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Reconceptualizando El Dolor Moseley

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Reconceptualising pain according to modern pain science

Article  in  Physical Therapy Reviews · September 2007

DOI: 10.1179/108331907X223010


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1 author:

Lorimer Moseley
University of South Australia


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Pain management in athletes View project

Evidence of Impaired Proprioception in Chronic, Idiopathic Neck Pain: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis View project

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Physical Therapy Reviews 2007; 12: 169–178




Oxford Centre for fMRI of the Brain, Department of Physiology,

Anatomy & Genetics, Oxford University, Oxford, UK

This paper argues that the biology of pain is never really straightforward, even when it appears
to be. It is proposed that understanding what is currently known about the biology of pain
requires a reconceptualisation of what pain actually is, and how it serves our livelihood. There
are four key points: (i) that pain does not provide a measure of the state of the tissues; (ii) that
pain is modulated by many factors from across somatic, psychological and social domains; (iii)
that the relationship between pain and the state of the tissues becomes less predictable as pain
persists; and (iv) that pain can be conceptualised as a conscious correlate of the implicit
perception that tissue is in danger. These issues raise conceptual and clinical implications,
which are discussed with particular relevance to persistent pain. Finally, this conceptualisation
is used as a framework for one approach to understanding complex regional pain syndrome.

Keywords: Pain, re-evaluation, persistent pain, pain syndrome

INTRODUCTION implications and will form the basis of one approach

to understanding complex regional pain syndrome.
At first glance, pain seems relatively straightforward –
hitting one’s thumb with a hammer hurts one’s
thumb. Such experiences are easily understood with a Pain does not provide a measure of the state of the
structural-pathology model, which supposes pain tissues
provides an accurate indication of the state of the tis-
sues. However, on closer inspection, pain is less In 1965, the gate control theory2 was proposed to
straightforward. Much of the pain we see clinically explain the variable response of animals to noxious
fits into this less straightforward category, where pain stimuli. The theory proposed that noxious input was
cannot be understood as a marker of the state of the modulated at the spinal cord by other non-noxious
tissues. This paper argues that the biology of pain is input from the periphery, and by descending input
never really straightforward, even when it appears to from higher centres. That theory was interrogated in
be. There are four key points: (i) that pain does not many animal experiments (see Wall and McMahon3
provide a measure of the state of the tissues; (ii) that for a review). A typical experiment would involve the
pain is modulated by many factors from across insertion of recording electrodes into the nociceptors
somatic, psychological and social domains; (iii) that of the study animal, applying a defined injury and
the relationship between pain and the state of the tis- recording nociceptor activity. Finally, experimenters
sues becomes less predictable as pain persists; and (iv) would record behaviours of the animal that implied
that pain can be conceptualised as a conscious corre- that the animal was in pain. These behaviours might
late of the implicit perception that tissue is in danger. be relatively simple; for example, the reaction time of a
These points will be discussed in light of their clinical withdrawal reflex. They might be relatively complex;

