration power. It helps you in relaxing your mind and
supply you more peace of mind.
1. Joshi LN, Joshi VD, Gokhale LV. Effect of short term pranayama
Strength is required by your body to satisfy all day activities practice on the breathing rate and the ventilatory functions of the
appropriately. Especially, young students need tons of strength lung. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1992;36:105-8.
as they are overloaded with many tasks. Therefore, yoga helps 2. Khumar SS, Kaur P, Kaur S. Effectiveness of shavasana on
in building your strength and provides you power. depression among university students. Indian J Clin Psychol

Ali, et al.: A study on influence of yoga on student’s life

1993;20:82-7. 5. Ali MA, Kamraju M. Importance of health and fitness in life. Int
3. Kamraju M, Prathaap S. How to avoid rejection of research paper Fed Comp Sci Sports 2017;41-3.
by journals. Int J Res Anal Rev 2019;6:732-8. 6. Yoga N. OED Online. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Available
4. Ali MA, Kamraju M. Influence of physical Education and sports from: [Last accessed
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