© W. S. Maney & Son Ltd 2007 DOI 10.1179/108331907X223010


for example, the ratio between time spent in a non- numerous experimental findings corroborate the
preferred environment (e.g. illuminated box) with a anecdotal evidence (see Fields et al.9 for a review of
cool floor, and time spent in a preferred environment central nervous system mechanisms of modulation).
(e.g. dark box) with a heated floor.4 Other factors that are known to modulate the pain
Two findings consistently emerged from those stud- evoked by a standardised stimulus include inflamma-
ies. First, the injury, or noxious stimulation, initiates tory mediators (increase nociceptor activity), tissue
the change in behaviour. Second, neither pain behav- temperature (increased temperature increases noci-
iour nor nociceptor activity hold an isomorphic rela- ceptor activity via summation), and blood flow
tionship with the state of the tissues. By clearly (decreased blood flow increases nociceptor activity
demonstrating these things, those studies provided via summation induced by H+ ions). See Meyer et al.6
the first experimental evidence that pain does not pro- for a review of peripheral mechanisms of modulation.
vide a measure of the state of the tissues. Experiments that manipulate the psychological
One limitation of animal experiments is that they context of a noxious stimulus often demonstrate clear
do not tell us about pain. Human experiments, how- effects on pain, although the direction of these effects
ever, can. Although it is difficult to justify injuring is not always consistent. For example, a large amount
human volunteers, it is possible to deliver non-harm- of literature concerns the effect of attention on pain,
ful noxious stimuli, for example brief thermal, electri- and of pain on attention.10–22 Despite the wealth of
cal or mechanical stimuli (see Handwerker and data, consensus is lacking: some data suggest that
Kobal5 for a review of various methods of experimen- attending to pain amplifies it and attending away
tally inducing pain). By recording activity in nocicep- from pain nullifies it, but others suggest the opposite.
tors while simultaneously recording subjects’ pain Anxiety also seems to have variable effects on pain.
ratings, experimenters have been able to evaluate the Some reports link increased anxiety to increased pain
relationship between the state of the tissues (in the during clinical procedures23–26 and during experimentally
absence of tissue damage), activity in nociceptors, induced pain,27 but other reports suggest no effect.28,29
and pain.6 Relevant reviews conclude that the influence of anxiety
Human pain experiments corroborated both find- on pain is probably largely dependent on attention.28,30
ings from the animal data. Specifically, noxious stim- Expectation also seems to have variable effects on
ulation is necessary for nociceptor activity, which pain. As a general rule, expectation of a noxious stimu-
usually reflects the intensity of the stimulus, and noci- lus increases pain if the cue signals a more intense or
ceptor activation does not provide an accurate mea- more damaging stimulus22,31–35 and decreases pain if the
sure of the state of the tissues.6 The human cue signals a less intense or less damaging stimulus (see
experiments went further because they showed that Fields34 and Wager36 for reviews). Further, cues that sig-
the relationship between pain ratings and nociceptor nal an impending decrease in pain, for example the
activation is variable. In fact, some authors have pro- process of taking an analgesic, usually decrease pain.
posed that the notion of nociceptors is misleading Thus, expectation is thought to play a major role in
because small diameter fibres (Aδ and C fibres) placebo analgesia.37,38
respond to very small (non-harmful) changes in the The common denominator of the effect of attention,
internal state of the body.7 That said, some small anxiety and expectation on pain seems to be the underly-
diameter fibres are not responsive to small changes ing evaluative context, or meaning of the pain. That is
(so-called high-threshold neurons) and this sub-class demonstrated by the consistent effect that some cognitive
of small diameter fibres may reflect what we call noci- states seem to have on pain. For example, catastrophic
ceptors. Regardless, it is clear that experimental stud- interpretations of pain are associated with higher pain rat-
ies do not show an isomorphic relationship between ings in both clinical and experimental studies (see Sullivan
pain and nociceptor activity, nor between pain and et al.39 for a review). Believing pain to be an accurate indi-
the state of the tissues. Rather, they show a variable cator of the state of the tissues is associated with higher
relationship that is modulated by many factors. pain ratings,40 whereas believing that the nervous system
amplifies noxious input in chronic pain states increases
pain threshold during straight leg raise.41
Pain is modulated by many factors from across somatic, The social context of a noxious stimulus also affects the
psychological and social domains pain it evokes. Initiation practices and sadomasochistic
sexual practices are two examples that highlight the
Anecdotal evidence that somatic, psychological and importance of social context. Overall, the effects of social
social factors modulate pain is substantial – sport- context are again variable but again seem to be under-
related and war-related stories are common (see pinned by the underlying evaluative context, or meaning
Butler and Moseley8 for several examples). However, (see Butler and Moseley8 for a review of pain-related data

Fig. 1. Many inputs affect the implicit perception of threat to body tissues, labelled here as ‘How dangerous is this really?’
Those inputs have wider meaning effects, which in turn seems to affect anxiety, attention and expectation. The implicit
perception of threat to body tissues determines pain and in turn influences other inputs.

and Moerman42 for exhaustive coverage of the role of become more painful) and allodynia (formerly non-
meaning in health and medicine). painful stimuli become painful). These terms are used
To review the very large amount of literature on widely, most often in reference to tactile stimuli, but also
somatic, psychological and social influences on pain is in reference to movement and to thermal stimuli.
beyond the scope of this paper. However, it is appropriate, One aspect of the changes that occur when pain persists
and clinically meaningful, to reiterate the theme that is that the proprioceptive representation of the painful
emerges from that literature: that the influences are vari- body part in primary sensory cortex changes.45–47 This
able and seem to depend on the evaluative context of the may have implications for motor control because these
noxious input. representations are the maps that the brain uses to plan
and execute movement.48 If the map of a body part
becomes inaccurate, then motor control may be compro-
The relationship between pain and the state of the mised – it is known that experimental disruption of corti-
tissues becomes weaker as pain persists cal proprioceptive maps disrupts motor planning.49 The
notion of distorted proprioceptive representation has
The nervous system is dynamic. This means that the func- been discussed with regard to its impact on motor con-
tional properties of individual neurones and of synergies trol50,51 and, more recently, in a theoretical way with
of neurones change in response to activity. To review all regard to pain.52 Although exceptions exist,53 there is
the changes that have been identified is beyond the scope mounting evidence that changes in cortical representation
of this paper and the expertise of this author. However, occur in association with chronic pain, and it is feasible
the nature of the changes can be summarised thus: that that these changes may become part of the problem.46
the neurones that transmit nociceptive input to the brain
become sensitised as nociception persists, and that the
networks of neurons within the brain that evoke pain, Conceptualising pain as a conscious correlate of the
become sensitised as pain persists. The molecular and sys- implicit perception that tissue is in danger
tems biology of these changes have been discussed at sev-
eral levels.8,43,44 The clinical manifestations of these The biology of pain is complex. One response to this
changes are: hyperalgesia (formerly painful stimuli complexity is to develop clinically viable conceptual

paradigms that incorporate what is now known about protecting those tissues, has implications for clinical
that complexity. One such paradigm that is gaining sup- practice. One implication is that to base clinical rea-
port is the neuromatrix theory (see Melzack55 for a con- soning on what is currently known about the biology
textual review),54 which conceptualises pain as one of pain requires that the skills and knowledge of the
output of the central nervous system that occurs when clinician are broader than those related to anatomy
the organism perceives tissue to be under threat. There and biomechanics. That is, the clinician must have a
are two important components of this conceptualisa- sound knowledge of diagnostic tools, tissue dynamics,
tion. First, there are other central nervous system out- healing and remodelling, peripheral and central sensi-
puts that occur when tissue is perceived to be under tisation, and psychological and social factors that
threat, and second, that it is the implicit perception of might affect the implicit perception of threat to body
threat that determines the outputs, not the state of the tissues. This information is readily available and there
tissues, nor the actual threat to the tissues (Fig. 1). is evidence that clinicians can understand modern
When tissue is under threat, a range of local and seg- concepts with relatively limited training.67 That said,
mental responses occur. For example, inflammatory it may be unrealistic to expect clinicians to keep up-
mediators are released, the body part is usually with- to-date with progress in knowledge across these areas.
drawn via short and long latency reflex loops, there are This points to a strength of the conceptualisation of
rapid changes in blood flow and in the excitability of pain as the conscious correlate of the implicit percep-
peripheral nociceptors (so-called peripheral sensitisa- tion threat to body tissues because the clinician can
tion).56 The nociceptive system transforms this threat use the conceptual model to guide treatment. That is,
into electrical activity in peripheral neurones. If this rather than know and understand all the evidence
message of threat is then transmitted by spinal neurones about which somatic, psychological and social factors
to higher centres, the responses become more complex. have been demonstrated to modulate pain, and the
For example, immune mediators are released into the nature of their modulation, the clinician can consider
blood stream,57 voluntary and postural muscle activity each factor in terms of what effect it might have on
are altered58 and conscious knowledge of the threat (i.e. the implicit perception of threat. This conceptual
pain) may emerge. Within this context, pain will not model seeks to synthesize that wide body of evidence
emerge until the nociceptive input to the brain has been into a principle.
evaluated, albeit at an unconscious level (see Moseley59 Another implication that is worthy of special men-
and Gifford et al.60 for further discussion). tion is that patients should be helped to base their rea-
The second important component of the neuromatrix soning, about their condition and their pain, on
theory is that pain depends on the perceived degree of similar information. This is important because teach-
threat. This means that pain can be conceptualised as the ing patients about modern pain biology leads to
conscious correlate of the implicit perception of threat to altered beliefs and attitudes about pain40 and
body tissues.8,59 That psychosocial factors are very impor- increased pain thresholds during relevant tasks.41
tant in most chronic pain states is well established.61–65 Moreover, when education about pain biology is
This paper argues that the mass of data regarding psy- incorporated into physiotherapy management of
chosocial factors can be gathered within the proposed patients with chronic pain, pain and disability are
conceptualisation that pain is one output of the central reduced.68,69 A key objective of such education is to
nervous system that occurs when the organism perceives encourage patients to apply the same principle as that
tissue to be under threat. The conceptualisation has limi- advocated for clinicians, summarised here as ‘what
tations and strengths. One limitation is that it does not effect might this (factor) have on the implicit percep-
attempt to describe the biology of implicit evaluation of tion of threat’, or in patient-appropriate language,
threat, nor of how this might emerge into consciousness. ‘how does this affect the answer to the question, how
In this sense it adds little to theories first proposed dangerous is this really?’.8
decades ago (see, for example, Hebb66). However, a
strength of this conceptualisation is that it can easily be
integrated into a clinical context where making sense of USING THIS CONCEPTUALISATION TO
the influence of factors from across somatic, psychologi- UNDERSTAND CRPS AND GUIDE NEW
cal and social domains is valuable. OPTIONS FOR MANAGEMENT

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a debili-

Implications for clinical practice tating condition that can occur after minor trauma,
and sometimes without peripheral trauma, for exam-
That pain does not reflect the state of the tissues, but ple, post-stroke.70 Much is known about the patho-
rather is a conscious driver of behaviour aimed at physiology of CRPS, including facilitated neurogenic

Fig. 2. Schematic overview of pathophysiology of complex regional pain syndrome. Adapted from Janig and Baron.75

inflammation71,72 and tissue hypoxia73 at the injury although CRPS is usually initiated by peripheral
site,74,75 autonomic,76 immune,77–79 motor,80,81 tactile82–85 insult, it is a disorder of the central nervous system.75
and proprioceptive86 dysfunction (Fig. 2). When one tries to make sense of such a multisystemic
The syndromic pattern of signs and symptoms and exaggerated response to minor injury, the conceptual-
includes pain, hyperalgesia, allodynia, dystonia, isation that pain is a conscious correlate of the implicit
swelling, abnormal blood flow, abnormal sweating, perception of the threat to body tissue can be useful. That
hair and nail growth. The sensitivity to provocation pain is just one output by which the brain might try to
can be remarkable, for example, elicitation of pain, protect the tissues – one aspect of a homeostatic
swelling and (anecdotally) blood flow changes in response89 – lends itself to CRPS because the other
response to imagined movements87 or when the responses are so patent. That pain is a correlate of implic-
patient receives visual input that the limb is being itly perceived threat to body tissue, rather than the state of
touched, even though it is not in fact being touched the tissues, or the actual threat to the tissues, is particu-
(‘dysynchiria’).88 The wide-spread and multisystemic larly relevant to CRPS in the absence of any tissue or
nature of the pathophysiology of CRPS implies that, neural injury, for example, as a stress response.90

Each of the pathological findings that have been cular and autonomic systems as well as conscious-
documented in patients with CRPS might be consid- ness. Reducing the threshold for activation of these
ered a protective response, whether it be an immune, protective responses would seem a particularly effec-
motor, sensory, vascular, autonomic or conscious tive way to protect the body part in question, for
response. consistent with attempts to protect the part example making it so sensitive that even looking at it
in question, by utilising immune, motor, sensory, vas- being touched activates a protective response.88







pain scale

Time (weeks)


Time (weeks)

Fig. 3. Response to different components of motor imagery. Pain (A) and functional capacity (B): Recog = laterality recognition
whereby patients make left/right judgements of pictured hands; Imag. = imagined movements; Mirror = mirror movements.
Three groups are shown: group 1 undertook the motor imagery program, group 2 performed imagined movements first, then
laterality recognition and then mirror movements, group 3 performed laterality recognition, followed by mirror movements and
then back to laterality recognition. Note that group 1 had a largest reduction in pain. Note also, variable responses to imagined
and mirror movements, depending on the order of components. From Moseley1 and Moseley93 with permission.

The challenge for those trying to understand CRPS findings in phantom limb pain, stroke and CRPS). In
according to this paradigm is to identify why the that study with amputees, sensory discrimination train-
implicit perception of threat to body tissues is so ing evoked normalisation of cortical representation,
exaggerated in some patients and in some situations, improvement in tactile acuity on the stump and reduc-
but not in others. Fundamental to the paradigm is tion/elimination of phantom limb pain.101 Increase in
that anything that modulates implicitly perceived tactile acuity, normalisation of cortical representation
threat should be relevant. That means that psychoso- and reduction in pain were positively related.
cial factors, including anxiety, depression, attitudes Finally, if CRPS reflects an exaggerated implicit
and beliefs, social context or work status may all play perception of threat to body tissue, then it would
an important role. Although patients with CRPS do seem sensible to attempt to reduce the perception of
not demonstrate a ‘typical’ psychosocial profile, psy- threat. One approach that has been studied exten-
chosocial contributors are probably relevant in the sively in other populations is the explanation to the
majority of cases. Finally, there is initial evidence for patient of the underlying biology of their pain.
a genetic contribution to CRPS,91 but more data are Preliminary data from patients with CRPS appear
required to clarify that possibility. promising,103 but clinical trials are required.

Clinical response to CRPS according to this paradigm CONCLUSIONS

If CRPS is an exaggerated protective response, then it Extensive experimental data corroborate anecdotal
seems sensible to devise treatment that aims first to evidence that pain does not provide a measure of the
find a baseline that is sufficiently conservative to not state of the tissues and that pain is modulated by
elicit the unwanted protective responses (to ‘get under many factors from across somatic, psychological and
the radar’), and second to expose the limb gradually social domains. It is now known that as nociception
to threat while continuing to avoid elicitation of the and pain persist, the neuronal mechanisms involved
unwanted responses. This approach underpins graded in both become more sensitive, which means that the
motor imagery for CRPS,92,93 whereby patients begin relationship between pain and the state of the tissues
training by making left/right judgements of pictured becomes weaker and less predictable. One paradigm,
limbs. It is known that this task activates cortical net- which considers the current thought in pain biology,
works that involve representation of the limb and conceptualises pain as the conscious correlate of the
preparation for movement,94 but this task does not implicit perception of threat to body tissue. This con-
activate primary sensory and motor cortices.95 ceptualisation can be applied clinically to identify fac-
Graded motor imagery progresses from left/right lat- tors from across somatic, psychological and social
erality judgements to imagined movements, which do domains that may affect the perceived threat to tissue
activate primary sensory and motor cortices,95,96 and damage. Further, it suggests approaches to treatment
then to mirror movements. The order of these compo- that target those factors. Evidence from clinical trials
nents seems to be important in the effect on pain and suggests that clinical strategies based on this concep-
disability in patients with chronic CRPS (Fig. 3).1 In tualisation can be effective in patients with disabling
patients with acute (or anecdotally less severe) CRPS, complex and chronic pain.
it may be sufficient to begin training (conceptualised
here as exposure to threat) with mirror movements.97
One of the key issues outlined earlier is that the ner- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
vous system changes when nociception and pain persist.
There is a large amount of evidence that the cortical rep- The author is supported by the Nuffield Dominions
resentation of the affected limb undergoes substantial Trust, Oxford University, UK. The conceptual approach
changes in patients with CRPS47,74,75,83,98–100 and these for CRPS draws heavily on unpublished work of Michael
changes have been implicated in the maintenance of Thacker, King’s College London, London, UK.
pathological pain syndromes (although see Moseley53
for a word of caution).46 If distorted cortical representa-
tion contributes to CRPS, then it would seem sensible to REFERENCES
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